OEM :: Volume #7

#639: Mercy and dead end, two Great Venerable!

«third!!!» 《第三更!!!》 This person, is one standard can bully the others gentleman!? 这人,是一个标准的可以欺之以方的君子!? But is familiar with the person of this person actually to know, this fellow, directly is a lethal poison incomparable cobra! 但熟悉这个人的人却知道,这家伙,直接就是一条剧毒无比的响尾蛇! It seems like the person of gentleman, throughout is not the genuine gentleman! 貌似君子的人,始终不是真正的君子! He is more hypocritical than the alligator, wants very ruthless compared with the wolf! 他比鳄鱼还要伪善,比豺狼还要狠辣 Blood gentleman, ghost good man \; This is his nickname, his name has the friendliness very much, called: Zhen Cibei! 血手君子,亡魂善人\;这都是他的绰号,他的名字很有善,唤叫:甄慈悲 When this name has is friendly, but also very much comedy, but entire day under actually nobody dares to smile! 这个名字有善之余,还很搞笑,但全天下却没有一个人敢笑! Even, does not dare in the back! 甚至,连背地里也不敢! Because of this Zhen Cibei that not mercy, 200 years ago, once Sir City Lord offended him \; He visits to condemn, was actually besieged by army \; In a rage, this Zhen Cibei crazy has killed greatly for three days three nights! By a person of strength, has completed the magnificent feat of massacring city! 因为这位甄慈悲那是一点也不慈悲,200年前,曾经有一位城主大人得罪了他\;他上门问罪,却被军队围攻\;一怒之下,这位甄慈悲疯狂的大杀了三天三夜!以一人之力,完成了屠城的壮举! Must know, although that city is small, may have close 100,000 population in inside! And has the army, has Profound Expert, has government official, has the common people \; This Zhen Cibei not to distinguish between right and wrong, totally completely massacres unexpectedly! The elderly and infirm, do not let off generally, three days later, this city changed has made the dead city thoroughly! even/including dog has not escaped from one, does not have any living witness to escape by luck...... What is oddest, after killing, this master was not unexpectedly lenient, has carried a big vat, has been filled with a person of blood, has written several large characters in the city wall: 要知道,那城池虽小,可也有接近十万的人口在里面!其中有军队,有玄者,有官员,有百姓\;这位甄慈悲居然不分青红皂白,一概全部杀掉!老弱妇孺,概不放过,三天之后,这座城市彻底变作了死城!连狗也未逃出一条,无任何活口可以幸免……最离谱的是,杀完之后,这位爷居然毫不手软,端了一个大缸,盛满了人血,在城墙上写了几个大字: Heaven mercy, my also mercy \; Enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, gives the mercy! 苍天慈悲,我也慈悲\;替天行道,予尔慈悲! A slaughter 100,000 person, flaunts the banner that enforces justice on behalf of Heaven unexpectedly, but must say the mercy! 一屠十万人,居然还打替天行道的旗号,还要自称慈悲! This is big of slippery world checks simply! 这简直是滑天下之大稽! General expert kills dozens people also to kill to be lenient, but this Zhen Cibei slaughter 100,000 person is without turning a hair unexpectedly, moreover thinks that has made the good, was the mercy! Real mercy! 一般的高手杀个几十人也就能杀得自己手软,但这位甄慈悲一屠十万人居然面不改色,而且还认为是自己做了善事,是慈悲!真的慈悲! Entire Jiang Hu is turbulent because of this matter, the innumerable expert oaths must kill him, but his Profound Arts is really wise, almost unmanned can govern, until finally, Fleeing World Immortal Palace Palace Lord make a move, defeats it personally, then does not know the trace \; Originally that person has actually joined Fleeing World Immortal Palace, but also has played such important role! 