OEM :: Volume #7

#645: Wuhui (No regrets) asking one's conscience tune

Jun Moxie after Chu Qihun walked, is waiting for Chu Qihun that apprentice. He anticipated very much: After arriving at this world, oneself as if only encounter over an assassination, is that time just likes outside Imperial City the thunder bang lightning flash strikes! 君莫邪楚泣魂走了之后,就在等待楚泣魂的那个徒弟。他很期待:来到这个世界之后,自己似乎就只遭遇过一次刺杀,就是那一次在皇城外犹如雷轰电闪般的一击! After that Assassin does not have any news and sign again, the thorough disappearance trace, as if in the world does not exist general, then since is Jun Moxie wants to investigate is unable to look up, but in the heart has had an anxiety. Now knows that he unexpectedly is the Chu Qihun disciple. Thinks that at that time that fellow that almost quickly to extreme movement technique and Sword Technique, Jun Moxie had one premonition: If this little brat trained, the future achievement, decides however will be higher than Chu Qihun! 从那之后,那个刺客再没有过任何音信、迹象,彻底消失踪影,仿佛世上根本就不存在一般,便是君莫邪想要调查也无从查起,但心中却是一直有一个疑虑。现在才知道,他竟然是楚泣魂的弟子。想到当时那家伙那几乎快到极点的身法剑法,君莫邪有一种预感:这小子若是调教好了,将来的成就,定然会高于楚泣魂 Therefore Jun Moxie anticipated really very much! 所以君莫邪真的很期待! In a short time does not have more matters again, carved the main goal actually to return to train on Sky Razing Soul Devourers \; In Jun Moxie does not hesitate Medicinal Pill and Spirit Medicine under urges fiercely, under Solitary Eagle and Feng Juanyun nearly maltreatment training, urged to send to pinnacle all Medicinal Pill and Spirit Medicine strength, the Sky Razing Soul Devourers strength just liked rides the rocket general rising, 300 people surmounted the step position continuously, many people have promoted to the Earth Profound peak level \; Only must go a step further again, can take Jun Moxie three big Medicinal Pill, but leaps once again. 短期之内再也就没有更多的事情,刻下最主要的目标却是回到了训练残天噬魂身上\;在君莫邪不惜丹药灵药的猛催之下,在鹰搏空风卷云近乎虐待似地训练之下,将所有的丹药灵药力量都催发到了极致,残天噬魂的实力犹如坐火箭一般噌噌的涨,300人连续的跨越阶位,已经有不少人提升到地玄巅峰层次\;只需再进一步,就能够服用君莫邪的三大丹药,而再度飞跃。 At the appointed time, the Jun Family strength, can only describe with terrifying! 届时,君家的实力,只能用恐怖来形容! Everything is ready. 万事俱备。 In this extremely tyrannical way urged the long itself strength, the limit to urge completely the human body potential, is not a proper way, on the essence even is a behavior of satisfying thirst by drinking poison, the Sky Razing Soul Devourers respective member or can the strength increase in a short time, but does not have the growth leeway again, will urge the valley to cause the life because of the limit to consume greatly, occurred to press at any time! 本来以这种极度残虐的方式催长本身实力,极限催尽人体潜力,并非正途,就实质而言甚至根本就是一种饮鸩止渴的行为,残天噬魂所属的成员或者能在短期之内实力大增,但却再无增长余地,甚至会因极限催谷而导致寿元大耗,随时发生促死! But in the Jun Moxie hand has inexhaustible prescription, has Heaven and Earth Treasure of capacity for alcohol, performs to make them not need to worry such matter completely, has enough quantity above Spirit Medicine is the foundation, recuperates, even if consumes again, only needs several days of skill/effort at most, Origin Qi that loses can make up all, even can also many growth, cause all members, unexpectedly gradually habit this extremely tyrannical training circulation. 