OEM :: Volume #7

#629: Misty Imaginary Palace

But in last step that this plan completes, the opposite party of goal also in dream, but also is staying out to watch the fun! Can not die? 而在这计划完成的最后一步,目标的对方还在梦里,还在置身事外地看热闹!焉能不死? This vision assurance, the exquisiteness of this psychological warfare, this layout clever with according to the circumstance, is makes one praise to the heavens! Chu Qihun confessed that if move to locate with the opposite party, perhaps cannot achieve all these! 这份眼光的把握,这份心理战的精妙,这种布局的灵巧与随机应变,都是令人叹为观止!楚泣魂自认,若是自己与对方易地而处,恐怕自己是做不到这一切的! This simply is the peak murder method that the God of assassin can use! Murder in invisible, moreover murders with a borrowed knife in invisible! 这简直是杀手之神才能用出来的巅峰杀人手段!杀人于无形,而且是借刀杀人于无形! Chu Qihun in that moment of departure, in heart surges to fear intent suddenly: If...... Is this person the opposite party? Thinks of here, his vest one cold, accelerates to vanish in Snow Wind...... The Chu Qihun remoteness goes, is good by the body that the alone leg stands firm slowly until this moment Han face upwards to tumble, the chest back, simultaneously has blood spurt out together to project! His eye circle is opening the eyes, in the throat giggle makes noise, bang falls down, the dead fish eye looks at Jun Moxie, was still struggling asking: You...... Is who?” 楚泣魂在离去的那一刻,心中突然涌起一股惧意:若是……这人是对方的?想到这里,他背心一寒,加速消失在风雪之中……楚泣魂远扬而去,直到此刻韩善长以独腿稳住的身体才缓缓的仰天跌倒,前胸后背,同时有一道血箭射出!他的眼睛圆睁着,喉咙里咯咯作响,“砰”地一声倒在地上,死鱼般的眼睛看着君莫邪,仍然挣扎着问道:“你……是谁?” I? I am a person!” Jun Moxie as if somewhat alarmed and afraid say/way. “我?我是人哪!”君莫邪似乎有些惊惧的道。 What I asked was...... You are...... Anything...... People?” The eyeball that Han is good at more and more outward rouses, the blood of chest splattering has become has braved the blood froth slowly. “我问的是……你到底是……什么……人?”韩善长的眼珠越来越是往外鼓出,胸口喷溅的鲜血已经成了缓缓冒着血沫。 I am a man.” Jun Moxie such as is replies, is very honest , very accurate reply. “我是男人。”君莫邪如是回答道,很诚实、也很准确的回答。 You......” Han were good at result in the body to jump by this honest accurate frank talk air/Qi on the ground unexpectedly unexpectedly, then fell, motionless...... Breath. “你……”韩善长竟被这句诚实准确的大实话气得身体在地上竟然跳了一下,然后才摔了下来,一动也不动了……咽了气。 fuck...... What I said is the truth, difficult non- cost Young Master also to be a woman?” The Jun Moxie booth lets go, innocent say/way. Unexpectedly such has irritated, this popularity quantity how such narrow, ok, a cripple cannot hit, lives is also being wastes the rice......” 我靠……我说的是实话啊,难不成本少爷还能是女人啊?”君莫邪摊摊手,无辜的道。“居然就这么气死了,这人气量怎么就这么的狭窄呢,算了,连个残废人都打不过,活着也是浪费米粮……” At this moment, in the hotel the talented person awakens during the extreme shock, sends out a series of calling out in alarm, looked like in the public toilet has thrown into a hand grenade, all people were scared shitless ran away outward. Rushed in everywhere violent Snow Wind in abundance, falls the desolate to go...... Jun Moxie chuckled, said: Major drama ended, we also walk.” 这一刻,酒店中人才在极度震惊之中醒悟过来,纷纷发出一连串的惊呼,就像是公共厕所里扔进了一颗手榴弹,所有人都是屁滚尿流的往外逃去。纷纷一头闯进了门外的漫天暴风雪,落荒而去……君莫邪嘿嘿一笑,道:“大戏落幕了,我们也走吧。” wait a minute! this little brother, you destroy the shop to kill people in my shop, can such not making a sound leave? Whether should give us these two old person confession?” After the counter, that two have been at the old man in taking a nap condition to stand finally, looks at Jun Moxie. 且慢!这位小兄弟,你在我的店里毁店杀人,就要这么不声不响地走掉吗?是否该给我们这两个老人家一点交代呢?”柜台后,那两个一直处于假寐状态中的老头终于站了起来,看着君莫邪 These two old man blushing big ears, handsome \; Another actually acne rosacea, skin and bones. Stands, forms a nice contrast, very somewhat funny meaning. 这两个老者一人红脸大耳,相貌堂堂\;另一个却酒糟鼻子,瘦骨嶙峋。站在一起,相映成趣,很有些滑稽的意味。 