OEM :: Volume #7

#633: Yielding peacefully

In Blood of Yan and Huang comes out of the sheath flickers, Chu Qihun felt suddenly is always bound by a common destiny with already the life, several near life dual cultivation Autumn Water Shadowless Sword lost the contact with suddenly! 就在炎黄之血出鞘的一瞬,楚泣魂突然感觉一向与自己相依为命已经一生,几近姓命双修秋水无影剑突然与自己失去了联系! Chu Qihun in great surprise, almost must think, Autumn Water Shadowless Sword already not in own, but the clear sense of touch in palm, clearly told him, Autumn Water Shadowless Sword also grasped in own hand! 楚泣魂大惊,几乎要以为,秋水无影剑已经不在自己手里,但手掌中的清楚的触觉,却分明告诉他,秋水无影剑还握在自己手中! This... What's all this about?! 这…这是怎么回事?! Autumn Water Shadowless Sword without doubt is most faithful and most reliable partner! Also is the Assassin Supreme advertisement! Chu Qihun always pitying like the life, every time grasps in the hand, performs a bloodline connected subtle feeling! As if this person, is this handle sword! Whenever want to kill people time, will feel this handle sword as if also in the crazy hope blood! At that time, leisurely (Youran) will then raise one type seems to be dark the resonance of soul! 秋水无影剑无疑是自己最忠实、最可靠的伙伴!也是自己杀手至尊的招牌!楚泣魂一向惜之如命,每一次握在手里,尽都有一种血脉相连的微妙感觉!似乎自己这个人,就是这柄剑!每当自己想要杀人的时候,都会感觉到这柄剑似乎也在疯狂的渴望鲜血!那时候,悠然的便会升起一种似乎是属于冥冥中的灵魂的共鸣! Is the person is the sword, sword is the person, the person the sword unites seriously, not separable! 当真是人即剑,剑即人,人剑合一,再不可分! But at this moment, that marvelous feeling actually did not have, vanishes without a trace! 但这一刻,那种奇妙的感觉竟然没有了,消失得无影无踪! How possible, how can like this! 怎么可能,怎么会这样! Chu Qihun thought that in own palm has emitted the perspiration! 楚泣魂觉得自己的手心里冒出了汗! At this moment, Chu Qihun felt for the first time oneself lost the confidence to the present war, thorough lost the confidence! 这一刻,楚泣魂首次感到自己对眼前的这一战失去了信心,彻底的失去了信心! Also can reluctantly a war? You have defeated! However is not the defeat in my hands, but has lost to my sword! More accurately, your sword has submitted to my Blood of Yan and Huang!” Jun Moxie has not thought that will have this situation! Since Blood of Yan and Huang quenchings with strength of metal this mysterious strength in Jun Moxie repeatedly, initially after having the spirit surname, particularly must not exposed to has to suffice the progression the show off one's military strength of treasured sword before it. “还要勉强一战吗?你已经败了!不过不是败在我的手里,而是败给了我的剑!更准确一点说,你的剑已经臣服于我的炎黄之血!”君莫邪也没有想到会出现这种情况!自从炎黄之血君莫邪多次用金之力这种神奇的力量淬炼,初具灵姓之后,分外见不得有够级数的宝剑在它面前耀武扬威 Along with the advancement of Jun Moxie skill, Blood of Yan and Huang the proud unexpectedly is also when production costs rise , prices rise too! 随着君莫邪功力的进境,炎黄之血的这种骄傲居然也是水涨船高! At this important moment uses the sword, wants with Chu Qihun duel well, fair duel one time! Where knows this fellow sheath has created absolutely is unfair! 在这关键时刻出剑,本想与楚泣魂好好的切磋一番,公平的决斗一次!哪里知道这家伙一出鞘就造成了绝对的不公平! Is crushes the surname directly superiority! 直接就是压倒姓的优势! The sword being near world, rules ten thousand/myriad Jian! Profound ten thousand/myriad Jian, how dare not, since?! 剑临天下,君临万剑!