OEM :: Volume #9

#887: Is the person or the monster!

Believes after this Thunder Tribulation, all people of this place, regardless of present age expert or is the common people, will be no exception! 相信此次雷劫过后,此地的所有人,无论当世高手又或者是平民百姓,都将无一幸免! Bastard of this day killing! 这个天杀的混蛋! Where has at the habitation crowded region breakthrough tribulation? 哪有在人烟密集的地带突破度劫的? Especially is such terrifying Thunder Tribulation! 尤其还是这么恐怖雷劫 This, this acts recklessly to give extra simply must implicate other people...... The thunder column falls loudly, the people were expected that unprecedented explodes greatly, actually accidental/surprised has not resounded. This giant lightning, seemed only a drop of water drop melts the vast ocean, from beginning to end did not have the sound unexpectedly, any little sound did not have...... This in the end yes what's the matter? 这,这简直就是不知死活外带还要连累他人……雷柱轰然落下,众人预料中的空前巨爆,却意外的没有响起。这道巨大的闪电,似乎只是一滴水珠融进了汪洋大海,由始至终竟是全无声息,任何一点点声音都没有……这到底是咋回事呢? In all will of the people, is raises a big question mark. 所有人心里,都是升起一个大大的问号。 That...... The lightning momentum clearly is not false momentum that so shocks, is could it be only empty shakes a spear/gun? Had not heard has this matter...... Then, second, third...... Dodges the landing frequency of power line pole to be getting more and more crowded, but the volume is also getting more and more thick, keeps chops to fall from the sky gradually...... The trim earth completely is trembling, shakes chaff general shivering, the crushed stone in ground, must jump by the thunder acoustic shock...... But, dodges the electric shock to get down the later explosive sound, throughout has not actually resounded...... heavens...... What's all this about?? could it be crosses tribulation that person, can melt in this way Thunder Tribulation by the itself strength unexpectedly? This is how possible!” He Zhiqiu dumbfounded standing before the window, looks at all these, the thought has stagnated, seemingly only then this only reasonable explanation, but...... Does this have the possibility really? 那……闪电的声势分明就不是假的啊,如此震撼的声势,难道只是虚晃一枪?没听说过有这种事情呀……接着,第二道,第三道……闪电柱的降落频率越来越密集,而体积也越来越粗大,一刻也不停的从天空渐次劈落……整片大地尽都在震颤,筛糠一般的颤抖,地面上的碎石,被雷声震得蹦蹦跳跳……但,闪电击下来之后的爆炸声,却始终没有响起……“天啊……这是怎么回事??难道渡劫那人,竟能以本身实力化解如斯雷劫?这怎么可能!”何知秋目瞪口呆的站在窗前,看着这一切,思想已经凝滞了,貌似只有这一个唯一合理的解释,可……这真的有可能吗? In city, another quarter. 城中,另一处所在。 The roof of inn, three person's shadows stand shoulder to shoulder there, concentrates the item to look at the place of not far away crazy lightning crazy thunder landing, everybody are stern-faced. 客栈的房顶,又三条人影并肩站立那里,凝目看着不远处疯狂的闪电狂雷降落之地,人人都是一脸凝重。 These three people, the middle person of white clothing is floating, the delicate beautiful fascinating'winsome, is Qiao Ying, in her side, one on the left and other on the right two thin middle-aged guys, they such calmly stands in the roof, has not used any tiny bit Profound Qi, but three people completely are the bearing are aloof, such as the mountain towers. Just like this everywhere dark cloud, by their tall bodies, a shoulder was shouldered! 这三个人,中间一人白衣飘飘,纤弱婀娜,正是乔影,在她的身边,一左一右两名瘦削的中年汉子,他们就这么静静地站在房顶,没有动用任何一丝一毫的玄气,但三个人尽都是气度超然,如山岳耸峙。宛若这漫天乌云,被他们颀长的身体,一肩挑起! This is in the end a matter? This, are some people going through a strategic pass unexpectedly really?” The Qiao Ying low sound, seemed asking itself , seemed inquiring two. “这到底是怎么一回事?这,竟然真的是有人在过关吗?”乔影低低的声音,似乎在问自己,又似乎在询问身边的其他两人。 In that two people of her side, the complexion simultaneously becomes complex, has looked one, has not spoken. Because, they cannot determine to the present, this in the end what's the matter! 