OEM :: Volume #7

#625: Snow Wind tavern!

The Chu Qihun clear/pain big idol by his unequalled influence, has led various restaurant teahouse hotel hotels directly or indirectly...... Waits for each profession the expense advancement...... Thus it can be seen, strength of idol, truly is infinite Aaaaaahh...... Through the ages, Earth or otherworldly, there is nothing like! 楚泣魂楚大偶像以他那无与伦比的影响力,直接或间接地带动了各处酒楼茶肆旅馆酒店……等等等等各个行业的消费进程……由此可见,偶像的力量,确实是无穷的啊啊啊啊……古往今来,不论是地球还是异世,莫不如是啊! Jun Moxie also here sits down, a food had not finished eating, unexpectedly listened to three different editions...... The casual edition makes him have a laughter impulsion! 君莫邪还只是才在这里坐下,一顿饭还未吃完,居然就听了三个不同的版本……随便一个版本都让他有一种爆笑的冲动! Near end of the year, everywhere heavy snow Heaven and Earth is linked to each other, but this remote small wineshop, fell into the condition of being fully occupied...... At present the heavy snow closes off a mountain area, person who coming in cannot exit, performs is sitting in a circle warming by a fire, moreover one after another unceasing has the new person to join...... But what is oddest, facing the fiery scene, receives money to receive the cramp like this, Silvers one toward the hotel two bosses who the bosom holds actually still likely is not a very satisfactory appearance, the meaning of even also very much somewhat being sick of...... Receives Silvers to receive continually looks cold and indifferent, this unusual matter, makes Jun Moxie pay attention rapidly. 将近年关,漫天的大雪将天与地连在一起,而这间原本偏僻的小小酒店,陷入了人满为患的状况……眼下大雪封山,进来的人出不去,尽都在围坐着烤火,而且还陆续不断的有新的人加入……而最离谱的是,面对这样的火热情景,收钱收到手抽筋,银子一把把的往怀里揣的酒店两个老板却仍像是非常不满意的样子,甚至还很有些厌烦的意思……连收银子都收得爱理不理的,这件反常的事,却让君莫邪迅速留心起来。 The Mei Xueyan skill is certainly high, the Jiang Hu story is actually superficial, will not care to the ways of the world of this grade of floor specially, Dongfang Wenxin because of being born in the powerful family, little undergoes the wind and frost, does not care at all to these \; But Jun Moxie this totaled two lives King of Assassins, the Jiang Hu story, the ways of the world what kind of, was actually also paid attention to the slight matter, thought more and more this small tavern was really passing strangely...... However, in the weather of this grade of heavy snow, here actually is really an extremely good stopover, moreover also that many specious free information, therefore Jun Moxie decided, here lives in an evening, when will look at the weather situation tomorrow, the decision is not again late. 梅雪烟功力自是绝高,江湖阅历却是浅薄,对这等底层的人情事故更是不会特别在意,东方问心更因生于世家大族,少历风霜,对这些更是毫不在意\;但君莫邪这位合共两世杀手之王,江湖阅历,人情事故何等了得,却是对再细微的事情也都留了心,越来越觉得这个小酒馆实在是透着古怪……不过,在这等大雪的天气,这里却实在是一个极好的落脚之处,而且还有那么多似是而非的免费情报,所以君莫邪决定,就在这里住一晚,等到明天看天气情况,再决定不迟。 After all Dongfang Wenxin cultivation base is shallow, even if there are helping of Mei Xueyan, hurries along in such awful weather, was still very difficult. Stays in this for day, except for makes the rest slightly, when waits for the day, perhaps can also hear any explosive news, even if has not expected, can listen some interesting legend, actually is also good...... „the boss in this small tavern is actually two great expert.” Jun Moxie pondered time, the Mei Xueyan code sent greetings sneaked in his ear at the right moment. 毕竟东方问心修为较浅,就算有自己和梅雪烟之助,在这样糟糕天气里赶路,仍是很艰难的。在这多停留一天,除了稍做休息,以待天时,没准还能听到什么劲爆的消息,就算没有料,能多听些有趣的‘传说’,却也是好的……“这个小酒馆的老板却是两名一等一的高手。”君莫邪正在沉思的时候,梅雪烟的密语传音适时的钻进了他的耳朵。 Un, truly quite wise. Moreover, this small tavern is also passing strangely.” The Jun Moxie eyelid is also motionless, is carrying the teacup gently. “嗯,确实相当的高明。而且,这个小酒馆也透着古怪。”君莫邪眼皮也不动一下,轻轻端着茶杯。 