OEM :: Volume #9

#888: Whose idea?

Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master crosses the hands behind the back to stand, as if absolutely does not have to see own side from is gathering Three Great Sacred Lands expert that comes slowly , seems has not cared them. His only one movement, is only supine the face, decides looks at the sky, is thinking deeply about anything with hardship. 九幽十四少负手而立,似乎完全没有看到自己身边正自缓缓聚拢而来的三大圣地高手,又仿佛是根本就没有把他们放在心上。他就只一个动作,就只是仰起脸来,定定地看着天空,苦苦的思索着什么。 At present all these, in the end what's the matter! 眼前这一切,到底是怎么回事! During the present accident, that this outstanding madman fell into deeply was confused! 眼前的变故,那这位盖代狂人陷入了深深地迷茫之中! Even if he faces the people, has raised the face, but the people on the scene without exception, still do not see clearly his face to look like. As if only dim one group of phantom...... The earliest possible time that Qiao Ying arrives at opened All-seeing Eye Divine Ability, looks to Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. 纵然他面对众人,扬起了脸,但在场众人无一例外,依然看不清楚他的脸长得什么样子。似乎只是朦朦胧胧的一团虚影……乔影来到的第一时间就已经开启了慧眼神通,看向九幽十四少 Regarding this demon, oneself must see through his true self! Rare this time has such good opportunity, can peep its truth about the matter in the short distance! 对于这个魔头,自己一定要看穿他的本来面目!难得这次有这么的好的机会,可以在近距离一窥其庐山真面目! But, Qiao Ying was doomed disappointedly, because she saw, was still only thick fog! 但,乔影注定要失望了,因为她看到的,依然只是一片浓雾! She can ascertain all fabricated All-seeing Eye Divine Ability self-confidently, suddenly cannot see through Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! 她自信可以窥破一切虚妄的慧眼神通,竟然看不穿九幽十四少 This discovery, making Qiao Ying shock. 这个发现,让乔影不禁大为震惊。 Fourteenth Young Master, everybody had more than 300 years to disappear, your excellency elegant demeanor, is may celebrate as before seriously encouraging.” Cheng Yinxiao looked at this location one silently, gains ground, smiled toward Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master mild-mannered and cultivated, in the tone, resembles to think highly gentle is mixing with the light vigilance. 十四少,大家已经有300多年不见了,阁下风采依旧啊,当真是可喜可贺。”成吟啸默默的看了这片场地一眼,抬起头,向着九幽十四少温文尔雅地笑了笑,口气之中,似恭维似平和之间夹杂着淡淡的警惕。 Compares regards as the life and death big enmity with Three Great Sacred Lands other people Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, the Cheng Yinxiao manner is more temperate without doubt. Because he knows that the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master position, in Three Great Sacred Lands all enemies, forever must arrange at behind of alien race person! Although his threat possibly comes compared with the alien race person greatly! 相比较与三大圣地的其他人将九幽十四少看成生死大仇来说,成吟啸的态度无疑要温和许多。因为他知道,九幽十四少的位置,在三大圣地所有的敌人之中,永远都要排在异族人的后面!虽然他的威胁可能比异族人来得更大! This is also a highest consciousness of protector! Even if both sides must fight a decisive battle want the life and death to wrestle, but, actually to not hate, but is different for the respective idea! 这也是一位守护者的最高觉悟!纵然双方还是要决战还是要生死相搏,但,却绝不是为了仇恨,只不过是为了各自的理念不同! Cheng Yinxiao, I remember you, appearance not big change of your this old little brat. The ghost appearance of that more dead than alive.” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master ornamental cloth hung over a doorway to the day, has not looked at Cheng Yinxiao, called the Cheng Yinxiao name. 成吟啸,我记得你,你这老小子的样子也没有多大改变。还是那副要死不活的鬼样子。”九幽十四少仰脸向天,没有看成吟啸,却叫出了成吟啸的名字。 also I, Fourteenth Young Master, you only will not remember experienced, gave to forget me.” Say|Way that Qu Wuhui smiles. 还有我呢,十四少,你不会只记得老成,把我给忘记了吧。”曲勿回笑眯眯的道。 How to forget that Vertical Intent Wild Saber Qu Wuhui...... This Young Master is very regrettable, more than 300 years ago, when this Young Master almost must make you be worthy of the reputation, actually still fell short. Made you go back......” in the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master tone to have light ridiculing unexpectedly by luck. “怎么会忘记呢,纵意狂刀曲勿回……本公子真的很遗憾,300多年前,在本公子几乎要让你名副其实的时候,却仍是功亏一篑。竟然让你侥幸回去了……”九幽十四少口气中有一份淡淡的揶揄。 