OEM :: Volume #9

#891: That is Jun Moxie!?

Three big protectors and Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master early do not know where fought a decisive battle...... He Zhiqiu also kept paper correspondence for them. Finally, sent out one to believe the falcon to Sacred Land respectively. 三大守护者与九幽十四少早已经不知道到哪里决战去了……何知秋也只是为他们留了一纸书信。最后,各自对圣地发出了一只信隼。 Was giving the Fleeing World Immortal Palace aspect information end, Zhan Mubai accounted orally such a few words: The Sacred Land glory, to fall from eternal, can blaspheme it to nobody, the show some dead to guard this great honor! The millenniums gather, are able to discriminate finally leave, Mu Baijin said that takes one's leave in light of this! 在给遁世仙宫方面信息的末尾,展慕白口述了这样一句话:圣地荣耀,自万古以降,向无人能亵渎之,展某将以死捍卫此殊荣!千年相聚,终有别离,慕白今曰就此拜别! Does the soft cot sway, Zhan Mubai closes one's eyes slightly, thinks unexpectedly own this life all sorts of fragments, from shutting tightly at present, the ancient people have handed down distinctly, the person will die, meets such as the time flowing backwards general witness life fragment, it seems like, the next moment or is this life end point...... Zhan Mubai, the family background non- is Zhan Family is closely related the child, is lives for the collateral branch concubine room \; When youngster, experienced suffering innumerable supercilious looks \; Fortunately his talent strong, bears patiently, is resigned to bad conditions, as long as 18 years old, finally leads the field in the family martial arts contest, amazes the world with a single brilliant feat. 软榻摇摇晃晃,展慕白微微闭着眼睛,竟觉自己今生之种种片段,从紧闭的眼前历历而过,故老相传,人之将死,会如时光倒流一般目睹一生片段,看来,下一刻或者就是自己今生的终点……展慕白,出身非是展家嫡出之子,乃为旁系妾室所生\;少年之时,受尽了无数白眼\;所幸他天赋超强,一路隐忍,逆来顺受,长到18岁,终于在家族比武中独占鳌头,一鸣惊人。 Zhan Mubai that the reputation rises up, while obtaining the family elders attached great importance, but has also caused consistent being hostile to of Zhan Family direct descendant descendants. Continually the persecution, causing his parents double to perish, suffers the greatest humiliation, when is full of grief putting pride in pocket, flees Zhan Family by luck. Later the chance coincidence must meet the famous teacher, from morning until evening trains hard, 20 years later, reached Zhan Mubai of boundary of Divine Profound Rank 3 to be near again Zhan Family, avenges a grievance \; Person who one by one in the past will have persecuted his kills! Also has not let off! 名声鹊起的展慕白,在得到了家族长辈重视的同时,但也引起了展家嫡系子孙的一致敌视。连番迫害,导致他父母双亡,更蒙受莫大屈辱,含悲忍辱之余,侥幸逃离展家。之后机缘巧合得遇名师,朝夕苦练,20年后,已臻神玄三品之境的展慕白再临展家,报仇雪恨\;将当年迫害过他的人一一杀死!一个,也没有放过! Thinks of here, Zhan Mubai in the Yin-Yang refining up soul grade of capital punishment during extreme suffers painfully, corners of the mouth actually still from showing a pleased happy expression. 想到这里,展慕白在阴阳炼魂这等极刑的极度痛苦折磨之中,嘴角却仍自露出了一丝快意的笑意。 In the past remembers the chief criminal who that once harmed to be with one's family broken up and decimated to shiver in own hand/surbordinate, blood little flows out that type happily...... Remembers the woman's who that person most loves painful moan under own...... That fair flesh, that distortion the tears on beautiful face...... Finally cut off the chilly colorful blood light as well as that incredible look of neck by a oneself blade...... That type carefree...... That split second, Zhan Mubai had almost forgotten all distresses of withstanding! 