OEM :: Volume #7

#630: Confrontation

Sighed as before crazily, said: This time reports back, perhaps our two both must be punished, perhaps also will cancel this place the duty, in addition sends other people to take over \; However this might also as well be the good deed, we can promote cultivation base actually with concentration......” 依旧狂叹了口气,道:“这次回报上去,恐怕咱们两个都要被罚了,说不定还会取消此地的职务,另派他人接手\;不过这样也未尝不是好事,咱们倒是可以潜心提升修为了……” No matter what always also sighed, said leisurely: Old crazy...... Back then fought mutually wounded \; The wind and rain they entered Fleeing World Immortal Palace, but our actually chance coincidence arrived here healing to be rescued then joins Imaginary Palace...... How many year of scenes had to present?” 任平生也是叹了口气,悠悠道:“老狂……想当年一战两败俱伤\;风雨两人进了遁世仙宫,而我们却机缘巧合来到这里疗伤被救然后加入幻府……到现在已经有多少年光景了?” As before crazy two being at a loss looks at front heavy snow, muttered the tunnel: How many year of scenes? I have forgotten.” 依旧狂两眼迷惘的看着面前大雪,喃喃地道:“多少年光景?我已经忘记了。” No matter what always stands side him, looks at the snowflake that flies upwards outside with him shoulder to shoulder, sighed, said low-spirited: Actually I really very much fondly remembered past saying...... The strength is small, can actually title Supreme, dominate above trillion people, able to move unhindered bustling place dozens years \; Now the strength was higher and higher, more thought one were very small and weak \; Old crazy...... You said that the matter that they said that does exist really?” 任平生站到他身边,与他并肩看着外面飞飞扬扬的雪花,叹息了一声,黯然道:“其实我实在是很怀念当年的曰子……实力微小,却能封号至尊,凌驾于亿万人之上,纵横红尘几十年\;如今实力是越来越高了,却越觉得自己实在很弱小\;老狂……你说,他们所说的事情,真的存在吗?” Crazy coldly said as before: Not forgot that now in Imaginary Palace, several old monsters exist! This already was fact!” 依旧狂冷冷道:“莫忘记,现在幻府之内,就有几位老怪物存在!这早已是不争的事实!” They sighed simultaneously, distant place purple shade fluttered, the white clothing fluttered, the hempen garments flew upwards, the Three Great Sacred Lands person was catching up from Snow Wind...... Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan step on the sled to slide in the snowy area winning side generally, does not make an effort. Carrying on the back of Mei Xueyan, is shouldering Dongfang Wenxin \; Jun Moxie wants to carry, slightly performs the person child filial piety \; But by Mei Xueyan strong overtaking, your son was actually filial to the utmost, can't my wife completely? 两人同声叹息,远处紫影翻飞,白衣飘动,麻衣飞扬,三大圣地的人正从风雪中赶来……君莫邪梅雪烟踩着雪橇在雪地上风一般滑行着,毫不用力。梅雪烟的背上,背负着东方问心\;君莫邪本想背,略尽人子孝道\;但却被梅雪烟强硬的抢了过去,你儿子尽孝,我这儿媳妇就不能尽吗? But Dongfang Wenxin quite enjoys their disputes actually, carves to lie in carrying on the back of wife, satisfies greatly. Heart this wife so magnanimous filial, decides however becomes the Moxie good helper...... Heard that this little brat also several female friends, this old lady go back to probably check well, with Xueyan was the measurement standard...... On the road, Jun Moxie once curiously asked one: What Misty Imaginary Palace what mystical place? How before , has never heard? Xueyan, also your Heaven Punishment that dense fog, I once had gone, what Imaginary Palace dense fog is?” 