君莫邪手中却有无穷无尽的药方,更有海量的天材地宝,尽可以让他们完全不用顾虑这样的事情,有足够量以上的灵药为基础,加以调理,就算再消耗,顶多也只需几天的功夫,所损失的元气就能够尽数补足,甚至还能不少的增长,使得所有成员,竟渐渐习惯了这种极度残虐的训练循环。 Jun Family is quite cruel besides the training of Sky Razing Soul Devourers subordinate, other aspects actually very tranquil even warm. 君家除了残天噬魂部属的训练比较残苛之外,其他方面却是非常的平静甚至温馨。 In the following saying child, Jun Moxie also strongly relaxed itself, enjoys this period of tranquil life heartily \; Is yearning for this unforgettable saying child. 在接下来的曰子,君莫邪也竭力放松了自己,尽情地去享受这一段平静的生活\;留恋着这段让人难忘的曰子。 Because, once the outbreak of war begins, only fears since then, this tranquil saying child, will be difficult to search! 因为,一旦战端再起,只怕自此之后,这种平静的曰子,将会再难寻觅! All information news snowflakes fly, is giving the similar message: Has not searched the Blood Sword Hall site. 所有的情报消息雪片般飞来,传递着同样一个消息:没有寻觅到血剑堂的所在地。 Blood Sword Hall, this profound main road most terrifying Assassins Organization, like vanished from this world in one night, without a trace, the aspects, various all information, cannot seek again! 血剑堂,这个玄玄大路最恐怖杀手组织,就像在一夕之间从这个世界上消失了,无影无踪,方方面面,各方各面的所有信息,再也寻找不到! Even links every little bit trace to be also difficult to search, regarding a reputation so prominent terrifying organization, this phenomenon unreasonable to the extreme! 甚至连一点一滴的痕迹也再难寻觅,对于一个声名如此显赫的恐怖组织而言,这个现象不合理到了极点! But, Jun Moxie actually does not think that what has not to be unreasonable, Jun Family so strong rises, the person of enemy also has the person of big boldness, how won't the brave soldier break the wrist? If can still search the Blood Sword Hall trail is true is unreasonable! 可是,君莫邪却不认为有什么不合理,君家如此强势崛起,对头之人也是有大魄力之人,如何不会壮士断腕?若是仍能寻觅到血剑堂的踪迹才是真正的不合理呢! For serveral days, Jun Moxie mounted tall Tower frequently, in evening, toward direction for a very long time staring of Imperial Palace! 这些天里,君莫邪经常登上高塔,在晚上,向着皇宫的方向久久的凝望! Jun Moxie is very clear, that man in Imperial Palace, he definitely knows all that has! 君莫邪很清楚,皇宫里的那个男人,他肯定知道此间发生的一切! Several Jun Moxie almost want to crash in Imperial Palace directly, capture this man, then with[ ***] said the truth big law to him! But, Jun Moxie is actually not willing such to do. 有好几次君莫邪几乎就想直接冲进皇宫,抓住这个男人,然后用[***]大法令到他说出真相!但,君莫邪却又不愿意这么做。 It is not cannot, but is...... If obtains the truth like this, was actually too cheap he! 不是不能,而是……若是这样得到真相,却是太便宜他了! Jun Family the price of hatred, has his inexpensive life...... How can repay? 君家的仇恨的代价,只得他一条贱命……怎么能够偿还? In this world, there are many matters, is the ratio dies is uncomfortable, anticipated that with your remaining life, tastes well. 这世上,有很多的事情,是比死还要难受的,期待用你残余的生命,好好地品尝吧。 Tranquil saying child, often tranquility before storm. 过于平静的曰子,往往正是暴风雨之前的宁静。 This said that Jun Moxie is relaxed, treads the snow white white snow to enter the yard that Guan Qinghan has lived alone. The white snow has no time, a school clads in silvery white \; But a Jun Moxie pale black clothing robe, snow white fox pelt collar with his handsome face, handsome, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, the figure is slim, fine-looking threatening, standard corrupt world good Young Master, handsome beautiful youth. 