OEM :: Volume #7

#653: winner is the king, loser is the villain, my also Wuhui (No regrets)!

Dongfang Wenxin happy laughing, hugs Guan Qinghan in the bosom, the say/way of being all smiles: Is, is! Hehehe, then I, I may wait to hug the grandson Haha......” 东方问心乐的哈哈笑着,一把将管清寒也搂在怀里,笑容满面的道:“都是,都是!呵呵呵,这下我,我可就等着抱孙子了哈哈……” In the Jun Family Jun Moxie yard, Ye Guhan lonely sitting on stone stool, in mouth low snort/hum not a well-known moved song, on his face the expression is deep and desolate, the vision is actually the burning hot looks at front stone table. 君家君莫邪的小院里,夜孤寒孤独的坐在石凳上,口中低低的哼着一首不知名的伤感曲子,他的脸上表情深沉而落寞,眼光却是炙热的看着面前的石桌。 Above has the handwriting. 上面有字迹。 The time that ten thousand reunite, Ye Guhan actually lonely sitting here, with the knife of left hand, carved completely a name on front stone table: show, show, show...... In the sky transmits the wine in all directions, Ye Guhan tragic has smiled, discards the knife, side grasps starts the wine pot, holds up fills toward the mouth in crazily, the Adam's apple is swallowing in unceasing fluctuating, but look as before rigid looks at the name on stone table. 万家团圆的时刻,夜孤寒却孤独的坐在这里,用左手的一把小刀,在面前的石桌上刻满了一个名字:秀秀、秀秀、秀秀……天空中四面八方传来酒香,夜孤寒凄楚的笑了起来,扔掉小刀,抓起脚边的酒坛,举起往口中狂灌,喉结在不断的起伏吞咽着,但眼神依旧执着的看着石桌上的名字。 Finally, the liquor completely, keeled over drunk. 终于,酒尽,醉倒。 Ye Guhan pastes own cheeks gently on the stone table, pastes on that icy cold handwriting, in mouth silent is whooshing: show...... One line of tears silent outflows, silent dropping on the stone table, in that is carving show the place of name, congealment slowly, becomes a piece of ice flower...... compares, although Jun Family sends out a side of statement, confuses world thoroughly is the instigator, a Jun Moxie statement, making the world instant one chaotic, making the originally diverse and confused worldly affairs see the confusion! 夜孤寒轻轻地将自己的脸颊贴在石桌上,贴在那冰凉的字迹上面,口中无声的嘶吼着:秀秀……一行眼泪无声的流出,无声的滴落在石桌上,就在那刻着‘秀秀’的名字的地方,慢慢的凝结,成一片冰花……相比较来说,君家虽然是发出声明的一方,也是彻底搅乱天下520小说是始作俑者,君莫邪一个声明,让天下瞬时为之一乱,让本就纷杂的世情更见混乱! But Jun Family, this instigator at this moment actually possibly is most relaxed one! 君家,这个始作俑者此刻却可能是最轻松的一家! At least, other in uneasy. 至少,其他的各家都在忐忑不安之中。 In Imperial Palace, Emperor Your Majesty is facing one table to the utmost luxurious sumptuous food and wine, deeply frowned, has no appetite, including lifts a chopsticks trial interest to owe to present reluctantly. 皇宫里,皇帝陛下面对着一桌极尽奢华的丰盛酒菜,眉头紧锁,食不甘味,连勉强举筷一试的兴趣都欠奉。 When rising of Jun Family, does not have the least bit hinders, straight such as said that the thousand li (500 km) also resembles! 君家的崛起,全无半点阻滞之余地,直如一曰千里也似! In the past in Tianxiang City , is just an ordinary aristocratic family, even if there are four Military God, three generations of six marshals reputation how, but official, but was the unwarranted reputation, but now, unexpectedly dares to say facing the entire world: submit to me and prosper oppose me and perish such words! 当年在天香城里,也只不过是一个普通的世家,纵然有“一门四军神,三代六元帅”的美誉又如何,不过还是臣子而已,不过是虚名而已,但是现在,居然胆敢面对整个天下说出:顺我者昌逆我者亡这样的话! This without doubt is to the Imperial Family most naked provocation! 