OEM :: Volume #7

#631: Who is a King?! The first war

Jun Moxie has the pride of Jun Moxie, wins the undefeated from Evil Monarch that length the pride! 君莫邪君莫邪的骄傲,源自邪君的那长胜不败的骄傲! But Chu Qihun is majestically located the first assassin throne dozens years, has its inviolable dignity! 楚泣魂雄踞第一杀手宝座几十年,却也有其不容侵犯的威严! They from meet, being in sharp opposition as if by prior agreement, is, each other gives the feeling of each other feeling uneasy! Resembles own status to be threatened seriously! 两人从一见面,就不约而同的针锋相对,为的,就是彼此给彼此的这种芒刺在背的感觉!就好像自己的地位受到了严重的威胁! Jun Moxie within the body, bloodline are flowing! His look is getting more and more bright, killing intent is getting more and more thick, the air/Qi of bloodthirsty in the bone sends out, in the soul recovers slaughters crazily such as! 君莫邪体内,有一种久违的血脉在流淌!他的眼神越来越亮,杀气越来越浓,骨子里散发出的嗜血之气,灵魂中复苏的杀戮如狂! Although I am assassin, but I here, have actually represented the Yan and Huang at this time! In me behind, the father has 1.7 billion brothers and sisters! The father cannot defeat! 我虽然是一个杀手,但我此时在这里,却代表了炎黄!在我身后,老子有1700000000兄弟姐妹!老子不能败! Will not defeat! 更不会败! But dares to fight?” The Chu Qihun sudden vision presses, gloomy say|way: And look at your me, who is King of Assassins!” The body of this Assassin Supreme, burst out startled day fighting intent suddenly! “可敢一战?”楚泣魂突然眼光直逼过来,阴沉沉的道:“且看你我,谁才是杀手王者!”这位杀手至尊的身上,突然迸发出了惊天的战意 At this moment, erupts is not killing intent! 这一刻,爆发出来的已不是杀意 But is fighting intent! 而是战意 War! Fights for the glory! 战!为了荣耀而战! Do not fight to fight because of you, but is I must fight with you!” Jun Moxie back, the whole person looks like draws the full moon the bow suddenly to restore to stretching the straight condition, in the look sends out dazzling rays of light, is bringing the formidable self-confidence, has pressed loudly: Moreover reason that I must fight, has surmounted important of this entire world!!” “不是因你要战而战,而是我要与你一战!”君莫邪背脊一挺,整个人就像是一张拉成满月的弓又突然恢复到绷直状态,眼神中发出璀璨夺目的光芒,带着强大的自信,轰然压了过去:“而且我要战的理由,超越了这整个世界的重要!!” Hahaha...... Happy! In my Chu Qihun life, on list by the strength, exceeds my person, although are not many, is not rare, but killing intent and killing intent aspect exceeds my person, but also is seriously unprecedented!” 哈哈哈……痛快!我楚泣魂一生之中,就单以实力而言,胜过我的人虽然不多,却也并不罕见,但杀意杀气方面胜过我的人,还当真是前所未见!” Chu Qihun has smiled one carefree, said: You are first! Even if you later died in battle, believes that may also console!” 楚泣魂畅快的笑了一声,道:“你是第一个!就算你稍后战死,相信也可告慰了!” Was a pity very much that the failure side of this war absolutely is not I! I in this world, with person fair duel \; You are also first! Believes that is also only one!” Jun Moxie gloomy say|way: This war, for the reason in my heart! For the glory in my heart! I make an exception to grant you and opportunity of my fair war!” “很可惜,此战的失败一方绝对不会是我!我在这世上,与人公平决斗\;你也是第一个!相信也是唯一的一个!”君莫邪阴沉沉的道:“这一战,为了我心中的理由!为了我心中的荣耀!我破例赐予你与我公平一战的机会!” Grants me the opportunity of fair war? 赐予我公平一战的机会? Chu Qihun just wants to smile, actually discovered one unexpectedly are complete cannot smile \; Because he discovered impressively, the opposite party, did not chat unexpectedly! Even, from these words, Chu Qihun felt the heartfelt huge pressure! 楚泣魂刚想笑,却发现自己竟是完全的笑不出来\;因为他赫然发现,对方,竟绝不是说笑!甚至,从这一句话之中,楚泣魂感到了由衷的庞然压力! With the person fair war, am I only one? 与人公平一战,我是唯一的一个吗? What view is this? 这是什么说法? Will in the end what talented person say this grade of words? 到底什么人才会说出这等话来? Also there is in what person of life never has the frontage decisive battle a time? 又有什么人一生之中从未有过正面决战的时候? assassin! Only is topest ultimate assassin will have such realizing from experience! 杀手!