OEM :: Volume #10

#905: Admits defeat? It is not good!

Fourteenth Brother...... Severe warning that now says, really enlightens the benighted!” Qu Wuhui respectful bends the waist to salute toward Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, sincere said/tunnel: If Sacred Land can also have in the future...... Is will do all obeisance Fourteenth Brother saying that now the words will bestow! Although your I the share is hostile, but this cordiality, the old man will engrave forever on mind! Even if one said that cuts to kill Fourteenth Brother in hand/surbordinate, will certainly Fourteenth Brother the name on the Heavenly Saint Palace worthy people of former times stele carving!” 十四兄……今曰的当头棒喝,真是振聋发聩!”曲勿回恭恭敬敬的向着九幽十四少弯腰行礼,诚挚地道:“若是圣地还能有未来……将全是拜十四兄今曰一席话所赐!你我虽份属敌对,但这份情意,老夫将永远铭记在心!纵然有一曰将十四兄斩杀于手下,也必将在天圣宫先贤碑刻上十四兄的名字!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master does not know whether to laugh or cry, said: Depends on your present Three Great Sacred Lands, wants to kill me...... Possibly? Qu Wuhui, do not have this grade of fond dream! also, do not ruin this Young Master given name, block-printed book Young Master the name on the worthy people of former times tablet, your thanks me? Your that insults this Young Master!” 九幽十四少啼笑皆非,道:“就凭你们现在的三大圣地,想要杀我……可能吗?曲勿回,你还是不要做这等美梦了!还有,你可别糟践本公子的大名了,在先贤碑上刻本公子的名字,你那是感谢我吗?你那是侮辱本公子!” Has a dream or not, accommodates, and, discussed \; Qu Wuhui laughed said, was saying clenches teeth to stamp the feet, say/way of being ready for any sacrifice: For the words that Fourteenth Brother says now, that 1000 earthworms...... Old men...... Ate!” “做梦与否,容且后论\;”曲勿回呵呵笑道,说着一咬牙一跺脚,豁出去的道:“为了十四兄今曰的一席话,那1000条蚯蚓……老夫……吃了!” ? Indeed are you planned to act shamelessly?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is taking a look at him up and down, meaningful say/way: Really worthily is the Three Great Sacred Lands family background, unexpectedly links this Young Master gambling approximately also to dare to depend, what was if the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous, today is experiences truly......” “唔?敢情你原本是打算耍赖的?”九幽十四少上下打量着他,意味深长的道:“果然不愧是三大圣地的出身啊,居然连本公子的赌约也敢赖,什么叫上梁不正下梁歪,今天算是真正见识到了……” Qu Wuhui old face one red, suddenly ridicules. At this time, Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao also in abundance saluted to Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, feel grateful his these words. Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sighed: Cannot think that during this Young Master has no intention the words, unexpectedly has helped my match......” 曲勿回老脸一红,顿时笑骂起来。这时,乔影成吟啸也纷纷向九幽十四少行礼,感激他这一席话。九幽十四少叹道:“想不到本公子无意之中的一席话,居然成全了我的对手……” People laughed, but the Qu Wuhui three people are in the heart exceptionally are serious: Matter that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said that is exists. Moreover now also truly badly to the suitable situation, how should reverse? 众人呵呵一笑,但曲勿回三人却是心中异常沉重:九幽十四少所说的事情,乃是真实存在。而且现在也确实已经恶劣到了相当地步,到底该如何扭转? Three people frown to think a long time/half of the day, thinks to be at wit's end...... At the same time sighed...... Qu Wuhui announced listlessly: Third, a Evil Monarch side wins!” 