OEM :: Volume #9

#896: Heaven and Earth person Three Absolute Killing Array!

Three Venerable of Three Great Sacred Lands aspect sending out, stems from Fleeing World Immortal Palace \; These three people each other look at each other one, free and easy smiles, the white clothing is floating, simultaneously welcomed. Although being near war, the facial expression especially ease, just like strolling, before the opposite , the ominous severe imposing manner of enemy, resembles the least bit not to care unexpectedly. 三大圣地方面这次派出的三位尊者,均是出自遁世仙宫\;这三人彼此对视一眼,洒脱的一笑,白衣飘飘,同时迎了上来。虽将临战局,神情却格外闲逸,宛若闲庭信步,对面前敌人的凶厉气势,竟似半点也没有放在心上。 A side at daggers drawn, Fang Fengqing Yun Dan, a side white clothing wins the snow, a side black clothed like black ink, is the sharpest contrast. 一方剑拔弩张,一方风轻云淡,一方白衣胜雪,一方黑衣如墨,正是最鲜明的对比。 Both sides just like are the inborn enemy are common, relatively and vertical! 双方宛若是天生的对头一般,相对而立! Looked according to you, the winning percentage of which side this fights is higher?” Qiao Ying is wrinkling the willow eyebrows, said: This is the war of life and death, the defeat, is equal to dying...... Our Sacred Land trains expert not to be easy, frequently must spend for over hundred years. The present these manpower, perform are Seized Heaven War backbone strength, because actually a Mo Wudao initial erroneous decision, had the senseless decisive battle in this with the person...... Made me seriously distressed.” “依你看,这首一战的哪方的胜率更高一些?”乔影皱着柳眉,道:“这可是生死之战,败,就等于死啊……我们圣地培养高手可不容易,动辄就要花费百年以上的时间。眼前的这些人手,尽都是夺天之战的中坚力量,却因为莫无道当初的一个错误决策,在这与人发生无谓的决战……当真令我痛心不已。” Sacred Land decision-making, your I, even if the status is lofty, actually also has no right to question. All previous Palace Lord decision-making, generally so, mentioned, this time just Mo Wudao luck was also too bad, meets the small monster that hundredth was so difficult to meet.” Qu Wuhui indifferently said: This war, can actually have no trouble.” 圣地决策,你我纵然地位崇高,却也是无权过问的。历代宫主的决策,也大抵都是这般,说来,这次也只不过莫无道的运气太坏,遇上了这么一个百世难逢的小怪物而已。”曲勿回淡淡地道:“不过这一战,却是可以稳拿了。” Nod of Cheng Yinxiao approval, said: Opposite party that three people, although has to murder the resolute meaning greatly, a valiance, killing intent is furthermore steaming \; This killing intent, if runs into the common enemy, the light is the frigid impact of imposing manner, makes the person mind fall into enemy hands sufficiently, treats hands tied unites. But this is actually they cannot control and restrain the situation that own aura can have with wishes fulfilled. Once to with the fight of expert during, their killing intent, has naturally been able to expose their in the position......” 成吟啸赞同的点点头,道:“对方那三人虽然大有杀伐果决之意,更兼一身彪悍,杀气腾腾\;这种杀气,若是遇到一般敌人,光是气势的惨烈冲击,也足以让人心神失守,束手待戮。但这却正是他们不能随心所欲地控制、收敛自身气息才会出现的情况。一旦到了与高手的战斗之中,他们的这种杀气,自然会暴露他们自己的所在位置……” His joyful smiling, continues saying: „...... Must know, during decisive battle, under many situations, in very intensive showdown, because to fighting the traveling speed of both sides is too quick, the naked eye does not see clearly. Only has with the feeling and Inner Qi induces make a move. The opposite party imposing manner seems like astonishing, actually also exposed their fatal weakness to be. Reviews our three people, performs obviously a school of calm, has not had this situation. This war, has not made war then the victory to decide! Not no reason for concern.” 他愉悦的笑了笑,继续道:“……要知道,决战之中,很多情况之下,在高强度的对决之中,由于对战双方的移动速度太快,肉眼根本就是看不清楚的。唯有凭着感觉和气机感应出手。对方气势看似惊人,却也暴露了他们的致命弱点所在。反观我方三人,尽显一派从容,并没有出现这种情况。这一战,未开战便胜局已定!无须顾虑。” At this time, field three people in Three Great Sacred Lands stood abreast in row, imposing manner stirred, will be make a move soon. 这时,场中的三大圣地的三个人并排而立,身上的气势鼓荡,已经是即将出手 It seems like they also saw the opposite party weakness is, believes that from the beginning must to hit quickly quickly, disrupts the step of enemy thoroughly. This is most correct dealing method.” Qu Wuhui satisfied nod: This war, we, even if has injured, will not be serious, as for three people of opposite party, I have been able to announce now their must the dead result!” “看来他们三人也已经看出了对方的弱点所在,相信一开始就要以快打快,彻底打乱敌人的步调。