OEM :: Volume #9

#890: Evil Monarch war declaration

Hai Wuya and the others look at this sudden wall so strange appearance at present, the myth general presents the handwriting slowly, regarding at present this completely is dumbfounded. Forgave them to perform lived several hundred years of old monster and old spirit, actually also never saw the so unthinkable scene! 海无涯等人看着这面突如其来的墙壁如此诡异的出现在眼前,更神话一般的徐徐出现字迹,对于眼前这一幕尽都是目瞪口呆。饶他们尽都是活了几百年的老怪物、老妖精,却也从未见到如此匪夷所思的场面! Furthermore, are these four characters, what meaning? 再有,这四个字,到底是什么意思? Evil Monarch!? 邪之君主’!? What looks at this name only likely is somebody's name or is the nickname and nickname, but, seemingly had not actually heard a now world also such person, this name representative, who is? 单看这名字像是某人的名字又或者是外号、绰号什么,但,却貌似就从来没有听说过当今之世还有这样的一个人,这个名字代表的,到底是什么人呢? In world, evil, naturally is the dishonest ways meaning, but, from ancient to present, who can say Monarch? 世间,邪,自然是歪门邪道的意思,但,由古至今,有谁能自称‘君主’? If there is this kind of Monarch, how could to be obscure? How could it not be already under famous skylark? 若是真的有这样一位君主,岂能默默无闻?岂不早就名噪天下? Nowadays, this mysterious Evil Monarch name suddenly appears here, there is what intention? could it be, was that person of tribulation, Evil Monarch was a moment ago inadequate? 现如今,这位神秘的‘邪之君主’名字突然出现在这里,又有何用意呢?难道,刚才度劫的那个人,就是邪之君主不成? In people heart completely when whispered secretly, in dirt wall these four large character suddenly bold light to erupt, shining person eye! The handwriting that in this dirt wall presents, turned into the shining eye-catching golden inscription in split second unexpectedly! 就在众人心中尽都在暗暗嘀咕的时候,土墙上这四个大字突然豪光大作,耀人眼目!这土墙上出现的字迹,竟然在一瞬间变成了灿灿夺目的金色字样! Suddenly, always doing nothing but exceptionally resplendence in this jet black dark night! 一时间,在这漆黑的暗夜中竟自异常辉煌灿烂起来! Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu and the others stare dumbfounded: This...... Does also such change? In could it be this world has the ghosts and gods to be inadequate really? Also or crossed the person of strength tribulation to be extremely intrepid a moment ago, can Heaven and Earth also for its cauldron card?! 海无涯何知秋等人一阵瞠目结舌:这……还有这么变化的?难道这世界上真的有鬼神不成?又或者是刚才渡劫之人实力太过强悍,天地也要为其鼎证?! This unthinkable special change, has been above has presented obviously the cognition of all people. 这种匪夷所思的特异变化,显然已经超乎了在场所有人的认知。 But, then, is actually golden light glittering! The handwriting transforms once again gradually keeps the mark, Three Great Sacred Lands expert from astonishment to serious, then is actually angry! Violent anger! 但,接下来,却又是一阵金光闪烁!字迹再度渐次幻化留痕,三大圣地高手们一个个的从惊讶到严肃,然后却是愤怒!极端的愤怒! First a large seal character, across the sky the appearance, was occupying the middle position war! 首先一个斗大篆字,横空出现,正正占据了中间位置战! World ten thousand/myriad evil, I for Monarch! Sweeps away the world, looks disdainfully Jiang Hu! Evil Monarch, God howling ghost cries \; Smiles the universe, now!” “人间万邪,我为君主!横扫天下,睥睨江湖邪君所至,神嚎鬼哭\;一笑乾坤,一眼今古!” Really is really the big tone!” He Zhiqiu heavy snort/hum, to this does not know the origin, is mysterious Evil Monarch has made the appraisal! People heart on the scene, some same feeling. “真真是好大的口气!”何知秋沉沉地哼了一声,对这位不知来历、故弄玄虚的‘邪之君主’做出了评价!在场众人心中,都有些同感。 This segment character, was really too extremely arrogant! He thinks that whose he is Iya? 这段字,实在是太狂妄了!他以为他是谁呀? But the people know, the sudden these unusual forms, the opposite party to not show off oneself strength obviously comes, with crossed the Thunder Tribulation strength a moment ago, very much has been able to explain all, now adds these accidents again, decides however has the goal. 但众人都知道,突然出现的这些异状,对方显然不是为了夸耀自己实力而来,就以刚才渡过雷劫的实力,就已经很能说明一切了,现在再添这些变故,定然是另有目的的。 At present, actually must wait. 眼下,却还需等待。 Really, the following character, confirmed people's guess. 果然,接下来的字,证实了众人的猜测。 Sacred Land is not good, Evil Monarch cuts down it \; A sword extinguishes Saint, is for the outset!” 