OEM :: Volume #7

#657: The snowy night shatter flies!

Your Majesty, the princess the whole face was the tears, Pegasus rushed a moment ago, the mood was not quite right, the lackeys do not dare to stop.” The guard of guarding a gate comes report. 陛下,公主刚才满脸是泪,飞马奔出,情绪极为不对,奴才们不敢阻拦。”守门的侍卫前来禀报 Ling Meng?” Emperor Your Majesty is startled, suddenly sneers, said: „Can mother and daughter abandon me to go to the meeting boyfriend? Haha...... Ok, does not need to manage her! Takes the liquor to me! I said now, must celebrate well!” 灵梦?”皇帝陛下一怔,突然冷笑一声,道:“母女二人都要舍我而去会情郎吗?哈哈……算了,不必管她!给朕拿酒来!朕今曰,要好好的庆祝!” Yes!” “是!” The cold wind whistles from the midair has curled, the dust snow filings were blown, from the sky dances in the air, this Tianxiang City liveliest street, unexpectedly appears some Ghost Qi is at this moment dense! 寒风打着呼哨从半空卷过,粉尘般的雪屑被吹起来,在空中飞舞,这条天香城最繁华的街道,这一刻竟然显得有些鬼气森森! Yellow the small sedan chair, tassels hang the color, under 110 people of guards, not anxiously not slow proceeds to march forward. On Murong Xiuxiu beautiful face in sedan lightens hesitant and struggles. 一顶黄呢小轿,流苏垂彩,在110人的护卫下,不急不缓的往前行进。轿内的慕容秀秀绝美的脸上闪出犹豫和挣扎。 Can such do really? 真的要这么做吗? the next moment, her as if presented that personal appearance at present dreary, a lonely and desolate man of face, but that desperate for a long time eye, still affection but burning hot! 下一刻,她的眼前似乎出现了那个身形萧瑟,一脸的孤独和苍凉的男人,但那一双绝望已久的眼睛,依然深情而炙热! Little Han......” on the Murong Xiuxiu face appears heartfelt gentle deep attachment affectionate. Although, this expression she saw these days Ye Guhan has never revealed that but whenever time of quiet time, has a thought this name, will make her feel in the heart the bitter distress, because just this bitter distress, will make her feel, oneself is a person . Moreover, is a woman! 小寒……”慕容秀秀脸上浮现一丝由衷的温柔缱绻。虽然,这种表情她这段时间里见到夜孤寒从未表露过,但每当夜深人静的时候,念起这个名字,才会让她感到心中酸涩苦楚,也正因为这份酸涩苦楚,才会让她感到,自己还是一个人,而且,还是一个女人! This affection, has suffered three person life, became Tianxiang Kingdom Lord in the Yang Huaiyu lifetime dream demon and heart the eternal scabs, achievement Murong Xiuxiu and in Ye Guhan heart a recollection of fast color. 这份深情,折磨了三个人一生,成为了天香国杨怀宇一生的梦魔和心中永恒的伤疤,也成就了慕容秀秀夜孤寒心中一段永不褪色的回忆。 In this silent night, Murong Xiuxiu actually discovered oneself have remembered too many too many past events very much strangely, toward saying affectionate deep attachment affectionate, solemn pledge of eternal love that elapses, distinctly such as in the present \; Like on this short road, all affairs big or small has playbacked beforehand life journey one by one. 在这个寂静的深夜,慕容秀秀却发现自己很奇怪地想起了太多太多的往事,往曰的深情缱绻,逝去的海誓山盟,历历如在目前\;就像在这短短的路上,将自己之前的人生路途事无巨细的一一回放了一遍。 Little Han...... You......” on the face of Murong Xiuxiu have hung all over the teardrops painstakingly. In this moment, before she remembers suddenly Ye Guhan had become a fugitive the horizon, in the past leaves her poem, tragic has smiled, takes out a pure white handkerchief from the bosom, above, is embroidering several lines of blood red small characters flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes: 小寒……苦了你……”慕容秀秀的脸上挂满了泪珠。