OEM :: Volume #7

#632: King of Assassins war

Under the body the jungle, flashes past \; The under foot lawn, plunders without trace \; The mountain range giant stone, throws instantaneously by far after behind, more walks is remote, more walks is bleak! 身下密林,一闪而过\;脚下草地,一掠无踪\;山脉巨石,瞬间远远抛在身后,越走越是偏僻,越走越是荒凉! This line, unexpectedly does not know that in the end rushes far. Under the influence of Jun Moxie, three people form one by the straight lines of three connections, half cloud half fog general goes through in Snow Wind \; Dongfang Wenxin volt in carrying on the back of Mei Xueyan, gradually astonishment. 这一路行来,竟已不知道到底奔出多远。在君莫邪的引领下,三个人形成一条由三点联成的直线,半云半雾一般的在风雪中穿行\;东方问心伏在梅雪烟的背上,渐渐地惊讶了起来。 Own this daughter-in-law may really be extraordinary! At the back of a oneself such big live person at present at least rush through several hundred li (0.5 km) distance, unexpectedly the speed slightly had not reduced \; Moreover the aura is long, the fellow who as if effortlessly, not front that two competed is slower, even has the ample force greatly, if once seriously catches up, can overtaking in front of easily they. 自己这位儿媳妇可真是了不得!背着自己这么一个大活人眼下可是至少奔行了几百里的距离,竟然速度丝毫未减\;而且气息悠长舒缓,似乎毫不费力,一点也不比前面那两个正在比拼的家伙慢,甚至是大有余力,若是当真一旦发力,可以轻易的追上前面两人。 One bend down in her, saw that the mountains trees became fuzzy shadow passed over gently and swiftly from oneself side a piece by piece high-speed, this general speed, oneself had not felt with lightning speed unexpectedly slightly front surface Snow Wind obstructed the breath or is puts on the face, had not felt completely, looked like at home calm and steady sits is the same, if own heart has not been hanging for the son, believes that has seriously fallen asleep, will not be jolted to awake...... It seems like oneself this daughter-in-law's Profound Arts standard, absolutely is already the terrifying degree of being has reached the pinnacle and been as deep as a well, his son was only not bad! Really does not know how the son picks up a little girl younger sister \; Unexpectedly such powerful, can achieve the perfect female of accomplishment degree such a collection beautiful appearance, Profound Arts, disposition, makings and demeanor as one family/home in...... Really has prospects. 自己伏在她的身后,眼看着山川树木成为一片片模糊的影子从自己身边高速掠过,这等风驰电掣一般的速度,自己竟是丝毫也没有感觉到迎面风雪窒住呼吸或者是扑在脸上,完全没有感觉,就像是在家里安安稳稳的坐着一样,若是自己的心不曾为儿子悬着,相信就算当真睡着了,也不会被颠簸醒……看来自己这个儿媳妇的玄功水准,绝对是已经达到了登峰造极、高深莫测的恐怖程度,比自己的儿子也只强不差!真是不知道儿子是怎么泡妞把妹的\;居然这么的强悍,能将这么一个集美貌、玄功姓格、气质、风度于一体而且达到了大成程度的完美女子把到了家里来……真是有出息啊。 Dongfang Wenxin actually does not know that her still little considers as finished several types: This good daughter-in-law, is the Heaven Punishment first person, the contemporary leader \; World 3 Sacred & 1 Ominous to high hierarch, one generation of overlords! 东方问心却不知道她犹自少算了好几样:这位好儿媳妇,还是天罚第一人,当代领导者\;天下三圣一凶其中一家的至高掌权者,一代霸主! If knows these, perhaps Dongfang Wenxin can faint...... Front underlined a big valley in shensi, the Jun Moxie form to here, without hesitation fell toward below. 若是知道这些,没准东方问心能晕厥过去……前面突显一个大大的斜谷,君莫邪的身影到了这里,毫不犹豫的向着下面落了下去。 Chu Qihun comes afterward, the body such as the willow catkin falls gently along with the snowflake generally. When to he falls to the ground, saw that Jun Moxie has stood in front of oneself, a knife point common eye dodges the cold brightness is looking like toward oneself. 