OEM :: Volume #9

#893: Is could it be the plot?

Hai Wuya anguished smiles, said: Previous time in Heavenly Punishment Forest, he is also only Venerable Third Level, although still caused our generation to exclaim in surprise, but itself strength has not actually entered me and other in the eyes...... Nowadays, he had with the absolute strength that we treat as an equal! Around this only passed for two months! Old friend, you do not understand what really this does mean?” 海无涯苦涩的一笑,道:“上一次在天罚森林里,他还只是尊者三级,虽然仍令到我辈惊叹,但其本身实力却还不入我等眼中……现如今,他已经拥有了与我们平起平坐的绝对实力!这前后才只过去了两个多月的时间啊!诸位老友,你们真的不明白这意味着什么吗?” Say/Way that He Zhiqiu unemotionally: Again is genius, is the enemy! This, although is helpless, but we also only then faces. Because genius, we must before still have the balance ability eliminates it with every effort, will not make it for the calamity profounder! When , transports, life, Heaven's Will makes the person, only has along the day strain!” 何知秋面无表情的道:“再是天才,也是敌人!这一节,虽然无奈,但我们也只有面对。惟其天才,我们更要在尚有制衡能力之前尽力除之,才不会使其为祸更加深远!时也、运也、命也,天意弄人,唯有顺天应变!” Hai Wuya sighed however heaves a deep sigh, turns around to Jun Moxie, solemnly said: Young Master Jun, says the result regarding now, really regrets obsolete very much, looks said from now on finally is the unavoidable war, the old man heart has a few words actually to speak out, then said in front......” 海无涯喟然长叹一声,转身面向君莫邪,沉重地道:“君公子,对于今曰之结果,老朽委实遗憾得很,看来今曰终是难免一战,老夫心头有一句话却是不吐不快,便说在前头……” Please say.” Jun Moxie light nodding the head, Young Master to at present this old person is actually somewhat the respect. “请讲。”君莫邪淡淡的颔首,大少对眼前这个老人却还是有几分敬意的。 „...... This war, we will not hesitate at all costs inevitably, destroys Young Master resourcefully. If preserves Young Master this grade of enemy in world, is really the matter that foot enduring makes anybody sleep on pins and needles! To Three Great Sacred Lands, is end says general existence!” “……此战,我们势必会不惜一切代价,不择手段地来毁灭公子。若是留存公子这等敌人在世间,实在是足堪让任何人都寝食难安的事情!对三大圣地来说,更是末曰一般的存在!” Hai Wuya anguished said/tunnel: Destroys one constantly to create genius of miracle personally, so the matter of gross vulgarity, unexpectedly is personally is done by the old man, is really makes under the old man heart low-spirited.” 海无涯苦涩地道:“亲手毁灭一个不断创造奇迹的天才,如此焚琴煮鹤的事情,竟然是由老夫亲手做出来,实在是令老夫心下黯然。” And you too, the sea always said that was I just wants to say.” Jun Moxie serene say/way: „Like the sea old seniors, this Young Master whole-heartedly, will not hesitate all means that obtains final victory of this fight. Each other fought a decisive battle, this point actually does not need to show, life and death by life, riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven......” “彼此彼此,海老说的,何尝不是我正想说的。”君莫邪安详的道:“与海老前辈一样,本公子也将全力以赴,不惜一切手段,来取得这场战斗的最终胜利。彼此本是决战,这一点却无须说明了,生死由命,富贵在天……” He hehe smiling, said: Sea old honest frank, lets in this Young Master heart is really happy, in Sacred Land, despicable annihilates gui no doubt to emerge one after another incessantly, the heroes also always have such several people, even if each other is in the hostile position, will not cover up this Young Master the heart of appreciation, the meaning of admiring. Blood and iron hero character man, Sacred Land is also quite a lot......” 