OEM :: Volume #9

#894: The condition, I want Exquisite Lotus!

Actually does not know that is what method?” In He Zhiqiu reveals an appreciation. He had never had to do with Jun Moxie before, and what person unclear Baiyanqian this young fellow bone is. At this moment saw that the Jun Moxie manner is mild-mannered and cultivated, every word and deeds, are the elegant bearing, free and easy nature. Furthermore young has, does not have wildly arrogant of average person, in the heart has the meaning that one type acclaimed heartfeltly faintly. “却不知是什么方法?”何知秋目中露出一丝欣赏。他之前从未与君莫邪打过交道,并不明白眼前这个少年人骨子是一个什么样的人。此刻看到君莫邪举止温文尔雅,一言一行,均是风度翩翩,洒脱自然。更兼年少有成,却又无一般人的骄狂,心中隐隐有一种由衷赞叹的意思。 Therefore, on the list from the innermost feelings, he does not repel Jun Moxie this abundant god such as the youth of jade. Even especially in unceasing acclaiming: So the youth, seriously is outstanding person phoenix. How the humans affair to make the person, both sides actually must stand above, the irreconcilable awkward standpoint hostilely, must grow the sound to sigh seriously...... If what big Saint Emperor knows that at present this fellow is holding the ideas of a lot of dirty trick to plan in him, and has planned that vicious despicable to the extreme plot...... Thinks that He Zhiqiu did not need to fight a decisive battle, the direct blood spurted to irritate at the scene is OK...... Will the fellow of Jun Moxie this lot of dirty trick, how propose to the disadvantageous tactic? Let alone, Sky Razing Soul Devourers was he has poured into a mental effort most team, was his sentiment deepest team! Is the Jun Family trump card and sign! He will not allow this team to have any damage! 所以,就单从内心中,他并不排斥君莫邪这个丰神如玉的少年。甚至尤在不断的赞叹:如此少年,当真是人中龙凤。奈何世事弄人,双方却要站在敌对、不死不休的尴尬立场之上,当真要让人长声一叹……若是何大圣皇知道眼前这家伙正抱着一肚子坏水的主意在算计于他,而且还是那种狠毒卑鄙到了极点的阴谋算计……想必何知秋也不用等决战了,直接一口鲜血喷出来当场气死就可以了……君莫邪这个一肚子坏水的家伙,怎么会提出对自己不利的战术?更何况,残天噬魂是他倾注了心力最多的一支队伍,也是他感情最深的队伍!更是君家的王牌和标志!他不会允许这支队伍有任何损伤! „The Sacred Land aspect participates said now war altogether 35 people, from Venerable to Saint Emperor, all levels of expert completely have, this Young Master considers like this. If the one-to-one contest, really extremely wastes the time. Lets what Saint Emperor and sea Saint Emperor two discusses, simply lets the different levels, forms the different fight matches. But me, gives the corresponding level the strength, Venerable to Venerable, Saint to Saint, Saint Emperor to Saint Emperor, so fights a decisive battle fairly, the life and death does not count, suffers a defeat and flees till a side total! Opening by the live person, by deceased person result! Under what Saint Emperor intent how?” 圣地方面参与今曰战局的共得35人,从尊者圣皇,各级高手尽有,本公子是这样思量的。若是一对一的较量,实在太过浪费时间。就让何圣皇和海圣皇两位商量一下,干脆让不同的层次,形成不同的战斗对局。而我这边,也给出相应层次的战力,尊者尊者,圣者圣者,圣皇圣皇,这般公平决战,生死不计,直到一方全数败亡为止!以活人开局,以死人终局!何圣皇意下如何?” Jun Moxie is smiling, words that but said that was actually is similar to pinpoints general \; Opening by the live person, by deceased person result! This was one brutal to the decision of extreme. Meanwhile, has given the He Zhiqiu huge pressure! 君莫邪微笑着,但说出来的话,却是如同针锋一般\;‘以活人开局,以死人结局’!这是一个残酷到了极点的决定。同时,也给了何知秋巨大的压力! Because of the Three Great Sacred Lands present lineup, these 30 people cannot lose! Once loses, will cause suffering defeat of Seized Heaven War! 因为三大圣地现在的阵容,这30人已经损失不起!一旦损失,就将导致夺天之战的败北! Worrying at the same time, in the He Zhiqiu heart suddenly relaxed greatly. The means that the opposite party proposed, customized for Three Great Sacred Lands simply. Such forms of combat, Three Great Sacred Lands aspect respective expert, absolutely is extremely advantageous, even has the victory without the defeat! 捏了一把冷汗的同时,何知秋心中顿时大大地松了一口气。对方提出的这个办法,简直就是为三大圣地量身定做的。