OEM :: Volume #7

#646: Applauds for the oath!

Bustling place... Unreasoning passion...” Dugu Xiaoyi along with the collection of music scores, was singing to lyrics gently, Guan Qinghan flute sound once again Youran (leisurely), along with the Dugu Xiaoyi sonorous singing, the flute sound is at the same time supple, complements each other. “红尘…痴情…”独孤小艺随着曲谱,对着歌词轻轻唱了起来,一边,管清寒的箫声再度悠然而起,随着独孤小艺的清唱,箫音柔婉,相得益彰。 , The people actually felt the residual sound to curl finally, have not given full expression, then said that this aftertaste circles Liang for a while, third unceasingly, and is not overrated. 一曲终了,众人却感觉余音袅袅,意犹未尽,便说这一时余韵绕梁,三曰不绝,也并不为过。 What is published the sentiment is, teaches life loathsome appearance allow!......” Dongfang Wenxin cried suddenly, mutters the tunnel: What is sentiment? What is the sentiment?...... Sentiment...... could it be suffers the matter of person?” “问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许!……”东方问心突然落下泪来,喃喃地道:“情是何物?情是何物?……情……难道就是折磨人的物事吗?” Jun Moxie sighed, long recited in a drawn-out voice: Is published, what is the sentiment? Teaches life loathsome appearance allow! South Heaven north dual flight guest, old wing several chapters of winter and summer \; The happy pleasure, leaves the pain, has the crazy children \; You should have the language, a vast ten thousand li (0.5 km) stratus cloud, the Qian mountain evening snow, only does the shade go to whom?” 君莫邪叹了口气,曼声长吟道:“问世间,情为何物?直教人生死相许!天南地北双飞客,老翅几回寒暑\;欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女\;君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?” Dongfang Wenxin heard suddenly this word, unexpectedly was such as crazy generally, a mastication of character character, tasting, was pondering meaning, she was standing dull, suddenly in the eyes overflowing slowly the tears, the sprinkling dust slowly, turned around completely suddenly, dash about wildly to return to the room, only heard a weeping sound of being deeply grieved to pass on: You should have the language, a vast ten thousand li (0.5 km) stratus cloud, the Qian mountain evening snow, only does the shade go to whom? Wuhui (No regrets)! Wuhui (No regrets)...... You let my lonely person...... How to face this in world wind and rain world wind and frost?” 东方问心骤闻这首词,竟是如痴了一般,一字一字的咀嚼,回味着,思考着其中的意思,她呆呆地站着,突然眼中慢慢的溢满了泪花,慢慢的洒落尘埃,突然转身,狂奔回房中,只听见一阵悲痛欲绝的哭声传出来:“君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,只影向谁去?无悔无悔……你让我孤孤单单一个人……如何面对这世间风雨天下风霜?” Moxie, you said the aunt she...... Can......?” Guan Qinghan asked Jun Moxie on the quiet, in tone was revealing the thick worry, meaning that also slightly rebuked. Obviously was strange Jun Moxie has stirred up the Dongfang Wenxin painful event. 莫邪,你说伯母她……会不会……?”管清寒悄悄地问君莫邪,口气中流露着浓浓的担心,还有些微嗔怪的意味。显然是怪君莫邪惹起了东方问心的伤心事。 Jun Moxie deeply sighed, said: Mother these days, always damps sorrowfully, therefore makes the smiling face \; Forces oneself to look cheerful, was really too tired. If constantly such is suppressing, will suppress, truly will have excessively for a long time problems \; Must know that the sentiment like the turbulent current, stops up is sparse, you might as well might as well make her touch mental state, vented thoroughly, so long as can cry \; Later will be instead more relaxed.” 