这是最正确的应对方法。”曲勿回满意的点点头:“此战,我方纵然有所伤损,却也不会太严重,至于对方的三人,现在我已经可以宣布他们的必死结局了!” The Cheng Yinxiao nod expressed the approval. Three people of facial expressions, somewhat are simultaneously relaxed. Although is only the first war, but always a good sign, the good opening, the inevitable morale greatly inspires! 成吟啸点头表示认可。三人的神情,同时有些轻松。虽然只是第一战,但总是个好兆头,好的开头,必然士气大振! At this moment, three Sky Razing Soul Devourers members always doing nothing but towering transformed the original battle formation, goes forward two steps by middle one person, the left person withdraws two steps, but right one person of slanting cross one step! 就在这时,三位残天噬魂的队员竟自突兀地变换了原有阵势,由中间一人上前两步,左边一人则退后两步,而右边一人斜跨一步! Such simple onset and retreat several steps, among three people have actually formed strange triangle Battle Formation! 这样简单的进退数步,三人之间却形成了一个古怪的三角形战阵 But this Battle Formation, is actually not the ordinary Sanjiao Jian cone-shape, but exists to have an indistinct sense of distance. When first person holds up the head to throw out the chest, the tall and strong body, straight as wants able to support both heaven and earth to be ordinary! That person of backwardness, body bends down slightly slightly, leopard that is similar to hunted. But the right that person is actually under foot not Ding not eight, be sideways to right, killing intent of whole body, unexpectedly invisible was paler. 但这战阵,却又不是普通的三角尖锥形,而是在其中存在有一份隐约的距离感。当先之人昂头挺胸,魁梧的身躯,直似要顶天立地一般!稍稍落后的那人,身躯微微俯下,如同一只正在猎食的豹子。而右边的那人却是脚下不丁不八,侧身以对,周身的杀气,竟无形之中淡了许多。 This is actually exceptionally strange Battle Formation! 这却是一个异常诡异的战阵 Such Battle Formation, in this world, has never appeared! 这样的战阵,在这个世界上,从未出现过! This battle formation is very strange, really very strange......” Cheng Yinxiao knitting the brows head, immediately relaxes: But, is not necessarily have the too tremendous influence to the war.” “这个阵势很怪,真的很古怪……”成吟啸皱了皱眉头,随即舒缓:“不过,对战局未必能造成太大的影响。” Qiao Ying and Qu Wuhui they also nod, expressed the support. 乔影曲勿回两人同时点头,表示赞同。 Deciding of war, the war between top-level expert, armed forces absolutely does not have any use particularly. All relying on, base on to fighting itself cultivation base of both sides, regardless of battle formation how tricky, during this fast changing expert confrontation, negligently will only smile naturally. 战局之决,尤其是高层次强者之间的战局,军阵根本就没有任何用处。所有的凭恃,都基于对战双方的本身修为而已,无论阵势如何巧妙,在这种瞬息万变的强者对阵之中,也只会怠笑大方而已。 Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan smile relatively, disdain looked at that to analyze Battle Formation three protector one, chuckled said: Three idiots!” Mei Xueyan smiles, such as the spring flower blooms...... The humans affair did not have absolutely, formerly sufficiently had not affected to fighting both sides war the battle formation, carved not necessarily not to have, in the future will not have not necessarily! 君莫邪梅雪烟相对一笑,不屑地看了看那正在分析战阵的三位守护者一眼,嘿嘿笑道:“三个白痴!”梅雪烟莞尔一笑,如春花绽放……世事无绝对,从前没有足以影响对战双方战局的阵势,刻下却未必没有,未来更未必没有! These protectors do not know that this greatly is strange triangle Battle Formation, is Jun Moxie Heaven and Earth person Three Absolute Killing Array that’ moves from Hongjun Pagoda! 这几位守护者更不知道,这个大是诡异的三角形战阵,乃是君莫邪鸿钧塔之中调出来的‘天地三才绝杀阵’! Once this launches, when protects and sustains the person three people of strength perfect overlay of formation, shares everything, regard interlinked wonder, but any person of strength, was equal to that the strengths of three people assemble! In other words, after these three people of strengths superimpose, and simultaneously make a move, the strength might was equal to again out of thin air has promoted nine times! 一旦此阵展开,护持阵法的人三人实力完美叠加之余,更有不分彼此,心意相通的之妙,而任何一人的战力,都等于是三个人的实力总合!也就是说,这三人实力叠加之后,再兼同时出手,实力威力等于是凭空提升了九倍! This, can it be that common armed forces? 这,岂是寻常的军阵而已? Please!” “请!” Please!” “请!” Invitations of two gloomy fight sound to resound, six person sudden tornado common wars make one group! 