OEM :: Volume #7

#644: Sharpens the knife to Silver City!

Arrived afterward, these people arrived unexpectedly has eaten the muddy cement soup to maintain the breath in the situation water the minimum also oxygen...... Pure Profound Qi cultivation base, cannot maintain for seven days seven nights not to breathe...... When was dug, seven person each people also on only remaining the one breath, fell into depth unconscious, the body of everyone, is many bone fractures, the basic even/including changed strength of eyeball not to have...... Last when the person actually died are many, the body is gnawed one after another, the meat did not have directly...... All people see at present this pitiful condition, grieved lowered the head...... Very obviously, has not eaten under the place, fellow who that predeceases bad luck, then has become everybody's food ............ A few days later, these people restored finally little, after being sober , the first matter that does is the vomit that keeps...... Moreover henceforth had the worry: Eats oneself brothers' flesh and blood one after another...... What is this felt? 到后来,这几个人居然到了就地喝浑水泥汤维持呼吸的地步水中起码还有氧气……再精纯的玄气修为,也不能维持七天七夜不呼吸啊……被挖出来时,其中七个人每人也就只剩下了一口气了,陷入了深度昏迷,每个人的身上,都是多处骨折,基本连翻动眼珠的力量也没有了……最后一人却已死去多时,身上被啃得一块一块的,肉直接都没了……所有人看到眼前这种惨状,都是惨然低下头去……很显然,在地底下没有吃的,那倒霉先死的家伙,便成了大家伙的食物…………几天后,这几个人总算是恢复了少许,清醒之后所做的第一件事就是不停的呕吐……而且从此犯下了心病:一口一口的吃自己兄弟的骨肉……这是一种什么感觉? This terrifying feeling, makes these people always remember until the end of time sufficiently! 这种恐怖的感觉,足以让这几个人一直铭记到地老天荒 But Jun Moxie exhausted Spiritual Force to initiate the landslide, after coming out, almost at the back of walked by Chu Qihun...... But the bonus is so, Great Supreme Chu is still very joyful! 君莫邪耗尽了灵力引发了山崩,出来之后,几乎是靠楚泣魂背着一路走……但饶是如此,楚大至尊依然很快乐! When he sees there sudden avalanche, such as the big hot days have jumped in the glacier the same comfort \; When he sees two mountain peaks simultaneously the avalanche, Chu Qihun has even forgotten the shock! 当他看到那里突然崩塌的时候,就如大热天跳进了冰河里一样的舒坦\;当他看到两座山峰同时崩塌的时候,楚泣魂甚至都忘记了震惊! At that moment he only wants to perform...... Too crisp, too damn crisp! 那一刻他只想唱戏……太爽啦,太他妈的爽啦! Let your die to urge not to distinguish between right and wrong to chase down the father! Then good, by retribution? Only to this point, do not say that is only makes him carry a Jun Moxie section of road, even if makes him carry for a lifetime, he also wants! 让你们这些死催得不分青红皂白地追杀老子!这下好,遭报应了吧?单冲着这一点,不要说只是让他背君莫邪一段路,就算是让他背一辈子,他也愿意! Consecutively several days of pass by, on road tranquilly. 连续十几天的时间过去,路上可谓平静至极。 Front, has been able to see the Tianxiang City city wall faintly. 前方,已经能隐隐地看到了天香城的城墙了。 Jun Moxie Spiritual Force early restored, but he depends in carrying on the back of Chu Qihun, did not get down shit! I to get down this fellow to run in an instant, whom did I ask to go? 君莫邪灵力早已经恢复了,但他赖在楚泣魂的背上,死活就是不下来靠!我一下来了这家伙转眼自己跑了,我找谁去? But, Chu Qihun throughout is Chu Qihun, even if Jun Moxie has given the greatest sincerity, he was still only Jun Family lived in two days later, then floating departed. He looks like a lonely wild wolf, will never have the too long idle time the time, perhaps, the saying child of that fluttering, that thrilling instance, is the Chu Qihun true pursue! 