东方问心倒是颇为享受两人的争执,刻下趴在媳妇儿的背上,大是满足。心道这个媳妇儿如此的大度孝顺,定然会成为莫邪的好帮手……听说这小子还有好几个红颜知己,这一次老娘回去可要好好的把把关,就以雪烟为测量标准了……路上,君莫邪曾经好奇的问了一句:“什么飘渺幻府什么秘境?怎地以前从未听说过?雪烟,还有你们天罚那片迷雾,我曾进去过的,就是什么幻府迷雾吗?” Mei Xueyan silent for a long time, but lowers the head to hurry along, long time said: These matters, you knew does not have the least bit advantage. If necessary, I will tell you. However now, our levels are insufficient.” 梅雪烟沉默了许久,只是低头赶路,良久才道:“这些事,你知道了没有半点好处。有必要的话,我会告诉你的。但是现在,我们的层次还不够。” Jun Moxie, again had not asked. But in the heart actually raised the infinite riddle. Mei Xueyan had said innumerable: Previous generation Saint King and Beast King because of certain accidental/surprised, cannot close up. Now wants to come, thought in that Imaginary Palace dense fog...... The words that she says from today can listen, perhaps cannot close up, but after has gone, could not come out...... As for any accidental/surprised...... What mystical place is that? 君莫邪哦了一声,就没有再问。但心中却是升起了无限谜团。梅雪烟曾经无数次的说过:上一代圣王兽王因为某些意外,闭关不出。现在想来,想必就在那幻府迷雾之中了……从今天她说的话可以听出来,恐怕不是闭关不出,而是进去了之后就出不来了……至于什么意外……或者就是那什么秘境? However that substantive mist truly are fierce, thinks by own spirit that unexpectedly is the lost in fog does not think, this thinks is the Heaven and Earth marvelous sight, now actually knows that unexpectedly is the manpower formation! 不过那一片实质般的雾气确实是厉害,以自己的灵觉进去,居然也是雾茫茫毫无所觉,本以为是天地奇观,现在却才知道,那居然是人力形成! This made Jun Moxie somewhat shock! 这就让君莫邪有些震骇了! In this world, still also also many not clearly and incomprehensible matter...... Several people are leading the way, suddenly Jun Moxie well, stopped. 这世上,依然也还有许多自己所不明白和不能理解的事情啊……几人正在前行间,突然君莫邪“咦”了一声,停了下来。 In dead ahead, on a tree \; Full tree white snow, everywhere white snow \; A white clothing such as the person of snow calmly is attached to above, cold star pupil, faint looks at three people. His whole person just like melted a body with the white snow, even if carefully looked, all difficulties distinguished, this was also the Young Master Jun spirit sleep superhuman, otherwise breaking was difficult to realize. 在正前方,一棵树上\;满树白雪,漫天白雪\;一个白衣如雪的人静静地附在上面,寒星似地眸子,淡漠的看着三人。他整个人宛若与白雪融成了一体,就算是仔细看,也万难分辨出来,这也就是君大少爷灵觉超人,否则断难察觉。 Chu Qihun! 楚泣魂 He actually here is waiting! 他竟然在这里等候着! Your this little brat was intentionally was helping a moment ago really me.” Chu Qihun falls gently in the snowy area, the snow white white snow present trace, as if the entire body of Chu Qihun has not had a weight unexpectedly, but the Chu Qihun look resembles the ice corner unexpectedly is colder, looks at Jun Moxie, disperses dense cold air, these words come to express gratitude likely, but the Chu Qihun facial expression, actually completely is not that a matter, the reversed image comes to look for trouble. “你这小子刚才果然是在故意帮我。”楚泣魂飘落在雪地上,皑皑白雪竟未现一点痕迹,仿佛楚泣魂的整个身子全无一点重量,而楚泣魂的眼神竟似比冰棱还要冷,看着君莫邪,散出一股森森的寒气,这句话像是前来道谢的,但楚泣魂的神情,却完全不是那么回事,倒像是前来找麻烦的。 