这一曰,君莫邪轻裘缓带,踏着皑皑白雪走进了管清寒独居的小院。白雪无暇,一派银装素裹\;而君莫邪一身淡青衣袍,雪白的狐皮毛衣领衬着他英俊的脸庞,唇红齿白,剑眉星目,身材修长,英挺逼人,标准的浊世佳公子,翩翩美少年。 Nature, if in the foreheads does not have that to wipe the light evil aura, that was more perfect...... The Young Master Jun footsteps leisurely, come, looks like rides the wind to stroll in the moonlight, is not tainted by this world's affairs fully. 自然,若是眉宇间没有那一抹淡淡的邪气,那就更完美了……君大少爷脚步悠缓,飘然而来,就像是乘风踏月,足不染尘。 Actually sees to total to have four females to sit in a circle in the institute the in the pavilion tea words, saw that he such walks, cannot help but was looks to stay. Dongfang Wenxin in the eyes is dodging proud expression: This, is my son, good splendid moral behavior! 却见合共有四个女子围坐在院里凉亭里茶话,眼看着他就这么走进来,不由得都是看呆了。东方问心眼中闪着骄傲的神色:这,就是我儿子,好出色的人品! Dugu Xiaoyi jumped, said with a smile tenderly: Elder Brother Moxie, you may be really attractive!” 独孤小艺哇的一声跳了起来,娇笑道:“莫邪哥哥,你可真好看啊!” Han Yanmeng has turned the head, thought that at present one bright, unexpectedly is the self-important say|way: Sister-in-law, your this son, is long is good.” Her Elder Sister Han Yanyao and Jun Wuyi two sentiments like each other, her naturally when production costs rise , prices rise too, generally called Dongfang Wenxin with Jun Wuyi for the sister-in-law. However ten 6-7 years little girl uses the tone speech of this taking advantage of own seniority, actually is very laughable. 寒烟梦转过头,也是觉得眼前一亮,竟是老气横秋的道:“大嫂,您这个儿子,长得却是不错。”她姐姐寒烟瑶君无意两情相悦,她自然水涨船高,跟着君无意一般称呼东方问心为大嫂。不过一个十六七岁的小丫头用这种倚老卖老的口气说话,却着实的可笑得很。 Only has Guan Qinghan to lower the head, frowns, resembles there is thinking deeply about anything with hardship, in the hand is taking a pen, is writing unceasingly is drawing \; As if spirit/mind melted in front table in completely that white paper, has not paid attention to the arrival of Jun Moxie unexpectedly completely. 唯有管清寒低着头,皱着眉头,似在那里苦苦地思索着什么,手中拿着一支笔,正在不断地写着画着\;似乎全部精神都融进了面前桌上那张白纸之中,竟完全没有注意君莫邪的到来。 Jun Moxie walks to look that actually saw on that white paper to write all over the mark, originally Guan Qinghan composed there unexpectedly. 君莫邪走过去一看,却见那张白纸上写满了符号,原来管清寒竟是在那里作曲。 What song is this?” Jun Moxie asked. “这是什么曲子?”君莫邪问道。 Is Elder Sister Qinghan these days with the aunt often in the same place, often heard the matter that uncle aunt, the cordiality among them is moved greatly, sends to be willing to compose, commemorates this pledge of eternal love the sincere friendship, just completed, had played a moment ago, listens to be quite affected, actually felt that also some do not suit, again changes.” “是清寒姐在这段时间与伯母常在一起,时常听说伯父伯母的事情,对于他们之间的情意大是感动,发愿想要作曲一首,纪念这份山盟海誓的真挚情谊,才刚刚完成的,刚才演奏了一遍,听来好感动的,却又总感觉还有些不对劲,就再改改。” Dugu Xiaoyi chuckled, little girl is wearing the faint yellow short jacket, the cuticula cotton-wadded jacket, on pair of small boots, but also has two snow white round wool balls, looks like like the finest foreign-style doll, really annoys the person to love tenderly. 独孤小艺嘿嘿笑着,小丫头身着淡黄色衫子,小皮棉袄,一双小蛮靴上,还带有两只雪白的圆圆的绒球,看起来就像个最精致的洋娃娃,煞是惹人怜爱。 „, Making me have a look.” Jun Moxie has stood, concentrates item to look. “哦,让我也看看。”