OEM :: Volume #7

#641: Deserve!

Bai Wuxin is standing dull, does utmost to struggle, is actually the helpless, desperate look helplessly looks that the big hand of Zhen Cibei falls on own forehead, pa, the brain fluid boils up, the entire head such as the watermelon was also common, is much thorougher, the dead shape was horrible to look at! 白无心呆呆地站着,竭尽全力想要挣扎,却是无能为力,绝望的眼神眼睁睁的看着甄慈悲的大手落在自己的额头上,的一声,脑浆迸出,整个脑袋又如西瓜一般,彻底得零碎了,死状惨不忍睹! All around people keep silent! 四周众人噤若寒蝉! Du Jue watches critically, on the face cloudy sentiment is uncertain! 杜绝冷眼旁观,脸上阴情不定! Superior Supreme, Zhen Cibei said unexpectedly kills kills, all does not give the least bit face! 一位至尊之上,甄慈悲居然说杀就杀,全不留半点情面! The Bai Wuxin corpse drops down slowly, at this moment, outside people calls out in alarm suddenly. 白无心的尸体缓缓倒下,就在这时,突然外面的众人一阵惊呼。 Zhen Cibei and Du Jue turn the head to look suddenly that sees only in the position of left mountain wall, presented big hole impressively, square, house size, does not know in the end fully black spookily deeply. 甄慈悲杜绝豁然转头看去,只见在左侧山壁的位置,赫然出现了一个大洞,四四方方,足有一间房子大小,黑幽幽地不知道到底有多深。 Really has the strangeness!” Zhen Cibei strokes the long fine beard, in item faint light sparkles: Walks, in the past had a look!” “果然有古怪!”甄慈悲手捋长髯,目中精光闪闪:“走,过去看看!” .................. Underground, Chu Qihun looks at Jun Moxie, was similar to saw the ghost was common. ………………地下,楚泣魂看着君莫邪,如同看到了鬼一般。 You won!” Great Supreme Chu said that he is loses greatly sighs: I compare you, feels ashamed of one's inferiority! You are the assassin genuine King! Deserve! The name of Assassin Supreme henceforth no longer for all my!” “你胜了!”楚大至尊说道,他大是失落地叹了口气:“我比不过你,自愧不如!你才是杀手界的真正王者!当之无愧!杀手至尊之名从此不复为我所有!” The Chu Qihun sound, loses, has the shame, admires, also acclaimed. 楚泣魂的声音,有失落,有惭愧,有佩服,还有赞叹。 Chu Qihun saw that all these occurrences, clearly and know clearly, oneself have defeated, moreover defeats must be sincerely convinced! Superficially, oneself have killed Supreme Gold City two Supreme and Dream Blood Sea Superior Supreme, Jun Moxie by secretly has also killed three people, has injured one \; As for final Ma Jiangming, does not count. Superficially, Jun Moxie got the advantage, disparity is small. 楚泣魂眼看着这一切的发生,清清楚楚、明明白白地知道,自己败了,而且败得心服口服!表面上看,自己杀了至尊金城两位至尊梦幻血海一位至尊之上,君莫邪也是靠偷袭杀了三人,伤了一个\;至于最后的马江名,根本不计数。表面上看,君莫邪只是占了优势,差距微小。 But Chu Qihun is well aware, oneself already were lost in a complete mess! 楚泣魂心知肚明,自己早已是输得一塌糊涂! Because of all these layouts, performs is Jun Moxie designs! All opportunities, is because the design of Jun Moxie will appear. Otherwise, at is not such result! 因为这一切的布局,尽都是君莫邪设计出来的!一切的机会,也都是因为君莫邪的设计才会出现。要不然,根本不会是这样的结果! Chu Qihun are good at taking the opportunity, seizes the opportunity \; Any slight opportunity, definitely by his capture, will be taken movement technique that oneself mysteriously appear and disappear, is fatal strikes! As assassin, this seemed to be enough! 楚泣魂自己善于利用机会,把握机会\;任何的细微机会,必然会被他抓住,利用自己神出鬼没的身法,就是致命一击!作为杀手来说,这似乎已经足够了! He is always proud, always thinks that this was then enough! 