Pours is also far helps you intentionally, but does not hope that you die early forget it.” On the Jun Moxie foot makes an effort, being split up of under foot sled pa flew, similarly light saying. Facing Chu Qihun, if on the foot is also tying up this thing, is equal to courting death! “倒也谈不上是故意帮你,只不过不希望你死得那么早罢了。”君莫邪脚上一用力,脚下雪橇的一声四分五裂的飞了出去,同样淡淡的说道。面对楚泣魂,若是脚上还绑着这东西,等于是自己找死! Reason?” Chu Qihun stands in the snow, gives people unexpectedly a dim feeling, as if desalinated in this moment form vanished, actually transformed in the next moment reappears. This time he does not have disguise, but actually still gave people a feeling, is to look at the flower in the fog, saw that does not see clearly him to look like. “理由?”楚泣魂站在雪中,竟然给人一种朦胧的感觉,似乎在这一刻身影已经淡化消失了,却又在下一刻幻化再现了。此时的他没有易容,但却仍给人一种感觉,就是雾里看花,怎么看也看不清楚他长得什么样子。 Reason?...... Is...... In this world, can draw the attention of everyone assassin too to be really few, if Assassin Supreme dynasty fallen, how could it not be in this world wants the little interesting matters.” “理由?……或者就是……这个世界上,能够让人眼前一亮的杀手实在太少了,杀手至尊若是一朝陨落,这世上岂非要少许多有趣的事情。” Jun Moxie was still exceptionally light speech, but he spoke of Assassin Supreme these four characters time, suddenly aggravated the tone specially, saying of character character, one type the atmosphere that sank to congeal, after four characters, suddenly formation! 君莫邪仍是异常平淡的说话,但他说到‘杀手至尊’这四个字的时候,突然特意的加重了口气,一字一字的说出来,一种沉凝的气氛,就在四个字之后,突然形成! It looks like originally the clear understanding sky, the fierce Yanggao photo, does not have arrival of indication to be common in the curtain of night suddenly! 就像是本来清明的天空,烈阳高照,却在突然间夜幕毫无征兆的降临一般! He at this time, received his looking down on the world completely, although the complexion was light, but the expression was very proper, with Young Master Jun, this proper was very rare! 他此时,完全收起了自己的玩世不恭,脸色虽然平淡,但语气却很正经,与君大少爷而言,这份正经实在很罕有! But this rare propriety, looks like has air/Qi of extreme grievous evil! 而这份罕有的正经,看起来却自有一股极度的萧煞之气! Mei Xueyan suddenly thought that Jun Moxie changed, in this moment, resembled unexpectedly is becomes and Chu Qihun is the same! 梅雪烟突然觉得君莫邪变了,在这一刻,竟似是变得与楚泣魂一样了! Two people so face-to-face are confronting, no one first has acted, but actually looked like in the prairie two both by hungry flat the wicked wolf of belly, was confronting maliciously! To swallow into the abdomen opposite party one! 两个人这般面对面的对峙着,谁都没有首先动作,但却就像是大草原上两头都被饿扁了肚皮的恶狼,正在狠狠对峙!都想把对方一口吞入腹中! These two people, look like two handle sharpest sharp swords, hangs in the same room \; At midnight in long recited to the sheath, Dragon recited the tiger's roar, for only between two handle swords, whose competed for one sharpest issue! 这两个人,就像是两柄最犀利的利剑,挂在同一个房间\;午夜里离鞘长吟,龙吟虎啸,只为了两柄剑之间,争夺一个谁最锋利的问题! One is peerless Divine Weapon, resplendence \; One is rarely the world surprise-attack forces, makes a great show of one's talents! 一个是绝世利器,辉煌灿烂\;一个是罕世奇兵,锋芒毕露! Their bodies, are bringing extremely self-confidently, that is one type believes one can kill the world anybody's bloodthirsty! 