They looked radically continually has not looked at the ground the corpse, as if already became accustomed to the smell of blood that these irritated the nose, two people completely gazed on the vision Jun Moxie, faintly the also some meanings of protection. 他们根本连看也没看地上的尸体,似乎对这些刺鼻的血腥味早已习以为常,两个人尽都将眼光注视到了君莫邪身上,隐隐地还有些防备之意。 shit! I said the old man, your what look? The disabled person who that killed people just did not fly away, at that time you did not speak, now blocks me actually? This has relations of copper coin with this Young Master, even if divulged the big day to go, did not have this truth, do you want to blackmail do not have this error law? Looked that this Young Master is good to bully? Has thought mistakenly your heart!” Jun Moxie stares, the exaggeration called out. 靠!我说老头,你到底什么眼神?那杀了人的残废不是刚刚飞走了,那时候你怎么不说话,现在倒是拦住我了?这跟本少爷有一个铜板的关系,就算说破大天去,也没这个道理,你就算想讹人也没这个讹法吗?看本少爷好欺负吗?想错了你的心!”君莫邪一瞪眼,夸张地叫道。 Concealing the truth conceals the truth does not know, honorable person front death anniversary told the lie! Little brother \; If no you, that Chu Qihun so will not be relaxed goes well!” The red painted-face old man shows a faint smile: Little brother, we stopped by calling out you to be harmless, had one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing forget it, but also wants to ask one, was your Master that? The person who can train your such youngster person with outstanding ability, wants to come present age also and few people, the old man seriously curious.” “瞒者瞒不识,真人面前忌说假话!小兄弟\;若是没有你,那楚泣魂决计不会这么轻松就得手!”红脸老者微微一笑:“小兄弟,我们叫住你并无恶意,就只是见猎心喜罢了,还想问一句,你师父是那一位?能够调教出你这样的少年英才的人,想来当世也并无几人,老夫当真好奇的很。” He smiles, actually appears is really strange, as if whole piece face was divided into two halves to be common. Carefully looked, originally this old man the position of face chest cavity midpoint deeply had been delimited a sword unexpectedly, cut two halves the whole piece face, but recuperated afterward appropriately, cicatrization words that quite, did not smile, but could also not look. But this smiles suddenly, is actually the red muscle whirls around, the terrifying that doubles is scary. 他一笑,却显得甚是怪异,似乎整张脸都分成了两半一般。仔细一看,原来这老者的脸膛正中央的位置竟被人深深地划了一剑,将整张脸都斩成了两半,只是事后调理得当,愈合的相当好,不笑的话,还真看不出来。但这突然一笑,却是红红的肌肉翻卷出来,加倍的恐怖吓人。 Who is my Master? My Master is my wife.” Jun Moxie laughed, finger/refers of Mei Xueyan. “我师父是谁?我师父就是我老婆。”君莫邪哈哈一笑,一指梅雪烟 But Mei Xueyan is standing, slowly walked, the autumn waters eye is gazing at the red painted-face old man, finally said solemnly: Originally unexpectedly is you. If you do not smile this all of a sudden, I could not have looked through you really am that. No matter what, as before is always crazy! The change of you two may not be really small, the skill advancement also fully endured astonishingly, thinks the present, Lei Baoyu and Bu Kuangfeng two people early by far are not your matches, was may celebrate seriously encouraging......” 梅雪烟正站起来,慢慢的走了过来,秋水般的眼睛注视着红脸老者,终于低沉地道:“原来竟是你们两人。你若是不笑这一下子的话,我还真看不破你们是那个。任平生,依旧狂!你们两个的变化可真是不小啊,功力进境也足堪惊人了,想必现在,雷暴雨布狂风两人早已经远远不是你们的对手了,当真是可喜可贺……” May I ask the girl is that actually knows our these two old fogies?” The red painted-face old man and distiller's grain nose old man looks one, until at this moment true startled. They since live in seclusion here, some people have never looked through two people passing status, now this kind of very young little miss lays bare with one word obviously unexpectedly, how can not have a big shock? “敢问姑娘是那一位,竟然认识我们这两个老家伙的?”红脸老者和酒糟鼻老者对望一眼,直到此刻才真正的大吃一惊。