Strange? There strange?” Mei Xueyan a little astonishment, looks right and left, this is only a small tavern \; Without any extraordinary place, only two bosses are extremely wise expert, waiter also completely is an average person, must know completely has expert that many non- worlds leave to look through the worldly affairs, small hidden in Lin, did not inquire about the humans affair, was not necessarily unusual, what discussed strangely? “古怪?那里古怪?”梅雪烟有点惊讶,左看右看,这只是一间小小的酒馆而已\;没有任何出奇的地方,也就唯有两个老板乃是极高明的高手,就连小二也尽都是普通人,要知尽有许多不世出的高手看破世情,小隐于林,再不过问世事,未必就不寻常,何谈古怪? First, the position of this tavern is very strange, we just now left that side small town, rushes to here, although less than 100 miles also similar, may do not despise this distance, more than hundred miles road to us, is only a while free time, but to the average person, actually at least must step onto for day. But on the front that small town, the inhabitant are really many \; If the tavern opens in that side, from the business angle, absolutely can compared with be able to gain many Silvers here?” Jun Moxie sinking sound analysis: Therefore, this is the first strange place.” “首先,这酒馆的位置很古怪,我们才刚出了那边的小镇,赶到这里,前后虽不到100里也差不多吧,可千万不要小看了这段距离,百多里路对我们来说,也只是一会儿工夫,但对普通人来说,却至少要走上一天。而前面的那个小镇上,住户实在不少\;若是酒馆开在那边,就从生意角度,绝对要比开在这里能赚更多的银子?”君莫邪沉声分析:“所以,这是第一个古怪之处。” Good \; Here truly was far away.” Mei Xueyan nodded. Words that proceeds again, is a piece of mountain, the continuous several hundred miles, did not have the habitation, but, possibly was that two bosses looks through the worldly affairs, is not willing born again, in quite remote place standard width shop, poured can also be passable...... „ „ this I also to think, but was still in reason did not pass \; Because the second strange place actually lies in a such small tavern, remote, has two formidable expert to be the boss here...... Intention why? What goal also there is? What or is the advantage? If disillusioned with the mortal world seriously, the intention lives in seclusion, why simply doesn't arrive in the remote mountain? Actually can elect here?” Jun Moxie asked several issues continuously. “不错\;这里确实是偏远了一些。”梅雪烟点点头。“再往前走的话,就是一片大山,连绵数百里,就更加没有人烟了,不过,也可能是那两位老板看破世情,不愿意再出世,在比较偏僻的地方开间小店,倒也能说得过去吧……““这点我也想过,不过仍是于理不通\;因为第二个古怪之处却在于在这样的一个小酒馆,前不着村后不着店,却有两位强大的高手在这里当老板……用意为何?又有什么目的?或者说,好处是什么?若是当真看破红尘,意图隐居的话,为何不干脆到深山里去?却偏偏要选在这里?”君莫邪连续提出了几个问题。 Moreover the another point quite strange place is...... Why can the Jiang Hu person these many? Our previous time comes this time, is simply not any guest, can look again from two old men's facial expressions, this phenomenon, simply was recently two genius appeared, therefore they were very impatient \; Actually cannot manifest suddenly \; If year to year so, only feared that this they early moved \; Does not manifest suddenly...... Perhaps is because feared that revealed whereabouts...... Such two top expert that links us to approve, what is dreading or dreads?” Jun Moxie raised the third question again. “另外还有一点比较古怪的地方就是……此间的江湖人为何会这么多?我们上次来此的时候,可是根本就没有任何客人的,再从两个老头的神情之中也可以看出来,这种现象,根本就是最近两天才出现的,所以他们很不耐烦\;却又发作不得\;若是常年如此,只怕这俩人早搬家了\;不发作……恐怕是因为怕泄露了行踪……这样两个连我们都认可的顶尖高手,到底在畏惧或者忌惮什么?”君莫邪再提出了第三个疑问。 In summary, gathers this place from these Jiang Hu people, the also Three Great Sacred Lands people have appeared in this nearby...... I can judge boldly, Chu Qihun should go into hiding in this surrounding area range now. Otherwise, these fellows in the awful weather also will rush how to here in this and other...... As for this news, should be......” Jun Moxie that Three Great Sacred Lands puts frowns, more said that the mentality is clear. “综上所述,从这些江湖人聚集此地,还有三大圣地的人都在这附近出现过……我可以大胆的判断,楚泣魂现在应该就在这方圆范围之内隐匿。要不然,这些家伙怎么会在这等糟糕的天气里还跑到这里来……至于这消息,应该是三大圣地放出来的……”君莫邪皱着眉头,越说思路越是清晰。 