OEM :: Volume #7

#654: Princess's heart

A words exit|to speak, including Murong Xiuxiu thought that does not have this possibility, her daughter usually considered oneself as high, to does not look at the world man in in the eye, in outstanding including Li Youran this grade of person is no exception, although Jun Moxie this occasion the status is aloof, the strength is astonishing, far from mediocre may compare, but these change astonishingly completely in extremely short some time occurrence, previous Jun Moxie radically is only full debauchee wastrel, how can enter daughter in the eyes? 话一出口,连慕容秀秀自己都觉得没有这个可能,自己的女儿素来自视极高,向不把天下男子看在眼内,连李悠然这等人中俊杰也不例外,君莫邪此际虽然地位超然,实力更是惊人,远非凡俗可比,但这些惊人变化尽都是在极短的一段时间内发生的,此前的君莫邪根本就只是一个十足的纨绔败家子,如何能入得女儿眼中 The number of times that furthermore they meet is few, when is also the daughter visits Ye Guhan occasional meeting by chance at most, in addition no other human relations, really will be hard to link again. 再者两人连相见的次数都屈指可数,顶多也就是女儿探望夜孤寒之时的偶尔相逢,此外再别无交际,实在难以将之联系在一起。 I......” Princess Ling Meng opened mouth, lowered the head: „...... No.” “我……”灵梦公主张了张嘴,低下头去:“……没有。” Although denied, but her these words said especially difficultly, the words have not exported, drop of tears dropped on pata one on the hand back. 虽是否认,但她这句话却说得格外的艰难,话尚未出口,一滴眼泪就啪嗒一声滴落在了手背上。 The day of...... On that day Uncle Ye severe wound dying...... Only then Jun Moxie has the means to rescue. I strove for in every possible way earnestly invalid, must distribute blood oath...... So long as he can guarantee Uncle Ye not dead, I...... Is willing to marry him, for wife for concubine, so that......” “那天……那天夜叔叔重伤垂死……只有君莫邪才有办法施救。我百般求恳无效,只得发下血誓……只要他能保夜叔叔不死,那我就……甘愿嫁给他,为妻为妾为俾……” „? Has this grade of matter unexpectedly?” Although the empress also knows that was Jun Family rescues , said severely wounded Ye Guhan, but actually completely does not know that in the whole story, this secret first time heard particularly, cannot help but astonishment opened the eye. “啊?竟有这等事?”皇后虽然也知道是君家救下了当曰重伤的夜孤寒,但却完全不知个中原委,尤其是这桩秘密更第一次听说,不由得惊讶的睁大了眼睛。 The Princess Ling Meng tearful eyes are mournful, performing is difficult to say anguished to look at own mother: Queen mother, I am good pain, really good painstakingly good pain...... On that day I know that person who Jun Moxie has rescued my, protects my person. That mysterious flying dagger expert......” 灵梦公主泪眼凄然,尽是难言苦涩地望着自己的母亲:“母后,我心里好苦,真的好苦好苦……那天我才知道,君莫邪就是救了我的人,也是守护我的人。那位神秘飞刀高手……” Originally Jun Moxie the strength was early outstanding, at that time is Sky Profound peak!” The empress was shocked to lose the spoken language...... „, since that day, I have had to pay attention Jun Moxie every action and every movement, any news has not let off. Even, he all sorts of behaviors extremely, I also took an analysis of each article before......” “原来君莫邪早已经实力超群,在那个时候就已经是天玄巅峰!”皇后震惊得失去了言语……“自从那天之后,我一直都有留意着君莫邪的一举一动,任何一点消息也不曾放过。甚至,他以前种种的不堪行为,我也都拿出来一件件的分析……” Queen mother, I discovered now that I cannot compare Xiaoyi really \; Xiaoyi can see his good, I actually could not see that cannot see completely. This deep palace inner courtyard, has isolated too many matters...... Regardless of wants to know anything, can only depend upon others' mouth saying that but the truth, forever is hazy in the thick fog! Annihilates the virtue to be simple-minded loyally, we completely do not see clearly, the so-called moral behavior fit and unfit quality, make groundless accusations, are hard to do......” “母后,我现在才发现,我真的比不上小艺\;小艺能看到他的好,我却看不到,完全都看不到。这个深宫内院,隔绝了太多的事……无论想要知道什么,都只能依靠别人的嘴在说,而真相,却永远迷蒙在浓雾之中!