Fart!” Qu Wuhui bellows, jumped: That is the father is not careful, was prevailed by your clever trick...... Or, we hit one now!” “放屁!”曲勿回大吼一声,跳了起来:“那是老子不小心,才被你诡计得逞……要不,咱们现在打一场!” Hits ten you again is not my match!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master hmph hmph two, said: Heavenly Saint Palace Sky Sword Absolute Saber, Boss' reputation, is actually two rascal. However...... These two rascal actually be stronger than following these low many, in this Young Master heart is much relieved.” “再打十场你也不是我的对手!”九幽十四少哼哼两声,道:“天圣宫天剑绝刀,老大的名头,却是俩无赖。不过……这俩无赖却要比下面的那些下三滥多少强一些,本公子心中甚慰。” Saying, the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master dense look stared at Zhan Mubai and the others lightly, the meaning of disdaining, reveals in speech and appearance! 说着,九幽十四少的森然眼神淡淡地盯了展慕白等人一眼,不屑之意,溢于言表! Zhan Mubai as one generation of Saint Emperor, but was compelled by the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master look, only thought that two painful, as if suddenly were shone by the glare, bitter such as must burst into tears general. 展慕白身为一代圣皇,但被九幽十四少的眼神一逼,却只觉得两眼生疼,就仿佛是被强光猛然照射,酸酸涩涩的如要流泪一般。 Cheng Yinxiao haha has smiled, said: We , if only rascal, your Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master may on a through villain, everybody and you too, everyone not need to be polite.” 成吟啸哈哈笑了起来,道:“我们若只是无赖,那你九幽十四少可就算得上一个彻头彻尾的恶棍了,大家彼此彼此,谁也不必客气。” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master laughed, said: Really is not false! You arrived here, I also arrived here. It seems like we eventually war, you might as well in this time this place? In addition selects the time?” 九幽十四少哈哈一笑,道:“果然不虚伪!你们来到了这里,我也来到了这里。看来我们终究将有一战,索姓就在此时此地?还是另择时间呢?” Cheng Yinxiao shows a faint smile, said: could it be ten four couldn't Young Master bear wants to slaughter impatiently one? Don't the old friends in the front, could it be have the least bit face to say??” 成吟啸微微一笑,道:“难道十四公子已经忍不住迫不及待地想要大开杀戒一番了吗?老朋友就在面前,难道就没有半点面子可讲吗??” Several people, are doomed non- to refuse stubbornly to be possible!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master coldly said: Is the face under entire day piles to me in front, I must their killing! Let alone, the face of you two person...... What is never?” “有几个人,注定非死不可!”九幽十四少冷冷地道:“就算是全天下的面子都堆到我面前,我也要将他们一个个的杀死!更何况,你们两个人的面子……从来也不算什么?” May I ask concretely is that several people?” Qu Wuhui heavy asking. “敢问具体是那几个人?”曲勿回沉沉的问道。 I always most look down upon, is the person of sneak attack plotting. Especially despises, is actually the sneak attack of that taking advantage of somebody plots! Especially...... Is the high-ranking, actually must plot against this method with sneak attack, my will not let off!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master indifferently said. “我平生最看不起的,就是偷袭暗算之人。尤其不齿的,却是那种趁人之危的偷袭暗算!尤其还是……身居高位,却要用偷袭暗算这种手段的,我一个都不会放过!”九幽十四少淡淡地道 I understood. What you finger, after the Heaven Punishment Forest seal explains, sneak attacks that several Saint Emperor that plots against to you.” Cheng Yinxiao light nod, understands clearly in the heart. Asked back: Fourteenth Young Master \; May I ask...... If they not the means that uses this sneak attack to plot against, one to one carries on the decisive battle with you, how many tenth assurances there are? Also several tenths vitalities?” “我明白了。你指的是,在天罚森林封印破解之后,对你偷袭暗算的那几位圣皇。”成吟啸淡淡的点点头,了然于心。却反问道:“十四少\;敢问……他们若是不用这种偷袭暗算的办法,一对一与你进行决战的话,有几成把握?又有几成生机?” This issue big laughable! If fights a decisive battle fairly, this Young Master will twist and break their necks in the time of blinking absolutely! Independent combat with me, do they match?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master laughs wildly. “这个问题大大的可笑!若是公平决战,本公子绝对会在眨眨眼的时间里拧断他们的脖子!跟我单打独斗,他们配吗?”九幽十四少一声狂笑。 