OEM :: Volume #7

#656: Pitiful tyranny!

„!” The wine pot on the table, was exuded the clear sound: At the present, she in this grade of time, has urged to go faster Jun Family to me unexpectedly! Jun Family,...... Where is that? There people all want to make me die! To make me die!! But she went to there unexpectedly, in this lunar new year's eve!” “咣!”酒壶被顿在桌上,发出清脆的响声:“而今,她居然在这等时刻,离我而去去了君家君家,……那是什么地方?那里的人个个都想让我死!都想让我死!!而她居然去了那里,在这个大年夜里去了!” Beat that his head blue vein suddenly Tu, trembles, hu-hu breathed heavily several thick air/Qi, finally explodes understand to come out: Moreover there also Ye Guhan is waiting for her, is waiting for her with hardship!” 他的头上青筋暴突,颤颤的跳动,呼哧呼哧的喘了几口粗气,才终于爆发了出来:“而且那里还有夜孤寒在等着她,苦苦地等候着她!” Mister Wen did not speak silently, this grade of Imperial Family secret, he could not control, does not want to manage. Only he can do only then listens attentively. But present Emperor Your Majesty, is lacking such an object of listening attentively. Therefore he is faithful plays this role. 文先生默默不语,这等皇家秘事,他管不了,更不想管。他唯一能做的就只有倾听。而现在的皇帝陛下,正缺少这么一个倾听的对象。于是他就忠实的扮演这个角色。 My life, will soon come to the end, has the possibility of extinguishment anytime! Jun Moxie that little brat will not let off me!” Emperor Your Majesty puffs, in the eyes lightens crazily, walking back and forth back and forth in room, did not have toward saying graceful dignity, present he, looks like shuts in the lion in basket suddenly, was irritable, but violent anger. “朕的生命,也即将走到尽头,随时都有熄灭的可能!君莫邪小子更是绝不会放过我!”皇帝陛下喘着粗气,眼中闪出疯狂,在房间里来回的走来走去,丝毫没有了往曰的雍容威严,现在的他,就像是一只突然被关进笼子里的狮子,急躁而暴怒。 Has killed her!” He halts suddenly, stands firm, from gap between teeth low said these words, two blood red! “杀了她!”他突然站住,站定,从牙缝里低低的说出了这句话,两眼血红! Mister Wen terrified one startled, gains ground suddenly, incredible to visit him, looks at Tianxiang Kingdom Emperor Your Majesty, this also had been suffered obviously almost the man of collapse! 文先生悚然一惊,霍然抬头,不可置信的看着他,看着天香帝国皇帝陛下,这个明显也已经被折磨到几乎崩溃的男人! Has killed her!” Emperor Your Majesty also said that this time, the enunciation unexpectedly is clearer, two lighten the sharp cold brightness, is brutal and self-satisfied, has that abnormal pleasant sensation of thing one type is destroying itself most to like personally, he decides looks at Mister Wen, suddenly goes forward two steps, two hands closely grip the shoulder of Mister Wen, say|way that earnestly seeks: Brother Wen, asking you to help me kill this cheap person!” “杀了她!”皇帝陛下又说了一遍,这一次,口齿竟是更为清晰,两眼闪出锋锐的寒光,残酷而得意,带着一种亲手毁灭自己最喜欢的东西的那种变态的快感,他定定的看着文先生,突然上前两步,两只手紧紧握住文先生的肩膀,渴求的道:“文兄,拜托你帮我杀了这个贱人!” Mister Wen shocking is elinguid, before oneself just before leaving, Emperor Your Majesty requests itself to do the last matter for him! But this matter, has killed unexpectedly own empress! Killed him also to like suffering extreme distress a moment ago, the woman who loved the crazy! 文先生震惊的不能言语,自己临走之前,皇帝陛下要求自己为他做最后一件事!而这件事,竟然就是杀了自己的皇后!杀一个他自己刚才还爱到死去活来,爱到疯癫的女人! This is the incredible matter! 这是何等荒诞的事情! Why?” Mister Wen thought that own sound is such dry, empty. “为什么?”文先生觉得自己的声音是那样的干涩,空洞。 