惟有是最顶尖的终极杀手才会有这样的体悟! Always only then walks in the shadow, once will aim at the opportunity then to give the goal by fatal First Level top assassin to be able so! 从来只有行走于阴影之中,一旦瞄准机会便会给予目标以致命一级的顶尖杀手才会如此! Therefore, only two topest King of Assassins crowding together naked swords meet \; Is two people most is not willing to use the plot and sneak attacks the clever trick the time! 所以,也唯有两个最顶尖的杀手王者凑在一起白刃相见的时候\;才是两个人最不愿意使用阴谋和偷袭诡计的时候! Because this war, already the having nothing to do life and death, only fought for the utmost glory!! 因为这一战,已然无关生死,只为至大荣耀而战!! At this moment, Jun Moxie said is actually the frank talk, he can never launch the positive fair duel with the person! The method of emerging one after another incessantly, enabling him definitely to jump the ranks the challenge and victory it kills it, moreover so-called fair duel \; It looks like in Jun Moxie, that radically is a stupid fight method! 这一刻,君莫邪说的却是大实话,他从来不会与人展开正面的公平决斗!层出不穷的手段,让他完全可以越级挑战并胜之杀之,而且所谓公平决斗\;在君莫邪看来,那根本就是一种愚不可及的战斗方法! The fight, the book was the life and death death internecine strife! Superior win and inferior wash out, the winner survives, what fair where comes? No matter with any method, so long as has killed the opposite party, is the winner! A side that only then lives, some qualifications said the fair these two characters! 战斗,本就是你死我活的死亡火拼!优胜劣汰,胜者生存,哪里来的什么公平?不管用任何手段,只要杀死了对方,就是赢家!惟有活下来的一方,才有资格说公平这两个字! But today faces Chu Qihun, the fight that in this will soon arrive at uses this to describe in the phrase, Jun Moxie made an exception to say the fair two characters! 但今天面对楚泣魂,在这场即将来到的战斗所用这个形容字眼上,君莫邪破例说出了公平二字! Open and aboveboard war! 堂堂正正一战! In the name of descendants of Yan and Huang, as descendants of the dragon! 炎黄子孙的名义,以龙的传人的身份! Wins my this line of King competition fairly! 公平摘取我这一行的王者桂冠! Comes with me! Since wants the fair war, that naturally must find an appropriate place!” The Jun Moxie personal appearance hikes up, imperial wind in everywhere Snow Wind, flutters the Misty vast lightning to fly to shoot confusedly! A white clothing, has separated everywhere snow light, dodges passes! “跟我来!既然要公平一战,那自然要找一个合适的地方!”君莫邪身形飘起,在漫天风雪中御风而起,迷迷茫茫飘飘渺渺的闪电飞射!一袭白衣,分开了漫天雪光,一闪即逝! Chu Qihun laughed, in the eyes reveals appreciation expression, at once again transfers cold severe dense Sword Qi, the body puts down flat sweep to get up, partly visible, vanishes does not see, tags along after Jun Moxie to go. 楚泣魂哈哈一笑,眼中流露出欣赏的神色,旋即又再转为冷厉的森然剑气,身子平平掠起,若隐若现,咻的一声消失不见,尾随君莫邪而去。 Xueyan, Moxie does not suit very much.” The Dongfang Wenxin volt in carrying on the back of Mei Xueyan, deeps frown, on face color of the thinking deeply: Why Moxie sees this Assassin Supreme, looked like changed a person? A moment ago...... I almost cannot believe that is my son, his in the end......” 雪烟,莫邪是不是很不对劲啊。”东方问心伏在梅雪烟的背上,眉头紧锁,脸上一片深思之色:“为何莫邪一见到这位杀手至尊,就像是变了一个人?刚才……我几乎都不敢相信,那就是我的儿子,他到底……” Mother, Moxie completely all does not entangle to all things in the bosom, only then toassassin these two characters, somewhat holds to read very much. I do not know that is any reason. ” Mei Xueyan is heavyhearted, somewhat absent-minded say|way. “娘,莫邪对万事尽皆不萦于怀,惟有对“杀手”这两个字,却是很有些执念。我也不知道是什么原因。”梅雪烟忧心忡忡,有些心不在焉的道。 Their this war, will definitely have not the small danger, our quick past had a look.” Dongfang Wenxin urged, in the eyes full was anxious. The Assassin Supreme prestige, can be as good as the reputation of Dongfang Aristocratic Family entire aristocratic family by a person of strength, can it be that commonplace? “那他们这一战,必然会有不小危险,我们快过去看看吧。”东方问心催促道,眼中满是焦虑。杀手至尊的威名,以一人之力抵得上东方世家整个世家的声名,岂是等闲? Un, I naturally can lead mother to overtake to Moxie plunder. However this war, believes that Moxie is not willing to let anybody make a move help, this point, coming out that I can feel.” Mei Xueyan tactful reminder Dongfang Wenxin. “嗯,我自然会带娘赶过去给莫邪掠阵。