Sets up the prestige! Since near ten thousand years, never some people dare to resist and shame Three Great Sacred Lands like this, but Chu Qihun has done, not only has done, created the massive buckles of Three Great Sacred Lands strength, Three Great Sacred Lands must try to extinguish these negative impacts, but the best dealing method, at one fell swoop eradicated Chu Qihun, must eradicate under glare of the public eye \; Therefore Three Great Sacred Lands makes the Chu Qihun reputation big first, unmatched, is working then as many people him, strikes to kill at one fell swoop! Vigilant profound, frightens the world by this, builds the Three Great Sacred Lands unsurpassed authority! This is the Three Great Sacred Lands primary purpose is at!” Jun Moxie chuckled. “立威!近万年以来,从未有人敢这样对抗、羞辱过三大圣地,但楚泣魂做了,不但做了,更造成了三大圣地战力的大量折损,三大圣地必须设法消弭这些负面影响,而最好的应对手段,就是一举铲除楚泣魂,更要在众目睽睽之下铲除\;所以三大圣地先让楚泣魂名声大起,一时无两,然后再将他当着最多人的时候,一举击杀!以此警惕玄玄、震慑天下,重新树立三大圣地的无上权威!这才是三大圣地的根本目的之所在!”君莫邪嘿嘿一笑 But, does Three Great Sacred Lands such do to be moves unnecessarily? Do their seizing quietly kill Chu Qihun not to drag in lots of people the present are much stronger than? After all the matter only then they know, could it be also shyly does propagandize inadequately?” Mei Xueyan puzzled say/way. “但,三大圣地这么做会不会是多此一举呢?他们悄悄的擒杀楚泣魂不比现在兴师动众要强得多吗?毕竟事情只有他们自己知道,难道还怕人宣传不成?”梅雪烟不解的道。 You have neglected the most important issue...... Least, also our two insiders! If Three Great Sacred Lands covers up constantly, once were held by us, then Three Great Sacred Lands was more passive, so-called stops up is sparse, you might as well was announced the world by them independently, was initiative, so long as can plan, eradicated Chu Qihun under glare of the public eye, all negative impacts can vanish into thin air!” Say/Way that Jun Moxie eyebrows raised, somewhat ridiculed: Three Great Sacred Lands, this time actually by villain's heart gentleman's abdomen......” “你忽略了一个最重要的问题……最少,还有我们两个知情人!三大圣地若是一味遮遮掩掩,一旦被我们捅出去的话,那么三大圣地就更被动了,所谓堵不如疏,索姓由他们自主地宣告天下,更是主动,只要能以计划,在众目睽睽之下铲除楚泣魂,一切负面影响都会烟消云散!”君莫邪挑了挑眉毛,有些讥讽的道:“三大圣地,这次却是以小人之心度君子之腹了……” „Are you a gentleman?” Mei Xueyan rolled the eyes at him, snort/hum said: If Three Great Sacred Lands such does not do, then does this was you?” Jun Moxie feels the nose, chuckled. “你是君子吗?”梅雪烟白了他一眼,哼道:“若是三大圣地不这么做的话,那么这样做的就是你了吧?”君莫邪摸着鼻子,嘿嘿一笑 Has saying that Mei Xueyan since with Jun Moxie in the same place, the wicked interest to this fellow may say understands quite deeply \; Just like she said that if Three Great Sacred Lands left the dusk to incur seriously covers up vigorously, then Young Master Jun decided however meets make a move, similarly confused all over the sky the wind and cloud with Chu Qihun...... However at that time right to speak may all in Young Master Jun...... Therefore Jun Moxie obvious expressed the angry and strong disaffection to Three Great Sacred Lands this attractive strain: Unexpectedly has disrupted this Young Master wicked entire following plan! 不得不说,梅雪烟自从与君莫邪在一起,对这家伙的恶趣味可说了解得颇深\;正如她所言,若是三大圣地当真出昏招极力遮掩的话,那么君大少定然会出手,同样用楚泣魂来搅乱满天风云……不过那时候话语权可就全在君大少手里了……所以君莫邪明显的对三大圣地这一手漂亮应变表示了愤慨和强烈的不满:居然打乱了本少爷恶整的后续计划! This tavern is not really big, altogether must altogether a 6-7 table, already be filled with the person at this time \; Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan Dongfang Wenxin sits the table of innermost, looks from here, all completely take in everything at a glance...... However this good position is actually Jun Moxie pounds with Silvers. This position sits five people, the Jun Moxie not multi- idle talk, but walks, grasped five paper money, placed on the table, then has grasped a thick back of guy chopped mountain blade, a finger poked a hole in the knife thickest place \; Then the Young Master Jun finger has referred to paper money, selected outward, pointed at the hole of that thick back blade toward underground to select the point again...... From beginning to end a conversation