三人皱着眉头想了半天,均是觉得无计可施……不由的同时叹了一口气……曲勿回无精打采地宣布道:“第三阵,邪之君主一方胜出!” Jun Moxie laughed, looks that seven subordinates return to the camp, turns the head to say with a smile toward Qu Wuhui: Tune senior, many thanks your you let me win, that Exquisite Lotus...... Now had 50% belongs to Junior!” 君莫邪呵呵一笑,看着七个属下回归阵营,转头向着曲勿回笑道:“曲前辈,多谢贵方的承让了,那玲珑莲……现在已经有一半是属于晚辈的了!” His these words, were replying the words that Qu Wuhui spoke a moment ago obviously. But now Qu Wuhui is speechless, fact already so, what can also say? 他这句话,显然是在回复曲勿回刚才所说的话了。但偏偏现在曲勿回无话可说,事实已然如此,还能说什么? The dying brace loses face reluctantly, now said that Three Great Sacred Lands, even was the Heavenly Saint Palace face lost to the family/home! Altogether had six, the opposite party ended to win three successively! The gambling stake has succeeded in obtaining half can be said as the most conservative view! 勉强死撑更丢面子,今曰三大圣地、甚至是天圣宫的面子都已经是丢到家了!一共只得六阵,对方已经先后完胜了三阵!说赌注已经到手一半都可说是最保守的说法了! Qiao Ying heavy has considered the long time, suddenly said: Jun Moxie, this war does not need to continue again. Now says the war, we give up! Our Sacred Land admitted defeat! Wish the gambling to concede, loses to your gambling stake Exquisite Lotus not to make an indiscreet remark, deciding must offer as scheduled, everybody has uncovered in light of this, how?” 乔影沉沉地考虑了半晌,突然道:“君莫邪,此次战局不必再继续了。今曰之战,我方放弃!我们圣地认输了!愿赌服输,输给你的赌注玲珑莲绝不失言,定必如期奉上,大家就此揭过,如何?” Qiao Ying is the smart person, the thoughts is exquisite, before being based on, that three fights, the careful domain forget about it, all sorts of signs showed that the war of now saying was really too strange! Sacred Land leaves three people, Jun Moxie has three people of Battle Formation to wait, leaves five people, he has the wonderful formation preparations of five people. Has seven people, still so! 乔影却是聪明人,心思玲珑,以之前那三战为依据,细细地盘算了一回,种种迹象显示,今曰的这个战局实在是太诡异了!圣地出三人,君莫邪就有三人的战阵在等着,出五人,他就有五个人的神妙阵法预备。出七个人,依然如此! Although also three die in battle to hit, but three big protectors actually completely lost the original confidence, a strength of person of Jun Moxie side was extremely really unusual, any waves in person of three waves first three war going to battle, itself strength clearly completely is inferior to the person of Sacred Land this side assignment, even must differ more than plans, regardless of Profound Arts, cultivation base and mental state completely were all inferior. 虽然还有三阵没打,但三大守护者却尽都已经失去了原有的信心,君莫邪一方之人的实力实在太过异常了,前三战出战之人三波中的任何一波,其本身实力分明都尽都不如圣地这一方委派之人,甚至还要相差不止一筹,无论玄功修为心境尽皆不如。 But can actually with that three mysterious formation, turn defeat into victory, moreover each war final victory when wiping out matches, the whole body draws back! 但却能凭着那三个神秘阵法,生生反败为胜,而且每战最终战果都是在全歼对手之余,己方全身而退! If calculates from this, is not difficult to draw the conclusion: Since Jun Moxie can have three-people formation, five-people formation and seven-people formation potential, what extraordinary has many other people of formation also to have again? 若是由此推算下去的话,那么不难得出结论:既然君莫邪能有三人阵五人阵七人阵势,再有其他多人阵法又有什么出奇? Even if Sacred Land this aspect has ten people, even 20 people, only feared formation that side Jun Moxie still has dealing . Moreover the might will be only getting stronger and stronger, odds of success as uncertain as the extreme! Especially last was by He Zhiqiu decisive battle Jun Moxie, with a moment ago situation of Hai Wuya to fighting in Mei Xueyan judges, He Zhiqiu simply did not have the odds of success! 