OEM :: Volume #7

#626: Everywhere is strange!

Dongfang Wenxin listened to many Chu Qihun all the way, mentioned this Chu Qihun to become famous has recovered the sixty year cycle, was only one by a person of strength may with top assassin that Dongfang Aristocratic Family this assassin aristocratic family compared, may say that was prominent on the reputation, now was, to had not listened, the words that these people spoke which point had to be worth the laughable place, this and other warm-blooded boiling facts, how can listen to become the joke? Son and wife, so long as hears to be overjoyed...... This was also very strange. 东方问心一路上可是听了不少的楚泣魂了,说来这楚泣魂成名已愈一甲子,更是唯一一个以一人之力可与东方世家这个杀手世家比较的顶尖杀手,可说原本就名声显赫,如今更是了得,到了也没听出来,这些人所说的话有哪一点值得可笑之处,这等热血沸腾的事迹,怎么就能听成笑话了?偏偏儿子和媳妇只要一听见就是乐不可支……这也忒怪异了。 Since entered had the place of habitation, Dongfang Wenxin no longer called its to Jun Moxie, but was calls infant name San'er, one was insufficient to expose the status, two also thought that this name was kinder...... mother, now here many people and many voices, not convenient explained to you that waited to arrive on the road another day, I said again to you, when you understood the cause and effect, you also happily!” Jun Moxie laughed. 自从进入了有人烟的地方,东方问心就对君莫邪不再称呼其名,而是称呼乳名‘三儿’,一来不至于暴露身份,二来也觉得这个称呼更亲切……“娘,现在这里人多嘴杂,不方便跟您解释,等改天到了路上,我再给您细细道来,等您明白了前因后果,你也得乐!”君莫邪哈哈一笑 At this moment, the mutation lives suddenly, tavern keeps off in entrance cotton fabric curtain screen suddenly one flies, the innumerable snowflakes instant curl along with Violent Wind are howling to enter \; Guest suddenly of some short tempers want to shout abuse, but actually then a face frightened sat. 就在这时,异变骤生,酒馆挡在门口的棉布帘子“忽”的一下飞起,无数的雪花瞬时随着狂风卷着呼啸而入\;有些脾气暴躁的客人顿时就想破口大骂,但却接着一脸恐惧的坐了下来。 In the white snow, the purple light porch moves, three purple robe person ghosts and demons entered in the tavern generally \; Outside heavy snow is filling the heavens \; But these three people walk, the body is unexpectedly clean, even on the shoes does not have the least bit snowflake and soil continually, was clean just looks like soaked the bathhouse to come out, refreshing of whole body. 白雪中,紫光轩动,三个紫袍人鬼魅一般进到了酒馆内中\;外面大雪弥天\;但这三个人走进来,身上竟是干干净净的,甚至连鞋子上也没有半点雪花和泥土,干净得就像是刚刚泡完了澡堂子出来,满身的神清气爽。 A purple clothes robe of sign surname, comes the person of person Dream Blood Sea subordinate! 一身标志姓的紫色衣袍,来人正是梦幻血海所属之人! After these three people come, looks over a wide area to look in all directions, has sized up on the face upper body of everyone, their eyes see where, the person of that direction then felt that he seemed strip naked the clothes to be common in the world of ice and snow, the piercing woods are cold! 这三人进来之后,游目四顾,在每个人的脸上身上都打量了一遍,他们的眼睛看到何处,那个方向的人便感觉到自己似乎在冰天雪地被人剥光了衣服一般,刺骨的森寒! If after observing, walked toward in several steps, stands by the big brazier, this noted early not to have the spatial table, a one of them brow wrinkle, conveniently in own side pat the racket by must the recent that table of tabletop on, stretched out a finger, toward out of the door one finger! 如是观察了一圈之后,才往里走了几步,站在大火盆旁边,这才注意到早已经没有了空桌,其中一人眉头一皱,顺手在自己身边的挨得最近的那一桌的桌面上拍了拍,伸出一根手指头,往门外一指! The meaning is very obvious: Roll out! 