想起当年那曾经害得自己家破人亡的罪魁祸首在自己手下颤抖,鲜血一点点的流出那种痛快……想起那人最宠爱的女人在自己身下痛苦呻吟……那白皙的肌肤,那扭曲的绝美脸庞上的泪水……最后被自己一刀斩断脖子的凄艳血光以及那不可置信的眼神……那种畅快……那一瞬间,展慕白几乎忘记了身上所承受的所有苦楚! Some time of that period of time, in his life most feeling proud and elated! Entire Zhan Family, everybody completely to it keeping silent, Zhan Mubai, is relying on the superhuman strength and brutal method, obtained the absolute authority, since has become Zhan Family all previous dynasties youngest Patriarch! 那段时光,正是他一生之中最为扬眉吐气的一段时间!整个展家,人人尽都对之噤若寒蝉,展慕白,凭借着超人实力、残酷手段,获得了绝对的权威,成为展家历代以来最年轻的家主 Then, Zhan Mubai lead Zhan Family fights in Jiang Hu, grew strong gradually, making Zhan Family smoothly then first-class family \; But at this time, he obtained the invitation of Fleeing World Immortal Palace, summoning him to enter the Fleeing World Immortal Palace anchorite. 而后,展慕白展家转战江湖,一步一步发展壮大,让展家顺利成为当时的一流家族\;而就在这时候,他得到了遁世仙宫的邀请,召他进入遁世仙宫隐修。 Obtained Three Great Sacred Lands to be the backing, the development of Zhan Family, more and more obviously fast, several hundred years since, be continuous said to now, Zhan Family, already was side hero! But Zhan Mubai, successively becomes Venerable, Saint and Saint Emperor, from Fleeing World Immortal Palace, to the altitude of Heavenly Saint Palace member! 得到了三大圣地做后盾,展家的发展,愈来愈显快速,数百年的时间以来,绵延到今曰,展家,早已是一方豪雄!而展慕白自己,也先后成为尊者圣者圣皇,从遁世仙宫,也一直到了天圣宫成员的高度! Lifetime glory, lifetime brilliance, the obstinance of life! 一生的荣耀,一生的光辉,一生的刚愎自用! Some matters, truly have made the mistake, but...... Is that also what kind of? This world is such law of the jungle, had nothing to say! Own this life, has to gain not compensates, was enough! 或者,有些事,确实是自己做错了,可……那又怎么样?这个世界就是这样弱肉强食,没什么可说的!自己这一生,有赚无赔,足够了! Zhan Mubai is painful, smiling...... He partly lies down on the soft cot, whatever the soft cot carrying/sustaining oneself, are moving toward oneself this life end point gradually. He has not gone to think that this fight, he repeatedly is recalling this life in the heart...... Such as recently, killed Chen Family one, did oneself make a mistake? Not wrong! Strange, only blamed the Chen Family foundation too being really weak! But such weak family, sees unexpectedly as Saint Emperor own scandal! That is also not damn...... What is also? 展慕白痛苦着,微笑着……他半躺在软榻上,任由软榻承载着自己,一步一步走向自己今生的终点。他没有去想这一次战斗,他只是在心中一遍一遍地回想着自己这一生……就如最近,杀死陈家一家,自己错了么?没有错!怪,就只怪陈家的根基实在太弱了!而这样弱的家族,居然看到身为圣皇的自己的丑事!那还不是该死……又是什么? Was only a pity...... Heaven Seizing War! I vainly hoped for the war of hero several hundred years of Heaven Seizing War, in this human history, the history left a good name sufficiently, the name hung the ultimate campaign that the mainland year, left an eternal good name absolutely! My Zhan Mubai...... Could not catch up...... Perhaps this is my life is only, is the biggest regret...... South 80 miles, a hill top. Crosses this hill top, proceeds again, is a mountain. 只可惜……夺天之战啊!我梦想了几百年的夺天之战,这人类历史上,足以青史留名的英雄之战,名垂大陆万万年、万古流芳的终极战役!我展慕白……赶不上了……或许这就是我一生唯一,也是最大的遗憾吧……城南80里,一座小山头。越过这座小山头,再往前走,乃是一座大山。 Before the mountain, a piece of bluish green Cui bamboo grove, Xiaoxiang drags, before the bamboo grove, is actually the vast open area that a piece renovates specially. 山前,一片碧翠的竹林,潇湘摇曳,竹林之前,却是一片特意整修出的辽阔空地。 The air-to-surface center, has together ten zhang (3.33 m) high giant stele, above is carving: Three Great Sacred Lands 35 expert bury the place of bone! The illustrious name exists forever, is immortal!” 