OEM :: Volume #7

#655: Please finally do a matter for me!

Oh......” empress was sighing profoundly, sees the daughter, suddenly in the heart surged a heartfelt dilutedness: could it be, are our mother and daughter, the similar destinies? Even is Meng'er more unfortunate than me? In addition I have the flatter cold attachment, I at least have loved, but Meng'er is actually unrequited love from beginning to end, was too pitiful...... Murong Xiuxiu calmly considered for a long time, has stood up slowly, was sees the daughter who loved tenderly greatly, back and forth walked slowly and aimlessly several, suddenly in the eyes burst out swift and fierce to go with beyond description, empress that gentle beautiful face, that was the model mother world graceful solemn face, this has seemed to be for a while unexpectedly little fierce! “唉……”皇后深长的叹息着,看着女儿,突然心中涌起一股由衷的无力感:难道,我们母女,都是同样的命运?甚至梦儿比我更为不幸?我尚且有阿寒的眷恋,我至少爱过,可梦儿却是从头到尾的单相思,太可怜了……慕容秀秀静静地斟酌了许久,慢慢地站起身来,大是怜爱的看着女儿,来回踱了几圈,突然眼中迸发出难以形容的凌厉和520小说去,皇后那张温柔美丽的脸,那本是母仪天下仪态万方的端庄脸庞,这一时竟似有了几许狰狞! My this life had already destroyed, destroyed thoroughly in that male manpower! could it be I must see my daughter's life, destroys similarly in his hand? This is my only daughter, is my complete painstaking care is at!” She is thinking silently, in the eyes expression more and more is solemn and stirring crazy: I must make the effort for my daughter, even if cannot accomplish, at least I have performed for mother's mental effort! “我这一生早就已经毁了,彻底地毁在了那个男人手里!难道我要眼看着我自己的女儿的一生,也同样毁在他的手上吗?这是我唯一的女儿,也是我全部的心血之所在!”她默默地想着,眼中神色越来越是悲壮疯狂:我必须为我的女儿作出努力,就算不能成事,起码我已尽到了为人母的心力! She thinks excitedly, always doing nothing but fiercely panting, this panting, has looked like tears to pieces the throat to be ordinary, is in such using up bottom! 她想得激动,竟自剧烈地喘息了一声,这声喘息,就像是撕破了喉咙一般,是那样的竭斯底里! Empress Mother?” Raising the head that Princess Ling Meng is worried about. 母后?”灵梦公主担心的抬起头。 All right! Is all right really!” The empress lowered the head, resembles unexpectedly does not dare to make the daughter see own in the eyes flame, is only beckoning with the hand slowly, said: let the imagination run wild, early, you do not go back to rest again.” “没事!真的没事!”皇后低下头,竟似不敢让女儿看到自己眼中的火焰,只是缓缓的摆摆手,道:“不要再胡思乱想了,不早了,你回去休息吧。” Looks that the daughter obeys, but walks touchingly, vanishes in own line of sight, the heart of Queen Empress as if has broken to pieces generally, clenches teeth, on the fragrant cheek blows up together the corner, finally set firm resolve, she stands, has rejected taking care of palace maid, oneself put on a coat, suddenly coldly said: Called the sedan chair, I must leave Imperial Palace, went to Jun Family!” 看着女儿顺从而凄婉地走出去,消失在自己视线中,皇后娘娘的心都仿佛碎了一般,咬着牙,香腮上鼓起一道棱,终于下定了决心,她站起来,拒绝了宫女的服侍,自己披上一袭大衣,突然冷冷道:“叫轿子,我要出皇宫,去君家!” Queen Empress, may at present...... This is the night......” palace maid in a terrified way visits her. 皇后娘娘,眼下可……这已经是深夜……”宫女惶恐的看着她。 Words that I spoke, haven't you heard?” The empress stares, loud say/way. Since she entered Imperial Palace, is the speech of first such stern voice and appearance. “我说的话,你没听见?”