OEM :: Volume #7

#648: The Boss, we congratulates for you!

Jun Moxie looks at his back, twined finally opened in heart for a long time issue now. His speed unexpectedly so will be why fast, quickly to the leisure that initial have almost not fended continually unexpectedly, by Earth Profound Profound Expert cultivation base, but the speed can actually surmount Sky Profound peak! 君莫邪看着他的背影,缠绕在心头许久的问题现在才终于揭开。为何他的速度竟会这么快,快到连当初的自己竟也几乎没有闪避的余暇,以一个地玄玄者修为,但速度却能超越天玄巅峰 So that's how it is! 原来如此! Does not have the double knife-edge! 无双刃! Should say that is unparalleled strong \; This fellow, on the leg supports the running speed the ligament, unexpectedly is two! The talent different reported! This inborn strange physique, is doomed he to be able the ordinary person to be much quicker than inborn! If can perform the specialized training, its speed without doubt to one situation that makes one stare dumbfounded! 或者应该说是‘无双韧’\;这家伙,腿上支持奔跑速度的韧带,居然是两条的!天赋异禀!这种天生的奇怪体质,注定他天生就能比一般的人快得多!若是能能加以专门训练,其速度无疑会到一个令人瞠目结舌的地步! No wonder Chu Qihun has chosen speed for him, pure speed training \; However, choice of Chu Qihun, although is correct, trains is quite gets the knack, but his training method has to be short throughout! 难怪楚泣魂为他选择了速度,单纯的速度训练\;不过,楚泣魂的选择虽然正确,调教得也算是相当得法,但他的训练方法始终还是有欠缺的! Therefore, even if the Leng Ao (cold and proud) achievement was not already low at present, has its limit, are most, can reach the Chu Qihun general altitude, on the Leng Ao (cold and proud) future strength, at most also will be the Chu Qihun degree, if mostly also or the Master, but Jun Moxie here, such physique, Jun Moxie can actually cause him to march into a higher level, will be the limit! 所以,就算眼下冷傲的成就已然不低,却也有其极限,最多,也就是能达到楚泣魂一般的高度,就冷傲的未来实力,至多也就是楚泣魂的程度,多半还要不如其师,但在君莫邪这里,这样的体质,君莫邪却可以令到他步入更高的层次,甚至是极限! The limit of speed! Quick limit! 速度的极限!“快”的极限! At present the only issue, looked that under your worth made me go to this skill/effort. Jun Moxie heavy thinking. 眼下唯一的问题,就看你值不值得让我去下这个功夫了。君莫邪沉沉的想。 Mei Xueyan and Qian Xun two people skice, these two speed originally are much quicker, in addition all the way does not have any hobbling, altogether has several days of skill/effort, hurried back to South Heaven, Heavenly Punishment Forest! 梅雪烟芊寻两人一路疾行,这两人的速度本就是快得惊人,再加上一路上没有任何的牵绊,一共只得几天的功夫,就已经赶回了天南,天罚森林 But now, these Three Great Sacred Lands expert, perform still recuperates in the barren hill, definitely will not come to intercept them! 而现在,那些三大圣地高手,尽都还在荒山中调养呢,肯定是不会前来截杀她们了! Jun Moxie landslide, but has created the exceptionally huge trouble to them, few month of recuperation, are hard to restore...... But, enters Heavenly Punishment Forest, the Mei Xueyan Lima flies into a rage. 君莫邪的山崩,可是给他们造成了异常巨大的麻烦,没几个月的休整,是难以恢复的……可是,才一进天罚森林,梅雪烟利马勃然大怒。 Almost the air/Qi broke the belly! 