在这一刻,她突然想起了夜孤寒当年逃亡天涯之前留给自己的一首诗,不由凄楚的笑了一下,从怀中取出一条素白的手帕,上面,龙飞凤舞地绣着几行血红的小字: Regret this does not live to plant the affection, is willing the the lofty one travel from faded and fallen \; Long hates in the mandarin duck companion only dream, rather defeated/carrying heaven does not lose the minister! 不悔此生种深情,甘愿孤旅自飘零\;长恨鸳侣唯梦里,宁负苍天不负卿! After Ye Guhan walked, Murong Xiuxiu has embroidered this brocade, is receiving personal, is only, besides her, anybody has not known, this bright red handwriting, is Murong Xiuxiu own blood! 夜孤寒走了之后,慕容秀秀就绣了这一条锦帕,贴身收着,只是,除了她自己之外,没有任何人知道,这鲜红色的字迹,就是慕容秀秀自己的血! With own blood percolation incarnadine white line, then puts on the needle, one after another in own brocade, embroiders the person who oneself most loved to give an own final poem! 用自己的血浸透染红了白线,然后穿上针,一针一针的在自己的锦帕上,绣出了自己最爱的人送给自己的最后的一首诗! Since preserves! 存留至今! In couple days ago, above were also many two lines of characters, is still same bright red: If next life the reason completely, rather defeated/carrying heaven has not lost the minister!” 就在前几天,上面又多了两行字,依然是一样的鲜红:“来生若是缘未尽,宁负苍天不负卿!” Is latter two of the poem Ye Guhan changed recently! Murong Xiuxiu after embroidering these two, actually this humble one side Xiu two characters: Anticipation!” 夜孤寒最近才改的这首诗的后两句!慕容秀秀在绣完了这两句之后,却又在下方绣了两个字:“期待!” Little Han, not only you anticipated, I also anticipated! Next life if the reason completely, rather defeated/carrying heaven has not lost the minister! If there is a next life, I will be only you alone! Lifetime smiles for you, cries for you, bursts into tears for you, is delighted for you, bears children for you, grows old together with you...... Even if lowly, even if base and low...... So long as your I can in the same place, I...... Not regret! 小寒,不仅你期待,我也期待!来生若是缘未尽,宁负苍天不负卿!若是有来生,我将只属于你一个人!一生为你笑,为你哭,为你流泪,为你欢欣,为你生儿育女,与你白头偕老……哪怕贫贱,哪怕卑微……但只要你我能在一起,我……就不悔! Little Han, the common people were eulogizing Jun Wuhui and Dongfang Wenxin, was regretting for them, was sympathizing...... But, who knows that I do envy them? Although they the Yin-Yang two separate this world and nether world different way, but had been after all once several years of husband and wife! 小寒,世人都在歌颂君无悔东方问心,都在替他们惋惜,都在同情……可是,谁知道我多么羡慕他们两个?他们虽然阴阳两隔幽明殊途,但毕竟曾经做了十几年的夫妻! Some such sentiments, him once had her, she also once had him! They really quite happy...... But we, forever have not had each other...... Little Han...... Man who I most love, you may know, I see your time each time, heart sour, heart painful...... Next life next life...... opens reports Queen Empress, front was Jun Residence.” Forefront riding turns round to report in immediately guard respectfully. 有这么一段感情在,他曾拥有过她,她也曾拥有过他!他们真的好幸福……而我们,却永远没有拥有过彼此……小寒啊……我最爱的男人,你可知道,我每次看到你的时候,心有多酸,心有多痛……来生啊来生……“启禀皇后娘娘,前面就是君府了。”最前面的骑在马上的侍卫回身恭敬地禀告。 When he spoke, Murong Xiuxiu is recalls this lifetime good and bad in life to trace the present \; Is fluttering in the state of mind, such as...... These words, awaken from the dream Murong Xiuxiu, lifts the sedan curtain to look outward, the in the eyes is still hazy: Is so quick?” 在他说话的时候,慕容秀秀正好是回忆完了这一生的酸甜苦辣追溯到了现在\;正在神思飘荡,如在云里雾里……这一句话,将慕容秀秀从梦中惊醒过来,掀开轿帘往外看去,眼中犹自迷蒙:“这么快?” Quickly? The guards are very speechless, the road surface heavy snow, ices up to the evening is so slippery, did we cautiously, where walk quickly? Is slow is clearly right. 这么快?侍卫们都很无语,路面大雪,一到晚上结冰这么滑,我们一路小心翼翼,哪里走得快了?