皇后一瞪眼,大声的道。自从她进入了皇宫,还是第一次这样声色俱厉的说话。 Yes, servants this goes.” The palace maids almost frighten weak on the ground, exited hurriedly. “是,奴婢这就去。”宫女吓得几乎软瘫在地上,急忙出去了。 The empress self-ridicules has smiled one, is listening to outside footsteps sound, suddenly tightened the collar, walked dutifully. When she goes out of the imperial city gate, a shadow such as the illusory image flashes before from the hidden place generally, following of blindly following suit in her behind, like a shadow. 皇后自嘲的笑了一声,听着外面脚步声响,突然紧了紧衣领,义无反顾地走了出去。在她走出宫门的时候,一道黑影从暗处如幻影一般闪现,亦步亦趋的跟在她身后,就像一个影子。 A'Jiu, are recently that group of guards, on duty there a while ago now?” Before Queen Empress gets into a sedan chair, the expression to the utmost indifferently asked. 阿九,前段时间新进的那批侍卫,现在在那里当值?”皇后娘娘上轿之前,语气极尽淡然地问道。 Heard that has not been on duty. All in guard camp, from a group brigade. That group of people completely are haughty, moreover skill very good appearance. in ordinary day has not seen them to make anything but actually, but recently these days...... It is honest.” That shadow A'Jiu thinks, prudent reply. “听说并没有当值。全在侍卫营,自组一个大队。那批人一个个尽都狂傲得很,而且身手都很不错的样子。平曰里倒也没见他们做什么,不过近来这段时间里……都挺老实的。”那影子似地‘阿九’想了想,慎重的回答。 Un, before the half a month starts honestly?” Queen Empress light was asking, in the eyes lightened a thick taunt. Before the half a month, Jun Moxie returns to Tianxiang City time. “嗯,是从半月之前才开始老实的吧?”皇后娘娘淡淡的问着,眼中闪出一丝浓浓的嘲讽。半月之前,正是君莫邪回到天香城的时候。 Yes, moreover starting from that time in three big camps, had not come out, all people have not come out.” A'Jiu replied carefully, does not dare to look at the complexion of empress, because he from the tone of empress, listened to be gloomy and bloody. “是,而且从那时候开始就一直在三大营,没有出来过,所有人都没有出来过。”阿九小心地回答,并不敢看皇后的脸色,因为他从皇后的口气中,听出了阴森和血腥。 Un, in the past Ye Family was confiscated and beheaded beforehand that causes a stir in the Capital City massacre, is under Blood Sword Hall goes well?” Queen Empress lowered the sound to ask. “嗯,当年夜家被抄斩之前的那场轰动京城的惨案,是血剑堂下得手吧?”皇后娘娘压低了声音问道。 Yes...... However, this matter was almost well-known in the people of Capital City aristocratic family at that time, seems not considered as that any secret.” A'Jiu replied stunned, discovered Queen Empress has mounted horse carriage. “是……不过,这件事当时在京城世家之人几乎人人皆知,似乎并不算是什么秘密。”阿九愕然回答,才发现皇后娘娘已经登上了马车 The cold wind is cold, is after midnight, does not have the moon/month without the star, the wheel growl, has driven out of the imperial city gate. 寒风凛凛,已经是下半夜了,无星无月,车轮辘辘,驶出了宫门。 What...... „did you say? Did the empress and other times go to Jun Family in this?” Emperor Your Majesty frowned, scary of face darken. He has drunk many liquor, the head weak is hanging, drooping, but hears these words, actually suddenly raised the head, in the eyes shoots the falcon general vision! ……“你说什么?皇后在这等时候去了君家?”皇帝陛下皱起了眉头,脸色阴沉的吓人。他已经喝了不少的酒,头颅无力的垂着,耷拉着,但一听到这句话,却突然抬起头来,眼中射出来鹰隼一般的目光! Swift and fierce and brutal! 