OEM :: Volume #9

#895: The first war, the war of Venerable!

In this time, shouting, three person's shadows appear in the locations towering. Does not have the least bit sound, before then, suddenly anybody had not realized. 就在此时,“呼”的一声,三条人影突兀地出现在场地中间。全无半点声息,在此之前,竟然任何人也没有察觉。 Comes the person Heavenly Saint Palace three big protectors, All-seeing Eye Rakshasa Qiao Ying, Seal Heart Sky Sword Cheng Yinxiao, Vertical Intent Wild Saber Qu Wuhui, simultaneously appears here! 来人正是天圣宫的三大守护者,慧眼罗刹乔影,封心天剑成吟啸,纵意狂刀曲勿回,同时出现在这里! Some Qiao Ying temples send scattered in disorder, the elegant face color is pale, Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui two people completely are the clothes robe disruption, the corners of the mouth faintly have the bloodstain to preserve, the complexion is the pale golden color, clearly received the heavy internal injury. 乔影有些鬓发散乱,俏脸面色苍白,成吟啸曲勿回两个人则尽都是衣袍碎裂,嘴角更隐隐有血迹存留,脸色呈淡金色,分明是受了不轻的内伤。 The smiling face on Jun Moxie face stiffens. In heart was scolding Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master: He is really useless! Altogether such three people unexpectedly made them live, altogether hasn't stayed behind?...... Even if constrains them to be also good. Now may be booing, has such three people here, father here thorough was passive! Even if their strength is not the big threat! 君莫邪脸上的笑容僵住。心中一个劲的在骂九幽十四少:丫真没用!一共就这么三个人居然让他们活着回来了,一共都没留下?……哪怕是拖住他们也行啊。现在可倒好,有这么三个人在这里,老子这边彻底的被动了!就算他们战力不全也是大威胁啊! „Did you comply? Then, your three big protectors, can participate in this decisive battle?” Therefore Jun Moxie makes the stunned say/way. “你答应了?这么说来,你们三大守护者,也要参加这一场决战?”君莫邪故做愕然的道。 No, they do not participate. They may not have the leisure to participate, they must do witnesses this war! Like them, this Young Master is also the witness of this war.” A gloomy sound conveys distantly, resembles suddenly near, flutters \; Is bringing dense Ghost Qi of being hard spoken language...... Also there is a person's shadow to dodge, shadow leisurely (Youran) falls the ground, that person stands obviously here, but the whole person actually moves fast, leisure such as does not exist general. “不,他们不参加。他们可没有余暇参与,他们要做的只是见证这一战而已!与他们一样,本公子也是这场大战的见证人。”一个阴森森的声音遥遥传来,似远忽近,飘飘荡荡\;带着一股难以言语的森森鬼气……又有人影一闪,一条黑影悠然落到地上,那人明明就站在这里,但整个人却飘飘忽忽,遑如根本不存在一般。 By this strange way appearance, except for Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also who! 以这种古怪方式现身者,除了九幽十四少还有何人! Scale was also too big!” In the Jun Moxie heart whispered, the feeling of star team. This decisive battle, has the Heavenly Saint Palace three protector and Number One Under the Heaven expert Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master unexpectedly simultaneously visits to observe the testimony! “规模也太大了些!”君莫邪心中嘀咕,有一种明星球队的感觉。这一场决战,居然有天圣宫的三位守护者和天下第一高手九幽十四少同时莅临观战见证! Whom regardless of this fights to win who loses, will vibrate the world! If Jun Moxie won, will break in this world directly the original pattern! Beside Three Great Sacred Lands of dominant world, adds on Evil Monarch again! 无论这一战谁胜谁负,都将震动天下!若是君莫邪胜了,将直接打破这个世界上原有的格局!在统治世界的三大圣地之外,再加上一位邪之君主 Evil Monarch Palace! 邪君府 On Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master spotless, a black robe, is still smooth, seemingly pleats unnecessarily does not have, but the opposite party three people are actually completely obviously distressed. The result that these four people fight, did not ask that may know high, under distinct. 九幽十四少身上一尘不染,一袭黑袍,依然是平平整整,貌似连个多余褶子都没有,而对方三人却已是尽显狼狈。这四个人一战的结果,已经是不问可知、高下分明。 In Jun Moxie heart certain, said with a smile: Such being the case, I then truly felt relieved.” 君莫邪心中一定,笑道:“既然如此,那我便真正放心了。” little brat, you did not worry actually, if this Young Master does not come, your more than 300 people, on the extreme danger, ironclad will be eaten by these three protectors cleanly. Not looks at that three people seemingly distressedly, tidies up your here these people to have more than enough to spare the drop, how do you ponder over to thank this Young Master?