OEM :: Volume #7

#624: The retaliation of Three Great Sacred Lands started

cough cough, had five very to draw out the belly to come...... Big Brother, heard that your side are many? The mother may be wild with joy these days, the Moxie medicine is really effective......” Dongfang Wenjian feels the nose, also some embarrassed, excitement that but in the tone actually cannot conceal. 咳咳,已经有五个挺起肚子来了……大哥,听说您那边不少?母亲这段时间可乐坏了,莫邪的药真是灵验啊……”东方问剑摸着鼻子,还有些不好意思,但口气中却是掩饰不住的兴奋。 Yes, my side is seven little animal must be born...... Haha,” Dongfang Wenqing self-satisfied laughs two, then sighed, said: The method that Moxie this little brat, gives is really good, may very be also tired...... Although the young married women are not heavy, may also 110 jin (0.5 kg) \; Reading chant that half double-hour, damn must, is really tired...... I also do not have one, oh, that many young married women...... However was worth.” “是啊,我那边已经是七个小家伙要出世了……哈哈,”东方问情得意的大笑两声,然后才叹了口气,道:“莫邪小子,给的方法是真好,可也忒累了些……虽说婆娘们不重,可也110来斤啊\;半个时辰啊,他妈的还得不住的念口诀,真是累啊……我又不是只有一个,唉,那么多的婆娘……不过怎么也值得了。” Dongfang Wenqing wriggles the waist, is transferring the buttocks, one after another, some eye quite envying looks at Dongfang Wenjian: Old Second, you compared with the Big Brother my young am several years old, are effective...... The waist does not need the acid?” 东方问情扭着腰,转着屁股,一圈一圈的,眼睛颇为有些羡慕的看着东方问剑:“老二,你比大哥我年轻好几岁,就是管用啊……腰都不待酸的吧?” Tired? Heavy? chant?” Dongfang Wenjian strange say|way: Big Brother, what were you saying?” “累?重?口诀?”东方问剑奇怪的道:“大哥,您在说什么啊?” Un?” Dongfang Wenqing look at him, careless say|way: Was Moxie said that type secret technique that had the kid......” “嗯?”东方问情看了看他,漫不经心的道:“就是莫邪说的,那种生娃儿的秘法啊……” #%#%% ............ ¥¥#¥% Dongfang Wenjian is direct: What method does that have? Didn't take a drug well?” “#%#%%…………¥¥#¥%”东方问剑直接无语:“那有什么方法?不是吃了药就好了吗?” Un?...... What?!” “嗯?……啥?!” Dongfang Wenqing suddenly stopped the movement, mummy was generally stiff in same place, turning the head slowly, sudden has seized the Dongfang Wenjian collar, clenching jaws stares to roar: Old Second, what did you say? What did you say a moment ago?” 东方问情顿时停止了动作,木乃伊一般僵在了原地,慢慢的转过头,突然一把揪住了东方问剑的衣领,咬牙切齿的瞪着眼咆哮道:“老二,你说什么?你刚才说什么?” Dongfang Wenjian had a scare, entire body raised left, terrified transfers the eyeball saying: I...... I...... Has not said anything......” 东方问剑吓了一跳,整个身子都被提的离了地,惶恐的转着眼珠道:“我……我……没说什么啊……” You said obviously!” The Dongfang Wenqing whole body is similar to must explode, roared loudly: Said again!” “你明明说了!”东方问情浑身如同要爆炸,大声咆哮:“再说一遍!” Said...... What said?” “说……说什么?” You give back to me to install silly...... Your this damn...... You well tell now me...... How initially Moxie was......” Dongfang Wenqing has lowered the sound to the method that you said that a character character from gap between teeth jumped coming out these words...... not to have...... Does not have the method...... He has given me several medicines...... A day eats one, bans for half a month the sexual intercourse, after the half a month,...... On thorough good......” Dongfang Wenjian undeserved called, two feet in airborne chaotic step on: Big Brother, puts down me quickly, cough cough cough...... I was about to go crazy......” “你还给我装糊涂……你这个该死的……你现在跟我好好说说……当初莫邪是怎么跟你说的方法……”东方问情压低了声音,从牙缝里一字一字的蹦了出来这句话……“没……没方法……他就给了我几颗药……一天吃一颗,禁半个月房事,半月之后……就彻底好了……”东方问剑冤枉的叫起来,两只脚在空中乱蹬:“大哥,快放下我,咳咳咳……我快憋死了……” ! 