OEM :: Volume #7

#627: Coordination of two King of Assassins

Dream Blood Sea that three people also relying on the expert intuition, perceived similarly this cripple is some does not suit, but one interrogates, is actually not obtained, although they are present age peak expert, actually throughout was short of Jun Moxie that superhuman spirit sleep, is far from the Mei Xueyan level being high, slowly relaxed vigilantly. 梦幻血海那三个人同样也是凭着高手的直觉,觉察到了这瘸子似是有些不对劲,但一番盘问下来,却是毫无所得,他们虽是当世顶峰强者,却始终欠缺了君莫邪那种超人灵觉,更远远没有梅雪烟的层次高,也就慢慢的放松了警惕。 Strength in the end of that two boss how? Can't I unexpectedly see? Difficult to be inadequate unexpectedly above me!” Mei Xueyan passes message to Jun Moxie. “那两个老板的实力到底如何?我怎地竟看不出?难不成竟更在我之上!”梅雪烟传音给君莫邪 Jun Moxie touches the head, said: This they, although, was actually insufficient to be so high, should still be inferior to you \; But actually absolutely compared with me for high \; Reason that you are unable to understand clearly their strengths , because of their another unusual techniques, can conceal own aura perfectly, has not appeared externally slightly. However these two people, actually obviously are not the Three Great Sacred Lands people, if here had the accident matter, believes the biggest variable, should on these two old men.” 君莫邪摸摸脑袋,道:“这俩人虽然了得,却也还不至于那么高,应该尚不及你\;但却绝对要比我为高\;你之所以无从洞悉他们的实力,乃是因为他们另有一种奇特的技法,可以非常完美地掩饰自身的气息,丝毫也不曾外露。不过这两个人,却又明显不是三大圣地的人,若是这里发生了变故事情,相信最大的变数,就应在这两个老头身上。” Jun Moxie actually does not know that they in the discussion, that two old men a quietly code are also sending greetings in ignorant: What background are inside that teenage boys and girls? The casual person is also much more dangerous.” 君莫邪却不知道,他们在谈论的时候,那两个老头也在蒙着头悄悄地密语传音:“里面那少男少女是什么来头?随便一人也是危险得紧啊。” Another humanity: Good, if here what happened, believes that these two young people are the biggest variables. But...... Where does in the end come out two such outstanding young people? This baffles my old person!” 另一人道:“不错,若是这里发生了什么事情,相信这两个年轻人将会是最大变数。但……到底是什么地方出来两个这么优秀的年轻人呢?这可是难倒我老人家了!” „The person in Blood Sea aspect as if had not realized...... That cripple, is not very simple.” 血海方面的人似乎还没有察觉……那个瘸子,很不简单啊。” Does not need to take care these matters, so long as they do not provoke us, is casual they to hit earth-shaking, closes our anything matter, other people's business not manages......” “不必管这些事情,只要他们不来招惹我们,随便他们打个天翻地覆,关我们什么事,闲事莫理……” Two old men continue to lie on counter take a nap...... „the person in Dream Blood Sea aspect to appear here, if that cripple seriously is Chu Qihun, to arrive how here? Doesn't this deliver the extreme danger? Must know that is three Superior Supreme expert! Although the Chu Qihun strength is also wise, but by an enemy three, is actually the non- wisdom!” Mei Xueyan frowns. 两个老头继续趴在柜台上假寐……“梦幻血海方面的人出现在这里,若那个瘸子当真是楚泣魂的话,怎么会也到了这里来?这不是送羊入虎口吗?要知道,那可是三个至尊之上高手楚泣魂的实力虽也高明,但以一敌三,却是不智!”梅雪烟皱着眉头。 Had not supposed...... But definitely is! This cripple Chu Qihun, I wholely eat this tray. That type belongs to the bloodthirsty in bone, although you do not have to look up, but I can actually feel clearly!” “没有假设……而是肯定就是!这瘸子要不是楚泣魂,我就把这盘子囫囵吃下去。