忠歼贤愚,我们根本就完全看不清楚的,所谓的人品优劣,更是捕风捉影,难以作准……” Smiling of Princess Ling Meng self-ridicules: Queen mother, remembers, when I young, you had warned me, Imperial Palace is a national most glorious place, is the darkest place, is the most depressing place...... At that time you frequent bursting into tears, why I did not know, at that time also thought one as the Emperor daughter, the status was noble, above the common person, how to constrain, should very good to......” 灵梦公主自嘲的笑了笑:“母后,记得在我年幼的时候,你曾经告诫过我,皇宫是一个国家最荣耀的地方,也是最黑暗的地方,更是最压抑的地方……那时候您就经常的流泪,我不知道为什么,那时候还觉得自己身为皇帝的女儿,身份至为高贵,远在寻常人之上,怎会压抑,应该很好才对……” But I finally understand now \; Imperial Palace even also was not only you says such, here society was most false dirty was at! The life in this Imperial Palace inside person, radically is one group of fools \; The intelligent person enters here, finally must turn into the fool...... Even, own future cannot grasp, the life lives in false and rumor, really cannot see completely...... Queen mother, this is the how pitiful matter!” “但是现在我终于明白\;皇宫甚至还不仅仅是您说得那样,这里还是人世间最虚伪最龌龊的所在!生活在这皇宫里面的人,根本就是一群傻子\;再聪明的人进入到这里,最终也要变成了傻子……甚至,连自己的未来都不能掌握,一生都活在虚伪与谎言之中,完全看不到一点真实……母后,这是多么可悲的事!” The empress looks at the beat candlelight, deeply sighed, the candlelight beats in her pupil, like once was beating the dream, along with spooky pouring out of daughter, she remembered once again this has thought one had already forgotten passing...... Sunlight that in the past a youth of that lofty character, also that clear beautiful young girl, that spring said that moss alley that the autumn flower fragrance, that once shoulder to shoulder passed through, as well as...... That snuggle, warm bosom...... Unknowingly, her in the eyes overflowed completely the tears, has smiled that long time, she and despised the tone that mutters with the taunt, said: Emperor's clan? Glory? Dark, false and dirty, Hehe......” Murong Xiuxiu sound at this moment exceptionally distant deep, seems the sleep talking in dream. 皇后怔怔地看着跳动的烛火,深深地叹了一口气,烛火在她瞳仁中跳动,就像一个个曾经的跳动着的梦想,随着女儿的幽幽倾诉,她再度想起了本以为自己早已遗忘了的过往……当年那个一身傲骨的少年,还有那个清纯秀丽的少女,那春曰的阳光,秋天的花香,那曾经并肩走过的青苔小路,以及……那曾经依偎过的,温暖的怀抱……不知不觉,她的眼中就溢满了泪水,良久,她才用嘲讽和鄙视的口气喃喃的笑了一下,道:“皇族?荣耀?黑暗、虚伪、龌龊,嘿嘿……”慕容秀秀此刻的声音异常的悠远深沉,就仿佛是梦里的梦呓。 Queen mother? Are you all right?” Princess Ling Meng had a scare by this sudden one, startled lifts the tearful eyes, sees own mother puzzled. “母后?你没事吧?”灵梦公主被她这突如其来的一声吓了一跳,不由惊慌地抬起泪眼,不解地看着自己的母亲。 All right, all right, the queen mother is all right, is only some feelings.” The empress has smiled slightly, is comforting own daughter with the palest and weak language, is very some state of mind is not, the palpitation a meeting, lowering the head of slightly, with the aid of the light shadow, coasted the tears quietly, calm say|way: You then said that the queen mother is listening.” “没事,没事,母后没事,只是有些感触。”皇后微微的笑了一下,用最苍白、无力的语言安慰着自己的女儿,很是有些神思不属,怔忡了一会,微微的低下头,借助灯光的暗影,将泪水悄悄滑下,沉静的道:“你接着说,母后听着。” Yes, Queen mother, like Jun Moxie this person, before all sorts of debauchee dissolute acts, all people only saw the representation, said that this person was incurable, Jun Family thorough ended, if Grandpa Jun dies today, Jun Family time said that must perish \; A person said that two people said hundred people said...... Also really has accomplished the Jun Moxie debauchee reputation \; Now thinks, person who initially said that is to take joy in other people's misfortunes hits a person when he is down? If Jun Moxie reveals his powerful talent seriously since childhood, then he or early already not in world?” “是,母后,就像君莫邪这个人,之前种种纨绔浪荡行径,所有人都只看到了表象,都说这个人没救了,君家彻底的完了,若是君老爷子今天一死,君家次曰就得灭亡\;一人说二人说百人说……也就真的造就了君莫邪纨绔声名\;现在想起来,当初说的人,何尝不是幸灾乐祸落井下石?