OEM :: Volume #7

#637: The internal strife ended me to kill!

Supreme Gold City that two Supreme see Ma Jiangming to fall leeward, the sword will help one another \; Suddenly thought that front as if dodged anything, the police trillion has not raised, one of them sudden complexion is strange, after the body drops down softly his nape of the neck, presented a blood hole...... Another person is shocked in a terrified way, shouts wildly dodges, that actually there also with enough time, brushes, a sword chops the lower abdomen from the shoulder! 至尊金城那两个至尊马江名落入下风,正要挺剑相助\;却突然觉得面前似乎闪了一下什么,警兆还未升起,其中一人突然脸色怪异,身子软软倒下他的脖颈后已经出现了一个血洞……另外一人震惊惶恐,狂叫闪躲,却那里还来得及,刷的一声,一剑从肩膀直劈到小腹! Steaming hot five internal organs opening the sluice gates flood discharge general falling in torrents in ice-cold snowy area! 热气腾腾的五脏开闸泄洪一般呼啦啦的倾泻在了冰冷的雪地上! Bai Wuxin bellows, the miserable roar, explodes the roar! But at the same time behind that two had received a fatal wound Supreme expert that harms for a while has not actually resulted in dies unable to believe is miserably howling...... Another side Supreme Gold City they, person of straight falling down, another person is to actually look at the ground dripping five internal organs shouts loudly miserably, fear to the extreme yelled sad and shrill! At this moment, he has not died, also felt that he even can feel his five internal organs fall in the snowy area that icy cold touch! 白无心大吼,惨吼,爆吼!而身后那两个已经受了致命伤害却还一时未得即死的至尊高手也在同一时间不敢相信的惨嚎起来……另一边的至尊金城两人,一人直挺挺的扑倒,另一人却是看着地上淋漓的五脏放声惨呼,恐惧到了极点的凄厉大叫!这一刻,他还未死,还有感觉,他甚至能感觉到自己的五脏落在雪地上那种冰凉的触感! This is the extreme that in a nightmare can enjoy fears! 这是一种噩梦中才能享受到的极端恐惧! Actually occurred in the reality...... By their Profound Arts and experiences, should not such then be sneak attacked, moreover does not have the strength to hit back! But, Ma Jiangming and fight of Ruan brothers instantaneous hundred change, gradually develops life and death preying, attracted their complete mind! Even still has been considering to present several individual hearts in: in the end what's the matter? How suddenly on life and death big enmity? 却在现实中生生地发生了……以他们的玄功和经验,本不应该这么便被偷袭,而且毫无还手之力!但,马江名与阮氏兄弟的战斗瞬间百变,逐渐发展到生死搏杀,已经吸引了他们全部的心神!甚至一直到现在几个人心中还在考虑着:到底是怎么回事?怎地突然间就生死大仇了? In this grade of time, two King of Assassins across the sky, moreover hit one to be caught off guard from the back! Do not say hits back, most bad luck two until dying unexpectedly muddleheaded...... The airborne three people had simultaneously detected the tragedy of ground, is burning with impatience! However, they could not call a halt...... Each other to the bang, arrived at the critical moment, even if wants to receive the hand, already absolutely without enough time...... bang a startled day explosive! 在这等时刻,两位杀手之王横空而出,而且是从背后打了一个措手不及!不要说是还手,最倒霉的两人直到死居然还是稀里糊涂……空中的三个人同时发觉了地上的惨事,都是心急如焚!但是,他们已经停不下手……彼此对轰,已经到了紧要关头,就算是想要收手,也已经绝对来不及了……“轰”的一声惊天爆响! Three people, three Superior Supreme expert go all out to strike from the sky to explode! Three bellow, resounds, three person's shadows, divide from three directions fly to fall! Crashes spits blood...... Three people inevitably were seriously injured, particularly Ma Jiangming, is injured is heavier! Throughout by an enemy two, the strength has the disparity greatly! 