那种属于骨子里的嗜血,你们虽然毫无所查,但我却是能清晰地感觉到!” Great Assassin Jun is gloomy and cold smiled greatly, say|way slowly: He can appear here, my not in the least accidental/surprised, even...... He comes for these three Dream Blood Sea people radically! It seems like that this King of Assassins, finally chased down flying into a rage! This time, just do it started the pure retaliatory action!” 君大杀手大是阴冷地笑了笑,慢慢的道:“他能出现在这里,我毫不意外,甚至……他根本就是为了这三个梦幻血海的人来的!看来,这位杀手之王,终于被追杀的急眼了!这一次,就是要展开单纯的报复行动了!” Good good, truly should be this appearance.” Nod of Mei Xueyan approval: But, I have not wanted to come out, how does he want to use a person of strength to turn these three Superior Supreme dry? By the Chu Qihun strength, turned one competently has been quite lucky......” “不错不错,确实应该是这个样子的。”梅雪烟赞同的点点头:“不过,我还真没想出来,他要如何用一人之力干翻这三个至尊之上?以楚泣魂的实力,能干翻一个已属相当的侥幸了……” Those words, in world matter, only then cannot think that actually does not exist unable to achieve! The true wise assassin method, is your this people will never understand.” “还是那句话,世间事只有想不到的,却不存在做不到的!真正高明杀手的手段,是你们这种人永远都不会了解的。” Jun Moxie confident smiling of: Chu Qihun, since dares to come, then, these three people must die without doubt! I want to take a look...... Three Great Sacred Lands has lininged the unescapable net in this, after his make a move has killed these three people, how can actually avoid others' line of sight to run away? Must know that Chu Qihun kills these three people, when goes well must pay the suitable price!” 君莫邪信心满满的笑了笑:“楚泣魂既然敢来,那么,这三个人就必死无疑!我只是想看看……三大圣地已经在这里布下了天罗地网,在他出手杀了这三个人之后,却又如何能避开别人的视线逃走?要知道,楚泣魂杀这三个人,得手之余仍是要付出相当代价的!” This Assassin Supreme, is really...... Suffices the courage. Unexpectedly dares to jump.” Mei Xueyan smiles. “不过这位杀手至尊,实在是……够有胆子。居然真的敢跳出来。”梅雪烟嫣然一笑。 Snort, even if were the rabbit anxious has also bitten...... Chu Qihun was chased down with no reason at all, can the heart not be angry? By arrogance of one generation of Assassin Supreme, was actually compelled to be similar to the stray cur is ordinary, this tone...... Really also suppressed suppresses!” Say|Way of Jun Moxie sympathy. “哼,就算是兔子急了还咬人呢……楚泣魂无缘无故地遭人追杀,心头焉能不愤慨?以一代杀手至尊的高傲,却被人逼得如同丧家之犬一般,他这口气……实在也憋得狠了!”君莫邪同情的道。 Your this chief criminal! Unexpectedly also here shedding crocodile tears false mercy, if Chu Qihun has to assassinate the Supreme above expert strength seriously, but afterward knew frames his person truly is that you think that he will let off you? Even if you have the confidence to deal with, other people what to do?” Mei Xueyan disdains looked at his one eyes. “你这个罪魁祸首!居然还在这里猫哭耗子假慈悲,若楚泣魂当真有刺杀至尊以上强者的实力,而事后又知道了真正陷害他的人是那个,你以为他会放过你吗?就算你有信心可以应付,其他人怎么办?”梅雪烟不屑的看了他一眼。 To avoid this matter appearance, I definitely will not place oneself outside the humans affair...... Why you use that look to visit me, I had not said that I must be what kind to Chu Qihun, did not say other, such assassin, if died seriously had really been a pity that in world has been short of many wonderful matters inevitably. I meant that I will help his helping hand, gives him a compensation. Make this fellow as soon as possible has processed considering as finished these three Dream Blood Sea people, at least can be short by a point is injured. I look at Blood Sea that purple robe, thought that is an eyesore very much.” “为了避免这种事情出现,我肯定是不会置身世事外的……你干吗用那种眼神看我,我也没说我要对楚泣魂怎么样啊,不说别的,如此的杀手,若是当真死了实在可惜,世间必然少了许多妙事。