OEM :: Volume #7

#640: Gives the mercy

The Bai Wuxin headache at this moment wants to crack, the true headache wants to crack, now can stand reluctantly answering is quite difficult, but faces at present really Sir question, was still does not dare to neglect. 此刻的白无心头疼欲裂,真正的头疼欲裂,如今能勉强站立回话已经是颇为难能,可是面对眼前“真大爷”的问话,仍是一点不敢怠慢。 But, has to undergo the one by one careful explanation once more, all affairs big or small, not does not have the least bit to conceal. Until at this moment, Bai Wuxin from brothers' the anger to Ma Jiangming and Ruan has not dissipated, naturally all actually said. If not for that three scoundrels are suddenly inexplicable the internal disputes, the father as for had been delimited such a sword in the head? 无奈之下,只好再次将所有经过一一细细说明,事无巨细,并无没有半点隐瞒。直到此刻,白无心仍自对马江名和阮氏兄弟的怒气还没有消散,自然一切照实说。若不是那三个混账突然间莫名窝里斗,老子至于在头上被人划了这么一剑? Only misses the least has brains dashed out! My God! But wanted the short remaining life! Even if saw that the head and Ruan Yang of Ma Jiangming corpse was placed in one side, the Bai Wuxin still does not dispel anger, almost wants to go forward to kick a foot again...... Is listening to Bai Wuxin gradually related that Zhen Cibei and Du Jue as well as the Zi Jinghong three people of complexions sank. Regarding three people of suddenly mouse shouldering a rifle nests in horizontal, three people are also puzzled. 只差毫厘就是脑浆迸裂啊!我的天!可是要了老命了!就算已经看到马江名的头颅和阮洋的尸体被摆放在一边,白无心犹自不解恨,几乎想要上前再去踢一脚……渐渐听着白无心的诉说,甄慈悲杜绝以及紫惊虹三人的脸色沉了下来。对于三人突然间耗子扛枪窝里横,三人也是大惑不解。 Regardless of, on the one hand, these three people should not be so impulsive! 无论从哪一方面来说,这三个人怎么也不应该如此冲动吧! Careful examination corpse!” Zhen Cibei coldly ordered. Before three people simultaneously arrive at the corpse pile, careful examination. That Du Jue certainly, brushes very much directly, the Ruan Yang corpse entire has dug up faint light! Then has put together the Ma Jiangming corpse, unexpectedly is complete...... „the body of Ruan Old Second to have the slight traces of many acupuncture obviously, proliferates on the nape of the neck, on thigh, on buttocks...... Carries on the back, has, total has 21 times...... The Ma Jiangming essence excels at the flying needle unique skill, is could it be the Ma Jiangming behavior? Moreover...... Ruan Old Second crotch bloodstains...... Is since...... Rear apartments \; Should be there was injured, injured position is really strange, is hard to determine that is what is injures, by the bleeding estimate of the situation, has the possibility very much is also class hidden weapon, but searches for periphery, only found several steel needles, is less than killing by far the position, moreover these steel needles do not have the bloodstain, this actually greatly is strange......” “仔细查看尸体!”甄慈悲冷冷下令。三人同时来到尸堆前,细细查看。杜绝很绝,直接刷的一声,将阮洋的尸体整个的扒了一个精光!然后将马江名的尸体东一块西一块的拼了起来,居然灰常完整……“阮老二的身上明显有许多针刺的细微痕迹,遍布脖颈上,大腿上,屁股上……背上,都有,共计有21次之多……马江名精擅飞针绝技,难道马江名所为?另外……阮老二的胯下这一摊血迹……乃是从……后庭而出\;应该是那里受了伤,受伤位置实在古怪,难以确定是为何物所伤,以流血情况判断,很有可能也是针类暗器,可是搜遍周围,也只找到几枚钢针,远远少于杀伤的位置,而且这些钢针全无血迹,这点却大是古怪……” Zi Jinghong naturally is must first find the excuse for own person, but he more said that the complexion is strange, afterward simply was quiet, how can in the end be able to plot against Superior Supreme expert rear apartments? 