他一向引以为傲,也一向认为这便足够了! However today, in own front, this young youth took a class with the fact to oneself: As assassin, topest assassin, not only need understand the use opportunity, but must without opportunity, uses all methods, creates the opportunity! 但是今天,就在自己的面前,这个年轻的少年用事实给自己上了一课:作为一个杀手,一个最顶尖的杀手,不仅要懂得利用机会,还要在没有机会的情况下,利用一切的手段,创造机会! If Chu Qihun, facing these eight great expert, the sneak attack have confidence suddenly kills one of them instantaneously, even under the powerful enemy lies in wait from all sides in this way, the whole body draws back is very difficult \; Because must face joint attacks of other seven people inevitably! 若是楚泣魂自己,面对这八大高手,突然偷袭也就有把握瞬间杀死其中一人,甚至在如斯强敌环伺之下,全身而退都很困难\;因为势必要面临其他七个人的合力围攻! But Jun Moxie actually several near tricky created the opportunity, destroyed these eight people directly, catches the whole lot in a dragnet! Such method, nearly miracle! 君莫邪却几近巧妙地创造出了机会,直接将这八个人一举歼灭,一网打尽!这样的手段,近乎奇迹! Disparity, may not with saying the language completely! 这其中的差距,完全不可同曰而语! Is passive using the opportunity \; But the creation opportunity is initiative! 利用机会是被动的\;但创造机会却是主动的! Only has opportunity that oneself create, oneself can the best assurance! 唯有自己创造出来的机会,自己才能最好的把握! Only is dry waiting others presents the negligence, is similar to is actually waiting for gains without pains! 光是干巴巴的等待别人出现疏忽,却如同是在守株待兔! Some Chu Qihun entirely reasons believe that even if before that Ma Jiangming and Ruan brothers, has not had the dispute, Jun Moxie will also shoulder their attention with other methods, or inspires their internal strife with other contradictions then the internecine strife! 楚泣魂完全有理由相信,就算那马江名和阮氏兄弟之前没有发生争执,君莫邪也会用其他的手段挑起他们的注意力,或者用其他的矛盾引动他们内讧进而火拼! He can definitely be able to achieve! 他完全能做得到! But to this, on the one hand has not actually thought that has not considered! 但自己对这一方面却没有想过,从来就没考虑过! Has not gone to do incessantly, even the even/including wants not to think! 不止是没有去做,甚至连想都没有想到! This is the disparity! 这就是差距! Disparity that is hard to pursue! 难以追赶的差距! you let me win.” Jun Moxie smiled, does not have the smalltalk. 承让了。”君莫邪笑了笑,并没有客套。 Because, he also clearly feels that Chu Qihun really has in this aspect greatly is very defective. King of Assassins and Assassin Supreme, merely cannot kill people. 因为,他自己也清晰感觉到,楚泣魂在这方面实在有很大欠缺。一位杀手之王杀手至尊,可不是仅仅能够杀人就可以的。 Knowledge is very similarly big. 这其中的学问同样很大。 Has the opportunity, oneself must the opportunity use value maximization, even if no opportunity, then must create the opportunity in view of the form at present! This is the most complete assassin idea! 有机会,自己就要将机会利用价值最大化,就算没有机会,那么自己就要针对眼前形式来创造机会!这才是最完整的杀手理念! But such idea, suits any other professions similarly, all sorts of people all kinds of even are the government official career marketing business, there is nothing like is! 而这样的理念,也同样适合于其他任何一个行业,三教九流五花八门甚至是官场仕途营销买卖,莫不如是! The opportunity, everybody has! 机会,人人都有! Without the opportunity time, the opportunity that oneself create will be instead more suitable oneself! 没有机会的时候,自己创造出来的机会反而会更适合自己! Therefore, in front of us does not have road, we who wants to go forward want to begin a shop road. 