OEM :: Volume #9

#899: Five Elements Array reveals the prestige!

Digs the earthworm? That is useful, even if you have any strange use, I do not have the use.” Qu Wuhui vigilant say|way. What idea is this fellow having? How completely to leave this and other strange gambling stakes?! “挖蚯蚓?那有什么用处,就算你有什么古怪用处,我却是没有用处的。”曲勿回警惕的道。这家伙又在打什么主意?怎地尽出这等古怪赌注?! I want the earthworm to be also useless! This is only a gambling stake, does not have more meanings...... I want to take a look at you to dig the buttocks to dig welldoing forget it of earthworm \; Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master superficial say|way: could it be don't you want to take a look at me to dig the appearance of earthworm?” “我要蚯蚓也没有用!这就只是一个赌注而已,没有更多意思……我就只是想看看你撅起屁股挖蚯蚓的德行罢了\;”九幽十四少轻描淡写的道:“难道你不想看看我挖蚯蚓的样子?” Good! The father with your mao, has bet with you today!” Qu Wuhui clenches teeth, said: I do not believe this group of fellow luck so to be good, unexpectedly can win streak two! First has reached an agreement, Brother 14, if you lost, does not permit to act shamelessly!” “好!老子今天跟你卯上了,和你赌了!”曲勿回一咬牙,道:“我才不信这帮家伙运气会这么好,居然能连胜两阵!先说好了,十四兄,若是你输了,可不准耍赖!” What acting shamelessly is turtle son bastard!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master chuckled. “耍赖的是乌龟儿子王八蛋!”九幽十四少嘿嘿一笑 that's settled then! Who who who acts shamelessly is the turtle son bastard!” Qu Wuhui clenches jaws. Said: Fight father cannot hit you, did could it be make a bet unable to win you? Fourteenth Young Master, you wait to dig the buttocks to dig the earthworm!” 一言为定!谁耍赖的谁就是乌龟儿子王八蛋!”曲勿回咬牙切齿。道:“打架老子打不过你,难道打赌还赢不了你?十四少,你就等着撅起屁股挖蚯蚓吧!” My same wait and see, and looked that finally who will dig the buttocks to dig the earthworm!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master double bracelet chest, confident say|way. “我同样拭目以待,且看最终谁会撅起屁股挖蚯蚓!”九幽十四少双臂环胸,胸有成竹的道。 Nearby Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao do not know whether to laugh or cry: Is this Number One Under The Heaven madman Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in legend? Is this Heavenly Saint Palace protector Vertical Intent Wild Saber Qu Wuhui? Saw that these two have not distinguished with child anything that two have not grown up. 旁边乔影成吟啸啼笑皆非:这就是传说中的天下第一狂人九幽十四少吗?这还是天圣宫守护者纵意狂刀曲勿回吗?怎么看这两人跟两个没长大的孩子没什么分别呢。 During the speeches, in the field teams of subordinate have curled makes one group. Almost at each other same time of charge, has revealed the sword on simultaneously, the blade light sword glow, inundates spatial glittering! 说话间,场中两队人马已经卷作一团了。几乎在彼此冲锋的同一时刻,就齐齐亮出了刀剑,刀光剑芒,漫空闪烁 But all people see, that five black-clothed man in the start, after before there are, has . Moreover, gradually the dispersion, only the distance is actually the equal-space quite. If careful viewer these five people, will discover that these five running positions of people have felt the rhythmical image, East, South, West, North, Center, each position person occupies. But distance between each people and another people, unexpectedly is also completely same, without any tiny bit deviation! 但所有人都看到,那五个黑衣人在起步的时候,有前有后,而且,渐次分散,惟彼此之间的距离却是等距相当的。若是仔细观者这五个人,就会发现,这五个人的跑位充满了韵律感,东西南北中,每个方位都有一人占据。而每个人与另一个人之间的距离,竟也是完全一样的,没有任何一丝一毫的偏差! The battle formation was completed instantaneously, then, five people simultaneously howled, the start dashed about wildly, maintained besides middle one person motionless, the four people in east , south , west and north simultaneously started to walk the stride! Their this takes a step actually not to proceed to clash, but in longitudinal running circle. Regarding middle that person running circle! 阵势瞬间已告完成,接着,五个人同时一声呼啸,起步狂奔,除了中间一人保持不动之外,东南西北的四个人同时迈开了大步!他们这一迈步却也不是往前冲,而是在纵向跑圈。围绕着中间的那个人跑圈! All people completely in the surprise, five white clothing Saint long swords form together the turbulent current, turbulent impact! 所有人尽都在诧异的时候,五个白衣圣者的长剑汇成一道激流,汹涌的冲击过来! Nearby, Qu Wuhui has opened the mouth, muttered the tunnel: Unexpectedly is a strange battle formation! Before could it be......” , the exceptionally assured heart was at this moment the whisper! 