在她身边的那两个人,脸色同时变得复杂,对望了一眼,却没有说话。因为,他们到现在也不敢确定,这到底是怎么回事! If said that such momentum, has a person to go through a strategic pass, moreover can melt calmly, has not revealed the declining tendency slightly...... That, was too more shocking! 若是说,这样的声势,就只得一个人在过关,而且还能从容化解,丝毫未露颓势……那,也太耸人听闻了一些! Or... Should be......?” The left middle-aged person is hesitating, with an extremely indefinite tone, always sharp such as falcon general both eyes, at this moment has filled rare confusing unexpectedly. He said these words, in the heart was also asking own a few words: This...... in the end?” “或者…应该是……吧?”左边的中年人迟疑着,用一种极端不确定的口气,一向锋锐如鹰隼一般的双眼,此刻竟是充满了难得的迷惑。他在说出这句话的时候,心中也在问自己一句话:“这……到底是不是啊?” If said...... Causes this momentum, is only a person is going through a strategic pass......” in the eyes of right that middle-aged person, is sparkling a respect and with amazement: Then this person of strength, compared with ten thousand years ago Nine Nether First Young Master...... Even if actually will not have differed is too far!” “若是说……引起这种声势,就只是一个人在过关……”右面那中年人的眼中,闪耀着一种崇敬和骇然:“那么此人的实力之强,比起万年之前的九幽第一少……纵然仍有所不及却也不会相差太远了!” „When we pass the momentum...... Even if most thrilling one time, must at best at present dozens of this time 1!” “我们过关之时的声势……纵然最惊险的一次,充其量也不过只得眼前这次的几十1!” Qiao Ying shocking called: If said that the strength of this person, how could it not be must exceed our generation several fold, in world likes the person of allow strength seriously, this strength, even if Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master does not have decidedly, so expert, truly also only then past Nine Nether First Young Master may endure the comparison, although Nine Nether First Young Master and that's the end! Looks all around now world, does not have the rival again!” 乔影震惊的叫起来:“若是这么说,这个人的实力,岂非要胜过我辈数倍,世间当真有如许实力之人,这份实力,就算是九幽十四少也断然没有的,如此强者,确实也只有当年的九幽第一少可堪比较,虽然九幽第一少更强一些就是了!环顾当今之世,再无敌手!” Good, if has a person to go through a strategic pass seriously, and finally can cross many, then, the strength of this person...... In the present ages truly again unmanned may with it side by side, the name of Number One Under The Heaven, when has no qualms!” About they, look at the place that the thunder and lightning shoots down with an extremely frantic look, on the face slowly excited. “不错,若当真只得一个人在过关,且最终能渡多,那么,此人的实力……于当世之间确实再无人可与之比肩,天下第一之名,当之而无愧!”左右两人,用一种极度狂热的眼神看着雷电击落的地方,脸上慢慢地激动了起来。 Qiao Ying has rubbed own eye, looks at these two own companions, in the eyes appears incredible rays of light, slowly has opened the cherry small mouth, is dumb as a wooden chicken. 乔影揉了揉自己的眼睛,看着这两个自己的同伴,眼中浮现出不可置信的光芒,慢慢地张大了樱桃小嘴,呆若木鸡。 Their these two guards cause, is already stands in now world expert peak certainly generation of expert? Is this Seal Heart Sky Sword and Vertical Intent Wild Saber? Did this also make the person unable to believe? 自己的这两名护卫使,就是已经站在当今天下高手巅峰的绝代强者?这就是封心天剑纵意狂刀?这也太让人不敢相信了吧? Qiao Ying almost thought that these two people or were the fake goods also perhaps, definitely some people pretend to be the appearance of Sky Sword Absolute Saber these two people to follow side oneself! 乔影几乎觉得,这两个人或者是冒牌货也说不定,肯定是有人冒充了天剑绝刀这两个人的面目跟在了自己身边! Sky Sword and Absolute Saber! 天剑绝刀 Heavenly Saint Palace two big Protector! Also is two strengths is not absolutely inferior in Heavenly Saint Palace Palace Lord expert extremely! 天圣宫两大护法!也是两个实力绝对不逊色于天圣宫宫主的绝顶高手 Seal Heart Sky Sword Cheng Yinxiao and Vertical Intent Wild Saber Qu Wuhui! 