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said with a smile. 小子,你倒是不怎么担心啊,若是本公子不来,那你这300多人,就羊入虎口了,铁定会被这三位守护者吃得干干净净。莫看那三人貌似狼狈,收拾你这里这些人还是绰绰有余滴,你琢磨该怎么感谢本公子呢?”九幽十四少笑道。 Thank naturally must thank, as for way of thanks...... It would be better if delivers you one completely how smiles arrogant Jiang Hu?” Jun Moxie said with a smile. “感谢自然要感谢的,至于感谢的方式呢……莫如就送你一曲完整的笑傲江湖如何?”君莫邪微笑道。 Oh? Is you? Originally is you!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in the eyes hold, looks at Jun Moxie black light greatly, in the eyes reveals an exceptionally excited brilliance. ?是你?原来是你!”九幽十四少眼中黑光大盛,看着君莫邪,眼中露出一种异常兴奋的光彩。 „It is not I.” Jun Moxie shows a faint smile. The heart said that even if you do not come, my these people also decidedly not whatever Three Great Sacred Lands will butcher, will be worst, father with Hongjun Pagoda one volume, all people will simultaneously disappear to walk, will then go in again, even if they will be Nine Nether First Young Master, will unable to look! If no this subsequent party, father also coming out dry shenma? When target? “可不就是我。”君莫邪微微一笑。心道,就算你不来,我这些人也断然不会任由三大圣地宰割,最不济,老子拿鸿钧塔一卷,所有人同时消失走路,然后自己再进去,就算他们是九幽第一少,也找不出来!若是没有这点后手,老子还出来干神马?当靶子吗? When father sha? 当老子傻的吗? However, since your this free fool came, that used a popular song to send, but father's here popular song also many, can use your this fool absolutely 100...... 100...... Cheng Yinxiao since arrives at this place, he and Qu Wuhui eyes has stared in the behind Jun Moxie more than 300 people. More looks more reveals expression astonishment, more looked that more is in the heart shocks inexplicably! 不过,既然你这个免费的冤大头来了,那就用一首流行歌曲打发了吧,老子这里的流行歌曲可是还有许多的,绝对可以利用你这个冤大头100遍啊……100遍……成吟啸自从到来此地,他与曲勿回的眼睛就一直盯在君莫邪身后的300多人身上。越看越显神色惊讶,越看越是心中震撼莫名! cultivation base of these two people, already surmounted among the common customs to be extremely the peak level, the vision shape is sharp, was only one looks at the past, has understood clearly the Sky Razing Soul Devourers value to be at! 这两个人的修为,早已超越了世俗间所能够达到极峰层次,目光更形锐利,就只是一眼瞄过去,就已洞悉了残天噬魂的价值所在! The present more than 300 people, the strength no doubt excels, has not actually placed these two in a big way to protect Expert in the eyes, the mysterious method of that promotion strength but, they behind actually possibly have, is actually the formidable enticement that anybody cannot stand! 眼前的这300多人,战力固然高强,却还不放在这两大守护高人眼中,但,他们身后却可能存在的那种提升实力的神奇方法,却是任何人都禁受不起的强大诱惑! They look one, saw opposite party in the eyes inexplicable excited. If there is mysterious means of having promotes like this rapidly seriously, to the entire human is a greatest gospel! Even can directly organize the army, has killed Heaven Pillar Mountain, exterminates the clan these damn alien race people directly, forever elimination future trouble, gets it over and done! 两人对望一眼,均看到了对方眼中的莫名兴奋。若是当真存在有这样快速提升的神奇办法,对整个人类都是一种莫大的福音!甚至可以直接组织大军,杀过天柱山,将那些该死的异族人直接灭族,永远的消除后患,一劳永逸! Jun Moxie, as if was also only you put forward the condition a moment ago, we complied completely, but since were the gambling house then must bet the justice, a moment ago only then explained us, if lost must give any condition, has not actually come to an arrangement, if you lost finally...... How also deserves?” Cheng Yinxiao say/way with a smile: Cannot only permit you to put forward the condition, but doesn't allow us to put forward the request?” 君莫邪,刚才似乎还只是你们提出了条件,我们已经全部答应,但既然是赌局便要赌公道,刚才只有说明我们若是输了要给出什么条件,却还没有说妥,若是你们最终输了……又该当如何呢?”成吟啸笑吟吟的道:“总不能只许你们提条件,而不允许我们提要求吧?” Where has this matter? Bets bets the justice! You have any condition, naturally can also raise! This Young Master listens in reverent attention here.” Jun Moxie shows a faint smile, looks that these two Sky Sword Absolute Saber size up itself and the others the looks, there has not understood that what condition they must put forward, actually does this also serve a need to think carefully? “哪有此事?