OEM :: Volume #9

#897: Kills the trap certainly!

„...... How regardless of Sacred Land side three people fiercely attack, opposite party the responsibility of defense, only falls on one person throughout, but this person has actually resisted three people of complete attacks, but the position of that defense is that sharp corner/horn position! This position, in general Battle Formation, is a sharp offensive direction, but here, actually defends!” “……无论圣地一方三人如何猛攻,对方的防守之责,始终只落在一人身上,而这一人却生生地抵住了三人的全部进攻,而那防守之方位就是那个尖角位置!这个位置,在一般的战阵之中,本是一个锋锐的进攻方向,但在这里,却是防守!” Three people look with rapt attention when they perform are the martial arts big expert, the key result in Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master exposes, must in a minute then understand clearly the entire Battle Formation change, immediately is suddenly enlighted. 三人凝神看去,他们尽都是武学大行家,关键之处得九幽十四少点破之余,只得片刻便已洞悉整个战阵变化,立时恍然大悟。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said solemnly: Opposite party three people of formation have taken seriously, every time has one person to resist the attack, although that person of resisting definitely will have the enormous loss, but fluctuates along with Battle Formation, next time resists the attack, changed into another person \; First a person then therefore obtained the opportunity of panting, so one after another resists, everyone two rounds restoration opportunities, greatly may the calm exhaust fumes, although could not be completely has not consumed, but its consumption degree is minimal!” 九幽十四少低沉地道:“对方三人的阵法当真了得,每一次只得一人抵挡进攻,虽然那抵挡之人必然会有极大的损耗,但随着战阵变幻,下一次抵挡进攻的,已经换成了另一人\;先一人便因此而得到了喘息之机,如此轮番抵挡,每人都有两轮的恢复机会,大可从容回气,虽然还不能算是全然没有消耗,但其消耗程度却是微乎其微的!” Good, is so!” The Cheng Yinxiao complexion changes, said: They have not lost, but Sacred Land three people actually during consumption of continuing......” “不错,正是如此!”成吟啸脸色一变,道:“他们三人没有损耗,而圣地三人却在持续的消耗之中……” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master nods slightly, said: Continues! When this sharp corner/horn resists the attack, another two people are also attacking, attacks! Moreover, goal same person. In other words, they each attack, is equal to two dozens one!” 九幽十四少微微颔首,道:“不止!在这个尖角抵挡进攻的时候,另外两个人也在进攻,同时进攻!而且,目标还是同一个人。也就是说,他们每一次的进攻,都等于是二打一!” Facing under such strange battle formation, three people of actually simply in Sacred Land aspect cannot use the method, a round attack, at least the person will fall into does not have the situation of achievement idle, can launch the attack truly, at best has one person! But once the enemy counter-attacks, is actually three people simultaneously make a move, hand in hand attack same end! Even if their comprehensive strengths are inferior in three people of Sacred Land one side, but they can actually take the lead, but now has formed gradually the superiority. Superiority the overlay of gradually, will form to win the potential! When wins the potential to stand, that thoroughly is then powerless to save the situation, only stretches out the neck to treat unites a way!” “面对在这样奇异的阵势之下,圣地方面的三人却根本就施展不开手脚,一轮攻击,至少会有一人陷入空闲无作为的情况,能够真正展开进攻的,充其量只得一人而已!而对方一旦反击,却是三人同时出手,联袂攻击同一目标!即便他们的综合战力逊色于圣地一方的三人,但他们却能占据了主动,而现在更逐渐形成了优势。优势的渐次叠加,自会形成胜势!等到胜势一立,那便是彻底回天乏力,只余引颈待戮一途!” He spoke of here, Cheng Yinxiao, Qu Wuhui and Qiao Ying three people of complexions simultaneously changed! 他说到这里,成吟啸曲勿回乔影三人的脸色同时变了! Also other astonishment, true astonishment still in behind, I thought that this battle formation only fears other also mysterious places, probably the potential of also skill overlay, how although has not known the concrete effect at present......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master both eyes sharp locking war, looking pensive. “还别惊讶,真正惊讶的还在后头呢,我看这阵势只怕还有其他的奥妙之处,好像还有功力叠加之势,虽然目前还不知道具体效果到底如何……”九幽十四少双目锐利的锁定战局,若有所思。 „It looks like by Fourteenth Brother, this does fight is the losing battle has decided? Was powerless seriously?” Qiao Ying anxious said/tunnel. “以十四兄看来,这一战已经是败局已定?当真无力回天了?”乔影焦急地道。 Good! Strove for victory definitely is hopeless, judges by the present situation, had a method, can struggle a tie!