我的意思是说我会助他一臂之力,算是给他一点补偿。让这家伙尽早的将这三个梦幻血海的人处理了算了,至少可以少受一点伤损。我一看血海的那身紫袍,就觉得很碍眼。” Jun Moxie cracks into a chuckle, to stand up suddenly, the persistently unreasonable loudness said: „Does the cripple, fuck! you eat meal to be able don't that the squish mouth? Heard this sound, Young Master I let alone to eat meal, some want to spit!” 君莫邪嘻嘻一笑,突然站起身来,蛮不讲理的大声道:“那瘸子,草!你他妈的吃饭能不能别那么吧唧嘴?听着这声音,少爷我别说吃饭了,都有些想吐了!” These words one, in the tavern several people were to despise to look: Others miserably became this welldoing, your this little brat must hit a person when he is down unexpectedly. 这句话一出,酒馆中好几人都是鄙视地看了过来:人家都惨成这德行了,你这小子居然还要落井下石。 The cripple is startled, raised the head, puts in great inconvenience must cry likely, hissing sound track: My anything did not have...... Did the life also go to half, could it be I have eaten meal cannot be a Lord? What way of the world is this? Isn't a also natural justice just?” 那瘸子一怔,抬起头来,委屈的像是要哭了,嘶声道:“我什么都没了……命也去了半条,难道连我怎么吃饭也不能自己做个主吗?这是什么世道?还有没有点天理公道了?” These words said it can be said that move people to tears. Was coordinating his to the extreme image drearily, the person who let society most cold blood sufficiently also sympathized sighs...... Dongfang Wenxin frowns to see the son, although she is somewhat puzzled, but actually also knows that the son is not the person of hitting a person when he is down, or does the son have his profound meaning? Therefore has not opened the mouth to stop, but watches critically. 这句话说得可说是催人泪下。配合着他那惨淡到了极点的形象,足以让人世间最冷血的人也为之同情一叹……东方问心皱着眉头看着儿子,她虽然有些不解,但却也知道儿子绝不是落井下石的人,或者儿子自有他的深意呢?所以并没有开口制止,只是冷眼旁观。 A Mei Xueyan dark to praise Voice, Dongfang Wenxin, although Profound Qi cultivation base is not high, that but encounters a difficulty is calm magnanimous and intelligent, the non- average person can. She had prepared to console, which thinks that Dongfang Wenxin actually did not say a word, was only the ponder, has saved troublesome many. 梅雪烟暗赞一声,东方问心虽然玄气修为不高,但遇事的这份沉稳大度和智慧,就非一般人所能及。她本已经做好准备劝解,哪想到东方问心竟然一言不发,只是沉思,省却了许多麻烦。 fuck! you bad luck are your matter, your foot was disabled, or was assigns half is the reason of disgusting Young Master? The joke, damn is really the joke!” The Jun Moxie manner was more and more bad, on the disguise later wax yellow face a piece of cruel aura, looked like at the back of the nouveau riche who mountain of gold came out, stepped onto steaming two steps, a foot kicked on the brazier, in brazier the fuel that burnt also jumped several, Mars has scattered. 草!你倒霉是你的事,你脚残废了,又或者是命去了半条就是恶心少爷的理由吗?笑话,他妈的真是笑话!”君莫邪的态度可谓是越来越恶劣了,易容之后蜡黄的脸上一片暴戾的气息,就像是一个背着金山出来的暴发户,腾腾走上两步,一脚踢在火盆上,火盆中的正在燃烧的柴火也蹦出来了几根,火星四溅。 Hurries get lost by far! Do not annoy Young Master I to be annoyed here \; Damn, since your this disabled person comes, in this room followed up the pigsty, how you make this Young Master eat, eats!” “赶紧滚得远远地!