噗! Falling of Dongfang Wenjian heavily on the ground, tumbling jumps out several feet, turns head to look that the Big Brother was maintaining the posture, standing that decided there, motionless, such as copper statue general...... volume...... Big Brother, you...... All right?” Dongfang Wenjian say|way cautiously. 东方问剑重重的落在地上,连滚带爬的窜出几丈,回头一看,大哥正保持着刚才的姿势,定定的站在那里,一动不动,如铜雕像一般……“额……大哥,您……没事吧?”东方问剑小心翼翼的道。 Go away ~~~~~~~ “滚~~~~~~~” Dongfang Wenqing bellows, the tone is long, hills Wan He, reverberates, startled cry! Dongfang Wenjian flees to the wilderness...... Long time after long time,...... Distant hears original position to have a person in bellowing of weeping blood tap web: Jun Moxie...... Aaaaaahh ~~~~~ your this...... Young brat young bastard young scoundrel...... The small fart baby of your this drop dead...... Aaaaaahh...... If I not...... I want...... I...... Ah~ ~~~~~~~ 东方问情一声大吼,气韵悠长,群山万壑,同时回响,惊鸣!东方问剑落荒而逃……良久良久之后……才远远的听到原来的位置有一个人在泣血锥心的大吼:“君莫邪……啊啊啊啊~~~~~你这个……小兔崽子小王八蛋小混帐……你这个杀千刀的小屁娃娃……啊啊啊啊啊……我要是不……我非要……我……啊~~~~~~~~” As this uses up bellowing in bottom, heard the peng peng peng sound sound to become a piece, as if some people in crazy falling, crazy pounded...... In clear(ly) said that the people discovered that entire garden, complete abandonment...... Do not say that the colored tree rockery, did not have including a complete stock...... Old Madame is pulling the finger computation in the room at this time, several months later will estimate can add ten babies...... Dongfang Aristocratic Family, did not worry to be lack of successors finally...... Infinite gratified! 随着这声竭斯底里的大吼,就听见砰砰砰的声音响成了一片,似乎有人在疯狂的摔,疯狂的砸……到了明曰众人才发现,整个花园,完全报废……不要说花树假山,连一块完整的草根都没有了……老夫人这个时候正在房中扳着手指头计算,再过几个月估计就能添十来个娃娃了……东方世家,终于不愁后继乏人了……无限欣慰! Hears the garden direction to transmit roaring of eldest son, cannot help but turned roll one's eyes: How I had such a silly son, unexpectedly was so long had discovered...... My this son really enough slow...... Oh, that group of girls work really slowly, makes several baby clothes, unexpectedly also such uses energy?” 听见花园方向传来大儿子的咆哮,不由得翻了翻白眼:“我怎么生了这么一个傻儿子呢,居然这么久了才发现……我这个儿子实在是有够迟钝的……唉,那帮丫头们干活真慢,做几身娃娃衣服,居然也这么费劲么?” Thinks to smile to blossom, mutters: Really is right now good, on the flourishing population, really has been lucky Moxie all of a sudden......” 想着想着就笑开了花,喃喃自语道:“这下子真好,一下子就人丁兴旺,真是多亏了莫邪啊……” ............ &\;...... &\; .................. But Jun Moxie, is leaving behind Medicinal Pill and chant next morning, with Mei Xueyan and mother Dongfang Wenxin, left Dongfang Aristocratic Family, set off the homeward journey...... Then, what Jun Moxie needs to consider, how to cope with Silver Blizzard City! …………&\;……&\;………………而君莫邪,就在留下丹药和‘口诀’的第二天清晨,与梅雪烟和母亲东方问心,离开了东方世家,踏上了归途……接下来,君莫邪需要考虑的是,如何对付风雪银城 This comes out to know, on Jiang Hu is noisy, where arrives at casually with boil...... The homeward journey line, Jun Moxie and discovery of Mei Xueyan accidental/surprised too many Three Great Sacred Lands people, the number as if must be much more than previous time 90 people...... It seems like that the retaliation of Three Great Sacred Lands, has comprehensively launched. Not only need cope with Mei Xueyan, but must cope with Chu Qihun! 