意思很明显:滚出去! This table altogether has five people, is that five husky fellow of Jun Moxie diversion \; Cannot think to move to here, unexpectedly must be caught up again, it may be said that unlucky year. Five people actually also simple, the conduct is more agile, has tidied up the table like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, then bows, walked dingily, vanishes in everywhere Snow Wind...... Looks at this Dream Blood Sea the complexions of three person kings, but suitable is unattractive, who dares to touch their mildew heads at this time? Isn't that courts death? 这一桌共有五人,正是君莫邪遣开的那五名彪形大汉\;想不到搬到这里,居然又要再次被赶,可谓流年不利。只是五个人却也干脆,行事更为利落,风卷残云般收拾了桌子,然后一躬身,灰溜溜地走了出去,消失在漫天风雪之中……看这梦幻血海的三位人王的脸色可是相当的不好看,谁敢在这时候触他们的霉头?那不是找死吗? Looks all around the world, several Chu Qihun, no matter several people, in any case Elder Brother several definitely are not! Humiliation is the affirmation, but absolutely compared with losing life! 环顾天下,又有几个楚泣魂,不管有几人,反正哥几个肯定不是!丢脸是肯定的,但绝对比丢命强! In tavern instant peaceful, originally shooting the breeze related Three Great Sacred Lands and Chu Qihun that several tables of people, now is submissive, bends down the big mouth food and drink on the table, actually chews the sound not to dare to send out, honest looked like saw the third grader of teacher in charge...... liquor! Dish! Selects, is quicker on!” A purple robe person calm face, the big horse horizontal blade sat, on the counter, two old men gained ground, looked at one, then simultaneously bends down, as if sighed. 酒馆中瞬时安静了下来,原本正在高谈阔论有关三大圣地楚泣魂的那几桌人,现在更是低眉顺眼,伏在桌上大口吃喝,却又连咀嚼声音也不敢发出,老实的就像是见到了班主任的小学三年级学生……“酒!菜!挑好的,快些上!”一名紫袍人沉着脸,大马横刀地坐了下来,柜台上,两个老头抬了抬头,望了一眼,然后就又同时伏下去,似乎叹了口气。 waiter gave the food and wine rapidly, three purple robe people then started to eat and drink, sad, no one has spoken. But actually how the manner does not see rampantly, but is in the bone is actually passing acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner. 小二迅速给上了酒菜,三个紫袍人便开始吃喝,沉闷着,谁也没有说话。神态倒也不见如何嚣张,但却是骨子里透着一种旁若无人。 A moment ago also the bustling hotel, in the wink of an eye became the complete silence. Everybody completely keep silent. Chu Qihun such hits the face of Three Great Sacred Lands, these people obviously are air/Qi of belly, who bumps into who has bad luck. Everybody may not want to become that bad luck ghost. 刚才还熙熙攘攘的酒店,瞬息之间变得鸦雀无声。人人尽都是噤若寒蝉。楚泣魂如此的打三大圣地的脸,这些人显然正是一肚皮的气,谁碰上谁倒霉。大家可都不愿意自己成为那个倒霉鬼。 We do not have the Chu Qihun strength, does not have the Chu Qihun guts! 咱们这些人一没楚泣魂的实力,更没楚泣魂的胆量! Dream Blood Sea...... Seriously is the good power and prestige.” Jun Moxie chuckled. Mei Xueyan warned looked at his one eyes, hinted him do not stir up trouble. Now is not the good time of stirring up trouble. 梦幻血海……当真是好威风。”君莫邪嘿嘿一笑梅雪烟警告的看了他一眼,示意他不要惹事。现在可不是惹事的好时候。 It seems like Chu Qihun decided however in nearby!” Sending greetings of Jun Moxie calm. “看来楚泣魂定然在附近了!”君莫邪沉静的传音。 Mei Xueyan maintains composure, said with a sound transmission: If met...... Do we help? This matter said in the end, is we......” 梅雪烟不动声色,传音道:“若是遇上了……我们帮不帮?这事说到底,是我们……” Smiling of Jun Moxie indifferent expression, has not spoken. 君莫邪不置可否的笑了笑,没有说话。 