OEM :: Volume #7

#650: Strength leap Heavenly Punishment

„?! Uh?! What?” He Chongxiao thorough was at a loss, sits on the ground directly, made an effort to shake the head, hurried to pull out the ear: could it be I was hit by the Boss silly, presented the phonism? Hadn't you crazily punched our for this vitality/angry a moment ago? How the present also saying that which this with which...... volume, my meaning actually said...... Since has made into this appearance...... Cannot restore the original design. That makes the best of a bad situation, you might as well makes the best use of things , to continue to construct also and that's the end......” Mei Xueyan also to know own this matter puts in order many some not to be atypical, blushes, glances the circulation, is actually the ominous said/tunnel: What's wrong? Do you also dare not to want?” “啊?!?!啥?”鹤冲霄彻底的迷惘了,直接一屁股坐在地上,用力晃了晃脑袋,赶紧掏了掏耳朵:难道我被老大打傻了,都出现幻听了?刚才您不就是为了这个生气才狂揍了我们一顿?怎地现在又这么说,这都哪跟哪啊……“额,我的意思其实是说……既然已经弄成这个样子了……也恢复不了原样了。那就将错就错吧,索姓就物尽其用吧,继续建下去也就是了……”梅雪烟也知道自己这事整得多少有些不地道,红着脸,眼波流转,却是凶巴巴地道:“怎么?你们还敢不愿意吗?” What meter? Did the Boss blush? Aren't we are having a dream?! 啥米?老大脸红了?我们不是在做梦吧?! Wants...... Wants......” six king heads also to short-circuit instantaneously, expressions are stupid, nods again and again. “愿意愿意……非常愿意……”六王脑袋瞬间同时短路,一个个表情痴呆,连连点头。 That...... That here first this......” Mei Xueyan was angry smiles the angry expression, shamed also happily was transferring the eyeball, suddenly heavily stamped the feet: Your several people who is all brawn and no brains come with me! I have the words to ask you!” “那……那这里就先这样了吧……”梅雪烟似嗔似笑似怒的表情,亦羞亦喜的转着眼珠,突然重重的一跺脚:“你们几个夯货跟我过来!我有话要问你们!” Wisp of fragrant wind, whiz, when flutters first \; Venerable Mei thought on own face was feeling hot, was too awkward...... Six Beast King look at each other in blank dismay, is puzzling \; This what's the matter? But in a people of heart has a common sober cognition: Today this punches, ironclad was white Ai! Moreover treats unjustly, treats unjustly Third Level...... Snake Queen Qian Xun is pale the face, said: Your several have not hurried quickly in the past! What stares is making? Also wants to take a beating?......” Suddenly covers the face the sob, whiz walking. 一缕香风,“嗖”的当先飘走\;梅尊者已经觉得自己脸上在发烫了,太尴尬了……六位兽王面面相觑,百思不得其解\;这到底咋回事?但人人心中都有一个共同的清醒的认知:今天这顿揍,铁定是白挨了!而且还是冤枉的,冤枉加三级啊……蛇王芊寻铁青着脸,道:“你们几个还不赶紧快过去!一个个愣着做什么?还想挨揍啊?呜……”突然掩面哭泣,“嗖”的走了。 She has not taken a beating, how actually to cry? What view is this?” Six Beast King simultaneously shocked. The fact that fuck, has today was unreliably was too imaginary, did not have one of the reason to teach turns has punched crazily \; Will the Boss blush unexpectedly also? These also return forget it, the person who will take a beating again in the future has not cried, the person who has not taken a beating sadly has actually cried, this is any view...... Mei Xueyan occupies the seat of honor high, following seven king divide/allocate make two rows, several are pulling out the cold air/Qi carefully, occasionally traces the sores with the hand, then another does grin...... „the youngest not to go out?” Mei Xueyan knit the brows. “她又没挨揍,怎地却哭了?