OEM :: Volume #7

#635: Gives you one!

killing intent quite strong! May not see any smell of blood, greatly is strange!” And purple robe person complexion is dignified \; Actually lowers the head, vigorously seeks, was feeling unusualities in this air, long time said: Two different formidable killing intent circle around overhead in this place surges \; It seems like that really two fight here, has not actually participated in the fight as for that woman...... Ma Jiangming, your dog nose besides looking for woman tyrannical killer, other also what function?” 杀气相当的浓烈!可偏偏不见任何一点血腥味,大是古怪!”其中一位紫袍人脸色凝重\;却是低着头,极力的寻找着、感觉着这片空气中的异常,半晌道:“两股不同的强大杀气在此地回翔激荡\;看来,果然有两人在这里交手,至于那女人却没有参加战斗……马江名,你那狗鼻子除了找女人虐杀之外,还有什么别的功能没?” He was inquiring about here aura, the words said half hear the latter half a word words that Ma Jiangming spoke, cannot help but greatly is not glad. In fact, saw that these time simultaneously arrived here, unexpectedly is Ma Jiangming this anomaly, in these two purple robe person hearts was unsatisfied. 他正在探寻着这里的气息,话说了一半就听到了马江名说的后半句话,不由得大是不乐意。事实上,一见到这一次同时来到这里的,竟然是马江名这个变态,这两个紫袍人心中就已经不满意了。 How to walk with this grade of trash abnormally in? 怎么会跟这等垃圾变态走在了一路? Ruan Old Second, what do you mean?” Ma Jiangming cloudy sad showing the whites of the eyes: father wants the oppressive woman, what relations has with you? You aim at me the spearhead for no reason, is what meaning?” “阮老二,你是什么意思?”马江名阴恻恻的翻着白眼:“老子愿意虐女人,跟你有什么关系?你无端端地就将矛头指向我,是什么意思?” These two purple robe person called Ruan Yin, called Ruan Yang \; The blood relative compatriot, the Boss is only earlier than Old Second was born half double-hour. The person of older generation has delivered a nickname to these two people: The Yin-Yang is soft! 这两个紫袍人一个叫阮隐,一个叫阮洋\;正是嫡亲同胞,老大只比老二早出生了半个时辰。老一辈的人给这两个人送了一个绰号:阴阳都软! Say/Way that speech Ruan Yang snort/hum, despised: Ma Jiangming, took a look at you saying that the silver inexpensive appearance of these words time, the old men were not thin respond you!” 说话的阮洋哼了一声,鄙夷的道:“马江名,瞧瞧你说这句话时候的银贱样子,老夫都不稀得搭理你!” „The appearance of old man? Is the silver inexpensive?” The Ma Jiangming indignant squawk called: Old man silver does not have the silver again inexpensively your younger sister, does your trifling thing!” “老夫的样子怎么啦?银贱吗?”马江名气愤的尖声叫起来:“老夫再银贱也没有银过你妹子,干你屁事!” What did you say?” Ruan Yin Ruan Yang two people also raise the head, hand presses the sword hilt, gazes at fixedly Ma Jiangming maliciously: Ma Jiangming, said now, you are going to pay the price for your words!” “你说什么?”阮隐阮洋两人同时抬头,手按剑柄,狠狠瞪视马江名:“马江名,今曰,你将要为你的这句话付出代价!” Side is the white robe person of head mediates hurriedly: What your this makes? At present is faced with an archenemy, Three Great Sacred Lands shame not snow \; With should share a common hatred, shows no external differences, how to want the internal disputes in a few words? Everybody little said one, what matter on didn't have?” 旁边为首的白袍人急忙打圆场:“你们这是做什么?眼前正是大敌当前,三大圣地耻辱未雪\;和该同仇敌忾,一致对外,怎地三言两语之间就要窝里斗了么?大家都少说一句,不就什么事都没有了嘛?” Simultaneously in heart also in secret depressed: Looks the group of people who oneself assign, except for abnormal is the madman! Everyone refuses to accept anyone, simply is unable to mix! Own this temporary commanding, to these person simply any strength of controls, has not really been the grass egg! 