边上,曲勿回张大了嘴巴,喃喃地道:“竟又是一个古怪的阵势!难道……”之前异常笃定的心却在这一刻起了嘀咕! Since corners of the mouth that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master nobody can see outlined ` really I to expect the ` strange smiling face. 九幽十四少没有人能够看到的嘴角却自勾勒起一丝‘果然不出我所料‘的古怪笑容。 Bit the dang dang sound to make a sound instantaneously a piece, when surrounding that four black-clothed man with every effort engagements, actually maintained the trend of moistening walks, the Saint this sword in Sacred Land aspect leaves, what fighting was obviously of Dongfang position, but has not received the sword with enough time, was in due south position match to appear in a moment ago at present, the broadsword in hand changed to a lightning to divide crazily, just had dealt with present this, again a handle blade of person already chopping under right in the face! 叮叮当当的声音瞬间响成了一片,外围的那四名黑衣人尽力接战之余,却又保持着一沾即走的走势,圣地方面的圣者们这一剑出,交手的是明明正东方位的那个,但还未来得及收剑,刚才还处于正南方位对手已经出现在眼前,手中的大刀更已经化作一道闪电狂劈下来,刚刚才应付了眼前的这一个,再一人的一柄刀又已经劈头盖脸的剁下! Almost is at the same time, these five Sacred Land Saint each people felt that oneself simultaneously have encountered unexpectedly crazy besieging of four enemies! Should by five enemy four aspects, why oneself and the others give birth obviously operates independently, can by enemy four clear feelings, what's all this about?! Own this side ally? 几乎是在同一时间,这五个圣地圣者每个人都感觉到自己竟是同时遭遇了四个敌人的疯狂围攻!明明应该是以五敌四的局面,自己等人为什么会生出各自为战,更要以一敌四的清晰感觉,这是怎么回事?!自己这一边的战友呢? Battle Formation of enemy side, like a ceaseless huge circular arc, completely is impregnable, everyone likely slides does not keep the loach of hand, wants to grasp radically is unable, but each of them attacks, actually likely is the fiercest cheetah! 敌方的战阵,就像一个无休无止的巨大圆弧,完全无懈可击,每一个人都像是滑不留手的泥鳅,根本欲抓无从,但他们每个人出击的时候,却又像是最凶猛的猎豹! exceed looks, Qu Wuhui complexion obviously ugly, because, he discovered impressively that Three Great Sacred Lands five Saint, gradually are turning toward unexpectedly leeward falls! But the opposite party that in the middle as the guy who four directions coordinate, is this Battle Formation the person of core, unexpectedly has not moved from beginning to end! 越看,曲勿回的脸色越显难看,因为,他赫然发现,三大圣地的五位圣者,竟然又在逐渐向着下风滑落!而对方那在中间作为四方策应的大汉,也就是这个战阵的核心之人,居然从头至尾都没有动过! Damn! How can like this? Will the present situation, by five enemies four, why also fall obviously leeward?! 见鬼了!怎么会这样?眼前的局势,明明就是以五敌四,为什么还会落到下风?! Jun Moxie is smiling, the Mei Xueyan complexion is relaxed, two people both appear exceptionally relieved. 君莫邪在微笑,梅雪烟脸色轻松,两个人都显得异常的安心。 formation, is really the marvelous thing! It can let the weak one, defeats expert, even if traded to be the person the object of set up formation, the effect somewhat was weaken, might that but still existence was actually hard to imagine! 阵法,果然是奇妙之极的东西!它能够让弱者,战胜强者,纵然将布阵的对象换做了人身,效果有些减弱,但却依然存在难以想象的威力! Five Elements Array! 五行阵 Is the formation name that five people revolve! That five positions, separately on behalf of east , south , west , north and middle and Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth strength of five elements \; Now, this formation also just started, has not used the five elements energy between Heaven and Earth truly \; When if formation carries on after some time, gathering Inner Qi accumulates to the certain extent, can transfer strength of five elements in air, or the mutual promotion of the five elements, or repels one another, integrates in the war perfectly...... Five shadows form black light that one group has rotated gradually \; Five white clothing Saint in Sacred Land aspect have surpassed enemy many strengths of spatially, is actually just likes the tiger eats the day, basic nowhere lower jaw! Falls on completely leeward, can only the passive defense constantly, unable to withstand depressed! 就是那五人运转的这个阵法的名称!那五个方位,分别代表东南西北中、金木水火土五行之力\;现在,这个阵法还只是刚刚发动,还没有真正利用起天地间的五行能量\;若是等到阵法进行一段时间之后,汇聚的气机积累到一定程度,就可以调动空气中的五行之力,或相生、或相克,完美融入到战局之中……五条黑影渐渐的形成了一团转动的黑光\;圣地方面的五位白衣圣者空有一身超出敌人许多的战力,却是犹如老虎吃天,根本无处下嘴!