他呵呵的笑了笑,道:“海老坦诚直率,让本公子心中甚是欣悦,圣地之中,卑鄙歼宄固然层出不穷,英雄豪杰却也总有那么几人,纵然彼此是处于敌对的地位上,也不会遮掩本公子的欣赏之心,佩服之意。铁血豪杰风骨汉子,圣地也是颇多的……” Oh? Can make Young Master give birth to the meaning and appreciation heart of admiring unexpectedly, the old man said now, even if the soul goes to the nether world, consoles from the heart in greatly \; Actually does not know that several other people, who is actually?” Say/Way that Hai Wuya is quite interested. ?竟能让公子生出佩服之意、欣赏之心,老夫今曰纵然魂赴幽冥,也自心中大慰\;却不知另外几人,却又是谁?”海无涯颇为感兴趣的道。 Heaven does not have the righteousness wickedly, rather does not have mercy Ning Wuqing! Ning Wuqing, what calculates is one, also that Xiaoyao (free and unfettered) Venerable Mo Xiaoyao Mr. Mo, is an honourable rival......” “苍天无道地无义,宁无慈悲宁无情宁无情,算的是一个,还有逍遥尊者莫逍遥莫先生,也是一位值得尊敬的敌手……” On the Jun Moxie face appears recalls, said: But this Young Master is not clear throughout, the Sacred Land hero is not infrequent, why entered Sacred Land, too many people will actually lose original insistence, becomes all gives priority to the Sacred Land benefit, in heart right and wrong originally, will confuse in later confused, is unable to restrain oneself completely?” 君莫邪脸上现出一丝缅怀,道:“可本公子始终不明白,圣地豪杰不在少数,为何一进入了圣地,太多人却会失去了原有的坚持,变得一切以圣地利益为重,心中原本的是非对错,会在之后混淆迷乱,完全不能自已?” Jun Moxie these words, are having a mock, even also several points satirized. Also is intentionally or otherwise a few words. But these words listen in the Hai Wuya heart, is actually is similar to suddenly resounds startling thunderclap! 君莫邪这句话,带着一丝讥诮,甚至还有几分讽刺。也是有意无意的一句话。但这句话听在海无涯心中,却是如同突然响起一记惊雷! The Hai Wuya tall and straight body suddenly shook, the facial expression is the big change, always doing nothing but towering backed up one step. The Jun Moxie this intentionally or otherwise words, made him understand a matter unexpectedly. For many years, the First Layer dim barrier, pierced in this time finally suddenly. 海无涯原本挺拔的身躯蓦然一震,神情更是大变,竟自突兀地倒退了一步。君莫邪这一句有意无意的话,竟让他明白了一件事情。多年来,一层朦朦胧胧的屏障,终于在此时突然捅破。 Sacred Land gathers all has surpassed Supreme level expert, goes unceasingly \; Actually when everyone arrives at Sacred Land, making this people feel and in Sacred Land the huge disparities of other people. From body, from innermost feelings, from spirit/mind...... Each aspect continuous causes heavy losses! 圣地招揽的所有超过了至尊层次高手,不断地前往\;却又在每个人到达圣地的时候,让这个人感觉到与圣地之中其他人的巨大差距。从身体,从内心,从精神……各个方面接连不断的予以重创! Until this person among the big proud intravenous drip in common customs obliterated, the little changing past events and laughingstock, then from the beginning start from Sacred Land. This a series of methods, vicious proficient \; But has a reputation of pleasant to hear: The Nirvana rebirth, broken then becomes! 直到这个人原本在世俗间的偌大骄傲点滴磨灭,一点点的化作往事、笑柄,然后从圣地从头开始。这一系列的手段,狠毒到家\;但却有一个好听的名头:涅槃重生、破而后成! Therefore, during many people attack from that heavily sober come, enters in cultivation that goes crazy once again, diligently promotion itself strength, therefore Sacred Land strength, rapid growth step by step. 于是,很多的人从那重重打击之中“清醒”过来,一个个再度进入发疯的修炼之中,努力提升本身实力,所以圣地的实力,才会一步步的飞速增长。 