圣地无良,邪君伐之\;一剑灭圣者,乃为起始也!” People clamored, originally Xia Dongting was assassinated by mysterious, unexpectedly was this Evil Monarch below hand! 众人一阵大哗,原来夏东亭神秘刺杀,竟然就是这位‘邪之君主’下的手! „...... Fights with the fists the fleeing the world palace, the foot kicks the Supreme city \; When comes the safe idly, holds Blood Sea to be spatial! The world hypocrite, dies is not buried \; The Sacred Land multi- villains, deliver to be reborn in paradise entirely \; The world all jumps for joy, within the four seas finally Jing Ping \; Only my evil Monarch, the whole world alone dominates!” “……拳打遁世宫,脚踢至尊城\;闲来无事时,一掌血海空!人间伪君子,死无葬身地\;圣地多恶棍,统统送往生\;天下皆雀跃,海内终靖平\;唯我邪之君,举世独称雄!” Quite extremely arrogant! Quite rampant! Good scoundrel! Seriously damn!” He Zhiqiu scolded angrily. odd/surplus people also completely one in an uproar \; This Evil Monarch tone, was simply crazy not side! Even if your strength is astonishing, then can alone to stand erect by a person of strength in profound extremely peak more than ten thousand years of Three Great Sacred Lands?! “好狂妄!好嚣张!好混账!当真该死!”何知秋愤怒地骂道。余者众人也尽都一片哗然\;这位‘邪之君主’的口气,简直就是狂得没边了!纵然你实力惊人,便能以一人之力独对已屹立于玄玄极峰万多年的三大圣地吗?! Sacred Land people, if there is a courage, clear(ly) said early morning, the south waited. A war decides the life and death, a service love and hate! When said Dongfang, then when was the Sacred Land gentlemen is decapitated!” 圣地中人,若有胆子,明曰清晨,城南相候。一战决生死,一役了恩仇!曰出东方之时,便是圣地诸君身首异处之时!” Evil Monarch awaits respectfully your honorable self, delivers the gentlemen to accompany specially, same goes to this world and nether world hand in hand! Yellow Springs Road remote, the life and death gate opens. The gentlemen are careful, has not delayed double-hour, if, then unavoidably becomes the solitary person wild ghost.” 邪君恭候大驾,专程送诸君结伴携手、同赴幽明!黄泉路遥,生死门开。诸君仔细,切勿误了时辰,若是,则难免成孤魂野鬼也。” The writing in dirt wall, hence ended. 土墙上的文字,至此结束。 Three Great Sacred Lands expert exploded with rage the belly! 三大圣地高手们可谓是气炸了肚子! This in world, facing Three Great Sacred Lands, unexpectedly also such rampant person! 这世间,面对三大圣地,居然还有这么嚣张的人! clear(ly) said early morning! Evil Monarch...... Decisive battle!” Hai Wuya slowly was reading these four characters, compared other people, he was actually more several points of reason, little calm. Is facing this quick strange dirt wall, Hai Wuya when the shock and anger, feels to be deeper, is actually thick fearful. The timid thoughts of already forgetting are revisit again at this moment unexpectedly towering! “明曰清晨!邪之君主……决战!”海无涯慢慢的念着这四个字,相比较起其他人,他却是更多了几分理智、几许冷静。面对着这快古怪的土墙,海无涯在震惊和愤怒之余,感受到更深的,却是浓浓的心寒。早已忘记的怯懦心思再这一刻竟是突兀重临! If the opposite party is uncertain, how can under so the war declaration? 对方若无把握,怎么会下出如此战书? Good!” He Zhiqiu also calm, calm in the thick anger, said slowly: This, inevitably is a fierce battle! Victory and defeat that this fights, is really......” “不错!”何知秋也在浓浓愤怒之中冷静、镇定下来,缓缓道:“这,必然是一场恶战!这一战的胜负,真是……” This Evil Monarch chose time to be the time...... Hai Wuya has smiled bitterly really, said: We come Chrysanthemum City expert, at present dispersed most probably, it can be said that has been being in the strength weakest moment, but he elected in this crucial point awfully! This makes the old man feel, as if is not very wonderful.” “这位邪之君主选得时间可真太是时候了……”海无涯苦笑一声,道:“我方前来菊花城高手,眼下已经分散了大半,可说是正处于实力最薄弱的一刻,可他就偏偏选在了这样要命的节骨眼上!这让老夫觉得,似乎很是不妙。” Far more than is not wonderful, simply is big is not wonderful!” He Zhiqiu dignified say/way: Before the accident, caused the aid in Imaginary Palace aspect to have a falling out to leave, had the meaning of quarrel becoming enemies with us greatly, your my weapon while convenient, lost in that time. At present also has Brother Zhan to suffer Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master evil scheme, Brother Hai you, received some internal injuries. I and others according to was met by Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master for the three protector Sirs of backer...... Now this origin mysterious and strength are being as deep as a well Evil Monarch, suddenly at this moment proposed discussing of decisive battle!” “何止是不妙,根本就是大大的不妙!”