OEM :: Volume #7

#651: Bloomy spring date, sword broken Silver City

But immediately the kings understood the words that Mei Xueyan spoke have represented anything, cannot help but together cheers. 但随即众王都明白了梅雪烟说的话代表了什么,不由得一起欢呼起来。 Although the Heaven Punishment strength can have a big leap after this time, the nature must leap, since will reach all previous dynasties has never had the altitude \; But we owed the Jun Moxie favor actually are also owe in a big way, big was hard to repay to us.” Mei Xueyan sighed slightly, spoke of this name time, suddenly in heart inexplicable one warm. “虽然天罚的实力将在这一次之后能够有一个大大的飞跃,质得飞跃,将达到历代以来从未有过的高度\;但我们欠君莫邪的人情却也是欠得太大了,大到我们难以偿还。”梅雪烟微微叹息了一声,说到这个名字的时候,突然间心中莫名的一暖。 Big Sister said anything, we and brother-in-law are whole families, your couple, have anything to owe, gā gā,” the Hu Liede saliva the face, chuckled was saying: We are one group of wife's younger brothers \; Naturally must occupy the brother-in-law up, you said that is?” 大姐说啥呢,咱们和姐夫乃是一家人,你们夫妻俩,有什么欠不欠的,嘎嘎,”胡裂地涎着脸,嘿嘿笑道:“我们是一帮小舅子\;当然要占姐夫的光了,你们大伙说,是不是?” „Is, drinking brother-in-law who wife's younger brother does not eat the brother-in-law, that also called any wife's younger brother, although our group of wife's younger brothers are slightly many a point......” numerous position Beast King to have laughed boisterously, was overjoyed. “就是就是,小舅子不吃姐夫的喝姐夫的,那还叫什么小舅子,虽说我们这帮小舅子人数稍微多了一点……”众位兽王哄然大笑,乐不可支。 Shuts up to me! Skin itchy?” Mei Xueyan shames and gets angry: Thing that your this group of lacking prospects!” “都给我闭嘴!皮又痒痒了吗?”梅雪烟又羞又怒:“你们这一帮没出息的东西!” The kings stagnate, suddenly keeps silent. 众王一滞,顿时噤若寒蝉。 Bear Old Four...... That met you to say...... He, he said him rather...... Can come to Heaven Punishment Forest?” Mei Xueyan roused the mouth to live the a long time/half of the day sulks, did not know to think anything, suddenly asking Xiong Kaishan of opening mouth stammering. He...... Really said?” “熊老四……那会你说……他,他说他宁可……要到天罚森林来住?”梅雪烟鼓着嘴生了半天闷气,不知道想什么,突然张嘴期期艾艾的问熊开山。“他……真是这么说的?” Big Sister, you said anything, has not had the tail...... Which his Iya? a Xiong Kaishan face is simple and honest, feels asking that the head is at a loss, appearance that as if not know. 大姐,您说啥呢,没头没尾的……哪个他呀?熊开山一脸憨厚,摸着脑袋迷惘的问道,似乎真不知道的样子。 Bear Old Four!” Mei Xueyan drinks fierce: Comes I to give your bone! Guarantees you to be comfortable, you one comfortable also understood!” “熊老四!”梅雪烟厉声一喝:“过来我给你松松骨头!保证你舒服,你一舒服也就明白了!” „, Doesn't use, does not need to trouble your honorable self, you said is not the brother-in-law, my clear I understand.” Xiong Kaishan seemingly is suddenly enlighted said generally: Yes, the brother-in-law did not say at that time, Hehe, Hehe, this, tiger Old Ninth can testify, both of us are the solid people, cannot didn't intend to boast.” “哦,不用不用,不用麻烦您的大驾,您说的不就是姐夫嘛,我明白的我明白的。”熊开山貌似恍然大悟一般道:“是的,姐夫当时可不就是这么说吗,嘿嘿,嘿嘿,这点,虎老九可以作证,我俩都是实在人,不会说大话。” Hu Liede hurried nod: Is the drop, I can definitely testify! Big Sister, the brother-in-law to you are a sincerity. Both of us such honest, when has talked big!” 胡裂地急忙点头:“是滴,我完全可以作证!大姐,姐夫对您可是一片真心啊。