楚泣魂随后而来,身如柳絮一般随着雪花飘落。到他落地时,才看到君莫邪已经站在了自己面前,一双刀锋一般的眼睛闪着寒光向着自己看来。 Speed is good!” “速度不错!” movement technique is really good!” 身法真好!” Their at the same time exits as if by prior agreement, praise at the same time, in the tone also has the slightly unwilling flavor. They are well aware, in the contest of this speed competion, they have put together an evenness! 两人不约而同的同时出口,夸赞的同时,口气里也带有些微不甘的味道。两人都心知肚明,在这一场速度比拼的较量上,两人拼了个平手! Has Jun Moxie of advantage of advance not to cast off Chu Qihun, but Chu Qihun of one close behind the other hot pursuit similarly has not actually overtaken Jun Moxie! As for the movement technique aspect, two people arrives is also same! 拥有先行之利的君莫邪没有甩开楚泣魂,而衔尾猛追的楚泣魂却也同样没有追上君莫邪!至于身法方面,两人大抵也是半斤八两! Mei Xueyan catches up generally at the back of the Dongfang Wenxin light smoke, falls gently in the distance two population ten zhang (3.33 m) positions. Quiet stopped. Just like the judgment of Dongfang Wenxin, Mei Xueyan Lightweight Art achievement above these two, but she is not willing to disturb this kind of competion, has not displayed itself Lightweight Art extremely to! 梅雪烟背着东方问心轻烟一般赶来,飘落在距离两人数十丈的位置。静悄悄的停了下来。正如东方问心的判断,梅雪烟轻功成就更在这两人之上,只是她不愿意打搅这样一场比拼,并没有将本身轻功施展到极至! Before, Jun Moxie has indicated his regard with the motion! The first specific speed and movement technique, are to the suggestion of Mei Xueyan: I do not hope that has anybody to meddle! 之前,君莫邪已经用行动表明了他自己的心意!第一场比速度和身法,同时也是对梅雪烟的暗示:我不希望有任何人插手! The Jun Moxie look like the falcon, shows a faint smile suddenly, the handsome face, actually smiled the unprecedented cold blood to be brutal: Chu Qihun, making me come to see your fists and feet skill/effort!” 君莫邪眼神如鹰隼,突然微微一笑,英俊的脸庞,却笑出了前所未见的冷血残酷:“楚泣魂,让我来看看你的拳脚功夫!” The Chu Qihun complexion is pale, calmly said: Just wants to ask for advice!” 楚泣魂脸色铁青,平静地道:“正想领教!” They no one first has acted, such opposite is standing, but suddenly, almost also acts \; Chu Qihun fierce proceeding clashes, a pair of armored hand has destroyed the airborne snowflake suddenly, irresistible! 两人谁都没有首先动作,就这么对面站着,但突然之间,几乎同时动作\;楚泣魂猛的往前一冲,一双铁拳突然砸破了空中的雪花,势不可挡! Before Jun Moxie also rapidly clashes, they look like the opposite the train that but speeds away, soon will bump into at the central point! 君莫邪也是急速前冲,两人就像是对面而来疾驰的火车,即将在中心点相撞! However in final split second that they will soon contact, the person's shadow strange dodges, Jun Moxie first dodges to vanish, at the same time, Chu Qihun is also suddenly the disappearing trace, this location of fighting, resembles unexpectedly becomes the nobody left! 然而就在两人即将接触的最后一瞬间,人影诡异的一闪,君莫邪首先一闪消失,与此同时,楚泣魂也是突然不见了踪影,这一片打斗的场地,竟似变得空无一人! But central position, actually unceasingly broadcasts puff the sound of beating \; Ground a craziness in snowflake flies inexplicably, the sound of fists and feet clash almost by several hundred speeds resounds every second, but, they have not actually revealed the body image, tumbles in void, invisible does not have the mark, but Violent Wind blows here to be stirred up the powder, the snowflake falls then to disrupt to flutter but actually! 