Good, they do not match really!” Cheng Yinxiao snort|hum a sound track: Since you also know that their direct engagement is not your match, you must request frankly their fights a decisive battle with you, but doesn't select the method that the sneak attack plots against? Has the respective standpoint respectively, you must kill them, has your reason \; They must according to be you, should be. Fourteenth Young Master, if they can defeat you directly...... You think that who will sneak attack to plot? Because of them with the strength of your fair decisive battle, has not had must kill your reason, they do not sneak attack to plot against you, but can also use any method!” “不错,他们真的不配!”成吟啸哼了一声道:“既然你也知道他们正面交战绝不是你的对手,那你还要要求他们光明磊落的与你决战,而不是采用偷袭暗算的方式?各自有各自的立场,你要杀他们,有你的理由\;他们要按算你,也是应该的。十四少,若是他们一个个都能够正面击败你……你以为谁会偷袭暗算?正是因为他们没有和你公平决战的实力,却又有一定要杀死你的理由,那他们不偷袭暗算你,还能用什么手段!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snort|hum, said: This saying but actually also said well! Each one has the respective reason. But after making the matter, each one also has the responsibility that each one should shoulder!” 九幽十四少哼了一声,道:“这话说得倒也不错!各自都有各自的理由。但做出事情之后,各自又有了各自应该担负的责任!” Said that then became...... You must kill people, Ok! But do not point out your so-called reason. Regardless of because any reason is the nonsense.” “这么说便成了……你要杀人,可以!但不要举出你的所谓理由。因为无论任何理由都是荒唐可笑的。” Qu Wuhui cold smiling of: In this world, any reason can be refuted, no matter just dirty compelled shameless, the reason is the reason, shirks, is the most pompous trash! Is only competent, is the best reason. Also is the true reason!” 曲勿回冷峭的笑了笑:“这世上,任何理由都能被驳斥,不管是正义的肮脏的被逼的无耻的,理由就是理由,就是推卸,都是最冠冕堂皇的垃圾!唯有实力,才是最好的理由。也是真正的理由!” He looks at Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, slowly said: However you, are grasping this true reason. Therefore, despicable is shameless, is not the reason that they should die, the real reason, is your strength, is only your strength!” 他看着九幽十四少,慢慢道:“而你,掌握着这个真正的理由。所以,卑鄙无耻,并不是他们应该死的原因,真正的原因,是你的实力,就只是你的实力而已!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master laughs wildly, said: Said well! Said seriously well! The reason that for you said that I do not begin with you today. you might as well makes them live again for several days, makes me arrange, coordinates, Hahaha......” 九幽十四少一声狂笑,道:“说得好!当真说得好!就为了你说的这个理由,今天我不与你们动手。索姓再让他们多活几天,也让我多筹备一下,配合一下,哈哈哈……” He had been taught by these two people, unexpectedly slightly not pissed off. 他被这两个人教训了一顿,竟丝毫也不曾生气 But Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui are actually in heart sink. By the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master skill, what also needs to arrange? Whom also needs to coordinate? This is actually a huge issue! 成吟啸曲勿回却是心中一沉。以九幽十四少的功力,还需要筹备什么?又需要配合谁?这却是一个天大的问题! But after they look one, again has not actually continued to ask. Because they know that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master definitely will not say. They only have in the present cautiously. 但两人对望一眼之后,却没有再继续问下去。因为他们知道,九幽十四少肯定是不会说的。他们唯有在今后更加小心翼翼。 Fourteenth Young Master, I must seperately ask your matter.” The Cheng Yinxiao look is earnest \; Creates now this type seems like the harmonious atmosphere, he to ask these words, because this is his dream. 十四少,我要另外问你一件事。”成吟啸的眼神热切起来\;造成现在这种看似融洽的氛围,他就为了问这一句话,因为这是他的梦想。 person...... Is who?” Cheng Yinxiao steps one step, looks at present this big tree, asked again: A moment ago was the person here, who?” “刚才的人……是谁?”成吟啸踏上一步,看着眼前这棵大树,再次问了一遍:“刚才在这里的人,是谁?” His asked that all people completely vertical ear. Everybody leaves is relatively far, only had Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to stand recently. Although others have not seen, but by the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master position, as well as the ability, actually definitely saw. 他这一问,所有的人尽都竖直了耳朵。大家都离得相对较远,唯有九幽十四少站得最近。别人虽然都没有看到,但以九幽十四少的位置,以及本领,却肯定看见了。 Is very regrettable, I am not clear!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in the eyes appears strange expression, resembles to dread, admires, his indifferently said: I looked for a long time, actually had not seen seriously here to have half individual! From beginning to end, only saw that the lightning series strokes on this big tree, vanished......” “很遗憾,我也不清楚!”