Very static, is static can hear the sound that in boundless land the heavy snow falls gently, shua shua to make a sound, the north wind is hitting the sentry post, one intermittent more and more nearly then instantaneously goes far away, this has been filled with the small tavern of person, unexpectedly static such as ghost legendary creature. 很静,静得都能听见门外苍茫大地中大雪飘落的声音,刷刷地响,北风打着唿哨,一阵阵的越来越近然后又瞬间远去,这个坐满了人的小酒馆,居然静如鬼蜮。 pa, pa and pa......” outside, resounded several greatly are the clear sounds, seemed the careful bamboo pole is striking the hard ice surface, was getting more and more near, the especially heavy footsteps, as well as quite rapid gasping for breath sound also completely clearly may hear. ……”外面,响起了几声大是清脆的声音,似乎是细细的竹竿在敲打着坚硬的冰面,越来越近,格外沉重的脚步,以及颇为急促的喘气声也尽都清晰可闻。 That sound gradually the line edges, finally, arrived at the entrance. 那声响渐行渐近,终于,来到了门口。 The curtain raises, a walking stick has extended, makes an effort a place, along with a cough, a person is going against the whole body snowflake, moved difficultly. Until his whole body comes , the people discovered that this person wooden club top in the armpit, a leg is dragging softly, comes the person unexpectedly is a cripple. 门帘一掀,一根拐棍率先伸了进来,用力点地,随着一声咳嗽,一个人顶着满身的雪花,艰难地移动了进来。直到他全身进来,众人才发现,这个人一根木棍顶在腋窝里,一条腿软软地拖着,来人竟是一个瘸子。 On the face the wrinkle is densely covered, the head is entangling the thick plain white cloth, as if a also bloodstain shows faintly, the thick plain white cloth linked an eye also to cover up, seemed blind an eye. But reveals in a outside eye, full is the grief, carries on the back actually carries a long and narrow package. 脸上皱纹密布,头上缠着厚厚的白布,似乎还有点点血迹隐隐透出,厚厚白布连一只眼睛也遮掩了起来,似乎是瞎了一只眼。而露在外面的一只眼睛中,满是伤痛,背上却背着一个狭长的包裹。 This looks like so pitiful person, is could it be Profound Expert? How otherwise can hurry along in the so awful weather? 这个看起来如此凄惨的人,难道还是一位玄者?否则如何能在这般糟糕的天气之中赶路? That person moved difficultly, the people gaze, see only him to cough fiercely several, the body shook shaking, the snowflake has then fallen in his sole place, some also thin film of ice has stuck on him, in several wisps of hair that the crevices of head hat revealed that could be frozen the icicle. 那人艰难地挪了进来,众人纷纷注视,只见他剧烈地咳嗽几声,身上抖了抖,雪花便在他脚底下落了一地,还有些些冰碴子粘在他身上,连头上帽子的空隙间露出来的几缕头发,都被冻得成了冰条。 Gives me to come pot Liquor...... Ten steamed buns \; Beef.” This person is to freeze unexpectedly is shivering, was fighting including jaw, shook the sound soughing of wind from the bosom pulls out several broken Silvers. He opens mouth, the people frowned, this sound, looked like the duck that the 7-8 day has not drunk water is caught neck general coarse. “给俺来一壶烧酒……十个馒头\;一盘牛肉。”这人竟是冻得颤抖着,连牙关都在打架,抖抖索索的从怀里掏出来了几块碎银子。他一张嘴,众人纷纷皱起了眉头,这声音,就像是七八天没喝水的鸭子又被人卡住了脖子一般的难听。 Then about him has a look, does not have the spatial seat to seek again, he resembles does not have Young Master Jun and method of Blood Sea people, can make other table of guests yield to him, but also has to haggle over but actually, you might as well sits to that brazier, in mouth hissing hissing sorption air/Qi, rubbing hands of effort, somewhat embarrassed notified the people, said: Hey...... On this day the air/Qi may really cold......” 