这是个什么说法呢?”六位兽王同时震惊了。我靠,今天发生的事实在是太玄幻了,没来由的一顿教训变成了狂揍\;老大居然也会脸红?这些也还罢了,再往后挨揍的人还没哭,没挨揍的人却伤心的哭了,这是什么说法呢……梅雪烟高居首座,下面七王分作两列,一个个几位小心地抽着冷气,偶尔用手摸摸伤处,便又一咧嘴……“老幺还未出关吗?”梅雪烟皱了皱眉。 Yes.” Six kings are submissive, brief and to the point. “是。”六王低眉顺眼,言简意赅。 Un, reported in advance various report tribal group Ninth Level above Profound Beast to have many specifically, I listen, I wanted the detailed figures.” Mei Xueyan snort/hum, said. “嗯,先报报各族群九级以上的玄兽具体有多少,我听听,我要详细数目字。”梅雪烟哼了一声,说道。 Bear Clan now Ninth Level above Profound Beast 1764 heads, the Ninth Level 824 heads, the Ninth Level Middle Rank 640 heads, Ninth Level peak is just the entire 300 heads.” Xiong Kaishan honest reply. 熊族现在九级以上玄兽1764头,其中九级824头,九级中阶640头,九级巅峰刚好是整300头。”熊开山老老实实的回答。 „The Crane Clan Ninth Level above strength altogether has 2169, Ninth Level 1184, Ninth Level Middle Rank 740, the big crane quantity of peak level are less, only then less than 250 appearances.” He Chongxiao said. 鹤族九级以上的战力共有2169只,其中九级1184只,九级中阶740只,巅峰层次的大鹤数量少一些,只有不到250只的样子。”鹤冲霄道。 Above Hawk Clan Ninth Level total more than 4800, Ninth Level 3600, Ninth Level Middle Rank 1050, peak only has 157.” Hawk King appears somewhat ashamed, is his tribal group Ninth Level are most, but the peak big hawk instead is least. 鹰族九级以上共计4800余,九级3600,九级中阶1050,巅峰只有157只。”鹰王显得有些惭愧,就属他的族群九级最多,但巅峰的大鹰反而是最少。 Above Tiger Clan Ninth Level 700, Ninth Level Primary Rank does not have, Middle Rank 400, peak 300.” Hu Liede grins. 虎族九级以上共700,其中九级初阶没有,中阶400,巅峰300。”胡裂地咧着嘴。 Above Monkey Clan Ninth Level total 2500, Ninth Level Primary Rank 1400, Middle Rank 600, peak 500.” Some Monkey King Hóu qī expression anguished, in all Profound Beast tribal groups, with his tribal group is most difficult to manage \; A while ago, but he was injured backed up First Level, the hand/surbordinate rebellion many, many of being ready to make trouble, to his relative serious of prestigious attack, if not he resulted in the medicine to make the itself strength increase by the Jun Moxie donation, promoted to the Supreme above level, only feared that already gave birth to the accident! 猴族九级以上共计2500,其中九级初阶1400,中阶600,巅峰500。”猴王候七表情有些苦涩,所有玄兽族群中,就以他的这个族群最难管理\;前段时间他受伤倒退一阶,手下造反的可是不少,蠢蠢欲动的更多,对他的威信打击的相当严重,若非他以君莫邪赠予得药物使得本身实力大增,晋升至至尊以上层次,只怕早已生出变故了! „The Monkey Clan matter, meets me to begin to process personally!” Mei Xueyan coldly looked at his one eyes: thing, you cannot control including hand/surbordinate, but also works as any King!” 猴族的事,一会我会亲自着手处理!”