君莫邪站了过去,凝目看去。 „Do you also understand the temperament?” Four women simultaneously the surprise visit him, unexpectedly is simultaneously face accidental/surprised. “你还懂得音律?”四个女人同时诧异地看着他,竟是齐齐的一脸意外 Also slightly passes 1-2, is difficult to ascend the place of refinement.” Jun Moxie feels the nose, modest tunnel. Reads the Guan Qinghan collection of music scores, was trying snort|hum, shook the head, said: „It is not good, your this song was too sad. The father mother is chivalrous and unyielding, heroic beautiful woman complements each other, although this is this world and nether world two separates, but this true feelings actually last forever Heaven and Earth, cannot be cut off for any barrier \; Is one generation of charming stories, is not these pure crazy male unhappy women. Your this collection of music scores, can move people to tears, completely has not actually shown the happiest true feelings, is hard to arouse everybody's biggest approval, this can be said as place of the biggest failure.” “也就只是略通一二而已,难登大雅之堂。”君莫邪摸着鼻子,谦虚地道。看着管清寒的曲谱,试着哼了哼,摇了摇头,道:“不行不行,你这曲子实在太悲了。父亲母亲乃是侠骨柔肠,英雄佳人相得益彰,虽然此即幽明两隔,但这份真情却永存天地,不为任何障碍可以阻隔\;乃是一代佳话,可不是那些单纯的痴男怨女。你这份曲谱,或能催人泪下,却完全没有展现最美好的真情,难以激起大家的最大认同,这点可说是最大的失败之处。” Guan Qinghan say|way: This truth I have also thought that I a moment ago was also because had detected this issue, this began to revise, but changed, always thought that could not grasp the god marrow, even also more changed a worse feeling......” 管清寒怔怔的道:“这道理我也想到了,我刚才也是因为发觉了这个问题,这才着手修改,但改来改去,却总觉得把握不住神髓,甚至还有越改越差的感觉……” Jun Moxie face upwarded to think a meeting, said: Makes me try!” Was saying received Guan Qinghan that white paper, spread one, took the pen in Guan Qinghan, stood before the table, congealed an item of ponder, such as sat in contemplation unexpectedly general. 君莫邪仰天想了一会,道:“让我来试试!”说着将管清寒那张白纸收了起来,重新铺下了一张,接过管清寒手里的笔,站在桌前,凝目沉思,竟如老僧入定一般。 Dongfang Wenxin has cannot help but smiled, thinks that son in playing treasure, is interested greatly is looking at Jun Moxie, Dugu Xiaoyi and Han Yanmeng are also a facial expression of watch closely play, after waiting for Jun Moxie to make a boner, is good to create a disturbance to shame him. 东方问心不由得笑了起来,以为儿子在耍宝,大是感兴趣地望着君莫邪,独孤小艺寒烟梦也是一副看好戏的神情,就等着君莫邪出丑之后好起哄羞他。 But only Guan Qinghan knows that Jun Moxie understands temperament . Moreover the attainments are quite not low, is only she is an earnestness and anticipation of face. 但惟有管清寒知道君莫邪是懂得音律的,而且造诣还颇为不低,也只是她才是一脸的认真、期待。 Long time, Jun Moxie long aspirated, suddenly wields the pen such as flies. Are the music mark then such running water of this world to appear on the white paper, but brings, is actually came from another world the music melody...... Not a detention, forms a coherent whole! 半晌,君莫邪长长地吐了口气,突然运笔如飞。