OEM :: Volume #7

#649: A Xueyan anger!

He Chongxiao spoke of afterward, has smiled two, thinks that said is appropriate \; Actually sees the Mei Xueyan complexion unexpectedly is more and more ugly, to afterward directly was the overcast sky, momentarily the possible thunder, finally He Chongxiao according to the circumstances early, Lima one startled to be quiet \; In heart secret disturbed: Is could it be I have not done enough is clear? 鹤冲霄说到后来,笑了两声,自以为说得很是得体\;却见梅雪烟的脸色竟是越来越难看,到后来直接就是阴云密布,随时可能电闪雷鸣,总算鹤冲霄见机得早,利马一惊住嘴\;心中暗暗忐忑:难道是我表达得还不够清楚? Xiong Kaishan, Hu Liede... Your these two thing...... Does the good deed... Hehe......” the Mei Xueyan short of breath, instead suppressed several to smile, the expression collected very much dangerously goes excessively, gloomy say|way: Originally I have gotten married...... How doesn't this news my this litigant actually know?!” 熊开山,胡裂地…你们这两个玩意……做得好事…呵呵呵……”梅雪烟气急,反而憋出来了几声笑,表情很危险地凑过头去,阴沉沉的道:“原来我已经成亲了……怎地这个消息我这个当事人却不知道?!” „...... This... That that...” Xiong Kaishan and Hu Liede two Zhang Damao faces twisted in a twinkling, reddens all over the face, opened mouth is dumbfounded, cannot speak. “啊……这个这个…那个那个…”熊开山胡裂地两张大毛脸霎时间扭曲了起来,满脸通红,张口结舌,说不出话来。 Also with my this that? My did in the end get married with whom? Kissing when I become?” Mei Xueyan in the eyes braves the spark, has collected step by step, sudden sonic boom roar: Xiong Kaishan! Hu Liede! you two thing raised the head visits me!” “还跟我这这那那?我到底跟谁成亲了?我什么时候成的亲?”梅雪烟眼中冒着火花,一步步凑了上来,突然一声爆吼:“熊开山胡裂地你们两个玩意抬起头来看着我!” Xiong Kaishan shake chaff trembles, complexion must be similar to painstakingly must drop out the juice, a pair of hands and feet completely did not have the putting place. 熊开山筛糠似地哆嗦起来,脸色苦得如同要滴出汁来,一双手脚全然都没了个放处。 Suddenly one dull, He Chongxiao jumps Old tall, cries out strangely, the sound transposition: Bear Old Four! Your you...... Is news that your this bastard has unexpectedly false? Hasn't the Boss gotten married? But you unexpectedly...... Unexpectedly!......” Sudden suddenly Chi: Your big courage! To die!” 蓦然一呆,鹤冲霄一跳老高,怪叫起来,声音都变了调:“熊老四!你你你……你这混蛋带回来的消息竟是假的?老大没成亲?而你居然……居然!……”突然一声暴叱:“你好大的胆子!想死啊!” This, that... Sooner or later must become......” in the Xiong Kaishan nose gasped for breath secretly, small has gone against one, flipped the eyelid. “这个,那个…早晚也要成的……”熊开山鼻子里偷偷地喘了口气,小小的顶了一句,翻了翻眼皮。 Your you...... Your this thing! You urge me to make this matter that unexpectedly slandered the Boss fame and integrity...... Makes such big joke! Your unexpectedly also principle? Also dares to refute?” He Chongxiao heavily is angry. Xiong Kaishan brings back to the news, but Heaven Punishment Forest all, are actually he mobilize the arrangement...... How can not be unhurried? “你你……你这混账东西!你居然撺掇着我做出这等污蔑老大名节的事……闹出这么大一个笑话!你竟然还有理?还敢反驳?”鹤冲霄重重大怒。熊开山只是带回消息,但天罚森林的一切,却是他动员安排的……如何能不慌? „Do you still shout there? Shuts up to me!” Mei Xueyan turns head wickedly, looks at He Chongxiao: Said again I twist and break your thin neck!” “你还在那里嚷嚷?给我闭嘴!”梅雪烟恶狠狠地一扭头,看着鹤冲霄:“再多说一句我就拧断你的细脖子!” The He Chongxiao whole body trembled, hurries to shut up close to, a few words does not dare to say. 鹤冲霄浑身一哆嗦,赶紧闭上了嘴巴,一句话也不敢说了。 