梅雪烟冷冷看了他一眼:“混账东西,连手下你都管不了,还当什么王者!” Boss, I......” Hóu qī is somewhat disheartened, is somewhat suffering from injustice. Since injury, he thought that cultivation base is hard-won, regarding Challenger, he often has sincerely, feared that let slip to kill, particularly after the strength increased, everywhere hand/surbordinate was forgiving, but his hand/surbordinate group monkey did not know good from bad, unexpectedly was more and more obviously rampant...... softhearted, forever could not become the important matter!” Mei Xueyan coldly snorted, looks to Lion King. “老大,我……”候七有些丧气,也有些委屈。自从受伤之后,他更觉得一身修为得来不易,对于挑战者,他时常心存厚道,更怕一失手打死了,尤其是实力大增之后,更是处处手下留情,可他手下的群猴不知好歹,竟是越来越显猖獗……“心慈手软,永远成不得大事!”梅雪烟一声冷哼,看向狮王 Above Lion Clan Ninth Level 3600, Ninth Level Primary Rank 1700, Middle Rank 1500, peak 400.” Lion King Shi Buchou grinning, said: Originally 3605, challenge that but five did not keep eyes open a while ago I, my ripped while still alive. Now was just more honest than the small lion of birth.” Shi Buchou self-satisfied smiling. 狮族九级以上3600,其中九级初阶1700,中阶1500,巅峰400。”狮王石不愁咧了咧嘴,道:“本来有3605个,不过前段时间有五个不长眼的挑战我,被我一个个的活活撕了。现在一个个的比刚出生的小狮子还要老实。”石不愁得意的笑了笑。 Good that rips! The tumultuous times use the severe laws, the might to punish! Also some thinks that the plan of superior, must pay the price the courage!” The Mei Xueyan surface sinks like the water, slowly nod. “撕的好!乱世用重典,强权以严惩!既有想上位的打算,就要有付出代价的勇气!”梅雪烟面沉如水,缓缓点头。 Above snake clan Ninth Level 4300, Ninth Level Primary Rank 3000, Middle Rank 700, peak 600.” Snake Queen Qian Xun forget about it in the heart fell into a trap, said. “蛇族方面九级以上4300,九级初阶3000,中阶700,巅峰600。”蛇王芊寻在心中计算了一下,道。 Good!” The Mei Xueyan applause smiled. “不错!”梅雪烟赞许地笑了笑。 Finally is the Leopard Clan situation, Leopard Clan, since lost predecessor Leopard King, new Leopard King had not produced \; These days actually everyone refuses to accept, hit make a move greatly several times, calculates carefully around died ten.” Xiong Kaishan is speaking haltingly, steals a glance looks at the Mei Xueyan complexion. After the Leopard King body dies, then temporarily is governed Leopard Clan by Bear King \; That fellows are quite dishonest, said again Bear King is a quite lazy person...... At present has the confusion, how accident/surprise does not calculate. “最后是豹族的情况,豹族自从失去了前任豹王,新的豹王一直没有产生\;这段时间里相互之间倒是谁也不服,大打出手了好几次,仔细算来前后已经死了十来个了。”熊开山嗫嚅着,偷眼看着梅雪烟的脸色。豹王身死之后,便由熊王暂时掌管豹族\;只是那帮家伙颇为不老实,再说熊王又是一个比较懒的人……眼下出现混乱,并不算如何的意外 Said that specific number, I do not listen to this.” Mei Xueyan look one cold: In the afternoon I will let Leopard Clan is well happy one happily.” One hear of this saying, on numerous king face have simultaneously revealed to take joy in other people's misfortunes expression. “说个具体人数,我不听这个。”梅雪烟眼神一寒:“下午我会让豹族的好好乐一乐。”一听这话,众王脸上同时露出了幸灾乐祸神色 Leopard Clan, above Ninth Level 3900, Ninth Level Primary Rank 2100, Middle Rank 1300, peak 500.” Xiong Kaishan said. 豹族,九级以上3900,九级初阶2100,中阶1300,巅峰500。”熊开山道。 En, also Roc Clan? Since Old Second leaves, now also how many?” Mei Xueyan look one gloomy, asked. “恩,还有鹏族呢?自从老二离开之后,现在还有多少?”梅雪烟眼神一黯,问道。 Roc Clan currently the idea has above Ninth Level 1100, Ninth Level Primary Rank 500, Middle Rank 370 people, peak 230.” He Chongxiao sighed. Said: also youngest's Eagle Clan, Ninth Level above 4600 people, Primary Rank 2900, Middle Rank 1200, peak 500.” 