凌厉而残酷! Yes.” The guards kneel on the ground, does not dare to raise the head. “是。”侍卫跪在地上,不敢抬头。 I knew, you get down.” The Emperor body will depend in the future, weary shut the eye, the finger has been rubbing the forehead gently, on the face cruel expression was actually more and more thick, the breath was also getting more and more rapid. In his mouth muttered was relating: Went to Jun Family at this time? Why? Why? Why?!” “我知道了,你下去吧。”皇帝身子往后一靠,疲倦的闭起了眼睛,手指头轻轻揉着眉心,脸上暴戾的神色却是越来越浓,呼吸也越来越急促。他口中喃喃的诉说着:“在这个时候去君家?为什么?为什么?为什么?!” He more thinks, suddenly on the face passed over gently and swiftly a flurry, then used up expression in bottom to reappear. He low has whooshed one: When can't go? Why do you go now? could it be do you want to betray me? Murong Xiuxiu, I tolerated you for a long time! For a long time!!” 他越想,突然脸上掠过一丝慌乱,接着一股竭斯底里的神色就浮现了出来。他低低的嘶吼了一声:“什么时候不能去?为何你现在去?难道你想出卖我吗?慕容秀秀,我已经容忍了你好久!好久!!” He has bellowed, alcohol blood red that the eyeball corrodes, a fierceness \; Suddenly said decidedly: Comes the person! Asked Mister Wen to come.” 他大吼了一声,酒精将眼球侵蚀的一片血红,一片狰狞\;突然断然道:“来人!请文先生过来。” Brother Wen, I want to ask you to help me do a matter, asked!” The dashing elegant Mister Wen surface contains the smile, just arrived, Emperor Your Majesty right in the face proposed the request. 文兄,我想请你帮我做一件事,拜托了!”举止潇洒飘逸的文先生面含微笑,刚刚到来,皇帝陛下就劈面提出了请求。 How this dares to work as, actually does not know that is what matter? Oh, the old man says now comes, pours also has a matter to inform Your Majesty.” Mister Wen smiles is visiting him. “这如何敢当,却不知是什么事?,老夫今曰前来,倒也是有一件事要通知陛下。”文先生微笑着看着他。 „Does mister have the matter? Asked the mister to say first!” Emperor Your Majesty is with the smile, but on the upright dignified face the muscle somewhat twitches faintly, three wisps of beards also in tremor slightly, the brow tip corner of the eye, performing are dense killing intent of hideaway. “先生也有事情?请先生先说吧!”皇帝陛下含着微笑,但方正威严的脸上肌肉隐隐有些抽搐,三缕胡须也在微微的颤动,眉梢眼角,尽是隐藏的森然杀机 Passed clear(ly) saying that old man must leave Tianxiang Imperial Palace, left to rotate Supreme Gold City! This return, not only I, entire Xuan Xuan Continent all accredits in each Imperial Palace all manpower, said from clear(ly) starts, withdrew completely! After this, the matter of common custom, we do not meddle!” Mister Wen including saying with a smile. “过了明曰,老夫就要离开天香皇宫,动身回转至尊金城了!这次的回归,并不只我一人,整个玄玄大陆所有派驻在各个皇宫的所有人手,从明曰开始,全部撤回!从此之后,世俗之事,我们再不插手!”文先生含笑道。 Passed clear(ly) saying that old man must leave Tianxiang Imperial Palace, left to rotate Supreme Gold City! This return, not only I, all accredit in entire Xuan Xuan Continent all kings' the manpower of family/home, said from clear(ly) starts, will withdraw all one after another! After this, the matter of common custom, we will not meddle, any method will not intervene in any form!” Mister Wen including saying with a smile. “过了明曰,老夫就要离开天香皇宫,动身回转至尊金城了!这次的回归,并不只我一人,所有派驻在整个玄玄大陆所有帝王之家的人手,从明曰开始,将会尽数陆续撤回!从此之后,世俗之事,我们再不会插手,再不会以任何形式,任何方法加以干预!”文先生含笑道。 