OEM :: Volume #7

#634: Collaborates? Competion?

This type as marvelous as the feeling of extreme, making Chu Qihun usually the heart of unfluctuating shiver split second. 这种奇妙到极点的感觉,让楚泣魂素来古井不波的心都不禁颤抖了一瞬间 Since has decided Ba battle, I want to inquire a matter to you!” Jun Moxie also received own Divine Sword, has kissed one on the sword blade, haha, today gives Elder Brother my long face, a sheath, the treasured sword of opposite party directly has raised up the white flag! “既然已经决定罢战,我想向你打听一件事!”君莫邪也收起了自己的神剑,在剑身上亲了一口,哈哈,今天可是太给哥哥我长脸了,才一出鞘,对方的宝剑就直接竖起了白旗! What is the sword sovereign elegant demeanor, what rules the world, this not and that's the end! 啥叫剑皇风采,啥叫君临天下,这不就是了! Today may really be is crisp I! 今天可真是爽死我了! What matter?” Chu Qihun gains ground, visits him lightly, observes the sword already to finish, Assassin Supreme then restored in the past calmness instantaneously. “什么事?”楚泣魂抬起头,淡淡的看着他,观剑既毕,杀手至尊瞬间便恢复了往昔的冷静。 You, since has the name of Assassin Supreme, then, takes killing people as specially industry, was known as that profound first Assassins Organization Blood Sword Hall, is your person?” The Jun Moxie sinking sound asked that in the eyes dodged the bleeding light faintly. “你既然有杀手至尊之称,那么,专门以杀人为业,号称玄玄第一的杀手组织血剑堂,是不是你的人?”君莫邪沉声问道,眼中隐隐闪出血光。 You look down upon me, favored that to help trivial matters? could it be you think that my Chu Qihun can help trivial matters have the relations with that? They pull on shoes to the father unqualified!” Chu Qihun some stared his one eyes discontentedly: „A sword thousand li (500 km) road, Guanshan ten thousand li (0.5 km) way \; one person one sword, drinks to the dregs lonely with slaughtering \; Is my Chu Qihun! Any nonsense Blood Sword Hall, the father does not know!” “你是看不起我,还是太抬举那帮杂碎了?难道你以为我楚泣魂会和那帮杂碎扯上关系吗?他们给老子提鞋都不够资格!”楚泣魂有些不满地瞪了他一眼:“一剑千里路,关山万里途\;一人一剑,享尽孤独与杀戮\;才是我楚泣魂!什么狗屁血剑堂,老子不知道!” I felt relieved \; Luckily has not related with you, otherwise, even if I appreciates you again, you also non- refuse stubbornly to be possible!” In Jun Moxie heart a loosen, cold say|way. “那我就放心了\;幸亏与你没关系,否则,就算是我再欣赏你,你也非死不可!”君莫邪心中一松,凛凛的道。 Haha, even if you do not want to kill me, this time I must die without doubt! I have not expected, after this time, can live able to move unhindered Jiang Hu!” “哈哈,就算你再不想杀我,这一次我也是必死无疑了!我从未曾奢望过,这一次之后还能活着纵横江湖!” Chu Qihun loudly laughed, the facial color is free: Your this is unjustly discredited is not really good to carry, Three Great Sacred Lands to kill me, set out more than 300 expert! I avoid the habitation crowded place from the mountainous area, was caught up, draws in the encirclement ring gradually, at present has been limited in this corner, before could also be said as for you takes the rap, at present has actually taken seriously make a move to solve Dream Blood Sea three Supreme above expert, both sides did not have any swivel leeway again \; This piece of several thousand li (0.5 km) mountains and rivers, does not know that is there Feng Shui is good, can bury under my Chu Qihun!” 