分明是慢才对。 Lifts on the face that the sedan curtain reveals snow filings blowing that suddenly Wind Come, curls up to Murong Xiuxiu, suddenly let she startled spirit hit one to tremble, the heart raised suddenly one unlucky premonition, didn't the front have the road? Has my road come to the end? 一股风来,卷起的雪屑忽的吹到慕容秀秀掀开轿帘露出来的脸上,突然让她激灵灵的打了一个寒颤,心头突然升起一种不祥的预感,前方没有路了吗?还是我的路已经走到了尽头? At this moment, hurricane curls up suddenly, in own sky over, by potential of as powerful as a thunderbolt, attacks toward the sedan chair! 就在这时,一股飓风突然卷起,就在自己上空,以雷霆万钧之势,向着轿子冲击过来! radiance glittering, in the hurricane, there is a sword! 光华闪烁,飓风中,有剑! Queen Empress is careful!” Guard panic-stricken desire certainly exhales the sound greatly! 皇后娘娘小心!”侍卫惊骇欲绝的大呼出声! The distant place, such as the thunder-like hoofbeat comes in waves, is similar to the Violent Wind sudden downpour \; In this grade of night, freezes over such as the time vertical horse of mirror to dash about wildly, is not the lunatic is the madman, once because throws down, light, then finishes a job the foot, heavy at the scene was killed! Simply is to own life spoiling that does not respect! 远方,如雷般的马蹄声滚滚而来,如同狂风骤雨\;在这等深夜,地面上结冰如镜的时候纵马狂奔,不是疯子就是狂人,因为一旦摔倒,轻则断手断脚,重则当场丧命!简直是对自己的生命的不尊重的糟蹋! In the wind transmits one weakly is actually uses up the cry in bottom: „...... Empress Mother...... Be careful...... Empress Mother...... Be careful......” sound was blown by the biting cold cold wind, if breaks if continues, can actually be able to hear in the sound that infinite despair and anxiety! The cold winter night, Princess Ling Meng progresses to spread coldly crazily, going all out of having hair dishevelled catches up, the cold wind blows the surface, the teardrops of that whole face froze on the face...... Murong Xiuxiu also heard calling out in alarm of guard, saw soon will arrive at the hurricane of top of the head, as well as sees the fuzzy person's shadow in that hurricane faintly...... Rear hoofbeat, entered her ear, the daughter called rendingly, she also heard in the cold night gale clearly...... But she suddenly discovered, oneself whole body such as the dropping ice hole, moved does not move! Under this and other startled Heaven and Earth indescribably tragic Profound Arts covers, she absolutely does not have self-preservation strength, can only resign oneself to extinction! 风中传来一个微弱却是竭斯底里的呼叫声:“……母后……小心啊……母后……小心啊……”声音被彻骨的寒风吹得若断若续,却能听得出声音里那无限的绝望和惶急!寒冬冷夜里,灵梦公主策马狂驰,披头散发的拼命赶来,寒风吹面,那满脸的泪珠已经冰冻在了脸上……慕容秀秀也听到了侍卫的惊呼,也看到了即将来到头顶的飓风,以及隐隐看到那飓风中的模糊人影……后方的马蹄声,也进入了她的耳朵,女儿撕心裂肺的呼叫,她也在寒夜的大风中听得清清楚楚……但她突然发现,自己浑身如堕冰窟,一动也动不了!在这等惊天地泣鬼神的玄功笼罩之下,她完全没有一丝一点自保的力量,只能束手待毙! But on her tranquil face, instead flutters to extricate this to want...... Went? 但她恬静的脸上,反而飘过一丝解脱这就要……去了么? „” Wolf howling desperate neighing sound gets up, the A'Jiu shadow form suddenly appears, a foot kicks on the sedan chair, the entire small sedan chair draws back rapidly anxiously, at this moment, actually appeared the ground is the advantage of icing up, unexpectedly slid rapidly...... But his thin form bright yellow rays of light shines, shouts loudly, grievance wants jumping of crack, welcomed to the hurricane in midair! The person's shadow in hurricane! “啊”狼嚎般绝望的嘶叫声响起,阿九影子般的身影突然出现,一脚踢在轿子上,整个小轿子飞速急退,这一刻,却显出了地面都是结冰的好处,居然迅速的滑了出去……而他瘦削的身影明黄的光芒亮起来,大声嘶吼,睚眦欲裂的腾身而起,迎向半空中的飓风!