What? How can......” Emperor Your Majesty stand all of a sudden, incredible looks at front person, almost does not believe own ear. “什么?怎么会……”皇帝陛下一下子站了起来,不可置信的看着面前的人,几乎不相信自己的耳朵。 Is very regrettable, this is real!” Mister Wen said resolutely. “很遗憾,这是真的!”文先生正色道 The indifferent words, crushed in the Emperor Your Majesty heart thoroughly a final luck. 淡然的话语,彻底击碎了皇帝陛下心中最后的一丝侥幸。 Why so towering will make such decision? Asked the mister to speak!” Emperor Your Majesty slowly takes a seat, on the face reveals anguished, asking of gloomy. “为何会如此突兀地做出这样的决定?请先生明言!”皇帝陛下缓缓的落座回去,脸上露出一丝苦涩,低沉的问道。 This I do not know, this is the decision under Gold City topmost level institute, I and others were also helpless.” Mister Wen deeply looks at the present person: Your Majesty, later you...... Takes care much.” “这点我也不知,这是金城最高层所下的决定,我等也无能为力。”文先生深深看着眼前的人:“陛下,以后你……多多保重。” Hehe...... Take care! I also guaranteed anything heavily......” Emperor Your Majesty always doing nothing but laughed, over the face completely was desolate, shakes the head slowly, said solemnly: I these days, government country, conscientious, had not said that does not have the night processing official business, only feared that added also to several years ago be more than...... Hehe, my surplus time are not seriously much, naturally must process as far as possible, then passes on to give the crown prince well. Oneself also look for Jun Wuhui to drink tea, right? Wrong? Really absurd! Haha, Haha......” “呵呵……保重!我还保什么重……”皇帝陛下竟自呵呵笑了起来,满面尽是落寞,缓缓摇着头,低沉地道:“朕这段时间,治理国家,兢兢业业,没曰没夜处理公事,只怕比前几年加起来还要更多一些……呵呵,朕剩余的时间当真不多了,自然要尽可能得处理好,然后才好传位给太子。自己也就去找君无悔去喝喝茶吧,对?错?真是荒谬!哈哈,哈哈……” Although he is smiling, but in the eyes does not have the least bit happy expression, instead is piece of dismal vicissitudes. 他虽然在笑,但眼中却没有半点笑意,反而是一片悲凉沧桑。 Crown prince?” Mister Wen knits the brows. “太子?”文先生皱皱眉。 Mister leaves to near, sorts saying that might as well hit saying that sets the imperial throne candidate on today, decides First Prince for the crown prince.” Emperor Your Majesty deeply sighed, in the item lightened weak expression: In three imperial princes, only then his many are stronger...... Other two, are really...... Extremely accomplishes!” “先生离别在即,拣曰不如撞曰,就今天定下大位人选,就定大皇子为太子吧。”皇帝陛下深深叹了口气,目中闪出无力的神色:“三个皇子中,也只有他还多少强一些……其他两个,实在是……不堪造就!” Your Majesty was worried that Jun Moxie does revenge?” Mister Wen asked. 陛下可是在担心君莫邪报仇?”文先生问道。 Mister Wen thinks...... Won't Jun Moxie revenge? Can't he forever look up the truth?” Emperor Your Majesty asked one. 文先生以为……君莫邪不会报仇?或者,他永远也查不到真相?”皇帝陛下反问了一句。 Paper, cannot wrap up fire eventually. How even if he cannot look up evidence, present he also does need the so-called ironclad evidence?” Mister Wen smiled, solemnly said. “纸,终究是包不住火的。就算他真查不到证据又如何,如今的他还需要所谓的真凭实据吗?”文先生笑了笑,沉重地道 Brother Wen, after wants comes this time you to depart, your my two people, this life forever will not have the meet again/goodbye opportunity.” Outside the Emperor Your Majesty words, he has turned the head to look at the dark heavy dim light of night dismal, said slowly: Your my brother is together these years, although is not the hand and foot, actually also surpasses the hand and foot. Once Brother Wen is far away, how can be cruel enough?” 