不过这一战,相信莫邪绝不愿意让任何人出手帮忙,这一点,我能感觉的出来。”梅雪烟委婉的提醒了东方问心一下。 I can also be able to feel that he to the urgency that this fights \; As if, this is his utmost dream, moreover this dream, has continued long time.” Dongfang Wenxin closely frowns, deeply sighed, grieved say|way: in the end is what kind of change, can make Young Master of Moxie this aristocratic family turn into at present this appearance? Xueyan...... My son is very bitter...... I am very grieved!” “我也能感觉得到,他对这一战的迫切\;似乎,这是他的一个至大的梦想,而且这个梦想,已经持续了很长时间。”东方问心紧紧皱着眉头,深深地叹了口气,心痛的道:“到底是怎么样的变化,才能让莫邪这个世家的少爷变成了眼前这个样子?雪烟……我的儿子心里很苦……我很心痛!” Relax, Moxie has the absolute assurance!” Mei Xueyan sighed gently, actually saw her slender body to plunder, although the back carried a big live person, actually was still light like the willow catkin, the illness, if whirlwind general went elegantly \; In her, light curls up gentle tornado, in all traces the ground totally levels, does not have the trace that a point once some people passed through again. “放心,莫邪有绝对的把握!”梅雪烟轻轻叹息,却见她窈窕的身子一掠而起,背后虽背着一个大活人,却仍然是轻如柳絮,疾若飘风一般的飘逸而去\;在她的身后,淡淡的卷起一股轻柔的旋风,将地面上所有痕迹一概抹平,再无一点曾经有人经过的痕迹。 Even, vanishes at the back of the Dongfang Wenxin form until Mei Xueyan in Snow Wind thoroughly, that small tornado as before has not actually stopped, although the circumstances the shape is slight, but the potential of revolving has not stopped throughout, finally actually towering explodes the powder in the midair, in residual two big King of Assassins killing intent and fighting intent the air completely all sweeps away...... When Jun Moxie spins first, the form is partly visible, one hidden dodges, was dozens zhang (3.33 m) distance passed, rush through such as meteor lightning \; But the personal appearance is actually such as strolls, moving clouds and flowing water, natural elegant \; The tip of the toe resembles unexpectedly all does not fall to the ground general, only then after some grass, the time point of some branch, then once again is borrowing gently the strength to depart, is elegant and fast, mysteriously appears and disappears. 甚至于,直到梅雪烟背着东方问心的身影彻底地消失在风雪中,身后的那一股小旋风却依旧没有停止,风势虽形细微,但旋转之势始终不曾止息,最终却在半空中突兀爆散,将空气中残留的两大杀手之王杀气战意尽皆一扫而空……君莫邪当先疾奔,身影若隐若现,一隐一闪之间,就是数十丈的距离过去了,奔行如流星闪电\;但身形却是如闲庭信步,行云流水,潇洒飘逸\;脚尖竟似全不落地一般,也就只有在经过某株小草,某根树枝的时候轻轻一点,便又再度借力飞出,飘逸而快速,神出鬼没。 Chu Qihun tight follow after him, besides was spread out seven zhang (3.33 m) from the beginning, no doubt has not overtaken one point of half minute throughout, but Jun Moxie actually cannot enlarge this distance once again! 楚泣魂紧紧跟在他身后,除了一开始被拉开了七丈距离之外,固然始终没有追上一分半分,但君莫邪却也未能将这个距离再度拉大! Chu Qihun Lightweight Art movement technique, seriously very similar Jun Moxie Yin Yang Es­cape, in movement technique high-speed, is partly visible, dodges passes, then appears, vanishes again, is following front that fuzzy form, although Chu Qihun cannot pull closer among the distance with Jun Moxie throughout, in the eyes fighting intent more and more is blazing! 楚泣魂轻功身法,当真很相似君莫邪阴阳遁法,身法的高速运动之中,也是若隐若现,一闪即逝,然后再出现,再消失,追随着前方那个模糊的身影,虽然楚泣魂始终未能拉近与君莫邪之间的距离,眼中战意越来越是炽热! Two King of Assassins at this moment launch is actually the skirmish that the King strives for hegemony, the contest of movement technique and speed! 此刻的两位杀手之王展开的却是王者争霸的前哨战,身法、速度的较量! Only has movement technique quickly to be vigorous and strange, can be unexpected strikes to kill! 唯有身法快疾、诡异,才能出人预料的一击必杀! Some speeds certainly are only fast, can before the enemy responded kills the goal, then remoteness thousand li (500 km)! 