封心天剑成吟啸纵意狂刀曲勿回 This is two legends, the Xuan Xuan Continent two big legends! Two big proud! 这是两个传奇,玄玄大陆的两大传奇!两大骄傲! Now, such as legend common two, use one type unexpectedly fully are respect expression, with one type vision that is full prostrating oneself, looked like saw dream the elementary student of idol suddenly, is looking at the thunder excitedly that direction! With full of admiration respectful! 如今,如传说一般的两人,竟用一种满是崇敬的神色,用一种充盈着膜拜的目光,就像是突然间见到了梦中的偶像的小学生,在激动地看着电闪雷鸣的那个方向!用五体投地的恭敬! Crossing tribulation under that lightning flash thunder bang, who is in the end? Actually is who? 那电闪雷轰之下的渡劫者,到底是谁?究竟是谁? Is in the end the person or the monster? 到底是人还是怪物? No matter the person or the monster, are indisputable Number One Under The Heaven!” As if saw through the Qiao Ying thoughts, Qu Wuhui has given a conclusion lightly. “不管是人还是怪物,都是无可争议的天下第一!”似乎是看穿了乔影的心思,曲勿回淡淡地给出了一个结论。 In the distant behind-the-scenes plotting, one such as the dark night general black form raises quietly, under shining that in the boundless behind-the-scenes plotting and lightning flick, this person, like one group of light shadows, as if with the endless behind-the-scenes plotting of body week, melted a body. 远远的黑幕之中,一条一如黑夜一般的黑色身影悄然升起,在无边黑幕和闪电一闪一闪的照耀之下,这个人,就像一团淡淡的影子,似乎与身周的无尽黑幕,融成了一体。 The form of this person, from the central place that the tribulation thunder drops, unexpectedly already less than 15 zhang (3.33 m) distance! This is an extreme danger distance. So long as lightning range once has proliferation slightly, then, he runs away not to have the place! 这个人的身影,距离劫雷落下的中心位置,竟已不足15丈的距离!这已经是一个极端危险的距离。只要闪电范围一旦稍有扩散,那么,他就算逃也没地方去! Who in the end is, has such ability to approach here unexpectedly, there is guts in this way to approach this stranger not near position?! 到底是什么人,竟有如此本领靠近这里,又有如斯胆量靠近这个生人勿近的位置?! If said that now world also who has such guts and such ability, as if also has one person! But comes, is this person! 若说当今之世还有谁有如此胆量、如此的本领的,似乎也就只得一人!而来的,就是这个人! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! 九幽十四少 Now, he from afar is also gazing at the core region of thunder, all thunder power line poles chop the direction that falls, the look is complex, in the mouth muttered the tunnel: „After this breakthrough, inspires Heaven Punishment actually to swallow the person of prestige of Heaven and Earth, is actually who? Now world, in the end who has such skill?” 现在,他也正在远远地注视着电闪雷鸣的核心地带,所有雷电柱劈落的方向,眼神复杂,口中喃喃地道:“这个突破之后引动天罚却又正在吞噬天地之威的人,究竟是谁呢?当今之世,到底谁有这样的本事?” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master vision, without doubt be sharper than other people! Although why others are strange lightning bang to fall later do not have the sound, at best also possibly was crosses the person of tribulation to melt Thunder Tribulation on the judgment by the itself strength, but has not actually thought of another possibility! Or does not dare to ponder toward that aspect. 九幽十四少的眼光,无疑要比其他人更犀利许多!别人虽然在奇怪为何闪电轰落之后没有动静,充其量也就判断可能是渡劫之人以本身实力化解了雷劫,但却没想到另一种可能!或者说,根本就不敢往那方面思考。 But Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is actually near distance looks that sees clearly understands. The lightning that these drop, vanished immediately, was not crossed the person of tribulation to melt, but is...... Was swallowed by that person directly! 九幽十四少却是近距离地看着,看得清楚明白。那些落下的闪电,随即消失了,并不是被渡劫之人化解,而是……被那人直接吞噬了! What fearsomest is, like this near distance, oneself still could not be seeing that there in the end has anything! 最可怖的是,就在这样的近的距离,自己依然看不到那里到底有什么! Clearly only has a big tree! 