玄玄万剑,何敢不从?! Although Chu Qihun itself has not defeated, even...... He still had the full fighting intent vigorous desire to erupt, is... Autumn Water Shadowless Sword in his hand has not actually fought is timid first, submits to under Blood of Yan and Huang sword sovereign Heaven Prestige thoroughly...... Under the Blood of Yan and Huang mountain capping general broad imposing manner, almost does not have the leeway of struggling, then thoroughly submits to under the Blood of Yan and Huang Divine Sword peerless point! Did not have killing intent again, did not have fighting intent! 楚泣魂本身虽然未败,甚至……他仍有满腔战意蓬勃欲爆发,可是…他手中的秋水无影剑却是未战先怯,彻底臣服于炎黄之血的剑皇天威之下……在在炎黄之血大山压顶一般的恢弘气势之下,几乎全无挣扎的余地,便彻底臣服在炎黄之血神剑绝世锋芒之下!再没有了杀气,更没有了战意 Present Autumn Water Shadowless Sword, in the hand of Chu Qihun, even might as well a handle every iron forging long sword! 现在的秋水无影剑,在楚泣魂的手里,甚至还不如一柄凡铁打造的长剑! Does this weaponry also hit? 这一仗还怎么打? This moment Jun Moxie big feeling does not know whether to laugh or cry, even very strange feelings: Whether the present situation very likely is two rabbits in fight, a rabbit looked for another rabbit to be the helper, self-confident, but the opposite rabbit summoned a big tiger to lead a cheer unexpectedly suddenly! 这一刻的君莫邪也大感哭笑不得,甚至有一种很古怪的感觉:眼前的局势是否很象是两只兔子在打架的时候,其中一只兔子找来了另一只兔子做帮手,自信满满,而对面的兔子竟是突然召唤出来了一头大老虎来助阵! Doesn't this bully the person? 这不是欺负人嘛? Chu Qihun diligently has an intention violently fighting intent, even, is comprehensive bursting out of that swift and fierce killing intent, attempts to be replied that type by own sword with once again with the condition that the mind melts. But all kinds actually completely make a futile effort diligently! 楚泣魂努力的激起心中的战意,甚至,是那凌厉的杀气的全面迸发,企图让自己的剑与自己再度回复到那种与自己心神相融的状态。但万般努力却尽是徒劳无功! Chu Qihun closely grabbed sword hilt hand sudden blue vein to rouse! He is still calm callous is standing, but actually knows, oneself defeated! Moreover defeated to wrong the extreme, even was defeats bewilderedly! 楚泣魂紧紧抓着剑柄的手突然青筋一条条鼓了起来!他依然是冷静冷酷的站着,但却知道,自己败了!而且败得冤屈到了极点,甚至是败得莫名其妙! Faces front this to be possible be thousands of years not to present time fearful great assassin extremely, do not say the phenomenon of this treasured sword out-of-control, even if any little loophole, that must defeat without doubt. 面对着面前这位极有可能是千万年都未曾出现过一次的可怕的大杀手,不要说这种宝剑失控的现象,就算是任何一点点的漏洞,那也是必败无疑。 So the peak assassin showdown, the defeat dies, must defeat was equal to without doubt must die without doubt! 如此顶峰杀手对决,败就是死,必败无疑就等于是必死无疑! Your sword without doubt is the good sword!” Jun Moxie smiled, said: In these years, you slaughter innumerably, able to move unhindered world, but the sword in your hand, was also born in nourishing of innumerable blood the spirit surname! Your sword, is on good terms to gather with your mind, bloodline is connected, may say that is great Divine Weapon! But, vertical is Divine Weapon actually also dislikes immaturely \; Therefore, when it facing the handle sword in my hand, it can the choice of instinct not stick one's neck out!” “你的剑无疑是好剑!”