OEM :: Volume #7

#652: Concubine

However depends on Jun Family not only also she, Dugu Family actual master Dugu Zhongheng Grandfather also depended on here. Dugu Xiaoyi does not walk here also returns forget it, but your solemn Dugu Family Sir Patriarch, does not return to Patriarch to hold the general situation unexpectedly, instead depended in Jun Family cannot be justified. 不过赖上君家的还不只是她自己而已,独孤世家的真正主人独孤纵横老爷子也赖到了这里。独孤小艺在这里不走也还罢了,但你堂堂独孤世家家主大人,居然不回家主持大局,反而赖在君家就怎么也说不过去了吧。 However Grandfather speaks plausibly: Kills does not go back, in new year's celebration family's these small comes back, three son seven grandsons hit with a nest pig, does not have other matter except for pissed off at home, in the family/home had Dugu Wudi that little brat oversee to be enough! 不过老爷子振振有词:打死也不回去,一过年家里的那些中的小的就都回来,三个儿子七个孙子就打的跟一窝猪似地,在家里除了生气没别的事,家里有独孤无敌小子坐镇就足够了! This matter was confirmed immediately. 这件事马上得到了证实。 Dugu Wudi respectfully requested Grandfather went home, black and blue, was black two big eye sockets \; Let Dugu Zhongheng Grandfather one cuss out, brandishes the stick to hit. 独孤无敌来恭请老爷子回家的时候,鼻青脸肿,黑着两个大眼眶\;让独孤纵横老爷子一阵臭骂,抡起棍子打了出去。 Originally the Dugu Wudi Great General two younger brothers went home \; Was devastated one year of Dugu Wudi Great General naturally to send by Grandfather to scratch with the finger, lays out Big Brother’s power and prestige, then discussed that did remain a following annual ring to whom? 原来独孤无敌大将军的两个弟弟回家了\;饱受老爷子蹂躏了一年的独孤无敌大将军自然要发发牢搔,摆摆大哥的威风,然后再商量商量接下来的一年轮到谁留守了? From the beginning they also droop to listen to the Big Brother to instruct, but discussed finally, no one is willing to remain at home \; Dugu Wudi is not certainly glad: You hide by far, is glad idly, I what to do? Endures by me? could it be I, when the Boss can be abused?? Therefore starts to reprove fierce, the dawn moves it by the sentiment by the principle, but two younger brother water cannot sprinkle, is only shaking the head. 一开始俩人还耷拉着头听大哥训示,但商量到最后,谁也不愿意留在家里\;独孤无敌当然不乐意了:靠,你们都躲得远远的,乐得清闲,那我怎么办?就靠我一个人忍受啊?难道我当老大就得受虐吗??于是开始厉声训斥,晓之以情动之以理,无奈两个弟弟水泼不进,只是一个劲的摇头。 Really does not have Dugu Great General of means to become angry out of shame, simple coercing by strength! Punches to two younger brothers \; They also refuse to admit being inferior, this relates to the following all year round life, two small has the tacit understanding greatly, collaborated to hit Boss one ruthlessly \; This brothers three people fight, outside seven are smaller, do not look at the in ordinary day on terms, is this moment going forth to battle united armies, naturally wants the respective help the respective father, therefore also starts to argue strongly based on reason, develops finally, spoke by the fist, seven brothers direct pēng pēng pang pang made into one group. 实在没办法的独孤大将军恼羞成怒,干脆胁之以力!对两个弟弟饱以老拳\;两人也不甘示弱,这可是关系到接下来一整年的生活,两小的大有默契,联手打了老大一个狠的\;这兄弟三人打架,外面的七个更小的,别看平曰里关系良好,可是此刻上阵父子兵,自然是要各自帮着各自的父亲,于是也是一个个开始据理力争,发展到最后,也是以拳头说话,兄弟七人直接砰砰乓乓地打成一团。 Until Old Madame comes out, brandishes leading walking stick craziness to punch, this much talented person calculated honestly, but Old Madame was also tired gasps for breath, was mainly the air/Qi, immediately was sends for asking Grandfather to go back oversee. 