赌就赌公道!你们有什么条件,自然也是可以提!本公子在这里洗耳恭听。”君莫邪微微一笑,看着这两位天剑绝刀打量自己等人的眼神,那里还不明白他们要提出什么条件,其实这还用得着仔细想嘛? Really, only listens to Qu Wuhui saying: Our conditions only have one. If our side won, you and your subordinates, join Heavenly Saint Palace together, becomes Heavenly Saint Palace subordinate strength. This how?” 果然,只听曲勿回道:“我们的条件只有一个。若是我们这一方胜了,你和你的这些属下,一起加入天圣宫,成为天圣宫的直属力量。这样如何?” Cheng Yinxiao shows a faint smile: Does not use for security problem worry, so long as you have become the person of Heavenly Saint Palace subordinate, then, Three Great Sacred Lands anybody will not aim at you again. Because copes with you, is equal to coping with Heavenly Saint Palace, even if Mo Wudao, he does not dare! As the matter stands, was equal to eliminating you biggest misery to be. Does not have the extra worries again!” 成吟啸微微一笑:“不用为安全问题忧心,只要你们成了天圣宫所属之人,那么,三大圣地的任何人也不会再针对你们。因为对付你们,就等于对付天圣宫,就算是莫无道,他也不敢!这样一来,也等于是消除了你们最大的忧患所在。再也没有后顾之忧!” Good! I complied!” Jun Moxie slightly not hesitant, readily agrees directly. Will not defeat in any case, like this oral commitment, complies why not. “好!我答应了!”君莫邪丝毫也没有犹豫,直接一口答应下来。反正自己决计不会败,这样的口头承诺,答应又何妨。 Young Master Jun complies so happily, even both were startled including Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui two people, some cannot believe oneself ear simply. This...... Complied? 君大少爷答应得如此痛快,甚至连成吟啸曲勿回两个人都吃了一惊,简直有些不敢相信自己的耳朵。这……就答应了? could it be he unexpectedly such having confidence? 难道他竟然如此的有把握吗? Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, cannot help but looked at Jun Moxie one with the astonished vision. 就连九幽十四少,也不由得用惊异的目光看了君莫邪一眼。 At his eyesight, naturally can look, if discussed the single strength, in two camps, compared with expert of same level, the person in Three Great Sacred Lands aspect has taken an advantage of fighting steadily, the skill was solid, mental state was stable, moreover performed is repeatedly tempered, each one was passes through hundred wars. 以他的眼力,自然看得出来,若是论单个的实力,双方阵营之中,相同的层次的强者相比较,还是三大圣地方面的人占了一个稳扎稳打的便宜,功力扎实,心境稳定,而且尽都千锤百炼,个个都是身经百战 Reviews a Jun Moxie side, although is fighting intent is also soaring, moreover flavor/smell that everybody one share fierce does not fear, rigid discipline, the thickness of killing intent, this truly above the person of Sacred Land, but the skill somewhat is impure . Moreover, after many some promote forcefully , the irritable feeling of completely not having fused...... Perhaps such confrontation, is defeats the surface to be in the majority, why did Jun Moxie comply unexpectedly without hesitation? 反观君莫邪一方,虽然也是战意高昂,而且人人有一股子悍不畏死的味道,纪律严明,杀气之浓,就这点确实远在圣地之人之上,但功力却有些不纯,而且,多少有些强行提升之后并没有完全融合的别扭感觉……这样的对阵,恐怕是败面居多,为何君莫邪竟然毫不犹豫地答应下来了? Good! Young Master Jun is really the bold air-drying clouds.” Cheng Yinxiao said: How this match regardless of the victory or defeat, to simple of Young Master Jun, to become to express the admiration! Now said that this war, the life and death victory or defeat, meets one's fate with resignation! Has the Heavenly Saint Palace three big protector and recognition mainland first expert Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master witnesses by oneself, both sides, can not renege on a promise. Otherwise, must be collaborated to chase down by my four people!” “好!君公子果然是豪气干云。”成吟啸赞道:“此役无论胜败如何,对君公子的干脆,成某都表示钦佩!今曰这一战,生死胜败,听天由命!有天圣宫三大守护者和公认的大陆第一高手九幽十四少亲身见证,双方,不得反悔。否则,必遭我四人联手追杀!” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master look dodges, is somewhat disgruntled. He acknowledged that was not Number One Under the Heaven expert...... Cheng Yinxiao said that at this time he is any first expert, clearly is stimulates him...... Let alone, without passing through him agreeing with, will collaborate to chase down with him...... This independently decides! 九幽十四少眼神一闪,有些不悦。