Why? Hahaha......” Emperor Your Majesty face upwards to laugh wildly, said loudly: Since the ancient times winner is the king, loser is the villain, this is the eternity not easy highest good! If Jun Family has not risen, then, so long as Jun Family logical withers away in Tianxiang, under Jun Family leaves behind the army wealth, naturally ground-return national all! So long as at that time, I do not need to worry that some people will seek toward usurping the throne, does not need the anxious any Military God prestige, will also have puts down the world sufficiently the powerful strength! By my outstanding ability and grand vision, within several years, extinguishes Yu Tang, to swallow the god to bestow to refer to saying that may treat! But the heaven made the person, Jun Family left Jun Moxie, making all my efforts drain!” “为什么?哈哈哈哈……”皇帝陛下仰天狂笑,大声道:“自古以来成王败寇,此乃千古不易的至理!若是君家没有崛起,那么,只要君家顺理成章的在天香消亡,君家遗留下的军队财富,就自然而然地归国家所有!只要到那个时候,我就再也不用担心有人会谋朝篡位,更不必忧虑什么军神威名,还会拥有了足以扫平天下的强悍战力!以我的雄才大略,于几年之内,灭宇唐、吞神赐指曰可待!但苍天弄人,君家出了一个君莫邪,让我所有的努力付诸东流!” Things have gotten to this point, said again anything does not have the significance, when I said that participated has plotted to murder Jun Wuhui, that Jun Moxie revenged to kill me for the father, actually also indisputable, I did not blame him! Un? No! Doesn't blame him? I hate him, damn, what thing is he? Jun Wuhui died also died! I am the Tianxiang Country Lord, why does he revenge?” “事已至此,再说什么也全无意义,我当曰参与了谋害君无悔,那君莫邪为父报仇来杀我,却也无可厚非,我不怪他!嗯?不!不怪他?我恨他,他妈的,他算是什么东西?君无悔死了也就死了!我是天香国主,他凭什么来报仇?” Yang Huaiyu this moment liquor vigor overshooting, speech already somewhat disorderly, speaks incoherently, actually still maliciously typical: I am a Monarch, he is a feudal official! The rulers and ministers like the fathers and sons, you want feudal official dead, the feudal official has dead! This is the ethics three cardinal guides and five constant virtues! Why can Jun Family revenge? How even if I forces suicide him personally, that is also the Jun Family glory! Revenges? Scoundrels! Where has to look for the truth that oneself Monarch revenges? Jun Family, simply is a bastard!” 杨怀宇此刻酒劲上冲,说话已经有些颠三倒四,语无伦次,却兀自狠狠地道:“我是君,他是臣!君臣如父子,君要臣死,臣不得不死!这本是伦理纲常!君家凭什么要来报仇?就算是我亲手赐死他又如何,那也是君家的荣耀!报仇?混账!哪有找自己君主报仇的道理?君家,简直就是一家王八蛋!” He breathed heavily greatly several tones: „The scoundrel bastard of treason and heresy! Jun Family at this moment, the strength was too but intrepid, believes that the mister is also hard in it fighting, therefore, I did not ask the mister in view of Jun Family......” 他大喘了几口气:“大逆不道的混帐王八蛋!可是此刻的君家,实力太强悍了,相信先生也难以于之争锋,所以,我不求先生针对君家……” But, Murong Xiuxiu, actually non- refuses stubbornly to be possible! She is my woman, is my empress! Why can go to meeting sweetheart in the lunar new year's eve? Even...... also possibly leaks my secret! Betrays to Jun Moxie in me! She, has dead! How can not die?!” His, bellows to the day crazily. “可是,慕容秀秀,却非死不可!她是我的女人,是朕的皇后!凭什么要在大年夜去会情人?甚至……还有可能泄露我的秘密!对君莫邪出卖于我!她,不得不死!怎能不死?!”他疯狂地张着手,对天大吼。 But this is actually only your guess. It is not the fact! If only for your suspicion, massacres own empress...... How could it not be is the joke?” Mister Wen frowns. “但这却只是你的猜测。并不是事实!若是只为了你的疑心,就将自己的皇后杀掉……岂非是笑话?”文先生皱着眉头。 „It is not the guess! This is the affirmation! I can affirm!” Emperor Your Majesty reddens all over the face, the look is fierce, whistling gasps for breath: Said again, even if guessed that she cannot live!” “不是猜测!这是肯定的!我敢肯定!”皇帝陛下满脸通红,眼神狰狞,呼呼喘气:“再说,就算只是猜测,她也不能活着!” He has stopped, long time, bellows suddenly: She is I most beloved woman! Depending on this point, she damn!” 