所以,当我们面前没有路的时候,想要前进的我们就要自己动手铺一条路。 More does not have the road time, exceed has possibility to create a golden road! 越是没有路的时候,才越有可能自己创造出来一条金光大道! And other I'm alive exited, I will consider the world this news imperial edict! Assassin Supreme no longer is Chu Qihun!” Chu Qihun sound gloomy, is actually the words from the bottom of the heart. Technique is inferior to the person, if claimed without justification Assassin Supreme again, for me, similarly was the shame!” “等我活着出去,我会将这个消息诏告天下!杀手至尊不再是楚泣魂!”楚泣魂声音低沉,却是由衷之言。“技不如人,若是再妄称杀手至尊,对我来说,同样是耻辱!” I do not need the world person's acknowledgment, therefore you are not necessary such to do! The world person acknowledged that or not, what does that have to do with me?” Jun Moxie gains ground, stubborn smiles, the say|way that disdains: I only need your acknowledgment, was enough!” “我不需要天下人的承认,所以你大可不必这么做!天下人承认与否,与我何干?”君莫邪抬头,桀骜的一笑,不屑的道:“我只需要你的承认,就已经足够!” Jun Moxie was saying, in the heart actually breathed a sigh of relief, somewhat gratified thought: My this Evil Monarch, has not lost our faces after all! Thinks, in heart unexpectedly acid. 君莫邪说着,心中却是舒了一口气,有些欣慰的想到:我这个邪君,毕竟还是没有丢我们的脸!这么一想,心中居然一酸。 Good world person what does that have to do with me! This word is really is deep my heart!” Chu Qihun is startled stunned, suddenly laughed. Then is gazing at three people, said solemnly: Until has not consulted at this moment unexpectedly, three honored name?” “好一个天下人与我何干!此言真是深得我心!”楚泣魂愕然一怔,突然哈哈一笑。这才注视着三人,沉声道:“直到此刻竟还未请教,三位尊姓大名?” These words come out, three people stare. They think that Chu Qihun early knew the three people of status, have not thought this fellow does not know unexpectedly. 这句话出来,三个人都是一愣。他们本以为楚泣魂早已经知道了自己三人的身份,没想到这家伙居然真的不知道。 This was actually the Chu Qihun strange temperament \; This his life has not become friends with anybody, will not ask others names \; He before then, bears in mind only, assassinates the name of object. 这却是楚泣魂的怪脾气了\;这丫的一生从未曾与任何人结交过,根本不会问人家的名字\;他在此之前,唯一记在心里的,就是刺杀对象的名字。 Chu Qihun always believes that all over the world, does not exist to be worth itself asking the person of his name, does not have to become existence of friend with competently! All people, perform are unqualified! 楚泣魂一向认为,普天之下,并不存在值得自己问他名字的人,也没有够资格与自己成为朋友的存在!所有人,尽都不够格! Asked others' name, to this Assassin Supreme, unexpectedly the entire life first time! 问别人的姓名,对这位杀手至尊来说,竟还是生平第一次! The typical girl boards the decorated sedan chair, first. 典型的大姑娘上花轿,头一回。 I called Jun Moxie, this was my mother \; Dongfang Wenxin \; This is my wife, surnamed Mei, maidens' name did not tell you.” Jun Moxie beams with joy, justifiable and has taken an advantage. “我叫君莫邪,这是我母亲\;东方问心\;这是我老婆,姓梅,闺名就不告诉你了。”君莫邪眉花眼笑,名正言顺的又占了一次便宜。 You are Jun Moxie! Are you Dongfang Wenxin?!” Chu Qihun was startled, suddenly asked: But Grand Marshal Jun Wuhui widow? Dongfang Aristocratic Family asking one's conscience Young Lady?” “你就是君莫邪!你就是东方问心?!”楚泣魂吃了一惊,突然问道:“可是君无悔大帅的遗孀?