他已经自己承认不是天下第一高手了……成吟啸这时候却偏偏说他是什么第一高手,分明是刺激他……更何况,在没有经过他同意的情况下,就将与他‘联手追杀’……这更是自作主张! hmph hmph, since you do not draw lesson, many this Young Master are good to your next several underhanded tricks...... Thinks, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master form flutters, arrives at the ringside, grasps conveniently, in ground is high a big stone, he sat. The posture ease, obviously waited to watch the fun...... life and death decisive battle, only asked the victory or defeat! The victory lives to suffer a defeat and flee, does not have complaint respectively!” Cheng Yinxiao complexion suddenly cold, said: „The first war! Three Great Sacred Lands going to battle, three Fourth Level Venerable!” 哼哼,既然你们不吸取教训,最多本公子在向你们下几次阴手好了……这么想了想,九幽十四少身影飘动,走到场边,随手一抓,地面上“噗”的一声高起来一块大石头,他一屁股坐了上去。姿势闲逸潇洒,显然是就等着看热闹了……“生死决战,只求胜败!胜生败亡,各无怨言!”成吟啸脸色骤然冷了下来,道:“第一战!三大圣地出战者,三位四级尊者!” Said that these words, Cheng Yinxiao and other people also retroceded, flutter 20 ten feets away. Vacates middle to fighting location. 说完了这句话,成吟啸等三人同时后退,飘出20丈之外。空出中间的对战场地。 Three Fourth Level Venerable......” Jun Moxie light smiling, said to Solitary Eagle: Old Eagle, this war, please arrange the manpower to go to battle!” “三位四级尊者么……”君莫邪淡淡的笑了笑,对鹰搏空道:“鹰老,这一战,请你安排人手出战!” Solitary Eagle laughed, expression transfers very severe color, said fierce: Sacred Land Venerable goes to battle, our Venerable, who meets head-on?” 鹰搏空哈哈一笑,神色转为酷厉之色,厉声道:“圣地尊者出战,我方尊者,谁来迎战?” The sound of footsteps gets up, in more than 300 people, all Fourth Level Venerable cultivation base members simultaneously proceed one step! The imposing manner sees to sink to congeal greatly, the under foot earth trembles loudly! 脚步声起,300多人之中,所有的四级尊者修为成员同时往前一步!气势大见沉凝,脚下大地轰然一颤! Solitary Eagle focuses attention on the forefront three people, said: Is your three. Goes to battle!” 鹰搏空注目最前面的三人,道:“就是你们三个吧。出战!” Three people acknowledged loudly. 三个人轰然应诺。 Solitary Eagle said loudly: Regardless of who goes to battle, old man's request only has one: permits Sheng cannot defeat! The victory, lives, defeat, dies! If there is defeated, that does not need to come back, suicides to apologize in the location directly!” 鹰搏空大声道:“无论何人出战,老夫的要求只有一个:许胜不许败!胜,就是生,败,就是死!若是败了,那也不必回来了,直接就在场地之中自刎谢罪吧!” Three people simultaneously shouted: „If there is defeated, I and others did not have face to come back to see Young Master! Only has a dead telegram it!” Three people of expression are imposing, simultaneously takes a step to tread. 三人同时喝道:“若是败了,我等也没有脸面回来见公子!唯有一死报之!”三人神色凛然,同时举步踏出。 As three people simultaneously walked, swift and fierce killing intent, then such as a handle sharp sword, overran toward the opposite! Three people go to battle, this imposing manner is similar to the mighty force is ordinary! 随着三人同时走了出来,一股凌厉的杀气,便如一柄利剑,直直地向着对面冲了过去!只是三个人出战,这气势却如同千军万马一般! A blood and iron Battle Formation murdering aura surges loudly! 一股铁血战阵的杀伐气息轰然涌起! These 300 people, are really extraordinary!” The Cheng Yinxiao imposing look still the self-locking decided on a Sky Raiders member, suddenly sighed. “这300人,委实不平凡哪!”成吟啸凛然眼神仍自锁定在一名残天队员身上,突然叹息一声。 Good! In world...... Where comes quantity such many genius?” The Qu Wuhui complexion is dignified, said: Besides the forefront two, other people, actually does not have a person of over 40-year-old age! Brother Cheng, this scene...... If not for personally sees, I cannot believe!” “不错!世间……哪里来得数量如此之多的天才?”曲勿回脸色凝重,道:“除了最前面的那两人之外,其他的人,竟然没有一人超过40岁的年纪!成兄,这个场景……若不是亲眼所见,我是决计不能相信!” Cheng Yinxiao partly is gathering the eye, said: How to believe? That Jun Moxie also less than 20, actually reached Saint Emperor Realm, to be how could it not be more fearful, is more incredible! Believes in this child hand, or in his mysterious teacher hand, decides however has some secret promotion strength mysterious method! Moreover, will not have any future trouble...... This discovery, no small matter.” 成吟啸半合着眼睛,道:“如何不信?那君莫邪还不满20,却已臻圣皇境界,岂非更加可怕,更加令人难以置信!相信在此子手中,又或者在他的那位神秘师尊手里,定然有某种秘密提升实力神秘手段!而且,不会有什么后患……这个发现,非同小可。” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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