OEM :: Volume #7

#628: make a move must kill certainly

Under the table, the blood light scatters instantaneously, altogether was five legs simultaneously left the person, only then that stood to reprimand the Jun Moxie purple robe person to be slightly quicker according to the circumstances, flashed hurriedly, was only cut a leg! 桌子底下,血光瞬间四溅,共是五条腿同时离开了人身,只有那个站起来斥责君莫邪的紫袍人见机得稍快一些,急忙一闪,只被斩了一条腿! Smell of blood thick dispersing! 血腥味浓浓的散开! Too sudden! Too astonishing! 太突然了!太惊人了! Does not know Chu Qihun said because of waste one knows world path Nanhang to know fully finally, but these three Supreme above expert, definitely knew! Intimate understanding! 不知道楚泣魂说的因废一足终知世路难行自己知不知道,但这三位至尊以上的强者,肯定是知道了!切身体会! Such accident/surprise is startled changes, makes anybody unexpected! Perhaps the precise cooperation of two King of Assassins, are the character of Venerable level also wants the move! 这样的意外惊变,却是让任何人都是猝不及防的!两位杀手之王的精密合作,恐怕就算是尊者级的人物也要中招! Another two purple robe person still Zhengan on table steadily sit there, even is carrying the liquor bowl to deliver toward the mouth, the eye interested looks here, is similar to is seeing a play general. Wrangling over between this grade of unimportant people, is really being disinclined manages one. 桌上的另外两个紫袍人兀自正安稳地坐在那里,甚至正端着酒碗往嘴里送,眼睛饶有兴趣的看着这边,如同在看戏一般。这等小人物之间的争竞,实在是懒得管一管。 Which knows suddenly, startled day accident suddenly arrived at own body! 哪知道突然间,惊天变故就突如其来降临到了自己的身上! Moreover is the so brutal accident! Instantaneous disability! At this moment, two people even feel below knee cool, carefree that also that type warm-blooded spews out! Unexpectedly has not felt the ache with enough time! 而且是这般残酷的变故!瞬间残疾!这一刻,两人甚至感觉到膝盖以下凉飕飕的,还有那种热血喷涌而出的畅快!居然没有来得及感受到疼痛! Falling that but Chu Qihun sword light blotted out the sky! 楚泣魂剑光已经铺天盖地的落下! On the table Sword Qi soars to the heavens, sword light is dim, such as dream such as imaginary, under the table actually performs the blood to spray \; Piece of Blood Sea! This moment picture, has happen to complied with the birthlands of these three purple robe people: Dream Blood Sea! 桌上剑气冲霄,剑光朦胧,如梦如幻,桌下却尽鲜血喷洒\;一片血海!这一刻的景象,正好是应了这三个紫袍人的出发地:梦幻血海 Moreover is worthy of the reputation Dream Blood Sea! 而且是名副其实的梦幻血海 Along with two pitiful calling out, two were cut the Superior Supreme expert facial features distortion of leg, two pat the chair under body maliciously, the half body flies high to fly in severe Howl, welcomed Chu Qihun outrageously such as the dream such as imaginary radiant sword light! 随着两声凄惨的嚎叫,两位被斩了腿的至尊之上高手面容扭曲,两手狠狠一拍身下的座椅,半截身子在厉啸中凌空飞起,悍然迎上楚泣魂如梦如幻的璀璨剑光 Final strength, flees strikes! 最后的力量,亡命一击! In their chest, the forehead, on the face, slides the smooth blood to spurt everywhere violently, under the Chu Qihun sudden assassination, they are two legs is cut first, latter is in the body the sword, at this moment became the bloody blood person! At this moment to seek revenge, but circulate cultivation, broke leg place two such as the blood column common blood to spurt forcefully. 在他们的胸口,额头,脸上,到处都是一溜溜的鲜血激喷,在楚泣魂突如其来的刺杀之下,两人先是两腿被斩,后是身上中剑,此刻已经成为血淋淋的血人!