东方世家的问心小姐?” Your humble wife.” Dongfang Wenxin eye socket one red, is forcefully calm: „Since your humble wife lives on dishonorably, is actually shamed for the late husband illustrious name \; Chu Senior was laughed.” Hears the husband Jun's name from others mouth suddenly, that familiar feeling, lets in the Dongfang Wenxin heart suddenly bitter, is unable to restrain oneself. “正是贱妾。”东方问心眼圈一红,强行镇定道:“贱妾苟活至今,却是为先夫英名蒙羞\;楚前辈见笑了。”突然间从别人口中听到夫君的名字,那种熟悉的感觉,突然让东方问心心中酸涩,不能自已。 Madame there words come \; On the Chu Qihun face has enforced, in Grand Marshal Jun rank, although is my Junior, but heroic courage, chivalrous and unyielding \; Chu is cold blood assassin, is not always convincing, but Jun Wuhui, is actually the only exception! But madame's sentiment to husband inscription on stone tablet and bronze, shakes shocking \; Was willing dead with Heaven and Earth for husband, just should be admiring for the common people! Also made these seek after the women that the riches and honor enjoyed not to have ashamed! The heroic couple, complements each other, principle of what to come being shamed?” “夫人那里话来\;”楚泣魂脸上严肃了起来,“君大帅辈分上虽是我的晚辈,但英雄肝胆,侠骨柔肠\;楚某人乃是一个冷血杀手,向来不服人,但君无悔,却是唯一的例外!而夫人对夫君金石之情,震天撼地\;为夫君甘愿与天地长眠,正应为世人钦佩!也令那些贪图富贵享受的妇道人家惭愧无地!英雄夫妇,正是相得益彰,何来蒙羞之理?” Chu Qihun long sighed, said: In the past, I once fortunately had seen one side Grand Marshal Jun \; Because only some people bid 30.002 million silver, making me assassinate Jun Wuhui \; I after investigating, actually more investigates more admires, finally has not started, gave up this business. That, is I always first time is also the business that only one by one time on own initiative gives up.” 楚泣魂长叹了一口气,道:“当年,我曾有幸见过君大帅一面\;只因为有人出价30002000白银,让我去刺杀君无悔\;我在调查了一遍之后,却越调查越是佩服,终于没有下手,放弃了这笔买卖。那,也是我平生第一次也是唯一一次主动放弃的买卖。” He smiles bitterly: My Chu Qihun is always a cold blood butcher, will never pay attention to the opposite party is any loyal minister good or is the chaste widow woman of integrity, so long as some people will be able to leave Silvers, I never have been lenient \; But that time, seriously was actually subdued by Jun Wuhui. I once submerged military camp, looked at his three days, then spreads far and wide to go.” 他苦笑一声:“我楚泣魂从来都是一个冷血的屠夫,从不理会对方是什么忠臣良将又或者是节妇烈女,只要有人出得起银子,我就从未手软过\;但那一次,却当真被君无悔折服了。我曾经潜入军营,看了他三天,然后才远扬而去。” this mistress many thanks Mr. Chu hand/surbordinate is forgiving for the late husband!” Dongfang Wenxin has stood, lian lining ritual. 妾身代先夫多谢楚先生手下留情!”东方问心站了起来,裣衬一礼。 Does not know that asked you to kill my father, who was actually? Does the mister possibly bestow the given name?” A Jun Moxie brow wrinkle, he cares is actually this issue. This matter, end completely one by one has selected, but more investigates is actually intriguing? “不知那拜托你杀我父亲的,却是何人?先生可能赐下名讳吗?”君莫邪眉头一皱,他关心的却是这个问题。这件事情,线头尽都一一地挑了出来,可是越调查却越是错综复杂? „The buyer who said was Yu Tang Kingdom State Master, Fei Mengchen!” Chu Qihun hesitant: I have not accepted his request, he is not considered as that my customer \; Therefore I said that did not have anything at the worst.” “当曰的买家乃是宇唐帝国国师,费梦晨!”