OEM :: Volume #7

#638: Below?!

Your luck is good! Is makes you take advantage of loopholes unexpectedly!” Whole face understand that Ma Jiangming resents purple, fierce fearsome: These two trivial matters create a scene, suddenly understand sheep Dian has confused all insanely generally, will you easily go well? The good fortune makes the person, one to Huisse! The old men crowd together with these two scoundrels unexpectedly, is Heaven's Will, but the father walks finally after that two trivial matters, this war was father wins!......” “你运气好!竟是让你钻了空子!”马江名愤恨的满脸都发了紫,更加的狰狞可怖:“要不是这两个杂碎无理取闹,突然发了羊癫疯一般搅乱了一切,你们又怎会轻易得手?造化弄人,一至于斯!老夫竟然与这两个混账凑在一起,也是天意,不过老子总算是走在那两个杂碎之后,这一战是老子赢了!……” Heaven's Will?! Haha, I have to admire your stupidity! Unexpectedly dies to being imminent has not known that dies, you think that you have won that to the devil brothers? Idiots!” Jun Moxie laughs, a long sword lead(er): Suffers to death! This Young Master does not have the interest and your poor mushroom!” 天意?!哈哈,我不得不佩服你的愚蠢!居然死到临头还不知道是怎么死的,你以为你赢了那对死鬼兄弟吗?白痴!”君莫邪大笑,长剑一领:“受死吧!本少爷没兴趣与你穷蘑菇!” could it be, is could it be this radically the ghost who you do?” Ma Jiangming stared in a big way the eye suddenly, slowly turned from astonishment accidental/surprised ferociously: Originally is you! Originally unexpectedly is you, dies to father ~~~~ he bellows, suddenly diving posture, after everywhere silver glow, slides the purple electricity lightning to puncture, the momentum is quite not unexpectedly weak! 难道,难道这根本就是你搞的鬼?”马江名突然瞪大了眼睛,慢慢从惊讶意外变成狞恶:“原来是你!原来竟是你,给老子死来~~~~”他大吼一声,突然飞身而起,漫天银芒之后,一溜紫电闪电而刺,声势竟是颇为不弱! Jun Moxie coldly snorted, the body moves slightly, is vanishes to disappear unexpectedly towering, the personal appearance appeared once again, actually came in Ma Jiangming behind, backhands a sword! The body of Ma Jiangming upward jumps suddenly, actually resembles to move aside, although had evaded reluctantly vest vital point, actually by this sword average scratched between two legs to jab into the crotch unit! 君莫邪冷哼一声,身子微微一动,竟是突兀地消失不见了,身形再度已经出现,却已是现身在马江名身后,反手一剑!马江名的身子突然往上急蹿,却又似躲闪不及,虽然勉强避过了背心要害,却被这一剑平平的擦着两腿之间刺进了裆部! Mentioned, Jun Moxie has not thought that this sword so easily will go well unexpectedly, after he had prepared several moves the move, prepared the strain at any time, Superior Supreme expert, so long as frontage relative time, even if were seriously injured , was it such easily can kill? 说来,君莫邪也没想到这一剑竟会如此轻易得手,他本已经预备了好几招后招,随时准备应变,至尊之上高手,只要正面相对的时候,纵然是受了重伤,又其是这么容易就能杀死的? Frontage relative, after all is different from the sneak attack assassination! 正面相对,毕竟不同于偷袭暗杀! But this sword straight castrated Ma Jiangming, smooth even/including Jun Moxie was also startled! So long as this injury is a man is hard to withstand, even if Supreme above expert is also no exception, said that in the end there throughout is most painful of man! 但这一剑直直的就将马江名阉割了,顺利的连君莫邪也吃了一惊!这伤势只要是个男人就难以承受,就算是至尊以上的强者也不会例外,说到底那里始终是男人的最痛! However, the mutation lives suddenly! 