飓风中的人影! Earth Profound peak! Queen Empress the personal bodyguard, unexpectedly is Earth Profound peak expert! 地玄巅峰皇后娘娘的这位贴身侍卫,竟然是地玄巅峰高手 But, comes to assassinate is actually Mister Wen, this is actually Supreme expert! Do not say is Earth Profound, even if Sky Profound peak, can the instantaneous second kill! Trivial Earth Profound peak, what was also considered as? 但,前来刺杀的却是文先生,这却是一位至尊高手!不要说是地玄,就算是天玄巅峰,也可以瞬间秒杀!区区地玄巅峰,又算得了什么? But he has blocked a hindrance after all! 但他毕竟阻了一阻! In the midair the blood-color explodes, the body of A'Jiu just rushed, changed makes everywhere flesh and blood to sway instantaneously, a bloody water was similar to the blood rain, fell in abundance! 半空中血色爆裂,阿九的身子刚冲上去,瞬间就变作了漫天的血肉挥洒下来,点点血水如同下了血雨,纷纷落下! But the Mister Wen personal appearance is quicker than these blood rain! He looks like the demon God who drops from the clouds, the flying ice under! His body, but also is shouldering a small package, once cuts to kill Murong Xiuxiu, he will go to faraway places immediately, rotates Supreme Gold City! 文先生的身形却比这些血雨更快!他就像是从天而降的魔神,飞凌而下!他的身上,还背负着一个小小的包裹,一旦斩杀慕容秀秀,他将立即远走高飞,回转至尊金城 Henceforth the billowing bustling place, for him again not misses! 从此滚滚红尘,对他来说再无挂念! Protects the empress!” Dozens guards simultaneously very had sword to block in front of the small sedan chair, but at this time, Murong Xiuxiu turned over/stood up, tumbled from the sedan chair, fell in the snowy area, at the same time, bang, that small sedan chair was held the strength to hit, is split up! “保护皇后!”数十名侍卫同时挺起刀剑拦在了小轿前面,而这时,慕容秀秀一个翻身,从轿子里翻滚而出,落在了雪地上,与此同时,轰的一声,那顶小轿被掌力击中,四分五裂! Mister Wen did not say a word, long sword one round, the Sword Qi moonlight lightened together, front dozens guards sent out a pitiful yell, unexpectedly under this struck, changed has made two sections completely! Sword Qi passes the body, leaves behind a deeply sword mark on the ground! The snow filings flutter! 文先生一言不发,长剑一轮,一道剑气月华般闪出,面前数十名侍卫发出声声惨叫,竟然在这一击之下,全部变做了两截!剑气透体而出,在地上留下一个深深地剑痕!雪屑翻飞! The hoofbeat is near, Princess Ling Meng quickly arrived not awfully, leaps dismounts, almost throws down, crazy to pouring throws in mother of ground, in the mouth the miserable sound yelled: Empress Mother......” 马蹄声近,灵梦公主不要命的奔来,一跃下马,几乎摔倒,疯狂的向倒在地上的母亲扑来,口中惨声大叫:“母后啊……” Mister Wen is being grazed the form to keep, a racket of look hesitant, right palm bang flew slightly! Even in the air, can see to form black hole of vacuum obviously, appears the palm shape, separates the air attack to the Murong Xiuxiu vest! 文先生正在飞掠中的身影不停,眼神稍稍一犹豫,右掌轰的一声拍飞了出去!甚至在空气中,都可以明显看到形成了一个真空的黑洞,呈手掌型状,隔空击向慕容秀秀的背心! Stop!” A ghosts and demons form does not have the emergence of omen, the personal appearance has not arrived makes strength to intercept Mister Wen that palm wind, but after all was late one step, although dispelled majority of strength, but had a strong fierce palm strength bang an acoustic shock in the Murong Xiuxiu back of the body! “住手!”