OEM :: Volume #7

#643: Landslide cracks in the earth!

When the Dream Blood Sea three people are in a daze, the Fleeing World Immortal Palace five people also one after another get down, one of them asked: How nobody? Has all around searched for?” Obviously also is very accidental/surprised. 就在梦幻血海的三人发呆的时候,遁世仙宫的五人也陆续下来,其中一人不由问道:“怎么没人?四周都搜过了吗?”显然也很是意外 Nobody! Really strange! How can nobody?” Blood Sea expert flexure the scalp, has been puzzling. Seemingly since the Profound Arts accomplishment, again did not have the scratching the head skin, now unexpectedly ascended habit of childhood...... The inspection that eight people strike, drew the conclusion consistently: This is a straight cavity, all around is the solid hole wall of thick earth and rock constitution, does not have other crossing absolutely! The under foot is impossible, that type concentrates the solid feeling, clear told the people this fact! “没人!真怪!怎么会没人呢?”一位血海高手挠了挠头皮,百思不得其解。貌似自从玄功大成,就再也没有挠过头皮了,现在居然把童年的习惯又拾了起来……八个人敲敲打打的检查,一致得出了结论:这是一个直筒的空洞,四周皆是厚实的土和岩石构成的坚实洞壁,绝对不存在别的岔道!脚下更是不可能,那种凝实的感觉,清晰的告诉了众人这个事实! Wastes time, haha, gets down 50 zhang (3.33 m), with trepidation, frightens unbearably, actually throws smiling of spatial......” a person has self-ridiculed, said: Since nobody, we hurries. Here pitch-dark, how I felt that does not suit everywhere......” “白忙一趟,哈哈,一路下来50丈,提心吊胆,吓得够呛,却是扑了一个空……”一人自嘲的笑了笑,说道:“既然没人,那我们就赶紧上去。这里黑洞洞的,我怎么感觉到处都是那么不对劲……” Since nobody, what also makes here? Here at least below 50 zhang (3.33 m) place bottom, is not good to be at! 既然没人,还在这里做什么?这里可是至少50丈以下的地底,可不是什么好所在! In puzzled time, the sudden person jumped fiercely, loudly exclaimed: Everybody looks quickly! My heavens!” 正在大惑不解的时候,突然一人猛的跳了起来,大吼道:“大家快看!我的天啊!” Other seven people cannot think that this buddy will not have appealing to heaven of demeanor unexpectedly, smiles, will satirize, the sudden seven people simultaneously panic-stricken called: Damn, suddenly to be how many these many water?” 其余七人想不到这哥们居然会没有风度的叫天,不由都是一笑,正要讽刺,突然七个人同时惊恐的叫了起来:“他妈的,怎么突然多了这么多的水?” Originally in the ground whistling operated the mouth to emit the water, cool pleasant, in an instant had not arrived at the ankle area! The people clearly had examined a moment ago, under this dryness to the limit, could not miss many compared with the kiln wall of baking bricks \; But...... How sudden water leakage? 原来地面上呼呼地开了泉眼似地冒出水来,清凉宜人,转眼间已经没到了脚踝!刚才众人分明查看过,这下面的干燥已经是到了极限,比烧砖的窑壁也差不了多少\;但……怎么会突然出水? But, now is actually not the experience cool good time, did not ponder the issue gets to the root of a matter: The hole bottom braves the water, means...... This hole... Immediately wanted the avalanche...... Moreover, this is from the ground 50 zhang (3.33 m) place bottom deep place! Once caves in...... Eight people simultaneously in great surprise, quickly leapt, climbs up the cliff, flies upward to climb the line generally \; By these eight people of strengths, if no accidental/surprised again, had the opportunity to run away greatly the birth day, ground the rising trend of water, simply not such quick...... But suddenly in this time, the above hole wall unexpectedly is inexplicable fierce sways...... Eight people only think that at present one dark, simultaneously in the heart yelled: Painstakingly!” 