OEM :: Volume #9

#892: I want, is the destruction!

In Three Great Sacred Lands expert completely all loudly exclaimed in surprise, because only sprinkles two people who however walks by the bamboo grove, shocks them to be elinguid seriously! 三大圣地高手尽皆轰然惊叹,只因为由竹林里洒然走出来的两个人,当真震惊得他们再不能言语! A man and a woman they, in the impression of Three Great Sacred Lands, once were the Three Great Sacred Lands greatest in the eyes nail, the thorn in the side! Disaster that must eradicate! Must eliminate it to be then quick! 那一男一女两人,在三大圣地的印象当中,曾经是三大圣地莫大的眼中钉,肉中刺!必须要铲除的祸害!务要除之而后快! Also once had after a period of time, Three Great Sacred Lands has felt relieved to these two disasters thoroughly, the reason does not have him, most can take to these two who they threaten, confirmed that died! 还曾经有过一段时间,三大圣地已经对这两个祸害彻底放心了,原因无他,最能带给他们威胁的这两人,已经确认死亡了! Dies under Saint besieges, perishes together with three Saint \; Another died in the Heaven Punishment Forest supreme headquarters, was steals the attack to kill by Saint Emperor Zhan Mubai make a move personally, was in this period bountiful Snake Queen Qian Xun! 一个死在圣者围攻之下,与三位圣者同归于尽\;另一个则死在了天罚森林大本营,更是由圣皇展慕白亲自出手偷袭击杀,期间还多饶了一个蛇王芊寻 In brief, these two people became the deceased people, became the past! 总之,这两个人都已经成为了死人,成为了过去! Calculates that Three Great Sacred Lands seemingly spent nearly three months of time relieved! 算来,三大圣地貌似已经非常安心地度过了将近三个月的时光! However now, in this moment, as if all world completely has subverted, once archenemy, oneself thinks that became, becomes the recollection, becomes the archenemy of history, carved to live unexpectedly! Such livingly stands in oneself at present! 但是现在,就在这一刻,似乎一切的世界全部颠覆了,曾经的大敌,自己认为已经成为过去、成为回忆、成为历史的大敌,刻下居然又活了!就这么活生生地站在自己眼前! Moreover cultivation base enters greatly! 而且修为大进! Can Zhan Mubai of litigant not astonishment? How can not shock! He looks that familiar young face flashes before this moment once again in the front, looked like the overhead has suffered a heavily stick, had a dizzy spell! even/including Qiangzi camouflages self-poise also thoroughly vanishes into thin air and disappears without a trace in this split second! 正是当事人的展慕白怎能不惊讶?如何能不震撼!他看着那张熟悉的年轻面孔此刻再度闪现在面前,就像是当头挨了重重一棍,头晕目眩!连强自伪装出来的镇定自若也在这一瞬间彻底烟消云散、不知去向! Zhan Mubai, unfolds Saint Emperor, are you very accidental/surprised? Looks at your to be blue and red shamelessness, although compares the accidental/surprised matter, is insufficient such, you are Saint Emperor expert, existence of keeping aloof, your this performance was too rude!” The Jun Moxie white clothing is floating, more numerous, in the mouth was teasing, the corners of the mouth held one to sneer densely, in the pupil was dodging cold severe cold glint! 展慕白,展圣皇,您老人家是不是很意外呢?瞧您那张又青又红的老脸,虽然是比较意外的事情,也不至于这么样吧,您可是圣皇强者,高高在上的存在啊,您这表现可是太失态了!”君莫邪白衣飘飘,越众而出,口中调侃着,嘴角却噙着一丝森然冷笑,眸子中更闪着冷厉寒芒 Jun Moxie, could it be are you that Evil Monarch?” Hai Wuya deeply inspired, steps one step, keeps off in front of Zhan Mubai. In his heart only smiles bitterly a way, in this moment, he only wants saying: Really too took a rash step! 君莫邪,难道你就是那邪之君主吗?”海无涯深深吸了一口气,踏上一步,挡在展慕白前面。他的心中只余苦笑一途,在这一刻,他只想说:实在太失策了! Compares at present with this young people, what even if Ethereal Physique in legend is? If the people of Ethereal Physique can make several Saint Emperor win badly beaten, at present this person, how could it not be can make all expert completely not awfully...... your excellency be laughed.” Jun Moxie shows a faint smile: „Is your excellency a Dream Blood Sea people? Hai Wuya sea Saint Emperor?” 跟眼前这个年轻人比较起来,就算是传说中的空灵体质又算什么?若空灵体质之人都能让几位圣皇争得头破血流,眼前此人,岂非能让所有强者尽都不要命了嘛……“尊驾见笑了。”君莫邪微微一笑:“阁下是梦幻血海中人?海无涯圣皇?” Good, is the sea some.” Hai Wuya visits him, said with a smile: Jun Moxie, obsolete now said that take the liberty asks...... You now, but is Saint Emperor Realm?” “不错,正是海某。”