同时心中也在暗暗郁闷:瞧自己分配到的这一组人,除了变态就是狂人!谁也不服谁,根本就无法调配!自己这个临时的统领,对这几个人根本就没有任何管束之力,真是艹蛋之极! Bai Wuxin! You calculate that scallion, when were really commands! Minds own business!” Really, three people turn toward a white robe person roar. 白无心!你算那根葱,真当自己是统领了!少管闲事!”果然,三个人都是向着白袍人一吼。 On the Bai Wuxin face purple rises, the angry sleeves stroke, coldly snorted said: Well good, you hit, hits one earth-shakingly mutually wounded, irreconcilable, after best is fires off, meets Chu Qihun that little brat, quite makes him join in the fun, grabs a bargain!” 白无心脸上一阵紫涨,气恼的衣袖一拂,冷哼道:“好好好,那你们就打吧,打一个天翻地覆两败俱伤,不死不休,最好是打完之后就遇上楚泣魂小子,也好让他凑凑热闹,捡点便宜!” These three people had several times almost greatly to hit make a move all the way, does not know that is caret-shaped suspect to subdue|grams, is how, has not stopped in any case from beginning to end...... Ruan Yin coldly snorted, dreads the meaning to Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun that just mentioned obviously! Signaled with the eyes to the Younger Brother, turns around to continue to examine to be well-grounded on the disorderly footprint, hoping to search useful clue. 这三人一路上已经有好几次差点大打出手,也不知道是八字犯克,还是怎么地,反正从头到尾就没有消停过……阮隐冷哼一声,对刚刚提到的杀手至尊楚泣魂显然也不无忌惮之意!对弟弟使了个眼色,转身继续查看着地上凌乱的脚印,以期搜索有用的线索。 At this moment, suddenly scoffing, an incisive aura shoots at his vest, the Ruan Yin lightning spin body, after reaching behind the back fishes, the body revolved, has met that matter in the hand. 就在这时,突然“嗤”的一声,一股尖锐的气息射向他的背心,阮隐闪电旋身,回手后捞,身子旋转了一圈,已经将那物事接在手里。 Sparkles to shine, thin such as sends, tentacle one cold, starts, but dodges, melted, originally is small spicules! 闪闪发亮,细如毫发,触手一冷,入手即化,只是一闪,就已经融化,原来是一枚小小的冰针! The whole face vicissitudes heart is not old, hides a dagger in a smile is not forgiving. 满脸沧桑心不老,笑里藏刀不留情。 could it be, is this Ma Jiangming pursuing soul non- shade needle? 难道,这就是马江名的追魂无影针? Ruan Yin is angry, the body retrocedes rapidly, a long sword that brushes has pulled out in the hand, perfectly round sword light broad cutting to Ma Jiangming, in the mouth roars together: Surnamed Ma, your good despicable! The father has let off you magnanimous, your this old little brat must stab somebody in the back unexpectedly!” 阮隐大怒,身子急速后退,刷的一声长剑已经拔在手中,一道浑圆剑光恢弘的斩向马江名,口中怒吼一声:“姓马的,你好卑鄙!老子已经大度放过你了,你这老小子居然还要暗箭伤人!” Although Ruan Yang does not know that what happened, but sees an Boss body spin on the violent anger, the so-called brothers are intimate friends, instantaneously then clear feeling the violent anger in Elder Brother heart! Wants not to think draws a sword the sheath, follows in the elder brother behind, roars like the thunder, has divided toward Ma Jiangming crazily! 阮洋虽然不知道发生了什么事,但见老大身子一旋就暴怒起来,所谓兄弟连心,瞬间便清晰的感受到了哥哥心中的暴怒!连想也不想的拔剑出鞘,跟在兄长身后,怒吼如雷,向着马江名狂劈了过去! Although Ma Jiangming is all the way unceasing with the Ruan two brothers quarrels/corners of the mouth, actually can still take the entire situation into account, said again each other has the scruples, has not begun seriously \; At this moment does not have to guard, cannot think that this they do not give a thought to the face directly to begin unexpectedly! 