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master both eyes faint is dodging black light, actually strange has smiled one. “不错!求胜肯定是无望了,以现在的情况来判断,就只得一个手段,能够争个平局!”九幽十四少双目幽幽的闪着黑光,却怪异的笑了一声。 What means?” Qu Wuhui has thought a long time/half of the day, had not actually found out the means of reversal, hearing this curiously asks. “什么办法?”曲勿回想了半天,却仍没有想出逆转的办法,闻言不由好奇问道。 Immediately adopts from exploding the method, comes to perish together with the enemy! That can make tie aspect! Although the opposite party has the greatest superiority, was still difficult to bear three Great Venerable simultaneously from the strength of exploding, puts together to perish together!” “立即采取自爆手段,与敌人来个同归于尽!那便可造成平手的局面!对方虽然占据莫大优势,却仍难当三大尊者同时自爆之力,拼个同归于尽还是可以的!” In the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master voice reveals a cruelty, ridiculed: Was a pity, now Sacred Land that three Venerable still were only in the weak trend, has not arrived at the hopeless situation \; Therefore, believes that they have not given up this life, attempts a luck. But, when if the victory potential that the opposite party saves 10%, easily accomplished, even if they want from exploding, puts together to perish together, actually also already not that opportunity!” 九幽十四少口音中露出一丝残忍,讥讽道:“可惜,现在圣地的那三位尊者仍只处于弱势,尚未到绝境\;所以,相信他们还不舍得这条姓命,希图一个侥幸。但若等到对方积蓄的胜势一成,摧枯拉朽之下,他们纵然想要自爆,拼个同归于尽,却也已经没有那个机会!” The Qu Wuhui three people are simultaneously silent do not speak, they perform are present age peerless expert, not to be how clear at this knot, as long as there is a a slim chance of survival, who is willing to spell by the loathsome appearance rashly, everybody gets the same idea, wants unable strangely. 曲勿回三人同时默然不语,他们尽都是当代绝世强者,于此节如何不明白,但凡有一线生机的,又有谁肯贸然以死相拼,人同此心,欲怪无从。 In addition, they have also made a mistake.” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sneers saying: This war from the beginning, that three black-clothed person have not used the weapon, resembles must by the fists and feet decisive battle \; But your Sacred Land three have not used the weapon greatly silly unexpectedly...... If they come up on use weapon attack, although is not necessarily able to rewrite the war sufficiently, but the result or will have differently also perhaps......” “除此之外,他们还犯了一个错误。”九幽十四少冷笑道:“此战一开始,那三位黑衣人都没有动用兵器,似是要以拳脚决战\;而你们圣地的三个大傻居然也没有动用兵器……若是他们上来就动用兵器进攻,虽然未必会足以改写战局,但结果或者会有不同也说不定……” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sneers again and again: This Young Master wondered, this war, before making war, explained is the war of both sides life and death, irreconcilable, both sides only has a side to maintain a livelihood, naturally should stop at nothing! Let alone with weapon, even if is also permits with hidden weapon and with the toxicant, they hang the long sword in the waist, is the decoration? Really stupid!” 九幽十四少冷笑连连:“本公子就纳闷了,这一战,开战之前已经说明了是双方生死之战,不死不休,双方只有一方能够活命,自然应该无所不用其极!别说用兵器了,就算是用暗器、用毒药也是允许的,他们把长剑挂在腰间,是装饰吗?真真的愚不可及!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master spoke of here time, field China , Tunisia came loudly a big sound, the situation transient! Bright as snow blade light shoots up to the sky towering, surges to the strength evacuation of extreme sharply, bellowed to shock the earth: Kills!” 九幽十四少说到这里的时候,场中突来“轰然”一声大响,形势瞬变!雪亮的刀光突兀地冲天而起,锋锐到极点的劲气排空激荡,一声大吼震撼了大地:“杀!” Does not leave Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to expect really, really some people have used the weapon. But uses the weapon while the person unprepared, is actually the three members of Sky Razing Soul Devourers army. This sudden naked sword adding together, easily accomplished general, in then thoroughly has destroyed unexpectedly the final protective lines of Sacred Land three Venerable with hardship support instantaneously! 真真不出九幽十四少所料,果然有人动用了兵器。而趁人不备动用兵器的,却是残天噬魂部队的三位成员。