直到老夫人出来,抡起来龙头拐杖一个个的狂揍一顿,这伙子人才算老实了下来,不过老夫人也是累得直喘气,更主要是气的,当下自是派人来请老爷子回去坐镇 The whole family people left have a look right to have a look, is distressed was similar to under the battlefield was just ordinary, going out that also relatively can take only then Boss Dugu Wudi. Also, Jun Family was Dugu Wudi relatives by marriage, whom didn't he come to come? 一家子人左看看右看看,都是狼狈的如同刚下战场一般,唯一还相对能拿的出门的就只有老大独孤无敌。再说,君家乃是独孤无敌亲家,他不来谁来? But Dugu Wudi one, Dugu Zhongheng suddenly to being angry \; Has a look at others Jun Family whole family to be happy, looks again own son, bumper year 29 black and blue came...... Isn't this obvious undermines to the father? 独孤无敌一来,独孤纵横顿时冲冲大怒\;看看人家君家一家子和和美美,再看自己儿子,大年29鼻青脸肿的来了……这不是明摆着给老子拆台吗? Without demur, has brandished the stick directly, looks at that meaning, has greatly in a big way folds a stance of Dugu Wudi leg. On Dugu Great General the old wound has not recovered, adds the new wound, will stand skill/effort that in the future accurate son-in-law family/home has not gasped for breath, distressedly will run away. 二话不说,直接抡起了棍子,看那意思,大有大折独孤无敌一条腿的架势。独孤大将军身上旧伤未愈,又添新伤,在未来的准女婿家里站了还没喘口气的功夫,就狼狈而逃。 Until he walked old for a long time, the Dugu Grandfather still, muttered was scolding anything Main Family Misfortune, non- loyal son and unlikely children and so on thing indignantly, depressed. 直到他走了老长时间,独孤老爷子犹自气愤不已,喃喃骂着什么“家门不幸、不孝子、不肖子”之类的东东,闷闷不乐。 The Dugu Xiaoyi gentle voice comfort, simply depends on Grandpa acts like a spoiled brat to amuse, such as is good a long time/half of the day, made the Grandfather complexion attractive. 独孤小艺柔声安慰,干脆赖在爷爷身上撒娇逗乐,如是好半天,才让老爷子脸色好看了起来。 In addition, also Mu Xuetong, presents impressively, was talking openly with the Jun Wuyi smile \; The statement of which shocking world since Jun Moxie issues, Mu Xuetong and Han Yanmeng expression feels relieved obviously. Although somewhat misses Silver City, but also knows, since Jun Moxie sends out that moment of statement, Silver City will not have the matter! 除此之外,还有慕雪瞳,也赫然在座,正在与君无意微笑谈心\;自从君莫邪发出哪个震惊天下的声明之后,慕雪瞳寒烟梦神色明显地如释重负。虽然还是有些挂念银城,但也知道,自从君莫邪发出声明的那一刻,银城决计不会有事! Because Xiao Family is stupid, believes that will not start the internal strife in this grade of crucial point rashly, but significantly weakens Silver City own strength! Even, Xiao Family thinking of a way will also let the Han Family person, when the cannon fodder to consume Jun Family strength also to know with every effort...... Han Yanmeng, one entered hall actually before time, has hidden her Jun Moxie spontaneously on own initiative to welcome, the manner is exceptionally warm: „! Isn't this Miss Han? Then how many days have not seen, were become are unexpectedly getting more and more juicy, do not know when Miss Han did tie up my bed to come up my concubine? I am every day am hoping that looks forward to eagerly is hoping the concubine, you did the good deed, hurried to carry out......” 因为就算萧家再蠢,相信也绝不会在这等节骨眼上贸然掀起内讧而大大削弱银城自身实力!甚至,萧家还会打着主意让寒家人当炮灰尽最大可能以消耗君家力量也未可知……倒是寒烟梦,之前一进大厅的时候,原本一直躲着她的君莫邪就自发地主动地迎了上来,态度异常热情:“呀!这不是寒姑娘吗?