分明就只有一棵大树! The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master vision exceptionally looks complex, the prestige of this Heaven and Earth, lets this thinking nobody exists but oneself seriously, was sincerely convinced from the number Number One Under The Heaven madman! 九幽十四少目光异常复杂地看着,这一场天地之威,当真让这个目无余子,自号天下第一的狂人心服口服! Who no matter in that in the end is, I will not be his match, I acknowledged that the punishment is deserved! 不管里面那个到底是谁,我都不会是他的对手,我认栽了! Time that once this type the thought rises, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master almost wanted dead! Is depressed in the extreme! 这种一旦思想升起来的时候,九幽十四少几乎想要死去!懊丧得无以复加! Because, he confessed that cannot achieve to carve to cross the method of person of tribulation! 因为,他自认做不到刻下渡劫之人的手段! Even if his each time breakthrough time, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master also hard anti- Thunder Tribulation, is far away from the crowd, looks for a bad luck mountain peak, after going through a strategic pass each time, from top to bottom is cut and bruised, but that bad luck mountain peak will therefore also cancel from this world! 即便他本身每次突破的时候,九幽十四少也只是硬抗雷劫,远离人群,找一个倒霉的山峰,每次过关之后,浑身上下都是遍体鳞伤,而那倒霉的山峰也会因此从这世上抹去! But, at present this mysterious Expert, not only can cross the tribulation calmly, can swallow this Heaven and Earth in silent the wildest energy! 但,眼前这个神秘高人,非但可以从容渡劫,更可以在无声无息之间吞噬这天地之间最狂暴的能量! Is this huge disparity? 这又是何等巨大的差距? Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is standing, stares is, had forgotten unexpectedly quite the same as must hide own form that dull lost that lightning is falling. 九幽十四少怔怔地站着,呆呆出神地凝视着那闪电落下的所在,竟浑然忘记了要隐蔽自己的身影。 Under lightning silver snake dance, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master that tall and lonely unique form, was discovered by Three Great Sacred Lands expert at the same time! 闪电银蛇狂舞之下,九幽十四少那颀长而孤独的独特身影,也在同一时间被三大圣地高手发现了! Is he!” “是他!” Yes! Unexpectedly is that lunatic, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!” “是!竟是那个疯子,九幽十四少!” Our trip of most important goals, is most formidable and most fearful enemy!” “我们此行最重要的目标,也是最强大、最可怕的对头!” All people stared round eye, sees that form of thunder light peripheral zone. 所有人都瞪圆了眼睛,看着雷光边缘地带的那个身影。 But at this time the prestige of Heaven and Earth is just thick, no one dares to act rashly. 但此时天地之威正浓,谁也不敢妄动一下。 All expert, in such inconceivable matter, performed changes to as is completely the irremovable statues. No matter has a grudge the injustice, must live in peace with each other temporarily! 所有的高手,在这样不可思议的事情之中,尽都化作了一个个似是完全不能移动的雕像。不管有仇有冤,彼此之间都要暂时相安无事! In the ear, only has that as if to destroy the Heaven and Earth common thunderclap and giant lightning to continue to thunder, several nearly unremitting landings...... One after another, one after another, densely like sudden downpour, in that direction that does not stand still, toward that mysterious expert, crazily to the extreme chops, chops! 耳中,唯有那似乎要毁灭天地一般的雷声、巨大的闪电在继续轰鸣,几近无间断的降落……一道又一道,一道接一道,密如骤雨,毫不停歇的向着那个方向,向着那位神秘强者,疯狂到了极点的劈下去,劈下去! But the heart of people, in the beat of this moment pēng pēng, no matter Saint Emperor Saint or the protector, everybody has a parched mouth. 而众人的心脏,也在这一刻砰砰的跳动着,不管是圣皇圣者还是守护者,大家都是口干舌燥。 If...... Now chops the spot that falls to resist the Heaven Prestige person in that lightning...... Is I? 