此刻为求复仇而强行运功,断腿处更有两条如血柱一般的鲜血喷了出来。 In Jun Moxie in the eyes, is the body ties the arms Astro Boy who the chicken blood is flying simply! 君莫邪眼中,简直就是身上绑着鸡血飞起来的铁臂阿童木! Once was warm auspicious small tavern, in a twinkling changed has made Asura hell! 原本曾经温暖祥和的小酒馆,霎时间变作了修罗地狱! The massive blood spurted on the cooked food of various tables without consulting anybody, in liquor bowl \; Everyone greatly is opening the eye, shocks cannot move, direct petrification! 大量鲜血更是径自都喷到了各桌的菜肴上,酒碗里\;每个人都是大张着眼睛,震惊得不能动弹,一个个直接石化! But Superior Supreme expert that just stood actually shook shaking, the complexion turned into dying embers instantaneously, sad and shrill was roaring, in the hand were many slid the eye-catching cold light, Chu Qihun in burr midair! 而那个刚站起来的至尊之上高手却是晃了晃,脸色瞬间变成一片死灰,凄厉的怒吼着,手中已经多了一溜夺目的寒光,飞刺半空中的楚泣魂 Chu Qihun did not say a word, was in the midair, the Autumn Water Shadowless Sword strange appearance, at once strangely vanishes, but his body, as if in sword light partly visible! Occasionally a personal appearance show, in the midair then presented innumerable Chu Qihun afterimage! 楚泣魂一言不发,身在半空,秋水无影剑诡异的出现,旋即又诡异地消失,而他的身子,也似乎就在剑光之中若隐若现!偶尔身形一展,半空中便出现了无数楚泣魂残影 Jun Moxie understands finally why make a move took the rap by this fellow each time...... Because only both's make a move sign was really too similar! 君莫邪终于明白,为何自己每次出手都被这家伙背黑锅了……只因为两者的出手迹象实在是太相似了! The Chu Qihun forms of combat, displayed the assassination that Yin-Yang Escape mysteriously appeared and disappeared with oneself are really too same! 楚泣魂的战斗方式,跟自己施展阴阳遁神出鬼没的刺杀实在是太一样了! Suddenly in left, suddenly in right \; Gazing before, attending to after...... This his being unjustly discredited back not injust. 忽而在左,忽而在右\;瞻之在前,顾之在后……这丫黑锅背得不冤啊。 Jun Moxie interested watches the major drama. 君莫邪饶有兴趣的看着大戏。 Puff two, the airborne two purple robe people are similar to the kite with broken string crash generally, on throat, a dazzling blood hole! Body of Chu Qihun, there are several blood whirlwind to leave \; But he is without turning a hair, the long sword brings radiance of glistening to depart from Misty, pa, punctures the long sword junction that comes to strike one time with below illness, falls slowly, is falling on the tabletop, holds a sword to stand \; The Autumn Water Shadowless Sword slanting sagging, drips blood one that the bead brushes to drop in his hands in a liquor bowl, aroused the intermittent ripples...... Assassin Supreme? Chu Qihun?! Good method, good scheme!” That Superior Supreme expert only remaining legs that only remains, reluctantly stand firm by turning a somersault of long sword the strength of counter-attack shakes after all, clench teeth, hated to turn the heart almost to want insanely the general tone with one type, just like must eat the person to look at Chu Qihun generally, asking of character character from gap between teeth. 噗噗两声,空中的两位紫袍人如同断线风筝一般坠落,咽喉上,一个刺眼的血洞!楚泣魂的身上,也有几处鲜血飚出\;但他面不改色,长剑从飘渺中带着闪亮的光华飞出,的一声,与下方疾刺而来的长剑交击一次,徐徐落下,正落在桌面上,仗剑而立\;秋水无影剑在他手中斜斜下垂,一溜血珠刷的一声滴落在一个酒碗中,激起了阵阵涟漪……“杀手至尊楚泣魂?!好手段,好心计!”仅剩的那位至尊之上高手毕竟只剩下一条腿,被长剑的反击之力震的翻了个跟头才勉强站定,咬着牙,用一种恨翻了心似地几乎要疯了一般的口气,宛若要吃人一般看着楚泣魂,从牙缝里一字一字的问道。 