紫惊虹自然是先要为自己的人找理由,但他越说,脸色越是怪异,后来干脆住了嘴,到底要怎么样才能暗算到一位至尊之上高手的后庭? Perhaps this issue, wants to break the head unable to think through, always possibly isn't Ruan Old Second digs buttocks obediently to be exploded? That this was also too odd...... Has to somewhat admire to the Ma Jiangming method! Really worthily is Soul-Chasing Life-Taking Traceless Needle. 这个问题,恐怕就算是想破了脑袋也想不通了,总不可能是阮老二自己撅起屁股乖乖被爆吧?那这也太离谱了一些……不得不对马江名的手段有些佩服!真不愧是‘追魂夺命无影针’啊。 Seriously overbearing! 当真霸道 The Du Jue complexion becomes dark, does not say a word, still from the careful examination, the calm face, was similar to the bottom of the pot is ordinary. 杜绝脸色发黑,不发一言,仍自细细的查看,沉着的脸,如同锅底一般。 Does not need to look again, thinks is behind Ma Jiangming serves with plot, plays jokes upon them \; They cannot withstand by a shame anger counter-attack \; But true life and death preying, should was struck after Ruan Old Second this rear apartments launch, so the great shame, naturally becomes angry out of shame, therefore three people of irreconcilable, as, only then the needle mark does not have the steel needle, I think beginning Ma Jiangming when what uses was only the reason of spicules......” Zhen Cibei snort|hum one, has given the conclusion directly. “不必再看了,想必是马江名背后施以暗算,戏耍两人\;两人不堪被辱一怒反击\;而真正的生死搏杀,应该是从阮老二这后庭被一击之后才展开,如此奇耻大辱,自然恼羞成怒,于是三人不死不休,至于只有针痕却无钢针,我想马江名初时使用的只是冰针的缘故……”甄慈悲哼了一声,直接给出了结论。 His conclusion, is basically is unexpectedly same as fact, obviously the reasoning faculty of this person greatly was. The place of only errors also buckles by the person who the spicules plotted against on Ma Jiangming. 他这个结论,与事实竟是基本一样,可见此人的推理能力大是了得。唯一错漏之处也就只是将以冰针暗算的人生生扣在了马江名头上了而已。 In Zi Jinghong and Dujue's Heart also think actually, hearing this cannot help but nodded. That Ma Jiangming was known as that Soul-Chasing Life-Taking Traceless Needle, can achieve so the situation, in the reason, is nothing unusual. 紫惊虹杜绝心中其实也正是这么想的,闻言不由得点了点头。那马江名号称‘追魂夺命无影针’,能做到如此地步,也在情理之中,不足为奇。 But the Ma Jiangming wound is stranger. His true cause of death is also not the sword cut, but by person continuously kicks rottenly the lower part, then continues to launch Ou to strike, shakes the five main internal organs (entrails) rottenly, did not have to keep the hand also completely to shake entire head inside brain fluid again the soft bean curd...... Should some person dozens feet of continuously kick in the same position, kicked the upper air him......” “但马江名的伤更为怪异。他的真正致死原因还不是剑伤,而是被人生生的连续不断的将下体踢烂,然后继续展开殴击,将五脏六腑生生震烂,再全无留手地将整个脑袋里面的脑浆也全部震得成了豆腐脑……应该是有人连续不断的几十脚踢在同一个位置,将他踢上了高空……” Kicks while still alive a person, then kicks the upper air the corpse continuously...... Until we come to fall......” Du Jue to sigh, frowns to look that had been divided into the Ma Jiangming corpse one after another by oneself, „the cruelty of person method this begins, simply is terrifying! His paternal grandmother drops, compared with me also certainly! Simply is out-and-out abnormal hormicidal mania!” “将一个人活活踢死,然后持续不断地将尸体踢上高空……直到我们前来才落下来……”杜绝叹了口气,皱着眉头看着被自己分成了一块一块的马江名的尸体,“这动手的人手段之残忍,简直是恐怖!他奶奶滴,比我还绝!