这一出来才知道,江湖上已经是沸沸扬扬,随便走到哪里都跟开了锅似地……归途一路行来,君莫邪梅雪烟意外的发现了太多的三大圣地的人,数目似乎比上一次的90个人还要多得多……看来,三大圣地的报复,已经全面展开了。不仅要对付梅雪烟,而且要对付楚泣魂 This line, everywhere was discussing that the Chu Qihun great achievements, were eulogizing Assassin Supreme everywhere, on Jiang Hu bustling, enjoyed great popularity! The Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun heroic deed and glorious image, are well-known, publicity! 这一路行来,到处都在讨论楚泣魂的丰功伟绩,到处都在歌颂杀手至尊,江湖上熙熙攘攘,脍炙人口!杀手至尊楚泣魂的英雄事迹和光辉形象,已经是家喻户晓,人尽皆知! Always crosses for day, so long as Three Great Sacred Lands has not had to spread has killed the Chu Qihun news successfully, entire Jiang Hu will continue to acclaim! 每多过一天,只要三大圣地不曾有传出已经成功狙杀了楚泣魂的消息,整个江湖就会继续为之赞叹! Now Chu Qihun, it may be said that deservingly became many years the Xuan Xuan Continent first real power faction idol level character! 如今楚泣魂,可谓当之无愧地成为了多少年来玄玄大陆第一位实力派偶像级人物! Of reputation, that simply is earthshaking! Similar to spring the first thunderclap of Jingzhe, comes in waves, continuous, has shocked the heaven, vibrated the earth, vast sky for a it peace! 声名之威赫,那简直就是惊天动地!如同春天惊蛰的第一声炸雷,滚滚而来,绵绵不绝,震撼了苍天,震动了大地,浩瀚天空为之一靖! Especially was also formed the ballad, sings everywhere, unfailing! 尤其还被编成了民谣,到处传唱,经久不衰! Cultivates the behavior to treat as Chu Qihun, overawes the world not to have Billen \; The looking disdainfully past and present who shoulder to shoulder, outshines others assassin! 做人当做楚泣魂,威震天下无比伦\;睥睨古今谁并肩,一枝独秀杀手尊! This is earliest first four that starts to be on everybody's lips, then the surface unexpectedly had added on another four by the busybody: Kills this world to kill Sacred Land, cuts completely the ganef to cut Supreme \; Flees the world the Blood Sea Supreme city, performs all under the sword to make the sobbing soul! 这是最早开始传诵的前四句,而后面居然又被好事者加上了另外四句:杀完凡尘杀圣地,斩尽宵小斩至尊\;遁世血海至尊城,尽皆剑下做泣魂! When just heard this doggerel, Jun Moxie is eating meal, suddenly on „”, in the mouth just chewed rotten scrap oil cake flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky to puff out, then rubs the belly to smile suffers extreme distress...... A Dongfang Wenxin willow eyebrows vertical stroke, aristocratic family juniors so greatly lose the etiquette, is about to reprove, but looked in an instant that was usually steady solemn daughter-in-law Mei Xueyan also to be unexpectedly overjoyed, almost smiles the flowering branch to shiver all over \; Looks at such, if not for has scruples the acting with constraint image of daughter family/home, only feared that can also exaggerate compared with Jun Moxie...... „? In bewildered what to laugh foolishly?” Dongfang Wenxin frowns, looks that they open the mouth to ask. 在刚刚听到这首打油诗的时候,君莫邪正在吃饭,突然就“哈”的一声,口中刚刚嚼烂的一小块油饼天女散花似地喷了出去,然后就揉着肚子笑得死去活来……东方问心柳眉一竖,世家子弟如此的大失礼仪,就待要训斥,但转眼一看,素来稳重端庄的儿媳妇梅雪烟居然也是乐不可支,笑得几乎花枝乱颤\;看那样子,若不是顾忌女儿家的矜持形象,只怕比君莫邪还要夸张……“这是怎么回事?都在莫名其妙的傻笑什么?”东方问心一蹙眉,看着两人开口问道。 