他停顿了下来,半晌,突然大吼:“她是我最心爱的女人!就凭这一点,她就该死!” He grins fiendishly: My woman, since I momentarily will die, what I also do keep her to make? Is keeping her and her old flame lives together affectionately? Hahaha...... One day is my woman, this, for a lifetime is my woman! My woman, dies, I must carry off! No! I must make her wait for me to below first! I did not feel relieved that she late dies compared with me for day, I did not feel relieved! I can never obtain her heart, person who actually must forever dominate her!” 他狞笑起来:“我的女人,既然我随时都会死了,那么,我还留着她做什么?留着她与她的旧情人双宿双飞吗?哈哈哈哈……一天是我的女人,这一世,一辈子就都是我的女人!我的女人,就算死,我也要带走!不!我要让她先到下面去等我!我不放心,她比我晚死一天,我都不放心!我就算永远得不到她的心,却也要永远霸着她的人!” I am one generation of kings! Tianxiang Country Lord! How could to receive so insults!” He flies suddenly a foot, maliciously front carving flower table high has kicked, hits on the ceiling of palace, suddenly Xiang, is split up! Therefore she must die! First I die!” “我是一代帝王!天香国主!岂能受如此侮辱!”他突然飞起一脚,狠狠地将面前的雕花桌案高高的踢了起来,撞到宫殿的天花板上,一声暴响,四分五裂!“所以她一定要死!先我而死!” Mister Wen low-spirited sigh. Emperor Your Majesty was envied and hatred obviously has become confused. 文先生黯然叹息。皇帝陛下明显已经是被嫉妒和仇恨冲昏了头脑。 This matter, you have the innumerable opportunities to kill her, why wants my make a move?” Mister Wen helpless frowning. “这件事,你有无数的机会可以杀她,为何偏偏要我出手?”文先生无奈的皱起眉头。 I do not give up, I do not give up, how do I give up?!” The roar of Emperor violent anger, was very not as if satisfactory to own weakness: She, although has not loved me, but is actually the woman who my this life really likes only! If she does not go to Jun Family today, I will not raise to kill her thought...... Because has killed her nobody again with my cold war, nobody again can such suffer me! I will be very lonely! Very uncomfortable!” “我不舍得,我不舍得,我怎么舍得?!”皇帝暴怒的吼了一声,似乎对自己的软弱很不满意:“她虽然从来没有爱过我,但却是我这一生唯一真正喜欢的女人!若是她今天不去君家,那我也不会升起杀她的念头……因为杀了她没人就再和我冷战,就没有人再能够这么折磨我!我会很寂寞!很难受!” He clashes suddenly, hand of capture Mister Wen: Brother Wen , helping me! Helps my this time...... Has killed her to me!” He looks at the eye of Mister Wen anxiously: Your clear(ly) said in any case must return to Supreme Gold City, kills such a person, to you, with hands down. After having killed her, you instantly can go to faraway places! Even if Jun Family has a mind to investigate, shakes Supreme Gold City incompetently?” 他突然冲过来,抓住文先生的手:“文兄,帮我!帮我这一次吧……给我杀了她!”他急切地看着文先生的眼睛:“反正你明曰就要回至尊金城,杀这么一个人,对你来说,不费吹灰之力。杀了她之后,你即刻就可以远走高飞!就算君家有心追究,也无能撼动至尊金城吧?” Mister Wen face upwards the deep sigh, on the face expression fluctuates \; Full is contradictory and puzzled. 文先生仰天长叹,脸上神色变幻\;满是矛盾和纠结。 Brother Wen...... Asked to help my this time!” Emperor Your Majesty in the eyes flows out the tears, is actually dodging the crazy color: I cannot allow my woman to be hugged by other man in the bosom, cannot endure is pressed by Ye Guhan that sediment in the crotch! Please help me...... Helps our husbands and wives! This is my final desire, is your I intersects the life, I only to the request that you proposed!” 文兄……拜托帮我这一次!”皇帝陛下眼中流出泪来,却闪着疯狂的色彩:“我不能允许我的女人被别的男人抱在怀里,更不能忍受是被夜孤寒那个渣滓压在胯下!请你成全我……成全我们夫妻!这是我最后的愿望,也是你我相交一生,我唯一对你提出的请求!” „...... Good!” Mister Wen had pondered is very long, this finally difficultly makes the reply, accepts that obviously, this decision for him, is the painful decision! I go! But after I have killed her, I will leave directly, will not come back again!” “……好!”