OEM :: Volume #9

#898: The gambling house outside battlefield!

Originally, this, purely is a giant trap! Makes you draw out the long sword in the final time, gives you to hope infinitely that actually in instantaneous, delivers to the 18th floor hell from the cliff edge the enemy directly, does not have the turning over leeway again! 原来,这,纯粹就是一个巨大的陷阱!在最后的时刻让你拔出长剑,给你无穷希望,却又在瞬间,将敌人从悬崖边缘直接送到十八层地狱,再无翻身余地! In a piece stares dumbfounded, in the unbelievable vision human relations, the sword intersects, likely was the snowflake has actually met fiercely positive, the long sword that Sacred Land three Great Venerable held even linked for 1% seconds has not supported, broke accordingly! 在一片瞠目结舌、难以置信的目光交际之中,刀剑相交,却像是雪花遇到了烈阳,圣地大尊者所持的长剑甚至连1秒的时间都没有撑过去,应声从中断裂! The broadsword chops on the long sword, exudes one unexpectedly is similar to chops the blockhead/wood the slight sound, nearly does not have the stop chops under! 大刀砍在长剑上,竟然发出一声如同砍木头的轻微声音,近乎全无停顿的直劈而下! Blood light splash! 血光飞溅而起! In sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, three guys, the hand has the blade to fall, warded off three blades instantaneously! 凄厉的惨叫声中,三名大汉,手起刀落,瞬间辟出了三刀! First Blade, cuts off the long sword \; Chops into the shoulder of Sacred Land Venerable directly, almost chops the waist abdomen, then raises the blade, the second blade, another side shoulder, chops to fall, bringing the arm of half body to fly to fall beyond several feet! 第一刀,砍断长剑\;更直接砍入圣地尊者的肩膀,几乎劈到腰腹,然后提刀而起,第二刀,另一边的肩膀,一劈而落,带着半边身体的手臂飞落数丈之外! The third blade, is decapitated! Three heads have flown the midair turning round! 第三刀,身首异处!三个脑袋滴溜溜地飞上了半空! Qiao Ying has closed the eye all of a sudden! 乔影一下子闭上了眼睛! Sacred Land Persons, completely dumbfounded, the look delay looks that three head that tumbled in the midair, everybody has still not been able to ponder. 圣地中人,一个个尽都目瞪口呆,眼神呆滞地看着那三颗兀自在半空中翻滚的脑袋,人人都已经不能思考了。 Saw the three people a moment ago obviously, found the crevice, held the sword in the hand, rehabilitated the losing battle, the opposite party leaves the dusk to incur again, the flaw big dew, saw with own eyes that odds has been grasping, can, the so towering soldier destroy the person to perish and overall all lose? How is this possible?! This what's the matter?! 刚才明明见到己方三人,觅得空隙,持剑在手,平反败局,对方更是再出昏招,破绽大露,眼见胜算在握了,可又不知怎地,就这般突兀的兵毁人亡、全盘皆输了呢?这怎么可能?!这又是怎么回事?! In field, Sky Razing Soul Devourers respective that three guy military might, if deity general holding the blade stands, a blood, in the ground, is actually incomplete corpse fragment! 场中,残天噬魂所属的那三条大汉威武若天神一般的持刀而立,一身鲜血,地面上,却是一片残缺不全的尸体碎块! Clang neat resounding, three handle long blades simultaneously turn over to the sheath, three guy looks exceptionally looked indifferently in piece of expert to the area array, turns around, the stride returns to the unit! “锵”的一声整齐的响起,三柄长刀同时归鞘,三个大汉眼神异常冷漠地看了看对面阵中一片高手,同时转身,大步归队! „The first war! Evil Monarch, victory!” Qu Wuhui clenches teeth to announce that this moment victory and defeat is distinct, as him of notary public, even if not willing to open the mouth, must announce this victory! “第一战!邪之君主,胜!”