OEM :: Volume #7

#642: Manipulate strategically!

Non-solution!” Chu Qihun sighed, said: „The deceased teacher racks one's brains more than hundred years of years, throughout is hard to explain, although cannot explain, but in the process non- does not have the harvest, the deceased teacher refers to strange movement technique of alien race person, melts many fine mysterious Lightweight Art of profound native place in a furnace again, finally studied one set of unique Core Law, this set of Core Law coordinated movement technique, unexpectedly had with the alien race personhidden killed, technique similar effect. But now I use, is this set of movement technique \; Venerable Mei said that has relations with Heaven Seizing War, is a point is also good, because of this set of movement technique, originally leaves the womb in hidden of alien race person kills!” “无解!”楚泣魂叹了口气,道:“先师苦思百多年岁月,始终难以破解,虽然未能破解,但过程中却也非是全无收获,先师参考异族人的怪异身法,再将玄玄本土的许多精奥轻功融于一炉,终于研究出来了一套独门心法,这套心法配合身法,居然拥有与异族人的“隐杀,之术差不多的效果。而我现在所用的,正是这套身法\;梅尊者说是跟夺天之战有关系,正是一点也不错,因为这套身法,本就是脱胎于异族人的隐杀!” So that's how it is!” Mei Xueyan long breathed a sigh of relief. expression is gentle, said: Made the Master but actually really be honourable senior Expert. Handicapped but functioning in society, still have odd/surplus Ze benefits younger generation.” “原来如此!”梅雪烟长长舒了口气。神色平缓下来,道:“令师倒真是一位值得尊敬的前辈高人。残而不废,犹有余泽惠及后人。” In several people of moods are thick, suddenly in the top of the head flashes through luminously, in the ground in several feet high place, had been raised several feet high snow drift unexpectedly, revealed this man-made cave entrance! 就在几人谈兴正浓之时,突然头顶上一阵光亮闪过,十几丈高处的地面上,竟然被人将数丈高的雪堆掀了起来,露出来了这个人造洞口! Four people all are one startled, Chu Qihun is brushing one has stood. 四人俱都是一惊,楚泣魂更是“刷”的一下站了起来。 Not anxiously not anxious \; Under them does not ride small, if they dare, that was more amusing Jun Moxie snort/hum, said: „ Has not thought that these time came several to have the brain actually, lets my accident/surprise seriously. However, you think that was only this is OK?” “莫急莫急\;他们下不乘的小若他们敢下来,那就更好玩了君莫邪哼了一声,道:“没想到这一次倒是来了几个有脑筋的,当真是让我意外。不过,你们以为就只是这样就可以了吗?” Young Master Jun sprinkles however smiles, cream mist has braved towering. shouted: Diving. 君大少爷洒然一笑,身上一阵乳白色的雾气突兀地冒了出来。喝道:“潜”。 In Chu Qihun and Dongfang Wenxin panic-stricken look, land always doing nothing but suddenly shua shua of under foot downward falls, these time not compared with previous time. Previous time tenesmuss, Jun Moxie wants to look for the hiding place at best \; But places in several feet place bottom is discovered unexpectedly, Jun Moxie somewhat got angry. 楚泣魂东方问心惊骇的眼神中,脚下的土地竟自突然刷刷的往下落去,这一次可不比上一次。上一次下坠,君莫邪充其量只是想找个藏身之处就算了\;但身处在十几丈的地底居然还被发现,君莫邪可是有些怒了。 Therefore this time, is dozens zhang (3.33 m) long distance downward falls directly, suddenly, has an misconception of having a dream including Chu Qihun. 所以这一次,直接就是几十丈的长距离往下坠,一时间,连楚泣魂都有一种做梦的错觉。 Mei Xueyan early this humble one falls at the same time, has held Dongfang Wenxin, lets her double book lift-off \; Reduces several points of frightened feeling. 