这突如其来的白刃相加,摧枯拉朽一般,竟于瞬间便彻底摧毁了圣地三位尊者苦苦支撑的最后防线! These three people, since pulls blade make a move, displayed sword uniting directly the class ultimate big move, the person walked along with the blade, get lost/rolls the hob glow lasing vault of heaven, unexpectedly in this and other under absolute superiority, use so by the mutually wounded tactic that the life fought tooth and nail! 这三个人,自从掣刀出手,直接发挥出了身剑合一之流的终极大招,人随刀走,滚滚刀芒激射苍穹,居然在这等绝对的优势之下,使用的还是这般以命搏命的两败俱伤战术! This wound enemy 3000, damage 800 going all out style its abundant life degree, is next to from exploding! 这等“伤敌3000,自损800”的拼命招式其博命程度,也就仅次于自爆而已! The frigid imposing manner, sweeps across the entire location in this way in a twinkling, making all people who on the scene surrounds breathe completely obstructs! 如斯惨烈的气势,霎时间席卷整个场地,让在场围观的所有人呼吸尽都为之一窒! After being startled, the Three Great Sacred Lands person shouted curses! 一怔之后,三大圣地的人纷纷叫骂! despicable!” 卑鄙!” Shameless!” “无耻!” Height of shamelessness!” “无耻之尤!” Presents many Sacred Land expert angry two red whole bodies to shiver. Points at somebody curses angrily, bristles with anger! 在场许多的圣地高手愤怒的两眼通红浑身颤抖。戟指怒骂,怒发冲冠! Only then, Qiao Ying and other people relatively silent, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master smiles strangely: Oneself defend the so-called decayed demeanor not to put, the opposite party has adopted the most correct opposing the enemy tactic, cannot vie for supremacy, actually must scold others shameless...... Three Great Sacred Lands, is the prestigious family is really honest! The disputed area, does not refuse to accept good!” 惟有,乔影等三人相对默然,九幽十四少怪笑起来:“自己守着所谓的腐朽的风度不放,对方采取了最正确的对敌战术,争胜不得,却要骂人家无耻……三大圣地,果然是名门正派!作风优良,不服不行啊!” Another side, Jun Moxie hears the opposite party vixen to shout abuse in public, not only does not have angry has not gotten angry, instead smiles the whole body to tic, turns the head to say to Mei Xueyan: This group of Sacred Land silly two, but was really too interesting! Profited at someone's expense jubilantly, suffered a loss shouts abuse public, moreover being well-known that scolded, this also too two...... Xueyan, had you eaten such big owing in this group of manpower before? I may really be too curious......” 另一边,君莫邪听到对方的泼妇骂街非但没恼没怒,反而笑得浑身直抽抽,转头对梅雪烟道:“这帮圣地的傻二,可真是太有趣了!沾了光就兴高采烈,吃了亏就骂大街,而且还骂的那么闻名,这也太二了……雪烟啊,你以前怎地在这帮人手上吃了这么大的亏?我可真是太好奇了……” Mei Xueyan elegant face one red, rolled the eyes at him, said: Sacred Land person, although is also quite shameless, but their shameless degrees...... Is insufficient your eventuality! Has a look at Sky Razing Soul Devourers, one group of how ingenuous and straightforward refreshed iron blood man and battleground fierce gentleman, trained any person in your hand, sinister deceitful sneak attacks hit the staggering blow same, the bandit......” 梅雪烟俏脸一红,白了他一眼,道:“圣地的人虽然也比较无耻一点,但他们那点无耻程度……还不足你的万一!看看残天噬魂,原本一帮多么憨直爽快的铁血男儿、沙场猛士,在你手上都调教成了什么人,一个个阴险狡诈偷袭打闷棍,土匪一样了……” Your this saying spoke incorrectly, this is the life and death decisive battle of irreconcilable! Naturally stops at nothing! They must play the demeanor, we do not accompany them to play dumb...... Is life demeanor importantly important? Really makes this Young Master speechless. Their operative norms may not be I train, does not believe you to ask that Sky Razing Soul Devourers member, above the battleground, all lives to strive for victory importantly, is these Lao Shenzi demeanor and bearing is important, who gets up the battlefield person unclear truly, but also trains with me?” Say/Way that Jun Moxie disdains. “你这话可是说错了,这可是不死不休的生死决战!自然是无所不用其极!他们要玩风度,咱们可不陪着他们犯傻……命重要还是风度重要?真是让本公子无语。他们的行动准则可真不是我调教的,不信你问问残天噬魂的成员,沙场之上,是全生求胜重要,还是那些劳甚子风度、气度重要,真正上过战场的人谁不明白,还用我调教吗?”君莫邪不屑的道。 In the field situation at this moment compared with all Zhiqianke saying that had the earth-shaking momentous change, three Great Venerable in Sacred Land aspect, thorough fell into absolute leeward! 场中此刻的形势较诸之前可说已经有了翻天覆地的巨大变化,圣地方面的三大尊者,彻底的陷入了绝对的下风! In the opposite party such as under the raging tide common continuous wave offensive, any tacit understanding and any battle formation, perform nothing left, they can only flurried resisting, avoiding, even, drew out the opportunity of oneself weapon unable to find continually! 