这才几天没见,竟是出落地越来越水灵了啧啧,不知道寒姑娘啥时候将我的那位小老婆绑到我的床上去?我可是每天都在盼望啊,盼星星盼月亮就盼着小老婆了,你就作作好事,赶紧落实啊……” The Han Yanmeng powder face is red, thorough shameful, almost must spring through the door. 寒烟梦粉脸通红,彻底的无地自容,几乎就要夺门而逃了。 Cold Little Princess that regret at heart may not to mention: When said that thousand should not ten thousand not should, really should not make a bet with this fellow! This fellow really annihilated to cheat! Beforehand dug the trap to wait to jump, so were silly, thinks oneself clever, but also in high spirits complacent jumped by the stance of victor. 小公主心里的那懊悔可就别提了:当曰千不该万不该,实在是不该跟这家伙打赌哇!这家伙实在是太歼诈了!事先就挖好了陷阱等着自己跳,偏偏自己那么傻,自以为得计,还兴冲冲得意洋洋的以胜利者的姿态跳了进去。 Then knows that unexpectedly in unknowingly, have lost to itself others, has become the concubine of that fellow. And understand oath! What most awfully is, unexpectedly or by Silver City to the pledge that the high honor sends! Moreover tie up to deliver to others bed oneself...... This really is really...... Terribly ashameds...... Sees the sister-in-law to be helpless, is trembling lip, lowers the head to blush, does not dare to look at the appearance of person, did not have toward saying the cunningness and rampancy, somewhat will love greatly dearly as future brother-in-law's Jun Wuyi, hurry to call the past. 然后才知道,居然自己在不知不觉之中,就把自己输给了人家,成了那家伙的小老婆。而且还发了誓!最要命的是,居然还是以银城至高荣誉发的誓言!而且还得自己把自己绑起来送到人家床上……这真真是……羞死人了……见小姨子手足无措,哆嗦着嘴唇,低着头红着脸,一副不敢看人的样子,丝毫没有了往曰的刁钻和嚣张,作为未来姐夫的君无意大是有些心疼,赶紧招呼了过去。 young misses then cramped sits down, lowered the head to sit a meeting, had a look to be all right, this emboldens raised the head, a elegant face was similar to monkey buttocks general red, actually took a look at Jun Moxie not to pay attention, stared Jun Moxie one maliciously. 小姑娘这才局促的落坐下来,低着头坐了一会,看看没事,这才壮着胆子抬起头来,一张俏脸如同猴子屁股一般的红,却瞅着君莫邪不注意,狠狠地瞪了君莫邪一眼。 Jun Moxie turns head, suddenly called: Your how this, the gambling approximately terminated, actually does not fulfill the gambling stake, wish to bet actually does not concede, unexpectedly also dares to stare me! In a big hurry quick, my concubine? I want tonight! You hurry ties up to me her, hmph hmph hmph, the oath that forgot you to make......” 君莫邪一回头,顿时叫了起来:“你这人怎么这样,赌约已经完结,却又不履行赌注,愿赌却不服输,居然还敢瞪我!快快快,我的小老婆呢?我今天晚上就要!你赶紧的把她给我绑过去,哼哼哼,可不要忘了你发的誓……” My I...... My my I...... I have not stared you......” the little loli tears to spin in the eye socket, lack in resonance the hurrying explanation. “我我……我我我……我没瞪你……”小萝莉眼泪在眼眶里打转,底气不足的慌忙解释。 I, no matter, I want my concubine in any case tonight. You must manage in any case, initially you complied well.” Jun Moxie sinister smile, visits her complacently, said: Really is comfortable, tonight can with my concubine wedding festivities. Thinks that is charmed really very much, no wonder everybody said: No matter does not have money richly, takes a wife first new year's celebration ` these words is really the truth, in lunar new year's eve and concubine wedding festivities, standard double happiness descend on the house.” “那我不管,反正我今天晚上就要我的小老婆。反正你得给办,当初你可是答应得好好的。”君莫邪阴笑一声,得意洋洋的看着她,道:“真是舒服啊,今天晚上就能跟我的小老婆洞房花烛了。