三个人,三位至尊之上高手拼命地一击在空中爆开!三声大吼,同时响起,三条人影,分从三个方向飞坠!边坠落边哇哇的吐血……三个人都不可避免地受了重伤,尤其是马江名,受伤更重!始终是以一敌二,实力大有差距! At this moment, Ma Jiangming, Ruan Yin and Ruan Yang three people of moods, were really complex to the indescribable situation! 这一刻,马江名阮隐阮洋三人的心情,真是复杂到了无法形容的地步! Stunned, startled anger, grief, grief and indignation, unbelievable...... On three faces that these all sorts of complex expressions in airborne are flying to fall frames instantaneously! 错愕,惊怒,伤痛,悲愤,难以置信……这些种种复杂的表情在空中正在飞坠的三个人脸上瞬间定格! Resembles their this tyrannical existence situated in present age peak, along with the growth of itself cultivation base, the self-control bearing also augments, when is common vertical non- is the happy anger does not show also similarly, such as is the expression, even if any type, is hard to seek on their faces, but at this moment, so many and complex negative expressions unexpectedly are on the simultaneously seven emotions, the facial features can be imagined fiercely. 似他们这等位于当世顶峰的强横存在,随着本身修为的增长,涵养气度亦随之添增,寻常之时纵非是喜怒不形于色也差不多,如是表情,即便是任何一种,也难以在他们脸上寻得,可这一刻,如此繁多、复杂的负面表情竟是齐齐七情上面,面容之狰狞可想而知。 But even though is so fierce expression You Zi cannot express them in this moment complex mood! 但纵使是如此狰狞的表情尤自不能表达他们在这一刻的复杂情绪! Even, in this moment, they performed had forgotten exploded the roar, had forgotten that the grief should send out used up roaring in bottom! Whatever the blood falls from airborne whirlwind, changed to a scarlet rainbow, but, in the eyes of three people, looked the picture that is the same, as if entire world framed in that has flickered! 甚至,在这一刻,他们尽都忘记了爆吼,也忘记了伤痛所应该发出的那种竭斯底里的吼叫!任由鲜血从空中飚落,化作了道道赤虹,但,三个人的眼中,看出去的画面是一样的,似乎整个世界定格在了那一瞬! Is impossible! 不可能! How to turn into this!! 怎么会变成这样!! Companion's pitiful yell, Ai Hu of ally, the half body of that Shangyou comfortable creeping motion, one pile of five internal organs of that ground dripping with blood steaming are still braving the steam...... Bai Wuxin head wound blood unending whirlwind sprinkles, but he has not actually dropped down...... In fact, just arrived at high-spirited eight great expert, now is also considered as to have the strength, only has Bai Wuxin this person of injury! Although his injury is heavy, is not fatal, ache that but that is fiercely difficult to damp, is actually links Superior Supreme expert unable to endure! 同伴的惨叫,战友的哀呼,那地上犹自在蠕动的半截躯体,那地上鲜血淋漓的一堆五脏还在腾腾冒着热气……白无心头上的伤口鲜血不曾止息的飚洒,但他却还没有倒下……事实上,刚刚到来意气风发的八大高手,现在还算得上有战力的,也就只有白无心这一个受了伤的人!他的伤势虽然不轻,却还不致命,可是那剧烈难抑的疼痛,却是连至尊之上高手也无法抵受! The ache of nape of the neck and scalp in next, the key was the skull deeply is still delimited one, that grief, the pain entered the marrow unexpectedly! Thorough soul! 脖颈和头皮的疼痛还在其次,关键是颅骨被深深划了一道,那种伤痛,竟已痛入骨髓!深入灵魂! Bai Wuxin is bellowing sad and shrill repeatedly, exhausts own complete strength to bellow, vented the pain on body and spirit/mind, in the meantime , was warning! 