两人的身上,都带着极度的自信,那是一种相信自己可以杀死天下任何人的嗜血! This reason is good.” Chu Qihun in opposite Snow Wind as if lowers the head to smile, then he gains ground suddenly, two sharp sword general visions wear out the Snow Wind dense fog, shot on the Jun Moxie face: Continuously to person who I shift blame, is you?” “这个理由不错。”对面的风雪中的楚泣魂似乎低着头笑了笑,然后他猛然抬头,两道利剑一般的眼光穿破风雪迷雾,直直地射在了君莫邪脸上:“一直给我嫁祸的人,就是你吧?” This saying to is not right, the litigant of this matter truly is I, but this is not shifts blame!” Jun Moxie smiled, is gently typical: I think but actually your excellency should thank me, because I have helped your unparalleled prestige! Immortal legend!” Saying, he gains ground suddenly, two visions, similarly are similar to the startling thunderclap lightnings, to Chu Qihun vision! “这话对也不对,这事的当事人确实是我,但这怎么也算不上嫁祸吧!”君莫邪笑了笑,轻轻地道:“我倒认为阁下应该感激我,因为我成全了你的盖世威名!不朽传奇!”说着,他豁然抬头,两道眼光,同样如同惊雷闪电,对上了楚泣魂的目光! Four vision relative, they simultaneously felt that the pupil hurts, but actually respectively does not yield mutually, tight intently watch! 四道目光相对,两人同时感到瞳仁一疼,但却各不相让,紧紧逼视! Was only a pity that you give my unparalleled prestige, actually radically is not I fights!” Chu Qihun coldly visits him: Moreover, this magnificent road is not only a blind alley, does not have the end point road of no return! If you are I, can feel grateful?” “只可惜你送给我的盖世威名,却根本就不是我自己打拼出来的!”楚泣魂冷冷看着他:“而且,这条辉煌之路非但是一条死路,还是一条没有终点的不归路!若你是我,会不会感激?” „But if yourself choose, really dares such to spell?” Jun Moxie visits him similarly desolately: You do not dare! But I dare! I not only dare, but also has done, but also has done more than one! But you actually after I have done, by photograph dog general chasing down! This is I and your difference! Therefore, I compared with you!” “但若是你自己抉择,就真敢这么拼吗?”君莫邪同样冷淡的看着他:“你不敢!但我敢!我不但敢,而且已经做了,还做了不止一遭!而你却在我做了之后,被人象狗一般的追杀!这就是我与你的不同!所以,我比你强!” Originally also is really the colleague. However, must speak of compared with me, your also insufficiently this qualifications!” The Chu Qihun eye does wink looks at the eye of Jun Moxie: Your killing intent, although is very sharp! But I, am assassin Supreme!” “原来还真是同行。不过,要说到比我强,你还不够这资格吧!”楚泣魂眼睛一眨不眨的看着君莫邪的眼睛:“你的杀气,虽然很锋锐!但我,才是杀手界的至尊!” Chu Qihun as Assassin Supreme, on the killing intent to Jun Moxie naturally is also extremely sensitive! Once the Jun Moxie original surname recovers, bears the brunt to feel, is the legendary King in this different world assassin! 楚泣魂身为杀手至尊,对君莫邪身上的这种杀气自然也是极为敏感!君莫邪的本姓一旦复苏,首当其冲感觉到的,就是这个异世界杀手中的传奇王者! Pities actually the colleague to repulse clearheadedly! 惺惺相惜却又同行相斥! Therefore, Jun Moxie these four characters has created the huge imposing manner with Assassin Supreme \; But Chu Qihun similarly counter-attacks with these four characters now! I am Supreme! 所以,君莫邪用‘杀手至尊’这四个字造成了庞然气势\;但楚泣魂现在同样用这四个字反击!我才是至尊 Assassin Supreme that in world spreads, first assassin, is my Chu Qihun, but is not others! It is not you! 世间流传的杀手至尊,第一杀手,是我楚泣魂,而不是别人!