这无疑是对皇室最赤裸裸的挑衅! If no full energy, how dare such to face the entire world to make this and other unscrupulous threats? 若是没有十足的底气,岂敢就这么面对整个天下作出这等肆无忌惮的威胁? Although is not willing to acknowledge, but Tianxiang Emperor Your Majesty actually has to acknowledge, present Jun Family, early is not the imperial authority can restrain! Even, present imperial authority, but must receive the breath of Jun Family supinely! 虽然不愿意承认,但天香皇帝陛下却不得不承认,现在的君家,早已经不是皇权所能够约束的了!甚至,现在的皇权,还要仰承君家的鼻息! Previous time, Second Prince, in the Tianxiang City gate was frightened around the incontinence, Jun Moxie simply has not made any concealing, takes charge of the people of that two causing trouble to return to Jun Family, afterward links an explanation not to have unexpectedly, as if has not had this matter to be ordinary! 上一次,二皇子天香城门被人吓得前后失禁,君莫邪根本就没有做过任何的掩饰,直接领着那两个肇事之徒回到君家,事后竟然连一个解释也没有,仿佛就没发生过这事一般! Solemn imperial prince your highness injures in the guest hand of Jun Family, but the Jun Family aspect does not have any confession unexpectedly! 堂堂皇子殿下伤在君家的宾客手里,但君家方面居然没有任何的交代! As if such matter has not occurred, disobeys the say/way of rulers and ministers greatly! 似乎这样的事情从来都没有发生过,大违君臣之道! But Imperial Family unexpectedly also on letting matters drift so, such lets it go! 可是皇家竟也就这般的听之任之,就这么不了了之! In fact, even if Imperial Family is not willing to let it go, wants to investigate, how can also? 事实上,就算皇室不愿意不了了之,想要追究,又能如何? Even if investigated reluctantly, finally will not only be able to withstand! 纵然勉强追究,结果只会更为不堪! Now, all over the world, who does not know Jun Family three Young Master Jun Moxie simply aren't the people of reasoning with? Only day said that under stares to dare to butcher the live person! Also who does not know that the Jun Family present strength already tyrannicalally to the degree of being hard imagining? Including Supreme expert, Supreme above expert, must have the life, dies! 现在,普天之下,谁不知道君家的三少爷君莫邪根本就不是讲理的人?光天化曰之下瞪眼就敢宰活人!又有谁不知道君家如今的实力已经强横到难以想象的程度?连至尊强者,至尊以上强者,都要有命来,没命去! Present Jun Family is the super aristocratic family that among the world is second to none! Even if facing the Three Great Sacred Lands powerful strength, can make the opposite party lose, not to mention other people! 如今的君家更是天下间首屈一指的超级世家!即使面对三大圣地的强大实力,都能令对方铩羽而归,遑论他人! Imperial authority, how can also? 皇权,又能如何? In the average man in the eyes supreme imperial authority, already not in Jun Family person in the eyes! 在常人眼中至高无上的皇权,早已不在君家眼中 Thinks of here, the Emperor Your Majesty eye shuts low-spirited, raises the neck, will be full one glass of liquor to fill, choked to cough. This sweet high grade good wine, drank the mouth at this moment, unexpectedly is such anguished, being hard deglutition! 一想到这里,皇帝陛下眼睛黯然地一闭,一扬脖子,将满满一杯酒灌了下去,呛咳了一声。这原本甘甜的极品美酒,此刻喝进嘴里,竟是这样的苦涩,难以下咽! Originally, believes in any country, if so left one such as the Jun Family like this super aristocratic family, is the matters that is worth happy and rejoices. Because, has such colossus oversee, at least can deter the four directions within several hundred years! Although such family will directly definitely not participate in the aggression, but actually can also not allow the enemy to invade own country! 