别在这里惹少爷我心烦\;他妈的,自打你这残废进来,这屋里就跟进了猪圈似地,你让本少爷怎么吃啊,怎么吃啊!” Jun Moxie twists the neck to be slanting eye, a hand fork waist, evil tyrant to extreme, bellowing of sputtering: Hurries to roll out, does not roll, the father and your third leg also broke your remaining that legs! Really damn on the dung beetle the dining table, does not eat the thing light disgusting person!” 君莫邪拧着脖子斜着眼睛,一只手叉腰,恶霸到了极点,口沫横飞的大吼:“赶紧滚出去,再不滚,老子就把你剩下的那条腿和你那第三条腿也打断了!真是他妈的屎壳郎上饭桌,不吃东西光恶心人!” Just like the judgment of Great Assassin Jun, this cripple Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun. 正如君大杀手的判断,这个瘸子正是杀手至尊楚泣魂 Since these days, Chu Qihun could be overtaken day to be roadless, enters does not have the gate, was really sufficed! Damn, doesn't the tiger assume an awe-inspiring pose to work as the sickness cat me, Three Great Sacred Lands? Unexpectedly listens to me to explain that does not listen! His, could it be my is Assassin Supreme called in vain? 这段时间以来,楚泣魂被追得上天无路,入地无门,实在是受够了!他妈的,老虎不发威把我当病猫,三大圣地又怎么地?居然连听我解释一下都不听!丫的,难道杀手至尊白叫的? Has exploded understand to extreme Great Supreme Chu oppressed finally...... He also knows, if were captured the tail to chase down again like this, perhaps really only had the dead end! 憋闷到了极点的楚大至尊终于爆发了……他也知道,若是再这样被兜尾追杀下去,恐怕就真的只有死路一条了! But I die, wants Dora several pad backs! Kills under cost price, multi- lanes gained! 但我就算死,也要多拉几个垫背的!弄死一个够本,多弄就赚了! Therefore after being pursued to here, Chu Qihun decides to launch the counter-attack finally! 所以被追到这里之后,楚泣魂终于决定展开反击! Ruthless severely to the fleeing counter-attack of extreme! 狠厉到极点的亡命反击! He after seeing these three Dream Blood Sea expert entered this tavern, therefore afterward followed. Fire that in the heart takes revenge, is burns steaming. 他在见到这三位梦幻血海高手进入了这个酒馆之后,于是就随后跟了进来。心中复仇的火,已经是腾腾燃烧起来。 But now Great Supreme Chu is actually depressed! 但现在楚大至尊却是郁闷之极! Now mixes with great difficulty, has evaded questioning of that three fellow, so long as and other three fellow being satiated with food and wine vigilant surname worst time must begin, actually across the sky jumped such little brat to come...... even/including father eats meal must manage......! 如今好不容易地混进来,更避过了那三个家伙的盘查,只要等那三个家伙吃饱喝足警惕姓最差的时候自己就要动手,却横空蹦出这么一个愣小子来了……连老子吃个饭也要管……! Really grass egg to family/home! 真是艹蛋到了家了! Suddenly stares to look at little brat of front this wax yellow cheek, actually had not responded. Such scoundrel little brat, in ordinary day my finger can twist...... But I behind also three Superior Supreme! 一时间瞪着眼睛看着面前这个蜡黄面皮的小子,竟然没有反应。这样的混帐小子,平曰里我一根手指头就能捻死……但我身后还有三个至尊之上啊! I twist him am easy, but I, as soon as exposes...... That three fellows twist me not to be seemingly difficult...... Suddenly, this wise Assassin Supreme was calling a day unexpectedly at heart: Really is could it be the day must extinguish me? In this and other critical times, unexpectedly jumps such a youth nouveau riche! Can let off this golden opportunity really? 我捻死他自是容易,但我一暴露……身后那三个家伙捻死我貌似也不难吧……一时间,这位足智多谋的杀手至尊居然在心里叫了一声天:难道真是天也要灭我?在这等紧要的时刻,居然蹦出来这么一个愣头青暴发户!真的要放过这个大好时机? What looks at to look? What looks at to look? Young Master am I very attractive? Attractive is also you looks? Do you also look?” Bellowing of Jun Moxie wicked shape wicked shape, put out a hand to push on the shoulder of Chu Qihun, pushed to stagger him, staggers to retrocede several steps, the danger sat falls to the ground. “看什么看?