OEM :: Volume #7

#623: Knack of bearing children...

Old Madame accepted greatly refreshedly, say|way of not sparing a glance: That thing, does not know is any thing, obtains in any case accidentally, has the advantage to the person body, in addition, does not have other big uses, does not have the advantage to cultivation, cannot promote the skill, vitality that also exactly and is used to continue your mother, if not for is useful to your mother, perhaps already does not know that which throws goes...... Takes away takes away, looks here anything good, takes several types......” 老夫人大是爽快的应承了,不屑一顾的道:“那东西,原本也不知道是啥玩意,反正无意中得到的,对人身体有好处,除此之外,也没别的大用,对练功没好处,也不能提升功力,也就是恰和用来延续你娘的生机,若不是对你娘有用的话,没准早就不知道扔哪去……拿去就拿去吧,看着这里啥好,多拿几样……” Jun Moxie feels the nose to be somewhat speechless. This looked obviously is Heaven and Earth Mystical Treasure, Old Madame unexpectedly added that almost threw...... Although clearly knows that Old Madame said wants toward do not go by oneself at heart, but Jun Moxie felt the heartfelt grievance for this Heaven and Earth Mystical Treasure...... Because, Old Madame to this young tree does not take seriously that is looks, is not a pseudograph. 君莫邪摸着鼻子有些无语。这明显一看就是天地灵宝,老夫人居然还说差点扔了……虽然明知道老夫人这么说是想让自己不要往心里去,但君莫邪还是为这天地灵宝感到了由衷委屈……因为,老夫人对这小树的不重视那是一眼就看得出来的,并非伪作。 Actually do not say is Old Madame, even if Jun Moxie I do not know that at present this young tree is any thing...... But Jun Moxie did not know, but actually firm considering: Thing that so long as Hongjun Pagoda can approve, that is the world rare good thing! This matter, had decided that was mistakenly! 其实不要说是老夫人,就算是君莫邪本人眼下也不知道这棵小树是什么东东……但君莫邪虽然不认识,但却坚定的认为:只要鸿钧塔能够认可的东西,那就是天下少见的好东西!这件事,决计是错不了地! The Dongfang Third Master husband and wife four people sit together with children in one table, complacent \; Dongfang Wenqing and Dongfang Wenjian they are the meaning of whole face envying...... Wife and concubines are hidden bitterness...... Once women on how many year of ages, once saw that others are teasing the child, how mother 's surname of that day surname can to subdue|grams be able to trig? 东方三爷夫妻四人连同儿女坐在一桌,得意洋洋\;东方问情东方问剑两人都是满脸羡慕之意……身边的妻妾们更是幽怨……女人一旦上了几岁年纪,一旦看到别人都在逗弄小孩子,那份天姓的母姓又如何能克制得住? Continually has solved several important matters, in the Jun Moxie heart greatly is happy, sees Dongfang Wenqing with a worried look, collects stealthy asking: Great Uncle, how? Do your many aunts, how drop have not made cousin younger male cousin what to me? But a little wasted?” 一连解决了好几件大事,君莫邪心中大是舒畅,见东方问情愁眉不展,不由凑过去鬼鬼祟祟的问道:“大舅舅,怎么地?您这么多的舅母,咋滴就没给俺弄个表姐表弟啥的?可是有点浪费了吧?” You, when I don't want to make? Your grandmother has not complained little about me!” Dongfang Wenqing stares his one eyes ill-humoredly: But these young married women do not make every effort to succeed, what means do I have?” “你当我不想弄啊?你姥姥没少埋怨我!”东方问情没好气的瞪他一眼:“可是这些婆娘不争气,我有啥办法?” Jun Moxie white supercilious look: Perhaps does not make every effort to succeed two not to make every effort to succeed has the possibility, but if said...... 59 wives all cannot give birth...... That Dongfang Wenqing luck rather also too terrifying a point, this probability, has been able to buy[ ***] color...... Moreover every time buys to! 君莫邪白了白眼:一个不争气两个不争气或许有可能,但若是说……59个老婆全都不能生育……那东方问情的运气未免也太恐怖了一点,这份机率,都可以去买[***]彩了……而且每买必中! How not saying that is own reason? 