楚泣魂哈哈大笑,面色自若:“你这个黑锅实在不好背,三大圣地为了杀我,前后已经出动了不下300名高手!我从山区躲避进人烟密集之处,然后又被赶出来,逐步收拢包围圈,目前已经是被局限在这一隅,之前还可说是为你背黑锅,眼下却已当真出手解决了梦幻血海三名至尊以上的高手,双方再无任何转圜余地\;这一片几千里山河,也不知是那里的风水好,可以埋得下我楚泣魂了!” He was saying own life and death, on the face the expression does not change countenance, still the callous nature, seemed like saying and his irrelevant matter. As one generation of King of Assassins, regarding life and death, he was already indifferent. 他说着自己的生死,脸上表情毫不动容,依然冷酷自然,就像是说着与他毫不相关的事情。作为一代杀手之王,对于生死,他早已淡然。 Others' life and death own life and death, nothing more than such as is! 无论是别人的生死还是自己的生死,都不外如是! Why not do you hide in the bustling streets? Greatly hidden in toward no doubt difficult, but hidden in Shi \; Actually is also the good hiding place.” Jun Moxie asked. “那你何不躲进闹市?大隐于朝固然难能,但中隐于市\;却也是不错的藏身之所。”君莫邪问道。 How could my is Chu Qihun the generation of that petty thefts? My Chu Qihun is assassin, the good person I have killed, villain I have also killed \; But actually never some people innocently die for me! Although I kill people like the hemp, the person who because I die, died under my sword, my hand/surbordinate!” Although Chu Qihun facial color light callous, in the eyes has actually lightened the proud brilliance: This is assassin!” “我楚泣魂岂能是那种鼠窃狗偷之辈?我楚泣魂是一个杀手,好人我杀过,坏人我也杀过\;但却从未有人无辜为我而死!我虽杀人如麻,但因为我死的人,都是死在了我的剑下,我的手下!”楚泣魂面色虽平淡冷酷,眼中却是闪出了骄傲的光彩:“这才是杀手!” If some day I, when the true body dies in others hand/surbordinate, I am not resentful!” Chu Qihun callous smiling of: Since comes out to kill people, that at any time prepares to be killed! This matter, what to put it bluntly does not have at the worst, are you also assassin, could it be can not understand this truth?” “若是有一天我当真身死在别人手下,我也不怨!”楚泣魂冷酷的笑了笑:“既然出来杀人,那就随时准备着被杀!这种事,说穿了没什么大不了的,你也是杀手,难道会不明白这个道理?” Jun Moxie is silent, how doesn't he understand this point? Has own principle to insist like Jun Moxie, Chu Qihun, there are the pride of his Chu Qihun! 君莫邪默然,他如何不明白这一点?就像君莫邪有自己的原则坚持一样,楚泣魂,也有属于他楚泣魂的骄傲! Said like Chu Qihun that this Three Great Sacred Lands strength and lineup are really too formidable, even if and Mei Xueyan, has not grasped can the frontage resistance, can only move aside to hide away, waits for a chance to make a comeback! Let alone Chu Qihun? 诚如楚泣魂所说,这一次三大圣地的实力、阵容实在是太强大,就算是自己和梅雪烟,也没有把握可以正面对抗,只能躲闪隐遁,伺机反扑!更何况楚泣魂 Chu Qihun can support now, is suitable is not easy! 楚泣魂能够支撑到现在,已经是相当的不容易了! By the assassination, could cope with one two, but opposite party, once has the opportunity to tie down a short time, only feared that immediately has several hundred expert to catch up! Again exquisitely how Chu Qihun can movement technique? He cannot escape after all into Hongjun Pagoda like Jun Moxie without a trace, vanishes from this world thoroughly...... On such as said the previous service, if not there is a Jun Moxie helper, created the most proper make a move atmosphere, Chu Qihun was not certainly possible make a move to obtain to kill two remnant astonishing victories, according to Chu Qihun plan originally, even if caught off guard, the unexpected thunder struck can also kill one person at most, afterward the whole body drew back is lucky, there can such as the present so completely annihilate three powerful enemies! 