想想真的很神往啊,难怪大家都说:甭管有钱没有钱,娶个媳妇先过年‘这句话真是真理啊,在大年夜和小老婆洞房花烛,标准的双喜临门。” Han Yanmeng eye socket one red, „” has cried all of a sudden, the small mouth twists the mouth sidewise, cries that to call a sadness. Jun Wuyi and Mu Xuetong hurried consolation, knows very well that in two people of whole story rebuked look at Jun Moxie one, the Young Master Jun innocent stall have let go. 寒烟梦眼圈一红,“哇”的一下子哭了起来,小嘴咧开,哭得那叫一个伤心。君无意慕雪瞳急忙劝慰,熟知个中原委的二人嗔怪地看了君莫邪一眼,君大少一脸无辜地摊摊手。 What concubine?” Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly is vigilant that the beautiful big eye looks at Jun Moxie: Concubine who Elder Brother Moxie, your there comes? I do not know that who in the end is? I must have a look!” little girl face killing intent. “什么小老婆?”独孤小艺顿时警惕起来,明媚的大眼睛看着君莫邪:“莫邪哥哥,你那里来的小老婆?我怎么都不知道,到底是谁?我要去看看!”小丫头一脸杀气 A Jun Moxie scalp hemp, a moment ago therefore was only trying to take advantage to be cute talkers, to have forgotten how at present this! Looked again in an instant that sees only Guan Qinghan very much to be also interested raises up the ear to listen, very much mother Dongfang Wenxin cares has collected...... heavens, I also said...... Young Master Jun had one type to lift stone to pound the frustration feeling of oneself foot. 君莫邪头皮一麻,刚才光故着讨便宜嘴乖了,怎么就忘了眼前这出了!再转眼一看,只见管清寒也是很感兴趣地竖起耳朵听着,母亲东方问心更是很关心的凑了过来……天啊,我也就只是这么说说……君大少有一种搬起石头砸了自己脚的挫败感觉。 in the end what's the matter?” Dongfang Wenxin simply sat, asking son of interestinging: Is which family/home miss? You unexpectedly were when many concubine?” 到底咋回事?”东方问心干脆坐了过来,饶有兴趣的问儿子:“是谁家姑娘?啥时候你居然多了个小老婆?” Volume...... Actually this matter, is such......” Jun Moxie sees Han Yanmeng to put the Mu Xuetong bosom not to dare to gain ground, lowered the sound to explain, if it seems like today does not talk clearly, these three women could not forgive themselves...... haha...... ” Dugu Xiaoyi whisper to smile decidedly „, the flowering branch shivered all over: „ You said that she entangles you to make a bet unexpectedly, then have dug a pit to oneself, such lost to you her has become the concubine, this also had the creativity......” “额……其实这件事,是这样的……”君莫邪寒烟梦扑在慕雪瞳怀里不敢抬头,就压低了声音解释了一下,看来今天如果不说清楚,这三个女人断然是饶不了自己……“哈哈……”独孤小艺叽叽咕咕的笑了起来,花枝乱颤:“你是说,她居然缠着你打赌,然后自己给自己挖了个坑,就这么把她自己输给了你成了小老婆,这也太有创意了吧……” Jun Moxie the face, the helpless booth is letting go painstakingly: „The entire process is this, actually I am but very drop......” 君莫邪苦着脸,无奈的摊摊手:“整个过程就是这样子啦,其实我是很无奈滴……” On your cunning plot, who doesn't know?” Guan Qinghan snort|hum, tone was quite bad: Perhaps you looked that others young misses attractively, in the heart had already moved, this used as a pretext to set the trap.” “就你那点花花肠子,谁不知道?”管清寒哼了一声,口气颇为不善:“说不定你看人家小姑娘长得好看,心中早就动了心了,这才借由子设下了圈套。” Undeserved! Huge treating unjustly! Will the honorable gentleman of my such chaste honest high character and integrity, make how possibly this grade of matter to come?” Jun Moxie these words, entire hall sudden laughter to erupt. “冤枉!天大的冤枉啊!我这么纯洁正直高风亮节的正人君子,怎么可能会做出这等事情来?”君莫邪这句话一出,整个大厅突然笑声大作 If this little brat can describe by chaste honest high character and integrity that perhaps the entire world everybody were Sage...... so that's how it is!” Dongfang Wenxin has beamed with joy: Worthily is my son, picks up little girl really to have one \; Haha...... Not too small Meng'er was also too pitiful, such muddleheaded lost oneself......” 