君莫邪笑了笑,道:“这些年里,你杀戮无数,纵横天下,而你手中的剑,也在无数鲜血的滋养中诞生了灵姓!你的剑,也与你本人心神相契合,血脉相连,可说已是一等一的神兵利器!但,纵是神兵却还嫌稚嫩\;所以,当它面对我手中的这柄剑之时,它会本能的选择明哲保身!” A Chu Qihun brow wrinkle, in the item flashes through color of the anxiety, indifferently said: Oh?” 楚泣魂眉头一皱,目中闪过一丝疑虑之色,淡淡地道:“?” But, if you have the mind set on to die reading, by that type said the frigid mentality that must die stimulates your sword, can still arouse among you tacit understanding! This is also can only relate it , to continue means that this fights! Because you, although does not know, but your handle sword is actually knows that once contacts with my sword, it instantaneously will break!” “不过,若是你抱定必死之念,以那种今曰必死的惨烈心态去激发你的剑,依然可以激起你们之间的默契!这也是唯一可以重新联系它,延续这一战的办法!因为你虽然不知道,但你那柄剑却是知道的,一旦与我的剑接触,它就会瞬间断裂!” Jun Moxie smiled gently, said: But such one, this decisive battle also lost originally the significance. I hold this Divine Edge to fight with you, victory military, to not smile extremely! Although you have the heartache my life, I actually only want to decide the victory and defeat with you, I said before, if the Assassin Supreme soul walks Nine Springs, in world will certainly be short of many wonderful matters, is the heart language, did not speak thoughtlessly! I am not really willing to kill such as your general peerless assassin, does not want to destroy one to have the treasured sword of spirit surname!” 君莫邪轻轻笑了笑,道:“但那样一来,这场决战也就失去了原本意义。我持此神锋与你交手,胜之不武,不胜为笑!你虽然有心伤我姓命,我却只想与你分出胜负,我之前所言,若杀手至尊魂走九泉,世间必将少了许多妙事,乃是心语,并非随口!我实在不愿意杀死如你一般的绝世杀手,更不想摧毁一把已经具备灵姓的宝剑!” He raised the head, looks at Chu Qihun: Chu Qihun, the present did not say that the war relinquishes in light of this.” He sighed, said: Actually I do not want to relinquish compared with you, life first, the best friend good friend is no doubt difficult to ask, but a well-matched match is difficult to seek, believes that my mood at this moment, you should be able to understand.” 他抬起头,看着楚泣魂:“楚泣魂,不如今曰之战就此作罢吧。”他叹了口气,道:“其实我比你更不想作罢,人生一世,至交好友固然难求,但一个旗鼓相当的对手更是难觅,相信我此刻的心情,你应该可以了解。” Chu Qihun silent a meeting, said: Right that you said that if at this moment I still reluctantly a war, overreached oneself, has brought about own destruction, lost actually the original intention of this war, will ruin in my life the most important partner! However, I want to take a look at your sword, I want to know that is what kind of Divine Weapon, can make unexpectedly my autumn waters do not have the shade not to fight are timid first, yield peacefully!” 楚泣魂沉默了一会,道:“你说的对,此时此刻我若仍勉强一战,就是不自量力,自寻死路了,失却了此战的本意,更会葬送我生命中最重要的伙伴!不过,我想看看你的剑,我想知道到底是何等神兵,竟能令道我的秋水无影未战先怯,不战而降!” Mentioned the request of Chu Qihun, was actually an extremely unreasonable request, even was absurd, a handle handy sword, was always equal to the assassin second life, can it be that do others want to look look? Similar to Chu Qihun own Autumn Water Shadowless Sword, can could it be with look to others casually? Let alone is Jun Moxie Blood of Yan and Huang! 说来楚泣魂的这个要求,却是一个极为无理的要求,甚至是至为荒谬的,一柄得心应手的剑,从来都等同于杀手的第二生命,岂是别人想看就看的?就如同楚泣魂自己的秋水无影剑,难道就可以随便拿给别人看么?