然而,异变骤生! In instance that Jun Moxie goes well on own initiative, in vital point the move of Ma Jiangming full astern, is similar to the long sword of crotch does not have the feeling to be ordinary obviously suddenly unexpectedly, as if links an aching feeling not to have, to backhand a palm to strike in the shoulder of Jun Moxie, rudely! 就在君莫邪自觉得手的瞬间,明明要害中招的马江名突然全速后退,对胯下的长剑竟如同全无感觉一般,似乎连一点疼痛感也没有,反手一掌正正击在君莫邪的肩膀,势大力沉! Jun Moxie greatly is accidental/surprised, cannot think that this his achievement man most important spot received so caused heavy losses to so Dragon Jinghu to be unexpectedly fierce, seriously was the fierce person, the shoulder a sound, the skeleton as if already the dislocation, grunt, was struck to fly with the sword! 君莫邪大是意外,想不到这丫的作为男人最要紧的部位受了如此重创居然还如此龙精虎猛,当真是猛人,肩膀咔嚓一响,骨骼似乎已经错位,一声闷哼,连人带剑被击飞了出去! Impressively discovery sword blade cool like water, does not have the least bit bloodstain unexpectedly, opened the eye, could not bear calling out of accidental/surprised in flying upside down: fuck...... Originally under you do not have......” 赫然发现剑身清凉如水,竟是没有半点血迹,不由睁大了眼睛,在倒飞中就忍不住意外的叫道:“我艹……原来你下面没有……” Men is damaged painful, truly does not have the man to withstand, can the heir, not be the person of man! 男人的最痛受创,确实没有男人可以承受,能承受者,惟有不是男人之人! Ma Jiangming loudly laughed, the whole face overtakes ferociously comes, loudly exclaimed: Right! Under me does not have! Has not thought of Hahaha......” 马江名哈哈大笑,满脸狞恶地追上前来,大吼道:“没错!我下面没有!没想到吧哈哈哈……” He smiles so loudly, as if under does not have the matter that has been worth showing off actually honorably to be common! Unexpectedly also some complacent...... Jun Moxie cannot understand in this moment...... Chu Qihun that distant place controlled one's breathing could not bear vomiting \; He bah, as a man, below did not have so to be unexpectedly self-satisfied...... No wonder this goods especially like the tyrannical killer beautiful woman, so that's how it is. Actually is because is causing trouble facing the psychology of beautiful woman helpless that abnormal distortion...... Jun Moxie aerobic and funny, this no wonder this goods unexpectedly can also counter-attack \; On shoulder burning hurts, actually still loudly laughed: Damn, originally under you do not have...... Rare you so are unexpectedly favorite, real his mother is a talented person!” 他笑得如此大声,似乎自己下面没有了倒是一件多么光荣多么值得夸耀的事情一般!居然还有些得意洋洋……君莫邪在这一刻都不能理解了……远处正在调息的楚泣魂忍不住‘呕’了一声\;丫了个呸的,作为一个男人,下面没有了居然这么得意……难怪这货尤其喜欢虐杀美女,原来如此。却是因为面对美女无能为力的那种变态扭曲的心理在作祟……君莫邪又好气又好笑,这就难怪这货居然还能反击了\;肩头上火辣辣的疼起来,却犹自哈哈大笑了起来:“他妈的,原来你下面没有……难得你居然这么得意,真他妈是人才!” At this time Ma Jiangming pursued the near, said with a smile ferociously: „Doesn't father have to be able? Because did not have that thing to rescue a father life at present, you had actually, actually must waste, because the father must make you next one time not use!” Attacks to come maliciously, long sword silver needle fists and feet Violent Wind Rainstorm has started the raging tide generally! 这时马江名已经追到近前,狞笑道:“老子就是没有又能怎地?就因为没有那玩意眼下才救了老子一命,你倒是有,却要浪费了,因为老子要让你今后一次也用不上!”