Does not have...... Not any Hahaha...... Does not have...... Anything......” Jun Moxie bears and forbears, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance unexpectedly, the whole body twitches, bends down shivering on the table \; The teacup food dish teapot on table also completely shivered, bit dang dang to make a sound a piece...... How this is the direct litigant does not know Chu Qihun this illustrious how reputation comes...... Is unjustly discredited to meet a fierce back of being unjustly discredited, moreover is outsize ultra-large number that! Carried Supreme to carry Sacred Land, moreover from the beginning carried one, the present was three shoulders the shoulder completely, unloaded continually has not resulted in unloads, that called one firmly...... Being unjustly discredited carries the cup to have so, if can not be famous again, is true monstrous absurdity! “没……没什么哈哈哈……没哈哈……什么……”君莫邪一忍再忍,竟是忍无可忍,浑身抽搐,伏在桌上一个劲的颤抖\;桌上的茶杯菜盘茶壶等也尽都随之颤抖了起来,叮叮当当响成了一片……他这是直接当事人如何不知道楚泣魂这赫赫的“声名”是怎么来的……一个黑锅接一个黑锅的猛背,而且还都是特大号超大号的那种!背了至尊圣地,而且一开始只是背着一个,现在是三个全部扛上了肩头,连卸都没得卸,那叫一个瓷实……黑锅背得如此杯具,若是再能不出名,才是真正的咄咄怪事! But this behavior decreased the eyeball attraction lead, three people were actually little disguised. After all this line has Dongfang Wenxin, is can not the least bit accident, not compared with they come the time, even if there is a big crisis, can escape at any time...... Now the Three Great Sacred Lands momentum is so vast, has to evade the point temporarily! 而此行为了减低眼球吸引率,三人却都是少少地乔装打扮了一下。毕竟此行有东方问心在,可是出不得半点闪失,可不比两人来的时候,就算有再大的危机,都可以随时远遁……现在三大圣地声势如此浩大,不得不暂避锋芒! Although Dongfang Wenxin is three children's mothers, the real age passed the forty years of age, alternates to suffer the accident, should quite see thinly and pale \; But the beforehand deep sleep ten years, because of having that gods and ghosts young tree continue the vitality for it, the appearance is the still stays the appearances unexpectedly ten years ago, a tender face does not have the big change unexpectedly, has added school of elegant of middle-aged beautiful woman, only brow tip corner of the eye, but also brings to be tender gruff Ren of young girl. 东方问心虽说已经是三个孩子的母亲,真实年龄已逾四旬,更迭遭变故,本应颇见憔悴\;但之前沉睡十年,却因有那神异小树为其延续生机,容颜竟是犹自停留在十年之前的样子,一张娇颜竟是没多大的变化,更添了中年美妇人的一派雍容华贵,惟眉梢眼角,还带着些属于少女的娇憨任姓。 Although cannot say is the peerless grace and talent, can be said as the bright-colored photo person \; Since especially these days, the son wife has served about, makes her happy, comes again, because in the heart had the matter of greatest hope, the whole person invisible in also depends on has added many vigor, if not change costume, comes out is the glowing countenance four shoots, where can also be low-key? 虽不能说是风华绝代,也可说是明艳照人\;尤其这段时间以来,儿子媳妇伺候左右,更令她心情舒畅,再来因为心中有了莫大希望之事,整个人无形之中也凭添了许多活力,若不改扮,一出来就是容光四射,哪里还能低调? But Mei Xueyan is exquisite beauty, the world is rarer \; If starts off by the true self, can perhaps follow many debauched people all the way, although does not fear , is really abominable. Also, has not guarded other, must guard against three big Sacred Land Persons momentarily possible interceptions, naturally has to perform carefully. 梅雪烟更是国色天香,天下罕有\;若是以本来面目上路,恐怕一路上能追随不少的狂蜂浪蝶,虽说不惧,却也着实让人心烦。再说了,不提防别的,也得提防三大圣地中人随时可能出现的截杀,自然是不得不加以小心地。 