靠刺杀,或许能够对付一个两个,但对方一旦有机会缠住一时片刻,只怕马上就有数百的强者赶来!楚泣魂身法再精妙又能如何?他毕竟不能像君莫邪一样遁入鸿钧塔中无影无踪,彻底从这个世界上消失……就如曰前一役,若非有君莫邪的帮手,营造出最到位的出手氛围,楚泣魂绝无可能一出手就取得杀二残一的惊人战果,依楚泣魂原本的计划,就算是攻其无备,出其不意的雷霆一击至多也就能杀一人,事后全身而退都属侥幸,那里能如现在这般尽歼三名强敌! Before then, I am not willingly so am dead! Because I have not known that who in the end is shifts blame in me. Therefore I must know that I must understand the truth.” Chu Qihun somewhat extraordinarily temperately looked at Jun Moxie unexpectedly: Now, this wish, finally.” “在此之前,我不甘心就这么死!因为我还不知道,到底是谁嫁祸于我。所以我要知道,我要明白真相。”楚泣魂竟有些出奇温和地看了看君莫邪:“现在,这个心愿,终于了了。” „Before at the point of death, can see you, I am very gratified! Perhaps your status is not assassin, but you are actually being insufferably arrogant that my this life only sees certainly assassin! Even, is stronger than me! Because you want young me are too more than! I only hope you, complies with my matter.” “临死之前能见到你,我很欣慰!或许你的身份并不是杀手,但你却是我这一生仅见的不可一世的强绝杀手!甚至,比我还强!因为你比我要年轻的太多!我只希望你,答应我一件事。” The Chu Qihun falcon eye decides looks at Jun Moxie: I can die, Chu Qihun can also die! But, Assassin Supreme cannot die!” 楚泣魂鹰隼般的眼睛定定的看着君莫邪:“我可以死,楚泣魂也可以死!但,杀手至尊不能死!” Assassin Supreme, is not other Supreme, is not a Profound Arts step position, but is true Supreme! assassin to high honour!” A Chu Qihun character character said: I think, you should compared with the meaning of my clearer these words!” 杀手至尊,并不是其他的至尊,并不是一个玄功阶位,而是一个真正的至尊杀手界的至高尊荣!”楚泣魂一字字道:“我想,你应该比我更明白这句话的意思!” If you can not die? Or Chu Qihun and won't Assassin Supreme die?” Jun Moxie visits him dignifiedly. “若是你可以不死呢?或者说,楚泣魂杀手至尊都不会死呢?”君莫邪凝重的看着他。 Assassin Supreme, if also wants some people to help, that did not match is called Assassin Supreme again!” Chu Qihun categorically rejects, even has not let the Jun Moxie explaining intention: I do not need your help! I am not willing to live under subjugation! Even if under one person, above thousands of people, I do not want! assassin Superior Supreme only has the blue sky, does not have the otherness again!” 杀手至尊若是还要有人帮忙,那也就不配再称为杀手至尊了!”楚泣魂断然拒绝,甚至没让君莫邪说明白意图:“我不需要你的帮忙!我更不愿意寄人篱下!纵然是一人之下,千万人之上,我也不愿意!杀手至尊之上只有青天,再无他物!” As for the matter of your shifting blame, definitely does not need to think that has owed me, because, our movement technique really look like, if you become famous before me, I must shift blame in you. Even, our make a move, do not use shifting blame desirably, others naturally will suspect each other.” “至于你嫁祸之事,完全不必觉得欠了我的,因为,我们的身法委实太像,若是你成名在我之前,我也是非嫁祸于你不可的。甚至,我们的出手,根本都不用刻意的嫁祸,别人就会自然而然的怀疑到彼此身上。” Chu Qihun laughed, unexpectedly is to the utmost free and easy. 楚泣魂哈哈一笑,竟是极尽洒脱。 Just like perhaps you said that before then your I am not acquainted, how others said also well, or my intentionally shifts blame \; Will not have any point feeling sorry psychology \; The critical time, for own life, anything stops at nothing! Indisputable. I never thought that shifts blame has anything should not you!” “或许正如你所说,在此之前你我并不相识,别人怎么说也好,又或者我有意嫁祸也罢\;不会有任何一点的歉疚心理\;危急时刻,为了自己的姓命,任何事情都是无所不用其极!