His leg was cut to fall from the position of knee, even/including Yipao was also pared one section, the blood still in tick-tock \; But he has stopped the massive blood with secret technique forcefully. At this time, with a leg golden rooster read the strength is only standing, hatred looks at Chu Qihun. 他的一条腿从膝盖的位置被斩落,连衣袍也被削去了一截,鲜血仍在滴答着\;但他已经用秘法强行止住了大量的鲜血。此时,只用一条腿金鸡读力的站着,仇恨的看着楚泣魂 Received such heavy wound, he can also be without turning a hair unexpectedly! 受了这么重的伤,他居然还能面不改色! It is! your excellency also abandons a foot now, can know world path Nanhang otherwise?” The Chu Qihun sound also changed, becomes the gloomy place, is similar to Cold Wind caresses the face general, is bringing very severe killing intent \; His two eyes sweep beforehand turbid, becomes sharp like the blade, deeply looks at present this being a rear survival Superior Supreme: Three Great Sacred Lands, mediocre! Han is good, dares to chase down my Chu, your Three Great Sacred Lands must pay the price! You, died!” 正是!如今阁下亦废一足,可知世路难行否?”楚泣魂的声音也改变了,变得阴沉沉地,如同阴风扑面一般,带着酷厉的杀气\;他的两只眼睛一扫之前的浑浊,变得锐利如刀,深深地看着眼前这位硕果仅存的至尊之上:“三大圣地,不过如此!韩善长,胆敢追杀我楚某,你们三大圣地也要付出代价!你,死定了!” Death? Haha, shortsighted person, what big of knowledge Milky Way? Your present trail has revealed that when does not have the concealment again, who will be the winner, but also cannot know! Chu Qihun, you are generation of one parochial arrogance, but too looked at yourself high! Now makes you experience to anything is the true expert method! If only depends on the shadow technique under of clever legendary creature murder to reach the expert summit, what that also does want the broad healthy tendency to make? Dishonest ways, heart demon multifarious, do you arrive? Person who dying can only be you!” Han is good at to laugh, in the eyes Divine Light suddenly/violently to dodge. “死?哈哈,井底之蛙,何知天河之大?你如今踪迹已露,再无隐匿之余地,鹿死谁手,还未可知!楚泣魂,你不过是一夜郎自大之辈,可是太高看你自己了!如今就让你见识到什么是真正的强者手段!若是只凭阴影之下的鬼蜮杀人之术能够登上强者颠峰,那还要恢弘正气做什么?歪门邪道,心魔万端,你抵得过嘛?死的人只会是你!”韩善长大笑一声,眼中神光暴闪。 Walks murder under the shadow technique, although is not necessarily able to hike the expert summit, but can actually massacre your this type to be known as that has person who in the broad healthy tendency mouth actually can only line of gab!” Chu Qihun look like blade: Han is good, your leg had been interrupted by me, the blood and lineage/vein had the opening, did not have from the energy of exploding again! I respect you am Superior Supreme, is prominent! You...... Mediates. Present you, are not my match!” “行走于阴影之下的杀人之术虽未必能登强者颠峰,但却能杀掉你这种号称身怀恢弘正气口中却只会夸夸其谈的人!”楚泣魂眼神如刀:“韩善长,你腿已经被我截断,血与脉均已有裂口,已经再无自爆之能!我尊重你是至尊之上,也算显赫!你……自我了断吧。现在的你,绝不是我的对手!” Hehe, the old man brothers three people of same lives, they already under walked Nine Springs, the old man have not planned to continue to go on living. However, before dying, I must ravel a matter!” He turns the head suddenly, looks at Jun Moxie maliciously: Who are you? Why can coordinate Chu Qihun and Three Great Sacred Lands for the enemy? You know that what price you are going to pay?” “呵呵,老夫兄弟三人同命,他们两人既已下走九泉,老夫也就没打算继续活下去。