完全落在下风,只能被动的一味防御,郁闷不堪! No one can think that this war, has projected unexpectedly on this situation, the war, is exactly the same as the previous war simply! 谁也想不到,这一战,居然又打到了这个地步,战局,简直与上一战如出一辙! Qu Wuhui looks distressed, saw that can dig the earthworm? In mouth talking over: Stupid, in the ground cannot hit, can't could it be jump to the space hits? Your Lightweight Art practice, when decorates? Really stupidly person......” 曲勿回愁眉苦脸,眼看着自己就要去挖蚯蚓?口中一个劲的念叨:“笨啊,地面上打不过,难道就不能跳到天上去打?你们的轻功练来当摆设的吗?真是笨得要死人了……” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is slanting the eye to visit him, Spiritual Consciousness actually in viewer war of being scrupulous in one's work high and low, suddenly on the face reveals strange expression, but immediately hidden, tranquil did not speak a few words. 九幽十四少斜着眼睛看着他,灵识却是在一丝不漏的观察者战局上下,突然脸上露出一个奇怪的神色,但随即隐去,平静的不说一句话。 Qiao Ying sensitively has actually excavated the expression on Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master face, indifferently said: Brother 14, do you have discovery?” 乔影却敏感的发掘了九幽十四少脸上的表情,淡淡地道:“十四兄,你可是另有发现吗?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master shakes the head, ponders with hardship, said: Truly somewhat discovered that but...... Cannot think through cannot think through......” 九幽十四少摇摇头,苦苦思考一番,道:“确实有些发现,不过……想不通啊想不通……” Qiao Ying is just about to closely examine, actually hears people one to call out in alarm, raises eyes to look, immediately understood not being able to think through that Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said is any meaning: Because of her, no doubt had also discovered the issue is, actually cannot think through. 乔影正要追问,却听见众人一阵惊呼,举目望去,立即明白了九幽十四少所说的想不通是什么意思:因为她自己,固然也发现了问题所在,却也是想不通的。 Originally, in a moment ago, war five Sacred Land First Level Saint saw with own eyes the aspect to be disadvantageous, simultaneously inspires the sound to cry loud and long, really defers to the diving posture that Qu Wuhui thinks, five people are the same idea: To the upper air, has immediately launched the body sword to unite, occupies a commanding position, spells is carrying the severe wound, must cut the meat sauce these five hateful fellows! 原来,就在刚才,战局中的五位圣地一级圣者眼见局面不利,同时振声长啸,果然按照曲勿回所想的飞身而起,五个人都是一样的想法:到了高空,立即展开身剑合一,居高临下,拼着身负重伤,也要将这五个可恶的家伙斩成肉酱! But, unexpected and even was the unthinkable matter occurred...... As they soar, as the opposite party five people also they jump, although jumps in empty/sky, the battle formation from completely had not actually changed, the opposite party simply has not made an effort same to soar probably...... Looks at stunned colors on five face, opposite Jun Moxie happily: The fools, this war projects on the present, already evolved to lead them by your Inner Qi, how regardless of you move, borrowing strength that they can not make an effort with. Uses your strength perfectly, hits yourself! 但,出乎预料、甚至是匪夷所思的事情随之发生了……随着他们腾空而起,对方五个人也随着他们腾身而起,虽是腾身于空,阵势却仍自全然没有发生变化,对方好像是根本没有用力一样就腾飞起来……看着五个人脸上的错愕之色,对面的君莫邪得意之极:笨蛋,这一战打到现在,早已演变成由你们的气机在带动他们了,无论你们怎么动,他们都能够丝毫不用力的借力跟上来。完美地利用你的力量,来打你自己! No matter in the ground or the sky, is finally same! In the ground, your also topography can take a breath, but places oneself above the upper air now...... You did not have the leeway of swivel, the Sky Razing Soul Devourers respective five people of groups placed in the battle formation, can depend upon your strength Stagnation comprehensively, oneself do not need to strive! To airborne, this war ended is quicker! Promotes its defeat, does not have with person especially! One group of idiots! ” 不管是在地面还是天空,结果都是一样的!在地面,你们还有地势可以换气,但现在置身在高空之上……你们却没有转圜的余地了,残天噬魂所属的五人组身处在阵势之中,可以全面依靠你们的力量滞空,自己根本不必出力!越是到了空中,这一战结束的就越快!自促其败,与人无尤!一堆白痴!” Really, more was goes to the upper air, the Five Elements Array real might also gradually further expansion, pressed Sacred Land five First Level Saint directly not to gasp for breath, not to mention displayed the big move to go all out! 