简直就是不折不扣的变态杀人狂!” Otherwise...... Du Jue, kills Ma Jiangming by your my strength or does not take the effort, but you have the skill seriously continuously directly kicks the upper air more than 100 zhang (3.33 m) him?” Zhen Cibei coldly visits him, ridiculed: Ability that at least I have not accomplished on own initiative, if you can, I but actually probably congratulate you, originally already breakthrough Venerable step position!” “不然……杜绝,以你我之力杀死马江名或者也不怎么费力气,但你当真有本事直接连续不断的将他踢上高空100多丈吗?”甄慈悲冷冷的看着他,讥讽道:“起码我自觉没有办到的能力,若是你能,那我倒要恭喜你,原来已经突破尊者阶位!” Du Jue understood the meaning of Zhen Cibei instantaneously. 杜绝瞬间明白了甄慈悲的意思。 Good, kicks number hundred zhang (333 m)...... The person who that must begin continually rises with the Ma Jiangming corpse begins unceasingly good...... Does in world have this grade of extremely high Lightweight Art seriously?! 不错,生生踢上数百丈……那得动手的人跟着马江名的尸体一路不断上升不断动手才行……世间当真存在这等高绝轻功?! Cannot call the air/Qi, does not need panting, does not need to borrow the strength, lift-off while kicks, kicks in the same spot...... Du Jue deeply inspired, suddenly vest sends coolly! Suddenly the miraculous glow dodges, said: That is not absolutely is impossible, Heaven Punishment Forest Hawk King Crane King these flight Beast King can achieve......” 不需唤气,不需要喘息,不需要借力,一边升空一边踢,踢在同一部位……杜绝深深吸了一口气,突然背心一阵发凉!突然灵光一闪,道:“那也不是绝对不可能,天罚森林鹰王鹤王那些飞行兽王都能做得到……” Zhen Cibei eyes flashed, ponders does not speak. This point, he truly has not thought that the beforehand judgment the viewpoint from Profound Arts, this matter with humanity can not explain completely \; If the flight is Beast King does, that all are reasonable, at least possibly explained that must pass. 甄慈悲目光一闪,沉思不语。这一点,他确实是没有想到的,之前的判断完全是从玄功的角度考虑的,这件事就以人类能为根本就解释不了\;若是飞行系兽王做的,那就一切都合乎情理,至少可能解释得通了。 Zhen Cibei is twisting the beard, muttered: could it be did Heaven Punishment also participate in this fight?” 甄慈悲手捻着胡须,喃喃道:“难道天罚也参加了此次的战斗?” At this time...... „, the Ma Jiangming corpse was incomplete, but also almost very important thing.” Du Jue last had discovered finally is not right: Even if has kicked, should have the trace...... Even if were kicks rottenly, should also hang yeah...... How that words didn't have? Does this die not entire corpse? The people die to a big way, making him have a whole corpse to be buried, the side person is helping looking!” 这时……“哦,马江名的尸体不完整,还差点很重要的物件。”杜绝最后一眼终于发现了不对:“纵然是踢飞了,也应该有痕迹……纵然是踢烂了,也应该还挂着啊……怎地那话儿没有了?这岂不是死无全尸?人死为大,让他有个囫囵尸首入土,旁边人帮着找找!” Samsung throne Xiao Weicheng stammering has collected: Three City Lord...... That, Ma Jiangming he...... Under him originally no......” 三星王座肖未成期期艾艾的凑了过来:“三城主……那个,马江名他……他下面本来就没有的……” Du Jue is startled, complexion always doing nothing but one white, turns the head, bah has spat a saliva, said: „The unluckiness of mother!” 杜绝一怔,脸色竟自一白,一转头,呸的吐了口唾沫,道:“妈的晦气!” Hits to get angry in them, sends the family background sword to unite...... Chu Qihun suddenly presented......” Bai Wuxin to see big shot to inspect the corpse, this then said. “就在他们打红了眼,发出身剑合一的时候……楚泣魂突然出现了……”白无心大佬们检查完了尸体,这才接着说了下去。 Stops!” Zhen Cibei waved, raises face to think a meeting, then called five people, making them stand according to the position: You continued. Are you such position?” “停!”