海无涯看着他,微笑道:“君莫邪,老朽今曰冒昧地问一问……你现在,可已经是圣皇境界了?” The Jun Moxie sleeves stroke, free and easy saying with a smile: This Young Master luck was usually good, to current Realm, generally was lucky. Compared with old seniors painstaking cultivation diligently, this Young Master can only say one, ashamed!” 君莫邪衣袖一拂,洒脱的笑道:“本公子的运气素来不错,也不知怎地就到了目前的境界,大抵是侥幸而已。比起老前辈孜孜不倦的苦修,本公子只能说一声,惭愧!” This saying said that to call a politeness, modest. But the small age then has this and other shocking cultivation base, how to be lucky?! 这话说得那叫一个客气,谦虚。但小小年纪便拥有这等惊世修为,如何侥幸?! Ashamed?! What true this is ashamed is our these old fogies! Compared with the Young Master Jun cultivation progress, obsolete was seriously shameful.” “惭愧?!真正该惭愧的是我们这些老家伙!与君公子修炼进度相比,老朽等当真要无地自容了。” Smiling of Hai Wuya anguished, said: Knows according to obsolete, does Young Master Jun generally just now reach 18 years old?! 18-year-old Saint Emperor...... Ancient person! In the face of the Young Master Jun achievement, from ancient to present, the innumerable distinguished persons, are all overshadowed! This achievement, is not only unprecedented, only feared that is also never recurring, believes that was past Nine Nether First Young Master here, must feel ashamed of one's inferiority!” 海无涯苦涩的笑了笑,道:“据老朽所知,君公子大抵才刚满18岁吧?!18岁的圣皇……亘古一人啊!在君公子的成就面前,自古到今,无数的风流人物,皆黯然失色!这份成就,非但是空前的,只怕也是绝后的,相信就算是当年的九幽第一少在此,也要自愧不如!” Jun Moxie silent, said: Sea Saint Emperor was actually the erroneous approves. This Young Master personal achievement or good, but compared to Sacred Land to come greatly to be actually inferior, Three Great Sacred Lands was also true being abundance of capable people, was powerful, unequalled. This Young Master flees in Sacred Land hand/surbordinate repeatedly flees, several times nine die one live chance, fled forget it by luck...... To fierce of Sacred Land, twists in chest/heart ripe, actually is also admires, does not have the tooth to be unforgettable.” 君莫邪沉默了一下,道:“海圣皇却是谬赞了。本公子的个人成就或者不俗,但比起圣地来却又大大不如了,三大圣地也是真正的人才济济,实力强大,无与伦比啊。本公子几次三番在圣地手下亡命奔逃,数次九死一生,侥幸兔脱罢了……对圣地的厉害,熟捻于胸,却也是仰慕之极,没齿难忘啊。” All sorts of matters, are really taking a rash step in my Sacred Land aspect, for no reason and Young Master have the enmity, is actually the biggest fault that the Three Great Sacred Lands ten thousand years to fall to violate!” “此间种种之事,委实是我圣地方面的失策,平白公子结下仇怨,却是三大圣地万年以降所犯下的最大失误!” Hai Wuya heaved a deep sigh, among expression, seemed to be the infinite regret, shakes the head, said low-spirited: If the humans affair has comes an opportunity again, resembles Young Master this grade of corrupt world talent, must do utmost to stop us and Young Master obsolete to be the enemy! Obsolete whole-heartedly, will not hesitate at all costs, must be on good terms with Young Master......” 海无涯长叹一声,神色之间,似有无限悔意,摇着头,黯然道:“若是世事有重来一次的机会,似公子这等浊世才俊,老朽必竭尽全力制止我方与公子为敌!老朽更会全力以赴,不惜一切代价,也要与公子交好……” His these words, regardless of the expression and tone, performed all say sincerely incomparable, believed anybody to hear, can hear. These words, are really the heart-to-heart talks. 他这番话,无论语气、口吻,尽皆说得诚挚无比,相信任何人听到,都能听得出来。这几句话,实在是肺腑之言。 Jun Moxie said silently: Was only a pity...... The world matter, does not have ‚, if this matter exists! So-called if, but is only conjecture forget it of not slightly use.” 君莫邪默然道:“只可惜……人间事,却是没有‘如果’这种物事存在的!所谓如果,不过只是一种没有丝毫用处的臆想罢了。” Good, Young Master this saying said is extremely.” Hai Wuya serious gaining ground, said: Lives in seclusion the Heavenly Saint Palace 300 years obsolete, has not thought that in the world left Young Master unexpectedly this and other outstanding characters! A Profound Arts way, usually studied not to have, reaches successively is a master, although the Young Master age is light, cultivation base actually foot and old man side by side, but the old man grew several hundred years of time finally crazily, now says then under the notch this cheek, took advantage of own seniority to ask one......” “不错,公子这话说得极是。”