曲勿回咬着牙宣布,此刻胜负分明,作为公证人的他即使再不愿意开口,也要宣布这个战果! In Sacred Land camp, everybody red eye, aura, teeth bite giggle make noise. Actually nobody starts talking. All people have realized this point: The war book that now says is the life and death decisive battle, only divides the life and death, regardless of victory and defeat, superior win and inferior wash out, irreconcilable. Under such premise, naturally is any despicable shameless method can use. Was defeated dead, really did not have the standpoint strange opposite party! 圣地阵营中,人人可谓都红了眼睛,气息咻咻,一个个的牙齿咬得咯咯作响。却没有一个人开口说话。所有人都意识到了这一点:今曰的战局本就是生死决战,只分生死,不论胜负,优胜劣汰,不死不休。在这样的前提下,自然是任何卑鄙无耻的手段都可以动用的。落败身亡的,实在没有立场怪对方! Dies treats unjustly? That can only blame you not being careful! Blames yourself not to use the unique skill ahead of time! Blames your insufficient despicable! But how regardless to blame, actually also least bit no wonder enemy! 死得冤枉?那只能怪你不小心!怪你自己不提前使出绝招!怪你不够卑鄙!但无论怎么怨怪,却也半点怪不得敌人! Does not wait for these four to stand in the witness speech of world peak, five white-clothes man walked gradually! 不等这四位站在天下巅峰的见证者说话,五个白衣人已经缓步走了出来! Five First Level Saint! 五位一级圣者 The second overture pulls open officially! 第二阵的序曲正式拉开! Sacred Land aspect wave of five person whole faces completely are killing intent, the hand press the sword hilt, gradually, from top to bottom, the imposing manner sees to sink to congeal extremely! Their such gradually line, but the whole body white clothing lower hem corner, is actually motionless, sleeves that sags, does not have rocking of least bit. 圣地方面这一波的五个人满脸尽是杀机,手按剑柄,缓步而出,浑身上下,气势极见沉凝!他们就这么缓步行来,但浑身的白衣衣角,却是一动也不动,就连下垂的衣袖,也没有半点的晃动。 The Fleeing World Immortal Palace aspect they, a Supreme Gold City person, Dream Blood Sea they, have composed the Saint lineup of this going to battle! 遁世仙宫方面两人,至尊金城一人,梦幻血海两人,组成了这次出战的圣者阵容! Jun Moxie, sends out your person! With me and other war!” Is Saint look straight staring of head on the Jun Moxie face, heavy saying. 君莫邪,派出你的人来!与我等一战!”为首的圣者眼神直直的盯在君莫邪脸上,沉沉的说道。 These five people, believe before will not violate the next, that three people again was wrong, has not started to begin, has prepared to draw a sword at any time. This war, inevitably compared with a moment ago that station bad risk! 这五个人,相信是绝不会再犯下之前那三人的错误了,还未开始动手,已经随时准备拔剑了。这一战,势必将比刚才那一站更加的凶险! Several Second Level Saint while this empty space, tidied up rapidly from the locations formerly three people of corpse wreckage, looks at a moment ago also the living present actually already the scattered about Venerable corpse, the person on the face, performing is low-spirited, the mood of grief and indignation difficult word, ferments...... „ Jun Moxie among the people! Fast sends for suffering to death! Were schemes and tricks constantly, what considered as? Leaves the cloudy move to win one by luck, was with the general situation may decide? „ Saw Jun Moxie at a moderate pace unexpectedly still was speaking the joke with Mei Xueyan, has not paid attention to own meaning slightly, that Saint flew into a rage, roared once more. 几位二级圣者趁着这个空当,飞速地将先前三人的尸体残骸从场地中间收拾回来,看着刚才还活生生现在却已经七零八落的尊者尸体,人人脸上,尽是一片黯然,更有一股悲愤难言的情绪,在众人之间酝酿……“君莫邪!速速派人出来受死!一味的阴谋诡计,算得了什么?出阴招侥幸胜得一阵,就以为大局可定了吗?“见君莫邪竟然仍是在不紧不慢的在和梅雪烟说笑话,丝毫也没有理睬自己的意思,那位圣者不禁勃然大怒,再次怒吼。 Jun Moxie has turned away, surprise look at him, shows a faint smile, said: „The ancient common saying an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win, you can a sorrowful sorrow heartily, perhaps, this weaponry have the opportunity to win. I did not worry to send for going to battle, am equal to continuing you and others to survive the time in this world, your, did not say the gratitude also on forget it......” 