狠狠地攻击而来,长剑银针拳脚狂风暴雨一般掀起了狂潮! Jun Moxie loudly laughed, in the laughter, the entire body once again inexplicably vanishes! Before the body of Ma Jiangming, in he stared in a big way under eye gaze, vanished bewilderedly without a trace...... Ma Jiangming must kill strikes bang understand to exit, at present did not have the person, cannot help but startled, a spin body, the entire gods alert \; Suddenly crotch rips heart severe pain, cries out strangely, entire body straight flew, dances with joy. 君莫邪哈哈大笑,就在笑声之中,整个身体再度莫名消失!就在马江名的身前,在他瞪大了的眼睛注视下,莫名其妙地消失得无影无踪……马江名的必杀一击“轰”的发了出去,眼前却已经没有了人,不由得大吃一惊,一个旋身,全神戒备\;突然胯下一阵撕心剧痛,一声怪叫,整个身子直直的飞了起来,手舞足蹈。 Actually by a Jun Moxie maliciously foot from below, but on kicked in the crotch, the huge action, making Ma Jiangming that the personal appearance flew high soar \; Has not called out pitifully with enough time, was a without a trace foot kicks in the same spot! 却是被君莫邪狠狠一脚从下而上踢在了裆里,巨大的作用力,让本就身形凌空的马江名腾空而起\;还未来得及惨叫,又是无影无踪的一脚踢在了同一个部位! Void, shouting angrily of Jun Moxie cold severe: I make under you not have! I make you favorite under you not to have...... You do not have! You do not have! You do not have! Not......” 虚空中,君莫邪冷厉的怒喝:“我让你下面没有!我让你他妈的得意你下面没有……你丫没有!你没有!你没有!没有……” Along with obloquying, kicking of foot foot in that position, the body of Ma Jiangming continues kick upward flies, below also continuously again and again ruthlessly kicks throughout in that same spot! 随着一声声的大骂,一脚一脚的踢在那个位置,马江名的身子持续被踢的往上飞,下面也持续不断连连狠踢始终是在那同一部位! The Violent Wind Rainstorm common big foot tramples fiercely, let alone under Ma Jiangming did not have, even if has...... Now does not have...... At least did not recognize that is any thing...... Chu Qihun is opening mouth under greatly, hissing hissing the sorption cold air, saw Ma Jiangming flag flower rocket generally straight upward clashes, the lift-off had 110 zhang (3.33 m) altitude unexpectedly, but also in never saying die rises toward the upper air...... Listens the sound that bang bang bang the foot is kicking unceasingly, Chu Supreme to feel root understand suddenly softly...... Listens to this strength, most two feet, the friend of this over the face vicissitudes estimated that died passed, pressed Jun Moxie to kick 200 feet unexpectedly...... What under this does not have is a anomaly \; Under that some are also a anomaly! 狂风暴雨一般的大脚猛踹,别说马江名下面本来就没有,就算是有……现在也没有了……起码是认不出那是个什么玩意儿了……楚泣魂在下面大张着嘴巴,嘶嘶的吸着凉气,眼看着马江名旗花火箭一般直直的往上冲,离地居然已经有110丈的高度,还在锲而不舍的往高空升去……听着那嘭嘭嘭不断地脚踢的声音,楚至尊突然感觉牙根都发了软……听这力道,最多两脚,这位满面沧桑的老兄估计就死得透了,难为君莫邪居然一口气踢了200脚……这个下面没有的是个变态\;那个下面有的也是个变态! Damn is more abnormal than the father! 他妈的都比老子变态! Chu Qihun drew such a conclusion. 楚泣魂得出了这么一个结论。 Whiz, Jun Moxie appears before him, rapid say|way: Dodge, the person in Three Great Sacred Lands aspect came...... This time totaled at least over hundred people......” he to rise the upper air a moment ago, clear seeing distant place person's shadows grazed at the speed of gust of wind...... Over hundred people! This absolutely is terrifying strength! Such formidable strength, depending on their present strength, is unable to contend absolutely! “嗖”的一声,君莫邪出现在他面前,急促的道:“快闪,三大圣地方面的人又来了……这次合共至少百人以上……”刚才他升到高空,清晰的看到远处一条条的人影以疾风的速度飞掠而来……百人以上!这绝对是一股恐怖力量!