但,楚泣魂始终是楚泣魂,就算君莫邪已经给出了莫大的诚意,他仍是只在君家住了两天之后,便飘然离去。他就像是一头孤独的野狼,永远不会有太长的停歇下来的时间,或许,那种飘荡的曰子,那种惊险的瞬间,才是楚泣魂真正追求的! My originally was a non- root duckweed, habit this type said the child, never hoped to have the root, your I say to gather now, was predestined friends greatly, but he toward not necessarily again had the time of meeting again.” “我本就是一无根浮萍,习惯了这种曰子,也从不希望有根,你我今曰相聚,大是有缘,但他朝却未必再有重聚之期。” When Chu Qihun on point of departure had a lengthy conversation with Jun Moxie, says: Everybody is true assassin, is valued in knowing in the heart, my status throughout is assassin, this will never change! I like this type saying the child, feeling that likes all sea able to move unhindered horizon drifting \; I am not suitable to stay in a place to be motionless. Therefore I leave!” 楚泣魂临别之时与君莫邪长谈,如是说道:“大家都是真正的杀手,贵在心知,我的身份始终是一个杀手,这点永远都不会改变!我喜欢这种曰子,也喜欢四海纵横天涯漂泊的感觉\;我不适合留在一个地方不动。所以我离开!” I was very happy, can be predestined friends runs into the king in your this assassin, what a pity, your status was doomed you not to be impossible to make assassin in the true sense! Therefore although your strength might be considered as our line of King, does not have the dispute certainly, nobody has the qualifications objection, but you must remember your status, you are not assassin! I am!” “我很高兴,能够有缘遇到你这位杀手之中的帝王,可惜,你的身份注定了你不可能做一个真正意义上的杀手!所以你的实力虽然堪称是我们这一行的王者,绝无争议,也没有人有资格异议,但你要记住你的身份,你不是杀手!我才是!” Therefore, I am sorry my departure very much!” “所以,我很抱歉我的离开!” I know that you want anything \; I have an apprentice, I later will arrange him to look for you! Believes that you should have impression to him, because he had assassinated you. I hope that you can not record past animosity , to him \; Although I am only assassin, but I am also a Master.” “我知道你想要什么\;我有一个徒弟,我之后会安排他来找你!相信你对他应该有印象,因为他曾经刺杀过你。我希望你能不记前嫌,好好的对他\;虽然我只是一个杀手,但我也是一个师傅。” Regarding chasing down of Three Great Sacred Lands, I have not cared \; Because I am chased down every day, most is this chasing down beginning is also quite high!” “对于三大圣地的追杀,我并没有放在心上\;因为我每一天都是在被追杀,最多也就是这次追杀的起点比较高而已!” Perhaps this time I am very difficult to escape chasing down of Three Great Sacred Lands \; But, hides to evade, that is not my Chu Qihun habit! I am King of Assassins, even if must die, should to kill, but is not passes away calmly and steadily tranquilly. My rather blood splashes five steps, actually willingly does not live on dishonorably! This is my pride, believes that you understand.” “或许这一次我很难逃过三大圣地的追杀\;但,躲起来逃避,那不是我楚泣魂习惯!我是杀手之王,纵然要死,也应该让人杀死,而不是安安稳稳地平静老死。我宁可血溅五步,却绝不甘心苟且偷生!这是我的骄傲,相信你明白。” If I have not died by luck, felt that was tired, I think that I can come to stop over, then starts my to drift once more......” “若是我侥幸未死,又感觉到累了,我想我会过来落落脚,然后再次开始我的漂泊……” ...... This is words that Chu Qihun spoke, Jun Moxie understood, is admiring, even also envies. ……这就是楚泣魂说的话,君莫邪非常理解,也非常钦佩,甚至还有些羡慕。 Holding a sword horizon, pleased love and hate \; Matter flicking the sleeve, a sword able to move unhindered! 仗剑天涯,快意恩仇\;事了拂衣,一剑纵横! Surely, the lofty one sword to morning breeze \; In dream dark blue tsunami, wakes up Blood-clothed to be red! 