但,现在却不是体会清凉的好时候,也不是思考问题寻根究底的时候:洞底冒水,就意味着……这个洞…马上就要崩塌了……而且,这可是距离地面50丈的地底深处!一旦塌陷……八个人同时大惊,迅速跃了起来,攀上石壁,飞一般往上攀行\;以这八人实力,若再无意外,大有机会逃出生天,地面的水的涨势,根本没有这么快……但突然就在此时,上方的洞壁竟是一阵莫名的剧烈摇晃……八个人只觉眼前一暗,同时心中大叫:“苦也!” The soil instant bang has pounded, the middle also mixes with have the giant stone! This is in 50 zhang (3.33 m) deep place bottom! Eight person ghosts all brave, to go all out upward to clash, but only hears one of the bang, suddenly thought that pitch-dark anything could not see, the entire hole wall unexpectedly was together the avalanche! 大片大片的泥土瞬时轰隆隆的砸了下来,中间还夹杂有巨大的石头!这可是在50丈深的地底!八个人亡魂皆冒,拼命往上冲,但只听得轰的一声,顿时就觉得黑洞洞的什么都看不到了,整个洞壁竟是一起崩塌了! Totals eight Superior Supreme top expert, was buried alive unexpectedly in the cavern! 合共八名至尊之上顶尖高手,竟是被生生地活埋在了洞穴之中! Above Zhen Cibei and the others are waiting for the good news, but waits, suddenly the feeling under foot presented the vibration, Du Jue responded quickly, leapt to jump, then the people leapt cave entrance together, at the same time, the entire cave entrance crash-bang a sound, entire collapsed! 上面的甄慈悲等人正在等好消息,但等着等着,突然感觉脚下出现了震动,杜绝反应最快,腾得跳了起来,然后众人一起跃开洞口,在同一时间,整个洞口哗啦啦一声响,整个塌了下去! Soil stone in all directions simultaneously has pushed toward the middle...... Stops up this square cave entrance instantaneously solid! 四面八方的泥土石块同时往中间挤了过来……瞬间就将这个四四方方的洞口堵得严严实实! Zhen Cibei and Zi Jinghong also shouted abuse: fuck! this unexpectedly is a trap!” 甄慈悲紫惊虹同时破口大骂:“草!这居然是个陷阱!” At this moment, the Zhen Cibei benign countenance did not have, becomes fierce fearsome, is similar to must eat the person to be ordinary, breathless shouting abuse: Dog grass Chu Qihun! Your entire family is a bastard! Unexpectedly can find out the cloudy move that such damages, I said your ancestor!!” 这一刻,甄慈悲的慈眉善目一点也没有了,变得狰狞可怖,如同要吃人一般,气急败坏的破口大骂:“狗艹的楚泣魂!你全家都是王八蛋!居然能想出这么损的阴招,我曰你祖宗!!” A benign countenance affable old man starts the vixen to shout abuse public suddenly generally, is what felt? 一个慈眉善目和蔼可亲的老头突然间开始泼妇一般骂大街,是一种什么感觉? Should be magnificent? I do not know \; But this moment Three Great Sacred Lands expert definitely are the heart has the experience! 应该有多么壮观?我不知道\;但此刻三大圣地高手们肯定是心有体会的! Keeping silent looks that this white beard mercy Supreme stamps one's foot obloquied, the vulgar language is incessant, simply compared with last day hot time was stumbled a tumble to split the big fat woman of pants to scold also ruthlessly in my family entrance...... Zhen Cibei has to get angry, has to be startled! 一个个噤若寒蝉的看着这位白胡子慈悲至尊跳脚大骂,污言秽语滔滔不绝,简直比上次天热的时候在我家门口被人绊了一跤裂开了裤子的大胖娘们骂得还要狠……甄慈悲不得不怒,不得不惊! He to prevent eventuality, but one breath sent five almost in peak Superior Supreme expert! These may completely only miss one step to make great strides forward the Venerable progression expert extremely, if lost seriously here...... The consequence is dreadful! Seriously to linking him cannot withstand! 他为了预防万一,可是一口气派出去了五位几乎在巅峰至尊之上高手!那些可尽都是只差一步就能迈进尊者级数的绝顶高手啊,要是当真在这里损失了……后果不堪设想!