如果……现在在那个闪电劈落的部位抗拒天威的人……是我? This idea, all expert want unable to think simply, but more cannot think that actually must unable to bear surface-to-surface fantasized secretly, in daydream...... Surges each time this thought that must press immediately, simultaneously in the heart raises excited trembling, from top to bottom also will be similar to the charging same convulsion one...... Under is in the glare of the public eye, even if the thunderclap in sky is mammoth, the energy is astonishing, when has the failure finally, the startling thunderclap lightning under the unceasing consumption, weakens finally gradually, finally vanishes thoroughly \; But the acquired airborne cloud layer along with it Yi Huan, generally was also revolved by many things around a center around the middle, among the moment changed into another giant one-eyed...... Then the periphery three gigantic cyclopias after turns wells up, melts most central...... After a wavelength division wave volume, unexpectedly is a crazier fierce thunder and lightning, the waterfall general falls in torrents...... heavens...... Was I insane, this world to be actually insane?” The Saint whole body of speech shakes chaff general shivering, two eyeballs almost stared the eye socket! 这种想法,所有高手们简直想都不敢想,但越是不敢想,却又要忍不住地偷偷地地幻想,在遐思……每次涌起这个念头,就要立即压下去,同时心中升起一种兴奋的战栗,浑身上下也会如同过电一样的痉挛一下……众目睽睽之下,天空中的雷声纵然声势浩大,能量惊人,但终有衰竭之时,惊雷闪电在不断消耗之下,终于渐次减弱,最终彻底消失\;而后天空中的云层亦随之易换,被众星捧月一般围绕在中间的,须臾间已经换成了另一只巨大的独眼……然后周围的三个硕大独眼在一阵翻涌之后,融进了最中央的这一个……一阵波分浪卷之后,竟是更加狂猛的雷电,瀑布一般的倾泻下来……“天哪……究竟是我疯了、还是这世界要疯了?”说话的这位圣者浑身筛糠一般的颤抖,两个眼珠子几乎瞪出了眼眶! These words, said the aspirations of all people! 这句话,说出了所有人的心声! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ what is unbelievable, thunder stroke again, has continued noon from early morning unexpectedly, then continues afternoon...... To evening! Has continued unexpectedly entire a day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~难以置信的是,再一次的雷击,竟是从凌晨一直持续到了中午,然后又持续到下午……到了晚上!竟是持续了整整的一天! The thunder light power line pole is getting more and more thick, effort also resembles is bigger and bigger \; But throughout has not actually had any destructive effect! 雷光电柱越来越粗,力度也似是越来越大\;但却始终没有发生任何的破坏效果! Even that is in the big tree of Thunder Tribulation core position, stands rock-firm throughout, all does not have the least bit difference. 甚至就连那棵处于雷劫核心位置的大树,也始终是巍然屹立,全没有半点异样。 All people completely such as are dumb as a wooden chicken general standing, looked for day! Does not eat and drink looked entire the day that does not blink! 所有人尽都又如呆若木鸡一般的站在,看了一天!不吃不喝不眨眼的看了整整一天! In these people, including Zhan Mubai Hai Wuya He Zhiqiu three Saint Emperor, including more than 40 Saint, but also includes Qiao Ying, Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui \; In addition...... also...... Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! 这些人里,包括展慕白海无涯何知秋三位圣皇,包括40多位圣者,还包括乔影成吟啸曲勿回\;此外……还有……九幽十四少 All people likely are having a dream the sleepwalk to be ordinary, is presenting the similar sleep talking general expression. 所有的人都像是在做梦梦游一般,呈现着同样梦呓一般的表情。 Finally, the thunderclap stops suddenly! The electric light vanishes instantaneously! 终于,雷声戛然而止!电光瞬间消失! In sky dense dark cloud, in the absent-minded moments, has dispersed cleanly. 天空中密密的乌云,在恍惚片刻之间,就已散得干干净净。 All people only know to gain ground, this discovers in the sky...... Ten thousand li (0.5 km) not said that stars, bright moonlight in the sky! 所有人这才知道抬头,这才发现天空中……万里无云,繁星点点,明月当空! This Thunder Tribulation, has continued unexpectedly entire the day!” The Cheng Yinxiao groan spoke a few words generally, suddenly the body dodges, is vanishing same place! “这一场雷劫,竟是持续了整整一天!”成吟啸呻吟一般的说了一句话,突然身子一闪,在原地消失! Carves, he must pay a visit that to cross the senior of tribulation. 