But has more people, directly attacked dejected, direct exposure most primitive conscience, originally world-famous one generation of chivalrous people in common customs, actually in Sacred Land lost all self-confidently, pride and dignity, turns base and low character who a rogue vagabond also resembles...... Each year, any level, would this person appearance, was eliminated, degrades Three Great Sacred Lands surrounding strength. This strength, to a certain extent, is the Three Great Sacred Lands cannon fodder, thug! 但却有更多的人,直接被打击的心灰意冷,直接暴露出了最原始的本心,原本在世俗间享誉天下的一代大侠,却会在圣地之中失去了一切自信、骄傲、尊严之后,变成一个流氓地痞也似的卑微人物……每一年,无论是任何的层次,总会有这种人出现,然后被淘汰,降级成三大圣地外围力量。这股力量,从某种程度上来说吗,也就是三大圣地的炮灰,打手 The Nirvana rebirth, broken then becomes, no doubt has the need. Moreover, is extremely effective. Only has to rush from this pass/test, can touch the true expert level truly. It can be said that this pass/test is very necessary! Also since because of this, these millennium ten thousand years, no person has questioned...... But, this method is not only. Because of other innumerable temperate methods, can achieve this project similarly. 涅槃重生,破而后成,固然是有需要的。而且,还是极有成效的。唯有从这一关闯过来,才能真正触摸到真正强者的层次。可以说,这一关是非常必要的!也正因为如此,这千年万年以来,从来没有人质疑过……但,这种方法却不是唯一的。因为另有无数的温和方法,同样可以达到这项目的。 This method, attacks to a person actually is also destroys to be surnamed qualitative! Becoming rich and powerful people, or is very easy. But makes him crawl to be able from the successful apex asking the price with no intention of buying abyss this rich and powerful people again to return peak slowly...... Among whole world, few people! 这种方法,对一个人打击却也更是摧毁姓质的!成为一个富豪,或者很容易。但将这位富豪从成功的顶点打落深渊再让他慢慢地爬起来能够重新回到巅峰的……举世之间,也无几人! Even what arranges the arrangement not to do, new person who these just entered, there is that is the mediocre person? So long as they see this place seniors these superb profound Profound Arts, so long as is the person with high aspirations, how can also not know diligently? 甚至就算什么布置安排都不做,那些刚进入的新人,又有那一个是庸才?他们只要见到此地前辈们那些出神入化深湛玄功,只要是有心人,又岂会不知道努力? But the biggest advantage of this procedure, simply is not the so-called Nirvana rebirth, broken then becomes, but is...... These people break completely original self-confident proud, breaks up by rubbing Essence, Qi, and Spirit, permanent makes the Three Great Sacred Lands brand mark in their innermost soul! All motions, give priority to the Sacred Land benefit! 但这种做法的最大的好处,根本就不是所谓的涅槃重生、破而后成,而是……将这些人完完整整地打破原有的自信骄傲、揉碎精气神,在他们灵魂深处永久地打下三大圣地的烙印!一切行动,都以圣地的利益为重! Let alone, there is still one in the world biggest pretence, is the topnotch of principle of righteousness is supporting: For the world common people, for human in the future, Heaven Seizing War! Therefore, all people completely are willing and not complain about Wuhui (No regrets). 更何况,还有一个天底下最大的幌子,也是大义的最高度在支撑:为了天下苍生,为了人类未来,夺天之战!所以,所有人尽都心甘情愿、无怨无悔 The pride did not have, did not have self-confidently, was equal to pulling out the backbones of these people, interrupted the escape route! Later hasn't wanted to rub to pinch rubs to pinch? Therefore, these once martial arts world Heaven's Chosen, certainly generation of Expert, once enters in legend Sacred Land, was equal to turning into some to say the good-for-nothing of conversation! 