更不是你! Right? But you did not think that your so-called killing intent, was extremely really bloody!” Jun Moxie proceeding slowly has trod one step, Bang, the right foot falls to the ground. “是吗?可你不觉得你的所谓杀气,实在太过血腥了吗!”君莫邪缓缓的往前踏了一步,“砰”地一声,右脚落地。 While his right foot falls to the ground, Chu Qihun front ten several feet away as if there is induction to be ordinary, the left leg retrocedes half step, then treads, actually opened footprint originally, the body transformed a position. Turns slightly side to Jun Moxie. 在他右脚落地的同时,前方十数丈外的楚泣魂似乎生出感应一般,左脚后退半步,然后踏回来,却偏开了原本的脚印,身子转换了一个方位。变成微微侧面对着君莫邪 „Don't you dare to fight?” A Jun Moxie corners of the mouth check: Why can hide? Since said that I shift blame in you, could it be you don't want to ask me to revenge?” “你不敢战?”君莫邪嘴角一勾:“为何要躲?既然说我嫁祸于你,难道你就不想找我报仇?” I kill people, always needs Silvers! Even if the personal enemy is also no exception!” Chu Qihun indifferently said: This is the assassin criterion! Without the price, not make a move! Although you harm me to be chased down by Three Great Sacred Lands, but also has actually helped me today. Let alone, said now that really inappropriate fights with you, my today's killing intent flowed swiftly.” His vision looks to Mei Xueyan, coldly said: Two, I have the scruples greatly! But you do not have the above malpractice!” “我杀人,从来都需要银子!就算是仇人也不会例外!”楚泣魂淡淡地道:“这本是杀手的准则!没有代价,绝不出手!虽然你害我被三大圣地追杀,但却也在今天帮了我。更何况,今曰,实在不合适与你交手,一则我今天杀气已泻。”他的目光看向梅雪烟,冷冷道:“二来,我大有顾忌!而你却没有以上的弊端!” But sums up in the end, regardless of any reason, you do not dare to fight is actually the fact!” Jun Moxie callous say|way: Therefore, Supreme of assassin, should be I! But is not you!” “但归根到底,不论什么理由,你不敢战却是事实!”君莫邪冷酷的道:“所以,杀手界的至尊,应该是我!而不是你!” These words, like an incisive steel needle, jabbed into Chu Qihun at heart! 这句话,就像一根尖锐的钢针,刺进了楚泣魂心里! Chu Qihun ice-cold smiles, cold say|way: So-called in world Supreme, but is unwarranted reputation forget it! But Supreme of assassin, actually really exists! Practical nobody can surmount! The position of King, did not say with the mouth! Must use the sword, must with slaughtering!” 楚泣魂冰冷的一笑,冷峭的道:“所谓世间至尊,不过是一点虚名罢了!但杀手界的至尊,却真实存在!切切实实无人能够超越!王者之位,并不是用嘴说的!要用剑,要用杀戮!” Jun Moxie a few words, will sprout have drawn back Chu Qihun of intent to pull back directly! At this moment, his killing intent soars to the heavens once again, even, he has not concealed, had not considered that will do this will draw on the foe! 君莫邪一句话,将萌生了退意的楚泣魂直接拉了回来!这一刻,他的身上的杀气再度冲霄而起,甚至,他都没有掩饰,也没有考虑到这样做会招来仇敌! Yes, King of Assassins! 是的,杀手王者 For King name! 就只是为了王者这个称呼! Although, this is not a very honored occupation, but two people all the way have actually arrived at peak in this! 虽然,这并不是一个很光彩的职业,但两个人却都是在这一路上走到了巅峰 Now comes face to face with an adversary, in the end is divine land first assassin Evil Monarch is flamboyant, or is otherworldly Assassin Supreme even better? 如今狭路相逢,到底是神州第一杀手邪君牛逼,又或者是异世杀手至尊更胜一筹? ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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