甄慈悲一挥手,扬起了脸想了一会,然后叫过来五个人,让他们按方位站好:“你继续说。是不是你们是这样的站位?” Yes! Is this, then that flickers me to feel suddenly is very dangerous, the intuition must proceed to clash, but was seriously injured, discovered that my behind two companions died...... Meanwhile, that side two by evil scheme, in a person of scruff the sword, a person had also been divided the lower abdomen from the shoulder......” “是!就是这样,当时的那一瞬我突然就感觉很危险,直觉得往前一冲,但还是受了重伤,才发现我身后的两位同伴已经死了……与此同时,那边那两人也遭了毒手,一人后颈中剑,一人被从肩膀劈到了小腹……” Slow!” Du Jue waved to break him, in the past observed the corpse injury, this came, said: Fleeing World Immortal Palace was sneak attacked first, after that is Supreme Gold City \; Then, here could not convince!” “慢着!”杜绝一挥手打断了他,过去察看了一下尸体伤势,这才过来,道:“遁世仙宫先被偷袭的,其后才是至尊金城\;那么,这里就说不通了!” Good!” Zhen Cibei nods, heavy thinking. “不错!”甄慈悲点头,沉沉思索。 Du Jue silent vertical, suddenly is hidden in Snow Wind, then suddenly flashes before from that five people of position, the hand does to hold sword, on a sword digs \; Then sweeps away instantaneously, taking advantage of the potential of sweeping away, thorn of forming a coherent whole to standing in the person back of the head of that Bai Wuxin position...... That then brushes appears in two position position that Supreme Gold City died behind...... Stopped, he shook the head, said: Cannot achieve definitely! The murderers absolutely are not a person! At least also wants two!” 杜绝无声无息的纵起,突然隐没在风雪之中,接着从那五人的站位旁边突然闪现,手作持剑型,一剑上撅\;然后瞬间横扫,借着横扫之势,一气呵成的刺向站在那白无心位置的人后脑勺……然后刷的一声出现在那至尊金城死掉的两人站位的位置身后……停了下来,他摇了摇头,道:“决计做不到!凶手绝对不是一个人!至少也要有两人!” Good, at least also wants above two simultaneously to begin to be this appearance . Moreover, these two people completely must have such as the Chu Qihun general assassin strength extremely! This grade of opportunity exquisite assurance, relative rarity. Although our people are paying attention to the ratio in field to fight, but has the Supreme expert vigilance after all, any point slightest sign of trouble, will take immediately the appropriate countermeasure! Therefore, this make a move two assassin, any is the top character! If there is a Chu Qihun person, how regardless of being unable to achieve!” “不错,至少也要有两人以上同时动手才会是这个样子,而且,这两个人尽都要拥有如楚泣魂一般的绝顶杀手实力!这等时机的细腻把握,相当之难得。虽然我们的人都在注意场中的比斗,但毕竟有着至尊高手的警觉,任何一点的风吹草动,都会立即采取相应对策!所以,这一次出手的两个杀手,任何一个都是顶尖人物!若只得楚泣魂一个人,无论如何也是做不到的!” Zhen Cibei coldly looks at Bai Wuxin: Bai Wuxin, your report is not groundless! Your such coveting life and fearing death, turns head not to dare to return directly runs away, actually also wants the misinformation to mislead us, is in the end what intention?” 甄慈悲冷冷看着白无心:“白无心,你的报告不尽不实!你如此的贪生怕死,连回头也不敢回就直接逃走,却还要错误的情报来误导我们,到底是何用意?” Bai Wuxin has a big shock, on thin face in a twinkling flustered: Second Master this words what intent, my Bai Wuxin enters Fleeing World Immortal Palace to undergo for hundred years! could it be I am what person, isn't Second Master clear?” 白无心大惊失色,清癯的脸上霎时间一片慌张:“二爷此话何意,我白无心进入遁世仙宫已历百年!