看什么看?少爷我很好看吗?好看也是你看的?你还看?”君莫邪恶形恶状的大吼,一伸手推在了楚泣魂的肩膀上,一把将他推了一个趔趄,踉跄后退了几步,险险坐倒在地。 But places in the so irritable region Chu Qihun sudden heart inexplicable one startled: The position that this pushes, happen to pushed oneself toward the easiest make a move position...... Moreover during this pushes strength that contains, was inclined by own body just in time slightly, including swinging of arm, is easiest to grasp the position of sword hilt...... could it be? 可是身处如此别扭境地楚泣魂突然心中莫名一惊:这一推的位置,正好把自己推往了最容易出手的位置……而且这一推之中蕴含的力量,正巧让自己的身体稍稍倾斜,连手臂的摆动,都是最容易握到剑柄的位置……难道 fuck! Your also is very unexpectedly strong!” The Jun Moxie strange sound calls out in alarm, fan in the past, Chu Qihun called out in alarm a maliciously, among intentionally or otherwise drew back again one step, the body has been away from the table of that three purple robe people less than three steps. 我艹!你丫的居然还挺有劲!”君莫邪怪声惊呼,一记耳光狠狠扇了过去,楚泣魂一声惊呼,有意无意之间再退一步,身子已经距离那三个紫袍人的桌子不足三步。 And a purple robe person knit the brows, cold coldly shouted: Sufficed!” 其中一位紫袍人皱起了眉,冷冷喝道:“够了!” But in this delicate moment, Jun Moxie suddenly flies a foot, Bang was holding on the abdomen of Chu Qihun, a Chu Qihun pitiful yell, Bang upturned get lost in the place, drilled under the table of that three purple robe people unexpectedly...... This position, in most ideal make a move position compared with Chu Qihun plan, but must on more ideal ten times! Moreover, in bystander opinion, this complete is accidental/surprised, 100% accidental/surprised...... The excellent coordination of two world two King of Assassins, purely are being in the tacit situation flawless agreement! 而就在这一微妙时刻,君莫邪突地飞起一脚,“砰”地一声正揣在了楚泣魂的小肚子上,楚泣魂一声惨叫,“砰”地一声在地上翻了个滚,竟然钻到了那三个紫袍人的桌子底下……这个位置,比楚泣魂计划中的最理想出手位置,还要更加理想上十倍!而且,在外人看来,这完完全全是一个意外,百分百意外……两个世界两位杀手之王的绝妙配合,就在纯属于默契的情况下天衣无缝的达成! Brewer's grain!” The two old men after counter also gain ground, on the face changes color, in the mouth also said this character. “糟!”柜台后的两个老头同时抬头,脸上变色,口中也同时说出了这一个字。 And a purple robe person pounded on the table to stand, got angry: Scoundrel little brat! Do you want to court death? Dared......” this saying to say toward Jun Moxie so dissolutely. 其中一个紫袍人一拍桌子站了起来,怒道:“混账小子!你想找死吗?竟敢如此放肆……”这话却是向着君莫邪说的。 These words have not said that suddenly under the table glistens to extreme gentle rays of light such as the dream such as imaginary soft expansion, a pitiful yell, the blood light scatters! 这一句话还未说完,突然就在桌子底下一股闪亮到极点的轻柔光芒如梦如幻的冉冉展开,一声惨叫,血光四溅! A Daoist shadow band sharp sword light visionally has been wearing out the dining table of eating meal, to emptying, radiant brilliance of innumerable say|way twinkle star, simultaneously turns toward the neck throat of three purple robe people to sprinkle...... Jun Moxie this foot, announced three Superior Supreme expert death penalties directly! 一道人影带着梦幻般的犀利剑光穿破了吃饭的饭桌,冲空而起,无数道星星点点的璀璨光华,同时向着三个紫袍人的头颈咽喉洒落……君莫邪这一脚,直接宣布了三位至尊之上高手的死刑! Autumn Water Shadowless Sword, such as dream such as imaginary! 秋水无影剑,如梦又如幻! Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun advertisement! 杀手至尊楚泣魂的招牌! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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