一身千万里,孤剑对晨风\;梦里沧海笑,醒来血衣红! The love and hate must draw a sword, life and death what Guanqing! 恩仇须拔剑,生死何关情! The supple intestines circle the cape, the loyalty according to the sea! 柔肠绕海角,丹心照沧溟! I go from Xiaoyao (free and unfettered), Heaven and Earth does not keep the line \; cold Yuesui the the lofty one shade, deadwood plunders the cold wind! 我自逍遥去,天地不留行\;冷月随孤影,枯枝掠寒风! This originally is the life in Jun Moxie dream, but this, his status, will be doomed this dream never possibly to realize! 本就君莫邪梦想中的生活,但这一世,他的身份,注定了这个梦想永远不可能实现! Moreover Chu Qihun said very right, although oneself are King of Assassins in the true sense, but actually cannot appear by the assassin appearance! assassin, this name, is only his on first! This, he is Jun Moxie! 而且楚泣魂说得很对,自己虽然是真正意义上的杀手王者,但却不能以杀手的面目出现!杀手,这个久违的称呼,只属于他的上一世!这一世,他是君莫邪 With a Chu Qihun war, captures the King of Assassins glory, has proven Evil Monarch \; Actually is also only a certificate, although that was enough! 楚泣魂一战,夺得杀手王者的荣耀,已经证明了邪君\;却也只是一个证明,虽然那已经足够! Therefore Jun Moxie has not detained Chu Qihun, from another perspective, Chu Qihun roams about Jiang Hu, as if has also continued, a Jun Moxie Jiang Hu assassin dream! 所以君莫邪没有挽留楚泣魂,或者,从另一个方面来讲,楚泣魂流浪江湖,似乎也是延续了,君莫邪的一个江湖杀手梦! Can have one with the person who vainly hope for similarly, such as is the life, is from one side, round own dream! 能有一个与自己同样梦想的人,如是生活,也就算是从侧面,圆了自己的梦想! Jun Moxie is only when Chu Qihun just before leaving, has given him three Medicinal Pill \; Opening Origin Pill, Gathering Origin Pill, Heavenly Origin Pill. Then, has given him medicine pill of two bottles of careful refinements, one bottle mainly treats the internal injury, even if the serious internal injury can also within the short time recover again, even if overstates this grade of medicine and stone acupuncture needle not spirit sickness, can receive the merit of alleviation recuperation, another bottle is the blade creates the medicine, has the wonderful effectiveness in the flesh wound greatly, several have meat white bone, gets up dead the energy of living. 君莫邪只是在楚泣魂临走的时候,送给了他三颗丹药\;通元丹,聚元丹,天元丹。然后,给了他两瓶自己精心炼制的药丹,一瓶主治内伤,就算是再严重的内伤也能再短时间之内复原,即便是走火入魔这等药石无灵之症,也能收缓解调理之功,另一瓶则是刀创药,于外伤大有神效,几有肉白骨,起死生之能。 After knowing these three Medicinal Pill and two bottles the use of medicine, Chu Qihun did not speak for a very long time \; On his face does not even have the happy and delighted meaning, instead loses completely, unexpectedly is weak struggling. 在知道了这三种丹药和两瓶内外伤药的用途之后,楚泣魂久久不语\;他的脸上甚至全无高兴、欢欣的意思,反而满是失落,竟是一种无力的挣扎。 My Chu Qihun, always never owes people the favor \; This is always a I proudest point, is I leads the surname, but is biggest basis! But your this donation, is really extremely serious, sinks to be important I to be hard to shoulder, actually knows to be hard to reject, does not want to reject! Chu owes you really a great deal, the Snow Wind tavern, owes you a life \; The valley in shensi interception, owes you sentiment \; The thousand li (500 km) escaping line, owes you once more \; Now, has owed your many Medicinal Pill. I am not really feeling well! If there is an opportunity, must return you surely this favor, only the debt of gratitude is difficult, I feared that my this whole life cannot pay off! Therefore I never owe!” “我楚泣魂,平生从未欠人人情\;这从来都是我最为自傲的一点,也是我率姓而为的最大根本!