马江名虽然一路上与阮氏两兄弟口角不断,却仍能够顾全大局,再说彼此都有顾忌,并未当真动手\;此刻更是全无提防,根本想不到这俩人居然丝毫不顾情面就直接动手! Unexpected, Ma Jiangming was almost dismembered by this two brothers at the scene, brushing in fast flies upside down, is startled unexpectedly mildew perspiration! 猝不及防之下,马江名几乎被这兄弟两人当场分尸,于电光石火之间“刷”的一声倒飞出去,竟已是惊出了一身的白毛汗! Cotton-padded jacket, had been divided from top to bottom, even inside unpadded garment also cleft in two continually, reveals the skin and bones the chest. Above, a clearly discernible red mark, was actually injured by Sword Qi! Has the difference of least, is the disaster of opening up the stomach! 身上的棉衣,被从上到下劈了开来,甚至连里面的单衣也被劈成两半,露出瘦骨嶙峋的胸膛。上面,清晰可见的一道红红的印记,却是被剑气所伤!只得毫厘之差,就是开膛破肚之灾! More wants more fear, Ma Jiangming only to feel that paced back and forth in Gate of Death a moment ago, the whole body fine hair has set upright, excitedly violent anger: Ruan Yin, Ruan Yang, but is only the struggle of argument, your unexpectedly under extreme methods \; could it be thinks seriously the old man had feared your two brothers are inadequate!?” 越想越后怕,马江名只感到刚才在鬼门关里徘徊了一下,浑身汗毛都竖了起来,勃然暴怒:“阮隐,阮洋,不过就只是口舌之争,你俩居然下死手\;难道当真以为老夫就怕了你们两兄弟不成吗!?” Suddenly the hand wipes toward the waist, under a handle long sword glistens the appearance, the left hand wields, several steel needles hide in the hand, wild with rage, hits make a move greatly! Ruan brothers are resenting, your back sneak attacks could it be, when the father doesn't know? So is not concerned about face, unexpectedly added that is the struggle of argument! Really falsely to the extreme! 突然手往腰间一抹,一柄长剑闪亮出现,左手一挥之下,数枚钢针隐藏在手中,狂怒之下,大打出手!阮氏兄弟更是愤恨,你背后偷袭难道当老子不知道吗?如此不要脸,居然还说是口舌之争!真是虚伪到了极点! Ding among dang dang, three people of wars make one group instantaneously! 叮叮当当之间,三人瞬间战作一团! This accident/surprise accident, is not only Fleeing World Immortal Palace Bai Wuxin and the others accident/surprise, in secret prepares make a move Chu Qihun is also stunned! This what's the matter? However is the struggle of argument, how to get down the extreme methods suddenly, the person on one's own side died to put together the person on one's own side! Is this view? 这个意外变故,不光是遁世仙宫白无心等人意外,就连暗中准备出手楚泣魂也是愕然!这到底是怎么回事?不过就是口舌之争,怎么突然就下上死手了呢,自己人死拼自己人!这是怎么一个说法? Great Assassin Chu drew support from Snow Wind then the hidden mark to conceal the shape, has dived quietly, just now prepares the make a move hindrance to kill! He has also settled on, this Ma Jiangming is mutually reprehensible with this Ruan brothers, just can defeat in detail! 楚大杀手本来借助风雪之便隐迹匿形,悄悄潜了过来,才刚准备出手阻杀!他也看准了,这马江名与这阮氏兄弟互相看不顺眼,正可以各个击破! Which knows that has not started with enough time, these three people of internal disputes get up unexpectedly suddenly! Moreover is not that vacation hits the idea of small noisy tempting enemy completely, but launches the internecine strife, is all infuriated, everybody is filled with righteous indignation, has to put together a life and death meaning greatly! 哪知道还未来得及下手,这三人居然突然自己窝里斗起来!