海无涯严肃的抬起头,道:“老朽蛰居天圣宫300年,未想到世上竟出了似公子这等超卓人物!玄功一途,素来学无先后、达者为师,公子年岁虽轻,修为却足与老夫比肩,但老夫总算是痴长了几百年光阴,今曰便豁下这张面皮,倚老卖老地问上一句……” A Hai Wuya language has not finished, always doing nothing but deeply inspired, has shut the eye, then opens once again slowly, as if exhausted strength of whole body to be ordinary, a say|way of character character: If Three Great Sacred Lands can pay to Young Master apologizes, and pays the suitable price, does not know whether Young Master is willing to reach the understanding with Sacred Land, turns swords into plowshares, eliminates this does not have absurd slaughtering?!” 海无涯一语未毕,竟自深深地吸了一口气,闭了闭眼睛,然后再度缓缓张开,似乎是用尽了全身的力量一般,一字一字的道:“若是三大圣地能够付向公子道歉,并付出相当的代价,不知公子是否愿意与圣地达成谅解,化干戈为玉帛,消去这场无妄杀戮?!” Among us, doesn't also have the leeway of swivel?” Hai Wuya said solemnly. By his status, said these words, is equal to submissively. “我们双方之间,还有没有转圜的余地?”海无涯沉声说道。以他的身份,说出这句话来,已经是等于低声下气了。 also did not have the leeway of swivel......” Jun Moxie to read these words silently, suddenly has smiled lightly, this smiling face, mocked very much. Meaning of light taunt, say|way slowly: Sea old seniors, your words, I believe that you to not covet life and fear death said. On the contrary, depends on you to say these words, then fully endures to respect two characters! Because of you, will say for Seized Heaven War this censures the sale price the heart-to-heart talk. Although you have not stated clearly, but I understand! Also admires!” 还有没有转圜的余地……”君莫邪默默地念了一句这句话,突然淡淡的笑了起来,这种笑容,很讥诮。有一股淡淡的嘲讽的意思,慢慢的道:“海老前辈,你这句话,我相信你不是为了贪生怕死才说的。相反,就凭你能说出这句话,便足堪尊重两字!因为你,是为了夺天之战才会说出这番自贬身价的肺腑之言。虽然你没有明说,但我明白!也敬佩!” Jun Moxie sincere say|way: Is only, was a pity very much that all were too late! Believes that sea old understanding, by from the beginning, my Jun Moxie has not thought to with Three Great Sacred Lands on own initiative for the meaning of enemy! Has not thought really really...... Far did not say that one year ago, I even does not know this in world has the so-called Three Great Sacred Lands summit to exist unexpectedly!” 君莫邪真诚的道:“只是,很可惜,一切都太迟了!相信海老了解,由一开始,我君莫邪从来就没有想过要与三大圣地主动为敌的意思!真的真的一点都没有想过……远的不说,就在一年之前,我甚至不知道这个世间竟有所谓三大圣地的颠峰存在!” But today, said at this time now, I actually already irretraceable!” Jun Moxie sighed, saying of gloomy: „When now moves to the matter to be easy, no longer is you must aim at me, but will be I will not let off you now! Decisive battle that now says, is only a start.” “但是今天,今时今曰,我却已经不能回头!”君莫邪叹息一声,低沉的说道:“如今时移事易,已经不再是你们要针对我,而是我现在根本就不会放过你们!今曰的决战,只是一个开始而已。” Humans affair does not have absolutely, in this world does not have no grievances unable to let loose.” Hai Wuya earnest say|way. The understanding of Jun Moxie, lets this Dream Blood Sea Saint Emperor, somewhat has mixed emotions, also is moved, he treads the previous step, the facial expression warm say|way: Our Heavenly Saint Palace, can take responsibility. Regardless of any grievances, we can put down, all, give priority to Seized Heaven War! Gives priority to the world common people!” “世事无绝对,这世上没有什么恩怨是不能放开的。”海无涯殷切的道。君莫邪的理解,让这位梦幻血海圣皇,真的有些百感交集,更还有些感动,他踏前一步,神情热烈的道:“我们天圣宫,可以做主。无论什么恩怨,我们都可以放下,一切,以夺天之战为重!以天下苍生为重!” If you were six months ago, or three months ago, terminates this matter, makes expensive my both sides to reach the understanding, that or also is really a matter of satisfying both sides! Was a pity very much that now is not good, sometimes is those words, the times have changed, moves to the matter to be easy! This matter, your Heavenly Saint Palace could not take responsibility!” “如果你们是在半年之前,又或者是在三个月前,终止此事,让贵我双方达成谅解,那或者还真是一件两全其美的事情!