咋就不说是自己的原因呢? Jun Moxie somewhat despises, winks, stealthy say|way: I to this aspect, very have the research actually, my Third Uncle that leg is I incites, if Great Uncle can believe me, will guarantee you to hug the baby in next year this time, will be several......” 君莫邪有些鄙视,挤挤眼,鬼鬼祟祟的道:“我对这方面,倒是挺有研究的,我三叔那腿就是我鼓捣好的,若是大舅舅信得着我的,保你在明年此时抱上娃娃,而且是好几个……” Really?” Sitting that Dongfang Wenqing brushes relaxed, two lanterns look at Jun Moxie generally, in the nostril gasp for breath, a capture nephew's hand: „Haven't you deceived me?” “真的?”东方问情刷的坐直了腰,两眼灯笼一般看着君莫邪,鼻孔中咻咻喘气,一把抓住外甥的手:“你没骗我吧?” Nearby person had a scare by him, shit! this big Leader can do? 旁边的人被他吓了一跳,靠!这位大当家的要干啥? „Will I deceive you? Absolutely true!” Jun Moxie mysterious pushes to focus to smile, said: Actually I shaded the eyes with the hand to look, was not only you, actually linked Second Uncle also to have this problem?” “我怎么会骗你?千真万确!”君莫邪神秘的挤着眼笑了笑,道:“其实我一搭眼就看出来了,不光是你,其实连二舅舅也有这毛病吧?” Dongfang Wenqing became flushed the face, coy say|way: Oh...... Not to mention, is really Main Family Misfortune......” 东方问情涨红了脸,扭扭捏捏的道:“唉……别提了,真是家门不幸啊……” Youth time does not control......” the Jun Moxie false horse to say sighing of ghost, sincere say|way: Young absurdity, will often bring the life-long bitter fruit, these words, regardless to male to female, is the same, although the person is not loose in vain the youth, but any matter must have a limit......” these words, Dongfang Wenqing in South Heaven to Jun Moxie said that now, they poured...... to believe me to punch your little brat!” Dongfang Wenqing somewhat flies into a rage, roars to Jun Moxie one, then the tiger the face was looking periphery to plan several people that raised up the ear to listen, suddenly has frightened the person. “少年的时候不节制啊……”君莫邪假马曰鬼的叹了口气,语重心长的道:“年少的荒唐,往往会带来终生的苦果,这句话,无论对男对女,都是一样,虽说人不风流枉少年,可是什么事也得有个限度……”这些话,正是东方问情天南的时候对君莫邪说的,如今,两人倒了个……“信不信我揍你小子!”东方问情有些急眼,对君莫邪一声怒吼,然后虎着脸看了看周围正打算竖起耳朵过来听的几人,顿时把人都吓了回去。 Volume, I help you have a look carefully.” Jun Moxie grasps the hand of Dongfang Wenqing, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi inputs together, then crossed in his within the body with the strength of wood pure vitality, then treasures puts out small jade bottle: This inside medicine, eats one every day, eats half a month \; Within half a month...... Must ban the sexual intercourse surely \; After the half a month,...... Hehehe......” “额,我帮您仔细看看。”君莫邪抓起来东方问情的手,一道天地灵气输入进去,然后用木之力的精纯生命力在他体内过了一圈,然后珍重的拿出一个小玉瓶:“这里面的药,每天吃一颗,吃半月\;半月之内……千万要禁房事\;半月之后……嘿嘿嘿……” Jun Moxie reveals smiling of man, was actually overtaken jade bottle by Dongfang Wenqing, has patted one on his head conveniently, a pa resounding, carries uncle's rack, stares to reprove: „Does small age, what think blindly? This type does not ascend the matter of place of refinement, thanks to you said with great interest! It seems like the name of your Capital City top-quality debauchee really lives up to reputation! I must tell your mother, making her teach in you well!” 君莫邪露出一个男人的笑,却被东方问情一把将玉瓶抢了过去,顺手在他脑袋上拍了一记,的一声脆响,端起舅舅的架子,瞪着眼训斥道:“小小年纪,瞎想些什么?这种不登大雅之堂的事,亏你说得津津有味!看来你京城头号纨绔之名果然是名不虚传!我得告诉你母亲,让她好好教训教训于你!” Another hand was similar to secretly the yellow weasel of chicken was common, as swift as lightning the jade bottle treasure, but heavy held the bosom...... His saying, the sound was really so loud \; That 110 people of brushing on the scene, 200 vision searchlights turned toward Jun Moxie to look generally, in the eyes brought to inquire about the meaning, obviously very much wants to know that this little animal in the end said anything, unexpectedly was so reproven by Great Master! 