而且完全不是那种假打小闹的诱敌之计,而是实打实地展开火拼,个个火冒三丈,人人气愤填膺,大有要拼个你死我活的意思! Superior Supreme shouldn't cultivation base, idiot such? Let alone does the also powerful enemy momentarily make a move attack, this time awfully also need to kill one another at present? Chu Qihun is really puzzled, especially did not understand to the Ma Jiangming achievement very much: Was intervened, you are only a person, but others two people, does wish that you such are also unforgiving make shenma? 至尊之上修为,怎么也不应该这么的白痴吧?更别说眼下还有强敌随时出手袭击,这样要命的时刻还要自相残杀?楚泣魂实在大惑不解,尤其对马江名的作为很不理解:都被人劝开了,你只是一个人而人家两人,你还这么不依不饶的想要做神马? Did the fellow of could it be this over the face vicissitudes look really becomes addicted oppressively? Also has not seen such has violated inexpensive Superior Supreme...... But he actually does not know, Ma Jiangming true treating unjustly. 难道这满面沧桑的家伙真的找虐上瘾了?也没见过这么犯贱的至尊之上啊……但他却是不知道,马江名才是真正的冤枉。 Before Ruan Boss that spicules, simply was not the Ma Jiangming round. simply is stealth in hidden place the masterpiece of Young Master Jun Moxie! The Ma Jiangming pony roll knows nothing, at this time indignation in heart! 之前阮老大中得那枚冰针,根本就不是马江名发出来的。根本就隐身在暗处的君莫邪君大少爷的杰作!马江名筒子对此毫不知情,此时正是在心中愤慨不已呢! Saw that among these three people have contradiction, by Young Master Jun Moxie the basic principle and idea of good moral behavior, in line with stirring up trouble, agitating and aggravating the situation, where doesn't also seize the chance to start, the principle of anxious to stir up trouble? Your people on one's own side contradictory the bigger the better, most changes for the better to turn into the life and death big enmity, that gratifying...... Hits hits, should better hit to perish together I to be popular life and death highly talented! 眼看这三人之间有矛盾,以君莫邪大少爷的“好人品”,本着兴风作浪、煽风点火、火上浇油的基本原则和理念,哪里还有不趁机下手、唯恐天下不乱之理?你们自己人矛盾越大越好,最好转变成生死大仇,那就更加过瘾了……打吧打吧,最好打个你死我活同归于尽我才高兴呢! Two great assassin simultaneously in secret are watching, prepares make a move at any time. Chu Qihun uses thing that all can use, then draws support from own unusual Cultivation Art, the flawlessness of concealment, as for Jun Moxie...... That starts Yin Yang Es­cape, vanishes directly, thorough without a trace! 大杀手同时在暗中窥伺,随时准备出手楚泣魂利用一切可以利用的东西,然后借助自己的奇特功法,隐匿的天衣无缝,至于君莫邪……那更是发动阴阳遁法,直接消失,彻底无影无踪! Moreover now already make a move! And make a move, the effect gets quick results! Drops! 而且现在已经出手了!且一出手,效果就是立竿见影!灰常滴好! Ma Jiangming has a person, naturally cannot fight Ruan two brothers two Great Supreme above expert the enemy of collaboration! But Jun Moxie will there make him be defeated easily, making internal heat that” this starts with great difficulty extinguish? That wastes, many are not willingly...... Is a pity their exquisite skill/effort...... Thereupon, in the Young Master Jun hand is grasping one group of snow and ice, spicules unceasing emanations, the path is strange, the angle is cunning and strange, always doing nothing but compels Ruan brothers to bellow to yell, in an extremely difficult situation, is unexpectedly braver by enemy two Ma Jiangming surpass in war, only felt own sword edge refers, Ruan brothers then must be thrown into confusion immediately, in a twinkling the heroic feelings suddenly has, cloudy sad self-satisfied sinister smile. 马江名只得一个人,自然战不过阮氏两兄弟两大至尊以上强者的联手之敌!但君莫邪那里会让他轻易落败,让这场好不容易才开始的“内火”熄灭?