楚泣魂犹豫了一下:“我并没有接受他的委托,他也就不算是我的主顾\;所以我说出来,也没什么大不了。” Although it is so, but in the Jun Moxie heart understands \; Let assassin say once customer, this is actually the biggest taboo \; Although Chu Qihun said that but have owed him imperceptibly a big favor! 话虽这么说,但君莫邪心中明白\;让一个杀手说出曾经的主顾,这却是最大的忌讳\;楚泣魂虽然这么说,但自己无形中已经欠了他一个好大的人情! Chu Qihun, I am thinking your movement technique. But your movement technique some do not suit......” one side Mei Xueyan calmly to look at Chu Qihun, delicate eyebrows micro pressed, some doubt looks at Chu Qihun, in the item reveals the hatred faintly killing intent: You know Seized Heaven War......” 楚泣魂,我在想你的身法。你的身法可是有些不对劲啊……”一边的梅雪烟静静地看着楚泣魂,秀眉微蹙,有些狐疑的看着楚泣魂,目中隐隐露出憎恨的杀气:“你知道夺天之战么……” „The Venerable Mei vision is really original.” How could Chu Qihun has not known who at this moment this beautiful woman is? Initially her alone war more than 30 expert, Chu Qihun was helplessly looks that does not certainly dare to neglect to her: „The deceased teacher once fortunately fought in the Heaven Pillar Peak top \; Under the severe wound crashes into the cliff, has not died fortunately \; But itself Profound Arts has abandoned half, the body also had several disabilities, after the untold hardships come up, restored the quite long time \; Finally received me to be the apprentice in an opportunity of chance coincidence.” 梅尊者果然眼光独到。”楚泣魂此刻岂能还不知道这位美女是何人?当初她一人独战30多名高手,楚泣魂可是眼睁睁的看着的,对她当然不敢怠慢:“先师曾经有幸大战于天柱峰顶\;重伤之下坠入悬崖,幸而未死\;但本身玄功废了一半,身体也有了几处残疾,千辛万苦上来之后,前后恢复了好长的时间\;终于在一个机缘巧合的机会中收了我做徒弟。” On the Chu Qihun face flood a smile of pain, he lowered the head, say|way slowly: Deceased teacher, although Profound Arts no longer advancement, but because quite understood that way to keep in good health, the life is actually the no worries \; Although he cannot practice Profound Arts again, has actually had the interest to movement technique of alien race person.” 楚泣魂脸上泛起一丝痛楚的微笑,他低下头去,慢慢的道:“先师虽然玄功不再进境,但由于颇懂得养生之道,寿元却是无虞\;他本身虽然不能再练玄功,却对异族人的身法产生了兴趣。” Chu Qihun deeply sighed, said: „The deceased teacher had said that the alien race person to we biggest threat, is on that strange movement technique, because of them can anytime and anywhere stealth, moreover is hard to distinguish with the naked eye \; Innumerable itself cultivation base compared with them must wiser expert, suffer a loss under movement technique that they mysteriously appear and disappear \; When the deceased teachers said that similarly is also so! Therefore the deceased teacher in the life final several hundred years, has been studying to explain that strange movement technique......” 楚泣魂深深地叹了口气,道:“先师曾经说过,异族人对我们最大的威胁,就是那怪异身法上,因为他们随时随地都能够隐身,而且用肉眼难以分辨\;无数本身修为比他们还要更高明的强者,就是吃亏在他们神出鬼没的身法之下\;先师当曰同样也是如此!所以先师在生命最后的几百年里,一直在研究破解那怪异身法……” Made the master is actually the person of wisdom, actually does not know that can once study to deal with the surname the means?” Mei Xueyan spirit/mind inspires, eye one bright, asked hurriedly. “令师却是睿智之人,却不知可曾研究出应对姓的办法吗?”梅雪烟精神一振,眼睛一亮,急忙问道。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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