无可厚非。我从未觉得嫁祸给你有什么不应该!” The Jun Moxie sharp eye visits him, said slowly: But do not forget, among us, has not decided the victory and defeat! Assassin Supreme who is also not the conclusion, or assassin Superior Supreme has the blue sky, but on your Chu Qihun not necessarily only has the blue sky? Because if others killed your me to have the name of this King of Assassins, that for me, was one shame, but was not the glory!” 君莫邪锐利的眼睛看着他,缓缓道:“可你不要忘记,我们之间,还没有分出胜负!杀手至尊谁属还未定论,或者杀手至尊之上惟有青天,但你楚泣魂头上却未必只有青天吧?若是因为别人杀了你我才能拥有这杀手王者的称呼,那对我来说,是一种耻辱而不是荣耀!” The Chu Qihun eye concentrates, looks at Jun Moxie: I lost one move on the fists and feet! You may greatly satisfied has this reputation.” 楚泣魂眼睛一凝,看着君莫邪:“我在拳脚上已经输了一招!你大可心安理得的拥有这个名头。” But are you resigned really? Such hands over the Assassin Supreme given name? Although others do not know \; But are you resigned seriously?” Jun Moxie goes forward one step, aggressive asking. “但你真的甘心吗?就这么将杀手至尊的名号拱手相让?虽然别人不知\;但你当真甘心?”君莫邪上前一步,咄咄逼人的问道。 „Not willingly...... How can also?” Chu Qihun in the eyes severe light dodges. “就不甘心……又能如何?”楚泣魂眼中厉光一闪。 At this time, nearby Mei Xueyan reminded: Moxie, the distant place had many expert to come toward here, it seems like among you that fought a moment ago, has brought to the attention of person with high aspirations. Changes a place to speak again.” 这时,旁边的梅雪烟提醒道:“莫邪,远方有多名高手朝这边过来了,看来刚才你们之间的那场打斗,已经引起了有心人的注意。还是换个地方再说话吧。” Chu Qihun complexion one cold, the right hand caresses the sword hilt slowly. 楚泣魂脸色一寒,右手缓缓抚上剑柄。 Since is not willingly, we might as well trade a method, decides the victory and defeat!” Jun Moxie is actually relaxed so said: You can also hear, the person who comes or is Supreme, or is Superior Supreme \; Altogether has eight people! Our might as well with these people as method of competion! Takes skill/effort that assassin most excels at for gambling stake! And looked that the Assassin Supreme honour who is!” “既然不甘心,那我们不妨换一种方法,决出胜负!”君莫邪却是轻松的如此说道:“你也听得出来,来的人或者是至尊,又或者是至尊之上\;共有八人!我们不妨就以这些人作为比拼的手段!以杀手最擅长的功夫为赌注!且看杀手至尊尊荣谁属!” Whom looks at to kill a lot?” Chu Qihun eye one bright. “看谁杀得多?”楚泣魂眼睛一亮。 Light is more insufficient than the quantity, whom but must look at to kill quickly!” Jun Moxie in the eyes fighting spirit combustion: Notice these people , is not only your personal enemy, but also chases down our personal enemies! You no doubt do not want to be killed by them, I actually do not want to make them live.” “光比数量还不够,还要看谁杀得更快!”君莫邪眼中斗志燃烧:“须知这些人,也不仅仅是你的仇人,而且也还是追杀我们的仇人!你固然不想被他们杀死,我却更不想让他们活着。” Chu Qihun loudly laughed, said: Cannot think, when my Chu Qihun, can meet your such one to conform with my appetite at the point of death unexpectedly little brat! Also is a life big happy event! Good, compared with this, looked that the Assassin Supreme honour who is!” 楚泣魂哈哈大笑,道:“想不到,在我楚泣魂临死的时候,居然能够遇见你这么一个合乎我胃口的小子!