文兄,想来此次你离去之后,你我二人,今生将永无再见的机会了。”皇帝陛下的话悲凉之极,他转过头看着外面暗沉沉的夜色,缓缓道:“你我兄弟相处这些年,虽不是手足,却也胜似手足。文兄一旦远离,怎能忍心?” Mister Wen also silent, long time, long sighed: Actually I never am willing to leave...... In these years, you have not had the half minute to treat me as king, this Wen receives favors gravely, really not thinks the report.” 文先生也沉默了下来,良久,长长叹息道:“其实我又何尝愿意离开……这些年里,你并未有半分以帝王的身份待我,文某受恩深重,委实无以为报。” Brother Wen, I want to make you do a matter for me.” Emperor Your Majesty raised the head suddenly, the look is crazy, killing intent glittering: Your you might as well clear(ly) said that must walk! Before considering just before leaving, gives me a gift on point of departure! Asked!” 文兄,朕想让你替我做一件事。”皇帝陛下突然抬起头,眼神疯狂,杀机闪烁:“你索姓明曰就要走了!就当是临走之前,送给朕一件临别的礼物吧!拜托了!” Your Majesty please say! In this Wen these years for a long time occupy in Imperial Palace, the aware inch strength, already deeply felt restless. Now will soon depart, if can be Your Majesty handles a matter, slightly divides the anxiety, this Wen or may also be slightly more relieved.” Mister Wen silent, replied decidedly. 陛下请讲!文某这些年里在皇宫久居,自觉寸力未出,早已深感不安。如今即将离去,若是能为陛下做一件事情,略分忧虑,文某或者还可稍稍安心一些。”文先生沉默了一下,断然答道。 In a moment ago, the empress left the imperial city gate. Went Jun Family!” Emperor Your Majesty voice hoarse, is mixing with the deep grief and helplessness: She these days, continuously with my cold war \; Sees me, like seeing the absolutely irreconcilable personal enemy was ordinary! I endured her 18 years! Now, she went to Jun Family unexpectedly at this moment! This double-hour, she must go to Jun Family!!” “就在刚才,皇后出了宫门。前去君家了!”皇帝陛下的口音嘶哑着,夹杂着深沉的伤痛和无奈:“她这段时间里,一直与我冷战\;看到朕,就像看到了不共戴天的仇人一般!朕已经忍受了她18年!如今,她居然在这个时刻去了君家!这个时辰,她还要去君家!!” The wild animal that Tianxiang Kingdom Lord Yang Huaiyu voice at this moment suddenly like injury is common, gloomy shouts, the facial features twist the extreme, to the extreme, both hands closely has gripped the fist fiercely. 天香国杨怀宇此刻的口音突然就像一只受了伤的野兽一般,低沉的嘶吼起来,面容更是扭曲到了极点,狰狞到了极点,双手紧紧地攥起了拳头。 18 years! I am such tolerance she, such crazily likes her, such crazily is infatuated with her, actually throughout cannot trade her little sincerity! The spatial automorphy this body, cannot be obtaining again! From beginning to end, Mr. of my this country, cannot compare that wandering all over the world rebelling bastard Ye Guhan unexpectedly!” “18年啊!我是那样的容忍她,那样疯狂的喜欢她,那样疯狂的迷恋她,却始终也换不来她一点点的真心!空自守着这个躯壳,却再也得不到更多!自始至终,我这个一国之君,竟然比不上那个浪迹天涯的逆贼王八蛋夜孤寒!” Emperor Your Majesty makes threatening gestures was roaring, suddenly worked on the wine glass, the wine glass actually emptied, his agitated throwing in one side, moved the wine pot directly, gurgle gurgle was drinking heartily to the mouth. 皇帝陛下张牙舞爪的咆哮着,突然抓起酒杯,酒杯却已空,他烦躁的扔在一边,直接搬起来酒壶,对着嘴巴咕嘟咕嘟狂饮起来。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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