整个江湖因此事而动荡,无数高手誓要杀他,但他玄功实在高明,几乎无人能治,及至最后,遁世仙宫宫主亲自出手,将其击败,然后不知所踪\;原来其人却是加入了遁世仙宫,还担任了如此重要的角色! Zhen Cibei is caressing the beard, sorrowful sighing, said: That Chu Qihun such perverse actions, naturally cannot let off, our generation generation of days make, from should enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, eliminate this disaster for the world.” 甄慈悲抚着胡子,悲哀的叹了口气,道:“那楚泣魂如此的倒行逆施,自然不能放过,我辈代天巡狩,自应替天行道,为人间除此灾祸。” A high crown middle-aged person wears hemp/numb robe, face was long and narrow, said that he was a long face, some looks like donkeys \; The eye is also tall and slender, is similar to two seams, at this time in these two seams is dodging bloodthirsty rays of light, coldly is looking at Zhen Cibei, sneers saying: old Zhen, showed off your gentleman morality and conduct there? Is it possible that did you want the mercy one?” 一个高冠中年人身着麻袍,脸面狭长,说他是马脸吧,偏偏又有些像驴\;眼睛也是细长,如同两道缝,此时这两道缝中正闪着嗜血的光芒,冷冷看着甄慈悲,冷笑道:“老甄,又在那里卖弄你的君子德行了?莫非你又要慈悲一下了?” This person facing Zhen Cibei this generation of Slaughter God, has no scruples certainly unexpectedly, exhibits potential of the meeting as an equal obviously \; But Zhen Cibei is not angry unexpectedly. 此人面对甄慈悲这等绝代杀神,竟也毫无顾忌,更明显地摆出一种分庭抗礼之势\;而甄慈悲居然一点也不生气。 This person is actually Supreme Gold City three City Lord, is a Lord who this Blood Sea aspect leads! Among Absolute Heaven certainly outstanding people, Du Jue! Surnamed Du certainly. 这人却是至尊金城的三城主,也是此次血海方面带队的一位正主!绝天绝地绝人间,杜绝!姓杜名绝。 This name very certainly, but called the person of this name also very certainly, was the person, if. Not only to enemy certainly, to oneself certainly! legend in the past he to practice the sword, practiced tired finished not to practice satisfied, inserted a sword on own leg! Till practices satisfaction. 这个名字很绝,而叫这个名字的人也很绝,正是人如其名。不仅对敌人绝,对自己更绝!传说当年他为了练剑,练得累了却练不满意,就在自己腿上插一剑!直到练满意为止。 A person to oneself can such certainly...... Manner getting along with people, it can be imagined! 一个人对自己都能这么绝……为人处世,可想而知! Du Jue and Zhen Cibei, perform are in world true peak character: Venerable progression! 杜绝甄慈悲,尽都是世间真正的巅峰人物:尊者级数! Mercy Venerable Zhen Cibei, dead end Venerable Du Jue! 慈悲尊者甄慈悲,绝路尊者杜绝 Who met Zhen Cibei, must by the mercy \; Who has bumped into Du Jue, has arrived at the dead end of life on representative! 谁遇见了甄慈悲,必然是要被慈悲\;谁碰到了杜绝,就代表走到了人生的绝路! Gentleman morality and conduct, the table in every word and deeds, what to come showing off said that this mercy time, we naturally must enforce justice on behalf of Heaven, but also this society ringing universe, peace and tranquility world.” Zhen Cibei grief sigh, serious saying. Is coordinating his white hair white beard, grave solemn and respectful, seems sacred inviolable. “君子德行,表于一言一行,何来卖弄之说,该慈悲的时候,我们自然要替天行道,还这人世间一个朗朗乾坤,清平世界。”甄慈悲悲悯的叹息一声,严肃的说道。配合着他的白发白须,庄重肃穆,仿佛是神圣不可侵犯。 But the people hear his these words, actually completely shivered, does not have the exception. 但众人听到他这句话的,却尽都打了个冷颤,全无例外。 