文先生思考了很久,这才终于艰难地做出回答,应承下来,显而易见,这个决定对他来说,也是痛苦的决定!“我去!但我杀了她之后,我会直接离开,不会再回来!” Many thanks Brother Wen!” Emperor Your Majesty bows with hands clasped, deep is bending the body, said: She just left Imperial Palace now, should not walk away, should not arrive at Jun Family \; By the Brother Wen foot regulation, has time inevitably...... All asked you!” “多谢文兄!”皇帝陛下一揖到地,深深的弯着身子,道:“她现在刚离开皇宫,应该还没有走远,应该也还没有到君家\;以文兄的脚程,必然赶得及……一切拜托你了!” Now?” Mister Wen both eyes concentrates. “现在?”文先生双目一凝。 Now! Is now!” Emperor deep nod. “现在!就是现在!”皇帝深深点头。 Good!” On the Mister Wen thin face flood malignant influences, some gentle indifferent face convulsion, said slowly: My Wen Cangyu life is open and aboveboard, lives simply to get along with people, has never done matter that does a disservice to the person, but this time...... When I soon forever will leave bustling place earthliness, the last matter that does, must kill one unexpectedly with the woman who I do not hate!” “好!”文先生清癯的脸上泛起一丝煞气,原本平和淡然的脸却有些痉挛,缓缓道:“我文苍宇一生堂堂正正,淡泊处世,从未做过对不起人的事,但这一次……在我即将永远离开红尘俗世的时候,所做的最后一件事,竟然是要杀一个与我毫无仇恨的女人!” Some shadow place outside palace, a form whole body of delicate beautiful fascinating'winsome is shivering, the packed hole is the tears, retreats quietly outward. Slowly moved this palace, suddenly the whole body is shivering, from constraining not to be being been crying by oneself the sound, runs crazily outward. 在宫殿外面的某个暗影处,一条纤巧婀娜的身影浑身颤抖着,满眼是泪,悄悄地往外退去。慢慢地挪了这间宫殿,突然浑身颤抖着,仍自压抑着不让自己哭出声音,疯狂地向外跑去。 That person of Princess Ling Meng! 那人正是灵梦公主 She since queen mother there comes out, actually thinks that lunar new year's eve the sovereign has not paid respects to the father unexpectedly, although is not willing to come, but reluctantly came, because, she is also thinking, if there are if possible, can ask an own father sovereign matter? 她自从母后那里出来,却又想到大年夜竟还未给父皇请安,虽然不愿意来,但还是勉强自己来了,因为,她还想着,若是有可能的话,可不可以问自己的父皇一件事? Asked one...... Does own father sovereign, want to lower the head to Jun Family? Is willing to confess to Jun Wuhui? In the dream of young girl, so long as the arrogant father sovereign can lower the head, that these hatreds, can reduce? I...... But arrived here, hears the father sovereign to roar there loudly, finally drew out the curious heart, beckoning quietly makes the bodyguard come, then makes him avoid, oneself stood in the position of bodyguard, wants to listen to the father sovereign not to be why unhappy, has not actually thought that actually heard such a matter. 问一句……自己的父皇,愿意不愿意对君家低头?愿不愿意对君无悔忏悔?在少女的梦里,只要自己高傲的父皇能够低头,那这些仇恨,可不可以减轻一些?那我……但一到了这里,就听见父皇在那里大声咆哮,终于起了好奇之心,悄悄的招手让侍卫过来,然后让他回避,自己站到了侍卫的位置上,本想听听父皇为何不开心,却没有想到,竟然听到了这么一件事情。 This for her, simply is bolt from the blue! 这对她来说,简直是晴天霹雳! The father sovereign who one most respect since childhood, must kill the dearest queen mother unexpectedly! 自己从小最尊敬的父皇,竟然要杀自己最亲爱的母后! This brutal fact, has almost fainted Princess Ling Meng at the scene anxiously, but she does not dare to faint, even is afraid itself unable to support to faint, because...... The queen mother has the danger! 