梅雪烟在下坠的同时,将东方问心抱了起来,让她双册离地\;减少几分恐惧的感觉。 Before Chu Qihun, thinks the big hole that four people of placing oneself is Jun Moxie early has prepared actually, now knows that simply is not a matter, simply accomplishes temporarily, thinks again Jun Moxie this want to dive dives, does not have the terroristic means of limit, this astonishing fact lets in this Assassin Supreme mind suddenly chaos! 楚泣魂之前还以为四人置身的这个大洞其实是君莫邪早已经准备好的,现在才知道根本就不是那么一回事,根本就是临时造就的,再想到君莫邪这等想潜就潜,全无限制的恐怖手段,这个惊人的事实让这位杀手至尊的脑海中顿时一片混沌! Among world unexpectedly also so God strange technique! 天下间居然还有如此神奇异术! Great Divine Ability? 大神通吗? Person who these time comes fears the no small matter, is not necessarily able to deal with easily, waits only to fear that will have a war.” Jun Moxie is controlling the drop tendency. Said to Mei Xueyan greatly discretely: Above, two specially formidable aura, even if compared with you, has no time to let, but no matter how, you do not want make a move. Protects mother is your only duty, all give us two to be solved. “这一次来的人恐怕非同小可,未必可以轻易地应付过去,等下只怕会有一场大战。”君莫邪控制着下降势头。大是谨慎地对梅雪烟道:“上面,有两股特别强大的气息,就算与你相比,也不遑多让,但不管如何,你都不要出手。保护母亲是你唯一的任务,一切交给我们两个来解决”。 „Was that expert of Venerable rank, you two can be solved?” Mei Xueyan stares his one eyes: Do not show off power! By my make a move can inevitably many several points of odds of success ”. “那可是尊者级别的强者,你们两个能解决得了吗?”梅雪烟瞪他一眼:“还是不要逞强!由我出手”必然可以多几分胜算”。 Relax, in this environment, even if Great Golden Immortal gets down, that is also comes one dead one, coming two dead a pair!” Jun Moxie very ruthless say/way. “放心,在这个环境下,就算是大罗金仙下来,那也是来一个死一个,来两个死一双!”君莫邪狠辣的道。 Good that „ said! Talked about plots against the sneak attack, in this world can above our two, it is estimated that not live from his mother belly!, Small Chu Qihun laughed, expression same is quite self-confident. “说的不错!谈到暗算偷袭,这世上能在我们两个之上的,估计还没有从他妈肚子里生出来!,小楚泣魂哈哈一笑,语气同样的极为自信。 A moment ago these days, Jun Moxie make a move helped him recuperate one ** the body, let this Assassin Supreme Profound Arts and body regains the optimum condition, when was the confidence full house. 刚才这段时间里,君莫邪出手帮他调理了一**体,让这个杀手至尊玄功和身体都恢复到了最佳状态,正是信心爆棚之际。 In the dark heavy burrow, two King of Assassins are ready! 暗沉沉的地穴之中,两位杀手之王蓄势待发! But looks from above, actually only then endless gloomy, does not have a sound! 但从上面看下去,却只有无尽的阴沉,全无一点动静! Now what to do?. The Zi Jinghong probe head looks that this black quiet profound does not see the bottom the inexplicable cavern, only thought as if has faint Ghost Qi to brave, in the heart a little violates being afraid/painful. Suggested: „ Was inferior, we simply this. big hole fills, feels stifled they then forget about it directly! This is convenient.” “现在怎么办?。紫惊虹探头看着这个黑幽幽深不见底的莫名洞穴,只觉得其中似乎有幽幽的鬼气直冒,心中有点犯憷。建议道:“不如,我们干脆将这介。大洞填死,直接生生的憋死他们算了!这样还省事。” Hehe, Sect Master Zi \; Do you know under this hole not to have other road fork? Is simply different? Also or is this directly is outside outlet a to valley in shensi? Fills in? Your this, suggested, may really let the old man beams into a smile Zhen Cibei with a laugh look at Zi Jinghong affable saying. “呵呵,紫宗主\;你焉知这个洞下面没有别的岔口?