但中心的位置,却不断传来噗噗的拳打脚踢的声音\;地面上的雪花莫名地一蓬一蓬的狂飞而起,拳脚相击的动静几乎以每秒钟数百下的速度响起,但,两人却都没有露出身体形象,就在虚空中翻滚,无形无迹,但狂风吹到这里就被激散,雪花落下来就接着又碎裂着倒飘上去! Gradual has formed a thick snow wall in the midair, was stirred up not to fall by their strength, is forming the material object unexpectedly void! 逐渐的在半空中形成了一堵浓厚的雪墙,被两人的劲气激起来落不下,竟然在虚空形成实物! pēng! 砰! A bang, two spoken parts shades simultaneously come, still broke through the snow wall of top of the head at several near same speeds, but in this process, the is still attacking crazily! 一声巨响,两道白影同时现身而出,仍是以几近相同的速度冲破头顶的雪墙,而在这个过程中,犹自在疯狂攻击! Each move of point of descent is the opposite party fatal place, any one strikes, once hits the reality, is least is a disabled dreary fate! 每一招的落点都是对方的致命之处,任何一击一旦打实,都是最少是残疾一个的惨淡下场! A Jun Moxie palm lays out, Misty is illusory, the palm arrives at the midway, suddenly melts the claw to pounce upon suddenly, digs out maliciously to the throat of Chu Qihun \; The Chu Qihun right arm lifts, already kept off before the throat, a left hand fist lightning runs out, directly soars the temples of Jun Moxie \; A Jun Moxie leaning head, the under foot is actually silent kicks three feet continually, the goal is actually Chu Qihun, three Yuan and Dantian three big want the hole extremely! Performs is fatal Death Acupuncture Point! So long as there is in any move, Chu Qihun must vertical pass away! 君莫邪一掌拍出,飘渺虚幻,掌到中途,突然化爪猛扑,狠狠抠向楚泣魂的咽喉\;楚泣魂右臂一抬,早已挡在咽喉之前,左手一拳闪电冲出,直奔君莫邪的太阳穴而来\;君莫邪一偏头,脚下却是无声无息的连踢三脚,目标却是楚泣魂的中极、三元、丹田三大要穴!尽都是致命死穴!只要有任何一处中招,楚泣魂就得立毕命! Meanwhile, the first palm of Jun Moxie will with the arm intersection of Chu Qihun, Bang, then under the body the pa pa pa three sounds, they simultaneously a nose oven somersault, steadily stands in the snowy area! 与此同时,君莫邪的第一掌才堪堪与楚泣魂的胳膊相交,“砰”地一声,接着身下三声响,两人同时一个倒翻筋斗,稳稳站在雪地上! Originally Jun Moxie that three feet, happen to had bumped a moment ago into three feet of Chu Qihun similarly silent sneak attack unexpectedly! 原来刚才君莫邪那三脚,竟是正好碰上了楚泣魂同样无声无息偷袭的三脚! In the Chu Qihun heart acclaimed, oneself have about hundred years of preying experiences, after each fight, must rack one's brains long time, improved many seizing lives to fight the technique, at this moment faced the opposite party, unexpectedly could not occupy the winning side! 楚泣魂心中赞叹,自己有将近百年的搏杀经验,每一次战斗之后自己都要苦思良久,改良许多的夺命战技,此刻面对对方,居然丝毫占不到上风! But the fight was far from the conclusion, at present just started! 而战斗远远没有结束,眼下不过是刚刚开始而已! Opposite Jun Moxie just stood firm, changes to cool breeze in a flash the body \; Chu Qihun drinks coldly, these time has not actually launched movement technique, but such in same place such as top generally extreme twist, both hands both feet looks like thousand Goddess of Mercy is common, to layer upon layer open a lotus flower strange form to protect the whole body, counter-attacks fully! 对面的君莫邪刚刚站定,就在一晃身之际化作一阵清风\;楚泣魂冷喝,这一次却没有展开身法,而是就这么在原地如陀螺一般急速旋转,双手双脚就像是千手观音一般,以层层开放莲花朵朵的奇异形式护住自己全身之余,更全力反击! Around the body of Chu Qihun, one group of small tornado towering production, whistling rotation, strength from this visible non- qualitative tornado turbulently! Launch attack that keeps in all directions, even is the top of the head sole stops at nothing! 楚泣魂的身周围,一团小型的龙卷风突兀生成,呼呼地转动,一道道劲气就从这有形无质的龙卷风里汹涌而出!