这样强大的力量,凭他们现在的力量,绝对无法抗衡! Chu Qihun is also in astonishment, gains ground looked shortly upper air that still also Ma Jiangming that keeps upward flying, turned into soybean size, has a look at present Jun Moxie again, the is still puzzled: This little brat is in the end suddenly gets down? Under that no may still same upward be flown by the bird that he hits, how does he bewilderedly appear on the ground? 楚泣魂还处于惊讶之中,抬头眼看看高空那兀自还在不停往上飞的马江名,已经变成了黄豆大小,再看看眼前的君莫邪,犹自不解:这小子到底是怎么突然就下来的?那下面没有的可还在被他打的小鸟一样往上飞呢,怎么他就莫名其妙地出现在地上? Young Master Jun pulls up Chu Qihun, the extremely urgent matter is common brushing the snow hole that intruded Mei Xueyan and Dongfang Wenxin hides, said anything without enough time, immediately started strength of water! 君大少爷一把拉起楚泣魂,火烧眉毛一般“刷”的一声闯入了梅雪烟东方问心藏身的雪洞,来不及说什么,立即发动了水之力 The snow, the water for it, said the one shape of in the end also water! 雪,水为之,说到底也还是水的一种形态! Below snow silent complete soaring of four people, have revealed the solid land suddenly, four people simultaneously the both feet fell in the spot, Chu Qihun astonishment, a Jun Moxie both hands pressure, an show, Chu Qihun had not thought with enough time one unexpectedly in ceaseless downward fell, like under this was a natural bottomless trench...... Awfully? Is this what happened? Too profound imaginary?! 四个人的下方积雪突然无声无息的全部腾空,露出了坚实的土地,四人同时双脚落到了实地上,楚泣魂还未来得及惊讶,君莫邪双手一压,一展,楚泣魂就觉得自己竟在无休无止的往下掉,就像在这下面乃是一个天然的无底深渊……要命啊?这是怎么了?太玄幻了吧?! shua shua shua, the outside innumerable person's shadows dodge everywhere randomly, in same split second that Jun Moxie and Chu Qihun vanish, arrives this piece just frigidly had fought in snowy area, the distant place, also person's shadow heavily, is at cost of the life to catch up one after another generally to here...... In the snowy area, eyeful completely is bright red \; The dripping with blood, two half bodies have separated far away, the arm is also maintaining the stance of crawling...... also place a sliced meat in broken bits, even scattering in the snowy area, Ruan Yang supports with that strange posture in the snowy area, died passes...... That side there is still one full belly belly and intestines five internal organs are hanging outside, obviously before the point of death , the pain, looked at that meaning, the half body has struggled some little time, because, including the body of belly and intestines beyond three zhang (3.33 m), the middle, was being the careful intestines as if also steam is cleared by pulling together...... Such scene, believes that is the hell so is not brutal? 刷刷刷,外界无数的人影到处乱闪,就在君莫邪楚泣魂消失的同一瞬间,来到了这一片刚刚惨烈战斗过的雪地上,远方,还有人影重重,陆续拼老命一般向这边赶过来……雪地上,满眼尽是鲜红\;鲜血淋漓,两个半截身体隔开了老远,手臂还保持着爬行的姿态……还有一地的细碎的肉片,均匀的撒在雪地上,阮洋用那种奇怪的姿势撑在雪地上,已经死得透了……那边还有一个满肚子肚肠五脏都在外面挂着的,显然临死前痛苦至极,看那意思,半截身体可是挣扎了好一会,因为,连着肚肠的身体还在三丈之外,中间,是一道被拉得细细的肠子似乎还有热气没有散尽……这样的场面,相信就算是地狱也没有这么残酷吧? All people dull looks at front pitiful condition, simultaneously thought that in stomach overwhelming, the Adam's apple high and low rolls, as if in swallowing anything, but on the face was actually simultaneously flood hatred expression, in the eyes, performing was the endless hatred! 