另一只手却是如同偷了鸡的黄鼠狼一般,迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势的将玉瓶珍而重之的揣进了怀里……他这么一说,声音甚大\;在场110人刷的一声,200多道眼光探照灯一般向着君莫邪看了过来,眼中都带着探寻之意,显然都很想知道这小家伙到底说了什么,居然被大老爷如此训斥! It seems like decides the matter that however cannot withstand! Reproving that in the presence of everyone otherwise Sir such will expect too much? 看来定然是非常不堪的事情!要不然大爷怎么会这么恨铁不成钢的当众训斥? The Jun Moxie Lima for it gloomy, has not seen really has not known good from bad and not wanted the person of cheek like this! My good intention solves the lifetime difficulty for you, you obtained the advantage not to speak also on forget it, unexpectedly to conceal your awkwardness, pushed up the awkward onstage me? 君莫邪利马为之气结,真没见过这样不知好歹、不要面皮的人!我好心好意为你解决一生的困难,你得了好处不吭声也就罢了,居然为了掩饰你自己的尴尬,将我推上了尴尬的前台? May endure what else cannot be tolerated, the uncle may endure the aunt not to endure. 是可忍孰不可忍,叔可忍婶也不可忍。 Since is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, that does not need to endure again! 既然忍无可忍,那就无须再忍了! A Jun Moxie eyeball revolution, mysterious collects saying: Great Uncle, after only needs you to finish eating the medicine, again coordinates other movements and chant, that was absolutely safe, perhaps I again came time, you perhaps on children in groups......” 君莫邪眼珠一转,神秘兮兮的凑过去道:“大舅舅啊,只需要你吃完药之后,再配合一下其他动作和口诀,那就是万无一失了,说不定我再来的时候,您说不定就儿女成群了……” also concrete movement and chant?” Dongfang Wenqing is startled in a twinkling. Was chuckling a moment ago still to oneself, finally has put in order this little brat, and has preserved own face successfully, what was most important, but must the huge advantage...... Which thinks that the eye has not winked, is one scoop of cold water sprinkles, oneself wickedly had just put in order his, by disposition that this little brat grievance must report, how to let off itself? Vigilant say|way: What condition do you have? Stated clearly!” 还有具体动作和口诀?”东方问情霎时间一怔。刚才还在窃喜,终于整了这小子一顿,而且还成功地保住了自己的脸面,最重要的是,还得了天大的好处……哪想到眼睛还没眨一下,就是一瓢冷水泼下来,自己刚刚恶整了他一下,以这小子睚眦必报的姓格,怎么会放过自己?不由警惕的道:“你有啥条件?明说吧!” Condition?” Jun Moxie undeserved called: „Do I also want to negotiate the terms to your could it be? Since you regard as this grade of villain me, I did not say! You made me put in great inconvenience sadly...... My cavity is zealous, the gratitude of being filled with wants to help you solve......” “条件?”君莫邪冤枉的叫起来:“我对您老人家难道还要讲条件吗?既然你把我看成这等小人,那我不说也罢!您可是太让我伤心委屈了……我一腔热忱,满心的感激才想要帮你解决……” Is I am wrong! Is I am wrong, the uncle made a mistake the uncle to make a mistake......” Dongfang Wenqing 520 novels to cover his mouth, apologized repeatedly, the saliva the face was asking: Good nephew, what movement is in the end and chant? You hurry to tell the uncle!” “是我错!是我错,舅舅错了舅舅错了……”东方问情520小说的一把捂住了他的嘴,连声道歉,涎着脸问道:“好外甥,到底是什么动作和口诀?你赶紧告诉舅舅吧!” „, Who lets you are my uncle...... Everybody person on one's own side, I told you.” Sighing that Jun Moxie has no alternative, the live image received the huge grievance. “也罢,谁让你是我舅舅呢……大家自己人,我就告诉你吧。”君莫邪无可奈何的叹了口气,活像是受了天大的委屈。 Really is the good child! Uncle many thanks you!” Dongfang Wenqing great happiness. “真是好孩子!舅舅多谢你了!”东方问情大喜。 