这个残酷的事实,几乎将灵梦公主当场急晕了过去,但她不敢晕,甚至害怕自己会支持不住晕到,因为……母后有危险! Oneself always have thought since that father Huangwei is strict, quite loves to oneself, is not only good Emperor, is a good father. Until that time saw that three Elder Brother hit make a move for the imperial authority greatly, but all these actually completely are the father sovereign design to organize, this slightly has a new look. Again to afterward, accidentally knew Tianxiang one generation of White Cloth Commander Jun Wuhui death, own father Kokyo however also has played an extremely ignominious role, in the heart had a lump. 一直以来,自己一向以为,父皇威严仁慈,对自己也颇为宠爱,既是一个好皇帝,也是一个好父亲。直到那一次看到三个哥哥为了皇权大打出手,而这一切却又尽都是父皇设计摆布的,这才稍稍改观。再到后来,又偶然知晓了天香一代白衣军帅君无悔的死,自己的父皇居然也在其中扮演了一个极其不光彩的角色,心中就有了一个疙瘩。 Until today, Princess Ling Meng finally in the heart like dying embers! 直到今天,灵梦公主于心如死灰! All hopes and fantasized that vanishes in puff of smoke completely! Originally own father sovereign, eventually is a such person! The extreme is selfish, cruel, callous, oversuspicious...... Even is the full anomaly! 所有的希望和幻想全部灰飞烟灭!原来自己的父皇,终究是一个这样的人!极端自私,残忍,冷酷,多疑……甚至是十足的变态! Kills own queen mother! 杀死自己的母后! Moreover is asks the person to kill! Like this unthinkable matter, unexpectedly in own at present occurred! 而且是请人杀死!这样的匪夷所思的事情,竟然就在自己的眼前发生了! A husband, because suspects envy, must kill own wife, woman who most loves! 一个丈夫,因为猜疑嫉妒,要杀死自己的妻子,最爱的女人! Emperor, to suspect own woman after oneself died was enjoyed by others, must kill the empress unexpectedly...... This simply is in the world absurdest joke! 一个皇帝,为了疑心自己的女人会在自己死后被别人享用,竟然要杀死皇后……这简直就是天底下最荒谬的笑话! Princess Ling Meng rushed quite far, cried the sound, cried while rushed, arrives at the imperial horse stable, pulled apart the horse reins directly, stands up from failure to start, two legs clamped, a whip pulled out maliciously on the horse buttocks, shouting oneself hoarse bellowed: Harnesses!” 灵梦公主奔出了好远,才哭出了声音,边哭边奔,来到御马厩,直接将马缰绳一把扯断,翻身上马,两腿一夹,狠狠一鞭抽在马屁股上,声嘶力竭的大吼一声:“驾!” Healthy horse long hissing, the first hoof takeoffs, the hind leg makes an effort, the arrow has shot generally, has streaked across the Imperial Palace nighttime sky! 健马一声长嘶,前蹄离地,后腿用力,箭一般射了出去,划破了皇宫的夜空! Who?” The guard of Imperial Palace entrance shouts a question loudly. “谁?”皇宫门口的守卫大声喝问。 Is I! Opens the door quickly!” The Princess Ling Meng packed hole is the tears, drinks fierce greatly! “是我!快开门!”灵梦公主满眼是泪,厉声大喝! Yes! Originally was the princess......” guards salutes hurriedly, opened the imperial city gate. On the Princess Ling Meng leg makes an effort, healthy horse Changsi, mounted the clouds and rode the mist to leap generally, put on several imperial city gates continually, the hoofbeat such as suddenly the thunder, rolling resounded, went far away instantaneously, splashes the snow filings innumerably...... Meanwhile, in Imperial Palace slender form silent soaring, flies high together empty crosses 7-8 zhang (3.33 m) far, suddenly looked like Violent Wind has rolled up and pushed along the flag, at the airborne show, vanished the trace. “是!原来是公主殿下……”守卫急忙行礼,打开了宫门。灵梦公主腿上一用力,健马长嘶一声,腾云驾雾一般跃了出去,连穿数道宫门,蹄声如骤雷,滚滚响起,瞬间远去,溅起雪屑无数……与此同时,皇宫里一道修长的身影无声无息的腾空而起,凌空虚渡七八丈远,突然就像是狂风卷动了大旗,在空中一展,咻的一声消失了踪影。 Emperor Your Majesty stands before the window, on the face has shown the self-satisfied and tyrannical smiling face! 皇帝陛下站在窗前,脸上露出了得意而残虐的笑容! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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