九幽十四少眼中现出奇异的表情,似忌惮,又似是佩服,他淡淡地道:“我看了当真许久,却也没有看到这里有半个人!从头到尾,就只看到闪电连环击打在这棵大树上,就消失了……” He smiles bitterly, said: I arrived at the near after a moment ago, attempted to pat on that tree trunk, finally actually penetrated this tree......” was saying, his sleeves stroked, the powder flew upwards, on the bough of Laoyushu, presented around one unobstructed big hole...... This, the people all suspicions of also relieve, but the question in heart, was actually bigger. 他苦笑一声,道:“刚才我来到近前之后,尝试在那树身上拍了一下,结果却把这棵树击穿了……”说着,他衣袖一拂,粉末飞扬,老榆树的树干上,出现了一个前后通畅的大洞……这一来,众人所有的怀疑同时解除,但心中的疑问,却是更大了。 Who is in the end? 到底是谁? Anyone, this person inevitably is now world extremely expert, invincible expert, this Young Master must feel ashamed of one's inferiority!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master some sighs of losing. “不论是谁,这个人都必然是当今之世绝顶高手,无敌强者,本公子也要自愧不如!”九幽十四少有些失落的叹息了一声。 Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui they are very clear, in Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master this sigh contained anything. All people had recognized since that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is first expert in this world. Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, thinks like this! 成吟啸曲勿回两人都很清楚,九幽十四少这一声叹息里面包含了什么。一直以来,所有人都认定,九幽十四少就是这世上的第一高手。就连九幽十四少自己,也是这样认为! Nobody thinks that he is extremely arrogant. Because cannot defeat existence of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, this is the fact! 没有人认为他狂妄。因为从来就没有能够战胜九幽十四少的存在,这本已是不争的事实! Therefore always copes with Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, always only people joint attack! 所以历来对付九幽十四少,从来都只众人合力围攻! Moreover, is not besieging of two person. 而且,还不是一个两个人的围攻。 But now actually had a such person, making Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also probably feel ashamed of one's inferiority! Solely with Thunder Tribulation, has caught up with from the first throne him. 但现在却多出了这样的一个人,让九幽十四少也要自愧不如!单单凭着一场雷劫,就将他从第一的宝座上赶了下来。 What depressed mood conceivable Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master at this moment is one. 可以想象此刻的九幽十四少是一种什么样的郁闷心情。 Such Heaven and Earth power and influence, I poured also self-confidently to support a moment ago.” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master solemnly said: But I actually cannot achieve like him...... Forever cannot achieve!......” “刚才这样的天地威势,我倒也自信能撑得过去。”九幽十四少沉重地道:“但我却做不到像他这样……永远都做不到!……” Swallows Thunder Tribulation!” These four characters, are Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in the ending of these words oneself add on at heart silently. “吞噬雷劫!”这四个字,是九幽十四少在自己心里默默地加上的这句话的结尾。 Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui look one, only thinks moved. 成吟啸曲勿回对望一眼,只觉得怅然若失。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has thought a meeting, raised the head, asked suddenly: You asked my matter, I replied, then, I also asked that your matter, you must reply.” His vision, ominously is gradually severe, looks like two brutal sharp swords, has streaked across the nighttime sky! 九幽十四少想了一会,突然抬起头来,问道:“你问了我一件事,我回答了,那么,我也问你一件事,你也要回答。”他的眼光,渐渐地凶厉起来,就像是两道残酷的利剑,划破了夜空! What matter? So long as I know that truthfully replied certainly!” The Qu Wuhui hear the danger in Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master words, knew for sure this issue not to be perhaps good to reply that is also cannot help but sad. “什么事?只要我知道的,一定如实回答!”曲勿回听出了九幽十四少话中的危险,情知这个问题恐怕不好回答,不由得心情也跟着沉重起来。 This issue, can actually shoulder the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master anger. Only this point, is not a simple issue! 这个问题,竟然能够挑起九幽十四少的怒火。单凭这一点,就绝不是一个简单的问题! Nine Heaven First Master...... This name in the end who obtains? Whose idea is this?!” Asking of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master character character. The in the eyes ominous light, is getting more and more abundant! 九霄第一爷……这个名字到底谁取得?这是谁的主意?!”九幽十四少一字一字的问道。眼中凶光,越来越盛! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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