也算是人生一大快事!好,就比这一场,看杀手至尊尊荣谁属!” In the laughter, the body of Chu Qihun and Jun Moxie simultaneously in a flash does not see, vanishes in Snow Wind thoroughly, vanishes in the air! Snowflake flies upwards, Mei Xueyan sighed gently, delicate hand flutters, on the snow wall presented big hole suddenly, she and Dongfang Wenxin has hidden \; The complete snow block complete recycling, makes up this gap once more, traceless does not have the mark, when this grade of craftsmanship is actually before went to Dongfang Aristocratic Family study from Jun Moxie, greatly was convenient. 笑声中,楚泣魂君莫邪的身子同时在一晃之间不见,彻底消失在风雪里,消失在空气中!雪花一阵飞扬,梅雪烟轻轻叹息一声,素手轻扬,身后的雪壁上骤然出现了一只大洞,她和东方问心就躲了进去\;完整的雪块再次完整的回收,将这个缺口补上,无痕无迹,这等手艺却是之前远赴东方世家之时学自君莫邪的,大是方便。 Whiz whiz whiz...... Has the moment, several forms fly to one after another, fall in this stretch of snowy area. Then whiz whiz whiz circles the airfield to spin, in an instant investigated this trim snowy area canyon carefully, the vigilant sharp eye, searched for each corner, finally finally stayed in the place that Jun Moxie and Chu Qihun fought. 嗖嗖嗖……只得片刻,几道身影陆续飞抵,落在这片雪地上。然后嗖嗖嗖绕场疾奔,刹那间将这一整片雪地峡谷仔细地探查了一个遍,警惕锐利的眼睛,搜遍了每一个角落,最后才终于停留在君莫邪楚泣魂交手的地方。 One of them whole face completely is the vicissitudes, skin and bones, in the eyes is dodging strange rays of light, hempen garments tall Guan, is Supreme Gold City Ma Jiangming. But side him, the also two people wears with his same clothing. 其中一人满脸尽是沧桑,瘦骨嶙峋,眼中闪着诡异的光芒,麻衣高冠,正是至尊金城马江名。而在他身边,还有两人身着与他相同的服饰。 Another side, three steadily must white robe person Youran (leisurely) come, to stand in the snowy area, the personal appearance is natural, the bearing is calm, the waist hangs the long sword \; Later a point, also two whole body purple Dream Blood Sea expert also lightly arrive again, a purple robe in this stretch of snowy area greatly is conspicuous! 另一边,亦有三名长须白袍人悠然而来,站在雪地上,身形潇洒,气度从容,腰悬长剑\;再稍后一点,还有两位全身紫色的梦幻血海高手也翩然到来,一袭紫袍在这一片雪地中大是显眼! This place Three Great Sacred Lands all expert ideas have, Supreme Gold City Superior Supreme, two Supreme \; Fleeing World Immortal Palace similarly is Superior Supreme, two Supreme \; But Dream Blood Sea the population are least, but two people actually completely are Superior Supreme expert. Moreover the appearance also lives unexpectedly exactly the same, unexpectedly is a twin! 此地三大圣地所有之高手计有,至尊金城一位至尊之上,两位至尊\;遁世仙宫同样是一位至尊之上,两位至尊\;而梦幻血海虽然人数最少,但两个人却尽都是至尊之上高手。而且面目竟还生得一模一样,竟是一对双胞胎! Here just had had a fight.” Snowy area surface that Ma Jiangming cloudy sad saying, the eye of jack-o '- lantern sparkle, looks at front disorder, is often surprised uncertain looks at all around, his nose from the sky smelled smelling, on the face appears vicious: Woman! The fragrance of also woman! Here had also presented the woman...... Is could it be Venerable Mei?” “这里刚刚发生过一场战斗。”马江名阴恻恻的说道,鬼火般闪耀的眼睛,看着面前狼籍的雪地表面,不时惊疑不定的看着四周,他的鼻子在空中嗅了嗅,脸上显出一股恶毒:“女人!还有女人的香味!这里还曾经出现过女人……难道梅尊者?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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