两声低沉的邀战声音响起,六个人突然旋风一般的战做一团! The war from the beginning, immediately falls into deadlock! The war of life and death, everybody make a move certainly kills, no one will be forgiving! 战局一开始,就即时陷入胶着状态之中!生死之战,大家一出手就是绝杀,谁也不会留情! The white shade flutters about, three Sacred Land Venerable simultaneously make a move, instantaneous , everyone has attacked at least several to draw on, is throws good-fittingly, launches the bad risk near body hand-to-hand fighting! 白影纷飞,三位圣地尊者同时出手,瞬间之中,每人都已经攻出至少十几招来,然后才是合身扑上,展开更加凶险的近身肉搏战! But opposite party the actions of three black clothed form actually not then engagements, but has launched a dazzling position transformation suddenly, just likes windmill general revolving, three people of final footholds throughout maintain invariable, changed players. 而对方的三道黑衣身影却并无即可接战的举动,而是突然展开了一种令人眼花缭乱的方位转换,犹如风车一般的旋转起来,偏偏三人的最终落脚点始终保持不变,就只是换了人而已。 Bang bang bang sound unceasing resounding, the location among dust is suddenly filling the heavens! 嘭嘭嘭的声音不绝的响起,场地正中间突然间尘土弥天! The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master vision dodges, say|way that suddenly thought aloud: This formation... Very strange... Seriously a little meaning......” 九幽十四少眼光一闪,突然自言自语的道:“这个阵法…很古怪…当真有点意思……” Actually sees, three black clothed guys revolve unceasingly, moistens slightly walks, how but regardless of to fluctuate, three footholds of people, are actually similar to beforehand defined that the good position to be ordinary, throughout does not leave the three person initial standing positions, attacks from Sacred Land three Great Venerable, often, when a first person refutes, but other two people while this during, crazily jointly attack another! 却见阵中,三名黑衣大汉不断地旋转,稍沾即走,但无论怎么变幻,三个人的落脚点,却如同事先限定好位置一般,始终不离三个人最初的站立方位,来自圣地大尊者的攻击,往往被当先的一人硬顶回去,而其余的两个人就趁着这个当口,疯狂合击另外一位! Three black clothed guys in the rotations, actually resemble under each other body is distributed throughout visible does not have the qualitative thorough great net together, this invisible net, the skill perfect fusions of three people, the perfect equal distribution, assigns to three people of everyone bodies of Battle Formation above, the might is gradually getting bigger and bigger...... War around also twinkling time, unexpectedly occupied the comprehensive hosts to turn from the beginning evenly matched from Sacred Land Venerable, then, with the lapse of time, also was compelled to drop the wind again gradually the meaning! 三个黑衣大汉在转动之间,却似在彼此身周布下一道有形无质的绵密巨网,这张无形的网,将三个人的功力完美的融合,再完美的平均分配出去,分配到战阵的三人每个人身体之上,渐渐地威力越来越大……战局一开始前后也不过瞬息时间,居然已经从圣地尊者占据全面主动转成了势均力敌,再然后,随着时间的推移,还有逐渐被逼落下风的意思! The situation, more and more is grim! 形势,越来越是严峻! „It is not wonderful!” The Cheng Yinxiao vision concentrates, blurted out: What's all this about? Has this war, how made into so the appearance? Does could it be that three people of strange battle formation, have greatest Profound Principle seriously?” “不妙!”成吟啸目光一凝,脱口而出:“这是怎么回事?这一战,怎地打成了如此模样?难道那三人的古怪阵势,当真有莫大玄机吗?” Strange event has year after year, this year are specially many, can the war of steady grass confidence in victory, make into so the appearance unexpectedly? Really is the Xuan Xuan Continent strongest influence is at worthily, is the capable person cannot seriously!” “怪事年年有,今年特别多,本来稳艹胜券的一战,居然能打成这般模样?果然不愧是玄玄大陆的最强势力所在啊,当真是能人所不能啊!” Some gloomy sound, said with the mystifying expression ridicule. Cheng Yinxiao following the sound turns the head to look, actually does not need to look that can use this sound and this expression in this place, in this way the naked ridicule words speech, besides Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, does not have other people again. 某个阴森森的声音,偏偏用阴阳怪气的语气嘲弄道。成吟啸循声转头望去,其实根本就不用看,在此地能用这种声音、这种语气、如斯赤裸裸的嘲弄话语说话的,除了九幽十四少之外,再无他人。 The vision institute, really saw that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master arrived at oneself body to lean silently 32 zhang (3.33 m) place, was congealing the fierce combat in item of gaze field. 目光所及,果然见到九幽十四少无声无息地来到了自己身侧32丈处,正凝目注视场中的激战。 