如此的战斗方式,三大圣地方面所属的高手,绝对是极有利的,甚至是有胜无败的! expert that because Three Great Sacred Lands sends, with the First Layer time, subordinates in same Sacred Land particularly, being together of several hundred years of long times, tacit understanding, obviously already to faint mind interlinked situation. If collaborates to jointly attack, its might far more than can double! 因为三大圣地派出来的高手,尤其是同一层次的,隶属于同一圣地的,彼此之间均有数百年漫长光阴的相处,相互之间的默契,显然已经是到了隐隐心灵相通的地步。若是联手合击,其威力何止能增长一倍! Sacred Land when sends, performs to put in the form that the partner combines. 圣地在派人出来的时候,尽都是以搭档组合的形式放出来的。 But on the side of Jun Moxie strength, strength, although is extremely high, clearly forcefully has actually promoted itself cultivation base in some special way, although the strength is high, but corresponding cultivation base mental state actually unavoidable insufficient, the discerning person understood at a glance that Jun Moxie chooses such fight method, what is at variance with courts death! 君莫邪一边的战力,实力虽似极高,却分明是以某种特殊方式强行提升了本身修为,实力虽高,但相应的修为心境却难免不足,明眼人一看就知,君莫邪选择这样的战斗方法,何异于找死! Good! Young Master Jun straight talk from a straightforward person, settled in light of this!” He Zhiqiu does not turn round, because of we these expert strength levels, already performed in his mind. He has calculated rapidly, said: Our total 35 people. And Fourth Level Venerable, three people. First Level Saint five people, Second Level Saint seven people, Third Level Saint eight people, Fourth Level Saint nine people, Saint Emperor three people.” “好!君公子快人快语,就此说定!”何知秋也不回身,因为本方这些高手的实力层次,早已尽在他的脑海之中了。他迅速的计算了一下,道:“我方共计35人。其中四级尊者,三人。一级圣者五人,二级圣者七人,三级圣者八人,四级圣者九人,圣皇三人。” He Zhiqiu smiled, actually smiled fall scenery of face to be desolate, said: So computation, when may fight six. However, finally a Saint Emperor war, He actually hopes and Young Master Jun independent combat. Consults the Young Master Jun unparalleled unsurpassed artistry well!” 何知秋笑了笑,却笑出了一脸的秋色苍凉,道:“如此计算,当可战六阵。不过,最后圣皇一战,何某却希望与君公子单打独斗一阵。好好请教一下君公子的无双绝艺!” Should so, definitely not have issue!” Jun Moxie complies generously, seemingly naturally. “合该如此,决计没有问题!”君莫邪慨然答应,貌似大方之极。 This, in Three Great Sacred Lands camp, although everybody are unemotionally listens to them to speak, but in the look of everyone, had an excitement. 这一来,三大圣地阵营之中,虽然人人都是面无表情的听着两人在说话,但每个人的眼神之中,却已经有了一丝激动。 Depending on we several hundred years of tacit understanding, early has formed the flawless jointly attacking tactic, Jun Moxie, your this is delivering your hand/surbordinate! Does not do to blame our hand/surbordinate not to be forgiving. 凭我们数百年的默契,早已经形成了天衣无缝的合击战术,君莫邪,你这可是在将你的手下往死里送!休要怪我们手下不留情。 behind Jun Moxie, Sky Razing Soul Devourers and the others are similar to impenetrably thickheaded stones, the expression meaningful glance does not have the least bit to change, but inexplicable soaring fighting intent, actually during spirited ascension. 君莫邪身后,残天噬魂等人如同一块块冥顽不灵的石头,神色眼色没有半点变动,但一股莫名的高昂战意,却在激昂的升腾之中。 Now says the decisive battle, one, is Young Master by the plan of one after next your Three Great Sacred Lands compels to be driven beyond the limits of forbearance. Two, since fights a decisive battle, how also important map good luck! To be honest, that is the Young Master ultimate goal is. Won, how deserves? If there is defeated, how works as?” “今曰决战,一来,乃是本公子被你们三大圣地逼得忍无可忍的下下之策。二来,既然决战,怎地也要图个彩头!说实话,那才是本公子的最终目的所在。胜了,该当如何?若是败了,又当如何?” The He Zhiqiu knitting the brows head , a heart this saying said somewhat shameless. Your this little brat is looks radically our strength is scattered, takes advantage of somebody to grab the ready-made bargain to propose the decisive battle, may arrive at your mouth has become is compelled to have no way out by Three Great Sacred Lands unexpectedly...... Said also too with no conscience...... However He Zhiqiu ponders to have victory in the hand, pours also thinks little. Also, even if Jun Moxie does not put forward the condition, oneself will also put forward the condition. Jun Moxie this saying, was the villain not to say in vain, but must fall into own planning! 