君莫邪转过脸,诧异的看了看他,微微一笑,道:“古人常言哀兵必胜,诸位,你们可以尽情的哀一哀,说不定,这一仗就有机会打胜了。我不着急派人出战,等于是延续了你等存活在这世上的时间,你们这几个,不说感激也就罢了……” , Young Master Jun has sneered , to continue saying: What's wrong, does the appearance that but also exhibits this employing professional mourners frighten this Young Master? The mother, has reached an agreement beforehand the life and death decisive battle, your people lacked prospects, die also died, what's wrong? Can't accept? Un?” 顿了一顿,君大少爷冷笑一声,才继续说道:“怎么,还摆出这副哭丧的模样儿来吓唬本少爷吗?妈的,事先说好了生死决战,你们的人没出息,死了也就死了,怎么?不能接受啊?嗯?” The opposite five human spirits result in chest fluctuating to be fierce, visits him stubbornly, wishes one could saliva to spit on this hateful face. When a person hates the sound track first: Life and death decisive battle, I and others naturally knew, does not need you! The colleagues died in battle, the old man has duty, avenges a grievance for him, asks for the blood debt!” 对面五个人气得胸口起伏剧烈,死死的看着他,恨不得一口唾沫吐在这张可恶的脸上。当先一人恨声道:“生死决战,我等自然知晓,不需要你来说!同僚战死,老夫却有义务,为他报仇雪恨,讨回血债!” Yeah, young juniors Jiang Hu is old, reprisal breeds reprisal when......” Jun Moxie greatly is the bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind sorrowful sound track: Jiang Hu kills in revenge, is really is very harmful...... To fall through ancient times, already does not know that has many happy family, because one rips to kill to be destroyed in a moment senselessly...... Five Saint, that several people of friendship that if you seriously and died a moment ago deep do not endure to separate, oneself simply draw out the sword to hold to put on oneself neck, naturally can gather once again...... What enmity why can also report? Why has not drawn a sword, how many robe Ze could it be didn't you and others think meet again/goodbye a moment ago that? Did not need to hesitate, wielded a sword one quickly, then can the reunion, be once again refreshed!” “哎,少年子弟江湖老,冤冤相报何时了……”君莫邪大是悲天悯人的哀声道:“江湖仇杀,实在是害人不浅啊……亘古以降,早已不知道有多少幸福美满的家庭,就因为一场无谓撕杀而毁于一旦……五位圣者,若是你们当真与刚才死去的那几人情谊深厚不忍分离,自己干脆拔出剑来捅穿自己的脖子,自然就可以再度相聚了……何必还要报什么仇呢?为什么还不拔剑,难道你等不想再见刚才那几位袍泽吗?不用再犹豫了,挥剑一快,便能再度聚首,何等爽快!” Such remarks, everybody complexion completely obviously strange appearance \; Even if profound including cultivation base, mental state aloof three big protectors, completely stares dumbfounded looks at Jun Moxie, cannot think absolutely that in this world has the facial skin to be so thick unexpectedly, is so shameless and so does not want the fellow of cheek...... Unexpectedly can stand in the angle of principle of righteousness, urging the person who others revenge to commit suicide directly, but can also say so pompously, that stance, does not commit suicide is unfair to Heaven and Earth, to be unfair to the family member, to be unfair to itself simply...... Hahaha......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to laugh loudly, said: „The shamelessness of this little brat, has the Three Great Sacred Lands style seriously! Is the pupil surpasses the teacher wins in the blue potential simply! Copes with Three Great Sacred Lands with such method, makes this Young Master heart one smooth seriously! Happy!” 