纵然圣地这方面出十个人、甚至20个人,只怕君莫邪那边依然有应对的阵法,而且威力只会越来越强,胜算渺茫到极点!尤其最后一阵更是由何知秋决战君莫邪,就以刚才海无涯对战梅雪烟的情况上判断,何知秋根本就是毫无胜算! Then , to continue to fight again, Sacred Land does expert only then like a moth to the flame brings death generally? Six games finish seriously, finally is very likely is six completely defeats, the combatants death ray, finally must compensate gambling stake Exquisite Lotus! Really does not have the least bit practical significance! 那么,再继续斗下去,圣地高手岂不是只有飞蛾扑火一般送死?当真六局战罢,结果极有可能就是六阵尽败、参战人员死光,最后还得赔出赌注玲珑莲!实在是没有半点实际意义的! Therefore Qiao Ying proposed termination decisive battle immediately! 所以乔影立即提出了终止决战! Without doubt, her decision is correct, is very wise. This phenomenon, Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui have not looked. They concerned about the status, say forget it embarrassed. Qiao Ying raises indisputable actually...... Because Qiao Ying is a female, has the innate superiority in this aspect...... The men no doubt have no alternative but to defend promise, but woman actually...... This originally is the woman inborn privilege, even if that woman status is extremely high, or 1000-year- old monster, but she is always a woman, this is nobody questioned that therefore she can enjoy this privilege! 无疑,她的这个决定是正确的,更是非常之明智的。这个现象,成吟啸曲勿回未尝没有看出来。只是他们碍于身份,不好意思提出来罢了乔影提出来却无可厚非……因为乔影本是女子,在这方面有先天的优势……男人固然不能不守信诺,但女人却可以……这本就是女人天生的特权,就算那个女人身份极高,又或是1000多岁的老妖怪,但她始终是女人,这点是没有人质疑的,所以她就可以享有这个特权了! Naturally, on the old face of two grown man, seemingly also had secretly red one...... But, blushes...... Total score ten living do life change does fresh everywhere blood red is much better? 当然了,两位大男人的老脸上,貌似也有偷偷的红了一下……但,脸红……总比数十条活生生的姓命变作满地鲜血红要好得多吧? Terminates this war? Admits defeat? Gives me Exquisite Lotus, has everybody uncovered in light of this?” Jun Moxie has been startled being startled. Now, his thought may not on this. At this moment he beyond patrolling thing, is considering other matter „the Jiang Hu lawman!” “终止此战?认输?给我玲珑莲,大家就此揭过?”君莫邪怔了怔。现在,他的思想可并不在这上面。这一刻他正在神游物外,考虑着另外的一件事“江湖执法者!” During Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has no intention to say these five characters, the Jun Moxie heart unexpectedly is inexplicable jumps, this is a brand-new noun, has not thought that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also this came to understand...... Also or is word has no interest, listener intentionally. These five characters hear in the ear of Jun Moxie, actually palpitates with excitement. 九幽十四少无意之中说出这五个字的时候,君莫邪心头竟是莫名的一跳,这可是一个全新的名词哇,没想到九幽十四少还有这等觉悟……又或者是言者无心,听者有意。这五个字听到君莫邪的耳朵里,却是怦然心动。 I have not thought must rule the world, does not want to control the common people, but I...... Person who actually must make a formulation rule! 我从不曾想过要君临天下,也不想主宰苍生,但我……却要做一个制定规则的人! Since formulates the rule, that certainly needs the lawman! 既然制定规则,那就一定需要执法者! Jiang Hu lawman! 江湖执法者! This, is one not only in Jiang Hu, and aloof influence beside Jiang Hu! 这,将是一个既在江湖之中,又在江湖之外的超然势力! Once this rule is set successfully, then, compared with present Three Great Sacred Lands, the status must be loftier! 