然后他左右看看,再没有空座位可寻,他似是没有君大少爷血海中人的手段,能令别桌客人让位给他,不过倒也另有计较,索姓一屁股坐到那火盆跟前,口中嘶哈嘶哈的吸着气,用力的搓着手,有些不好意思的跟众人打了个招呼,道:“嘿……这天气可真冷哈……” Since he comes , the Dream Blood Sea three people the vision gaze on him, have sized up for a long time, a person of square features big ear smiles suddenly, always doing nothing but greatly is the temperate say|way: „Does friend, where come? Why to do the so distressed appearance?” 从他进来,梦幻血海的三个人就将眼光注视在他身上,打量了许久,其中一个方脸大耳的人突然一笑,竟自大是温和的道:“朋友,从哪里来?缘何搞成了这般狼狈的模样?” „, This Sir, is indebted to deign to inquire that is small...... Oh, small wants to be the unlucky year, in this grade of heavy snow weather, met the robbers and bandits of robbing unexpectedly......” “啊,这位大爷,承蒙垂询,小的……唉,小的想是流年不利,在这等大雪天气,竟然遇见了抢劫的盗匪……” Say|Way that this cripple wants to cry but have no tears: Small has done entire one year of laborious business, accumulated several hundred taels of silver with great difficulty, wants to go home to celebrate the new year...... Which thinks that arrives at Duke Jishan, was taken by force unexpectedly...... Does the valuables, performs is ransacked, gives the fur coat that the young married woman and child buys continually, was snatched...... That several hundred taels of silver......, Also on only remaining kept this less than 32 disintegration Silvers in coat pocket...... What is most excessive, small only spoke several begging for mercy words, thief... The thief has broken unexpectedly therefore a villain leg, the waste foot, knows world Lu Nanhang finally, does not know whether can drag this remnant life to go home......” 这个瘸子欲哭无泪的道:“小的做了整整一年的辛苦生意,好不容易攒了几百两银子,本想回家过个好年……哪想到走到公鸡山,竟然遭人打劫了……身上的一干细软,尽被洗劫一空,连给婆娘和孩儿买的皮大衣,也都被人抢了去……那几百两银子……,也就只剩下了留在外衣口袋中的这不到32的散碎银子……最过分的是,小的只说了几句讨饶的话,那贼人…那贼人竟然因此打断了小人一条腿,废一足,终知世路难行,也不知道是否能拖此残命归家……” Was too excessive...... purple robe person sighed seriously, very say|way of sympathy: „When near end of the year, the desperado was also more and more wild, wants to celebrate the new year...... However, these by the person who he robs, wants to celebrate the new year? Who does not want with the wife child happy reunion.” “当真是太过分了……”紫袍人叹了口气,非常同情的道:“时近年关,亡命之徒也是越来越猖狂了,都想过个好年……不过,那些被他抢劫的人,何尝不想过个好年呢?谁不想与老婆孩子和和美美的团聚啊。” „.” The cripple pats the thigh, actually hurts hissing hissing pumping air, pushes the one-eyed saying: These people, are seriously heartless!” “就是啊。”那瘸子一拍大腿,却又疼得嘶嘶抽气,挤着独眼道:“那些人,当真是丧尽天良啊!” Un, takes by force your person, looks like?” Say|Way that the purple robe person cares about. Said that making us also well have a protection.” “嗯,打劫你的那个人,长得什么样子?”紫袍人关心的道。“说说,让我们也好有个防备。” I have not seen clearly that person to look like...... White, suddenly lived like snowman \; pēng pēng several I turned into this...... I made an effort to make every effort several bonuses, had been broken my leg by that person, until waking up, has not seen clearly the thief anything appearance, even if had a mind to notify a government office, was hard to explain things clearly......” is saying, burst into tears unexpectedly. “我也没看清那人长得什么样子……一身白,就像雪人突然活了\;砰砰几下我就变成这样子了……我才勉力求了几句饶,就被那人打断了我的腿,直到醒来,也没看清楚贼人什么样子,就算有心报官,也难以分说清楚……”说着,竟然流下泪来。 The purple robe person affable say|way of: But, can leave behind a life, is always good. Always compares seizes property to murder strongly...... Also was the unfortunate great good fortune, did the friend, you say?” 