不过,在死之前,我还要弄明白一件事!”他突然转过头来,狠狠看着君莫邪:“你到底是谁?为何要配合楚泣魂三大圣地为敌?你知道你将要付出什么样的代价吗?” Who am I?” Jun Moxie shocking looks at everywhere the blood, suddenly is panic-stricken bellows: Murder...... Murder...... Help...... Quite fearful...... The offical mission attendant there, looks for offical mission attendant quickly...... This disabled person has killed people......” “我是谁?”君莫邪震惊的看着满地鲜血,突然惊慌失措的大吼起来:“杀人啦……杀人啦啊……救命啊……好可怕哇……官差在那里,快找官差……这个残废杀人了……” Who no matter you are! Regardless of also you have a mind or have no intention seriously, you and your family, died! Made the person of erroneous move to pay the price throughout!” Han is good by this inserting funny dialog air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble, stared Young Master Jun Moxie one wickedly, then he turns round suddenly, long sword one horizontal, facing Chu Qihun, loudly the long and loud cry suddenly, roared loudly: Chu Qihun, the bothersome work you accompany me to walk this regulation!” “不管你是谁!也无论你是有心又或者当真无意,你和你的家族,都死定了!做出了错误举动的人始终要付出代价!”韩善长被这通插科打诨气得浑身发抖,恶狠狠地瞪了君莫邪君大少爷一眼,然后他豁然回身,长剑一横,面对楚泣魂,突然纵声长啸,大声咆哮道:“楚泣魂,就烦劳你陪我走这一程吧!” Front biggest enemy, throughout Chu Qihun, as for this youngster, even if he seriously is the Assassin Supreme subordinate...... Actually was still the ants is only ants! So long as can return alive finally, he is ascends the sky into, cannot escape absolutely! 面前的最大敌人,始终还是楚泣魂,至于这个少年,就算他当真是杀手至尊的部属……却仍是蝼蚁就只是蝼蚁而已!只要自己最终能够生还,那他就是上天入地,也是绝对逃不脱! Han was good in this sudden long and loud cry bellowing sound to instill into Profound Force cultivation base of his most summit level, power and influence strange big, bang has shocked big hole this small tavern unexpectedly billowingly, the voice, the hills ten thousand gullies simultaneously started to reverberate, the snowflake that everywhere danced in the breeze was stirred unexpectedly instead up, a piece in big hole that can break from that has not fallen...... Chu Qihun vision one cold, Autumn Water Shadowless Sword stroke together color visionally, coldly said: „The Three Great Sacred Lands person, is really uncommon, still fervently expressed views there a moment ago, now actually requests to rescue...... Haha, Superior Supreme expert, will request also reinforcements, but also felt all right to say anything to live and die together, making one mock! Is makes my this demon outlet vision open seriously greatly! You think that this can run away birth day?” 韩善长这声突如其来的长啸大吼声音中灌输了他最颠峰层次的玄力修为,威势奇大,“轰”地一声竟然将这小酒馆震破了一个大洞,声浪滚滚而出,群山万壑同时开始回响,漫天飘舞的雪花竟然被反激而起,没有一片能够从那破开的大洞之中落下来……楚泣魂眼光一寒,秋水无影剑划出一道梦幻般的色彩,冷冷道:“三大圣地的人,果然不凡,刚才还在那里慷慨陈词,现在却要求救了……哈哈,至尊之上高手,原来也是会求援的,还好意思说什么同生共死,令人齿冷!当真是让我这邪魔外道眼界大开!你以为这样可以逃出生天吗?” The voice has not fallen, the body of Chu Qihun makes the potential to clash fiercely, as if on strategic place. 话音未落,楚泣魂的身子猛地做势一冲,似乎就要冲了过来。 Han is good at to give a loud shout, the long sword punctures \; But his long sword just punctured, actually impressively discovered that the body of Chu Qihun front by one toward is not returning to the imposing manner of to/clashes to dissipate on that out of thin air suddenly...... Is proceeding to the form exceptionally dissipated towering! 