So is away from, regarding Saint Emperor above expert, does not have the distance to say, if Cheng Yinxiao and other people of seriously under extreme methods sneak attacks, even if Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also inevitably must be one by one ruthless, but others dare to come, this bearing, is actually is not skill Expert brave can describe! 如此距离,对于圣皇以上的强者而言,根本就全无距离可言,若是成吟啸等三人当真下死手偷袭,就算九幽十四少也势必要挨个狠的,可人家偏偏就敢过来,这份气度,却已非是艺高人胆大所能形容的了! In the Jun Moxie heart clamored: Bah, any skill Expert is brave, radically was this madman rampantly to extreme, has not all placed in the eye three big expert, even is also hoping their make a move, this Young Master currently does not have his strength, if there is a that strength, this Young Master can more rampant...... _ yes, skill Expert brave! 君莫邪心中叫嚣:呸,什么艺高人胆大,根本就是这狂人嚣张到了极处,全没把三大强者放在眼内,甚至还盼着他们出手呢,本公子目前就没他那实力,要是有那实力,本公子可以更嚣张……是,更艺高人胆大! Cheng Yinxiao actually resembles does not mind the taunt of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master completely, still from congealing the item looks in the field, frowns saying: Individual strength, is the overall strength, or is the coordination, these three Venerable that a Sacred Land side goes to battle with display completely is remarkable, goes far beyond the opposite party, even if I and others personally make a move, abandons individual strength not to count, is not necessarily able to be stronger than them! But...... Will so tacit strength of matching with meticulous care, be pressed by the enemy unexpectedly is hitting? This matter, is extremely unsolvable! How unable to convince!” 成吟啸却似完全不介意九幽十四少的嘲讽,仍自凝目看着场中,皱着眉头道:“无论是个人实力,还是整体战力,又或者是彼此之间的配合,圣地一方出战的这三位尊者表现得尽都是可圈可点,远远超过对方,即便是我等亲自出手,抛开个人实力不计的话,也未必能比他们更强!可……搭配的如此丝丝入扣的默契实力,竟会被对方压着来打?这件事,殊不可解!怎地也说不通啊!” Heavenly Saint Palace more mixed, was feels sorry for seriously very much. Was known as protector who strength by far Saint Emperor level so will not have the vision unexpectedly, seriously is pitiful lamentable. It seems like the decline of Heavenly Saint Palace, refers to saying that may treat!” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sleeve gathers together both hands, still said from the syllables ending in vowels ridicule. 天圣宫越混越回去了,当真是可怜得很。号称实力远胜圣皇层次的守护者竟会如此的没有眼光,当真是可悲可叹哪。看来天圣宫的没落,已经是指曰可待了!”九幽十四少袖拢双手,仍自阴声讥讽道。 Old man so far only sees, that three people of position, as if very much the somewhat strange meaning, as for other, actually has seriously not looked \; The Brother 14 discernment has, please is liberal to advise.” Qu Wuhui does not have pissed off, instead sought for advice modestly. “老夫到目前为止就只看出,那三人的站位,似乎很有些古怪的意思,至于其他的,却是当真没有看出来\;十四兄法眼独具,尚请不吝指教。”曲勿回并没有生气,反而虚心求教。 Open-minded, is actually one generation of Expert demeanor. 虚怀若谷,却是一代高人的风度。 That three people of Sacred Land aspect, the result has been doomed, was finished to end inevitably!” 圣地方面的那三人,结局已经注定了,必然是完蛋收场!” In Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master black light dodges, indifferently said: This Young Master said that your vision is insufficient, could it be also spoke incorrectly, you only saw had the strangeness, quite the same as has not actually discovered strange in the end there......” 九幽十四少目中黑光一闪,淡淡地道:“本公子说你们眼光不够,难道还说错了,你们就只看出了有古怪,却浑然没有发现古怪到底在那里……” You, so long as carefully observes, that three black-clothed man attack each time, is it may be said that unpredictable \; This is also makes the person look at not the clear most primary factor. Battle Formation that they revolve although is truly ever-changing, but their strengths are actually inferior our generation, even if movement technique is singularly varied , the eye of difficult running away our generation, so long as the time is slightly long, has the clues to seek finally, this Young Master is also therefore has ascertained their this Battle Formation mysteries in......” “你们只要仔细观察一下,那三个黑衣人每次出击,可谓变幻莫测\;这也是让人看不明白的最主要因素。他们所运转的战阵虽然确实变幻无常,但他们本身的实力却远逊于我辈,身法纵然奇幻,亦难逃我辈之眼,只要时间稍长,终有蛛丝马迹可寻,本公子亦是因此窥破了他们这战阵的奥妙所在……” What mystery?” “什么奥妙?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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