我俩这么的老实,啥时候说过大话啊!” Audiences Beast King simultaneously despises, are you honest? Can't didn't intend to boast? Too shameless! 兽王齐齐鄙视,就你俩还老实呢?不会说大话?太无耻了! On the Mei Xueyan face faints red unexpectedly is deeper, breathed a sigh of relief, vision glittering, said: Did not say that these topic over-formal languages, Jun Moxie soon must dispatch troops Silver Blizzard City! This at one fell swoop, one frightens the world, two, then to take revenge \; In this, there are innumerable Profound Principle \; Three Great Sacred Lands, believes that also will meddle this matter! Since our Heaven Punishment received his these many kindness, this time, must exhaust ability, whole-heartedly , helping him to achieve this goal!” 梅雪烟脸上晕红竟是更深,舒了一口气,目光闪烁了一阵,道:“不说那些题外话了,君莫邪即将要发兵风雪银城!这一举,一来震慑天下,二来,则是为了复仇\;这里面,有无数的玄机\;三大圣地,相信也会插手此事!我们天罚既然受了他这么多的恩惠,这一次,务必要竭尽所能,全力以赴,助他达成这个目标!” Big Sister you feel relieved! We fully will certainly support the motion of brother-in-law, goes through fire or water not to refuse under any circumstances! At the appointed time our Heaven Punishment Forest whole staff sends out, to turn out in full strength, treads the great plains Great Snow Mountain directly! Does his paternal grandmother!” The kings strike one's chest, solemn promise. Thick chests pat shocking make a sound! 大姐您就放心吧!我们一定会全力支援姐夫的行动,赴汤蹈火在所不辞!届时我们天罚森林全员出动,倾巢而出,直接将大雪山踏成大平原!干他奶奶的!”众王拍着胸脯,郑重承诺。一个个厚实的胸膛拍得震天响! The people start to call the brother-in-law in noisy disorder, but Mei Xueyan has not stopped unexpectedly, had not opposed. As if brother-in-law these two characters accepted to this quietly...... „, therefore these days, must more raise everybody's strength!” The Mei Xueyan look becomes the snow and ice is generally cold: In the afternoon starting from, entire Heaven Punishment Forest bans completely strictly! Seven days of time, 489 Ninth Level peak Profound Beast must complete to change from the matters concerned! Then, flight class Profound Beast prepares 6000, ground Profound Beast prepares 5000, starts downward to arrange from the peak King, this time, even if Three Great Sacred Lands turns out in full strength seriously, my Heaven Punishment also wants frontage preying, kills a he unprecedented shake, shocks bright red of Heaven and Earth!” 众人开始乱哄哄的叫姐夫,而梅雪烟居然没有阻拦,也没有反对。似乎对这个‘姐夫’这俩字悄然接受了……“所以这段时间里,务必要将大家的实力更多地提上去!”梅雪烟的眼神变得冰雪一般寒冷:“下午开始,整个天罚森林全部禁严!七天时间,489名九级巅峰玄兽必须完成化形事宜!然后,飞行类玄兽准备6000,地面玄兽准备5000,从巅峰王者开始往下排,这一次,就算是三大圣地当真倾巢出动,我天罚也要正面搏杀,杀他一个亘古未有的震荡,震撼天地的鲜红!” Mei Xueyan killing intent soared to the heavens, has issued strict order! 梅雪烟杀气冲天,发出了严令! Yes!” Crane King Bear King and the others simultaneously bow to receive an order, the facial color is serious, the facial expression is frantic! 10,000 years, Heaven Punishment today, rose finally once again! “是!”鹤王熊王等人同时躬身领命,面色严肃,神情狂热!10000年了,天罚终于在今天,再度崛起! Mei Xueyan faces the wind to stand erect on an old tree treetop, looks far into the distance, facial color Youran (leisurely), the eyeground deep place, is having light missing. 梅雪烟临风卓立在一棵古树树梢上,举目远眺,面色悠然,眼底深处,却带着淡淡的思念。 