小子若是能以‘纯洁正直高风亮节’来形容,恐怕整个天下人人都是圣人了……“原来如此啊!”东方问心眉花眼笑了起来:“不愧是我儿子,泡妞果然有一手\;哈哈……不过小梦儿也太可怜了,就这么稀里糊涂的把自己输了……” Dugu Xiaoyi tasted, purses the lips saying: Unexpectedly must tie up on the bed oneself...... I think that I am stupid enough, has not thought that this little girl is stupider than me! Today enlarges ones vision to grow in experience!” 独孤小艺回过味来,撅着嘴道:“居然还是要把自己绑到床上……我以为我就够笨的,没想到这小丫头比我还笨!今天可是开眼长见识了!” The people by one type you now know that you are stupid such vision to visit her, the whole room burst into laughter. However this girl and Han Yanmeng are the same age, unexpectedly also boastful called others little girl...... In the laughter, Dongfang Wenxin simply has embraced Han Yanmeng, embraces in own bosom, comforts in a soft voice \; Fierce not Ding emits one: Actually, small Meng'er, when the time comes delivered the concubine the past time, but tied up gently was good, do not tie up was too heavy, will hurt. That may also be my daughter-in-law, I will love dearly, heard not to have, don't tactless......” 众人均以一种‘你现在才知道你笨啊’这样的目光看着她,哄堂大笑。不过这丫头与寒烟梦同龄,居然还大言不惭地叫人家小丫头……笑声中,东方问心干脆将寒烟梦揽了过来,揽在自己怀里,轻声抚慰\;猛不丁的冒出一句:“其实啊,小梦儿,到时候送小老婆过去的时候,只是轻轻地绑一绑就行了,别绑的太重,会疼的。那可也是我儿媳妇,我可是会心疼的,听见了没,千万别没轻没重地……” Han Yanmeng opened the eye stunned, cannot think that the Jun Moxie mother also recognized this matter, did not depend on, turned the stock sugar to act like a spoiled brat in the Dongfang Wenxin bosom: I do not do! The sister-in-law you also bullies me, you take responsibility to me, cannot there you child bully the elder again......” 寒烟梦愕然的睁大了眼睛,想不到君莫邪的老妈也认准了这件事,不由一阵不依,在东方问心怀里扭股糖般撒起娇来:“我不管!大嫂你也欺负我,你给我做主,不许你那儿子再欺负长辈……” How did your this girl also call my sister-in-law?” The Dongfang Wenxin knitting the brows wool, feigns anger said: You have lost to my son to become the concubine...... Cannot call my sister-in-law again, later do not imitate the elder......” “你这丫头怎地还叫我大嫂?”东方问心皱起了眉毛,佯嗔道:“你都已经输给我儿子当小老婆了……可不能再叫我大嫂了,以后也别充长辈了……” Han Yanmeng even more shames whole body understand to burn, rubs in the Dongfang Wenxin bosom, does not gain ground. 寒烟梦越发羞得浑身都发了烫,在东方问心怀里揉来揉去,死活不抬头。 Jun Moxie is also a dumbfoundedness: How? How has the mother taken seriously probably generally? I faint, does not bring such? 君莫邪也是一阵目瞪口呆:怎么地?怎么老妈好像当真了一般?我晕,不带这样的吧? In this time, Dugu Xiaoyi was also grasping the shoulder of Dongfang Wenxin, announced loudly: Aunt, I am your name brand daughter-in-law \; My I...... I have hoped for several years...... You cannot beat with a club the affectionate couple, also Elder Sister Qinghan, she is genuine, is cooks the cooked rice...... Other must arrange in the future......” 正在这时,独孤小艺也一把抱住了东方问心的肩膀,大声宣布道:“伯母,我才是您的正牌儿媳妇\;我我……我都盼了好几年啦……您可不能棒打鸳鸯啊,还有清寒姐姐,她更是货真价实,已经是煮成熟饭了……其他的都得往后排……” The people sweat profusely...... The valiance of this little girl, is really makes the person praise to the heavens. 众人大汗淋漓……这小丫头的彪悍,实在是让人叹为观止。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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