鹏族现在计有九级以上的1100只,九级初阶500,中阶370人,巅峰230。”鹤冲霄叹了口气。道:“还有老幺的雕族,九级以上4600人,初阶2900,中阶1200,巅峰500。” Eagle Clan develops these days quite well, this point, crane Old Third you have lasting achievements \; However Roc Clan...... Good, said in the afternoon again!” Mei Xueyan deeply frowns, said slowly: At present first creates several King is the urgent matter.” 雕族这段时间可是发展得相当的不错,这一点,鹤老三你功不可没\;不过鹏族……好吧,下午再说!”梅雪烟深深皱着眉头,缓缓道:“眼下先造就出几个王者才是当务之急。” How many King creates to come out? 造就几个王者出来? Hears this language suddenly, kings somewhat are also dizzy. 骤闻此语,众王也不禁有些晕。 Profound Beast King, can accomplishment? Although today's shock were many enough, but present shocks most newly, was still too astonishing a point, this also too profound imaginary?! 玄兽的王者,也是可以“造就”的吗?虽然今天的震撼已经足够多了,但眼前的这份最新震撼,仍自是太惊人了一点,这也太“玄幻”了吧?! This afternoon, will soon achieve strongly to change from breakthrough Realm all Ninth Level peak Profound Beast entire Heavenly Punishment in changes to this!” Mei Xueyan is issuing the verbal command lightly, although the expression is pale, actually conceals is stricting enforcement of orders and bans sternly, such as the impressive and dignified manner of mountain. “今天下午,把整个天罚之内即将达到化形突破境界的所有九级巅峰玄兽都集中到这变来!”梅雪烟淡淡地发布着号令,语气虽淡,却隐含着令行禁止、森严如山的威仪。 „Was Boss, the brother-in-law has given your many good Medicinal Pill?” Xiong Kaishan eyes shined, asked greatly excitedly. Saying, the corners of the mouth flowed out the saliva unexpectedly, ci slid one to attract, again that pair that coordinated him to carve panda eye, must funnily be funny seriously. “老大,是不是姐夫给了你不少的好丹药啊?”熊开山眼睛一亮,大是兴奋地问道。说着,嘴角居然流出了口水,跐溜一声又吸了进去,再配合上他刻下的那双“熊猫眼”,当真是要多滑稽就多滑稽。 Un, truly has given much. This time, our Heavenly Punishment strength must leap finally enormously, 3 Sacred & 1 Ominous no longer again has, only has ominous three sages!” Mei Xueyan also revealed one smiling, in the eyes had the color of expectation: Now Old Third Old Four, in Ninth Level peak Profound Beast, close changes from probably how many?” “嗯,确实是给了不少。这一次,我们天罚的实力终于要有个极大的飞跃了,三圣一凶不复再有,只有一凶三圣!”梅雪烟也露出了一丝浅浅的笑,眼中有憧憬之色:“老三老四,现在九级巅峰玄兽中,接近化形的大概有多少?” He Chongxiao and Xiong Kaishan have exchanged the period of time respective information greatly intensely, this said: Achieves changes from standard about 500, I and Old Four have counted in detail, the concrete accurate figure generally is 489 heads, the Boss, you also know \; Profound Beast changes from this matter, since a big hinder that solid our generation Profound Beast most difficulty crosses close, our Heavenly Punishment all previous dynasties, each generation has changed from has this figures basically, even must be more, but can rush finally has successfully changed from this pass/test, never has any time over 20. Majority so stay in Riikka lived, until passing away......” 