此言一出,人人脸色尽显怪异神采\;即便连修为深湛、心境超然的三大守护者,也尽都瞠目结舌的看着君莫邪,万万想不到,这世界上居然有脸皮这么厚,如此无耻、如此不要面皮的家伙……居然能站在大义的角度上,劝人家来报仇的人直接自杀,还能说得这般的冠冕堂皇,那架势,不自杀简直就是对不起天地、对不起家人、还对不起自己……“哈哈哈……”九幽十四少放声大笑,赞道:“这小子的无耻,当真有三大圣地的风范!简直是青出于蓝而胜于蓝之势!用这样的手段来对付三大圣地,当真让本公子心胸一畅!真他妈的痛快!” Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui do not know whether to laugh or cry...... This what, you said that you praised Jun Moxie also on forget it, why also to pull Sacred Land? Although Sacred Land conduct although sometimes is also quite dirty, but on compares to pass outwardly, there such frank and upright shameless lower reaches? 成吟啸曲勿回为之啼笑皆非……这什么啊,你说你夸君莫邪也就罢了,干嘛还扯上圣地圣地行事虽然有时候虽然也比较龌龊,但在明面上还是比较过得去的,那里会这么光明正大的无耻下流呢? The opposite five Saint whole bodies tremble, almost wants enraged, Young Master Jun actually also there continuation guidance diligently: Said again, how here can be the revenging place, decisive battle location that but here the both sides gambling fights! You come out, but represented another decisive battle in which Fang Zhunbei to take place...... Revenges? Hasn't your head gotten sick? Also wants to let your live moment, now can save, this good person presses really, when next, should also some people come for your revenging drop! You do not need to worry the Yellow Spring road lonely difficult line!” 对面的五位圣者浑身发抖,几乎就要暴走,君大少却还在那里孜孜不倦的继续教导:“再说了,这里怎么能是报仇的地方呢,这里可是双方赌斗的决战场地!你们出来,只是代表另一场决战的其中一方准备就位了……报仇?你丫脑袋没病吧?本来还想让你们多活片刻,现在可以省下了,这好人真真难为啊,等到下一场,应该还会有人来为你们报仇滴!你们不用愁黄泉路寂寞难行!” Young Master Jun, the disciple flaunts the advantage of argument, actually non- is the victory and defeat key.” Hai Wuya said solemnly, this sea Saint Emperor is black the face, obviously in the heart is also uncomfortable. 君公子,徒逞口舌之利,却非是胜负的关键。”海无涯沉声道,这位海圣皇黑着脸,显然心中也很不是滋味。 „The advantage of argument, cannot decide the victory and defeat \; But to invert black and white, is actually not the patent of Three Great Sacred Lands!” Jun Moxie Hehe sneers, this said solemnly: Enemy five First Level Saint, our who goes to battle, cuts the enemy under the blade?” “口舌之利,并不能决定胜负\;但颠倒黑白,却也不是三大圣地的专利!”君莫邪嘿嘿冷笑一声,这才沉声道:“敌方五位一级圣者,我方何人出战,斩敌于刀下?” I!” 170 First Level Saint simultaneously tread the previous step, in the eyes burns frantic unusual fighting intent! These Sky Razing Soul Devourers members, the time in more than one year almost such as have a dream the general growth strength, then such as the crazy general harvesting life, regardless of the body or the soul, had been forged the murder machines by Jun Moxie! “我!”170名一级圣者同时踏前一步,眼中燃烧起狂热异常的战意!这些残天噬魂队员,在这一年多里的时间几乎如做梦一般的增长实力,然后又如疯狂一般的收割生命,无论身体还是灵魂,都已经被君莫邪锻造成了一个个的杀人机器! The fight, for them, already always enjoyed, the pleasant life happy event! Especially cuts to kill Saint in the situation of frontage decisive battle...... This matter, how many can the life have? Naturally is everybody courageously all strives to be the first! 战斗,对他们来说,早已是乐此不疲、赏心悦目的人生乐事!尤其是在正面决战的情况下斩杀圣者……这种事,一生能有几回?自然是人人奋勇个个争先! Jun Moxie does not return, coldly ordered: „The Sky Raiders ninth squad, the latter five people, leave ranks! Fight!” 君莫邪头也不回,冷冷下令:“残天第九小队,后五人,出列!战斗!” Yes!” “是!” Five black-clothed man shades, simultaneously in big strides go out, each step, as if steps on the node of life and death, treads death note that most shocks! Ten desert wooden eyes, simultaneously are gazing at opposite five Saint, looks like was looking that five do not have the vitality corpse! 