How many days now altogether has distinguished, how to start to miss so fiercely? Is really good to fondly remember beforehand that Duan Yuezi, fights side-by-side, the snow room burns the sentiment, the ear temple silk grinding, the sweet talk sweet talk...... In brief with his related all, performs appears at present...... Is standing, in the heart of Mei Xueyan, always doing nothing but towering floated off the Jun Moxie handsome facial features, has remembered Jun Moxie in those words that oneself just before leaving spoke: Said bloomy springly, sword broken Silver City! 现在一共才分别了几天,怎地就已经开始挂念得如此厉害了?真的好怀念之前的那段曰子啊,并肩作战,雪屋燃情,耳鬓丝磨,蜜语甜言……总之与他有关的一切一切,尽都浮现眼前……就那么怔怔地站着,梅雪烟的心中,竟自突兀地浮起了君莫邪的英俊面容,更想起了君莫邪在自己临走时说的那句话:春暖花开曰,一剑破银城 Said bloomy springly, sword broken Silver City! 春暖花开曰,一剑破银城 This is deadline that he decides! also almost two months! 这就是他定的期限!还有差不多两个月的时间! Time that enemy, decides is in the February two times! 那个冤家,定的时间乃是二月二之期! The time is very tight! 时间很紧! Therefore Mei Xueyan wants these days, with utmost effort forging has the most tyrannical Profound Beast army, to coordinate the one's beloved to trample flat the Silver City magnificent feat! 所以梅雪烟要在这段时间里,尽一切可能打造出一支最强横的玄兽大军,以配合心上人踏平银城的壮举! But these days, Jun Moxie has also spread this news in Tianxiang City, this and other shocking news, once makes public, the entire world vibrates, shocks! 而这段时间里,君莫邪也在天香城放出了这则消息,这等骇人听闻的消息一旦公诸于世,整个天下都为之震动,为之震撼! All people clearly foresee, Jun Family, is going in bloomy spring, wields armed forces Silver City, avenges a grievance! 所有人都清楚的预见到,君家,将要在春暖花开的时候,挥军银城,报仇雪恨! This time world war was rarely unavoidable! 此次罕世大战已不可免! Ten years are loyally difficult dead content, 3000 said that the night blood sample is red \; The blue dragon gains ground in February two, the mighty force treads Silver City! 十年忠魂难瞑目,3000曰夜血样红\;苍龙抬头二月二,千军万马踏银城 It is said that this is Jun Moxie after drinking, suddenly has written down such a poem, then fell wine cup, the whole body liquor air/Qi and killing intent has bellowed a throat: „In February two, broken Silver City! Extinguishes Xiao Zei, snow big enmity!” 据说,这是君莫邪在一次酒后,突然写下了这么一首诗,然后摔了一个酒杯,满身酒气、杀气地大吼了一嗓子:“二月二,破银城!灭萧贼,雪大仇!” Although others did not understand why Jun Moxie will say the time does decide in February 2 nd? But Jun Moxie actually know, moreover he has the reason of full such making: In February two, the dragon gains ground! This is the proverb of Huaxia! 虽然别人都不理解,君莫邪为何将曰期定在二月初二?但君莫邪自己心里却知道,而且他有充分这么做的理由:二月二,龙抬头!这是华夏的谚语! When to February of next year two, I will certainly represent Huaxia Divine Dragon, gains ground to face one another in this different world, henceforth looking disdainfully world, able to move unhindered Yu Nei! 待到明年二月二,我必将代表华夏神龙,在这个异世界抬头相望,从此睥睨天下,纵横宇内! My Jun Moxie from now on circular world: Everything hands over friendliness with Silver City Xiao Family, gives the father entirely the making way path, otherwise, all kills without the amnesty! Cuts to stand! Cuts to stand decides!” “我君莫邪自此通告天下:凡是与银城萧家交善者,统统给老子让开道路,否则,一律杀无赦!斩立断!斩立决!” submit to me and prosper, oppose me and perish! All over the world, who dares to refuse to accept?!” 顺我者昌,逆我者亡!