严重到连他也承受不起! Moreover this plan is he raises! Overruled the correct proposition of Zi Jinghong to raise! 而且这个计划还是他提出来的!否决了紫惊虹的正确提议提出来的! Zi Jinghong similarly is also obloquying of reddening all over the face, in heart sorrowful, actually also some faint pleasant sensations: Grass your paternal grandmother! Makes you design the father again! Then good? My person has also buried three, but your person actually all of a sudden loses five! Also wants many two compared with my Blood Sea, moreover is peak expert! One side he bah, under also had my person, the father secretly runs up to now goes happily...... Du Jue grinning, on the face the muscle has pulled out pulling out, in the look some to take joy in other people's misfortunes, in the mouth actually the say|way of sympathy: Originally this place unexpectedly is a trap...... Really could not expect...... Two, restrain your grief and accommodate change, after all, the person dies cannot come back to life...... Xuan Xuan Continent is abundance of capable people, collects several expert some again......” 紫惊虹同样也是满脸通红的大骂不已,心中悲痛,却也隐隐有些快感:艹你奶奶!再让你设计老子!这下好了吧?我的人也就埋了三个,而你的人却一下子损失五个!比我血海还要多两个,而且还全是巅峰高手!丫了个呸的,要不是下面也有我的人,老子现在就偷偷跑到一边乐去了……杜绝咧了咧嘴,脸上肌肉抽了抽,眼神中有些幸灾乐祸,口中却同情的道:“原来此地居然是一个陷阱哇……真是料想不到……两位,节哀顺变,毕竟,人死不能复生……玄玄大陆人才济济,再凑几个高手还是有的……” The words of Du Jue skin Liyang autumn, with climate are born Buddha of Zhen Cibei and Zi Jinghong, two Buddha ascends to heaven, three Buddha Nirvana! 杜绝皮里阳秋的一番话,把甄慈悲紫惊虹同时气的一佛出世,二佛升天,三佛涅槃! Did this also call the logical expression? 这还叫人话吗? Was buried alive...... Has not died, your here must restrain your grief and accommodate change unexpectedly!...... This is not the curse! 只是被活埋了……还没死呢,你这里居然已经要节哀顺变了!……这不是诅咒吗! Comes the person! Digs up this hole to the father at the maximum speed! Is quicker!” The Zhen Cibei whole face malignant influences, both hands fork waist, bellows fierce! “来人!给老子以最快的速度将这个洞挖开!快些!”甄慈悲满脸煞气,双手叉腰,厉声大吼! Another side, Zi Jinghong hurried a same order! 另一边,紫惊虹赶紧下了一道相同的命令! Under, some direction: Jun Moxie both eyes shuts, both hands close up, suddenly inspires the both arms fiercely outward, brown rays of light ripples send out suddenly generally from him, melted the surrounding soil layer instantaneously, was difficult to see the place that in the naked eye, continued to proliferate toward the distant place, but the body of Jun Moxie, yellow luminescence braved unceasingly, rapidly braved, ceaseless braved...... I must let here Heaven Collapses Earth Sinks!! 地底下,某一个方向:君莫邪双眼微闭,双手合拢,突然猛地往外一振双臂,一圈圈一波波土黄色的光芒突然间涟漪一般从他身上散发出来,瞬间融进了周围土层,在肉眼难见的地方,继续往远方扩散,而君莫邪的身上,一圈圈的黄光不断冒出来,急速的冒出来,无休无止的冒出来……我要让这里天塌地陷!! Finally, Jun Moxie complexion white, fierce opening eyes, two blood light fierce dodges, bellows, the infinite yellow luminescence explodes to disperse loudly, body weary weak in the future straight throwing down, in mouth say|way rapidly: Walks quickly!...... Leaves here, the quicker the better!!” 终于,君莫邪脸色一白,猛的一睁眼,两眼血光猛的一闪,大吼一声,无限的黄光轰然爆散出去,身子疲倦无力的往后直直的摔倒,口中急速的道:“快走!