或者根本就别有洞天?又或者是”这直接是一条通往斜谷外的出路?填死?你这介,建议,可真是让老夫欣然一笑甄慈悲笑呵呵的看着紫惊虹和蔼可亲的说道。 On Zi Jinghong face one red, embarrasedly could not speak. 紫惊虹脸上一红,讪讪的说不出话来。 Makes the person get down the examination! Simultaneously next two batch \; The first batch of three people, assume the corner cooperation second batch of five people, assumes circular surrounding, two groups of people are separated by five zhang (3.33 m), the high and low minute of mistake, keeps watch mutually \; When so may guarantee ordering of completely safe Du Jue coldly. “让人下去查看!同时下两批\;第一批三人,呈犄角型互助第二批五人,呈圆形包围,两批人相隔五丈,上下分错,互相守望\;如此当可保万全杜绝冷冷的下令。 Zhen Cibei said with a smile kindly: Good \; Du City Lord this suggestion is very good, then, when may avoid the big casualties! This time, for the tacit degree, should each group of people be stems from the same place more suitable. Otherwise, does Ma Jiangming and Ruan brothers' cup again has, we may really unable to endure, Palace Lord Zi, did you say?” 甄慈悲和蔼地笑道:“不错\;杜城主这个建议很好,如此一来,当可避免较大的伤亡!这一次,为了彼此之间的默契程度,应该每一批人都是出自同一个地方才更适当。否则,再搞出一次马江名和阮氏兄弟的杯具,咱们可就真的吃不消了,紫宫主,你说是么?” Zi Jinghong indifferently said: Second Master stands to reason \; So, asked Second Master to begin to assign the manpower.” Any idea that Du Jue and Zhen Cibei have, Zi Jinghong is well aware \; These two Old bastard want to be the first group of cannon fodders by oneself Dream Blood Sea person! 紫惊虹淡淡地道:“二爷言之有理\;如此,就请二爷着手调派人手吧。”杜绝甄慈悲打的什么主意,紫惊虹心知肚明\;这两个老东西是想让自己梦幻血海的人做第一批的炮灰! Therefore Zi Jinghong collects1-2 to be ugly very much the policy-making group, threw directly the difficult problem to Zhen Guanbei \; You from imploring to throw heart from the corpse. Always can send own person? If by do not send the artificial Lord, you how obedience? 所以紫惊虹很汇”一二丑出决策群,直接将难题抛回给了甄关悲\;你自尸从吁抛心。总不可能不派自己的人吧?若仍以别派中人为主,你将如何服众? Is very good, here also lived on the old man for several years \; So the old man flashed on brazen Zhen Cibei in the eyes severe light, laughed said: „ The Blood Sea people year to year live in the Blood Sea dense fog, regarding this and other dark environment, wants to come, when comes familiar compared with the partners of another two places \; I suggested how the first batch of three people are dispatched by Blood Sea? Du brother, can you have the dissident views?” “很好,这里也就老夫多活了几年\;如此老夫就厚颜了甄慈悲眼中厉光一闪,呵呵笑道:“血海众人常年生活在血海迷雾之中,对于这等黑暗环境,想来当比另两地的伙伴来得熟悉\;我建议第一批的三人就由血海出动如何?杜兄,你可有不同意见吗?” The Du Jue eyelid turns, motionless bodies say/way: Good, Zhen brother said greatly is reasonable \; Blood Sea makes the first wave of search to be really most appropriate \; As for the second batch, was majestic, this point, our Supreme Gold City compared Fleeing World Immortal Palace, but greatly was inferior! As for the second batch, by person make a move of immortal palace I and others here, listens quietly the good news! Nature, if needs the third group of people, our Supreme Gold City is bounden! ” 杜绝眼皮一翻,皮笑肉不动的道:“不错,甄兄说得大有道理\;血海做第一波搜索果然最为合适\;至于第二批,就是堂堂皇皇之阵了,这一点,我们至尊金城相比较起遁世仙宫,可就又是大有不如!至于第二批,就由仙宫的人出手吧”我等在这里,静听佳音!自然,若是需要第三批人的话,我们至尊金城自是义不容辞的!” In the Zi Jinghong heart has criticized one shameless! 