一个个属于这个世界的音乐符号便这么流水般出现在白纸上,但带来的,却是来自另一个世界的音乐旋律……并无一丝滞涩,一气呵成! Guan Qinghan received Naqu, was trying snort|hum several, thinks unexpectedly at present one brightly, opened the beautiful eye unbelievable, once again careful thinking \; Resembling is the moment , after is for a long time, Guan Qinghan from the sleeve takes out Jade Flute slowly, collects on the lip, the beautiful eye closely stares at the Jun Moxie collection of music scores, the wing celtis is opening lightly seasoned, flute sound Youran (leisurely) of wuuu mournful sound resounds, the flute sound appears especially gloomy, is persuasive and affectionate, in the song, full is to the side that loves really to the annotation, also is the disconsolateness and helplessness, as well as to this sincere love endless yearned...... This song, looks like a dream! In a people heart most yearned that Misty and real dream about love. 管清寒接过那曲子,才是试着哼了几句,竟觉眼前一亮,难以置信地睁大了美目,再度仔细的思索起来\;似是片刻,又似是许久之后,管清寒缓缓地从袖中取出一管玉箫,凑在唇上,美目紧紧盯着君莫邪的曲谱,檀口轻启,呜呜咽咽的箫声悠然响起,箫音显得格外低沉,婉转而深情,曲子里,满是对真爱的极至诠释,还有就是浓浓的惆怅和无奈,以及对这种真挚感情的无尽向往……这首曲子,就像是一个梦!一个人们心中最向往的,关于爱情的一个飘渺而又真实的梦。 Jun Moxie closes the eye silently, right hand is hitting the tune gently, echoes song that Guan Qinghan plays, seemed enjoying, immerses in this piece once in the extremely familiar music. The Dongfang Wenxin three people heard suddenly in this way exquisite music, first is astonishment, then cannot help but immersed, such happy tangled up melody, in this world, never has appeared unexpectedly...... Even if the happy music also has the end, finishes finally, Guan Qinghan grasps Jade Flute to stand dull, incredible is looking at composition person Jun Moxie \; Although one also already know that he is familiar with the temperament, but cannot believe that cannot believe that the sound of such sounds of nature, he has done unexpectedly conveniently. 君莫邪无声无息地闭上眼睛,右手轻轻打着节拍,应和着管清寒吹奏的曲子,似乎在享受,沉浸在了这一片曾经极之熟悉的乐曲之中。东方问心三人骤闻如斯优美的乐曲,先是惊讶,然后便不由自主地沉浸了进去,这样美好缠绵的曲调,在这个世界,竟是从未出现过……纵然再美好的乐曲也有尽头,一曲终毕,管清寒呆呆地手持玉箫站着,不可置信的望着“作曲”之人君莫邪\;自己虽然也早就知道他熟悉音律,但也不能置信,更不敢相信,这样的天籁之音,他居然随手就做了出来。 Really is of pleasant to hear......” Dugu Xiaoyi opens the eye, some say|way of recall: I have never listened to such affectionate song, if can sing with the lyrics, decides however will also be very of pleasant to hear.” “真是好听啊……”独孤小艺睁开眼睛,有些留恋的道:“我从未听过这样深情的曲子,若是能用歌词唱出来,定然也会很好听。” Jun Moxie shows a faint smile, takes the writing brush, fills in the lyrics under the collection of music scores, finished a piece of writing at one go. Said: This song, is called Wuhui (No regrets) asking one's conscience tune.” In the heart disappointed sighed: In this world, does not have the plum blossom three lanes eventually! 君莫邪微微一笑,拿起毛笔,就在曲谱下面填上歌词,一挥而就。道:“这首曲子,就叫做‘无悔问心曲’吧。”心中怅然一叹:这世上,终究是没有梅花三弄! Four people have simultaneously encircled, in the mouth read aloud slowly. 四人同时围了上来,口中缓缓念诵。 Bustling place innate unreasoning passion, not smiles the unreasoning passion to be too crazy crazily \; If not cold biting cold, that plum blossom greeting the nostrils fragrance \; What is published the sentiment is, teaches life loathsome appearance allow \; Looks at world many stories, most is overwhelmed with emotion Wuhui (No regrets) to ask one's conscience......” “红尘自有痴情者,莫笑痴情太痴狂\;若非一番寒彻骨,那得梅花扑鼻香\;问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许\;看人间多少故事,最销魂无悔问心……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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