果然,越是去到了高空之中,五行阵的真实威力也逐渐进一步的展开,压得圣地五位一级圣者直接喘不过气来,更遑论施展大招拼命了! Impressively, is in the airborne lineup has the change once again, collected is together the black mighty current four people, suddenly the person has first been separated from the black mighty current, gradual revealed the shining brilliance, immediately , the person was separated from the battle formation, was from top to bottom spontaneous light green rays of light, the third person of whole body deep blue, inundated spatially able to move unhindered, the fourth person all over the body fiery red, was similar to burns in the sky one group of flame! 赫然,处于空中阵型的再度生出变化,原本汇作一道黑色洪流的四个人,突然有一人首先脱离了黑色洪流,逐渐的显露出了金灿灿的光彩,随即,又有一人脱离阵势,浑身上下却自发出淡淡的绿色光芒,第三人浑身碧蓝,漫空纵横,第四人通体火红,如同当空之中燃烧起了一团火焰! Middle that person, a clear(ly) yellow luster, dazzling glistening! 中间那人,一身的明黄色泽,耀眼的闪亮! Five people of whole body bold light to erupt, had the next step movement finally! 五人周身豪光大作,终于又有了下一步的动作! five elements is uneven, Heaven and Earth moves \; The heart leaves, the ghosts and gods sob! 五行齐,天地动\;阵心出,鬼神泣! Dodges, the middle that yellow luminescence brings the enormous and powerful blade glow first to explode the spin, when first white clothing Saint is doing utmost to deal with another four people of besieging, suddenly was inserted a blade by him towering horizontally, in great surprise suddenly to retreat \; But each other Inner Qi has towed a body, has there to tolerate him to escape? 只是一闪,中间的那道黄光带着浩浩荡荡的刀芒首先爆旋而出,当先的一位白衣圣者正在竭尽全力应付另四人的围攻,突然被他突兀横插一刀,大惊暴退\;但彼此气机已经牵引成一体,有那里能容他逃脱? His draws back, instead attack strength of opposite party five people completely centralized on oneself, in an instant the East, South, West, North, Center five blades also fall! Five such as mountain Daomang, has simultaneously pressed! 他这一退,反而将对方五个人的攻击力量全部集中在自己身上来,刹那间东西南北中五把刀同时落下!五道如山刀芒,同时压了下来! He only comes and sends out a long pitiful yell, then simultaneously had been chopped by that five sharp knives on the body! 他只来的及发出一声长长的惨叫,便已被那五把利刀同时砍在了身上! A white clothing body, suddenly then changed to several incomplete bodies, was splattering incarnadine the big piece blood of blue sky, fell from the upper air! 一个白衣身体,顿时便化作了十几块残缺不全的身体,喷溅着染红了碧空的大片鲜血,从高空落下! In the instance that he drops, five different color rays of light do not stay, forms the most dazzling rainbow without consulting anybody, simultaneously to another four people! The mountain of sword is overlapping, is similar to the wave of Yangtze River, the sea is rising tide! 就在他落下的瞬间,五道不同颜色的光芒并不停留,径自汇成一道最耀眼的彩虹,同时对上了另外四个人!刀山层层叠叠,如同长江之浪,大海涨潮! Kills!” Five people also bellow. Blood one after another air burst opens in the day, is similar to the Lantern Festival in the upper air the bright fireworks. But this fireworks, combustion is actually the life, is the Saint level expert life! “杀!”五个人同时大吼。鲜血一团一团的在天空爆开,如同元宵节高空中灿烂的烟花。只不过这个烟花,燃烧的却是生命,是圣级强者的生命! This war hence, the victory and defeat has decided! 此战至此,胜负已定! Three Great Sacred Lands is also again powerless! 三大圣地再也无力回天! Qu Wuhui face such as ashen! 曲勿回脸如土色! Then may be miserable...... As the pa pa pa sound resounds unceasingly, Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu they closed the eye almost at the same time, on the face the muscle twitched...... This was a Sacred Land side expert corpse turned into the hashed meat, dropped the sound that from the upper air! 这下可惨了……随着的声音不断响起,海无涯何知秋两人几乎在同时闭上了眼睛,脸上肌肉抽搐……这可是圣地一方高手的尸体变成了碎肉,从高空中跌落的声音! Full house complete silence. The first war, the opposite party is intact, it can be said that because of the schemes and tricks, has the prestige of Divine Weapon, wins by luck \; This is passable. But this World War II...... Actually also similarly so, what excuse can could it be also find? 满场鸦雀无声。第一战,对方丝毫无损,可说是因为阴谋诡计,更有神兵利器之威,侥幸胜出\;这还说得过去。但这第二战……却也同样如此,难道还要找什么理由吗? This, is Sacred Land Saint! First Level Saint, more than 500 years of painstaking cultivation...... 这,可是圣地圣者一级圣者,500多年的苦修啊…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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