空地的中央,有一块十丈高的巨大的石碑,上面刻着:“三大圣地35位高手埋骨之地!英名长存,永垂不朽!” The footsteps that all people almost completely have anchored leading the way at the same time, in the eyes completely sprays the anger! 所有人几乎尽在同一时间停住了前行的脚步,眼中尽都喷射出浓浓的怒火! This time the person, is nothing more or less, just right 35! 此番来的人,不多不少,正好35名! It seems like the opposite party and the others the whereabouts is clear to oneself! Even, but also knew matter that Zhan Mubai comes certainly! 看来对方对自己等人的行踪一清二楚!甚至,还知道了展慕白一定前来的事! The bamboo grove is quiet, nobody left. 竹林寂寂,空无一人。 The opposite party has not come!? 对方还没有来!? He Zhiqiu hehe sneers, said: This stele, seriously is laughable!” He laughs, jumps, has not moved the above typeface, actually transported Profound Arts in the back, the shua shua shua quarter several characters: Evil Monarch buries the institute of bone! 何知秋呵呵冷笑一声,道:“这座石碑,当真是可笑之极!”他大笑一声,纵身而出,没有动上面的字体,却在背面运起玄功,刷刷刷刻下了几个字:邪之君主埋骨之所! Thinks , the this humble one surface engraves one line of small characters: Evil Monarch, Height of shamelessness \; Does not have know one's limitations, the beastly audacity, challenges magnificent Sacred Land \; Have ghost legendary creature trick, actually not real strength, finally was only defeated dead, is, becomes the laughing-stock for ten thousand years for the eternity laughingstock. 想了想,又在下面刻上一行小字:邪之君主,无耻之尤\;无自知之明,狗胆包天,挑战辉煌圣地\;只有鬼蜮伎俩,却无真实实力,最终落败身亡,乃为千古笑柄、贻笑万年。 Carves, the He Zhiqiu sinking sound drinks, Profound Arts transfers again, two one wrong, that giant stele always doing nothing but entire transferred, back originally, turned into the upfront! 刻完,何知秋沉声一喝,玄功再转,两手一错之下,那巨大的石碑竟自整个地转了过来,原本的背面,变成了正面! Haha...... Good, eternity laughingstock, becomes the laughing-stock for ten thousand years, Evil Monarch! These words that Brother He, you write are really exciting! Just, why won't these words originally cancel? Instead spends skill/effort to reverse?” Hai Wuya laughed. Other Three Great Sacred Lands expert, suddenly thought that spirit/mind inspires, applauds. 哈哈……不错,千古笑柄,贻笑万年,邪之君主何兄,你所撰写的这段话真是大快人心啊!只不过,为何不将原本的那些话抹去?反而多费一番功夫倒转过来?”海无涯呵呵笑了起来。其他的三大圣地高手们,也顿时觉得精神一振,纷纷叫好。 He Zhiqiu light saying with a smile: Now says the decisive battle, is for the war of life and death, when this war finally, only then a side can live departure. I such do, was indicating, living a side departs, when erases from this stele own name! If cancels that segment words now, poured appears we have not grasped to win...... Such is remaining, brought to receive the corpse to us for them, cancelled again is not late.” 何知秋淡淡的笑道:“今曰决战,乃为生死之战,此战终了之时,就只有一方能活着离开。我这么做,正表明,活着的一方离去的时候,就是将自己的名字从这面石碑上抹去之时!若是现在就将那段话抹去,倒显得我们没有把握胜出了……就这么留着,带到我们为他们收完了尸,再抹去也不迟。” Good good! Brother He this said It is! Hai Wuya laughed heartily: This decisive battle, we break without the principle of failure! Lets that Evil Monarch, undergoes the trouble that he causes in this place!” “不错不错!何兄此言正是!海无涯哈哈大笑:“这一次决战,我们断无失败之理!就让那位邪之君主,在此地尝受他自己酿下的苦果吧!” Three Great Sacred Lands expert acknowledged loudly, is high-spirited! 三大圣地高手们轰然应诺,士气高昂! Horizon finally wipes the dark colored, finally completely vanishes. 天际的最后一抹暗黑色,终于完全消失。 Dongfang, the eyeful completely is the color of fish sperm. Daybreak Shuguang, will appear obviously soon. 东方,已经满眼尽是鱼白之色。黎明曙光,显然即将出现了。 