几乎气破了肚皮! Heavenly Punishment Forest unexpectedly again no longer toward saying gloominess, is the colored ribbon flutters everywhere, does not know that many colored cloth strips where comes, almost since enters the Heavenly Punishment Forest central category to start, almost every tree in fluttering the colorful bright cloth strip, is dragging in the upper air like rainbows, but these millenniums live, for ten thousand years to live the peak of big tree, often are hang most, are an entire entire scarlet cloth hang above directly, drag in the cold wind, sough to make noise. 天罚森林竟再不复往曰的阴森,到处都是彩带飘扬,也不知道是哪里来的那么多彩色的布条,几乎自从进入天罚森林的中央范畴开始,几乎每一棵树都在飘荡着五颜六色的鲜艳布条,就像一道道彩虹在高空摇曳,而那些千年生、万年生大树的顶端,往往是挂得最多的,直接就是一整匹一整匹的红布挂在上面,在寒风里摇曳,飒飒作响。 Looks at the ground again, Mei Xueyan had a scare! 再看地面,梅雪烟又是吓了一跳! All Fifth Level above Profound Beast, each waist is red cotton tape, brings the red cotton tape to pass through the thorn, back and forth scurries about in the thick patch of grass, among the moments have become the faint trace continuously...... compares, on High Rank Profound Beast are these red cotton tape wanted complete many...... Especially thoses Eighth Level above Ninth Level above Profound Beast, lift two before the claw, walking of head high, chest out, the solidity of waist scarlet cloth department, under the scarlet cloth, about furry buttocks swings, appearance that actually exhibits pretending to be serious, as if is very honorable...... When Xiong Kaishan He Chongxiao , etc. did Beast King to appear, Mei Xueyan and Qian Xun two people vision has sent all of a sudden! 所有五级以上的玄兽,每一头的腰间都系着一条红布带,一个个带着红布带穿越荆棘,在草丛里来回乱窜,片刻之间就成了丝丝缕缕……相比较来说,高阶玄兽们身上系着的那些红布带就要完好的多了……尤其是那些八级以上九级以上的玄兽们,一个个抬起两只前爪,昂首挺胸的走路,腰间红布系的结结实实,红布下面,一个个毛茸茸的屁股左右摆动,一个个却还是摆出一副煞有介事的样子,似乎很是光荣……等到熊开山鹤冲霄等一干兽王出现,梅雪烟芊寻两人更是一下子眼光发了直! Bear King, Tiger King, Crane King, Lion King, Monkey King, Hawk King these six king stride bravely forward, neatly the platoon becomes a row, comes to greet, dragon Hang is vigorous and mighty strides, the manner is spirited \; Mei Xueyan and Qian Xun felt own two people saw six bridegrooms all of a sudden! 熊王,虎王,鹤王,狮王,猴王,鹰王这六大王者昂首阔步,整齐地排成一排,前来迎接,一个个龙行虎步,气宇昂扬\;梅雪烟芊寻感觉自己两人一下子看到了六位新郎倌! Because these six king is a red actor, the head is arranging unexpectedly also the flower, comes, the red light greatly is dazzling. Performs the jubilance of whole face, the self-satisfaction of whole body. However is actually the look somewhat ambiguous has swept the body of Mei Xueyan secretly, then hurried respectful appearance to stand. 因为这六大王者都是一身通红的行头,头上居然还都插着花,一路前来,红光大是耀眼。尽都满脸的喜气洋洋,满身的志得意满。不过一个个却是眼神有些暧昧的偷偷扫了扫梅雪烟的身体,然后才一个个急忙肃容站好。 What celebration recently did Heavenly Punishment Forest have?” Mei Xueyan frowned, the whole face doubt looks at front these six. Her eyes look, these fellows, strengths completely greatly grew. If divides in the standard of human, these six fellow casual also had Superior Supreme cultivation base! Moreover, basically is the Superior Supreme peak level! “最近天罚森林可是发生了什么喜事吗?”梅雪烟皱起眉头,满脸狐疑地看着面前这六位。她一眼就看出来,这些家伙,一个个的实力尽都是大大的增长了。