难道我是什么样的人,二爷还不清楚吗?” Antecedent exempts raises, at this moment I only knew you to covet life and fear death, encountered difficulty escape first \; Sets at own brothers ally not to attend, moreover create something from nothing, runs off at the mouth, misleads our consideration directions, Bai Wuxin, your this grade of person, deserves to be damned seriously!” “前事免提,此刻我只知道你贪生怕死,遇难先遁\;置自己的兄弟战友于不顾,而且无中生有,信口胡说,误导我们的考虑方向,白无心,你这等人,当真是死有余辜!” Zhen Cibei visits him indifferently, in the eyes killing intent is getting more and more heavy: Bai Wuxin, this Eminence said now that bestows your mercy! If you are willing to commit suicide, may keep the entire corpse, if by this Eminence make a move, that result may not say personally!” 甄慈悲冷眼看着他,眼中杀机越来越重:“白无心,本座今曰,就赐你一次慈悲!若你愿自裁,可留全尸,若由本座亲自出手,那结果可就不好说了!” Bai Wuxin brushing the backlash two steps, the whole face completely is grief and indignation big shouted: Second Master, you are with a wish to incriminate, has no lack of a pretext? At that time Bai Wuxin does not want to run away, if I did not run away fully, namely calculates, only then slightly hesitant, unavoidably died a tragic death under the enemy sword, Second Master your information at this moment from where? My Bai Wuxin rather destroys actually own prestige to bring back to the news, to an immortal palace absolute sincerity, how possibly intentionally to mislead?” 白无心“刷”的后退两步,满脸尽是悲愤的大喝道:“二爷,你这是欲加之罪,何患无辞?当时白无心也不想逃,可是若我不全力逃遁,即算只有些微的犹豫,都不免惨死在敌人剑下,二爷你们此刻的情报又从何而来?我白无心宁可毁却自身声誉带回消息,对仙宫一片赤诚,怎么可能故意误导?” What a pity, any explanation did not have the intentionally righteousness! 可惜,任何的解释都没有意义了! On the Zhen Cibei face hangs the gentle smiling face, the white clouds is hiking up, the palm rumbling falls, callous tunnel: No matter what your tongue Can lotus flower, nearly said that is also difficult to run away dies! You do not die, how can redeem your sin? Aren't you willing to commit suicide seriously?” 甄慈悲脸上挂着慈祥的笑容,白云般飘起,手掌轰轰落下,冷酷地道:“任你舌灿莲花,近曰也难逃一死!你不死,如何能赎你的罪孽?你当真不愿自裁吗?” Bai Wuxin resists strongly, the facial expression reveals the grief and indignation, that suddenly brushes, the long sword comes out of the sheath. Drinks fierce sadly: Zhen Cibei, your such perverse actions, Bai does not submit! And looks at your mercy, whether can seriously the mercy to me!” 白无心竭力招架,神情更显悲愤,突然刷的一声,长剑出鞘。厉声悲喝:“甄慈悲,你如此的倒行逆施,白某绝不屈服!且看你的慈悲,是否当真能慈悲到我!” Unexpectedly also dares to move the sword to me?! Overreach oneself! The opportunity has given you, is you give up!” Zhen Cibei grins fiendishly, both hands unites, suddenly calls out one: Sleepy!” “居然还敢对我动剑?!不自量力!机会已经给过你了,是你自己放弃的!”甄慈悲狞笑一声,双手圈拢,突然暴喝一声:“困!” Inexplicable sends out from his palm vigorously, has connected vastly as if Heaven and Earth! 一股莫名的大力就从他的掌心发出,浩浩渺渺似乎连接了天地 Bai Wuxin detected suddenly one moved unexpectedly cannot move. Even, winks eye unable! 白无心突然发觉自己竟连一动也不能动了。甚至,连眨一下眼睛也不能! This is the strength of Heaven and Earth expert of Venerable rank can comprehend! 这正是尊者级别的高手才能够领悟到的天地之力! Melts the strength of Heaven and Earth, for my prisoner's cage! 天地之力,为我囚笼! This has inspired Heaven and Earth strength in the small degree slightly! Such strength, before then only then Mei Xueyan has displayed! 这已经是在稍微小的程度上引动天地力量了!这样的力量,在此之前只有梅雪烟施展过! Heaven and Earth Prisoner's Cage! 天地囚笼 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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