更何况是君莫邪炎黄之血 Actually Chu Qihun also knows own request quite some rashes, even Jun Moxie rejects him also in expected, but he actually still winked looks at Jun Moxie that does not wink \; Because he really loses refuses to accept! 其实楚泣魂也知道自己的要求颇有些孟浪,甚至君莫邪拒绝他也在意料之中,但他却仍是一眨也不眨的看着君莫邪\;因为他输得实在不服! Does everybody's strength generally in the same horizontal level, why I actually need to be defeated because of the disparity of weapon? That sword in opposite party hand also has what outstanding place, can cause own autumn waters not to have the shade unexpectedly thoroughly bows the head to profess allegiance, has not fought defeats! 大家的实力大抵在同一个水平层次上,凭什么我却要因兵器的差距而落败?对方手中的那口剑又到底有何出众之处,竟能令到自己的秋水无影彻底的俯首称臣,更是未战即败! Already with heart of Chu Qihun that the autumn waters non- filmmaker soldier united in that Divine Weapon not hating to leave the stable to Jun Moxie hand, but curious meaning actually strong to the extreme, otherwise absolutely not as for will propose this absurdly to the request of extreme! 早已与秋水无影人兵合一的楚泣魂君莫邪手中的那口神兵并无恋栈之心,但好奇之意却浓烈到了极点,否则断不至于会提出这等荒谬到极点的要求! Has hesitated the moment facing this accident/surprise request Jun Moxie, raised in the hand gently the long sword, collected in the mouth, gently said: He defeats must refuse to accept, wants to have a look at you, Ok?” The gentleness of sound difference, seems like coaxing a child. 面对这个意外的请求君莫邪沉吟了片刻,轻轻提起手中长剑,凑在嘴边,轻轻地道:“他败得不服,想要看看你,可以么?”声音异样的轻柔,就像是在哄一个小孩子。 Inexplicable Zheng however sound of Blood of Yan and Huang in the hand of Jun Moxie, including in opposite Chu Qihun, can obvious can hear that proud and disdains to mean! 炎黄之血君莫邪的手中莫名铮然一响,连在对面的楚泣魂,都能明显的听得出这其中那骄傲和不屑意味! Jun Moxie smiles, said to Chu Qihun: You can look, but can only look with my hand.” 君莫邪一笑,对楚泣魂道:“你可以看,但只能借我的手看。” At this time Mei Xueyan and Dongfang Wenxin walked slowly. 这时梅雪烟东方问心缓缓走了过来。 Arrived at the near, Mei Xueyan and Dongfang Wenxin they have simultaneously discovered a violent inconceivable matter. 走到近前,梅雪烟东方问心两人同时发现了一件极端的不可思议的事情。 Jun Moxie and Chu Qihun, in the field a moment ago still in hitting to live two grown man that killed, at this moment the head to the head was standing unexpectedly, attentively was staring at the sword in Jun Moxie hand! 君莫邪楚泣魂,场中刚才还在打生打死的两个大男人,此刻竟然正脑袋对着脑袋站在一起,都在全神贯注地盯着君莫邪手中的剑! Especially on the Chu Qihun face, has been full of a pilgrimage facial expression! 尤其楚泣魂脸上,更是充满了一股朝圣般的神情! If Divine Sword, indeed is any Profound Expert also wants long-awaited Divine Weapon! Is accompanies the life not to leave not the abandoned good partner! 如是神剑,的确是任何玄者也要梦寐以求的神兵利器!更是相伴一生不离不弃的好伙伴! But those who most let Mei Xueyan amazed accident/surprise is, Chu Qihun on at this moment, does not have not to have the least bit protection to guard unexpectedly \; But Blood of Yan and Huang sword hilt, but also grasps in the Jun Moxie hand \; If Jun Moxie serves with the attack suddenly \; Chu Qihun does not break any opportunity of escaping! 而最让梅雪烟惊诧意外的是,此刻的楚泣魂身上,竟是全无没有半点防备提防的\;而炎黄之血的剑柄,还掌握在君莫邪手中\;若是君莫邪突然施以袭击\;楚泣魂断没有任何逃脱的机会! A sword two will break inevitably! 