何知秋凝重的道:“之前变故,令到幻府方面的援手闹翻走人,与我方大有反目成仇之意,你我的趁手兵器,也在那时失去。眼下又有展兄遭受九幽十四少毒手,更连带着海兄你,也受了些内伤。我等依为靠山的三位守护者大人又被九幽十四少约战……现在这位来历神秘、实力更是高深莫测的邪之君主,突然在这个时刻提出了决战之议!” He Zhiqiu heaved a deep sigh, said: However we...... Now fully had not actually understood, this Evil Monarch...... Where is sacred! Even before then, heard radically continually has not heard...... This war, simply is bewildered! If he were before crosses that person of tribulation seriously, how could it not be I and others said the not many on the real true time!” 何知秋长叹一声,道:“而我们……现在却还完全都不了解,这位邪之君主……到底是何方神圣!甚至在此之前,根本连听说也没有听说过……这一战,简直是莫名其妙!若他当真就是之前渡劫的那人,我等岂非就真真时曰无多了!” This everybody are clear! But, this fights is actually imperative!” Hai Wuya forced smile: Has to accept the challenge of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to be the same on such as three protector Sirs, we cannot reject meeting of this Evil Monarch similarly!” “这点大伙都清楚!但,这一战却已是势在必行!”海无涯苦笑:“就如三位守护者大人不得不接受九幽十四少的挑战一样,我们同样也不能拒绝这一次邪之君主的约战!” Does not drop for a Sacred Land ten thousand years of prestige, does not allow us to have the least bit to flinch! We rather all died in battle, actually cannot flinch!” The He Zhiqiu look looks at distant place curtain of night distantly, deeply said. “为了圣地万年声望不堕,决计不容得我们有半点退缩!我们宁可尽数战死,却也不能退缩!”何知秋眼神悠远地看着远方夜幕,沉沉的道 Leaves behind two people, looks after good Brother Zhan, other people, one and starts off.” Hai Wuya said: This opposite party or skill are greatly strengthened, actually not necessarily was before crosses that senior Expert of tribulation! Furthermore, the manpower is sometimes poor, he always has one person, if in the case of the expert quantity, regardless of not to compare how our Three Great Sacred Lands accumulation inside story more profound. This fights not necessarily does not have the odds of success, if...... May rally together to attack! When said that to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master tactical rules, not necessarily cannot apply in now said!” “留下两个人,照顾好展兄,其余人等,一并上路。”海无涯道:“这对方或者身手极强,却未必就是之前渡劫的那位前辈高人!再者,人力有时穷,他始终只得一人,若是论到高手数量,无论如何也不会比得过我们三大圣地的积累底蕴更深湛。这一战未必全无胜算,若是……可群起而攻之!当曰对九幽十四少的战法,未必不能应用于今曰!” He Zhiqiu is startled, immediately nods slowly. 何知秋一怔,随即缓缓点头。 I...... Also goes!” A weak sound said. They turn head to look, the speech, unexpectedly is Zhan Mubai. They see the Zhan Mubai present appearance, cannot help but is with amazement in great surprise! The Hai Wuya even whole body somewhat shivers...... This moment Zhan Mubai image, it may be said that already pitifully to extreme. “我……也去!”一个微弱的声音道。两人回头一看,说话的,竟是展慕白。两人看到展慕白现在的样子,不由得都是骇然大惊!海无涯甚至浑身都有些颤抖起来……此刻展慕白的形象,可谓已经凄惨到了极处。 Whole person left half the body fire burns, right half the body is actually hanging the First Layer cold frost, from the face, to two feet, is the ice fire symmetrical situations so. But only passes half double-hour, actually the revolutions makes the right half rim-fire to burn, the left half side ice is cold, so repeat in cycles...... The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master method, seriously is vicious! This is actually his unique method, Nine Nether Raging Fire and Nine Nether Cold Wind two entirely different Divine Art techniques simultaneously exerts on Zhan Mubai, every half double-hour then meets time in turn one time, this has a reputation, is called: The Yin-Yang refining up the soul! 整个人左半边身子火烫,右半边身子却挂着一层寒霜,从脸部以下,一直到两只脚,都是这般的冰火对称情形。而只过得半个时辰,却又转作右半边火烫,左半边冰寒,如此循环往复……九幽十四少的手段,当真是恶毒之极!