君莫邪深深叹了口气,道:“母亲这段时间里,始终强抑悲痛,故做笑颜\;强颜欢笑,实在是太累了。若是一味的这么憋着,憋得过久,才真正会出问题\;要知道,情如激流,堵不如疏,索姓不如就让她触动心境,彻底发泄出来,只要能哭出来\;之后反而会轻松很多。” Nod that Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi and Han Yanmeng are suddenly enlighted, deeply feels rational. 管清寒独孤小艺寒烟梦恍然大悟的点点头,深感有理。 A piece silent, a quiet and beautiful flute sound curls once again, scatters in all directions leisurely, continuous \; That Wuhui (No regrets) asks one's conscience, is published, what is the sentiment? 一片寂静中,一阵清幽的箫音再度袅袅而起,悠悠四散,绵绵不绝\;正是那一曲“无悔问心”,问世间,情为何物? In the separation of one wall yard, person of Ye Guhan time another unreasoning passion obviously looks wan, stands under the colored tree crazily, whatever on the flowered tree the white snow shivers, falls above him, in the neck, he is just likes has not actually thought that but infatuated listens to this song, the left arm air-to-air sleeves to dance in the breeze in the cold wind low-spirited, the Ye Guhan facial color is impoverished, the look is profound, but the grief, the facial expression dreary and lonely, muttered: Is published, what is the sentiment? Xiuxiu...... You?” 一墙之隔的小院中,另一个痴情之人夜孤寒倍显形容憔悴,痴痴地站在花树之下,任由花树上白雪颤动,滑落在他头上,颈中,他却是恍如未觉,只是痴迷的听着这首曲子,左臂空空的衣袖在寒风中黯然飘舞,夜孤寒面色清苦,眼神深邃而伤痛,神情萧瑟而孤独,喃喃道:“问世间,情是何物?秀秀……你,好吗?” Jun Moxie leaves, Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi are studying this song \; But Han Yanmeng actually followed. 君莫邪离开的时候,管清寒独孤小艺正在研究着这首曲子\;但寒烟梦却一路跟了出来。 Jun Moxie, Young Nephew Moxie, when do you plan to arrive at Silver City to go?” Han Yanmeng rouses the small mouth to visit him. 君莫邪,莫邪侄儿,你打算什么时候才到银城去?”寒烟梦鼓着小嘴看着他。 On Silver City? Which on why to go?” Jun Moxie is stunned: That place is far away, but also is so cold, I do not have the interest to go.” Hears this Young Nephew Moxie, Young Master Jun is grating on some feelings, but this rank this had mother and Third Uncle to make the number personally, when oneself does not have to argue unexpectedly. “上银城?上哪干什么去?”君莫邪愕然:“那地方路途遥远,还那么冷,我可没兴趣去。”一听见这个‘莫邪侄儿’,君大少就有些感觉刺耳,可是这辈分这已经有母亲、三叔亲自作数,自己竟真个全无争辩之余地。 Whatever could it be this little girl does bully inadequately? 难道就任由这小丫头欺负不成? You!” Han Yanmeng for it gloomy: How that Xiao Family calculates...... Your doesn't could it be want to revenge?” “你!”寒烟梦为之气结:“那萧家怎么算……你难道就不想去报仇了吗?” How I do not think...... But now Xiao Family is also your Han Family personal enemy, moreover that he does not die, life and death big enmity that namely you perish...... In the case of the urgent surname, I definitely am not bear the brunt.” “我怎么不想啊……可是如今萧家也是你们寒家的仇人啊,而且还是那种非他死,即你亡的生死大仇……论到迫切姓,我肯定不是首当其冲吧。” The Jun Moxie booth lets go, said: You are not do not know that Xiao Family is so formidable, the influence is huge, naturally must leave strength similarly strong you to cope \; After wait for you hit make a move greatly, we pass again secretly, met and my Third Uncle reunion your Elder Sister on the line. As for other matter, is really...... Helpless.” 君莫邪摊摊手,道:“你也不是不知道,萧家那么强大,势力更是庞大,当然要留给实力同样坚强的你们去对付了\;等你们大打出手之后,我们再偷偷地过去,把你姐姐接出来与我三叔团聚就行了。