四面八方不停的发动进攻,甚至是头顶脚底无所不用其极! The tornado has led the thick snow, suddenly flew all of a sudden, more and more obviously sturdy, the shining white snow drift is similar to the white dragon twists the column, dance Nine Heavens! 龙卷风更带动了厚厚的积雪,忽的一下子飞了起来,越来越显粗壮,莹白的雪堆如同白龙绞柱,狂舞九天 peng peng peng...... Continuously strokes! Explosive continuously! 砰砰砰……连续不断地击打!连续不断的爆响! Finally, grunt! The snow column jumps dispersing to fall suddenly, the Jun Moxie present family background comes, but opposite Chu Qihun staggering withdraws three steps, the chest clothing Bang splits open, a clear hand was in charge to fall floatingly, the back was also two deafening sounds, two hands were in charge the leaf to be separated from the gown generally. Chu Qihun coldly snorted, the inspiration, bellows suddenly: You also meet my one move!” Body vertical, dodges to vanish in the midair. 终于,一声闷哼!雪柱突然迸飞散落,君莫邪现出身来,而对面的楚泣魂踉踉跄跄退出三步,前胸衣衫砰地一声绽开,一个清晰的手掌印飘飘落了下来,背后也是两声震响,两个手掌印树叶一般脱离了袍子。楚泣魂冷哼,吸气,突然大吼一声:“你也接我一招!”身子纵起,在半空中一闪消失。 This time, actually changed into the Jun Moxie Lord to defend! Jun Moxie such as Chu Qihun was also ordinary a moment ago, has not displayed strange movement technique to vanish, but launches to go through many places to organize when in same place small range, two feet transform own position rapidly, the body are flying suddenly to fall suddenly, flies clash ten zhang (3.33 m), falls such as the dwarf generally is tiny, the continual stroking sound, the collision sound, such as is the wind blows the lotus leaf, the rain gets in the Japanese banana! Thorough, again and again unceasingly! 这一次,却换成了君莫邪主守!君莫邪也如楚泣魂刚才一般,没有施展诡异身法消失,而是在原地小范围展开辗转腾挪,两只脚飞速地变换着自身所处的方位,身子突然飞起又突然落下,飞起时一冲十丈,落下时却如侏儒一般细小,连续的击打声,碰撞声,就如是风吹荷叶,雨打芭蕉!绵绵密密,连连不绝! Finally, Jun Moxie hey, the under foot was stepping on the slide likely, straight slides seven zhang (3.33 m) space! Meanwhile, the Chu Qihun form same place is also coming \; The falcon eye dodges one to lose. 终于,君莫邪“嘿”了一声,脚下像是踩着滑梯,直直的滑出七丈空间!与此同时,楚泣魂的身影也在原地现身\;鹰隼般的眼睛闪着一丝失落。 The rags that two slight inaudible neutral tone sounds, on the Jun Moxie left shoulder a hand is in charge the shape floating fall, simultaneously on the calf also flutters the next two light gores...... The Chu Qihun might biggest two palms, compelling Jun Moxie to have no alternative clash the spatial ten zhang (3.33 m)! Also because of this, should strike, in the back of the body two palms actually hit on the calf...... „the contest in fists and feet, was I loses.” Chu Qihun appears many are somewhat low-spirited, the next moment actually raised the head, on face, although still lost, actually not ashamed look, in the eyes is still fighting intent abundant, blazingly like fire, but actually calm like ice! 两声细微不可闻的轻声响动,君莫邪左肩上一个手掌印形状的破布飘然落下,同时小腿上也飘下两张薄薄的布片……楚泣魂威力最大的两掌,逼得君莫邪无可奈何地冲空十丈!也正因为这样,原本应该击在后心的两掌却打在了小腿肚上……“拳脚方面的较量,是我输了。”楚泣魂显得多少有些黯然,下一刻抬起头来,脸上虽仍有失落,却并无一丝愧色,眼中依然是战意盎然,炽热如火,但却偏偏冷静如冰! you let me win, this I win luckily.” The Jun Moxie complexion is unattractive, had used Eight Trigrams Body Roaming Palm a moment ago successively, Shaolin Dragon Seizing Art \; Eighteen Arhat Fists, even practiced the Tantui Great Fist long-range punch to be forced with, has traded 37 Fist Technique Palm Technique fully! Will resists Chu Qihun that Violent Wind Rainstorm attack! 