OEM :: Volume #9

#889: Evil Monarch!

Nine Heaven First Master?” Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui look at each other in blank dismay, this strange name, two people first time heard. Although by his two people several hundred years of experience and story, has judged this strange name to be just opposite with Nine Nether all less/small in the pattern instantaneously, but suddenly actually was still hard to understand Profound Principle, simultaneously is stunned! 九霄第一爷?”成吟啸曲勿回面面相觑,这个怪异的名字,两人还是第一次听说。虽然以他两人数百年的经验、阅历,已经瞬间判断到这个古怪的名字在格局上与九幽诸少刚好相反,但一时间却仍难以明了个中的玄机,不禁齐齐愕然! Is the name that who gives? Replied me!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master quite disdains to Three Great Sacred Lands Zhan Mubai and other Saint Emperor expert, but relatively quite trusts higher First Level Heavenly Saint Palace people, because to Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui that level, is present age absolute peak, they are impossible to lie, disdains to lie, even if the object is Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! “到底是谁取的这个名字?回答我!”九幽十四少三大圣地展慕白圣皇高手颇为不屑,但对更高一级天圣宫中人还是相对比较信任的,因为到了成吟啸曲勿回的那种层次,已经是当世的绝对巅峰,他们不可能撒谎,更不屑撒谎,即使对象是自己九幽十四少 Who is Nine Heaven First Master? Have you heard?” The Cheng Yinxiao eye looks to the people, although he guessed that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master asked this name, must have the strange place, but he already did not inquire about the humans affair to be long, inquired to the subordinate. 九霄第一爷是谁?你们有听说过吗?”成吟啸眼睛看向众人,他虽然已猜测到九幽十四少问到这个名字,必有古怪之处,但他却早已不过问世事久矣,自是向下级询问。 Hahaha, Nine Heaven First Master this name, is seriously good.” Zhan Mubai has smiled two \; He now is genuine does not have scruples. Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master clearly said a moment ago, will not let off itself absolutely, but simultaneously he very much felt relieved, because this place simultaneously obtained Heavenly Saint Palace three big ultimate expert Qiao Ying, Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui, even if Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master manifested suddenly at the scene, oneself one even if the odds of success were not high, but the self-preservation was actually the no worries. 哈哈哈,九霄第一爷这个名字,当真不错。”展慕白笑了两声\;他现在可是真正的全无顾忌。刚才九幽十四少就明明白白的说了,绝对不会放过自己,而同时他又很放心,因为此地同时得到了天圣宫三大终极强者乔影成吟啸曲勿回,就算九幽十四少当场发作,自己一方纵然胜算不高,但自保却是无虞的。 Therefore now the Zhan Mubai mentality puts very much opens, he uses nearly taunt the mouth gas channel/air said: Nine Heaven First Master this name? Good name! May really be matches with Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master certainly, really has matched......” 所以现在展慕白的心态可谓放得很开,他用一种近乎嘲讽的口气道:“九霄第一爷这个名字吗?好名字啊!跟九幽十四少可真是绝配呀,实在是太配了……” Matches very much? You said how does match the law?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master dense say/way. “是很配吗?那你说说,到底怎么个配法?”九幽十四少森然道。 One is a highest heaven, one is Nine Nether, the former keeps aloof, is for the day of space, the latter gets sucked in the underground extreme, underground place.” Zhan Mubai laughed: Really is very symmetrical. One is first, first is 14...... No matter the middle high and low size, is the absolute opposition. Finally, unexpectedly one is few...... One is a master! Haha......” “一个是九霄,一个是九幽,前者高高在上,乃为天上之天,后者深陷在地下极处,地下之地。”展慕白呵呵一笑:“实在是很对称啊。一个是第一,一个是14……中间不管尊卑大小,都是绝对的对立。最后,居然一个是少……一个是爷!哈哈……” Zhan Mubai laughs wildly suddenly, the tears almost class that smiles comes out, doubles with laughter: Few, is the junior \; The masters, are the ancestors! Among this is missing the rank! At least misses three generations, are really few, regardless of compared with Heaven and Earth don't, and 14 differences, few were many, big progress...... Hahaha...... Really laughable......” 