他们两人自从隐居到这里,从未有人看破过两人的过往身份,如今这样一个明显很年轻的小姑娘竟然一口道破,如何能不大惊失色? Who you do not need to manage me are \; But today's matter, is not you can control.” Mei Xueyan light say/way: Believes that the Three Great Sacred Lands person must come quickly, your present strengths no doubt greatly have the advancement, cultivation base reach the profound boundary, if not want to annoy troublesome, stays out, believes you, since the choice retires in this, is holding the multi- incident, is inferior to the thoughts of few incident!” “你们也不必管我是谁\;但今天的事,可不是你们能管得了的。”梅雪烟淡淡的道:“相信三大圣地的人很快就要过来了,你们如今实力固然大有进境,修为更臻高深之境,不过若是不想惹麻烦的话,还是置身事外吧,相信你们既然选择退隐于此,也是抱着多一事,不如少一事的念头吧!” Originally these two are actually on generation of Supreme expert, with another two people who past years earthshaking double swordsman and Rainstorm Violent Wind double Supreme Lei Baoyu and Bu Kuangfeng shared the honor: Cuts the broken wind and cloud to cut the broken day, appointed I appointed always I am crazy! 原来这两人却是上一辈的至尊强者,与当年‘惊天动地双剑客暴雨狂风至尊雷暴雨布狂风齐名的另外两个人:斩破风云斩破天,任我平生任我狂! The red painted-face old man is appointed always, the distiller's grain nose old man is as before crazy! 红脸老者就是任平生,酒糟鼻老者则是依旧狂! Crazy eyes flashed, chuckled said as before: Small old here many thanks the care of girl, we, although is not necessarily able to stir up Three Great Sacred Lands \; But if Three Great Sacred Lands wants us seriously, only feared that also needs to consider the consideration.” In the tone the arrogance is unexpectedly threatening, obviously is sporty! 依旧狂目光一闪,嘿嘿笑道:“小老儿在这里多谢姑娘的关心了,我们虽然未必能惹得起三大圣地\;但三大圣地若是当真想要动我们,只怕还需要多思量思量吧。”口气中竟然傲气逼人,显然底气十足! Mei Xueyan is just about to walk outward, hearing this suddenly has actually turned around, the autumn waters vision visits two people, suddenly rare has shown a smiling face: Unexpectedly so secure, could it be are you now the Misty Imaginary Palace people? Nearby could it be this place, is the Misty Imaginary Palace entrance? Was, no wonder your skill advancement unexpectedly can be so rapid, no wonder the you two person will choose in this remote place opens the tavern, I also think that you calmly extremely thought that so that's how it is!” 梅雪烟正要往外走,闻言却突然转过身,秋水般的目光看着两人,突然罕见的露出了一个笑容:“竟然如此的有恃无恐,难道你们现在已经是飘渺幻府的人?难道此地附近,就是飘渺幻府的入口?是了是了,难怪你们功力进境竟能如此迅,难怪你们两个人会选择在这前不着村后不着店的地方开酒馆,我还以为你们静极思动了呢,原来如此!” Who may I ask your excellency is?!” No matter what always and crazy sudden complexion big change, a floating body blocks as in front of Mei Xueyan, is critical situation, simultaneously clothes roused slowly. If evidently, reply of Mei Xueyan, if cannot make them satisfy, they do not hesitate to hit make a move greatly! “敢问阁下到底是谁?!”任平生和依旧狂突然脸色大变,一飘身拦在梅雪烟面前,如临大敌,同时身上衣服慢慢鼓了起来。看样子,若是梅雪烟的回答若是不能让他们满意的话,他们不惜大打出手 I am same as you.” Mei Xueyan silent a meeting, said gently: I am the Heavenly Punishment Cave person. If you go back, please pass on to a few words for me.” “我跟你们一样。”梅雪烟沉默了一会,轻轻道:“我是天罚洞的人。你们若是回去的话,请代我转告一句话。” Originally is Heavenly Punishment lineage/vein......”, appointed always and breathed a sigh of relief as before crazily, looks one, sees the nuisance of opposite party in the eyes, said: What words? The girls please say.” “原来是天罚一脉……”任平生和依旧狂舒了一口气,对望一眼,均看到对方眼中的懊恼,道:“什么话?姑娘请讲。” In these years, our paid too many are too many. The guarding mystical place involved we too many energy \; But you always do not have the news, the arrange/cloth gets down the Imaginary Palace dense fog that together has been able to enter cannot leave, to us, loses is too big, was already unable to make ends meet. At the present Three Great Sacred Lands is aggressive, has the destruction my Heavenly Punishment Beast King not to receive the meaning of hand greatly, if your Misty Imaginary Palace also wants to continue maintains this balanced, first, warned that Three Great Sacred Lands restrains some, otherwise, our Heavenly Punishment does not mind to make war! Second, withdraws the Imaginary Palace dense fog \; Let our Heavenly Punishment resume the Saint King inheritance!” “这些年里,我们已经付出的太多太多。