紫惊虹心中暗暗骂了一句“无耻”! Really was too shameless! 实在是太无耻了! These two Old Thing, plan, unexpectedly does not attend to the face countenance also being probable first Blood Sea completely to work as the cannon fodder! It seems like these days loss. Has made two Great Sacred Land both give birth has maintained oneself strength the thoughts \; After allthree any losses are really not small! Three Great Sacred Lands about hundred people will have filled in this bottomless pit, the Zhen Cibei quarter was not feeling well the extreme, has not thought that so push the boat along had been suspended one by Du Jue, thinks that must remain final picks up a bargain, was still actually pushed up the second wave, although was not the most direct cannon fodder, had not the small risk. 这两个老货,算计来算计去,居然完全不顾颜面也要先让血海的人当炮灰!看来这段时间的损失。已经让两大圣地都生出了保存自家实力的心思\;毕竟”三家任何一家的损失都着实不小!三大圣地将近百人在这个无底洞里面填了进去,,甄慈悲刻下也是不爽到了极点,没想到被杜绝如此顺水推舟的摆了一道,本想自家要留在最后捡便宜的,却仍是被推上了第二波,虽然不是最直接的炮灰,却也有不小的风险。 In two people of hearts obloquied! When his Grandpa, has our two batch of person make a move probe, where also with obtaining tertiary wave manpower? Du Jue said that bounden „. Four characters simply is a pompous bullshit! Didn't this curse our people dead certainly? 两人心中都是大骂!他爷爷的,有我们两批人出手试探之余,哪里还用得到第三波人手?杜绝说得那“义不容辞。四字简直就是一句冠冕堂皇的屁话!这不是诅咒我们人都死绝吗? Gets down!” The Zhen Cibei sinking sound ordered: intentionally, to cry loud and long to warn!” “下去!”甄慈悲沉声下令:“一有意件,以长啸示警!” Zi Jinghong nodded, the calm face selected three Dream Blood Sea three Superior Supreme expert to leave ranks \; These three people are always always together, tacit extremely good, moreover itself skill cultivation base in Blood Sea is also being able to stand in line number, gets down, even if there is leeway that disadvantageous has slightly wanted to come to be also insufficient not to hit back to be killed! At least can support person who obtains Fleeing World Immortal Palace gets down. 紫惊虹点点头,沉着脸点了三位梦幻血海的三个至尊之上高手出列\;这三人一向形影不离,默契极佳,而且本身功力修为血海中也算是排得上号,下去纵然有所不利小想来也不至于没有还手的余地就被杀!起码能撑得到遁世仙宫的人下来。 Ten zhang (3.33 m) settle down, keep the mark! Causes tall ladder. Du Jue added an injunction again. “十丈一驻足,留印记!弄出天梯”。杜绝再加了一个嘱咐。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, three, the Blood Sea expert complexion is how serious, jumps, forms an equilateral triangle in the midair, fell suddenly. The position that they fall, sticks to the hole wall, in the hand the long sword is dodging radiance, another hand in the front, gathered completely the Profound Arts palm vigor horizontally, prepared to attack or support toward the wall at any time! 众目睽睽之下,三咋,血海高手脸色沉重,同时跃起,在半空中形成一个等边三角形,忽的落了下去。他们落下去的位置,正是紧贴着洞壁,手中长剑闪着光华,另一只手横在胸前,蓄满了玄功掌劲,随时准备出击或者撑往墙壁! In them behind, setting out that five Fleeing World Immortal Palace white robe people brush, follows, jumped. 在他们身后,五个遁世仙宫的白袍人刷的起身,紧随其后,跳了下去。 These time gets down, is Superior Supreme expert! 这一次下去的,全是至尊之上高手 Eight people are maintaining the similar movement, at the same time takes off and lands, at the same time anchorage body on hole wall, at several nearly completely same frequencies, slowly drop! 