刻下,他要去拜见那位渡劫的前辈。 Today, in any event, he must think that this cultivation base reached exceedingly high thorough Realm senior one! 今天,无论如何,他也非要看这位修为已臻通天彻底境界的前辈一眼! The goal only has one, all does not have any evil intention, even does not have any profit-centered heart \; Only then as pure as extreme one thought that also or is proceeds from the hope of heart: I must see one side him! 目的就只有一个,全没有任何恶意,甚至也没有任何的功利之心\;就只有单纯到了极点的一种念头,又或者说是发自心底的渴望:我要见他一面! Just like this! 如此而已! Perhaps beyond abatement opportunity, forever and ever again some chances will not see, will not hear the little news of this person...... If misses, will be this will live the greatest regrettable matter! 或者,除却这个机会之外,恐怕永生永世都不会再有机缘见到,甚至不会听到这个人的一点点消息……若是错过,将是此生莫大的憾事! Qu Wuhui awakens immediately, follows behind him, the wind pursued generally. in the eyes, only frantic. 曲勿回随即醒悟,跟在他后面,风一般追了上去。眼中,只余狂热。 But in his, also Qiao Ying. 而在他的身后,还有乔影 Zhan Mubai and the others, completely crazily is catching up in this direction. 展慕白等人,也尽都在疯狂地往这个方向赶来。 But, is quickest, is Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! 但,最快的,还是九幽十四少 After all, he was too near from the spot! 毕竟,他距离事发地点太近了! Has the trivial more than ten zhang (3.33 m) distance! 只得区区十多丈的距离! Almost is movement technique has not launched, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master arrived under the big tree. 几乎是身法还未展开,九幽十四少就已经来到了大树下。 Completely empty! 空空如也! Absolutely a ghost shadow does not have. 根本就连个鬼影子都没有。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master extends make a move, is stroking the bark of this lofty tree, the look burning hot. 九幽十四少出手,抚摸着这棵参天大树的树皮,眼神炙热。 Whiz whiz whiz...... Dozens expert fall on side, encircled a big circle rapidly. 嗖嗖嗖……数十高手落在旁边,迅速围成了一个大圈子。 Calmly looks here, looks at Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. 静静地看着这里,也看着九幽十四少 But now, all people at heart, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is not a lead. 但现在,所有人的心里,九幽十四少并不是主角。 The leads were missing...... Or, could it be said...... Radically is this tree at the tribulation?? 主角失踪了……或者说、难道说……根本就是这棵树在度劫吗?? Is this does not know how many years Laoyushu lived?? 就是这颗不知道活了多少年的老榆树?? In all people in ignorant feeling helpless, Jun Moxie is carrying Mei Xueyan, already entered Hongjun Pagoda. He had not forgotten that in these people, there is still one has All-seeing Eye Divine Ability Qiao Ying. 就在所有人都在懵懂不知所措之中,君莫邪携着梅雪烟,早已进入到了鸿钧塔的内中。他没有忘记,在这些人之间,还有一个有着慧眼神通乔影 Although own cultivation base had large scale breakthrough, but actually can make opposite party All-seeing Eye lose the effect...... Jun Moxie does not have the least bit confidence, let alone can the immunity, Mei Xueyan begin studies practices for the first time, especially the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune strength is seemingly superficial, therefore, Young Master Jun simply for a penny and for a pound, returned to Hongjun Pagoda to sleep...... Makes this fellows shock a meeting. Also, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master came, if they can hit first, that is really the most wonderful matter. Like this waits to sort the ready-made cheap good deed, but I cannot disturb. 虽然自己的修为有了大幅度的突破,但究竟能不能让对方的慧眼失去效果……君莫邪没有半点信心,何况就算自己可以免疫,梅雪烟初学乍练,尤其开天造化功力貌似还浅薄得很,所以,君大少干脆一不做二不休,回鸿钧塔里睡觉去了……就让这帮家伙们多震撼一会吧。再说了,九幽十四少来了,若是他们能够先打一场,那实在是最美妙的事。这样等着拣现成便宜的好事,我可是万万不能打搅的。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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