在对方如狂潮一般的连波攻势之下,什么默契、什么阵势,尽都荡然无存,他们只能慌乱的招架,躲避着,甚至,连拔出自己兵器的机会都找不到! Just like Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said that now, all late! 正如九幽十四少所说,现在,一切都晚了! The victory and defeat was already distinct! The result was already doomed! 胜负早已分明!结局已然注定! As three roaring sounds get up, three black clothes body shadow bands the bright as snow rhinocero sharp knife light is jumping to jump, but underground, three white forms staggering are retroceding, the step is not steady, is similar to was drunk general, the body had many scars, splashes unceasingly the stained bloodstain...... The blade glow dodges, three people fall once again. But is riding this crevice, made Three Great Sacred Lands three Venerable have finally has drawn out the opportunity of oneself long sword, along with three people of movements as if by prior agreement, three clear sounds, the long sword came out of the sheath, grasped in the hand, cannot help but spirit/mind inspired! 随着三声怒吼声响起,三条黑衣身影带着雪亮的犀利刀光纵身跃起,而地下,三条白色身影正在踉踉跄跄后退,步履不稳,如同喝醉了酒一般,身上已经有多处伤痕,不断溅出斑斑血痕……刀芒一闪,三人再度落下。而乘着这个空隙,也终于让三大圣地的三位尊者有了拔出自己长剑的机会,随着三人不约而同的动作,三声清响,长剑出鞘,握在手中,不由得精神一振! Behind, in Sacred Land expert camp, everybody also relaxed! Saw dawn finally, now draws out the sword, how also be much better compared with the unarmed confrontation broadsword! 后面,圣地高手营中,大家的也都同时松了一口气!总算是看到了一线曙光,现在拔出剑来,怎地也要比赤手空拳对阵大刀要好得多吧! eyebrows raised that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master wonders, doubt looked at that side Jun Moxie. He is not really clear, under occupying so superior situation, why can come such a dusk to incur? Unexpectedly made the opposite party have to draw out the leisure of long sword? Isn't this for oneself start trouble? 九幽十四少纳闷的挑了挑眉毛,狐疑的看了看君莫邪那边。他实在不明白,在占据了如此优势的情况之下,为何要来这么一记昏招?居然让对方有拔出了长剑的余暇?这不是自己为自己制造麻烦吗? On the opposite Mei Xueyan face, actually flashes through color of the heartfelt pitying, sighed gently. 对面的梅雪烟脸上,却闪过一丝由衷的怜悯之色,轻轻叹息一声。 Jun Moxie Hehe badly smiles, said in a low voice: Good play, must enter with the lights ablaze finally! Haha......” in him behind, more than 300 black clothes guy everybody in the eyes completely projects exceptionally warm rays of light. 君莫邪嘿嘿坏笑,低声道:“好戏,终于要闪亮登场了!哈哈……”在他身后,300多名黑衣大汉人人眼中尽都射出异常热烈的光芒 In a twinkling \; Three black clothes forms from airborne plunder, in the hand the broadsword is pinching the earthshaking scary power and influence, has blocked the Sacred Land three Venerable all roads of dodging thoroughly, nearly chops persistently unreasonable under! 说时迟,那时快\;三条黑衣身影从空中一掠而下,手中大刀挟着惊天动地的骇人威势,彻底封死了圣地三位尊者所有的闪避之路,近乎蛮不讲理地直劈而下! The ground three people as if by prior agreement, simultaneously lift the sword standard to keep off, everybody completely has poured into the strength of lifetime in the sword! In the heart makes a determined effort secretly, so long as has kept off this blade, is the times of death of these three black clothes guys! 地面三人不约而同,同时举剑格挡,人人尽都在剑中倾注了毕生的力气!心中暗暗发狠,只要挡过这一刀,就是这三个黑衣大汉的死期! Because these three people fly high, seems like the military might and imposing manner is great, is actually oneself is actually the empty gate big dew, eyeful completely is the flaw, so long as this strikes finally cannot strike to kill the enemy, under the spirit folds greatly, definitely will make them fall into to die the bureau! 因为这三人凌空而下,看似威武、气势宏大,却是自身却是空门大露,满眼尽是破绽,只要这最后一击不能击杀敌人,锐气大折之下,必然会使他们自己陷入必死之局! could it be do they have confidence unexpectedly really? Three protectors look steadily, the heart raises all the big suspicion. 难道他们竟然真的那么有把握吗?三位守护者目不转睛地看着,心头无不升起大大的疑窦。 ...... The sound of slight weapon contact resounds, Qu Wuhui breathless stamps the feet: Awful! What they use is Divine Weapon! Three people of using is Divine Weapon! Damn really despicable!” 嚓……轻微的兵器接触的声音响起,曲勿回气急败坏的一跺脚:“糟糕!他们用的是神兵!三人用的全是神兵!他妈的真卑鄙!” In the opposite party three guy hands holds, unexpectedly is Divine Weapon that three handles cut iron like mud! 对方三名大汉手中所持的,竟然是三柄削铁如泥的神兵利器 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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