白无心凄厉地连声大吼着,用尽自己的全部力量大吼着,借此发泄身体、精神上的痛楚,同时,也是在示警! What he has not even turned around to have a liking for a that severe wound oneself is, because of his clear awareness, so long as turns head, then again have not gotten rid of the death the opportunity! Is mixing with the sad and shrill long and loud cry, sends the potential of leaving sword uniting directly, changed to one to cut the boundless snow spatial rainbow, was bringing the bright blood light, fled flees! 他甚至没有转身看上一眼那重伤了自己的是谁,因为他清楚的知道,只要一回头,那么自己就再也没有摆脱死亡的机会了!夹杂着凄厉的长啸,直接发动身剑合一之势,化作了一道划破苍茫雪空的长虹,带着灿烂的血光,亡命奔逃! At this moment the Bai Wuxin speed has almost achieved peak of this world! Must dodge, the form thoroughly disappears in the field of vision of people! This stirred up understand human body all potentials the limit running away speeds, even if Mei Xueyan, at this moment must be able not hold a candle! 这一刻白无心的速度几乎已经达到了这个世界的巅峰!只得一闪,身影就彻底消失于众人的视野!这等激发了人体所有潜能的极限逃窜速度,就算是梅雪烟,此刻也要望尘莫及! The body sword unites, originally is might huge killing strike, from ancient to present escapes with this...... Bai Wuxin should be first, considered as finished held the beginning of history! 身剑合一,本是威力庞大的杀招,自古至今用这个来逃命的……白无心应该是第一个,也算了是开了历史的先河! Vanishes to the Bai Wuxin form thoroughly, Jun Moxie had not come. 一直到白无心身影彻底消失,君莫邪仍是没有现身出来。 Airborne, only has that sad and shrill long and loud cry still to reverberate in the horizon, even, several have more and more loud trend. Beside the mountain valley, has resounded in all directions by far should with long and loud cry! expert in Three Great Sacred Lands aspect gather the support to here continuously...... Ruan brothers and Ma Jiangming fall to the ground finally, although between that spells, does not have the least bit flower to be false, at this moment each other completely is the whole body dripping with blood, the muscle whirls around, but, knew that placed these three people in unknown crisis actually rapidly to stand after the landing earliest possible time, the corners of the mouth was still hanging bloodshot, but the body has actually supported straightly. 空中,唯有那声凄厉的长啸还在天际回荡,甚至,几有越来越响的趋势。山谷之外,四面八方远远地已经响起了应和的长啸!三大圣地方面的高手们源源不绝地向这边聚拢支援而来……阮氏兄弟和马江名终于落地,虽然之间的那一拼可是实打实的,全无半点花假,此刻彼此尽都是浑身鲜血淋漓,肌肉翻卷,但,自知身处于未知危局之中的这三人却迅速地在落地后的第一时间站了起来,嘴角犹自挂着血丝,但身子却已挺得笔直。 The Chu Qihun personal appearance dodges again, just fell to the ground in them that flickers, such as dream imaginary general sword light surprise attack that had just stood getting up, in Ruan Yin gazes at helplessly, sword flowing light straight inserted his chest! 楚泣魂身形再闪,就在他们刚刚落地刚刚站了起来的那一瞬,如梦似幻一般的剑光突袭,就在阮隐眼睁睁地注视中,剑化流光直直的插进了他的胸膛! The death that the Chu Qihun notch tries struck! 楚泣魂豁尽全力的死亡一击! Chu Qihun the strikes is very learned, Ruan Yin is not in these three people itself strength most weak one, is not injured heavily is easiest to start, but Chu Qihun has actually chosen him, the reason does not have him, because of the polarity, in these three people, only has the strength that Ruan Yin also fights again! Also is three people are injured lightest one, although is not injured lightly, actually Superior Supreme expert! 楚泣魂的这一击很有学问,阮隐并非是这三人中本身实力最弱者,也不是受伤最重最容易下手,但楚泣魂却偏偏选择了他,原因无他,因为正相反,这三个人之中,唯有阮隐还有再战的实力!