八个人保持着同样的动作,同一时间起落,同一时间又在洞壁上定住身子,以几近完全相同的频率,缓缓下降! Hole bottom! 洞底! Moxie, the opposite party such formidable strength, we count certainly cannot spell hardly!” Mei Xueyan knits the brows, the sound is rapid: We first left say again! The so-called gentleman revenges, ten years are not late! Above spoke I to hear a moment ago \; What speech is the Fleeing World Immortal Palace No. 2 character, mercy Venerable Zhen Cibei and Supreme Gold City No. 3 character, dead end Venerable Du Jue! These two, with me character with First Level number! Let alone also more than 100 expert! Moxie, for mother, endures a moment air/Qi to walk temporarily! I know that you have certainly withdrawing method!” 莫邪,对方这样强大的实力,我们是绝计不可硬拼的!”梅雪烟皱着眉,声音急促:“我们还是先离开再说吧!所谓君子报仇,十年不晚!上面刚才说话我听见了\;说话的是遁世仙宫的二号人物,慈悲尊者甄慈悲至尊金城的第三号人物,绝路尊者杜绝!这两人,都是跟我同一级数的人物!更何况还有100多名高手莫邪,为了母亲,暂忍一刻之气走吧!我知道你一定另有脱身手段的!” Jun Moxie is startled, above looks at slowly the whereabouts eight people maliciously, clenched teeth, said: Good! You follow close on me to come. 君莫邪一怔,狠狠地看着上面正缓缓下落的八个人,咬了咬牙,道:“好!你们紧跟着我来”。 Jun Moxie wields, side hole bottom presented a black faint cave entrance towering, four people wormed one's way into rapidly, then that cave entrance always doing nothing but instantaneously closes up, not the least bit sound, does not have slight trace ”, but Jun Moxie last worming one's way into time, in the eyes actually clearly flashes through together very ruthless! 君莫邪手一挥,洞底侧面突兀地出现了一个黑幽幽的洞口,四人迅速钻了进去,然后那洞口竟自瞬间合拢,并无半点声息,更无丝毫痕迹”但君莫邪最后一个钻进去的时候,眼中却分明闪过一道狠辣 Has tea skill/effort, Blood Sea three expert simultaneously the destination bottom, making them feel what is strange is \; In ground such deep place, absolutely does not have the water to be clear unexpectedly, is really dry \; Moreover, the following person does not have. 只得一盏茶的功夫,血海的三名高手同时到达地底,让他们感到奇怪的是\;在离地面这么深的地方,居然完全没有水清,甚是干燥\;而且,下面一个人也没有。 Raises head to look, above dusky sky unexpectedly only then tea rim size \; The rough estimate, this cavern must have 50 zhang (3.33 m) depth! 仰头看去,上面的灰蒙蒙的天空竟只有茶杯口大小\;粗略估计,这洞穴怎么也得有50丈深! Wait/Etc., having to be able nobody? 等等,,没有姆怎么会没有人呢? Where the people to? Several people rap around hole wall carefully, performs is lands, has many are the quality of material quite hard rock! Do not say the person, believes that past of mouse also very difficult drill, then may be really wonderful! Three people look at each other in blank dismay. 人到哪里去了?几人仔细地敲击洞壁四周,尽都是实打实的土地,更有多处乃是质地颇为坚硬的岩石!不要说人,相信就连耗子也很难钻的过去,这下可真奇了!三人面面相觑。 But at this time, escaped into in soil Jun Moxie, walks in last, suddenly turns around, the in the eyes brutal brilliance flashes before, both hands gather, show a strange posture, the body emitted suddenly has deceived the yellow light of ignorant! 而就在这个时候,已经遁入土中君莫邪,走在最后一位,突然转身,眼中残酷的光彩闪现,双手一合,摆出一个奇怪的姿势,突然间身上冒出了混蒙蒙的黄光! strength of earth! 土之力 Although the father cannot kill you personally, but can actually bury alive you! 老子虽不能亲手杀你们,但却能活埋了你们! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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