At this moment, in the upper air wuuu wind sound, the fuzzy shadow, fell from the boundless upper air meteor together! The rapidness of speed, such as meteor, if lightning! 就在这时,高空中呜呜风响,一道模糊的影子,从茫茫高空流星般直坠了下来!速度之快,如流星,若闪电! Du Jue eyes flashed, gives a loud shout suddenly, body is motionless, actually fluttered, moved forward to meet somebody without consulting anybody, the palm like the blade, the flood bleeding color, the eye does not wink, shua shua shua is several palm blades! 杜绝目光一闪,突然大喝一声,身子一动不动,却飘了起来,径自迎了上去,掌如刀,泛出血色,眼睛也不眨一下,刷刷刷就是十几记掌刀! Blade blade hit! Actually does not have a blade to fail! 刀刀命中!竟然没有一刀落空! That person that airborne drops had been divided into the 17-18 block in a twinkling, four dispersions fall! 空中落下的那人霎时间已被分成了十七八块,四散飞落! Good skill/effort! Venerable Du pretty palm blade! This make a move, is really outstanding!” Several people cheered with one voice! Also flatters. “好功夫杜尊者好俊的掌刀!这一出手,果然是不同凡响!”好几人齐声喝彩!同时拍马屁。 But Du Jue fell, the complexion rises red, is very ugly, is somewhat angry, somewhat is more depressed! 杜绝已经落了下来,脸色涨得通红,很是难看,有些恼怒,更有些郁闷! Bang, a sphere head pounds turning round in the snowy area, then shot, rumble get lost/rolled several get lost/rolled, the ornamental cloth hung over a doorway faced upwards, the both eyes circle did not open the eyes close, thin like the skeleton, a face wrinkle, over the face vicissitudes. 砰地一声,一个圆球似地头颅滴溜溜砸在雪地上,然后又弹了起来,咕噜噜滚了好几滚,仰脸朝天,双目圆睁不闭,削瘦如骷髅,一脸皱纹,满面沧桑。 Is Ma Jiangming! Did he rush to the space? How many we to this little time, he fall, does he leap high?!” The Supreme Gold City person has called out in alarm, infinite question was dismembered the unfortunate character who by own three Sir City Lord beheads, unexpectedly is expert of side! But this, does not only dare to say again. Even, examined that in the past does not dare. “是马江名!他怎地跑到了天上?我们到这多少有一点时间,他才落下来,他到底跃起来多高啊?!”至尊金城的人惊呼了起来,无限疑问这位被自己的三城主大人分尸斩首的不幸人物,居然是自己一方的高手!但只此一句,就不敢再说下去了。甚至,连过去查看一眼都不敢。 All people are the complexion are strange. Because the Du Jue complexion was blacker, a long face also as if draws is longer, the body also has as if emitted killing intent! 所有人都是脸色怪异。因为杜绝脸色更黑了,一张驴脸也似乎拉得更长,身上似乎也冒出了杀气 Natural jumping, strikes fully! To set up the prestige before all people, actually cut the fragment the person on one's own side...... Conceivable, Venerable Du at this time how awkward! 潇洒的腾身,全力一击!本想在所有人面前立威,却把自己人斩成了碎片……可以想象,杜尊者此时是多么的尴尬! Hahaha...... Venerable Du seriously pretty palm blade! The big hand wields, over the face vicissitudes heart not old, hid a dagger in a smile not to be forgiving to cut the 17-18 truncation this, this grade of skill/effort was really shakes shocking! Certainly! Indeed is certainly! Worthily is certainly Venerable!” Zhen Cibei benign countenance has smiled, with a grave serious tone, seems the commendation of the heart, all does not have meaning of the ridiculing. 哈哈哈……杜尊者当真好俊的掌刀!大手一挥,就将这位‘满面沧桑心不老、笑里藏刀不留情’斩成了十七八截,这等功夫真是震天撼地!绝!的确是绝啊!不愧为绝尊者啊!”甄慈悲慈眉善目的笑了起来,用一种庄重严肃的口气,似乎是发自内心的称赞,全没有一丝揶揄之意。 Du Jue coldly snorted, suddenly palm one slanting, when the chest stands \; A sharp palm blade directly soars Zhen Cibei, does not have the sound unexpectedly. 