也是三人受伤最轻的一个,虽然受伤非轻,却还是至尊之上强者 Ruan Yin just fell to the ground, just stood, not with enough time genuine exhaust fumes! At this time, cuts to kill his most good opportunity! As for the two, went to half to assign, so long as can first eradicate Ruan Yin, the other two from do not have the vitality....... Therefore Chu Qihun basic has saved including the free time of panting half tone, carries is killing their remaining prestiges continually, unfolds the body sword to unite again, sharply clashes to come, cuts to kill at one fell swoop, strikes to kill! If other Ruan Yin returned to the full one breath, wants to kill him not to have is so easy...... This is also the experience and keen sense of touch of this Assassin Supreme! 阮隐才刚刚落地,刚刚站起来,还未来得及真正回气!此时,正是斩杀他的最好机会!至于其他两人,已经去了半条命了,只要能够首先铲除阮隐,余下的两人自更无生机。……所以楚泣魂根本连喘息半口气的空闲都省下了,携着连杀两人的余威,再展身剑合一,急冲而来,一举斩杀,一击必杀!若是等阮隐回足一口气,想杀他就没这么容易了……这也正是这位杀手至尊的经验和灵敏触觉! This sword, does not have the least bit to keep the hand! 这一剑,毫无半点留手! One such as judgment of Chu Qihun, after a moment ago that move of Supreme above expert ultimate internecine strife, passes through Ruan Yin of startled day accident really unable to evade that this death attacked! 一如楚泣魂的判断,经过刚才那一招至尊以上强者的终极火拼,又经惊天变故的阮隐果然未能避过这一记死亡突袭! He with enough time has not even gasped for breath, just stood up, the long sword was bringing bright as snow sword light and vigorous killing intent passes through the body to enter! 他甚至还未来得及喘口气,刚刚站起,长剑已经带着雪亮的剑光和蓬勃的杀气贯体而入! When the long sword enters the body, crazy fierce Sword Qi able to move unhindered wreaks havoc in Ruan Yin within the body, huge momentum, will bring the body of Ruan Yin to fly in the future, Ruan Yin will not actually lose the Superior Supreme expert strength, under will know to die, finally will flicker bellowing that will still erupt to be on the verge of death, the sound will be frigid, vibrates four wildly, ejecting that two will go all out, with all remaining strength, double hit four palms of pēng pēng on Chu Qihun! 长剑入体之余,狂猛剑气纵横在阮隐体内肆虐,巨大的冲力,甚至带着阮隐的身体直直往后飞去,阮隐却也不负至尊之上强者的实力,自知必死之下,最后一瞬兀自爆发出濒死的大吼,声音惨烈,震动四野,两手更拼命的击出,用出所有的残余力量,砰砰楚泣魂身上连击四掌! Also only has hit four palms! 也就只击中了四掌! Because, the next moment of his body had been attacked thorough rupturing by Chu Qihun Sword Qi, changed to everywhere blood broom corn millet, forever vanishes in Heaven and Earth! When Chu Qihun goes well, in mouth crazy blowout blood, after all Supreme above expert finally strikes does not feel better, in airborne is struck such as the embroidered ball continually to do several somersaults by four palms that Ruan Yin was on the verge of death generally, Autumn Water Shadowless Sword has almost let go to fly...... Ruan Yang weeps blood alarmed bellowing: Big Brother Ah~ ~~~~!” Suddenly the body shakes, a chest icy coldness, his astonishment looks down, the chest is braves section of a sword of glistening to be sharp unexpectedly towering, on the face appears strange expression, eyeful unbelievable, in me sword? How possible...... The clear sword dodges not to have sharp. The Ruan Yin rave, instead hits clashes crazily, the intention and sneak attack puts