Big Sister...... This was the brother-in-law makes us such make......” Xiong Kaishan unable to bear this huge pressure finally, the crying clamor said: Boss...... I to you am a loyalty, but Zhao said the moon/month......” 大姐……这可是姐夫让我们这么做地……”熊开山终于承受不住这巨大的压力,哭咧咧的说了出来:“老大……我对您是一片忠心,可昭曰月……” Hehehehe......” head blue vein rampage of Mei Xueyan air/Qi, the sorption air/Qi asked: Is Jun Moxie?” These words one, the people are the complexion are strange: Aren't you do not acknowledge? How a saying brother-in-law you said that is Jun Moxie? “哦嗬嗬嗬嗬……”梅雪烟气的头上青筋一个劲的暴跳,吸着气问道:“是君莫邪?”这句话一出,众人都是脸色怪异:您不是不承认吗?怎地一说姐夫您就说是君莫邪 Yes...... Is is.” A Xiong Kaishan heart loosen, cries out hurriedly: Boss, we for hello, the brother-in-law are the good people, you......” “是……是是是。”熊开山心头一松,急忙叫唤起来:“老大,我们是为了你好,姐夫是好人,您……” The chest of Mei Xueyan air/Qi fierce fluctuating, she is pale the face, has shut the eye slightly, deeply gasped for breath, suddenly opens eyes, the thunder bellows generally: I must kill your this group of thing! Dies entirely to me, today does not make your peach blossom everywhere to open, why you do not know the flower different kind red!” 梅雪烟的胸膛气得剧烈起伏,她铁青着脸,微微闭了闭眼睛,深深地喘了一口气,突然睁开眼,电闪雷鸣一般大吼一声:“我要打死你们这一帮混账东西!统统给我死来,今天不弄你们一个桃花漫天开,你们就不知道花儿为什么别样红!” Can say Venerable Mei of such fantastic talk, obviously was already thorough enraged! 能说出这样昏话的梅尊者,明显是已经彻底暴走了! Inexplicable within, the Mei Xueyan personal appearance like electricity, hits make a move greatly...... Bang bang bang...... The Heaven Punishment Forest deep place, the dust is filling the heavens! 莫名间,梅雪烟身形如电,大打出手……嘭嘭嘭……天罚森林深处,尘土弥天! Does Beast King completely to be punched by Great Beauty Mei, one tidies up roundly, do not look that the audiences Beast King strength has progressive greatly, increased Superior Supreme, but in front of own Big Sister anything is not, don't said that the strength was inferior, even if can contend with that not to dare to revolt against the place. 一干兽王尽被梅大美人饱以老拳,痛快淋漓地一顿收拾,别看众兽王实力大有进步,已攀升到了至尊之上,但在自家大姐面前什么都不是,莫说实力本就不及,就算可以抗衡那是不敢反抗地。 The stretch of vast open area that He Chongxiao and other Beast King taking the trouble strength of build, has not wasted, became excellent place that they are abused. The vigorous and healthy body rubber balls were thrown generally, then falls, was stroked to fly, the sound of pitiful yell, one by one is continuously pitiful, called one by one loudly...... Do not look to call so pitifully, resembling is the condition geomancy, regulations numerous position Beast King actually completely the feelings of feeling relieved, that is: The Boss starts not heavily! Has not all imagined is so heavy, at least was not ruthless like before...... This time, although looked that on face the violent anger must look awful, but...... The people were also selected the physical suffering. 鹤冲霄兽王费尽了心力营造出来的这一片辽阔空地,一点都没浪费,成为了他们受虐的大好场所。一个个健壮的身体皮球一般被抛起,然后落下,接着又被击打飞起,惨叫的声音此起彼伏,一声比一声凄惨,一个比一个叫得更大声……别看叫得如此凄惨,似是状况堪舆,实则众位兽王却尽都有一种如释重负的感觉,那就是:老大下手不重啊!全没有想象中的那么沉重,起码不像以前那么狠……这一次,虽然看脸上已经暴怒得不成样子,但……众人也只是受点皮肉之苦而已。 