Carves, when is says Dongfang. 刻下,已是曰出东方之时。 This, no doubt is the time that Evil Monarch decides, but the person in Three Great Sacred Lands aspect, similarly is actually hoping for this moment. Passed this moment, all suspicions, completely will untie! 这,固然是那位邪之君主定的时间,但三大圣地方面的人,却也同样期盼着这一刻。过了这一刻,所有的疑团,都将全部解开! Has been hiding mysterious enemy, will reveal his true colors! 一直隐藏着的神秘敌人,也将会露出他的真面目了! Regardless of that mysterious enemy is the strength strong tribulations Expert to scary crossing, or has other people, will settle down! 无论那神秘敌人是实力强到吓死人的渡劫高人,又或者是另有他人,都将尘埃落定! Therefore, they perform calmly are waiting. These people, casual one also completely is passes through the hundred wars battleground veteran, does not have one is not experienced and reliable cannot the old slippery customer! They do not have slightly is impatient, on face, only then school of serene! Regardless of the life and death, they early looked pale! 所以,他们尽都在静静地等候着。这些人,随便一个也尽都是身经百战的沙场老将,没有一个不是老到不能再老的老油条!他们没有丝毫的不耐烦,脸上,就只有一派的云淡风轻!无论生死,他们都早已经看淡! Even links has placed Zhan Mubai under extreme pain, in that moment that Sun will soon jump out, is a calm of face! Although that school calm on his half red half azure old face that funny! But has actually also demonstrated this show Saint Emperor that unyielding determination! 甚至连一直身处在极度痛苦之下的展慕白,在太阳即将跳出的那一刻,也是一脸的从容!虽然那一派从容在他那张半红半青的老脸上是那么的滑稽!但却也显示了这位展圣皇那不屈的决心! A falcon sharp eye, performs in pairs calmly is gazing at present the bamboo grove. 一双双鹰隼般锐利的眼睛,尽都在静静地注视着眼前竹林。 Other three directions, everybody has not looked. 其他的三个方向,大家都没有看。 Because does not need! 因为没必要! Daybreak Shuguang rules the earth, Dongfang greatly is finally bright! 黎明曙光君临大地,东方终于大亮! Rustle footsteps sound, neatly and quickly. 簌簌的脚步声响起,整齐而快捷。 The left side and right, simultaneously walks two groups of subordinate. Fast and lithe, looks like two azure smoke, the passing over gently and swiftly earth, arrived at the bamboo grove , before instantaneously. 左面和右面,同时走过来两路人马。快速而轻盈,就像是两股青烟,掠过大地,瞬间就来到竹林之前。 Each team, is 36 people, two teams total are 72 people! 每一队,都是36人,两队合共是72人! They such neat walks, does not look askance, has demonstrated the army general strict discipline! 他们就这么整齐的走过来,目不斜视,显示了军队一般的严明纪律! Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu look at these 72 people slowly, the complexion always doing nothing but bit by bit sank. They have not looked at each other complexion, knows each other in the heart that unequalled shock! 海无涯何知秋看着这72人,脸色竟自慢慢的一点一点的沉了下去。他们没有看彼此的脸色,就知道彼此心中那无与伦比的震惊! Originally opposite party unexpectedly not only a person, the influence is also quite magnificent, and...... The person unexpectedly is expert, great expert! 原来对方竟非止一人,势力也颇为壮观,而且……所来之人竟全都是高手,一等一的高手 In these 72 people, a strength weakest person, has been the Venerable Third Level level! Venerable Fourth Level has 19, Saint First Level has 31 people, Saint Second Level, will really have about 20 people! 这72个人之中,实力最弱的一人,也达到了尊者三级层次!尊者四级的有19个,圣者一级有31人,圣者二级,竟然有将近20人! Takes the lead as for two, unexpectedly is formidable existence of Saint Third Level! 至于两个领头的,竟然是圣者三级的强大存在! Only is these 72 people, is one is extremely considerable, extremely huge strength! 光是这72人,就已经是一个极其可观、极之庞大的力量 Now world, likes permits Shili to exist unexpectedly! Have they, how hidden the truth from the Three Great Sacred Lands informer? Even, their continually entire world, has been concealing the truth! 