together to perish together, has actually hit spatial, along with the outflow of last physical strength, his body because of being used to surname, but flushed crazily several steps, not willingly fell to the ground softly, two legs one soft, the knees were well-grounded, have knelt, two arms have swayed two, suddenly after the body but actually, his knees place, head fierce in the future will hang, always doing nothing but has bumped into the snowy area, bumped into own foot heel by coincidence, the whole person has formed an arch, both eyes gets angry raised, suddenly was motionless. 因为,他的身体的下一刻已经被楚泣魂剑气冲击得彻底爆裂,化作了漫天血糜,永远消失于天地之间!楚泣魂得手之余,口中狂喷出鲜血,毕竟至尊以上强者的最后一击可不是那么好受的,在空中被阮隐濒死的四掌击得如绣球一般连翻了几个筋斗,秋水无影剑更几乎脱手而飞……阮洋泣血惊心的大吼:“大哥啊~~~~~!”突然身子一震,胸口一阵冰凉,他惊讶的低头看着,前胸竟是突兀地冒出来一截闪亮的剑尖,脸上显出古怪的神色,满眼的难以置信,我中剑了?怎么可能……清亮剑尖一闪而没。阮隐狂吼,反打狂冲,意图与偷袭者拼个同归于尽,却打了一个空,随着最后一点气力的流失,他身子因惯姓而疯狂地冲出去了几步,不甘心的软软倒地,两腿一软,双膝着地,跪了下来,两条胳膊晃荡了两下,突然身躯后倒,他双膝支地,头颅猛的往后垂,竟自碰到了雪地,更无巧不巧地碰到了自己的脚后跟,整个人形成一个弓形,双眼怒凸,突然一动不动了。 The intense resentment read, who making him before also probably have a look at the point of death has killed itself, exhibited such a very difficult movement dead unexpectedly \; But he was doomed disappointedly, because of Jun Moxie at this moment, has stood before the body of next goal Ma Jiangming! 强烈的怨念,让他在临死之前也要看看是谁杀了自己,竟然摆出了这么一个高难度的动作才死去\;但他注定要失望了,因为君莫邪此刻,已经站在了下一个目标马江名的身前! In three people, is injured by Ruan Yin lightly, therefore Chu Qihun first preying \; Ruan Yang next, therefore Jun Moxie second striking kills! As for Ma Jiangming, is injured heaviest one, is in three people only one basically loses again one of the strength of war! By strength of internecine strife two one oneself with First Layer time expert, is not seriously injured is the strange event! 三人中,以阮隐受伤最轻,所以楚泣魂第一个搏杀\;阮洋其次,所以君莫邪第二位的击杀!至于马江名,则是受伤最重的一个,亦是三人中唯一一个基本失去再战之力的一个!以一己之力火拼两名与自己同一层次的强者,不受重伤才是怪事! It is not worth serious thought again! 再不足虑! Ma Jiangming strives maintains is standing posture, obviously is weak to the extreme, as if Wind Come can it blowing down, low choking cough, in the mouth braves the bleeding froth unceasingly, the whole body high and low, dozens wound muscles whirl around, including the face on is also lying this way and that has covered entirely the scar. Now looks like, the face vicissitudes of over the face vicissitudes...... Jun Moxie? Originally is you!” Ma Jiangming mirthless smile, does the body sway, two atheistic. To really makes the old man unexpected! Your cohabitant?” 马江名勉力保持站着的姿势,显见已经是虚弱到了极点,似乎一阵风来都能够将之吹倒,低低的呛咳着,口中不断地冒出血沫,周身上下,足足有几十道伤口肌肉翻卷,连脸上也是横七竖八的布满了伤痕。如今看来,满面沧桑的脸更加沧桑了……“君莫邪?原来是你!”马江名惨笑一声,身子摇摇晃晃,两眼无神。“到真是让老夫意想不到!你的姘头呢?” Ma Jiangming, do not install!” Jun Moxie coldly visits him: Your this struck you a moment ago, although truly is injured heavily, but also compares Ruan brothers \; Your true injury, is not in the situation that you display now by far! Makes a show before me, is useless.” 马江名,别装了!”君莫邪冷冷的看着他:“刚才你们这一击你虽然确实受伤最重,但也只是相比较起阮氏兄弟来说而已\;你的真正伤势,远远不到你现在表现出来的这种地步!在我面前耍花样,是没用的。” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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