若是以人类的标准来划分,那么,这六个家伙随便一个也都拥有了至尊之上修为!而且,基本全是至尊之上巅峰层次! Only misses one step, can make great strides forward the Venerable ranks! 只差一步,就能迈进尊者的行列! This and other astonishing progress, is it may be said that unbelievable, made person surprise inexplicable! 这等惊人进步,可谓难以置信,却又令人惊喜莫名! Jun Moxie Medicinal Pill, played the big role seriously. 君莫邪丹药,当真是起了好大好大的作用。 cough cough, the Boss returns, is not the biggest celebration!” Xiong Kaishan coughs two, on the face reveals one type to display to suspend the merit actually forcefully suppression extremely anxiously the irritable appearance, the sturdy bear waist twists, unexpectedly suspends a gentle hand signal: Asked the Boss to step palace error!” 咳咳,老大归来,不就是最大的喜事吗!”熊开山咳嗽两声,脸上露出一种急不可待想要表现摆功却又强行压制的别扭样子,粗壮的熊腰一拧,居然摆出来一个文质彬彬的手势:“请老大移步宫阙!” Palace error! The mouth of bear Old Four braved such a very difficult civilized glossary unexpectedly! This accident/surprise lets some Mei Xueyan many suspect corona. When this fellow becomes such had the culture? 宫阙!熊老四的嘴里居然冒出来了这么一个高难度的文明词汇!这一意外梅雪烟多少有些犯晕。啥时候这家伙变得这么的有文化了? Six king Cuyong Mei Xueyan, is accompanied by a retinue, arrives at the Heavenly Punishment Forest core region \; Here, is the Mei Xueyan residence, is situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream, the environment is quiet and beautiful, Mei Xueyan most likes is at...... Eh, but also is the previous time by somebody forcefully discourteous place...... But present has all, lets Mei Xueyan startled once again: All around big tree, had been felled unexpectedly cleanly, only leaves behind the center as of barrier, all around number hundred zhang (333 m) surrounding area boundary, turned into a big stretch of clean open area, even even/including root grass could not see. 六王簇拥着梅雪烟,前呼后拥,来到天罚森林核心地带\;这里,原本是梅雪烟的住所,依山傍水,环境清幽,正是梅雪烟最喜欢的所在……额,不过也是上一次被某人强行非礼的地方……可是眼前的现有一切,再度让梅雪烟大吃一惊:四周的大树,竟已是被砍伐得干干净净,只留下中心作为屏障的那一圈,四周数百丈方圆地界,变成了一大片干干净净的空地,甚至连根草也看不到了。 Looks at inside again, started to build on a large scale, the trench spreads across, innumerable High Rank Profound Beast sweat profusely in this inside, is the coolie to work generally, but, although is tired sticks out one's tongue, on their faces completely is excited and is honored! As if can be the coolie here is a how honorable matter. 再看里面,已经开始大兴土木了,壕沟纵横交错,无数的高阶玄兽就在这里面挥汗如雨,做着苦力一般的工作,但一个个虽然累得直吐舌头,他们的脸上却满是兴奋和荣幸!似乎能在这里做苦力是一件多么光荣的事情。 How is this matter?” Mei Xueyan turns around suddenly, the violent anger, looks at Xiong Kaishan and He Chongxiao excitedly maliciously: you two, hurried saying that if cannot to me a reasonable explanation, wait to change from once more!” “这到底是怎么一回事?”梅雪烟豁然转身,勃然暴怒,狠狠地看着熊开山鹤冲霄:“你们两个,赶紧说,若是不能给我一个合理的解释,就等着再次化形吧!” The Mei Xueyan frown is but actually vertical, whole face anger, look ice-cold, killing intent is steaming! 梅雪烟双眉倒竖,满脸怒气,眼神冰冷,杀气腾腾! Six Great Beast King simultaneously had a scare. 大兽王同时被吓了一跳。 