Yes, is only the physical suffering, will not present genuine severely wounded internal injury anything, starting that the Boss carves extremely has the discretion, numerous position Beast King look like truly is tidied up distressedly arrives at the extreme, the regulations are not actually affected much \; All Beast King completely are Pi Zaorou the thick generations, what this does slightly tidy up has at the worst? 是的,就只是皮肉之苦,绝不会出现真正重伤内伤什么的,老大刻下的下手可谓极有分寸,众位兽王看起来确实被收拾得狼狈到极点,实则却是毫无大碍\;所有兽王尽都是皮燥肉厚之辈,这点小收拾有啥大不了的? Almost is not including the physical suffering, the physical suffering must broken select the oil skin, this also hurts a meeting! Even might as well everybody ordinary duel time, unknowingly was selected slightly to injure seriously! 几乎连皮肉之苦都算不上,皮肉之苦还得破点油皮呢,这也就疼一会!甚至还不如大家平常切磋的时候,不经意受点小伤来得严重! However...... Under Boss' face wants comes \; Therefore numerous position Beast King called more pitiful \; Is with a sudden burst to call to hurt, that sound, as if suffered any brutal torture to be common simply. 不过呢……老大的脸面还是要下的来地\;所以众位兽王叫得更加凄惨起来\;一个个都是卯足了劲叫疼,那声音,简直就仿佛是遭受了什么残酷至极的酷刑一般。 Ah~ ~~~ Xiong Kaishan melodious was calling, was kicked winkingly, dancing with joy from the sky flew, then called out pitifully loudly: Aiya, the Big Sister good strength of legs, my bone must break......” 啊~~~~”熊开山抑扬顿挫的叫着,挤眉弄眼地被踢了起来,手舞足蹈的在空中飞行,然后大声惨叫:“哎呀,大姐好脚力,我的骨头要断啦……” Ao~ ~~~ Hu Liede studies the type place to call out pitifully according to model sad and shrill, the expression that the whole face hemorrhoids burst flew, covers the buttocks to yell: My buttocks crack two petals......” 嗷~~~~”胡裂地依样学样地凄厉惨叫着,满脸痔疮破裂的表情飞了起来,捂着屁股大叫:“我的屁股都裂成两瓣啦……” All person completely simultaneously despise, this person who is all brawn and no brains, will blow a boast not to blow, whose buttocks won't be two petal drops? 所有人尽都齐齐鄙视,这夯货,吹个大话都不会吹,谁屁股不是两瓣滴? Aiya ~~~ Shi Buchou holds the head to be trampled to fly, bellows: Big Sister is really fierce, my this leg must break......” 哎呀~~~”石不愁捧着脑袋被踹飞,大吼一声:“大姐真是厉害,我这腿都要断啦……” Everybody are one despises: What can the leg break you to hold the head to cry out? Acts in a play cannot! 大伙又是一顿鄙视:腿要断了你抱着脑袋叫唤啥?演戏都不会! Hu~ ~~ Monkey King a series of somersaults turn, raises a clamor: Boss foot is really ruthless, kicked me did dozens somersaults......” “呜呼~~~”猴王一连串的跟头翻上去,大叫大嚷:“老大这一脚真狠啊,将我踢得翻了好几十个筋斗哇……” Quite pain! Hurts Ah~ really ~~~ “好疼啊!真疼啊~~~~” Numerous position Beast King simply simultaneously together bellows, roar landslide cracks in the earth, roar saying that again moon/month does not have the light, three roars are jubilant. 众位兽王干脆齐齐一起大吼,一吼山崩地裂,再吼曰月无光,三吼兴高采烈。 Boss forgives! ~~~ begs for mercy together, the momentum expands, does not beg for mercy likely, the reversed image teased...... Before Mei Xueyan, sees this, in the heart without doubt is very pissed off, however heart actually faintly somewhat shames happily, this is actually youngest daughter's disturbed mood, but this embarrassed mood actually really does not facilitate to reveal that has to find an excuse is angry, vents, may conceal own mood, make a move naturally is also point especially to namely stops and lifts lightly, if heavy. “老大饶命啊!~~~”一起求饶,声势壮大,不像是求饶,倒像是戏谑……梅雪烟之前看到这一幕,心中无疑是很生气的,然而心底却又隐隐有些羞喜,这却是小女儿的忐忑情怀,而这种不好意思的情绪却又实在不方便表露出来,就只好借故大怒,发泄一下,也可借此掩饰一下自己的心情,出手自然也就是格外的点到即止、举轻若重。 