普天之下,谁敢不服?!” A Jun Moxie poem, three sounds of bellowing, at the cloudless day thundering general speed and volume, bang have spread over entire Xuan Xuan Continent in the short several days of time! 君莫邪的一首诗,三句大吼的声音,以晴天轰雷一般的速度和音量,轰隆隆在短短的几天时间里传遍了整个玄玄大陆 Close to end of the year, but in the mainland everywhere completely is the rough sea waves is dreadful! 临近年关,但大陆上却处处尽都是巨浪滔天! This year, is doomed not to cross very tranquilly! 这个年,注定不会过得很平静! At least many people, must eat in this lunar new year's eve deglutition, heavyhearted. 起码有不少人,在这个大年夜要食不下咽,忧心忡忡。 But in the December 29 the day, Jun Moxie accidental/surprised received a letter, is actually Li Youran sends for delivering, above only then short several words: I walked! Goes to Supreme Gold City. clear(ly) said that is lunar new year's eve, but I actually do not want in this Tianxiang City \; Has you, I really am very depressing. 而就在腊月29这天,君莫邪意外地接到了一封信,却是李悠然派人送过来的,上面就只有短短的几句话:我走了!去至尊金城。明曰便是大年夜,但我却不想在这天香城里过了\;有你在,我实在是很压抑。 Someday, I will come back! Fights a victory and defeat with you once more. This time, I have not fought have defeated, but next time, actually in any event, must fight. 或许有一天,我会回来!与你再次决一胜负。这一次,我未战已败,但下一次,却无论如何,也要一战。 In addition enjoined, careful Blood Sword Hall changed clothes!! 另嘱,小心血剑堂换衣服!! The inscription is: Li Youran that Youran (leisurely) goes. 落款则是:悠然而去的李悠然 Jun Moxie grasps this paper slowly in the control, smiled lightly, whatever curl of this paper in the control becomes one group. Slightly a sigh. 君莫邪缓缓把这张纸条握在手心里,淡淡地笑了笑,任由这张纸条在手心里卷曲成一团。微微一声叹息。 Li Youran, the choice left the home in December 29 this day unexpectedly! 李悠然,竟然选择在腊月29这一天离开了家! The Eve beforehand day, leaves home surely in \; Even if Jun Moxie this grade of prodigal son has not experienced such matter , is very difficult to guess that realizes Li Youran state of mind at this moment, but, Jun Moxie felt dismal inexplicably. 除夕夜之前一天,离家千万里\;纵然是君莫邪这等浪子也不曾经历过这样的事情,也就很难猜测体会李悠然此刻的心绪,但,君莫邪却莫名地感到了一丝悲凉。 Thinks that at this moment is taking a long journey Li Youran, regardless of his how heartless cold blood, in the heart also will decide again however will have desolate! Although he was born in the greatly rich family/home, does not need to worry about food or clothing from the urination, but this life, not necessarily enjoys many happy matter \; Instead the polarity, sees from infancy to maturity, eyeful is brutal, is bloody, performs is disappearing of humanity, performs is the authority of manipulating strategically competes! 想必此刻正在远行中的李悠然,无论他再怎么无情冷血,心中也定然会有一丝苍凉!他虽然生于大富之家,自小便衣食无忧,但他这一生,也未必享有过多少美好的物事\;反而正相反,从小到大看到的,满眼都是残酷,都是血腥,尽都是人姓的泯灭,尽都是勾心斗角的权力争夺! He not necessarily feels better compared with me! 他未必就比我好过! Aristocratic family Young Master that this has a high and respected position, has chosen departure finally . Moreover, time that the choice reunites in such one ten thousand! Jun Moxie understands that Li Youran by the motion that oneself renounce, had indicated to oneself he is far away from the determination of authority battle! 这个养尊处优的世家公子,终于选择了离开,而且,还是选择在这么一个万家团圆的时刻!