杜绝冷哼一声,突然手掌一斜,当胸一立\;一记犀利掌刀直奔甄慈悲,竟是全无声息。 Zhen Cibei laughs, the sleeves strokes, one that brushes, strength suddenly of Du Jue that palm blade turned round, deeply cut the snowy area! 甄慈悲大笑一声,衣袖一拂,刷的一声,杜绝那一记掌刀的力量顿时拐了弯的,深深地切进了雪地! Zhen Cibei and Du Jue two people simultaneously are startled, look at the under foot snowy area, looking pensive. 甄慈悲杜绝两人同时一怔,看着脚下雪地,若有所思。 Your how many, restrain the first corpse of this place, so violent corpse wilderness, how could it not be extremely in pity? Is buried for secure good, not evades filthily, dead for big.” Zhen Cibei benign speaking thoughtlessly told, on face a sorrow. “你们几个,先将这一地的尸体都收敛起来,如此暴尸荒野,岂不太过于可怜?还是入土为安的好啊,莫避污浊,死者为大。”甄慈悲和颜悦色的随口吩咐,脸上一片悲痛。 He behind immediately several white-clothed person come out, has tidied up the ground corpse rapidly. 他身后立即有几个白衣人出来,迅速将地上尸体收拾了起来。 All people begin together, give me to clean up completely the snow of this valley in shensi!” Du Jue coldly ordered. The snow of entire canyon, simply sincerity like mountain \; But Du Jue categorical had not considered slightly, has issued this order! Moreover is very relaxed, seemed saying: Sweeps here dust, like this relaxed! “所有人一起动手,给我将这斜谷的积雪全部清理出去!”杜绝冷冷下令。整个峡谷的积雪,简直就像大山一样的厚重\;但杜绝斩钉截铁的丝毫没有考虑,就下达了这个命令!而且很轻松,似乎在说:将这里的灰尘扫一扫,这样的轻松! Supreme Gold City ten expert have simultaneously stood, the whole body rises slowly in a big way, suddenly is grunt one, takes control of! 至尊金城十位高手同时站了出来,浑身慢慢涨大,突然都是闷哼一声,同时出掌! The fierce fresh breeze is similar to the essence is common, changed to a giant shovel, the thick snow entire will turn, the surrounding area had dozens zhang (3.33 m) fully, looked like the unequalled ground is blown First Layer, then 40-50 people also began, bang, a big piece of snow deposit entire has raised, flew, by far high flew, fell beside the valley in shensi! 剧烈的劲风如同实质一般,化作了一个巨大的铲子,将厚厚的积雪整个翻起来了一面,方圆足有数十丈,就像是硕大无朋的地面被刮起来了一层,然后又有四五十人同时动手,轰的一声,一大片雪层被整个的掀了起来,飞了出去,远远地高高的飞了上去,落在了斜谷之外! Does the snow of such wide scope, far more than have thousands of jin (0.5 kg)? Unexpectedly such was thrown! 这么大范围的积雪,何止有千万斤重?居然就这么被抛了出去! In the ground, has revealed the black soil. Snow surface that the soils and people stand, differs three zhang (3.33 m) thickness! 地面上,露出了黑色的泥土。泥土与众人站立的雪面,足足相差三丈的厚度! Du Jue and Zhen Cibei coldly looks, unemotionally continues to order: Comes again!” 杜绝甄慈悲冷冷看着,面无表情的继续下令:“再来!” Definitely cannot have a side to strive, the second wave of clean-up was changed by the Fleeing World Immortal Palace aspect has been completed \; The tertiary wave naturally is Dream Blood Sea strives! Has saying that Supreme is the group of people who sets the base, the energy is full, the strength was really too formidable, took turns a wave, the entire valley in shensi was left a big piece clear! 肯定不能只得一方出力,第二波的清理工作换由了遁世仙宫方面完成\;第三波自然就是梦幻血海出力!不得不说,至尊作垫底的这一帮人,底气就是足,实力实在是太强大了,就只是轮换了一波,整个斜谷已经被清出了一大片! Obviously is several nearly unperformable duties, shortly always doing nothing but will have completed much, if according to such efficiency, even if leans to empty this place seriously, is not the difficult matter, will take time will not be long! 