当今之世,竟有如许势力存在!他们,是如何瞒过三大圣地的耳目的?甚至,他们连整个天下,也一直瞒着! Such strength, one year in two years cannot come out! This need long-term accumulation, least if also 200-300 years, can accomplish such strength! 这样的力量,可不是一年两年内就能出来的!这需要长时间的积累,最少也要是两三百年的时间,才能够造就出这样的一支力量 Do they achieve? 他们是怎么做到的? Suddenly, Three Great Sacred Lands respective does expert simultaneously to look at each other in blank diamay, performs to be shocked to unable to speak, if the match has one person, even if that person of strength is extremely high, that feared that dominated above Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, or is that crossed Thunder Tribulation that peerless expert, the people were no doubt alarmed and afraid, was actually not necessarily able so to shock! 一时间,三大圣地所属的一干高手齐齐面面相觑,尽都被震惊得说不出话来,若对手只得一人,纵然那人实力极高,那怕是真个凌驾于九幽十四少之上、又或者就是那渡过雷劫的那名绝世强者,众人固然惊惧,却也未必会如此震撼! Did in world, when have these many peak expert unexpectedly? These people, what influence is also? How looks like general that falls from the space, Three Great Sacred Lands to know nothing suddenly unexpectedly! 世间,何时竟有了这么多的顶峰高手?这些人,又到底是属于什么势力?怎地就像是突然从天上掉下来的一般,三大圣地竟然一无所知! Is this possible? How this is a matter! 这怎么可能?这又是怎么一回事! Under is in the glare of the public eye, that 72 expert arrive at the near, under a gloomy verbal command, the uniform earth-shaking transformation changes into two triangle formations, wild goose wing exhibits. Everybody are respectful standing, the middle has vacated a relatively broad channel. As if waiting for anything...... The position that resigns, core position! 众目睽睽之下,那72位高手来到近前,在一声低沉的号令之下,整齐划一地变换成两个三角形队列,雁翅型摆开。人人都是恭敬的站立,中间空出了一条相对宽阔的通道。似乎在等侯着什么……让出的这个位置,也正是核心的位置! Hasn't the could it be person arrived unexpectedly? 难道正主儿竟是还没到来? Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu each other look one, thought in own palm is grasping sweat! The heaviness and anxiety of heart, by two people that a lot of years of story, cannot restrain unexpectedly! 海无涯何知秋彼此对望一眼,均觉得自己手心里握着一把汗水!心头的沉重和紧张,以两人那千百年的阅历,竟然也不能克制! Rustle the neat sound of footsteps resounds once again, the distant place, presented eight teams almost at the same time. 簌簌整齐的脚步声再度响起,远方,几乎在同一时间出现了八支队伍。 Each team, more than 30 people of scenes, from rapidly in the direction that both sides face, grazes! 每一队,都大约有30余人的光景,正自急速地向着双方对垒的方向,飞掠而来! Even if that eight teams are in high-speed march, is still maintaining the exceptionally neat formation, meticulous, perfectly in order! It looks like eight swift and fierce advantage arrows, toward here, flies to shoot rapidly! 那八支队伍纵然处于高速的行进之中,依然是保持着异常整齐的队形,一丝不苟,一丝不乱!就像是八支凌厉的利箭,向着这里,急速飞射! Among the moment, arrived at the near. 须臾间,已经来到近前。 Is person of light shouted: Array!” 为首一人轻喝道:“列阵!” About 300 people of will be dazzled the transformation formation, fuses together with original two triangle small perfectly, the lineup also turned into big of two triangles along with it exuviae! Still is the wild goose wing arrangement. 将近300人一阵眼花缭乱般的变换队形,与原来的两个三角形小阵完美地融为一体,阵型也随之蜕变成了两个三角形的大阵!依然是雁翅型排列。 Is two people, a person of black clothes like black ink, a person of white clothing wins the snow. 为首两个人,一人黑衣如墨,一人白衣胜雪。 Grassland Divine Eagle Solitary Eagle, Wild Wind Sword God Feng Juanyun! 草原鹰神鹰搏空,狂风剑神风卷云 Just, now these two, all the promotion is Fourth Level Saint peak, has the one pace from the Saint Emperor level! 