展慕白突然狂笑起来,笑的眼泪都几乎流出来,前仰后合:“少,乃小辈\;爷,乃祖宗!这中间可是差着辈分呢!起码差三辈吧,真少啊,无论比起天地之别、一与14之别,都少的多了,大大的进步啊……哈哈哈……真是可笑……” Suddenly Pa! a clear sound, was on the face of Zhan Mubai maliciously has actually suffered, this palm of the hand pulled out his entire body suddenly to lose the center of gravity, slantingly was crooked the body to stagger backward...... Second that but comes, has actually pulled out him. 突然“啪!”一声清脆响动,却是展慕白的脸上狠狠地挨了一记耳光,这一巴掌抽得他整个身子顿时失去了重心,斜斜地歪着身子向后踉跄……但紧接着来的第二记耳光,却又将他抽了回来。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master make a move, the tune not returns to and the others suddenly, although has been alerting fully, but definitely is unable to prevent unexpectedly! Looks at his another brushing Zhan Mubai helplessly, actually without enough time responded! 九幽十四少猝然出手,曲无回等人虽然已经在全力戒备,但竟然完全无法阻止!眼睁睁的看着他一记耳光又一记耳光的抽打展慕白,竟然来不及反应! This speed, the reality can be said as the unparalleled in the world! 这份速度,实可说是天下无双! Zhan Mubai just about to exudes one to roar, suddenly felt that own throat by big hand capture, had been carried his whole person unexpectedly maliciously, the both feet takeoffs, holds up high. 展慕白刚要发出一声怒吼,突然感觉到自己的咽喉竟被一只大手狠狠抓住,将他整个人拎了起来,双脚离地,高高举起。 Meanwhile, copious not governing huge vigorously, gloomy, looks like fang that the clever thing stretches out, seeped in his whole body meridians, controlled his meridians instantaneously, extended to Dantian, has locked vital point, Profound Arts, all controlled solidity. Meanwhile, firmly has controlled his whole body each active link! 与此同时,一股沛然莫御的庞然大力,阴森森的,就像是鬼物伸出的獠牙,渗透进了他的全身经脉之中,瞬间控制住他的经脉,延伸至丹田,锁定了要害,一身玄功,尽数被控制的结结实实。同时,将他全身上下每一个能动的环节都牢牢的控制了起来! The time of a blink, Zhan Mubai dropped the intercrescence dead also distressed region from Saint Emperor of keeping aloof cannot help but! 只是一眨眼的时间,展慕白就从一位高高在上的圣皇跌落到了连生死也不由自主的狼狈之极的境地! Fourteenth Young Master! And please stop, has the words to say.” Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui also go forward. Their make a move prevents without enough time, is in the heart one cold. At this moment sees the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master so exquisite method, in split second on positive control Third Level Saint Emperor, cannot help but in heart big quake! 十四少!且请住手,有话好说。”成吟啸曲勿回同时上前。两人来不及出手阻止,已经是心中一凛。此刻看到九幽十四少如此精妙的手段,在一瞬间就全面控制一位三级圣皇,不由得心中大震! Halts! If who treads one step, I conquer by killing Three Great Sacred Lands!” A Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master brow wrinkle, sneers, puts out a hand a stroke, unexpectedly before already body delimited two halves void! When a such simple stroke, he and Zhan Mubai, entered in another space. “站住!谁若是踏过来一步,我就血洗三大圣地!”九幽十四少眉头一皱,冷笑一声,伸手一划,竟已将身前的虚空划成了两半!就只是这么简简单单的一划之余,他和展慕白,就已经进入到了另一个空间之内。 Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui two people are away from Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master not to arrive at the half a Zhang (1.65 m) the distance, only need extend make a move, can touch the body of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, but on this half a Zhang (1.65 m) distance, actually has become remote of horizon! 成吟啸曲勿回两个人距离九幽十四少已不到半丈的距离,只需伸出手,就能触到九幽十四少的身体,但就这半丈距离,却成了天涯之遥! Unbearableness of genuine! 货真价实的咫尺天涯! Points at one stroke, void shatter! 手指一划,虚空破碎! This is not legend and myth does not boast didn't intend to boast, but solid occurrence at present. 这既不是传说、神话也不是吹牛说大话,而是实实在在的发生在了眼前。 Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui simultaneously sucks in an cold air/Qi, discussed from this Divine Ability only, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master itself skill were least restored over 80%! Replies 80% skills Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, is not two people can contend, had decided that is unable to contend. 