明明是几近不可完成的任务,顷刻之间竟自完成了不少,若按照这样的效率,就算当真倾空此地,也非难事,而且需时决计不会太长! Bang the huge sound of landslide cracks in the earth is lingering on faintly, that is the snows of these bulks is thrown the noise that exited to make. As if the trim earth, is also trembling! 轰轰隆隆山崩地裂的巨大响动不绝于耳,那是这些大块的积雪被扔了出去闹出的动静。似乎整片大地,也在为之震颤! Du Jue and Zhen Cibei sensed with the ultra skillful sleep of Venerable level faintly, under this snow deposit, decides however has the mystery! Otherwise, they do not believe depends on trivial Chu Qihun to cut to kill seven great expert at one fell swoop, but also causes Superior Supreme to carry severely wounded distressed fleeing to run away to leap up! 杜绝甄慈悲凭着尊者级的超妙灵觉隐隐觉出,这雪层底下,定然另有奥妙!否则,他们绝不相信就凭区区一个楚泣魂就能够一举斩杀七大高手,还令到一位至尊之上身负重伤狼狈至极的亡命逃蹿! What if faces is Venerable Mei, such result is reasonable, even is natural! 若是面对的是梅尊者,这样的结果还算合理,甚至是理所当然! But...... Depending on Chu Qihun? His what Dehe can? 但……凭楚泣魂?他何德何能? Even if eight great expert kill one another, Chu Qihun cannot achieve this and other degrees of exceedingly high penetrating place! 纵然八大高手自相残杀,楚泣魂也达不到这等通天彻地的程度! The conclusion is: Is absolutely impossible! 结论就是:绝无可能! Zhen Cibei looks at the front motion, calling out that suddenly does not return to: Bai Wuxin! You come!” 甄慈悲看着前面的行动,突然头也不回的叫道:“白无心!你过来!” On Bai Wuxin is entangling the thick plain white cloth, but the great pain of that thorough marrow also in time is suffering him, often contorting one's face in agony. The bone was almost delimited to put on by a sword...... At this moment can insist stands here, is the iron man...... hearing this walked hurriedly. respectful sound asked: Does not know that Second Master does have what instruction?” 白无心头上缠着厚厚的白布,但那深入骨髓的巨大痛楚还在时刻的折磨着他,不时的呲牙裂嘴。骨头几乎被一剑划穿……此刻能坚持着站在这里,已经算是铁汉了……闻言急忙走了过来。恭声问道:“不知二爷有何吩咐?” Regarding this Uncle Zhen Cibei, but always nobody dares to call him two Palace Lord, all politely calls it for Second Master, is hot tempered than Sir because of this Second Master temperament were too many \; Sir gets angry, most is also closes a confinement or gives some penalties \; But once Second Master loses one's temper, that is...... The mercy arrived at...... you to lean the beforehand matter says again in detail, a point can not have the omission, even if were the unthinkable condition also wants the one by one say/way to come.” Zhen Cibei white eyebrow raised, the expression is said greatly heavily. 对于这位甄慈悲大爷,可是向来无人敢叫他一声‘二宫主’的,一律都尊称其为‘二爷’,因为这位二爷的脾气可是比大爷暴躁的太多了\;大爷发怒,最多也就是关个禁闭或者给予些许刑罚\;但二爷一旦动怒,那就是……慈悲降临了……“你把之前的事倾再详细的说一遍,一点都不得有遗漏,哪怕是再匪夷所思的状况也要一一道来。”甄慈悲眉毛一挑,语气大是沉重地说道。 At this time, another two leaders, Zi Jinghong and Du Jue have also stood. Is listening respectfully to the narration of Bai Wuxin carefully, tripartite subordinate has not the small loss at this war, if not make clear to understand how can be resigned. 此时,另外两个领头人,紫惊虹杜绝也站了过来。仔细聆听着白无心的叙述,三方人马在这一战都有不小的损失,若是不搞个清楚明白,如何能甘心。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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