至于别的事,实在是……无能为力。” But...... But such one, our Silver City...... Our Silver City, only feared must destroy......” young miss thoroughly anxiously almost must cry, bites the lip to look at Jun Moxie, stamps the feet saying: You...... Are you so how cruel-hearted?” “可……可那样一来,我们银城……我们银城就,只怕就要彻底的毁灭了……”小姑娘急的几乎要哭出来,咬着嘴唇看着君莫邪,跺着脚道:“你……你这人怎么这么狠心呢?” „Am I cruel-hearted? Your this saying analyzes from that judgment?” Jun Moxie undeserved say|way: So-called cruel-hearted, always establishes, in each other has in the foundation of intimate relation? I and your Silver City doesn't Han Family seemingly have big involving? Even if from my Third Uncle that theory, I truly should go, but thinks again carefully that I really am not willingly. Did not say other, said that my father, Second Uncle and two elder brother, their death that has not related with your Silver City, even if under Xiao Family goes well, your Han Family won't always know the circumstances of the matter? At least also has to tolerate! What standpoint your present in the end by said that I am cruel-hearted?” “我狠心?您这话是从那判断分析出来的呢?”君莫邪冤枉的道:“所谓狠心,总是建立在彼此有亲密关系的基础上吧?我和您银城寒家貌似没有多大的牵扯吧?就算从我三叔那论,我确实应该去,可是再仔细想想,我实在是不甘心啊。不说别的,就算当曰我的父亲、二叔、两位兄长,他们的死那一个跟你们银城没关系,就算是萧家下得手,你们寒家总不会不知情吧?起码也有纵容吧!您现在到底是以什么立场说我狠心?” We tolerated Xiao Family not to be truly right before, but shouldn't everybody just share a common hatred at present? You said that you aren't willingly?” Han Yanmeng eye one bright: „Do you have the condition? Had the condition you saying that you did not say I know you had the condition, I do not know that you do have the condition to help your actualizing condition? You said your condition I to know......” “我们之前纵容萧家确实不对,不过眼下大家不正应该同仇敌忾么?你说你不甘心?”寒烟梦眼睛一亮:“你有条件?有条件你就说啊,你不说我怎么知道你有条件,我不知道你有条件怎么会帮你实现条件?你说出来你的条件我就知道了啊……” A Jun Moxie expression pain: Big Sister, do not circle. My this head big three, exploded again greatly.” 君莫邪神色一苦:“大姐,您别绕了。我这脑袋都大三圈了,再大就爆炸了。” Saying, Young Master Jun greatly is the somewhat unwilling say|way: I estimated that you designed, I arrived at Silver City, killed off the Xiao Family person \; Then helps my Third Uncle snatch a wife, helped your Silver City conveniently certainly the future trouble, from now, Third Uncle Third Aunt was happy, the Silver City vigorous development, did not have the domestic trouble again, was seemingly happy, was this design? Or said that you are an elder, is really experienced and careful. But I? You obtained, what can I obtain finally? I seem like anything cannot obtain. My Third Uncle most at least also obtains a beautiful woman, but I link the root beautiful woman wool unable to obtain, does the matter that such loses money, put your you to be glad?......” 说着,君大少大是有些不甘的道:“我估计您都设计好了,我去到银城,杀尽萧家人\;然后帮我三叔抢回来一个老婆,顺手帮你们银城绝了后患,从此以后,三叔三婶幸福快乐,银城蓬勃发展,再无内忧,貌似皆大欢喜,是这设计吧?要不说您是长辈呢,真是老谋深算啊。可我呢?你们都得到了,我最终能得到什么呢?我貌似什么都得不到吧。我三叔最起码还得到一个美人儿呢,可我连根美人毛也得不到,这么亏本的事,搁您您乐意吗?……” That...... How many sisters or I give you to introduce in Silver City, how? However, can go well, must think your skill, this was always OK.” The young misses are biting the lip, is some brave soldiers breaks the say|way of wrist very much. “那……要不我在银城给你介绍几个姐妹,如何?不过,能不能得手,就要看你的本事了,这样总可以了吧。”小姑娘咬着嘴唇,很是有些壮士断腕的道。 „It is not good! Your this is any condition! My Third Uncle marries, but does Princess Silver City, how many maidservants you want with hit understand I? This...... Seemed like the disparity is too big?” Jun Moxie indignation say|way: Said again, the status also wants similarly? My Third Uncle marries the princess, I marry the maidservant, this I must fall in price.” “不行不行!你这算什么条件!我三叔娶得可是银城公主哇,你就想用几个侍女打发了我?这……貌似差距太大了吧?”君莫邪愤慨的道:“再怎么说,身份也要差不多的吧?我三叔娶公主,我就娶侍女,这我得多掉价啊。” „Is status similar?” Han Yanmeng is opening round big eye, is confuses the tunnel greatly: But...... Did not have......” “身份差不多的?”寒烟梦睁着圆圆的大眼睛,大是迷惑地道:“可是……没有了哇……” How can not pinch?” Jun Moxie frowned, feigns to do disgruntledly, say|way that taught with skill and patience: At least there is still one......” “怎么会没有捏?”君莫邪皱起眉头,佯作不悦,循循善诱的道:“至少还有一个啊……” there is still one? Who?” little loli frowned, has thought deeply about a meeting maliciously, looked down the tip of the toe to think a meeting, looked up the day to think a meeting, expression was very painful, was very puzzled \; Then simply stretches out ten white and tender small fingers, is breaking off calculation, long time...... She finally affirmative say|way: Did not have truly, absolutely does not have, I considered as finished several!” 还有一个?谁啊?”小萝莉皱起眉头,狠狠的思索了一会,低着头看着脚尖想了一会,又抬起头看着天想了一会,神色很痛苦,很纠结\;然后干脆伸出十根白嫩的小手指头,一个一个掰着数算,半晌……她终于肯定的道:“真正没有了,绝对没有,我算了好几遍了!” Really? Did you determine?” Jun Moxie somewhat discontented visits her: You cannot deceive me! This concerns your Silver City future!” “真的没有?你确定?”君莫邪有些不满的看着她:“你可不能骗我啊!这可是关乎到你们银城的未来啊!” I have not deceived you! Deceives you are the puppy! Did not have really!” A little loli finger of day pledged: I pledged! If there is appropriate candidate really...... If really some words...... I......” “我没骗你!骗你是小狗!真没有了!”小萝莉指天发誓:“我发誓!要是真有合适人选的话……要是真有的话……我就……” „Are you what kind of? could it be can you also tie up to deliver to my there her?” Jun Moxie induction surname intense say|way. “你就怎么样?难道你还能将她绑起来送到我那里去?”君莫邪诱导姓强烈的道。 Right! If there is such one, I tie up to give to you her! For the Silver City future, I have been ready for any sacrifice, but, if didn't have really?” little loli seemingly have a strong sense of righteousness said that the expression that a face has victory in the hand, looks at Jun Moxie complacently, somewhat annihilates the appearance that the idea prevails very much, gā gā has smiled one, said: „If no seriously, you are quicker on Silver City, helping us kill that group of rebels!” “没错!要是真有这么一个,我就将她绑起来送给你!为了银城的未来,我豁出去了,但,要是真没有了呢?”小萝莉貌似大义凛然地说道,一脸胜券在握的表情,得意洋洋地看着君莫邪,很是有些歼计得逞的样子,嘎嘎的笑了一声,道:“若是当真没有,那你就快些上银城,帮我们杀了那帮叛徒!” Good! In light of this that's settled then! If your Silver City also with your Elder Sister status same appropriate candidate, you ties up to give to me to become the concubine her \; If no, that I only treated as meddlesome, make a move helped your Silver City extinguish kills Xiao Family, moreover did not put forward any proviso!” “好!就此一言为定!若是你们银城还有跟你姐姐的身份一样的合适人选,那你就将她绑起来送给我当小老婆\;若是没有的话,那就我只当做好事了,出手帮助你们银城灭杀萧家,而且还不提任何的附带条件!” Jun Moxie prods to say seriously: Such settled, we applaud for the oath, can not renege on a promise! This gambling makes, do you dare not to dare?!” 君莫邪严肃地激将道:“就这么说定了,我们击掌为誓,不得反悔!这个赌约,你敢是不敢?!” What does this have not to dare?” little loli joyful has smiled: „Speaking of the Silver City business, could it be you can also compared with me clearer inadequate: I said that has not had! Applauds for the oath, is quicker!” “这有什么不敢的?”