does not have, that five appearance rogue husky fellow obediently receive the paper money to leave, moreover attentive extremely also tidies up including the table works unceasingly calmly, including greeting waiter tidied up the table to save...... This behavior made Dongfang Wenxin twist the neck to reprove a nouveau riche...... However after does this, effect extraordinary good. When has experienced this strange accident, other that several tables of guests of just like have not seen unexpectedly general , to continue to shoot the breeze, but the manner obviously has actually restrained. Moreover, rather ten people push in a small table, nobody dares to come to sit together with this nouveau riche youngster, all people understand, oneself neck definitely does not have that knife to be hard, this big cold season, if comes a transparent hole, that truly had the cup...... Afterward, self-satisfied Young Master Jun greatly is the favorite say/way: This world, is such reality \; Rich, is authorized is great \; Although I now do not have the power, is rich, has the fist \; Here, has the fist to be also equal to being authorized...... Moreover is the power of having absolute power over somebody! Little girl, is studying, this is the big knowledge.” 这酒馆实在不大,统共就只得一共六七张桌子,此时早就已经坐满了人\;君莫邪梅雪烟东方问心乃是坐得最里面的一张桌子,从这里看出去,一切尽都是一览无余……不过这个好位置却是君莫邪银子砸出来的。这位置原本坐着五个人,君莫邪并没有多废话,只是走过去,抓出了五张银票,放在桌上,然后又抓过其中一名大汉的厚背砍山刀,一手指头在刀身最厚的地方戳了一个窟窿\;然后君大少手指头指了指银票,往外点了点,再指着那个厚背刀的窟窿往地下点了点……自始至终一句交谈也没有,那五个面目凶恶的彪形大汉乖乖地收起银票走人,而且殷勤万分地连桌子也收拾得干干静静,连招呼小二收拾桌子都省下了……这个行为让东方问心拧着脖子训斥了一顿暴发户……不过这样做之后,效果可谓出奇的好。见识了这一幕奇异变故之余,其余那几桌的客人一个个竟都恍如未见一般,继续高谈阔论,但神态却是明显收敛了许多。而且,宁可十来个人挤在一小桌,也没人敢来与这个暴发户似地少年坐在一起了,所有人都明白,自己的脖子肯定没那刀身硬,这大冷天,要是真来个透明窟窿,那就真正具杯了……事后,洋洋自得的君大少爷大是得意的道:“这个世界,就是这样的现实\;有钱,有权就是了不起\;我现在虽没权,却有钱,更有拳\;在这里,有拳也就等于有了权……而且是生杀予夺的大权!妞儿,学着点,这可是大学问。” The words that lets success go to the head in this way, making Dongfang Wenxin be unsatisfactory \; Let Mei Xueyan is also the supercilious look repeatedly, two people speechless refutes. 如斯得意忘形的一番话,让东方问心大为不满\;让梅雪烟也是白眼频频,偏偏两人无言反驳。 Another side is slightly far a point some table to shoot the breeze: „...... The words said that Chu Qihun sudden long and loud cry, jumps, the proud appearances in Fleeing World Immortal Palace, flushed outrageously, hits make a move greatly, the storm fiercely attacks, while calls out repeatedly: Also my wife comes......” 另一边稍远一点的某桌正在高谈阔论:“……话说那楚泣魂突然一声长啸,一纵身,豪情万丈的出现在遁世仙宫,悍然冲了进去,大打出手,一边强攻猛打,一边连声暴吼:还我老婆来……” Jun Moxie is carrying the teacup, is leaning the ear, hears with great interest, a face proper comments: Chu Qihun this goods plant obstinately, unexpectedly killed Fleeing World Immortal Palace to go directly, too overbearing, had to plant......” Mei Xueyan giggle to smile, the flowering branch shivered all over...... Is lying two boss also sleepy eyes of napping hazily loosely to gain ground on the counter, a lip moves, as if said anything, another deeply has same feeling nodded, then the dangling head , to continue to nap. 君莫邪端着茶杯,侧着耳朵,听得津津有味,一脸正经的评价道:“楚泣魂这货愣是有种,居然直接杀到遁世仙宫去了,太霸道了,太有种了……”梅雪烟咯咯一笑,花枝乱颤……正在柜台上趴着打盹的两个老板也睡眼朦松地抬了抬头,其中一个嘴唇动了动,似乎是说了一句什么,另外一个深有同感地点点头,然后垂下头,继续打盹。 Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan hear clearly, the old man said is idiot!’ These two characters...... Also does not know that table of guys who is scolded Jun Moxie that scolds...... Dongfang Wenxin more listens is strange, asked: San'er, what is your young couple smiling? That Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun...... Really so is funny? Was that is funny?” 君莫邪梅雪烟听得清清楚楚,那老头说得乃是‘白痴!’这两个字……也不知是骂的君莫邪还是骂的那桌大汉……东方问心越听越是奇怪,不由问道:“三儿,你们小两口到底在笑什么?那个杀手至尊楚泣魂……就真的这么好笑吗?到底是那好笑了?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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