很可惜,现在不行了,还是那句话,事过境迁、时移事易!这件事情,你们天圣宫已经做不了主!” Jun Moxie smiled, said: Now can take responsibility, occupies actively, is not your Three Great Sacred Lands, but is I! Also only then I. also, sea old...... If I obeyed you seriously, perhaps my 300 people, in six months, perform will turn into a place corpse, not some people of exceptions! Words that I spoke, believes that you can understand. You want, is the destruction, but I want now, is the same with you!” 君莫邪笑了笑,道:“现在能做主的,占据主动的,已经不是你们三大圣地,而是我!也只有我而已。还有,海老……我若是当真听从了你的话,恐怕我这里的300来人,在半年之内,尽都会变成一地尸体,不会有人例外!我说的话,相信你能够明白。你们要的,是毁灭,而我现在所要的,跟你们一样!” Hai Wuya sighed, wanted also to say again that actually heard sound saying: Jun Moxie, you were too extremely arrogant, you carve is a dynasty are also successful, such speaking incoherently? Told you, what achievement no matter you had now, had any considerable influence, in front of Three Great Sacred Lands, you still only had the dead end! On this day, no one can preserve you!” 海无涯叹息一声,有心还要再说,却听见身边一个声音道:“君莫邪,你实在太狂妄了,你刻下也不过是一朝得志,就如此的语无伦次吗?告诉你,不管你现在已经拥有了什么样的成就,又拥有什么可观的势力,在三大圣地面前,你仍旧只有死路一条!这天底下,谁都保不住你!” The speech, is actually Zhan Mubai. 说话的,却是展慕白 Brother Zhan!” Hai Wuya cannot think absolutely that Zhan Mubai will jump to undermine at this moment, cannot help but the sinking sound lowly drinks one. 展兄!”海无涯万万想不到,此时此刻展慕白会跳出来拆台,不由得沉声低喝一声。 Brother Zhan words or improper, but the truth is actually good. Brother Hai, we and a Jun Moxie side seriously the non- swivel leeway, each other is the irreconcilable pattern.” 展兄言辞或者不当,但道理却是不错。海兄,我们与君莫邪一方当真已无转圜余地,彼此已是不死不休的格局。” He Zhiqiu sighed however sighs, said: Jun Family had been compelled to have no way out by us, Heaven Punishment Forest also because of our no longer old look \; The also several human lives implicate, the blood debt only then the blood can understand...... Present Jun Moxie, although fortunately survives, but its process is also nine die one live chance. This is also only the loss of opposite party...... As for the loss in Sacred Land aspect, has filled in more than thousand human lives, how this brush debt must criticize!” 何知秋喟然叹息一声,道:“君家已经被我方逼得走投无路,天罚森林也因为我们不复旧观\;这其中,还有数条人命牵连,血债惟有用血才能了解……就连眼前的君莫邪,虽然幸存,但其过程也是九死一生、。这还只是对方的损失……至于圣地方面的损失,前后已经填进去了千多条人命,这笔债又要如何清算!” He Zhiqiu heavily sighed: In sacrifice more than 1000 people, cultivation base was lowest, there is a Superior Supreme degree! Let alone, also Fleeing World Immortal Palace Lord the Mo Wudao blood brother, Mo Xiaoyao! Believes that is mediated by Heavenly Saint Palace, this enmity this hates, is not hard to melt.” 何知秋重重地叹息道:“牺牲地这1000多人之中,修为最低的,也有至尊之上的程度!更何况,其中还有遁世仙宫之主莫无道的亲弟,莫逍遥!相信就算由天圣宫出面斡旋,此仇此恨,也不是难以化解的。” Therefore said now, only war!” The Jun Moxie dew tooth smiles. Tooth snow white, like an ancient times ominous beast, has revealed the fierce fang. “所以今曰,唯有一战!”君莫邪露齿一笑。牙齿雪白,就像一头远古凶兽,露出了狰狞的獠牙。 Hai Wuya stands disappointed, for a long time again silent language. Among expression, full is desolate. Long time long time, he fierce clenching teeth, said: Was a pity! What a pity...... Resembling is Jun Moxie this grade of person, with it is the friend, the world turns round to have what difficulty not to spend...... But with it is the enemy, really is extremely dangerous. If cannot fight except it, then, does not need to wait to be too long, within at most 35 years, in world only feared that will again not have Three Great Sacred Lands! This point, the old man can assert!” 海无涯怅然站立,许久再无声语。神色之间,满是落寞。良久良久,他才猛的一咬牙,道:“可惜!可惜……似是君莫邪这等人,与之为友,天下复有何难关不可度……但与之为敌,却又委实太过危险。若不能一战除之,那么,不必等太久,至多35年之内,世间只怕就不会再有三大圣地!这一点,老夫可以断言!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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