Long time, the Lion King Shi Buchou saliva face, was lowering the head: Boss...... Hehe, this is not that anything...... Jubilation, Hehe jubilation...... All for the jubilation of Boss, our several brothers want to celebrate for you, you do not satisfy......” 半晌,狮王石不愁涎着脸,低着头走了过来:“老大……嘿嘿,这不是那啥么……喜庆,嘿嘿喜庆……一切都是为了老大的喜庆,咱们几个兄弟想为您喜庆一下,您不满意……” For my jubilation? Is this scoundrel view of that family household? Does such everything in disorder the place that I live, unexpectedly added for me! Am I unsatisfied? If I can satisfy damn!” Mei Xueyan flies a foot, kicked out this facial skin thickest fellow, looks at He Chongxiao wickedly: Crane Old Third, you!” “为了我的喜庆?这是那门子的混账说法?将我住的地方搞得如此的乱七八糟,居然还说是为了我!我不满意?我要是能满意就见鬼了!”梅雪烟飞起一脚,将这个脸皮最厚的家伙踢了出去,恶狠狠地看着鹤冲霄:“鹤老三,你来说!” Eh...... Big Sister, this does not have anything actually at the worst \; You do not use taking to heart such \; Although this...... The person who some do not enlarge ones vision very much meets did not understand...... But our Heavenly Punishment brother, forever will certainly support you, loves you! We hope Big Sister,...... This, which...... Opens wide the bosom bravely, greets own happiness! Sweat...... I do not know that I was saying anything......” “额……大姐,其实这也没什么大不了的\;您不用这么的耿耿于怀吧\;虽然这样……很有些不开眼的人会不理解……但我们天罚的弟兄,肯定会永远支持你,爱戴你!我们希望大姐,……这个,哪个……勇敢地敞开怀抱,去迎接自己的幸福!汗……我也不知道我在说啥……” He Chongxiao sharp mouth gathers, the mouthful completely is the bewildered words. 鹤冲霄尖尖的嘴巴一张一合,满嘴尽是莫名其妙的话。 At least Mei Xueyan simply has not understood this fellow to say anything, actually wants to say anything, more listens is muddled. 起码梅雪烟是根本没有弄懂这家伙到底在说什么,到底想说什么,越听越是糊涂。 Is! Big Sister, the body of Profound Beast what happened? Our originally strives for the mainland most tribal groups! To be having how still scruples the person who these talked too much? How should do how to do! Relax, if who dares to speak a few words, I led the brothers to go immediately, extinguished his whole families nine generations!” Hawk King Ying Suikong aquiline nose moves, saying that killing intent steaming, is filled with righteous indignation. “就是!大姐,玄兽之身又怎么了?我们本就是为大陆出力最多的族群!怎么还在顾忌那些多嘴的人呢?该怎么做就怎么做!放心,谁要是敢多说一句话,我立即带领弟兄们前去,灭了他满门九族!”鹰王鹰碎空鹰钩鼻子一动,杀气腾腾、义愤填膺的说道。 Is! Is! Opens up the mind, hugs the happiness boldly!” Other kings should in abundance with. “就是!就是!放开胸怀,大胆拥抱幸福!”其余众王纷纷应和。 What is? What's the matter? You said me to be muddled!” Mei Xueyan at hand duplicate volume, painful said/tunnel: Can come out a head flexible explained to me?” “就是什么?到底是怎么回事?你们说得我糊涂了!”梅雪烟以手覆额,痛苦地道:“能不能出来一个脑瓜灵活一些的给我解释一下这是怎么回事?” Actually is such Boss!” Monkey King jumped not responsibly: We heard after the celebration that Boss, we immediately start......” “其实是这样的老大!”猴王当仁不让的跳了出来:“我们一听说老大的喜事之后,我们就立即发动……” „! Stops!” Mei Xueyan finally capture key point: Celebration? What celebration? My what celebration?” “等!停!”梅雪烟终于抓住重点:“喜事?什么喜事?我什么喜事了?” On the Crane King Lion King Monkey King Hawk King four faces reveals strange expression, Xiong Kaishan and Hu Liede actually quietly backward creeping motion slowly. 