韩善长大喝一声,长剑刺出\;但他长剑刚刚刺出,却赫然发现面前正以一往无回的气势冲过来的楚泣魂的身体突然就那么凭空消散了……正往前冲着的身影异常突兀地消散了! Meanwhile behind actually as sharp raids the body to come as the extreme sword wind, Han is good at is also present age top expert, suddenly being near mutation, although startled is not chaotic, rave, welcomed the sword wind to back up once again rapidly, did not dodge does not evade, in the vest has fulled floaded operation purest Profound Force, simultaneously both hands cutback! 与此同时身后却有一股锐利到极点的剑风袭体而来,韩善长亦是当世顶尖强者,骤临异变,虽惊不乱,再度狂吼一声,迎着剑风急速倒退,不闪不避,背心中灌满了最精纯的玄力,同时双手倒拍而出! Going all out fighting method that this is perishing together! 这正是同归于尽的拼命打法! pēng! 砰! The body lift-off of Chu Qihun flies, puts out a vermilion in the midair, this is actually in this sniping action, only one by one heavy losses that Chu Qihun withstands, he takes advantage of somebody's authority, the vigorous complete personal appearance has put from the roof snow hole, is curling together dim sword light visionally, dodges not to have in the whirling snow. 楚泣魂的身子离地飞起,在半空中吐出一口朱红,这却是这场狙击战中,楚泣魂所承受的唯一一次重创,他借势而起,矫健完好的身形从房顶雪洞之中穿了出去,卷着一道梦幻般的朦胧剑光,在漫天大雪中一闪而没。 Strikes to be killed violently, immediately retires after meritorious service, remoteness thousand li (500 km)! 一击毙命,立即功成身退,远扬千里! One generation of King of Assassins style! 正是一代杀手之王的风范! The Jun Moxie clear feeling, Chu Qihun is running out of snow hole that moment, the sharp eye deeply looked at oneself one. 君莫邪清楚的感觉到,楚泣魂在冲出雪洞的那一刻,锐利的眼睛深深地看了自己一眼。 That simple contained many profound meanings unexpectedly, there are little gratitude, some little resenting, also little suspicions, as well as exclamation slightly! 那简单的一眼竟是包含了许多深刻的含义,有几许的感激,有几许愤恨,还有几许疑窦,以及些微的惊叹! Chu Qihun is exceptionally clear, in the brazier of that foot fuel stirs up, has blocked the disadvantageous position, that pushes, was makes itself be close to the goal \; Then backhands an slap and slap in the face, actually gave itself to avoid to retrocede reasonably that step \; Finally that foot, all has actually played this first three movement all roles! 楚泣魂异常明白,那一脚的火盆中柴火的激出,阻断了自己不利的方位,那一推,更是让自己接近了目标\;然后反手一耳光,却又给了自己最合理的躲避后退那一步\;最后那一脚,却将这前三个动作所有的作用尽数发挥了出来! One makes the opposite party have a low opinion of the enemy, two make the opposite party look down upon \; So long as there are these two points, facing top assassin, a life went to 90%! 一来让对方轻敌,二来让对方小视\;只要有了这两点,面对一个顶尖杀手,一条命已经去了九成! But finally that foot changed has made all matters accident/surprise! 但最后那一脚更是将所有事情都变作了意外 Therefore Chu Qihun can strike to go well, quickly cuts to kill three Superior Supreme in potential at one fell swoop! 所以楚泣魂才能一击得手,于迅雷不及掩耳之势一举斩杀三位至尊之上 The simple four movements, are coordinating in the mouth the rogue action just right, constitutes the trap that has killed certainly flawlessly, fortifies at every step! Gradually advances! 简简单单的四个动作,配合着口中恰到好处的流氓举动,却天衣无缝的构成了一个绝杀的陷阱,步步为营!逐渐推进! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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