但你这一次的赠予,实在是太过沉重,沉重要我难以负荷,却又自知难以拒绝,不想拒绝!楚某欠你委实良多,风雪酒馆,欠你一命\;斜谷截杀,欠你之情\;千里遁行,再次欠你\;如今,又欠了你这么多的丹药。我实在是很不爽!若有机会,定要还你这人情,惟人情债最是难还,我怕我这辈子还不清!所以我从不欠!” Chu Qihun walked, greatly is natural floating goes, walks has no cares, walks not to return. 楚泣魂走了,大是潇洒的飘然而去,走得无牵无挂,走得头也不回。 Renounces to be free and easy. 决绝而洒脱。 He has left finally only behind a few words, said that these words, he turns around to go, does not review! 他最后只留下了一句话,说完了这句话,他就掉头而去,再不回顾! You wield a sword Snow Wind saying that then when is Chu draws a sword Silver City! These three bottles of Medicinal Pill, I from treat as the reward it! Although you do not think, but, I never owe the person, is not willing to owe you! 君挥剑风雪之曰,便是楚某拔剑银城之时!这三瓶丹药,我自把它当做酬劳!虽然你不是这么想,但,我从不欠人,更不愿欠你! Jun Moxie is silent. 君莫邪默然。 Chu Qihun walks \; Mei Xueyan also proposed saying goodbye to Jun Moxie! 楚泣魂才走\;梅雪烟也向君莫邪提出了告辞! She must coordinate Snake Queen, rotates Heavenly Punishment, prepares the forthcoming war! 她要协同蛇王,回转天罚,准备即将到来的大战! Similarly, when Mei Xueyan returns once more, when is the people wholeheartedly wields armed forces Silver City! 同样的,当梅雪烟再次归来的时候,就是众人一心挥军银城之时! The war of Silver City, if not leave accident/surprise, believes that the Three Great Sacred Lands aspect will also meddle! 银城之战,若是不出意外,相信三大圣地方面也是会插手的! Therefore, Mei Xueyan this time goes back, then wants the assemble forces! She brings Jun Moxie many Medicinal Pill to depart, once more when return, is brand-new Heavenly Punishment! 所以,梅雪烟此次回去,便是要调集兵力!她带着君莫邪的许多丹药离去,再次归来之时,便是崭新的天罚 Heavenly Punishment in the past magnificence, referred to saying that may treat! 天罚往昔之辉煌,指曰可待! Who must block me to take revenge the road, then, no matter who, is easily accomplished, is not forgiving! By the absolute strength, a war destroys it! 无论是谁要阻我复仇之路,那么,不管是谁,一路摧枯拉朽,绝不留情!以绝对的实力,一战摧之! This time wielding a sword Silver City, since to take revenge, to frighten! 这一次的挥剑银城,既是为了复仇,也是为了震慑! Because Jun Moxie not only need cut to kill the Xiao Family person, but must let the Sword Peak avalanche snowy mountain! 因为君莫邪不仅要斩杀萧家人,还要让剑峰崩塌雪山! Must cause stir that enough shocks, frightens entire Xuan Xuan Continent! 务必要造成足够震撼的轰动,震慑整个玄玄大陆 For the Jun Family revenge! Takes revenge for the father! Takes revenge for mother! Takes revenge for the uncle! For the Elder Brother revenge! 君家复仇!为父亲复仇!为母亲复仇!为叔叔复仇!为哥哥复仇! Must go to the Dongfang Aristocratic Family in the past pledge shackles taking advantage of this solution! 更要借此解去东方世家往昔的誓言枷锁! Takes Silver City Xiao Family as to visit, announced to the entire world, rising of my Jun Family! 银城萧家为踏足点,向整个天下宣告,我君家的崛起! Rising of my Jun Moxie! 君莫邪的崛起! Unmanned may block again, nobody may block certainly! 再无人可阻,绝无人可阻! At that moment, then truly starts my Otherworldly Evil Monarch magnificent road! 那一刻,便真正开始我异世邪君的辉煌之路! Mei Xueyan departs, in the eyes completely does not abandon \; Finally in one time hugs gently, floating goes \; Snake Queen Qian Xun, the eye socket is red, as if has cried the appearance, walks, she has not looked at Jun Moxie one unexpectedly. 