This said the line, the line to a small town, Jun Moxie they said before , was to take this road, said it can be said that unvisited, absolutely did not have any pedestrian, now says is near again, actually saw crowded, lively, almost thinks that arrived at another town! 这曰行来,行至一处小镇子,君莫邪两人曰前也是走得此路,当曰可说是人迹罕至,根本就没有任何行人,今曰再临,却见人来人往,热闹非常,几乎以为是来到了另一个镇子! Originally these days, because the Chu Qihun big high-sounding talk rises, has created the extremely numerous accidents, the intercourse of Jiang Hu public figure to the utmost is frequent, is no exception including this grade of small town, comes and goes, that called bustling. 原来在这段时间里,因为楚泣魂大大的高调崛起,造成了极多变故,连带江湖人士的往来极尽频密,连这等小镇也不例外,来来往往,那叫一个热火朝天。 Goes out of the small town, proceeded to march on a section of road, the heavy snow gradually increased, Jun Moxie loved dearly mother, saw the roadside to have a small tavern, then has gripped, temporarily evaded Snow Wind. 走出小镇,往前赶了一段路,大雪逐渐增大,君莫邪心疼母亲,见路边有一个小酒馆,便一头扎了进去,暂时避避风雪 This small tavern is situated remotely, the in ordinary day business is desolate, in this and other weather of bitter cold heavy snow, is the business depression \; But now unexpectedly in the off season that in this old times almost must close, this year is actually the business prosperously passes all sea, the source of wealth reaches Sanjiang luxuriantly...... Appearance of obvious one generation of idol Chu Qihun, has directly led the development of economy, stimulated the expense...... Yes, on Jiang Hu these several thousand years, but has not had similar important matter, this hearsay about the Chu Qihun comes out, how could to idle the egg pain bored martial arts world public figures not to perform the strong attention? Can not say one politely, now in the person who on Jiang Hu back and forth runs, is much professional than the most professional paparazzi...... Such big Snow Wind, freezes to death the weather of person, the paparazzi does not come out...... Asks around, widely the dissemination, the hearsay, emerges one after another incessantly \; Makes groundless accusations, continuous \; Various kind of anecdotes, emerge entirely \; Different versions legend, only same only then leading character Chu Qihun...... For example: Story that one generation of Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun and Three Great Sacred Lands have to tell...... Three Great Sacred Lands chases down the Chu Qihun absolute inside story original cause because of buttocks wool of chicken...... The Three Great Sacred Lands violent anger, does Assassin Supreme wander all over the world the outstandingly beautiful young person old woman who excitedly behind cries is that? 这小酒馆地处偏僻,平曰里生意冷淡,在这等酷寒大雪的天气,更是生意萧条\;但现在居然在这往年里几乎要关门的淡季,今年却是生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江……可见一代偶像楚泣魂的出现,直接带动了经济的发展,刺激了消费……是啊,江湖上这数千年可是没有发生过类似的大事了,这关于楚泣魂的传闻一出来,许多闲得蛋疼的无聊武林人士岂能不加以强烈关注?可以不客气的说一句,现在在江湖上来回跑的人,比最敬业的狗仔队还要敬业得多……这么大的风雪,冻死人的天气,狗仔队也不出来哇……四处打听,广为散播,小道消息,层出不穷\;捕风捉影,绵绵不绝\;各类轶事,统统出笼\;不同版本的传说,唯一相同的就只有主人公楚泣魂……比如:一代杀手至尊楚泣魂三大圣地不得不说的故事……三大圣地追杀楚泣魂的绝对内幕原来起因只是因为一只鸡的屁股毛……三大圣地勃然暴怒,杀手至尊浪迹天涯身后落泪的绝色红颜老太太是那个? ...... Like a raging fire, imposing, is on everybody's lips, long and trying journeys...... ……如火如荼,轰轰烈烈,交口传诵,万水千山…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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