承让,这一阵我胜得侥幸。”君莫邪脸色也不好看,刚才先后使用了八卦游身掌,少林擒龙功\;十八罗汉拳,甚至练谭腿洪拳长拳都被迫用上了,整整换了37种拳法掌法!才堪堪抵挡过去楚泣魂那阵狂风暴雨般的攻击! Finally the victory calculates they are various three palms \; But in Chu Qihun a chest and back of move of position, performs belongs to the fatal spot! But Jun Moxie is actually the shoulder and calf! Clear! Jun Moxie must be in the upper hand without doubt, the victory and defeat is distinct! 最终战果算来两人都是各中三掌\;而楚泣魂中招位置在前胸和后背,尽都属于致命部位!但君莫邪却是肩头和小腿肚!一目了然!君莫邪无疑要占上风,胜负分明! If the life and death preys seriously, Chu Qihun no doubt must die, but Jun Moxie actually must cripple because of the severe wound! Although disabled also ratio dies strongly, but has not calculated the total victory throughout, that therefore Jun Moxie said wins luckily is also actually from the heart! 若是当真生死相搏杀,楚泣魂固然必死,可君莫邪却也要因重伤致残!虽说残疾也比没命强,但始终未算全胜,所以君莫邪说的那句“胜得侥幸”却也是发自内心的! Naturally, if the life and death wrestles seriously, so long as Jun Moxie starts in this compared with Yin-Yang Escape that in fighting has not displayed or the five elements technique! May the romp home, but this contest is related to King of Assassins this reputation, therefore Jun Moxie must by the true strength, subdue Chu Qihun thoroughly! If makes him lose inexplicably, perhaps this arrogant Assassin Supreme, even if will die will not have been convinced! 当然了,若是当真生死相搏,君莫邪只要发动在这场比斗中没有施展的阴阳遁又或是五行术!都可轻易取胜,不过这场较量乃是事关“杀手王者”这一名头,所以君莫邪要以真正的实力,彻底折服楚泣魂!若是让他输得不明不白,恐怕这位高傲的杀手至尊,就算死了也是决不会服气的! Sword!” “剑!” Chu Qihun puts out a hand, Autumn Water Shadowless Sword brings illusion rays of light such towering to appear in his hand, the sword blade edge turns over slightly rolls, then everywhere snowflake of mapping also has become the beautiful scene in dream! 楚泣魂一伸手,秋水无影剑带着梦幻光芒就这么突兀地出现在其手中,剑刃微微翻转滚动,便映射的漫天雪花也成了梦中的美景! „A war decides the victory and defeat! The winners live, the defeated perishes!” Chu Qihun sinks the austere say|way, in the eyes faint light sparkles, so, you must lose seriously without doubt!” Jun Moxie evil smiles, the palm stretches out averagely, a clang sword cry, clear, limpid, resonant! One appears to incomparable Sword Qi of sky in the hand of Jun Moxie straight similarly towering, a handle wins the snow long sword, calmly grasped in the hand! “一战定胜负!胜者生,败者亡!”楚泣魂沉肃的道,眼中精光闪闪,“当真如此,你必输无疑!”君莫邪邪邪的一笑,手掌平平伸出,锵的一声剑鸣,清脆,清澈,嘹亮!一溜直冲霄汉的无匹剑气同样突兀地出现在君莫邪的手中,一柄胜雪长剑,静静地握在了手中! The sword blade silvery bright, brilliance pasts, reflects the light scarlet faintly, the Sword Qi turnover, dodges to extinguish erratically \; An inexplicable rushing imposing manner, dignified Xuan, suddenly sending out! The object who aims at is actually not Chu Qihun, but is Autumn Water Shadowless Sword in Chu Qihun hand! 剑身银亮,光华流转,隐隐反射出淡淡的血色,剑气吞吐,闪灭不定\;一种莫名的澎湃气势,威严煊赫,突然散发!针对的对象却不是楚泣魂,而是楚泣魂手中的秋水无影剑 It looks like Emperor that comes out to take a walk, actually suddenly saw own subordination government official! This is keeping aloof that in a bone acts with constraint, even if light glance one, is an invisible oppression! 就像是一位出来散步的皇帝,却突然看到了自己的隶属官员!这是一种骨子里矜持的高高在上,就算是淡淡的扫视一眼,也是一种无形的压迫! Divine Sword! Blood of Yan and Huang! King pressure! 神剑炎黄之血!本身的王者威压! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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