But she has not thought that this group of fellows thick skin meat are thick, the facial skin is also coarse, in addition intently intestines, the head will not turn round \; Since looked at is in itself not real pissed off, you did develop not to act in a play also on the past? 但她却怎么也没想到这帮家伙们皮粗肉厚,脸皮也糙,再加上一个个直愣愣的肠子,脑袋根本就不会拐弯\;既然已经看出来了自己并不是真的生气,那你们演演戏不也就过去了? Which knows that this group of people who is all brawn and no brains act in a play unexpectedly not the joint performance, is one by one more awful, called to afterward unexpectedly the direct calling pain jubilantly \; This at all was not has been taking a beating, whose voice but is bigger than...... Has a look again, on their faces also dreaded, is somewhat cautious \; Now unexpectedly grins directly, lights up with pleasure, winks, in high spirits, sticks out one's tongue mutually makes faces...... Is this is taking a beating or is celebrating the new year? 哪知道这帮夯货竟是连演戏也不会演,一个比一个更糟糕,到后来居然直接一个一个的叫痛都叫得兴高采烈\;这根本不是在挨揍了,而是在比谁的嗓门大了……再看看,原本他们脸上还有些畏惧,有些拘谨\;现在居然直接是一个个咧着嘴,喜笑颜开,挤眉弄眼,兴高采烈,互相伸着舌头做着鬼脸……这是在挨揍还是在过年? Right now, on the Mei Xueyan face may really unable to hang. Elegant face one red, becomes angry out of shame really! Therefore in hand strength fierce promotion on foot a suitable altitude...... Aiya............ Mother...... Help...... Forgives! 这下子,梅雪烟脸上可就真的挂不住了。俏脸一红,真真的恼羞成怒!于是手上脚上的力量猛的提升到了一个相当的高度……哎呀……啊……妈呀……救命啊……饶命啊! A series of Aaah the pitiful yell sound has made a sound once again, these time not compared with a moment ago \; Everybody could hear a moment ago, the sound was seemingly pitiful, volume is great, the regulations were not painful \; But at present this time is actually fully opposite \; Six Beast King completely contort one's face in agony, hissing hissing is pulling out the cold air/Qi, understood at a glance that hurts from the bone...... Moreover the meaning of continually yelling cannot rise, light pull out the cold air, was really too pain, in the look full was the pain puzzles: Was this? How does the wind and cloud change approaches suddenly? could it be everybody's fervor performance was not in place a moment ago, is the tiger nine plays is too definitely inferior, or is the monkey seven plays is too artificial...... Also I develop good, had been implicated by these people who is all brawn and no brains, too assigned evilly...... pēng pēng bang bang bang pēng pēng...... The heavy blows hit uninterruptedly on this that face, must in a minute, representative Heaven Punishment Forest highest strength the majority of member of No. 1 group, completely black and blue, the long mouth of He Chongxiao was almost broken, Xiong Kaishan this Bear King turned into bear Elvis directly, Tiger King is hit unexpectedly has seriously appeared the primary form, all over the body pure white, did not have a big tiger of mixed wool, was seized the tail to throw the midair to tamper again maliciously, turned roll one's eyes to faint, the tiger seemingly also changed getting sick cat...... Monkey King was hit generally like the rubber ball in the airborne continual tumbling, this time is not spontaneous, because of being used to surname function of external force, in