这个规则一旦制定成功,那么,比现在的三大圣地,地位还要更加崇高! But presently prerequisite only has one: First the Three Great Sacred Lands awe into submission submissive! Destroys it thoroughly! 而当前的前提条件就只有一个:先将三大圣地慑服!或者彻底毁灭之! He is thinking lost this matter time, Qiao Ying in Cike proposed the request of termination decisive battle exactly. This makes his brain suddenly not make a turn, the eye looks at Qiao Ying, is only ‚...... Eh two. 他正在出神地想这件事情的时候,恰好乔影于此刻提出了终止决战的请求。这让他的大脑一时间没有转过弯来,眼睛看着乔影,只是‘啊……额’了两声。 But looks like in bystander in the eyes, is actually this lecher two shining looks at Qiao Ying, suddenly the non-verbal communication, looked unexpectedly stays...... The opposite party raises anything to request, complying that hurries to flatter the beautiful woman...... Did not do saying that the people could not tolerate, Mei Xueyan saw that this played the rogue appearance also to twist his ear greatly to transfer several maliciously...... Any person, saw the beautiful woman on Aaah Eeeh, lost face! 但在外人眼中看来,却是这个登徒子两眼放光的看着乔影,竟然一时间色授魂与,看得呆了……以至于对方提出来什么要求,都赶紧的答应以讨好美人……休要说众人都看不过去,就连梅雪烟见到他这等大耍流氓的样子也不禁想要狠狠地拧住他的耳朵转上几圈……什么人啊,见到美女就“啊啊额额”了,丢不丢人啊! Good! Since Young Master Jun does not have the objection, that this matter such has decided that this decisive battle terminates in light of this!” Qiao Ying uses an unquestionable mouth gas channel/air said. “好!既然君公子也没有异议,那此事就这么决定了,此次决战就此终止!”乔影用一种不容置疑的口气道。 But her these words, obtained resisting from three aspects immediately. 但她这句话,即时得到了来自三方面的抵制。 Wait a minute, what thing didn't I have the objection? Had I expressed the opinion a moment ago?” A Jun Moxie face is depressed. Even if you is a woman, has the jurisdiction of quibbling, but cannot like this draws a conclusion for me rashly? Although you is a woman, actually is not my woman...... decisive battle, irreconcilable \; At present the war crossed half, how to make forget it? Perhaps your Sacred Land will then win three games, counter-attacks certainly!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is unsatisfactory obviously. Saw that Three Great Sacred Lands person splashing blood horizontal corpse, when is in the heart is pleased, this is a rare enjoyment major drama, how such to cancel? Naturally is not willing to give up, the words that these he does not believe are unexpectedly singlish! “等一下,啥玩意我就没异议了?我刚才有发表过意见吗?”君莫邪一脸郁闷。纵然你是女人,拥有强词夺理的权限,但也不能这样的贸然替我下结论吧?你虽然是女人,却总不是我的女人吧……“决战到底,不死不休\;眼下战局才过了一半,怎地就作罢了?没准你们圣地接下来会连扳三局,绝地反扑呢!”九幽十四少显然大为不满。眼看着三大圣地的人溅血横尸,正是心中快意之时,这可是一份难得的享受大戏,怎么就这么取消?自然不肯罢休,连那些连他自己都不信的话居然朗朗上口! Good!! We have not lost! The decisive battle has carried on half, our also 50% opportunities, not necessarily cannot turn defeat into victory, especially that decisive battle of my also and Jun Moxie, cannot such cancel! I oppose this proposition!” “不错!!我们还没有输!决战目前只是进行了一半,我们还有一半的机会,未必不能反败为胜,尤其我还有君莫邪的那场决战,绝不能就这么取消!我反对这个提议!” On the He Zhiqiu fair face, red, in the eye pupil shines through the grief and indignation to decide expression to hate of extreme. 15 expert that accepted before successive defeats three in next, most were still hard is actually goes to battle with sacrifice all, is killed by the enemy in oneself at present! But the opposite party actually linked a person not dead...... Can the war unfavorable situation hence, in the heart balance? 