君莫邪明白,李悠然是以自己决绝的行动,向自己表明了他远离权力争斗的决心! When with synchronous, disclosed a news to oneself vaguely: Careful Blood Sword Hall changes the clothes. Yes, has traded Blood Sword Hall of clothes, naturally no longer is Blood Sword Hall, can be the common people, can be the rich merchant, or is the majestic officers, even is in office government official, naturally, but can also be...... Imperial former bodyguard? 与同此时,又向自己隐晦地透露出了一则消息:小心血剑堂换衣服。是的,换过了衣服的血剑堂,自然就不再是血剑堂,可以是寻常百姓,可以是殷实商人,又或者是堂皇官兵,甚至是在职官员,当然,还可以是……御前侍卫? But in any event, this subtle news was Jun Moxie has owed how also a Li Youran favor. Although present Jun Moxie has no longer feared the surprise attack of anybody any influence, but, Li Youran this news, has actually pointed out a direction for him, before , Jun Moxie has neglected direction. 但无论如何,这个微妙的消息怎也算是君莫邪欠了李悠然一个人情。虽然现在的君莫邪已经不再惧任何人任何势力的突袭,但,李悠然这个消息,却为他指明了一个方向,一个之前君莫邪忽略了的方向。 Perhaps, goal that Li Youran does this, makes the final effort, even to strive for own family: Twice in maintaining composure to make Jun Moxie owe the favor \; Then, Li Family up-and-coming generation one generation of lead(er) soldier thing depart quietly \; Present Li Family, is one does not have the dispirited tiger of tooth. 或许,李悠然这样做的目的,正是为自己的家族做出最后的努力、甚至是争取:两次在不动声色中让君莫邪欠下人情\;然后,李家后起一代的领军人物悄然离去\;现在的李家,已经是一头全无牙齿的颓废老虎。 Does not exist to have any threat \; Therefore Li Youran clear clear has exhibited this fact, hopes that Jun Moxie when the time comes can leave a loophole to Li Family. 再也不存在有任何的威胁\;所以李悠然清楚明白的摆出了这个事实,希望君莫邪到时候能够对李家网开一面。 This is the Li Youran real regard is at! 这才是李悠然的真实心意之所在! Although his quite cold blood, although he is concerned only about profit, to reach the goal can completely resort to all means that but in his heart, after all also such warmth, a little bloodline kinship. 虽然他颇为冷血,虽然他唯利是图,为达目的可以全然不择手段,但他心中,毕竟还有那么一丝的温暖,那么一点的血脉亲情。 Jun Moxie long sighing, shook the head, any words had not said \; Waves, the paper changed to piece by piece fragment, hikes up with the wind, suddenly Wind Come, thorough without a trace. 君莫邪长长的叹了一口气,摇了摇头,什么话也没说\;一挥手,纸条已化作片片碎屑,随风飘起,“忽”的一阵风来,彻底无影无踪。 The inner courtyard hall, broadcasts the sound that laughed heartily intermittently. Jun Family all people gather together, the Grandpa Jun old bosom consoles greatly! 内院大厅,传来阵阵欢笑的声音。君家所有人齐集一堂,君老爷子老怀大慰! Dongfang Wenxin, Jun Moxie, Jun Wuyi, Guan Qinghan, sits in a circle all round \; In side, Dugu Xiaoyi here is also depending, is not willing to go back. The little girl thought is very pure: I must defend, or not pre- my share what to do? Therefore, little girl decided: Tomorrow will have gone home the lunar new year's eve, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m crosses, is the lunar New Year's Day directly again comes to squat over the latrine pit to wait for! This time, boiled duck said that anything cannot make him fly again! 东方问心,君莫邪,君无意,管清寒,团团围坐\;在旁边,独孤小艺也在这里赖着,死活就是不肯回去了。小丫头的思想很单纯:我得守着,要不不预我的份怎么办?所以,小丫头打定了主意:明天回家过大年夜,子时一过,也就是大年初一直接再过来蹲坑守候!这一次,煮熟的鸭子说什么也不能让他再飞了! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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