这却是他的独门手段,九幽烈火九幽寒风两种截然不同的神功手法同时施加到展慕白身上,每半个时辰便会定时轮换一次,这却有个名头,叫做:阴阳炼魂! This type of Yin-Yang refining up the soul, displays one time, entire sustainable day night of skill/effort! In one night of this day, receiving punishment simply is similar to back and forth repeatedly in the 18th floor hell, is now the first brutal penalty in world recognition! 这种阴阳炼魂,施展一次,整整可持续一天一夜的功夫!在这一天一夜里面,受刑者简直是如同在十八层地狱里一遍一遍的来回趟,乃是当今世间公认的第一残酷的刑罚! Seeks livehood no doubt can not, but asked...... Actually cannot! 求生固然不得,但求死……却也不能! Before Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master releases people, simply truly do not let off Zhan Mubai, but suffers the devastation intentionally in him! Zhan Mubai under such all kinds pain, even if spoke a few words every time, must bear the greatest pain! 九幽十四少之前放人,根本就不是真正要放过了展慕白,而是存心折磨蹂躏于他!展慕白在这样的万般痛苦之下,就算是每说一句话,都要承受莫大的痛苦! My this appearance, supported again also supports less than clear(ly) saying that at this time......” Zhan Mubai was shivering, hated the sound said: Was played by the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master strange method with it, I pour rather spell with that Evil Monarch, or can play a role...... Two brothers, clear(ly) said that in the morning a war, I was already helpless, but you actually must help me...... Helps me to start collapse Xuelie the body God technique! Let me unfold some...... Dying is more dignified......” “我这副样子,再支撑也撑不到明曰此时了……”展慕白颤抖着,恨声道:“与其被九幽十四少的古怪手段玩死,我倒宁愿与那个邪之君主一拼,或者还能发挥点作用……两位兄弟,明曰清晨一战,我本身已然无能为力,但你们却要帮我一个忙……助我启动崩血裂体神术!让我展某……死的体面一些……” collapse Xuelie body God technique......” Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu such as were struck by lightning, simultaneously dumbfounded: Brother Zhan, you clearly know, you only needed to endure for day a night of scene, your cultivation base then had the possibility of restoring...... Why you must offer this bad plan......” “崩血裂体神术……”海无涯何知秋如遭雷击,同时呆住:“展兄,你明知道,你只需要熬得过一天一夜的光景,你的修为便有恢复的可能……你为何要出此下策……” Zhan Mubai mirthless smile: Exhibition this time comes out, these matters of bitter experience...... Everybody completely looked in in the eyes, two brothers believe that my Zhan Mubai...... Can the also appearance go on living? Not to mention the death threat of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master that guy, with I unfolded some facial skin......” 展慕白惨笑:“展某此次出来,遭遇的这么些事情……大伙可是尽都看在眼中了,两位兄弟认为,我展慕白……还有面目活得下去?且不说九幽十四少那厮的死亡威胁,就以我展某的脸皮来说……” Here, his sudden hissing bellowed: My Zhan Mubai is really...... Lives to might as well die!!” 说到这里,他突然嘶声大吼一声:“我展慕白实在是……生不如死!!” Zhan Mubai own profound Profound Arts early could not raise at this time, these words, completely by strength howled, sound hoarse, has actually been full of the desperate shame. 展慕白自身的深湛玄功此时早已经提不上来了,这句话,完全是以本身的力量吼叫出来,声音嘶哑,却充满了绝望的羞辱。 Zhan Mubai, in the heart was already full by the dead will! 展慕白,心中早已被死志充盈,! Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu are standing dull, in the heart is similar to fills the lead to be generally heavy. Relative, could not speak...... The dim light of night sneaks off quietly...... In early morning dimness, Three Great Sacred Lands respective expert under according to He Zhiqiu and Hai Wuya two people leadership, calmly went out of Chrysanthemum City South Gate. 海无涯何知秋呆呆站着,心中如同灌铅一般沉重。面面相对,却说不出话来……夜色悄悄溜走……凌晨的朦胧之中,三大圣地所属的高手们在以何知秋海无涯两人的率领之下,静静地走出了菊花城南门 Among this pedestrians is equipped with above a soft cot, Zhan Mubai is straightening up the body, sits above. The left face is red, the right face is pale, body in control is shivering, whole body muscle, in convulsion inch by inch, but the Zhan Mubai hair actually combs entire simultaneously, the clothes are also spotless, in the eyes full is killing intent and renouncing! 这行人中间设有一副软榻之上,展慕白挺直着身子,坐在上面。左边脸通红,右边脸惨白,身子在控制不住的颤抖着,浑身的肌肉,也在一寸一寸的痉挛,但展慕白头发却是梳理得整整齐齐,衣服也是一尘不染,眼中满是杀气、决绝! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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