原本,相信任何一个国家之中,若然出了一个如君家这样的超级世家,都是一桩值得高兴和庆幸的事情。因为,有这样的庞然大物坐镇,起码在几百年之内都可以威慑四方!虽然这样的家族肯定不会直接参与侵略,但却也会决不允许敌人侵略进自己的国家! Such family, to a country, is a powerful force charm amulet! 这样的家族,对一个国家来说,就是一个威力强大的护身符! But now, to present Tianxiang Emperor Your Majesty, this charm amulet actually turned has urgently pressed the toxin! 但现在,对现在的天香皇帝陛下来说,这枚护身符却变成了催命毒! Most fatal urgently pressing toxin! 最致命的催命毒素! Jun Wuhui...... All these also not for you! 君无悔啊……这一切还不都是为了你! Emperor Your Majesty appears at present a face, in the dignity is having the wisdom, the look is calm and swift and fierce. Murders to make a decision is bringing generously benevolent \; When looks disdainfully able to move unhindered is bringing indifferently natural! 皇帝陛下眼前浮现出一张面孔,威严中带着睿智,眼神从容而凌厉。杀伐决断中带着宽厚仁慈\;睥睨纵横之际带着淡然潇洒! One generation of Military God, Jun Wuhui! 一代军神,君无悔 White-clothed Commander! 白衣军帅 Regret? Regret? If initially did not decide how could it not be present Jun Family is own biggest boost? 后悔吗?后悔吗?若是当初自己不那么决定,现在的君家岂不就是自己的最大助力? Shaking the head of Emperor Your Majesty anguished. Did not regret, yes \; I did not regret! If the matter comes one time again, I will still choose do. Because I am a king! I do not permit such matter occurrence! 皇帝陛下苦涩的摇了摇头。不后悔,是的\;我不后悔!若是事情重来一次的话,我依然会选择那么做。因为我是帝王!我决不允许那样的事情发生! Your already Wuhui (No regrets), my also Wuhui (No regrets)! 君既无悔,朕也无悔 The good fortune makes the person! 只是造化弄人而已! winner is the king, loser is the villain, nothing more than such as is! 成王败寇,不外如是! Emperor Your Majesty that liquor difficult swallowing, as if drinks completely the life hundred tastes. 皇帝陛下将那一口酒艰难的咽下,似乎是饮尽了人生百味。 I did not regret! The regret is also useless! 我不后悔!悔也无用! Jun Moxie, I must think when you can endure! 君莫邪,朕就要看你能忍到什么时候了! Remembers Jun Moxie, Emperor Your Majesty remembers the final effort that previous have made. That said that after Jun Wuyi receives the banquet that Guan Qinghan is the adopted daughter \; Emperor Your Majesty had had a lengthy conversation with Jun Zhantian Grandfather one time. 想起君莫邪,皇帝陛下又想起了上一次自己所做出的最后努力。那一曰,在君无意管清寒做义女的宴会之后\;皇帝陛下曾经与君战天老爷子长谈过一次。 Remembers that long talk, the Emperor Your Majesty corners of the mouth plunders a forced smile. 想起那一次长谈,皇帝陛下嘴角掠起一丝苦笑。 Big Brother Jun \; Your I was several years have not drunk to heart's content like this \; Now looks like, your alcohol capacity has not reduced slightly, even won in the past.” When Emperor Your Majesty is still continued to use two people initially together to fight for state power the name, but this name as if had has not used for a long time. 君大哥\;你我可是好几年没有这样痛饮了\;如今看来,你的酒量丝毫未减,甚至大胜往昔啊。”皇帝陛下依然是沿用两人当初共同打天下时的称呼,只是这个称呼似乎已经有许久都没有动用了。 Your Majesty overpraised \; Obsolete is the aged year is high, no longer in the past, Haha.” Jun Zhantian speech time, Emperor Your Majesty very obvious listened, Jun Zhantian said that obsolete, actually non- is old minister \; This explained the choice in Jun Zhantian heart. 