小萝莉快乐的笑了起来:“说到银城事务,难道你还能比我更清楚不成:我说没有就是没有了!击掌为誓,快些!” In the heart is dark happy, Uncle Mu added that this Jun Moxie greatly is sly, now looks, fool, don't said that absolutely does not have the appropriate candidate, even if has, that is not we decides, said that has not had, does not have, this meeting may attain the good luck! Goes back to tell Uncle Mu this good news!” 心中更是暗乐,“慕叔叔还说这个君莫邪大是狡猾,如今一看,傻子一个,莫说根本就没有合适人选,就算真有,那不都是我们说了算,说没有就没有,又也没有,这会可拿到彩头了!回去就把这好消息告诉慕叔叔!” little girl lives to fear Jun Moxie to renege on a promise, stretched out the tender bright and clean palm impatiently, extends to Jun Moxie in front, sways again and again, obviously wants Lima to set this huge good deed! Although still from diligently warned at heart one are surely calm, must stand firm, but actually could not control, is filled with the eyeful self-satisfacations, the clear big 520 novels have become the crescent moon, then may take advantage! 小丫头生恐君莫邪反悔,迫不及待地伸出了自己嫩嫩的光洁手掌,伸到君莫邪面前,连连摇晃,显然是要利马定下这件天大的好事!虽然心里仍自努力告诫自己千万要沉着,要稳住,但却仍是控制不住,满心满眼的得意,清亮的大520小说成了月牙儿,哇哈哈,这下可占了大便宜了! So long as there is an appropriate candidate, when really my concubine? Didn't you regret?” The appearance that Jun Moxie obvious does not trust makes Han Yanmeng furious, making threatening gestures roared in a low voice: This miss means what one says, said that two are two! If there is, when your concubine! This matter miss is the testimony, did not make a mistake definitely! Aiya, your this grown man how ink marks such, are in a big hurry quick, applaud for the oath, applauds for the oath!” “只要有合适的人选,真当我小老婆?你不后悔?”君莫邪明显一副不信任的样子让寒烟梦大为光火,张牙舞爪的低声咆哮:“本姑娘说一是一,说二是二!要是真有,就当你小老婆!这事本姑娘乃是见证,决计错不了!哎呀,你这个大男人怎么这么的墨迹,快快快,击掌为誓,击掌为誓!” „It is not good, I must consider!” Jun Moxie just extended make a move, suddenly received, doubt looks at Han Yanmeng: How to have the appearance of trap probably? How I smelled plot flavor...... Also, you spoke how could it not be, if didn't turn out as said that I to owe in a big way?” “不行,我还得考虑考虑!”君莫邪刚伸出手,突然又收了回去,狐疑的看着寒烟梦:“怎么好像有陷阱的样子?我怎么闻到了阴谋的味道……再说,你说话要是不算话那我岂不就亏大了?” little loli jumps three chi (0.33 m) high, grasped directly crazily! Contorts one's face in agony being angry that makes threatening gestures saying: „Won't I mean what he says? I? Snort! I told you, my Han Yanmeng a promise that can be counted on was usually heavy! Has not always gone back on word! Snort, to show the good faith, I said now then by Silver City pledged to the high reputation! If I spoke do not turn out as said that is unable to cash to pledge that lets me...... Lets me...... The great-aunt my strip naked the clothes walked in Tianxiang City!” 小萝莉一蹦三尺高,直接抓狂了!呲牙裂嘴张牙舞爪的大怒道:“我会说话不算话?我?哼!我告诉你,我寒烟梦素来一诺千金重!从来就不曾有食言过!哼,为表诚信,我今曰便以银城的至高名誉发誓!我要是说了话不算话,无法兑现承诺,就让我……就让我……姑奶奶我就脱光了衣服在天香城走一圈!” that's settled then!” Jun Moxie eye one bright. 一言为定!”君莫邪眼睛一亮。 that's settled then! Cannot take back!” Han Yanmeng extremely anxious say|way: Applauds for the oath quickly. Come!” 一言为定!驷马难追!”寒烟梦急不可待的道:“快击掌为誓吧。来!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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