那多浪费啊,多不甘心啊……多么可惜他们的精湛的功夫啊……于是乎,君大少手中握着一团冰雪,一枚枚的冰针不断的发出,轨迹诡异莫名,角度刁钻古怪,竟自逼得阮氏兄弟大吼大叫,狼狈不堪,竟是以一敌二的马江名越战越勇,只感觉自己剑锋所指,阮氏兄弟立时便要手忙脚乱,霎时间豪情顿起,阴恻恻得意的阴笑不已。 Bai Wuxin opens the mouth also to persuade several, what a pity does not have the effect, no one has responded this temporary to command, has to watch the fun at the same time. Links him unable to think, three people more fought unexpectedly are more intense \; Especially Ruan brothers, two Great Supreme above expert, one should occupy completely the winning side by two pairs, but fights the proper limit, is actually frequently bewilderedly suffers a loss! Was hates in the bone Ma Jiangming, only this face did not lose Iya! 白无心开口还劝说几句,可惜毫无效果,谁也没搭理他这位“临时”统领,只好在一边看热闹。只是连他也想不到,三人居然是越斗越是激烈了\;尤其是阮氏兄弟,两大至尊以上的强者,以二对一本应占尽了上风,但战到分际,却是常常莫名其妙地吃亏!把个马江名自是恨到了骨头里单是这脸面也丢不起呀! Their the nape of the neck thighs and other places, early do not know that had been gripped how many times by the spicules \; Although by two people Profound Arts achievements, is insufficient to be seriously injured, even minor wound not, but that stabbing pain one by one, lets two people uncomfortably! 两人的脖颈大腿等地方,早已经不知道被冰针扎了多少次\;虽然以两人的玄功成就来说,不至于受重伤,甚至轻伤也不会,但那一下一下的刺痛,却让两人难受之极! These also return forget it, the following buttocks unexpectedly are punctured, this that keeps how does not irritate two people! That place is not fatal, but particularly makes people feel the shame! This is not the murder, this is playing tricks on the person simply! 这些也还罢了,偏偏后面的屁股竟是不停的被刺,这如何不让两人恼火!那地方是不致命,但却分外让人感觉耻辱!这不是杀人,这简直就是在戏弄人! Therefore two brothers' eyes were red! From the beginning also wants to teach Ma Jiangming, but recovers the war is indignant, the vicious tendencies are gradually big, killing intent suddenly/violently Yi, arrived at the irreconcilable aspect unexpectedly truly! 所以两兄弟的眼睛都红了!一开始也就只是想要教训马江名一下,但愈战愈是激愤,渐渐戾气大起,杀气暴溢,居然真正的到达了不死不休的局面! This thorough killing intent cause is actually very simple: Behind buttocks of Ruan Yang by to bind, but this point of descent mischievous to the extreme, unexpectedly gripped in the chrysanthemum directly...... It is well known, the meat of that place is very tender, moreover place that Profound Qi cannot protect, therefore this hurting may compared with be chopped a blade also to particularly cannot bear...... Ruan Yang that therefore unfortunately hit at the scene „” yelled that jumped! Also...... That place temperature very much high ground, has not waited for him to process, oneself melted in inside...... even/including Xueshui brings the bloody water to flow altogether outward, Ruan Second Master like menstruation, and first menstruation...... Distressedly to extreme, in entire pants crotch is cool, slides slippery, wet...... Shame! 这股彻底的杀意起因其实很简单:阮洋的屁股后面又被扎了一针,但这一针的落点可谓促狭到了极点,居然是直接扎进了菊花里……众所周知,那地方的肉可是很嫩啊,而且还是玄气防护不到的地方,所以这一下的疼可比被砍了一刀还要让人分外的受不了……所以被不幸命中的阮洋当场就“嗷”的一声大叫蹦起来了!再说……那地方温度可是很高地哇,还没等他自己处理,就自己在里面化了……连雪水带血水一股脑儿地往外流,阮二爷就象来了月经似地,而且还是初潮……狼狈到了极点,整个裤裆里都是凉凉的、滑滑的、湿湿的……耻辱哇! This simply is the intolerant great shame! Especially, suffers this, is Superior Supreme top expert! 这简直就是不可容忍的奇耻大辱!尤其,遭受到这个的,还是一位至尊之上的顶尖强者 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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