陛下却是过奖了\;老朽已经是老迈年高,不复当年啦,哈哈。”君战天说话的时候,皇帝陛下很明显的听了出来,君战天自称‘老朽’,却非是‘老臣’\;这已经说明君战天心中的选择。 Big Brother Jun said where words are old \; The Big Brother is hale and hearty.” Emperor Your Majesty thinks of not to listen, revealed the goal of oneself this banqueting taking advantage of the tipsy feeling: Big Brother Jun had proposed the marriages of two babies to the little brother six months ago \; Hehe, said that now the little brother asked brazenly again, Ling Meng and Moxie, whether?” 君大哥说哪里话老\;大哥正是老当益壮啊。”皇帝陛下装着没有听出来,借着酒意道出了自己此次饮宴的目的:“君大哥于半年之前曾经向小弟提出过两个娃娃的亲事\;呵呵,今曰小弟厚颜再问,灵梦莫邪,可否?” Hehe...... About the marriage issue, the obsolete present could not be the Moxie Lord, far did not say, said Qinghan, before to rescue that scoundrel little brat...... Has made that big sacrifice, how our can Jun Family disappoint? there is still one Dugu Family beloved daughter...... Oh, has made the talk of the town. Moxie lives the surname to be dissolute, how can be joined to Princess Ling Meng this grade of clock Heaven and Earth attractive day the arrogant female?” Grandpa Jun politely refused, although the expression was persuasive, actually when not swivel. “呵呵……关于亲事问题,老朽现在也做不了莫邪的主,远的不说,就说清寒,之前为了救那个混帐小子……做出了那么大的牺牲,我们君家如何能够辜负?还有一个独孤世家的掌珠……唉,闹出了满城风雨啊。莫邪生姓浪荡浮滑,怎么能配得上灵梦公主这等钟天地灵秀的天之骄女?”君老爷子婉言谢绝,语气虽然婉转,却并无转圜之余地。 Qinghan Young Lady was Moxie sacrificed a great deal, was really the great wisdom and courage good female, was Moxie matched good, when for the first choice of room, I naturally cannot beat with a club the affectionate couple, wants to come Ling Meng not to mind, if Moxie can wait...... Emperor Your Majesty not to say by even the wife probe that was broken by Grandpa Jun. 清寒小姐莫邪牺牲良多,果然是大智大勇的好女子,自是莫邪的良配,当为正室之首选,朕自然不会棒打鸳鸯,想来灵梦并不会介意,若莫邪能以平妻待之……”皇帝陛下还未说完的试探,就被君老爷子打断。 Solemn princess, how could manner even wife, this and manner concubine room what strange? Imperial Family face countenance what Cun!” Grandfather spoke righteously, denied decidedly, was full mouth I considers for your Imperial Family. “堂堂公主殿下,岂能为人平妻,这与为人妾室何异?皇室颜面何存!”老爷子义正词严,断然否定,更是满口的我是为你们皇室着想。 ...... Said that is really the satire, Feng Shui transfers in turn, around humans affair only separates for a half year. Six months ago, Jun Zhantian lagged behind shamelessly marries off a daughter to the Emperor Your Majesty request, to preserve Jun Family last bloodline \; At that time were rejected heartlessly. At that time including oneself can imagine that Grand Marshal Jun met is embarrassed and despairs. ……说起来真是讽刺,风水轮流转,世事前后只隔半年。半年前,君战天拉下老脸向皇帝陛下请求嫁女,以保全君家最后一点血脉\;当时自己被无情拒绝。当时连自己都可以想象到君大元帅会是多么的难堪和绝望。 But in six months, like this embarrassed and desperate taste actually must be one's turn itself to taste merely! Content object of talk, is Jun Moxie and Princess Ling Meng \; Their weddings \; But this time, Jun Zhantian like initial, rejection does not have the least bit leeway! 但仅仅就在半年之后,这样的难堪、绝望滋味却又要轮到自己来品尝!