唯有速度绝快,才能在敌人反应过来之前扑杀目标,然后远扬千里! Chu Qihun follow after Jun Moxie, must understand now in a minute why he shifted blame, moreover such firm, no matter how what argued that does not have the use! Both's Lightweight Art movement technique was really too similar, even, linked him to think at this moment, if front this person got rid, oneself did not take the rap for it, that was one does not have the matter of natural justice really! 楚泣魂现在跟在君莫邪身后,只得片刻就明白了自己为何被嫁祸,而且这么的瓷实,任自己如何辩解也全无用处!两者的轻功身法实在是太相似了,甚至于,这一刻连他自己都觉得,若是前面这个人出了手,自己不为其背黑锅,那才是一件真的没有天理的事情! Really looked like! 实在太像了! Jun Moxie movement technique, mysterious, mysteriously appears and disappears, often in the position that others have not thought of absolutely, towering appearance \; But Chu Qihun movement technique is the strange, boundless strangeness \; Partly visible, afterimage heavily, which making person unable to find out absolutely is his true body is at! 君莫邪身法,神秘莫测,神出鬼没,往往在别人绝对不曾想到的方位,突兀出现\;而楚泣魂身法则是诡异,无边的诡异\;若隐若现,残影重重,让人绝对摸不清楚哪一个才是他的真身所在! Only what differs from, Jun Moxie movement technique is having a Misty flavor, also faint hall air/Qi \; This is in assassin Lightweight Art movement technique certainly the improper phenomenon, but Great Assassin Jun Lightweight Art has this flavor, reviews Chu Qihun movement technique to conform to Lightweight Art movement technique of King of Assassins principle, gloomily is similar to the ghosts and demons back and forth shuttles back and forth in the daytime dark night! 唯一有所不同的是,君莫邪身法带着一丝飘渺的味道,还有一股隐隐的堂正之气\;这本是杀手轻功身法之中绝不该有的现象,可君大杀手轻功就是有这种味道,反观楚泣魂身法才是最符合杀手之王原则的轻功身法,阴森森地如同鬼魅在白天黑夜之间来回穿梭! But their movement technique actually also biggest common ground: Is grazing, jumps, but instance, the moment of also or falling to the ground, the posture is not same, every time, own skill adjustment in the best make a move angle! 但两人的身法还有一处最大的共同点:就是无论是在飞掠中,还是腾身而起的瞬间,又或者落地的片刻,姿势都绝不相同,每时每刻,都将自己的身手调整在最佳的出手角度! Can draw a sword in the most convenient way anytime and anywhere, takes control, kicks the leg, even each spot of body, can send out the multi- wave numbers to seize the life attack instantaneously! 随时随地都能以最便利的方式拔剑,出掌,踢腿,甚至身体的每一处部位,都能在瞬间发出多波次夺命攻击! Their this rush through, although is full speed to run quickly, in simultaneously is actually paying attention to the sound of opposite party, from the beginning to the present, two people to each other as if by prior agreement has produced admiring! 两人这一路奔行,虽是全速奔驰,却也在同时都注意着对方的动静,从一开始到现在,两个人对彼此都不约而同的产生了一种佩服! It looks like places extremely peak, in proud contented time, actually suddenly discovered that the opposite peak place, the there is still one person is also unexpectedly pleased with oneself there, while in the heart has the hostility, cannot help but had one type originally I not to be lonely such comfort mentality. 就像是身处绝顶巅峰,正在骄傲自得的时候,却突然发现对面巅峰处,居然还有一个人也在那里沾沾自喜,在心中产生敌意的同时,也不由得产生了一种‘原来我不寂寞’那样的安慰心态。 This is a very strange psychology. 这是一种很奇怪的心理。 Mentioned, Jun Moxie or was the skill/effort skills of Chu Qihun these two people in this world does not calculate that most was the best, even, compared true peak expert to differ not only planned \; But these two people the hearts of as well as to discretion assurances of alert, the choice of also make a move angle, excellent of vigilant heart \; Truly has achieved impregnable peak! 说来,无论是君莫邪又或者是楚泣魂这两个人的功夫功力在这个世界都不算是最拔尖的,甚至,相比较起真正的巅峰强者相差了不只一筹\;可是这两个人的戒备之心以及对分寸的把握,还有出手角度的选择,警惕心的高超\;都已经真正的达到了无懈可击的巅峰 At this moment, in two people of hearts as if by prior agreement raised an idea: Wins, must win attractively, loses, must lose is sincerely convinced! 这一刻,两人心中都不约而同的升起了一个想法:赢,要赢得漂漂亮亮,输,也要输得心服口服! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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