五个黑衣人影,同时大踏步走出,每一步,似乎都踩在生死的节点上,踏出一曲最震撼的死亡音符!十只漠无表情的眼睛,同时注视着对面的五位圣者,就像是在看五具毫无生命力的尸体! The hands of five people, press on the waist hilt, is the same to the opposite party, these five people also prepared for momentarily left blade. 五个人的手,都按在腰间刀柄上,与对方一样,这五个人也做好了随时出刀的准备。 How this does fight?” Qiao Ying asked. “这一战如何?”乔影问道。 The war has not opened, but the beyond example frigid murdering atmosphere, has let the brutal prospect that she foresees this soon to start to fight! 战局未开,但空前惨烈的杀伐气氛,已经让她预见到这即将开始一战的残酷前景! At present was unable under to assert...... But from the relative strength, to previous is the same. We still had the enormous superiority \; Moreover this war, not some people of having a low opinion of the enemy general ideas...... Properly speaking, should be able to take steadily, but how does not know, the old man actually cannot determine!” Cheng Yinxiao frowns. “目前还不能下断言……但从实力对比来看,与上一场一样。我方仍是占据极大优势\;而且这一战,再不会有人轻敌大意……按理来说,应该是可以稳稳拿下的,但不知如何,老夫却仍是不敢确定!”成吟啸皱着眉头。 There also anything is not fixable! Which three people who I have locked went back a moment ago a moment ago, that three people, completely with wearing a sword that strange battle formation as well as destroys the hardest defenses, this can unexpected defeats first...... Now, that three people of weapon, is still hanging in their waists to the present, has not given five people of groups that this fights. Hehe......” “那里还有什么不可确定的!我刚才一直锁定刚才回去的哪三个人,那三人,完全就是凭着那个诡异的阵势以及无坚不摧的佩刀,这才能出乎预料的战胜第一场……现在,那三人的兵器,到现在还在他们腰间挂着,并没有交给这一战的五人组。呵呵……” Qu Wuhui said with a smile with ease: Resembles cutting iron like mud treasured sword Divine Weapon like that even if only then a handle, is the world is then difficult to see the rare things, now said that at the same place and same time presents three handles, actually to pinnacle \; Experienced, could it be you think that these 300 black clothed guys, everybody do have treasured sword Divine Sword that a handle can cut iron like mud to be inadequate? Since this not less than was biggest laughing that an old man the millenniums has heard......” 曲勿回轻松地笑道:“似那般的削铁如泥的宝刀神兵,纵然只有一柄,便已经是天下难见之珍物,今曰同时同地出现三柄,却是到了极致\;老成,难道你以为,这300黑衣大汉,人人都拥有一柄可以削铁如泥的宝刀神剑不成吗?这不啻是一个老夫千年以来听到的最大的笑话了……” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master squint visits him, faint smile say|way: Oh? Qu Wuhui, is it possible that you think that this did fight your Sacred Land steadily to win? If seriously so assured, how we do hit a gambling?” 九幽十四少斜眼看着他,似笑非笑的道:“哦?曲勿回,莫非你以为这一战你们圣地就稳胜了吗?若是当真如此的笃定,那么,我们就打一个赌如何?” Makes a bet? What gambling?” Qu Wuhui , etc. eye, vigilant looks at Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. “打赌?什么赌?”曲勿回等起眼睛,警惕的看着九幽十四少 Is very simple, I bet the black victory \; You naturally press your Sacred Land to win.” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snort|hum, said: If who lost, on this lands, does not permit to use Profound Force, does not permit to use mental force, uses the fleshly body completely strength, digs 1000 earthworms to come out for the opposite party! How?” “很简单,我赌黑方胜\;你自然压你们圣地赢。”九幽十四少哼了一声,道:“若是谁输了,就在这片土地上,不准动用玄力,不准动用精神力,完全用肉体的力量,为对方挖1000条蚯蚓出来!如何?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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