谈话的内容对象,还是君莫邪灵梦公主\;还是两人的婚事\;但这一次,君战天就像当初的自己一样,拒绝的全无半点余地! Two people of speech have not changed, the content has not changed \; But fell the content. Traverser originally turned into by traverser \; But solicitant originally, turned into by the solicitant! 说话的两个人没变,内容没变\;只不过就是将内容掉了一个个。原本的拒绝者变成了被拒绝者\;而原本的请求者,变成了被请求者! Really ten years of Feng Shui transfers in turn, but, where also used for ten years? 果然十年风水轮流转,但,又哪里用得了十年? Trivial a half year, was earth-shaking! 只是区区半年,就已经天翻地覆! that night, Emperor Your Majesty despaired! From the Jun Zhantian expression, he knew the result! But only what he does not know, what method Jun Moxie will use to cope with itself. 就在那天晚上,皇帝陛下已经绝望!从君战天的表情中,他已经知道了结果!但他唯一不知道的是,君莫邪会采用什么样的手段来对付自己。 But this was unimportant. Did not matter! 但这已经不重要。无所谓了! In Imperial Palace, another direction. 皇宫中,另外一个方向。 The empress and Princess Ling Meng sit facing each other speechless. Lunar new year's eve, originally is the reunion night, but in Imperial Palace a Emperor empress has simultaneously rejected this proposition. Two imperial palaces are coldly are clear, a deathly stillness. 皇后和灵梦公主对坐无言。大年夜,本是团圆夜,但皇宫里一位皇帝一位皇后同时拒绝了这个提议。两个寝宫均是冷冷清清,一片死寂。 These days, Princess Ling Meng day-by-day almost becomes emaciated shortly, the eye was bigger, but the health ruddy face, now is actually dry does not have the blood-color \; Almost was thin escaped. 这段时间里,灵梦公主一天天的几乎是眼看着消瘦下去,眼睛更大了,但原本健康红润的脸庞,如今却已经是干巴巴的毫无血色\;瘦得几乎脱了相。 Meng'er, do not suffer itself. The previous generation of matter, ten thousand do not have the truth to make your next generation shoulder.” The empress voice heavily, is comforting own daughter especially patiently: Relaxes the intention, all have Empress Mother to take responsibility for you.” 梦儿,别太折磨自己。上一辈的事,万没有道理让你们下一辈来背负。”皇后语音格外沉重,耐心地宽慰着自己的女儿:“放宽心怀,一切有母后为你做主。” Princess Ling Meng shook the head slowly, both eyes soulless looks candlelight that on the table sparkles, two drops of teardrops flow out slowly: Empress Mother...... I do not want to shoulder, I am only...... At heart uncomfortable.” 灵梦公主缓缓摇了摇头,双目无神的看着桌上闪耀的烛火,两滴泪珠缓缓流出:“母后……我没想背负,我只是……心里难受。” Uncomfortable? How to be uncomfortable?” Murong Xiuxiu sees own daughter, is extremely astonished. “难受?怎么会难受?”慕容秀秀怔怔地看着自己的女儿,极之讶异。 The Princess Ling Meng facial color is mournful, mutters: Retribution, this is the previous life retribution, how the matter will actually evolve in this way the situation, like this, why...... usually the beautiful double pupil will not have how the meaning of least bit spirit fluctuation like this, only then endless confusedness and low-spirited! 灵梦公主面色凄然,喃喃道:“冤孽,这却是前世的冤孽,事情怎会演变成如斯情形,怎么会这样,为什么会这样……”平素美丽的双眸全无半点灵动之意,只有无尽的迷茫、黯然! Murong Xiuxiu full experience worldly affairs, are the seasoned person in sentimental, the intention move, has thought an unthinkable possible surname, lightly to shout one: „Won't daughter, you fall in love with Jun Moxie really?” 慕容秀秀饱历世情,更是感情方面的过来人,心念一动,想到了一个匪夷所思的可能姓,不禁轻呼了一声:“女儿,你不会是真的爱上君莫邪了吧?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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