骄傲没有了,自信没有了,等于是将这些人的脊梁骨抽了去,更将退路截断!之后还不是想怎么揉捏就怎么揉捏?所以,那些曾经的武林天骄、绝代高人,一旦进入传说圣地,就等于变成了一些能说会话的行尸走肉! Thinks, Hai Wuya always doing nothing but feels somewhat absolutely terrifiedly, the alarmed and afraid meaning arises spontaneously. 想着想着,海无涯竟自感到有些毛骨悚然,惊惧之意油然而生。 If is really so the goal...... That, this also was too rather fearful! 若真是如此目的……那,这未免也太可怕了吧! If...... Three Great Sacred Lands and Xuan Xuan Continent in Profound Arts highest region legend, is one thoroughly disappears, the brutal tragedy to be at humanity directly! Attempting, is the Three Great Sacred Lands benefit. 如果……传说中的三大圣地玄玄大陆玄功最高境地,直接就是一个将人姓彻底泯灭、惨无人道的悲剧所在!所图者,就不过是三大圣地的利益而已。 Then, is the Three Great Sacred Lands benefit, what? 那么,三大圣地的利益,到底又是什么? could it be, do these really have a huge plot?...... Hai Wuya is standing, side, He Zhiqiu was saying anything, he has not heard unexpectedly completely. Had been considering this matter, this flickers, the heart only endless is at a loss...... Perhaps moment, for a long time, Hai Wuya only thought that had been pushed, under faints from fear fierce raising the head, actually sees He Zhiqiu to stand in front of oneself. At a loss said: Does?” 难道,这其中竟然有一个巨大的阴谋?还是……海无涯怔怔地站着,身边,何知秋在说着什么,他竟是完全没有听见。只是一直在考虑这件事情,这一瞬,心头只余无尽迷惘……或是片刻,或是许久,海无涯只觉得被人推了一下,惊觉之下猛的一抬头,却见何知秋站在自己面前。不由茫然道:“干什么?” He Zhiqiu deeply visits him, look is complex: Brother Hai...... The decisive battle nears. Regardless of the what happened sentiment, when goes back after everybody, said again...... Here, the also more than 30 brothers, are live die, this shoulder pole completely in your my two people of shoulders.” 何知秋深深地看着他,眼神复杂:“海兄……决战在即。无论有什么事情,待到大家回去之后再说吧……这里,还有30多个兄弟,是生是死,这副担子尽都在你我二人肩头。” In the Hai Wuya heart shakes, suddenly comes soberly, claimed continually is, in the heart actually unavoidably raised a thought: If the old man can return alive by luck, decides however will investigate this matter clearly. 海无涯心中一震,顿时清醒过来,连声称是,心中却自不免升起一个念头:若是老夫能够侥幸生还,定然会将这件事情调查清楚。 Three Great Sacred Lands in legend, cannot degenerate into the tools of certain people. 传说中的三大圣地,绝不能沦为某些人的工具。 Opposite, Jun Moxie from the smiling face that a face sunlight also resembles, leaned to say anything toward Mei Xueyan. On the Mei Xueyan face the facial expression God is serious, nods unceasingly. 对面,君莫邪正自一脸阳光也似的笑容,侧着头向着梅雪烟说着什么。梅雪烟脸上神情神是郑重,不断点头。 Young Master Jun, said now, since is the decisive battle, then, how deserves the tactical rules, Young Master , since number Evil Monarch, leading the numerous to come, thinks that early has the plan. Invited Young Master stroke of evil ways.” The He Zhiqiu speaker said. 君公子,今曰既然是决战,那么,该当如何战法,公子既然自号邪之君主,率众前来,想必早有打算。就请公子划下道来。”何知秋扬声说道。 In these days that he spoke, among Heaven and Earth, condensed one exceptionally miserable atmosphere slowly, He Zhiqiu expression, became especially dreary desolate, in the sky once the gentle spring breeze, became in split second sad and shrill cold, boundless Heaven and Earth, performing is a piece disappointed vast. 