若是君莫邪当真从小就表露出他的强悍天赋,那么他或者早已经不在世上了吧?” Say|Way of Princess Ling Meng ridicule: At least father sovereign, absolutely is intolerable! Can't he tolerate rising of another Jun Wuhui? Even compared with Jun Wuhui sharper existence?! Moreover cannot tolerate to have a such person to ask him to revenge!” 灵梦公主讥讽的道:“起码父皇,就绝对不能容忍!他不能容忍另一个君无悔的崛起吧?甚至是比君无悔更犀利的存在?!而且更不能容忍有这样的一个人找他来报仇!” She uses surpassed her age the vicissitudes tone, low say|way: I know now that Jun Moxie in the end does not hesitate to damage the feather for anything \; Now knew in the past the past event, can imagine Jun Moxie these years to have many pain, endured anything...... My is almost old with him, but experiences, is actually a space underground! Passing I always doing nothing but think the own how extremely bright and how natural talent overflows , compared with Jun Moxie, my radically anything is not, difference altogether Heaven and Earth, even does not have the comparison significance, in the past such as is the naive idea , is not only laughable, is pitiful!” 她用一种超出她年龄的沧桑口气,低落的道:“我现在才知道,君莫邪到底是为了什么不惜自损羽毛\;如今知道了往昔旧事,才可以想象得到君莫邪这些年吃了多少苦,又忍受了什么……我的年纪跟他差不多大,但所经历的,却是一个天上一个地下!过往的我竟自以为自己如何如何的冰雪聪明、如何的天资横溢,跟君莫邪一比,我根本什么都不是,差共天地,甚至是全无比较的意义,往昔的如是幼稚想法非但可笑,更是可悲!” Now his wing is plentiful, rises at one fell swoop, does not need any concealing, has six months, Jun Family then became anybody also the super aristocratic family that is hard to shake, beforehand bad Xi, vanishes completely does not see \; The Jun Moxie name, like a spring thunder, shocks in world! What is pitiful, until now, we are clear \; But the world person is also clear. Actually already late.” “如今他羽翼丰满,一举崛起,再不需有任何的掩饰,前后只得短短半年时间,君家便已成为了任何人也难以撼动的超级世家,之前的坏习姓,也全部消失不见\;君莫邪的名字,就像一声春雷,震撼世间!可悲的是,直到现在,我们才明白\;而天下人也才明白。却已经晚了。” On the Princess Ling Meng face expression more and more is sad, also some proud: Actually this originally no wonder, because he has not needed to endure again, does not need to camouflage again! Jun Moxie is a man, a real man! Queen mother, I even thought that Jun Moxie compared with his father Jun Wuhui, is not inferior!” 灵梦公主脸上神色越来越是伤心,还有些骄傲:“其实这本就难怪,因为他已经无须再忍下去,更没必要再伪装下去!君莫邪是个男人,一个真正的男人!母后,我甚至觉得,君莫邪比他的父亲君无悔,也是毫不逊色!” Added anything not to have, you have fallen in love with him radically. Otherwise, how will you use such tone speech?” The empress deeply sighed: But Meng'er, will you fall in love with Jun Moxie? Don't you always look down upon him? Because of a pledge? That also too child's play? You marry him, with falls in love with him , is actually completely different two matters, this is a non-solution fast knot, absolutely does not have any hope, Meng'er, you...... How you made me say that was good?” “还说什么没有,你根本就已经爱上了他。要不然,你又岂会用这样的口气说话?”皇后深深地叹了一口气:“可是梦儿,你又是怎么会爱上君莫邪的?你不是一向都看不起他吗?就只是因为一个誓言吗?那也太儿戏了吧?你嫁给他,和真的爱上他,却是完全不同的两码事,这更是是一个无解的死结,绝对没有任何希望的,梦儿,你……你让我如何说才好?” Because of my hateful he, therefore changes comes easy?” expression on Princess Ling Meng face somewhat is at a loss: Queen mother, do you know this kind of feeling? When you think that is only the small role of sole reptile, was actually shown is one hovers radically above Nine Heavens, dominates in the earth myriad things in the big dragon of under foot! When you looked person who is not willing to look, afterward the proof was you have actually misread, was you have misunderstood, was you have been unfair to others...... What is this felt?” “正因为我讨厌他,所以改变才来的容易吧?”灵梦公主脸上的神色有些迷惘:“母后,你知不知道这样一种感觉?当一个你认为只是脚底爬虫的小角色,却被证明根本就是一条翱翔在九天之上,凌驾于大地万物于脚下的巨龙!