鹤王狮王猴王鹰王四张脸上都露出古怪的神色,熊开山胡裂地却在悄悄地向后慢慢的蠕动。 Boss...... cough cough, do not care, how actually this matter did not say disgraced.” Monkey King opens mouth a meeting, hurried consolation. “老大……咳咳,您就别放在心上,其实这事怎么说不丢人啊。”猴王张着嘴愣了一会,急忙劝慰。 Doesn't lose face? What matter doesn't lose face?” Mei Xueyan seethes with rage: You were saying anything!!!” “不丢人?什么事不丢人?”梅雪烟七窍生烟:“你们到底在说什么!!!” Venerable Mei has been in momentarily enraged, to grasp the crazy edge obviously. 梅尊者显然已经处于随时暴走、抓狂的边缘了。 Also is not you and brother-in-law's matter......” Monkey King grins, said low voice, is then strong the courage, said: Boss, can find own happiness regarding you, everybody is very gratified, as for your celebration, our brothers does not have participates with enough time, therefore, Hehehe, our independently deciding celebrates in Heavenly Punishment, also......” “还不就是您和姐夫的事情……”猴王咧咧嘴,小声说了一句,然后又壮起胆子,道:“老大,对于您能找到自己的幸福,大家都很欣慰,至于您的喜事,我们弟兄们也没来得及去参加,所以,嘿嘿嘿,我们就自作主张的在天罚庆祝一下,还有……” He uses hand one finger/refers, curries favor with say/way that takes undeserved credit: For example here, is we prepares for the Boss and brother-in-law prepares the palace \; Since you have gotten married, certainly must stay together Hehehe...... That side also, I prepare to plant that down grass completely \; En, if later had child, plays in that side, soft cannot fall, facilitates safely......” 他用手一指,献媚邀功的道:“比如这里,就是我们准备为老大和姐夫准备地宫殿\;你们既然成亲了,肯定是要住在一起呵呵呵……还有那边,我准备让人全部栽上那种绒毛草\;恩,以后若是有了孩子,在那边玩耍,软软的摔不着,安全还方便……” Gets married? Child?! This anything and anything!” Face of Mei Xueyan gradually black, the whole body is fermenting the dangerous aura, turns away, two sharp sword general looks look on the He Chongxiao face: Crane Old Third, you explained to me!” “成亲?孩子?!这都什么和什么!”梅雪烟的脸渐渐的黑了起来,浑身酝酿着危险的气息,一转脸,两道利剑一般的眼神看在鹤冲霄脸上:“鹤老三,你给我解释一下!” The He Chongxiao long mouth opened and closed two, has considered the a long time/half of the day excuse, finally the difficult opens the mouth said: Boss, since chooses outside gets married secretly, obviously does not want to make us know...... However our so brothers and sisters many years being together, already returned one of us compared with one of us, said anything also to for an Boss completely mental effort \; Since bear Old Four and tiger Old Ninth belt comes back the news of Boss celebration, our whole staff discussed that simply starts entire Heavenly Punishment to have a good time together, said again, you also made bear Old Four bring that many paper money, didn't spend does not waste suddenly?...... Hehe, Hehe, Uh......!” 鹤冲霄长长的嘴巴开合了两下,斟酌了半天的说词,终于艰难的开口说道:“老大既然选择在外面偷偷成亲,显然是不想让我们知道……不过我们这般兄弟姐妹多少年的相处,早已比自家人还自家人,说什么也要为老大尽一份心力的\;自从熊老四和虎老九带回来老大喜事的消息之后,我们全员商议了一下,干脆就开始整个天罚同乐,再说,您还让熊老四带回来了那么多的银票,不消费一下不浪费了吗?……呵呵,嘿嘿,……!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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