在他说话的这段时间里,天地之间,已经是慢慢地凝聚起来一种异常凄凉的气氛,何知秋神色,也变得格外的萧瑟苍凉,天空中曾经柔和的春风,也在一瞬间变得凄厉冷然,茫茫天地,尽是一片怅然寥廓。 Ten thousand miles sad Qiu. 万里悲秋。 He Zhiqiu becoming famous advertisement unique skill. He when the war has not started, comprehensively has launched own unique domain unexpectedly! Although both sides has not entered the battle condition, but he at this moment is actually with heart and soul prepares, momentarily fully make a move! 正是何知秋的成名招牌绝技。他在战争还未开始的时候,竟然就已经全面展开了自己的独特领域!虽然双方还未真个进入战斗状态,但此刻的他却已经是全心备战,随时全力出手 Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan each other look one, Mei Xueyan said in a low voice: You plan the tangled warfare, is the fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out? To fight a battle to force a quick decision, is......” 君莫邪梅雪烟彼此对望一眼,梅雪烟小声道:“你打算混战,还是车轮战?想要速战速决,还是……” Jun Moxie smiled, said: Our overall strength by far opposite party, by numerous to approach/insult Guaben is the correct principle. Only Luoyun they are with the aid of the strength of Spirit Stone Immortal Milk, has promoted the strength forcefully, now Realm is not unavoidably steady \; Now said that the war is actually an extremely good mill knife opportunity. Makes these people help us rub the mill knife at present. Therefore, the tangled warfare is unrecommendable \; Even if wants the tangled warfare, that is also the situation that the final moment can have. Also, if uses the tangled warfare, that several Saint Emperor are to ask to shield the people to break through, definitely will create terrifying killing of wide scope to our Low Rank strength...... This is your I cannot withstand, is not willing to withstand.” 君莫邪笑了笑,道:“我方整体实力远胜对方,以众凌寡本是正理。惟落云他们乃是借助灵石仙乳之力,强行提升了实力,现在境界不免不稳\;今曰战局却是一个极好的磨刀机会。就让眼前这些人帮我们磨磨刀吧。所以,混战不可取\;纵然要混战,那也是最后关头才会出现的情况。再说,若是采用混战的话,那几位圣皇为求掩护众人突围,必然会对我方的低阶力量造成大范围的恐怖杀伤……这是你我都不能承受的,更不愿承受的。” Oh? You plan single Tiao??” A Mei Xueyan brow wrinkle, said slightly: But, Sky Razing Soul Devourers they, although promoted this Realm forcefully, but actually lacked regarding the fight experience of top level, if the one-to-one contest, will present the casualty unavoidably...... Such not only cannot achieve the effect of mill knife, instead has damaged the strength...... If stipulated that for the war of gentleman, the point , is actually not the goal of this decisive battle......” ?那你是打算单挑了??”梅雪烟眉头微微一皱,道:“不过,残天噬魂他们虽然强行提升到了这种境界,但对于高层次的战斗经验却是缺乏,若是一对一的较量,难免会出现死伤……那样非但达不到磨刀的效果,反而损伤了实力……若规定为君子之战,点到为止,却又不是此次决战的目的了……” This point, I have the means.” Jun Moxie winks, said: You waited to look on line.” “这一点,我自有办法。”君莫邪挤挤眼,道:“你等着看就行了。” Then, Jun Moxie was saying to He Zhiqiu: What Saint Emperor, says a war now, we overwhelm with numerical strength, if counts on victory because of numerical superiority of forces, rather victory not military! Even if body dies, heart also refuses to accept. Therefore, this Young Master had considered, proposes a decisive battle method......” 说完,君莫邪对着何知秋道:“何圣皇,今曰一战,我方人多势众,若是以多为胜,未免胜之不武!纵然诸位身死,心底也是不服的。所以,本公子考虑了一下,提出来一个决战方法……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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