一个鬼魅般的身影毫无预兆的出现,身形未到就打出一股力量拦截文先生那股掌风,但毕竟是晚了一步,虽然消解了大部分力量,但还是有一股强猛的掌力砰地一声击在了慕容秀秀的后心! Murong Xiuxiu grunt, the delicate body hit lift-off flies, in the midair a dark red blood has spurted, forcefully was picked the flower that falls like one from the branch, from airborne weak drops...... Her light yellow women's clothing from the sky launches, like a tender and beautiful flower, on the wane in snowy night...... Empress Mother!” Princess Ling Meng courage entirely cracks, before being rapid throws, shortly without enough time, she not awfully proceeds fiercely leaps up, kneeling down of body heavily on the ground, the knee kneels in the hard ice surface, the disruption! But she just likes has not thought that but extends make a move, mother's body that firm catching will soon fall to the ground, like catching the life only dependence...... ka!” The strong fierce momentum, making Princess Ling Meng while catching oneself mother flushed in the future fierce tumbling, her knee also kneels on the ground, had disrupted, passes through this to clash again, entire upper part fiercely in the future cracking-off, back of the head knocking of heavily on snowy area ice surface...... She kneels in the ground knee place spreads the clear sound once again, the blood flows out instantaneously, if lifts her women's clothing to examine, will decide will see her knee joint will disrupt all, the tender and delicate body already split, the white gloomy bone broke the stubble also to reveal outside...... The girl but who this is pampered since childhood since childhood suddenly revealed in this moment extremely firmly, such absolute pain, even if were Divine Profound expert is unsupportable, but this little miss unexpectedly withstanding . Moreover, her back of the head instantaneously knocked bloodshed, grasped own mother's body stiffly, has not made mother's body be attacked little...... Eye difficult opening of Murong Xiuxiu diligently, soulless sees a face desperate sorrowful daughter, on the face reveals one gentle and attachment, she wants to say one: Meng'er, do not fear, Empress Mother is all right.” But opens mouth, is actually a big blood spurts, this time, but also is bringing the fragment of internal organs...... She wants to lift the hand, wipes off the tears on beloved daughter face, but actually discovered oneself linked the finger unable to move, she can only endure in within the body overwhelming severe pain, on the face diligently is actually setting an indifferent not painful appearance, sees the daughter with the gentle look, performed the maximum effort to hint to the daughter: The mother is not painful, really not painful...... 慕容秀秀闷哼一声,娇弱的身子被打的离地飞起,半空中一口殷红的鲜血噗的喷了出来,就像一朵被强行从枝头摘落的花,从空中无力的跌落……她的鹅黄的衣裙在空中展开,就像一朵娇艳的花,凋零在雪夜……“母后!”灵梦公主肝胆俱裂,飞速前扑,眼看来不及,她不要命的往前猛的一蹿,身子重重的跪倒在地上,咔嚓一声,膝盖跪在坚硬的冰面,碎裂!但她恍如未觉,只是伸出手,坚决的接住即将落地的母亲的身体,就像接住自己一生唯一的依靠……“咔!”强猛的冲力,让灵梦公主在接住自己母亲的同时被冲的往后猛的跌倒,她的膝盖还跪在地上,本来就已经碎裂,再经这一冲,整个上半身猛地往后折去,后脑噗的一声重重的磕在了雪地冰面上……她跪在地上的膝盖处再度传出清脆的响声,鲜血瞬间流出,若是掀开她的衣裙查看,定会看到她的膝盖骨节尽数碎裂,娇嫩的皮肉早已裂开,白惨惨的骨头断茬也露在了外面……但这个从小娇生惯养的女孩子在这一刻竟然显露出了绝顶的刚强,这样的绝对痛苦,就算是一个神玄高手都不能忍受,但这个小姑娘竟然生生的承受住了,而且,她的后脑勺瞬间被磕的血流如注,却硬生生的抱住了自己的母亲的身体,没有让母亲的身体受到一点点冲击……慕容秀秀的眼睛艰难努力的张开,无神的看着正一脸绝望悲痛的女儿,脸上露出一丝温柔和眷恋,她想说一句:“梦儿,别怕,母后没事。”但一张嘴,却是一大口鲜血又喷出来,这一次,还带着内脏的碎块……她想抬起手,擦掉心爱的女儿脸上的泪花,但却发现自己连手指头也动不了,她只能忍受着体内翻江倒海的剧痛,脸上却努力做出一副淡然不痛的样子,用温柔的眼神看着女儿,尽最大的努力向女儿示意:娘不痛,真的不痛…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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