看守秘境牵扯了我们太多的精力\;而你们始终毫无消息,更布下了那么一道能进不能出的幻府迷雾,对我们来说,损失实在太大,早已入不敷出。而今三大圣地更是咄咄逼人,大有不覆灭我天罚兽王绝不收手的意思,若是你们飘渺幻府还想继续保持这个平衡的话,第一,告诫三大圣地收敛一些,要不然,我们天罚绝不介意开战!第二,撤去幻府迷雾\;让我们天罚恢复圣王传承!” Mei Xueyan gently said: I searched your Misty Imaginary Palace to be very long! could it be, you to Nine Nether Secret Place...... Really has shown absolutely no concern?” Mei Xueyan said these words time, Jun Moxie actually listened to heartfelt bitter. 梅雪烟轻轻地道:“我寻觅你们飘渺幻府已经很久了!难道,你们对九幽秘境……就真的已经毫不关心了吗?”梅雪烟说这句话的时候,君莫邪竟然听出了由衷的辛酸。 No matter what always and looks one as before crazily, looks the embarrassment, said: Girl, you said from has your truth, but this was actually not we can handle the main matter.” 任平生和依旧狂对望一眼,面露难色,道:“姑娘,你说的自是有你的道理,可是这个却不是我们可以做得了主的事情。” I naturally know that you cannot take responsibility. Therefore said a moment ago asked you to pass on \; If after Heaven Seizing War, you have still not reacted, our Heavenly Punishment, will not leave any strength for the mystical place again!” “我自然知道你们做不了主。所以刚才才说请你们转告一下\;若是夺天之战之后,你们依然没有作出反应的话,我们天罚,将不会再为秘境出任何一点力量!” Say/Way that Mei Xueyan coldly, renounces: Heaven Seizing War, our Heavenly Punishment lineage/vein have made ten thousand years of effort, now actually ends up to turn out the dreary fate that Three Great Sacred Lands chases down! Nine Nether Secret Place, from the ancient guards now, you similarly is only when the extreme will be important will send for going! Arrived afterward is the arrange/cloth had gotten down trap Imaginary Palace dense fog!” 梅雪烟冷冷地、决绝的道:“夺天之战,我们天罚一脉付出了万年努力,如今却落得三大圣地追杀的惨淡下场!九幽秘境,更是从古看守到今,你们同样只是在极端要紧的时候才会派人前去!到了后来更是布下了一个陷阱似地幻府迷雾!” In the Mei Xueyan ice-cold pupil a piece renounces: Since your simply does not care about this mainland, could it be our these Profound Beast will care compared with you? The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, in the future no matter the alien race person has seized the mainland or Nine Nether Secret Place flushed, our Heavenly Punishment Forest, is still Heavenly Punishment Forest! simply will not have any change! Passing on that these words, please be left intact! All has been said!” 梅雪烟冰冷的眸子中一片决绝:“既然你们根本就不在乎这片大陆,难道我们这些玄兽会比你们更在乎吗?说句不好听的,未来不管是异族人占领了大陆还是九幽秘境冲了出来,我们天罚森林,依然是天罚森林根本就不会有任何的改变!这一段话,请你原封不动的转告!言尽于此!” We walk!” Mei Xueyan said to Jun Moxie in a soft voice, has held up the hand of Dongfang Wenxin. “我们走!”梅雪烟君莫邪轻声道,拉起了东方问心的手。 No matter what always and crazy facial color greatly is as before awkward, made way the path. 任平生和依旧狂面色大是尴尬,让开了道路。 Gets to the entrance, Mei Xueyan looks up everywhere Snow Wind, suddenly anchors the footsteps, long asking: Yun Biechen now also in Misty Imaginary Palace?” 走到门口,梅雪烟抬头看着漫天风雪,突然停住脚步,悠悠的问道:“云别尘现在也在飘渺幻府吧?” This actually truly not in!” Is as before crazy is startled, said: Received and instructed the envoy to receive and instruct Yun Biechen, but Yun Biechen rejected.” “这个倒是确实不在!”依旧狂一怔,道:“接引使者曾经接引过云别尘,但云别尘拒绝了。” Mei Xueyan light oh'ed, then suddenly, three people vanish from the entrance do not see. 梅雪烟淡淡的哦了一声,接下来忽的一声,三人从门口消失不见。 Looks that three people depart, appointed suddenly pa has always patted one on own mouth, annoying say/way: I may really violate inexpensively! Asked them to leave a moment ago directly well, must this damn curiosity, must ask that person School Master received the origin...... Then booing, does Heavenly Punishment Cave to come......” 愣愣地看着三人离去,任平生突然的一声在自己嘴上拍了一记,懊恼的道:“我可真是犯贱啊!刚才让他们直接走了多好,非得起了这个该死的好奇心,偏偏要问人家师承来历……这下倒好,生生搞出个天罚洞来……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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