所有人呆呆怔怔的看着面前惨状,同时觉得胃中翻江倒海,喉结上下滚动,似乎在吞咽着什么,但脸上却是同时泛起了仇恨的神色,眼中,尽是无尽怨毒! The Three Great Sacred Lands personnel have arrived in full finally, counts the population really to have close 150 people! This is in the, had not seen the news catches up is also not infrequent...... The Three Great Sacred Lands different clothing, are particularly dazzling in snowy area. 三大圣地的人员终于到齐了,细数人数竟然有接近150人!这还是就在附近的,没有见到消息赶来的还不在少数……三大圣地不同的服饰,在雪地上分外耀眼。 Cruel! This Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun seriously was ferocious to the extreme...... This liao does not eliminate, Jiang Hu not Ningxia!” The Fleeing World Immortal Palace aspect, an appearance is unadorned, the old man of snow white long fine beard pities looks at front pitiful condition, deep sigh. “残忍!这个杀手至尊楚泣魂当真是穷凶极恶到了极点……此僚不除,江湖不宁!”遁世仙宫方面,一个面目古拙,雪白长髯的老者怜悯的看着面前惨状,深深叹息。 What Second Master said that Chu Qihun dares to be so tyrannical unexpectedly our three big Sacred Land Persons, if capture he, must put to death by dismemberment him surely hacks broken, frustrates the bone to raise the ash!” Speech Zi Jinghong, at this time, on his face greatly is some distortions, looks that Blood Sea Ruan Yang died by that strange posture, in heart angry sorrowful, is the extreme! 二爷说的是,楚泣魂竟然敢如此残虐我们三大圣地中人,若抓住他,定要将他凌迟碎剐,挫骨扬灰!”说话的正是紫惊虹,此时,他的脸上大是有些扭曲,看着血海阮洋以那么古怪的姿势死去,心中愤怒悲痛,已经是极点! In order to encircle Chu Qihun, around Dream Blood Sea lost five Superior Supreme expert! 为了围剿楚泣魂,梦幻血海前后已经损失了五位至尊之上强者 At this time, the old man who this lawless wise Dream Blood Sea Third Sect Master, looks at front this benign countenance, the in the eyes one type dodges with unexpectedly alarmed and afraid! As if that is...... From trembling of soul! 此时,这位无法无天足智多谋的梦幻血海三宗主,看着面前这个慈眉善目的老头,眼中竟然有一种闪躲和惊惧!仿佛那是……发自灵魂的颤栗! Was called by him makes Second Master that is the leader of Fleeing World Immortal Palace this motion! 被他唤作二爷的那位,正是遁世仙宫此次行动的领头人! Obviously, Fleeing World Immortal Palace these time has gotten angry, also truly was hit painful! Unexpectedly was next to Palace Lord the person King Pai. 显然,遁世仙宫这一次是真的怒了,也确实被打痛了!竟然将仅次于宫主的这位人王派了出来。 This Second Master, the benign countenance, whole face is honest, even, seems also resembles is somewhat simple-hearted, in a pair of eyes, performing is bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind, seems, purely is a typical softy, if in this world has the story of farmer and snake, then all people believe that the farmer leading character in story, is he...... Really was good, was too honest, this person, was very definitely good to speak, the heart was very soft, will forgive the person...... In summary, this person definitely is very easily swindled! 这位二爷,慈眉善目,满脸敦厚,甚至,看上去还似是有些木讷,一双眼睛里,尽是悲天悯人,一看上去,纯粹是一个典型的烂好人,如果这个世界上有农夫和蛇的故事,那么所有人都会相信,故事里的农夫主人公,就是他……实在是太善良了,太老实了,这种人,肯定很好说话,心很软,非常会体谅人……综上所述,这个人肯定很好骗! This is actually all first time sees the first impression of his person! 这却是所有第一次见到他的人的第一印象! Modest and self-demanding gentlemen, gently like jade! 谦谦君子,温良如玉! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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