……离开这里,越快越好!!” Chu Qihun fishes his body, the sharp sword follows a pitch-dark road to proceed sharply to flee generally \; Mei Xueyan follows closely, in an instant vanished...... In ground, when the Three Great Sacred Lands plan starts to excavate the life-saving, expert just raised a bulk soil block, the people simultaneously thought suddenly the under foot vibrates! 楚泣魂一把捞住他的身体,利剑一般顺着一条黑洞洞的甬道往前急窜\;梅雪烟紧随在后,转眼间就消失了……地面上,就在三大圣地打算开始掘土救人的时候,一位高手才刚刚掀起来了一大块的泥土块,突然间众人同时觉得脚下震动! The earth of under foot, is dancing the general cheerful vibration! 脚下的大地,在跳舞一般的欢快的震动! This vibration a moment ago also wanted to be bigger than many! In the stone including ground, was shot Old tall...... The people only thought that stands unexpectedly continually somewhat does not stand steadily, Du Jue looks up, that the complexion big change, brushes becomes pale, big shouted: fuck! This place is going the landslide...... How this will have the landslide...... Everybody walk quickly......” plunders the body, whiz such as the advantage arrow leaves the string. Supreme Gold City expert shout and wrangle follows...... do not walk in abundance! The people are incurable, no one permits......” Zhen Cibei to be almost mad spits blood, but looked in an instant that cannot help but also is eye understand is straight, suddenly stops talking! 这一次的震动可是比刚才还要大得许多!连地面上的石头,都被弹起了老高……众人只觉得竟然连站都有些站立不稳,杜绝抬头一看,脸色大变,刷的一声变得惨白,大喝道:“我艹!此地将要山崩了……这怎么会有山崩……大伙快走啊……”一掠身,嗖的一声如利箭离弦。至尊金城高手们大呼小叫纷纷跟上……“不要走!人还没救上来,谁也不准……”甄慈悲气得几乎吐血,但转眼一看,却不由得也是眼睛发了直,顿时住口! By the valley in shensi two mountain peaks simultaneously are swaying, first is the snow of summit bang brings the stone to fall in torrents by the potential of going full steam ahead, avalanche! But has not terminated, the summit continues to sway, the person who suddenly like being drunk, has planted...... Two steep mountain peaks collapse loudly, toward left one one toward right, sinks to congeal toward the middle imposing manner has pounded! Innumerable thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone with long hurried strides rolled from the summit, the momentum is enormous and powerful, suddenly is breached like ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) embankment! Moreover all of a sudden from above definitely to below, directly is the idioms of four characters: Withstand great pressure! 斜谷两边的两座山峰同时摇晃着,先是山顶的积雪轰隆隆带着石头以万马奔腾之势倾泄下来,雪崩!但还未完结,山顶继续摇晃,突然间就像喝醉了酒的人,一头栽了下来……两座陡峭的山峰轰然倒塌,一往左一往右,向着中间气势沉凝的砸了下来!无数的千斤巨石万斤巨石大步流星的从山顶滚了下来,声势浩浩荡荡,就像万丈大堤突然决口!而且一下子从上面一直决到下面,直接就是四个字的成语:泰山压顶! Zhen Cibei grievance wants the crack bellows: Run!......” Sound transposition! 甄慈悲睚眦欲裂的大吼一声:“快跑啊!……”声音都变了调! About 100 expert suddenly will flee helter-skelter...... But after all was inferior Du Jue, finally many people bellowed according to the circumstances quickly are shouting miserably are submerged in inside...... Only can resist with own Profound Arts hardly...... Bang around the sound of cracks in the earth landslide has continued tea skill/effort, at this moment looks at that canyon again, is the mountain peak of two sides same...... Vast stretch of flat land! 