成吟啸曲勿回齐齐倒抽一口冷气,单从这一手的神通而论,九幽十四少的本身功力最少已经恢复了八成以上!回复八成功力的九幽十四少,就已经不是自己两个人能够抗衡的,决计无法抗衡。 They collaborate, the breakthrough Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master space barrier, pours is not a difficult matter, but are least also needs to spend half tea skill/effort! skill/effort of half tea, is not seemingly long, but in this during, skill/effort of a blink was too long, must wait for half tea really skill/effort, the day lily was already cool...... Let alone, two people, if passed, that...... With enough time regardless of without enough time, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said conquers by killing Three Great Sacred Lands the matter, has become the fact of being settled! 两人联手,突破九幽十四少的空间屏障,倒也并非难事,但却最少也需要花费半盏茶的功夫!半盏茶的功夫,貌似不长,但在这个当口,就算一眨眼的功夫都太长了,真要等半盏茶的功夫,黄花菜早就凉了……更何况,两人若是真的过去了,那么……无论来得及来不及,九幽十四少所说的‘血洗三大圣地’之事,就成了板上钉钉的事实! By the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master strength, he can achieve completely! This purely is a lunatic, among the world, does not have the what happened sentiment is he does not dare to do! 九幽十四少的实力,他完全做得到!这纯粹就是一个疯子,天下间,没有什么事情是他不敢做的! Although is the naked threat, but two people do not have the means that can only submit! 虽然是赤裸裸的威胁,但两人却也是全无办法吗,只能屈服! They stopped the movement as if by prior agreement, called out: Fourteenth Brother, hand/surbordinate is forgiving, now...... It is not you kill Zhan Mubai the time!” 两人不约而同的停止了动作,叫道:“十四兄,手下留情,现在……可不是你杀死展慕白的时候!” I had not said that must kill him, at least now will not kill him.” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master expression is to the utmost indifferent, said: Just wants to ask his several words. Relax, has your three here, words that I seriously must kill people, first will only kill your three. To censure how the sale price, under assassin to this trivial matters? Depending on him now, has not matched! Fell far short!” “我没说要杀他,至少现在不会杀他。”九幽十四少神色极尽淡然,道:“只不过想要问他几句话而已。放心,有你们三个在这里,我就算当真要杀人的话,也只会先杀你们三个。怎么会自贬身价,对这个杂碎杀手呢?凭他现在,还不配!差得远了!” A Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master hand grabs the neck of Zhan Mubai, making his both feet takeoff, dense say/way: Your this does trivial matters know Nine Heaven First Master?” 九幽十四少一只手抓着展慕白的脖子,使他双脚离地,森然道:“你这杂碎知道九霄第一爷?” Zhan Mubai one generation of Saint Emperor cultivation base, status venerates! In front of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, actually completely does not have the strength of slight resistance! Like a child, was grasped by the Sir in the hand sways at will, provokes recklessly. Moreover by person trivial matters was calling...... This humiliation, it can be imagined! 展慕白一代圣皇修为,地位何等尊崇!在九幽十四少面前,竟然全然没有丝毫的抗拒之力!就像一个小孩子,被大人抓在手中随意摇晃,肆意拨弄。而且还被人一口一个杂碎的叫着……这份屈辱,可想而知! He knows that oneself estimate was completely wrong. Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, restored...... He thinks that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master internal injury has not recovered, wants by the advantage of argument, the stimulation his mind chaos, then the people rally together to attack, three protectors here, it may be said that are the heaven-sent opportunities! 他知道自己的估计完全错误了。九幽十四少,已经恢复了……他本以为九幽十四少内伤未愈,想要凭借口舌之利,刺激的他心神大乱,然后众人群起而攻之,更有三位守护者在这里,可谓是天赐良机! But, three protectors have not blocked Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master unexpectedly to oneself make a move! This lets in the Zhan Mubai heart instantaneously is the icy cold piece! 但,三位守护者竟然没有拦住九幽十四少对自己的出手!这让展慕白心中瞬间就是冰凉一片! Zhan Mubai near this difficult position, can still be able to stand firm the mind unexpectedly, difficult panting, laughed said: Nine Heaven First Master...... I do not know this name...... Even if I know,...... Will not tell you!” 