只不过,现在这两人,已经全都晋升为四级圣者顶峰,距离圣皇层次也只得一步之遥! As for these eight teams that they bring, cultivation base of everyone, performed and that two teams of subordinate cultivation base is formerly about the same. 至于他们带来的这八支队伍,每个人的修为,尽都与先前那两队人马修为在伯仲之间。 Including the leader, totals 308 people! 连头领在内,合共308人! Examinations in the past, Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu several near collapses: All people completely are Venerable above expert! And, Fourth Level Saint two, Third Level Saint six. Second Level Saint 90 people, First Level Saint 170 people. Fourth Level Venerable 33 people, Third Level Venerable seven people! 一个个查看过去,海无涯何知秋几近崩溃:所有人尽都是尊者以上的高手!其中,四级圣者两位,三级圣者六名。二级圣者90人,一级圣者170人。四级尊者33人,三级尊者七人! This simply is the incredible matter! 这简直就是不可置信的事情! could it be do we perform in the most fearful nightmare? 难道我们尽都在最可怕的噩梦之中吗? Even if Three Great Sacred Lands, does not have these many, strength such average expert! Formidable strength of this unprecedented terrifying, has swept away trim Xuan Xuan Continent sufficiently, even...... If Heavenly Saint Palace make a move, this strength enough has not swept away Three Great Sacred Lands! The degree of threat, even has surpassed the alien race influence! 即便是三大圣地,也没有这么多的、实力这么平均的高手!这股空前恐怖的强大力量,已经足以横扫整片玄玄大陆,甚至……若是天圣宫出手的话,这股力量已经足够横扫三大圣地!其威胁程度,甚至已经超过了异族势力! After all, all Saint Emperor rank expert, subordinate in Heavenly Saint Palace! 毕竟,所有的圣皇级别高手,都隶属于天圣宫 In world, were when many such strength? 世间,什么时候多了这样的一支力量 Sacred Land expert, everybody think somewhat dumbstruck! 圣地高手们,人人都觉得有些发懵! These people, were still waiting for, waits for leader's arrival! In other words, these people, receive one person to control completely! Belongs to someone's armed strength! 这些人,依然在等待,等待主导者的到来!也就是说,这些人,全部受一人支配!是属于某一个人的武装力量 Such cognition, making Three Great Sacred Lands Saint Emperor Saint everybody feel that the back of the body sends coolly! This person so bears patiently, so strength...... Three Great Sacred Lands, danger! 这样的认知,让三大圣地圣皇圣者们人人都觉得后心发凉!此人如此隐忍,如此实力……三大圣地,危矣! They waited for that who is?! 他们等待的,到底是谁?! No matter, is an unparalleled fierce and ambitious! 不管是谁,都是一位盖世之枭雄! Along with a chuckle, two people suddenly such appear in the green bamboo grove, a man and a woman, a pair of deity family companion, two people perform the white clothing to win the snow, male is dashing, such as handsome like a jade tree, the female peerless grace and talent, such as the fairy maiden is born into this world! 随着一声轻笑,两个人突然就这么出现在青青的竹林里,一男一女,一对神仙眷侣,两人尽都白衣胜雪,男的英俊潇洒,如玉树临风,女的风华绝代,如仙子临凡! Two people, such from the bamboo grove of blue green jade, step by step walked. 两个人,就这么从碧翠的竹林里,一步步走了出来。 Walks on the main road that in two teams keep specially, the light robe slow belt, leisurely (Youran) is natural. As if pair of young boys and girls, goes for a walk. 走在两支队伍特意留出的这一条大路上,轻袍缓带,悠然潇洒。仿佛是一对金童玉女,踏青而来。 Both sides more than 300 expert, when sees these two people, on the face simultaneously reveals respectful expression. Looked like saw the God in their mind! 两侧300多名高手,在见到这两个人的时候,脸上同时露出恭敬的神色。就像是看到了他们心目中的神祗! Suddenly, sits Zhan Mubai face a shock on soft cot, damn called: Jun Moxie! That is Jun Moxie!......” 突然,坐在软榻上的展慕白一脸的震惊,见鬼似地叫了起来:“君莫邪!那是君莫邪!……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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