将近100名高手顿时如鸟兽散……但毕竟不如杜绝见机得快一些,最终还是有不少人大吼着惨呼着被淹没在了里面……只能用自己的玄功硬抗……轰轰隆隆的地裂山崩之声前后足足持续了一盏茶的功夫,此刻再看那峡谷,已经是与两边的山峰一样……一马平川! Two mountain peaks clamped the ravine to call the canyon together, now may be booing, three aspects were flush, have become the plain...... The instantaneous accident, Vicissitudes, Mo Guoru is! 原本两座山峰夹着一道山沟才叫峡谷,现在可倒好,三方面齐平,成了平原……瞬间变故,沧海桑田,莫过如是! Three Great Sacred Lands standing of expert panting were just opening up wasteland plain on, the eye straightens looks at present this inconceivable one, only thought vest intermittent feeling cold, cold sweat shua shua braves outward, the surface azure lips are white, ghastly pale look! This grade of Heaven and Earth invincible might, who can contend? 三大圣地高手们一个个气喘吁吁的站在刚刚开垦出来的‘平原’上,眼睛发直的看着眼前这不可思议的一幕,只觉得背心一阵阵的发冷,冷汗刷刷的往外冒,一个个面青唇白,面无人色!这等天地神威,谁可抗衡? Below, often has the moan to resound, giant stones were lifted by the slow arch...... Has saying that these Superior Supreme expert bones are hard, the so large-scale landslide cannot be battered to death unexpectedly! However also completely hung out colored streamers...... On body upper eyelid azure purple same place, drapes a red band to hang out colored streamers, the volume, here is not that meaning of marriage...... A piece of silencing! 下面,不时的有呻吟声响起,一块块巨石被缓慢的拱动掀开……不得不说这些至尊之上高手们骨头就是硬啊,如此大规模的山崩居然也砸不死!不过一个个也尽都挂了彩……身上脸上青一块紫一块,披红挂彩,额,这里可不是结婚的那种意思……一片静寂! Suddenly life-saving Aaah...... Your this group of child bastards! You lull are blockheaded guy!” Zhen Cibei is hammering the chest tap web vitality bellows: father speech could it be you such did not see that they do struggle desperately below? Living trivial matters of one group of children! fuck your grandmothers......” just scolded, suddenly under the anxious anger launches a psychological attack, a blood has spurted! both eyes blood red! 突然“救人啊啊……你们这帮子王八蛋!都你麻痹是木头人啊!”甄慈悲锤着胸膛锥心气血的大吼起来:“老子不说话难道你们就这么眼看着他们在下面挣命嘛?一帮子的活杂碎我艹你们姥姥……”刚刚骂完,突然急怒攻心之下,一口鲜血喷了出来!双眼血红! ...... Entire seven days later, here has tidied up reluctantly, Three Great Sacred Lands this accumulation population total 152 people here, were crushed and injured 17 people by the landslide, broke leg two, finished a job three \; On other person also almost everybody also has the damage, has not killed by luck. ……整整七天以后,这里才算是勉强收拾了出来,三大圣地此次聚集在这里的人数共计152人,被山崩砸伤17人,其中断腿两名,断手三名\;其他人也几乎人人身上也都有损伤,侥幸未出人命。 All owed this group of old bones to be really hard enough! Several hundred years of Profound Arts, is not a vegetarian really...... Finally starts to unearth that hole, afternoon time digs 40 zhang (3.33 m), finally had found that eight people, these eight people were really enough bad luck, diligently during that upward crawled, the landslide, the giant stone fell suddenly, one after another, looked like the great hammer tampers to pound maliciously, tampered really the trim land, eight people were almost battered to death...... Then almost felt stifled...... 全亏了这帮老骨头真是够硬啊!数百年的玄功,真不是吃素的……最后又开始挖掘那个洞,一下午的时间就掘下去40丈,最终算是将那八个人找到了,这八个人实在是够倒霉的,正在努力的往上爬的当口,突然山崩,巨石落下来,一块接一块,就像是巨锤狠狠地夯砸,将整片土地夯得实实在在,八个人几乎被生生地砸死……然后又几乎被憋死…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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