展慕白临此困境,竟仍能稳得住心神,艰难的喘着气,却呵呵笑道:“九霄第一爷……我不知道这个名字……就算我知道,也……不会告诉你!” Zhan Mubai in the eyes reveals crazy pleased, oneself carve to be so renovated by him, is the face countenance completely damages, now has disregarded the life and death! But he actually can also look, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master cares about Nine Heaven First Master very much this name. 展慕白眼中露出一种疯狂的快意,自己刻下被他如此整治,已经是颜面尽损,现在已是将生死置之度外!但他却也看得出来,九幽十四少很在乎‘九霄第一爷’这个名字。 If solely from the meaning in wording, Nine Heaven First Master is the opposition that repels one another inborn exists with Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master simply! This name, without doubt is a thorn in Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master heart! Opportunity that Zhan Mubai will let off this letting enemy pain? 若单单从字面上的意思来看,“九霄第一爷”与九幽十四少简直就是天生相克的对立存在!这个名字,无疑就是九幽十四少心中的一根刺!展慕白怎么会放过这种让敌人痛苦的机会? Even if I cannot hit you, but I knew finally to be how disgusting you! I did not have hope of life in any case, why can make you feel better? Before dying, must as far as possible is disgusting your several! 就算我打不过你,但我总算知道了如何恶心你!反正我已经没有活命的希望,为啥要让你好过?死之前,也要尽可能的多恶心你几句! Good! Calculates that you plant!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master palm one tight, great Qi flow of burning hot sneaked in Zhan Mubai meridians instantaneously! Zhan Mubai suddenly feels, the blood of oneself whole body wanted boiling, must boil including the brain fluid! “好!算你有种!”九幽十四少手掌一紧,一股炙热的宏大气流瞬间钻进了展慕白经脉展慕白顿时感觉到,自己浑身的鲜血都要沸腾了起来,连脑浆都要开锅! This is the unequalled pain! 这是无与伦比的痛苦! Among Heaven and Earth the most brutal penalty only fears also mediocre! 天地之间最残酷的刑罚只怕也不过如此! Zhan Mubai cannot stand firm the mind again, loses one's voice to call out pitifully, soft has fainted. But the next moment, this Qi flow instantaneously was actually transforming the biting cold ice to be cold, was awakes him unexpectedly directly frozen, intelligent incomparable sobriety, but body actually several near frozen stiff! 展慕白再也稳不住心神,失声惨叫一声,软绵绵的晕了过去。但下一刻,这股气流却又在瞬间转换成了彻骨冰寒,竟是直接将他冻醒,神智无比的清醒,但身体却几近冻僵! The blood from several near boiling apexes, dropped extreme of freezing all of a sudden! 血液从几近沸腾的顶点,一下子跌落回了冰冻的极处! The body of Zhan Mubai, congeals the First Layer thick hoar frost at the naked eye obvious speed! 展慕白的身上,以肉眼可见的速度凝结出一层厚厚的白霜! I, so long as knows, Nine Heaven First Master this name, how comes!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master visits him callously: Said, I let off you!” “我只要知道,九霄第一爷这个名字,到底是怎么来的!”九幽十四少冷酷的看着他:“说出来,我放过你!” In world...... Since there is Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master...... Naturally also will have...... Highest heaven first...... The masters......” Zhan Mubai choke to cough, the corners of the mouth have emitted bloodshot, flows out the corners of the mouth, immediately freezes the striking blood-color ice piece, congeals in the mouth, but he actually smiles in vicious: Is such...... Simple......” “世间……既然有九幽十四少……自然也会有……九霄第一……爷……”展慕白呛咳着,嘴角已经冒出了血丝,流出嘴角,随即冰冻成醒目的血色冰块,凝结在嘴边,但他却在恶毒地笑着:“就是这么……简单……” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master look concentrates, whole body aura erupts suddenly, in an instant, the blood of Zhan Mubai whole body completely relieves towering freezes, immediately once again boiling \; Then actually instantaneously cools in the boiling apex, transfers the Nine Nether cold ice again! So the reciprocation, unexpectedly is several times of continual transformation! 九幽十四少眼神一凝,浑身气息猛然爆发,刹那之间,展慕白浑身的血液突兀地全面解除冰冻,随即再度沸腾\;然后却又在沸腾的顶点瞬间冷却,再转成九幽寒冰!