何知秋皱了皱眉头,心道这话说得有些无耻。你这小子根本就是看着我们实力分散,趁人之危来捡现成便宜才提出决战的,可到了你嘴里居然成了被三大圣地逼得走投无路……这么说也太昧良心了一些……不过何知秋自忖胜券在握,倒也不以为意。再说了,就算君莫邪不提条件,自己也会提条件的。君莫邪这一说,枉做了小人不说,还要堕入自己的算计之中! Nature, is both sides fights a decisive battle, how can not have the relevant condition. Asked Young Master Jun to state clearly.” The smiling face that He Zhiqiu reveals old fox, the heart said: little brat that your this is wet behind the ears, has crashed into my snare finally automatically! “自然,即是双方决战,如何能没有相应条件。请君公子明说。”何知秋露出一个老狐狸似的笑容,心道:你这乳臭未干的小子,终于自动坠入了我的圈套! The ginger is old spicy...... Opposite Jun Moxie also smiles to face one another, the heart said: Your this old fox, has crashed into my snare finally! The hot pepper is more slightly more suffices taste...... Old small two foxes are planning the opposite party respectively, in a people of heart on own initiative has victory in the hand, complacent. Toward the opposite party, is smiles respectively brightly incomparable. 姜还是老的辣呀……对面的君莫邪也微笑相望,心道:你这只老狐狸,终于坠入了我的圈套!辣椒还是越小越够味啊……一老一小两只狐狸在各自算计着对方,人人心中都自觉胜券在握,得意洋洋。各自向着对方,均是笑得灿烂无比。 If we won, Three Great Sacred Lands must abolish in the common customs, copes with Silver Blizzard City and Situ Family. The Duanmu Family, Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other influence of all activities, moreover after this, these influences no longer receive Sacred Land to restrict, is self-contained. This is the first condition.” Jun Moxie smiled. “若是我们胜了,三大圣地须撤销在世俗之间,对付风雪银城司徒世家端木世家东方世家等势力的一切活动,而且从此之后,这些势力不再受圣地制约,自成一体。这是第一个条件。”君莫邪笑了笑。 This is natural, if you triumph finally \; Our Three Great Sacred Lands does not have face to do again regarding these matters.” He Zhiqiu wind light Yun Dan smiles. The heart said that little brat you are too tender, thinks not well...... „the second condition the condition, if we won, then, before Seized Heaven War, Three Great Sacred Lands henceforth can not again to our make a move!” Jun Moxie cunning smiles. He only said Three Great Sacred Lands does not permit to own make a move, did not have to say one may not to Three Great Sacred Lands make a move...... This is actually a prediction trap. “这是自然,若是你们最终得胜\;我们三大圣地对于这些事情也没有脸面再做下去。”何知秋风轻云淡的一笑。心道小子你还是太嫩,连条件都想不好……“第二个条件,若是我们胜了,那么,在夺天之战之前,三大圣地从此不得再对我方出手!”君莫邪刁滑的一笑。他只说了三大圣地不准对自己出手,却没有说自己也不可对三大圣地出手……这却是一个实打实的预言陷阱。 Does He Zhiqiu year to year in Heavenly Saint Palace painstaking cultivation, where actually consider to obtain Jun Moxie these many cunning plot? hearing this without hesitation, natural say|way: This is natural. If you won, the natural past lond standing grudge wrote off, henceforth smiled to vanish the love and hate.” 何知秋常年在天圣宫苦修,却又哪里考虑得到君莫邪这么多的花花肠子闻言不假思索,理所当然的道:“这是自然。若是你们胜了,自然前尘旧怨一笔勾销,从此一笑泯恩仇。” In the Jun Moxie heart bah, heart has smiled to vanish the love and hate? You deliberately consider? Dares to ponder over, you want, Elder Brother I have not wanted. 君莫邪心中呸了一声,心道一笑泯恩仇?你怎么寻思的呢?真敢琢磨啊,你愿意,哥哥我还不愿意呢。 „The third condition, if we won. I want Exquisite Lotus in Heavenly Saint Palace...... Under the Nine Knot Lotus petal has jade jadeite lotus root not to be lower than three Exquisite Lotus one!” Jun Moxie chuckled, proposed condition that oneself most want, simultaneously this condition is also a heavy case bomb. “第三个条件,若是我们胜了。我要天圣宫之中的玲珑莲……九节莲瓣下有翡翠玉藕不低于三节的玲珑莲一株!”君莫邪嘿嘿一笑,提出了自己最想要的条件,同时这条件也是一个重磅炸弹。 This is not good!” He Zhiqiu had not considered including the consideration that opens the mouth to reject directly. “这个不行!”何知秋连考虑都没有考虑,直接开口拒绝。 „Since Exquisite Lotus has been Heavenly Saint Palace ten thousand years two treasures, do not say that is entire formation Exquisite Lotus, even if a piece of lotus petal, is the impossible to divulge to an outsider. This, do you trade a condition?” 玲珑莲乃是天圣宫万年以来的不二镇宫之宝,不要说是一整株成型的玲珑莲,就算是一片莲瓣,也是绝不可能外传的。