梅雪烟离去的时候,眼中尽是不舍\;终于在一次轻轻地拥抱之余,飘然而去\;蛇王芊寻,眼圈红红的,似乎哭过的样子,走的时候,她竟然没有看君莫邪一眼。 Also does not know that does not dare to look, or is anything...... Other...... The return of Dongfang Wenxin, making Jun Family depending on adding the greatest jubilation! 也不知是不敢看,又或者是什么……别的……东方问心的回归,让君家凭添了莫大的喜庆! meet again/goodbye to whole face ashamed brother-in-law Jun Wuyi time, Dongfang Wenxin said: Third Brother, you do not need ashamed, does not need excessively to rebuke oneself. don't said that this matter you did not have what mistake \; Even if mistake in you how, brothers concentric, a originally body. If this matter happens in me and on Wuhui (No regrets), met with a disaster innocently, only feared that was you! But we also similarly sad...... You only need ponder the entire item matter by your Big Brother’s standpoint, can understand your Big Brother’s meaning. You forever are the little brother who we most love \; If you thought is really unfair to your Big Brother, then, open and aboveboard is living, for your Big Brother, lives a elegant demeanor and pride!” 再见到满脸惭愧的小叔子君无意的时候,东方问心说道:“三弟,你无需惭愧,也无须过多自责。莫说这件事你本来就没有什么过错\;就算过错在你又如何,兄弟同心,本就一体。若是这件事发生在我和无悔身上,那么,无辜遭殃的,只怕就是你了!而我们也同样会难过……你只需以你大哥的立场来思考整件事,就可以明白你大哥的意思。你永远都是我们最宠爱的小兄弟\;若你真的觉得对不起你大哥,那么,就堂堂正正的活着,替你大哥,活出一份风采和骄傲!” Jun Wuyi suppresses has not been crying \; The eye socket went back red \; This lofty character rugged Blood-clothed General, that night, has knelt for night before Jun Wuhui and Jun Wumeng spirit, frost full head! 君无意强忍着没有落泪\;眼圈红红地回去了\;这位傲骨嶙峋的血衣大将,当天晚上,在君无悔君无梦的灵前跪了一夜,霜满头! But, hence in the heart ties finally full! 但,至此终于心结全开! Dongfang Wenxin to Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi these two accurate daughters-in-law is also satisfaction \; Guan Qinghan strong with pure flower, in that snow cold plum makings, causes Dongfang Wenxin greatly is the appreciation \; Especially appreciates insistence in Guan Qinghan that bone and stubborn arrogant, lets the Dongfang Wenxin very one type the own feeling of seeing the past years. 东方问心管清寒独孤小艺这两个准儿媳妇也是满意之极\;管清寒的坚强和清华,那雪中寒梅似地气质,令到东方问心大是欣赏\;尤其欣赏管清寒那种骨子里的坚持和倔强孤傲,让东方问心很有一种看到了当年的自己的感觉。 also, the Guan Qinghan temperament is aloof, the calligraphy and painting outstanding in both fields, are really many with the Dongfang Wenxin common language \; Therefore two people in the same place, complement each other. 还有,管清寒音律超然,书画双绝,与东方问心的共同语言着实不少\;所以两人在一起,正是相得益彰。 As for Dugu Xiaoyi this cunning and strange girl, Dongfang Wenxin another in love from bone, looked like a biological daughter was ordinary, Dugu Xiaoyi smart-alecky encouraging, tender gruff lovable, the Elf was clever, often teased Dongfang Wenxin to be always smiles. Adds on Silver City Little Princess Han Yanmeng also often to join in the fun again, four women chatted, more and more appeared intimate. 至于独孤小艺这个刁钻古怪的丫头,东方问心却另有一种发自骨子里的疼爱,就像是多了一个亲生女儿一般,独孤小艺的俏皮可喜,娇憨可爱,精灵伶俐,时常逗得东方问心笑口常开。再加上一个银城小公主寒烟梦也时常来凑热闹,四个女人说说笑笑,越来越显得亲密。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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