如此往复,竟是连续转换的十几次! During Zhan Mubai falls into so ices the fire to rotate, died and lived, is in deep sorrow. Arrived finally, the cry that called out unexpectedly continually cannot send...... me to say...... Now said before I defeat their three protectors, will not kill you! Will not break a promise repeatedly!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master Hehe sneers: But, this interest, actually must preoccupy! Even if you are living, is lives to might as well die is living!” 展慕白陷入如此冰火轮转之中,死去又活来,痛不欲生。到最后,竟是连嘶喊的叫声都发不出来……“我说过……今曰我打败他们三个守护者之前,不会杀你!决计不会食言而肥!”九幽十四少嘿嘿的冷笑一声:“不过,这点利息,却是要先取的!你纵然活着,也是生不如死的活着!” His Haha laughs: But, must treasure! Even if you so are living, only then this last evening. Aftertaste slowly!” 哈哈的一声大笑:“不过,还是要珍惜的!纵然你如此活着,也只有这最后一晚上了。慢慢的回味吧!” Then, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master washes one's hands , the body of Zhan Mubai let go to depart, has flown in the Three Great Sacred Lands crowd, Hai Wuya went forward to extend the make a move arm to greet, but caught Zhan Mubai at the same time, body actually crazy fierce shook, like maliciously was pounded by an extremely heavy iron hammer in the chest, could not bear the tread tread tread retrocede continuously several steps, stepping on big hole came out, in the ground was cracked in abundance...... Finally stands firm, his complexion the pallid piece, transferred immediately red, bright blood has spat. 说完,九幽十四少一抖手,展慕白的身体脱手飞出,飞到了三大圣地人群之中,海无涯上前伸出手臂迎接,但接住展慕白的同时,身子却狂猛的一震,就像被一个万钧铁锤狠狠地砸在了胸口,忍不住蹬蹬蹬地连续后退了十几步,一步一个大坑的踩出来,地面上纷纷龟裂……终于站定的时候,他的脸色已经煞白一片,随即转为通红,哇的一声,一口鲜艳的血液吐了出来。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master plunders, in black form direct impact upper air, loudly shouted: Seal Heart Sky Sword Cheng Yinxiao, Vertical Intent Wild Saber Qu Wuhui, All-seeing Eye Rakshasa Qiao Ying! Comes with this Young Master war!” 九幽十四少一掠而起,黑色的身影直冲上高空,大喝道:“封心天剑成吟啸,纵意狂刀曲勿回,慧眼罗刹乔影!前来与本公子一战!” The black form dodges in the sky, in the entire midair, always doing nothing but flashed before overspread a lot of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master shadows, lifelike, if came if went, if toward if also! 黑色身影当空一闪,整个半空之中,竟自闪现铺满了千百个九幽十四少的影子,活灵活现地若来若去,若往若还! But Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master main body already not here! 九幽十四少的本体已经不在这里! Cheng Yinxiao and other people look one, is long says with a smile: Since Fourteenth Young Master has such aesthetic pleasure, I and other people of natural shed lives accompany the gentleman!” 成吟啸等三人对望一眼,均是长笑道:“既然十四少有如此雅兴,我等三人自然舍命陪君子!” Three people completely and fearless intent, the simultaneously form dodges, pursues the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master direction to go! 三人尽都并无惧意,齐齐身影一闪,追着九幽十四少的方向而去! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has not continued to closely examine the Nine Heaven First Master matter, but presented the challenge immediately. His meaning is very clear: First defeats these three people, he will immediately come then back, kills Zhan Mubai! 九幽十四少并没有继续追问九霄第一爷的事,而是立即提出了挑战。他的意思很明白:先打败这三人,然后他就会立即回来,杀死展慕白 In any event, he does not allow Zhan Mubai to go on living again! 无论如何,他都绝不允许展慕白再活下去! As for the Nine Heaven First Master matter, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master can look, at present these people do not know. Although Zhan Mubai borrows this name to attack itself with the vicious words one after another, but Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master knows, if has such a person, if Zhan Mubai knows, he must come absolutely coarse compared with the present! 至于九霄第一爷的事,九幽十四少看得出来,眼前这些人是真的不知道。展慕白虽然借用这个名字用恶毒的言辞接连打击自己,但九幽十四少知道,若是真的有这么一个人,展慕白若是知道的话,他的话会绝对比现在还要来得更难听! It seems like after only then has settled today's matter, again start careful. If did not have the clue, oneself have to look for that directly Nine Heaven First Master, asks him, makes this mystery is what mind! 