紫袍人和蔼可亲的道:“不过,能留下一条命,总是好的。总比被人劫财害命强啊……也算是不幸中的大幸了,朋友,你说是么?” Among cripple expression a piece of palpitation, long time long sighing of \; The liquor and steamed bun beef that at this time he wanted have also come up, he has drunk Liquor of warming up, suddenly lowered the head sadly, the shoulder vibrated, the gown of vest obviously was also twitching, seemed sobbing...... Dongfang Wenxin sighed, said in a low voice: Waste foot, knows world Lu Nanhang finally, seriously is pitiful...... San'er, such poor man, can help , helping one, you are quite on hand ample, not only has the money of buy table, and capital of what few helping other.” 那瘸子神色间一片怔忡,良久才长长的叹了一口气\;这时他要的酒和馒头牛肉也上来了,他喝了一口温热的烧酒,突然伤心地低下了头,肩膀抖动,背心的袍子也可见在抽搐着,似乎在哭泣……东方问心叹了口气,低声道:“废一足,终知世路难行,当真是可怜……三儿,这样的可怜人,能帮,就帮一把吧,你手头颇为宽裕,既有收买桌位的钱,又何少助人之资。” Jun Moxie has been taking a look at this cripple calmly, hearing this is cracking into a chuckle, lowered the sound saying: Mother, you have been mistaken, relax, this cripple is not pitiful, on this day, were many person who he was more pitiful.” 君莫邪一直在不动声色地打量着这个瘸子,闻言嘻嘻一笑,压低了声音道:“娘,你可是走眼了,放心吧,这瘸子可是一点也不可怜的,这天下,比他可怜的人多了去了。” Was saying has smiling of profound meaning greatly, said: Mother, you, and continues to look \; Here or has many people worth really pitifully, which cripple but is actually not, does the waste foot, know world Lu Nanhang finally? Actually does not know tomorrow morning, is which misses again the world road!” 说着大有深意的笑了笑,道:“娘,你且继续看着吧\;这里或者真的有不少人值得可怜,不过却绝不是哪个瘸子,废一足,终知世路难行?却不知明晨,是哪个无缘再行世路!” Mei Xueyan smiled gently, said: Mother, this chapter of Moxie said may right. You have not seen Dream Blood Sea that three Superior Supreme expert from entering the shop, is looks at one in a shop people at most? Why so benignly will actually interrogate to this cripple? They are aloof expert outside this grade of bustling place, cared that what such a cripple does make?” 梅雪烟轻轻笑了笑,道:“娘,这回莫邪说的可没错。您没见到梦幻血海那三个至尊之上高手从进小店至今,于小店中人至多也就是看一眼就算?却为何会对这个瘸子这般和颜悦色的盘问?他们超脱这等红尘之外的高手,关心这么一个瘸子做什么?” Dongfang Wenxin is startled, surprised uncertain say|way: „Does could it be that cripple have the strangeness unexpectedly?” 东方问心一怔,惊疑不定的道:“难道那瘸子竟是有古怪?” Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan have simultaneously smiled: Strange place may big go......” 君莫邪梅雪烟同时笑了起来:“古怪之处可大了去了……” Mei Xueyan and Jun Moxie have the strong spirit sleep, early sensed that cripple does not suit, since he, as soon as comes, they keen noted, the corners of the mouth of Jun Moxie have raked out several points of sinister smile, static drank tea there. 梅雪烟君莫邪都有超强的灵觉,早已经觉出那瘸子不对劲,自从他一进来,两人就敏锐的注意到了,君莫邪的嘴角更是勾出了几分阴笑,静静的在那里喝茶。 Although does not have ten tenths assurance, but they have guessed: This cripple, ten have 8-9 is Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun! 虽然没有十成的把握,但两人都猜了出来:这个瘸子,十有八九就是杀手至尊楚泣魂 One generation of Assassin Supreme, nowadays are on everybody's lips such as says the culmination immortal legend...... 一代杀手至尊,现今正被传诵得如曰中天的不朽传奇…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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