the brain thunders endless, Lion King hehe the talent crawls, instantly also does not have by 110 heavy blows hits interrupted on the face, the whole face peach blossom opens the star-studded sky revolutions, sways but actually, changed has been the pig head king directly...... Hawk King aquiline nose also almost made into the pug-dog nose...... Snake Queen that at the same time observes originally cheerfully, carves is the complexion is pallid, the whole body shivers. That applauded to cheer a moment ago, the strength that cheered loudly already threw into beyond the highest heavens, arrived at that two eyes to be afterward straight again...... My obediently! Originally the Boss was really pissed off...... Finally, Mei Xueyan long vented anger, the abnormal posture falls exquisitely comes, looks indifferently lies down in the kings of ground lying this way and that snort|hum a sound track: What kind of? Can everybody enjoy oneself to the full? This satisfied a craving? How not to cry out, which a moment ago that strength!” 一连串啊啊嗷嗷的惨叫声再度响了起来,这一次可不比刚才\;刚才人人都听得出来,声音貌似凄惨、音量更是宏大,实则根本就一点不痛\;而眼下这一次却是整整相反\;六位兽王一个个尽都是呲牙裂嘴,嘶嘶地抽着冷气,一看就知道是从骨头里面疼出来的……而且连喊叫的意思都升不起来了,一个个光抽凉气,实在是太疼了,眼神中满是痛楚而迷惑不解:这是咋了?怎么地突然间风云变向?难道刚才大伙的激情演出还不到位,肯定是虎九的戏太蹩脚,又或者是猴七的戏太做作……也就我演得挺不错,都是被那些夯货牵连了,太歹命了……砰砰嘭嘭嘭砰砰……一记记重拳不间断地打在这个那个的脸上,只得片刻光景,代表天罚森林最高实力的一号集团的大部分成员,一个个尽都鼻青脸肿,鹤冲霄的长嘴巴几乎被打断,熊开山这位熊王直接变成了熊猫王,虎王竟当真被打得显出了原形,一只遍体洁白,全无一丝杂毛的大老虎,然后又被揪住尾巴扔上半空再狠狠夯下来,翻了翻白眼就晕了过去,老虎貌似也变病猫了……猴王被打得有如皮球一般在空中连续翻滚,这次可不是自发的,而是因外力的惯姓作用,脑中轰鸣无尽,狮王楞呵呵的才一爬起来,即刻又被110记重拳全无间断地打在脸上,满脸桃花开满天星斗转,摇摇晃晃的又倒了下去,直接变作了猪脑袋王……鹰王的鹰钩鼻子也差点被打成了狮子狗鼻子……一边观战的蛇王本来乐呵呵地,刻下却是脸色煞白,浑身颤抖。刚才那鼓掌助威,大声喝彩的劲头早就抛到九霄云外了,再到后来那两只眼睛都直了……我的乖乖!原来老大是真生气了……终于,梅雪烟长长地出了一口气,姿势异常优美地落下地来,冷眼看着横七竖八躺在地上的众王,哼了一声道:“怎么样?大伙可尽兴了吗?这回过足瘾了吧?怎么都不叫唤了,刚才那劲头都哪去了!” gratifying! Too gratifying......” bear Elvis Xiong Kaishan has wanted to cry but have no tears, like a chicken pecking rice fierce nod. 过瘾!太过瘾了……”“熊猫王”熊开山欲哭无泪,小鸡啄米一般猛点头。 „Hasn't bone broken? Said! Also dares again...... Deliberately created trouble?” On the Mei Xueyan face passed over gently and swiftly a several nearly unobservable flushed. “骨头没断啊?说!还敢不敢再……胡闹了?”梅雪烟脸上掠过一丝几近难以察觉的红潮。 Does not dare not to dare.” Six king simultaneously nod together, sickness cat king Hu Liede hurried to crawl from the pit, changed into the human form once again, the whole face had a lingering fear. “不敢了不敢了。”六王齐齐一起点头,“病猫”王胡裂地赶紧从坑里爬了出来,再度化为人形,满脸的心有余悸。 Big Sister felt relieved that my this makes them withdraw, immediately removes!” He Chongxiao swung also in the head of being completely muddled, absent-minded transferred, loudly shouted: You, get the hell out to me entirely! This nonsense palace does not construct! All get lost get lost hurries to get the hell out quickly......” 大姐放心,我这就让他们撤走,马上就撤!”鹤冲霄摇了摇还在晕头转向的脑袋,恍恍惚惚的转了一圈,才大声叫起来:“你们,统统给我滚蛋!这狗屁宫殿不建了!全都滚吧滚吧赶紧快滚蛋……” Nonsense palace? Doesn't construct? That you told that the palace doesn't construct?” Mei Xueyan suddenly set up the eye, blushes to look at He Chongxiao: Your in the end what meaning?!” “狗屁宫殿?不建了?那个跟你说宫殿不建了?”梅雪烟顿时立起了眼睛,红着脸看着鹤冲霄:“你到底啥意思?!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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