看来惟有了结了今天的事情之后,再着手仔细查查。若是仍无头绪的话,自己只好直接找那位‘九霄第一爷’,问问他,弄这个玄虚到底是何居心! As for Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui and other people, actually can not be not so \; Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has issued the challenge under the violent anger, by their status, even if knows perfectly well not to beat, knows perfectly well to die, must keep an appointment! 至于成吟啸曲勿回等三人,却是不得不然\;九幽十四少已经在暴怒之下发出了挑战,以他们的身份地位,就算明知不敌,明知必死,也要赴约! also Zhan Mubai bitter experience, in any event, his always Sacred Land subordinate, oppressive hence, they also need to want justice! Being able to achieve is a matter, but goes not to do, is actually a different matter! 还有展慕白刚才的遭遇,无论如何,他总是圣地的属下,被虐至此,他们也需要讨回一个公道!做不做得到是一回事,但去不去做,却又是另一回事! Otherwise, the Three Great Sacred Lands reputation, in now said that at this time completely is destroyed in a moment, therefore their three people, has no alternative! 否则,三大圣地的声名,就在今曰此时尽都毁于一旦所以他们三个人,也是别无选择! Four person's shadows, the meteor passed over gently and swiftly from the nighttime sky generally, vanish, where did not know...... Three Great Sacred Lands other expert, look in the Hai Wuya bosom already Zhan Mubai of dishonest kind shape, everybody are an anger of face! 四条人影,流星一般从夜空掠过,消失,不知道去了哪里……三大圣地的其余高手们,看着海无涯怀中早已不诚仁形的展慕白,人人都是一脸的愤怒! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, so humiliates Saint Emperor unexpectedly in the presence of everyone! 九幽十四少,竟然当众如此折辱一位圣皇 Moreover in front of Three Great Sacred Lands these many expert but recklessly is, this was equal to that openly without fear has slapped Three Great Sacred Lands collective resounding maliciously! 而且还是在三大圣地这么多高手面前肆意而为,这等于是明目张胆地狠狠打了三大圣地集体一个响亮的耳光! If he does not walk, even if knows perfectly well not to beat, the people will also rally together to attack! By own life, redeems the Sacred Land dignity! 若是他不走,就算明知不敌,众人也会群起而攻之!以自己的生命,挽回圣地的尊严! At this moment, people indignant time, sudden calls out in alarm, the eyes of everybody stare perfectly round! in the eyes, full is incredible! 就在这时,众人愤愤不平的时候,突然一阵惊呼,人人的眼睛都瞪得溜圆!眼中,满是不可置信! A more inconceivable matter, appearance slowly before people. 一件更加不可思议的事情,慢慢的出现在众人面前。 In a front open street ground, in front of people less than one zhang (3.33 m) place \; Towering, swayingly, raised sluggishly a dirt wall! 前面的一块开阔的街道地面上,众人面前不足一丈的地方\;突兀至极地、晃晃悠悠的、慢慢腾腾的升起了一堵土墙! Grows out of nothing, such comes! This land, looked like had the life suddenly, in endless growth...... The dirt wall elevates slowly gradually, to the side of people, always doing nothing but becomes just like the stele general smooth smooth, finally the exuviae turn have five zhang (3.33 m) high, the width an approximately three zhang (3.33 m) appearance. 从无到有,就这么现身出来!这块土地,就像是突然拥有了生命,在无尽的生长……土墙慢慢渐次升高,面向众人的这一面,竟自变得犹如石碑一般的平整光滑,最终蜕变成高有五丈,宽约三丈的模样。 During the people stare dumbfounded, in this breadth big dirt wall, there is a new change. 在众人瞠目结舌之中,这面宽大的土墙上,又有了新的变化。 Flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes appearance one by one character by character! 一个字一个字的龙飞凤舞的逐一出现! It looks like has ghosts and gods that cannot see to splash ink above calmly. 就像是有一位看不到的鬼神在上面从容泼墨。 Uppermost four character emergence character by character, although is the flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes light and lively handwriting, but seems like is heavy such as the mountain to be ordinary, is similar to a lightning, heavily rumbled the chest of people, the view of people: 最上面四个字一个字一个字的出现,虽是龙飞凤舞的轻灵笔迹,但看起来却是重如山岳一般,如同一道闪电,重重地轰进了众人的心口,众人的眼帘: To the utmost rampant four large characters! 极尽嚣张的四个大字! Evil, Monarch and Lord!” “邪、之、君、主!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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