何知秋白皙的脸上,一片通红,眼眸中透射出悲愤到极点的恨决神色。之前连败三阵还在其次,最难以接受的却是出战的15位高手尽数牺牲,更是在自己眼前被对方生生杀死!而对方却连一个人也没有死去……战局失利至此,心中焉能平衡? Three Great Sacred Lands hangs the Xuan Xuan Continent ten thousand years, when has such defeat, now across the sky kills one Evil Monarch, actually has pressed a head Three Great Sacred Lands, if terminates the war by the positive suggestions of Qiao Ying, actually resembled by the opposite party frightening generally, calling this usually to be generally supercilious, how thinking nobody exists but oneself Sacred Land expert can endure!? 三大圣地名垂玄玄大陆万余年,何时有如此败绩,如今横空杀出一个‘邪之君主’,却生生的将三大圣地压了一头,若以乔影的建言而终止战局,却似是被对方给打怕了一般,叫这一般素来心高气傲,目无余子的圣地高手如何能忍!? A also most important point, Heavenly Saint Palace has regarded, if town palace most precious object Exquisite Lotus, if such lost from own hand...... Such passed on, how could it not be oneself and Hai Wuya and the others do want to lose face until death? Even if can live today departure, later comes out each time, only feared that must insert in the pants crotch own face...... He Zhiqiu, could it be...... You must all ruin Sacred Land this place all strengths, turns into a place corpse completely, are you willing to admit defeat?” Qiao Ying coldly looks at He Zhiqiu, shouts a question fierce. 还有最重要的一点,天圣宫一直视若镇宫至宝的玲珑莲,若是就这么从自己手中输了出去……这么传了出去,自己与海无涯等人岂不要丢脸至死?就算今天能活着离开,以后每次出来,只怕都要将自己的脸插进裤裆里了……“何知秋,难道……你非要将圣地此地所有的战力全都葬送进去,全部变成一地尸体,你才肯认输吗?”乔影冷冷看着何知秋,厉声喝问。 He Zhiqiu stagnated has stagnated, suddenly violent shouted: Originally the protector unexpectedly is because feared that the buckle I and others, does offer this bad plan? Even if the old man said that now also dies here, this war, will admit defeat certainly easily!” His body somewhat shivers, hissing sound said: That is the town palace most precious object...... Exquisite Lotus Iya! is the indispensable thing that my Heavenly Saint Palace has......” 何知秋滞了一滞,突然暴喝道:“原来守护者竟是因为怕折损我等,才出此下策吗?纵然老夫今曰也死在这里,这一战,也绝会轻易认输的!”他的身躯有些颤抖,嘶声道:“那可是镇宫至宝……玲珑莲呀!乃是我天圣宫存在的不可或缺之物……” This, our could it be is not clearer than you!” Qu Wuhui coldly said: He Zhiqiu, present you only need the command prompt! As for other, does not need you to manage. Heavenly Saint Palace...... Has not been one's turn your this younger generation to take responsibility!” “这一节,我们三人难道不比你更清楚的!”曲勿回冷冷地道:“何知秋,现在的你只需要服从命令!至于别的,不用你管。天圣宫……还还轮不到你这个后辈来做主!” Qu Wuhui these words said are extremely heavy, He Zhiqiu suddenly is at a loss for words. 曲勿回这句话说得可谓极重,何知秋顿时语塞。 Eh... In matter your interior should not interrupt... But...... This...... It seems like my this litigant seemingly has not agreed?” Jun Moxie is somewhat depressed. How...... Did this finish up? How, such to finish, how my training is also conducted, which on looks is so good and be so outstanding, particularly can the real swords and spears, kill also white Sha the trainer object?! “额…你们内部之间的事本来不该插嘴…可是……这个……貌似我这个当事人貌似还没有表示同意吧?”君莫邪有些郁闷。怎地……这就完事了?怎么可以,就这么结束,我的练兵还怎么进行,上哪找这么好、这么优秀,尤其是可以真刀真枪,杀死了也白杀的陪练对象呢?! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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