势必一剑两断! How so, is a vigilant surname such low person, before that King of Assassins? 怎会如此,一个警惕姓如此之低的人,还是之前的那个杀手之王吗? also Jun Moxie! 还有君莫邪 This fellow face shows off offer valuable advice the self-satisfied facial expression, is showing off Divine Sword in hand self-satisfied, similarly is also the empty gate greatly opens, does not have a protection! 这家伙正一脸卖弄献宝似地得意神情,洋洋自得地炫耀着自己手中的神剑,同样也是空门大开,全无一点防备! These two fellow what happened? Insane?! Silly? Did the brain enter the water suddenly? 这两个家伙怎么了?疯啦?!傻了?脑子突然进水了? Long time long time, Chu Qihun from taking back the vision, draws back slowly several steps, that cold makings, appear on the body once again. His looked up, is greeting the snowflake of space with own cheeks, attempted that can be grieved by oneself fiery calms down newly, long sighed: In world has such Divine Sword unexpectedly! So unusual happening! Is makes my vision open seriously greatly! This, I defeat not injust, the autumn waters do not have the shade not more injust, no, the autumn waters do not have the shade more insightful than me, know the onset and retreat!” 良久良久,楚泣魂强自收回目光,缓缓地退开几步,那冷峭的气质,再度出现在身上。他仰起脸,用自己的脸颊迎接着天上的雪花,希图能让自己火热的心重新冷静下来,长叹道:“世上竟有如此神剑!如此奇事!当真是让我眼界大开!这一阵,我败得不冤,秋水无影更不冤,不,秋水无影比我有见地,知道进退!” Jun Moxie chuckled, said: Matter that in this world, you do not know, but also are many!” 君莫邪嘿嘿一笑,道:“这世上,你不知道的事情,还多着呢!” Chu Qihun lowered the head low-spirited, is caressing lovingly own Autumn Water Shadowless Sword take pity on \; in the eyes lightens the sincere attachment. Jun Moxie Blood of Yan and Huang no doubt is world only peerless Divine Weapon, is the destroying the hardest defenses most precious object! Own handle sword in comparison, must differ without doubt many are too many! But Chu Qihun thought, own sword, is the handiest weapon, the autumn waters does not have the shade is truly is most important to oneself! 楚泣魂黯然低下头,怜惜地抚摩着自己的秋水无影剑\;眼中闪出深切的眷恋。君莫邪炎黄之血固然是天下仅有的绝世神兵,更是无坚不摧的至宝!自己的这柄剑与其相比,无疑要相差得太多太多!但楚泣魂却是觉得,自己的剑,才是自己最得心应手的兵器,秋水无影对自己才是真正最重要的! Others' sword is good, but my this handle sword accompanied my long years! assassin does not have the family member, only then sword! This handle sword, is my family member! Any Divine Weapon and peerless Divine Edge are unable to substitute! 别人的剑再好,但我这柄剑已经陪了我漫长的岁月!杀手没有亲人,只有剑!这柄剑,就是我的亲人!任何神兵利器、绝世神锋也无法取代! Chu Qihun is stroking own Autumn Water Shadowless Sword greatly gently, at this moment, he feels the comfort and excitement that the Autumn Water Shadowless Sword body has transmitted clearly! Chu Qihun is startled, before, he also felt at best kind, feels handy, or is bloodline is connected \; Has not actually felt to come from any mood of this handle sword! 楚泣魂大是温柔地抚摸着自己的秋水无影剑,这一刻,他清楚的感受到了秋水无影剑身传来的安慰和激动!楚泣魂一怔,之前,他充其量也就只是感到亲切,感到得心应手,又或者是血脉相连\;却也从未曾感受到来自于这柄剑的任何情绪! However today, in this moment, he unexpectedly clearly felt! This handle sword, like person, there is a mood, there is a sentiment! 但是今天,就在这一刻,他竟清晰地感受到了!这柄剑,就像人一样,也有情绪,也有感情! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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