鹤冲霄熊开山大是紧张的交换了一阵子各自的情报,这才道:“达到化形标准的大约有500左右,我和老四详细的统计了一下,具体的准确数字大抵是489头,老大,您也知道\;玄兽化形这种事,实在我辈玄兽最难度过的一大关碍,我们天罚历代以来,每代接近化形的基本都有这个数目字,甚至还要更多一些,但最后能够成功闯过化形这一关的,却从未有任何一次超过20个。大多数就这般停留在原里卡住,直到老死……” He Chongxiao sighed, said: Medicinal Pill that previous Old Four they bring, our one, really greatly is the wonderful effectiveness, everyone has promoted at least First Level, Lion King and Monkey King directly promotes two steps, the strength fled directly! But that Divine Medicine, before can have , the next best number invites a day of good fortune, cannot present several hundred all of a sudden, is chooses some strengths strongly gives and ensure they change from smoothly......” 鹤冲霄叹了口气,道:“上次老四他们带回来的丹药,我们每人一份,果然大是神效,每个人都提升了至少一阶,狮王猴王都是直接提升两阶,实力直接窜了上来!但那种神药,能有前次之数已经是邀天之幸,总不能一下子出现几百份,是不是挑选一些实力最强的给予,确保他们顺利化形……” The crane four was relating slowly, the split vision of corner of the eye secretly was actually sizing up the Mei Xueyan complexion, although said greatly not optimistically, but the hope in voice was actually obvious. 鹤四缓缓地诉说着,眼角的余光却在偷偷地打量着梅雪烟的脸色,虽然说得大不乐观,但语音之中的希冀却是显而易见。 The Mei Xueyan surface sinks like the water, brow is wrinkling slightly, as if is also anxious anything. The He Chongxiao heart sinks, speech also more said that was more insipid. 梅雪烟面沉如水,眉头微微皱着,似乎也在忧虑着什么。鹤冲霄不由心头一沉,说话也是越说越没劲了。 „The truth that you said I understand, this Ninth Level peak Profound Beast puts each tribal group, although are not many, but puts together, actually is also several thousand numbers, looks for these many Spirit Pill marvelous medicines to where.” Mei Xueyan deep say/way. “你说的道理我何尝不懂,这一次九级巅峰玄兽放到各个族群,虽然不算很多,但加在一起,却也是数千之数,到哪里去找这么多的灵丹妙药。”梅雪烟深沉的道。 The people sighed with one voice. 众人齐声叹息。 First partially therefore also has to change from this first promotes and ensure they can charge this important pass safely, as for the later matter, later again said.” Mei Xueyan came to gasp for breath unexpectedly greatly. “所以也只好先将这部分能够化形的先提升起来,确保他们能安然闯过这个关口,至于以后的事,以后再说吧。”梅雪烟竟是来了个大喘气。 „? ~! What?” People suddenly stares dumbfounded, He Chongxiao long mouth, almost the dislocation, the speech stutters: Old...... Boss...... Greatly your you... A moment ago... What said? Five...... Five hundred Ninth Level peak change from Profound Beast one...... Together breakthrough?” “啊?~!啥?”众人顿时瞠目结舌,鹤冲霄长嘴巴一张,几乎脱臼,说话都结结巴巴起来:“老老……老大……大你你…刚才…说啥?五……五百九级巅峰化形玄兽一……一起突破?” What issue has?” Mei Xueyan strange looked at his one eyes: could it be aren't you glad? If you are not glad, Crane Clan can not participate in this time advanced!” “有什么问题吗?”梅雪烟奇怪的看了他一眼:“难道你不乐意?要是你不乐意,鹤族可以不参与这次的进阶!” My my I... It is not... It is not... You... I... Awooo......” He Chongxiao jumped suddenly all of a sudden, in the mouth sends out howling that Tiger King is in sole possession, numerous king almost thinks that this old crane sudden incarnation did become the tiger? “我我我…不是…不是…你…我…嗷呜……”鹤冲霄突然一下子蹦了起来,口中发出一声虎王独有的吼叫,众王几乎以为这头老鹤突然化身成老虎了? ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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