这个,你换个条件吧?” If can trade, I do not raise.” Jun Moxie dense say|way: What Saint Emperor, believes that you can also hear, reason that I the first two conditions were equal to that has not raised is the same, that also proposed before does not favor the tactical rules of oneself greatly, attempts nothing but is the establishment of this last condition, if such condition is unable to accept continually that your I said now this decisive battle, is equal to not having the least bit essence! But I complete suffering a loss in the end...... could it be what does Saint Emperor, link this boldness not to have unexpectedly?” “若是能换的话,我也就不提了。”君莫邪森然道:“何圣皇,相信你也听得出来,我之所以前两个条件等于没提一样,还有之前提出的那种大大不利于己的战法,所图的无非就是这最后一个条件的成立,若是连这样的条件都无法应承,那你我今曰这一次决战,等于没有半点实质!我可是完全的吃亏到底……难道圣皇,竟连这点魄力也没有么?” He Zhiqiu frowned, in the heart cursed angrily two, was your this fellow very also shameless? What is called the first two conditions nearly? The old men accepted the first two conditions...... Your actually this grade of wind discouraging talk running on person...... But said: But that Exquisite Lotus in Heavenly Saint Palace is for the most precious object! Old men in Heavenly Saint Palace, although had several hundred years of winter and summer, just has actually seen twice. Was not the thing that the old man can take responsibility, Young Master Jun said radically that to force someone to do something against his will?” 何知秋皱起了眉头,心中怒骂了两声,你这家伙也忒无耻了吧?什么叫做前两个条件近乎没有?老夫都已经答应了前两个条件了……你却来说这等风凉话挤兑人……无奈道:“但那玲珑莲天圣宫之中乃为至宝!老夫在天圣宫虽然已有数百年寒暑,却也只不过见过两次而已。根本就不是老夫能做主的东西,君公子这么说,岂不是强人所难?” Forces someone to do something against his will also well, the good words requested that no matter you steal to snatch, I win in any case! This no discussing!” “强人所难也好,好言相求也罢,不管你去偷去抢,反正我是志在必得!这点没的商量!” Jun Moxie rude and unreasonable say|way: If what Saint Emperor is not willing to comply, then, says the war now, simply considers as finished by a tangled warfare result! I some said a moment ago that believes what Saint Emperor can also look, among us has the huge disparity seriously! The manpower contrasts of over ten times of quantities, if not for the final that condition, I will be willing to carry on the so disadvantageous war? If tangled warfare, even if what Saint Emperor skill is exceedingly high, I am also warrantable, three big Sacred Land Persons that now says, will not live to this place!” 君莫邪蛮横的道:“若是何圣皇不肯答应,那么,今曰之战,就干脆以一场混战结局算了!我刚才有说,相信何圣皇也能看得出来,我们双方之间当真存在着巨大的差距!超过十倍数量的人力对比,若非为了最后的那个条件,我会甘愿进行如此不利的战局吗?混战若起,纵然何圣皇功力通天,我也可保证,今曰的三大圣地中人,一个也不会生离此地!” He Zhiqiu hearing this coldly snorted, the both eyes cold brightness dodged, said: Young Master Jun, are you are threatening this Eminence?” 何知秋闻言冷哼了一声,双目寒光一闪,道:“君公子,你是在威胁本座吗?” Jun Moxie sneers saying: Threat? Do I need to threaten you? I just am stating a fact, a fact of objective existence! What Saint Emperor, you lead the person, has the person safety belt duty! I told you to preserve the strength the method, becomes with inadequate, performs in your instant. Do I have something to threaten? Even if you do not comply, I when slaughter completely you, will still look for Heavenly Saint Palace to discuss the condition again! In any event, that Exquisite Lotus, my Jun Moxie is wins!” 君莫邪冷笑道:“威胁?我有必要威胁你吗?我只不过是在陈述一个事实,一个客观存在的事实而已!何圣皇,你把人带出来,就有把人安全带回去的义务!我已经告诉你保全实力的方法,成与不成,尽在你的一念之间。我有什么可威胁的?纵然你不答应,我在屠尽你们之余,仍旧会找上天圣宫再谈条件!无论如何,那玲珑莲,我君莫邪是志在必得的!” He Zhiqiu congealed the item to watch his meeting, finally sighed, talked two by Divine Consciousness and Hai Wuya, turned the head, expression became firm, will speak. Actually hears in the midair a sound saying: Good! This condition, the old man complied!” 何知秋凝目看了他一会,终于叹息一声,又以神识海无涯交谈了两句,转过头来,神色变得坚决,正要说话。却听到半空中一个声音道:“好!这个条件,老夫答应了!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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