当一个你连看都不愿意看的人,后来却证明是你看错了,是你误解了,是你冤枉了人家……这是一种什么感觉?” Her touching smiling, said: I, since knows that I misread him to start, focused on collecting his material, all materials, from his past any matter, had told me any a few words speculated the true meaning as well as the motive that he said were at \; Then considered at that time the Jun Family situation as well as White Cloth Commander enmity this at the same time...... I discovered that each matter, has the profound meaning, even each speech, was the process thinks and agrees with then environment atmosphere! Queen mother, this is the wisdom! Jun Moxie this person, is the real man who deserves, real man!” 她凄婉的笑了笑,道:“我自从知道我看错了他开始,就一路着力收集他的资料,所有的资料,从他以往的任何一件事,跟我说过的任何一句话来推测他这么说的真意以及动机之所在\;然后与当时君家的处境以及白衣军帅的仇这一方面去考虑……我才发现,他每一件事,都有深意,甚至于每一句说话,都是经过深思熟虑、契合当时的环境氛围!母后,这就是智慧!君莫邪这个人,才是当之无愧的真男人,真汉子!” „A person, lives on dishonorably easily \; Endures humiliation actually difficultly! Goes to one's death generously is directs the blade one quickly, but endures silently even coordinates others' contempt, has the peerless talent actually for the family to hate oneself treats as itself the comedian clown...... Too was really difficult! At least I, I cannot achieve! How I cannot receive that many supercilious looks, therefore Jun Moxie appears great! Therefore along with investigation, I also slowly fell into little, such fell into...... Queen mother...... Such man, the book is the common people in any woman dream, can I be exceptional? Has nothing to do that blood oath, I have treated as me him this life the man of only approval!” “一个人,苟且偷生容易\;忍辱负重却难!慷慨赴义不过是引刀一快,但默默忍受甚至配合别人的轻视,身怀绝世的才华却为了家族为了仇恨自己把自己当做小丑……实在太难了!起码我,我就做不到!我怎地也受不起那么多的白眼,所以君莫邪就显得更加的伟大!所以随着调查,我也就慢慢的一点点陷入了进去,就这么陷入了进去……母后……这样的男人,本就是任何一个女人梦中的良人,我又怎能例外?无关那血誓,我只是已经把他当做我今生唯一认可的男人!” Princess Ling Meng was saying spookily, actually stubborn gaining ground, unexpectedly the whole face is the tears: I know that this matter does not have the hope, does not have! Because of this, I will be saying \; Since the previous father sovereign mentioned that matter, I know, between I and him, thorough did not have any little possibility! The father personal enemy hates absolutely irreconcilable, how will he accept me?! Why also to accept me!? But I am not willingly! I am not really willingly! Queen mother! I am not resigned to my sentiment such with the wind to pass away......” 灵梦公主幽幽的说着,却倔强的一抬头,竟然已经满脸是泪:“我知道这事根本就没希望,一点都没有!正因为这样,我才会说出来\;自从上一次父皇说起那件事之后,我就知道,我跟他之间,彻底的就是没有任何一点点的可能!父仇家恨不共戴天,他又怎么会接受我?!又凭什么会接受我!?可我不甘心!我真的不甘心啊!母后!我不甘心我的感情就这么随风逝去……” She cried: Initially all people were hoodwinking my seeing and hearing \; All people before me said that Jun Moxie malicious remarks, your old mister discusses marriage, was categorically rejected by the father sovereign...... Although I was not glad at that time, but...... But if makes me early know that little truth, I will agree that I will attempt to make reparations for the father sovereign! Repays for the evil that we make! Even if he does not accept, but I also after all once was his wife, had...... You know that I , before knowing him, has received after the pain, I am very pain...... After each investigation, I want to support him in bosom comfort well...... As a man, he is not easy, even if the firm and resolute man, will certainly have the weak moment, I good to become really in that accompany his person for a while......” 她失声痛哭起来:“当初所有人都在蒙蔽我的视听\;所有人都在我面前说君莫邪的坏话,君老公爷来提亲,也被父皇断然拒绝……虽然那时候我自己也不乐意,可……可要是让我早知道一点点真相的话,我都会同意,我会尝试着替父皇去赎罪!替我们做下的孽去偿还!纵然他不接受,可我也毕竟曾经是他的妻子,也曾经拥有过……你知道吗,我自从知道了他之前受过的苦之后,我心里很疼……每一次调查之后,我都想把他拥在怀里好好的安慰……作为一个男人,他太不容易,纵然是再坚毅的男人,也一定会有软弱的一刻,我真的好想成为在那一时陪伴他的人……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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