Gathers near Uncle Dongfang ear, Jun Moxie diligently becomes by own sound slight inaudible: „...... This movement...... Need...... Flying high...... Un...... Possibly many are a little tired, you may probably insist...... Right, hangs upside down...... Right......” 凑到东方大爷的耳朵边上,君莫邪努力的让自己的声音变得细微不可闻:“……这动作……需要……凌空……嗯……可能多少有点累,您可要坚持啊……对,倒挂……对对……” Dongfang Wenqing nods again and again, serious frowning, memory wholeheartedly, lived has perhaps leaked a character, but has gone bad the important matter. 东方问情连连点头,严肃的皱着眉头,全心全意的记忆,生恐漏了一个字而坏了大事。 also chant is...... You listened, careful...... Must coordinate to act, right, chant drops like this...... 1-2 3-4, two two 3-4, the Yin-Yang is well distributed, universe safe \;...... 1-2 3-4, two two 3-4 \; Changes a posture, comes one time......” the Jun Moxie serious instruction, the Dongfang Wenqing entire gods all spirit memory to recite again wholeheartedly, is anxious on the forehead almost to sweat...... Old, the memory is not good...... Luckily is not very long, but also very well records...... Jun Moxie just read, Dongfang Wenqing is still frowning to mutter \; Asking of Jun Moxie good intention: Remember?” 还有口诀就是……您听好了,记仔细了……要配合动作,对对,口诀是这样滴……一二三四,二二三四,阴阳调和,乾坤无事\;……一二三四,二二三四\;换个姿势,再来一次……”君莫邪一本正经的传授,东方问情全心全意全神全灵地记忆背诵,急得脑门上几乎冒了汗……年纪大了,记忆不好啊……幸亏不是很长,还挺好记的……君莫邪刚刚念完,东方问情还在皱着眉头咕哝\;君莫邪好心的问道:“记住没?” Dongfang Wenqing knitting the brows hair brush stands, the words did not say, calm face dignified walked hurriedly, with long hurried strides directly soars the study room, it seems like, was good to record the surname to be inferior to the rotten writing skill, the back has carried, may forget accidentally, with writing down safely...... „? Moxie, your did Great Uncle do?” Dongfang Wenjian sat, the doubt asked. 东方问情皱着眉头刷的站起来,连话也不说,沉着脸威严的急匆匆地走了出去,大步流星直奔书房,看来,好记姓不如烂笔头,背是背下来了,可万一忘了呢,还是用笔记下来最为稳妥啊……“嗯?莫邪,你大舅舅干啥去了?”东方问剑坐了过来,狐疑地问道。 Volume...... Is a little are probably many, went to the latrine that drinks......” Jun Moxie laughed. Then solves the Dongfang Wenjian matter, but Dongfang Wenjian actually wanted honest many, received Medicinal Pill to start to thank profusely, was overjoyed, Jun Moxie naturally has not taught any Hu Bai movement and chant...... Thus it can be seen, the person, is honest. “额……大概是喝的有点多,去茅房了吧……”君莫邪呵呵一笑。接下来就是解决东方问剑的事了,不过东方问剑却是要老实的多,接过了丹药就开始千恩万谢,满面春风,君莫邪自然也就没有传授什么胡掰的“动作和口诀”了……由此可见,人,还是老实一点好啊。 Lets your make me make a boner again! 再让你丫的让我出丑! Although you are my uncle, but I should put in order time, will not forgive you...... In Jun Moxie heart self-satisfied, bans peak the shoulder, self-satisfied silent laughing wildly, later directly is holding the belly, is patting the thigh, haha laughs wildly. 虽然您是我舅舅,但我该整的时候,也不会饶了您……君莫邪心中得意,禁耸着肩膀,得意的无声狂笑,稍后更直接捧着肚子,拍着大腿,哈哈狂笑。 pēng! 砰! A chicken bone flies, was pounding above him, Jun Moxie one startled was on the rise, sees only the Old Madame Dongfang whole face to suppress red, visits him maliciously, bitterly scolded: Young brat! What do you laugh foolishly?” 一根鸡骨头飞过来,正正砸在了他头上,君莫邪一惊抬头,只见东方老夫人满脸憋得通红,狠狠地看着他,恨恨的骂道:“小兔崽子!你傻笑什么?” Volume...... Has not smiled anything......” Jun Moxie to find the clue make, has grinned to sit. “额……没笑什么……”君莫邪摸摸头,咧了咧嘴坐了下来。 Old Madame is depressed visits him, suddenly , has spurted mouth liquor water that in the mouth holds, chokes to cough, reddens all over the face , the air/Qi gets angry and has no alternative scolded: Your this little brat was also too mischievous......” 老夫人闷闷的看着他,突然“噗”地一声,把口中含着的一嘴酒水喷了出来,呛咳起来,满脸通红,又气又怒又是无可奈何的骂道:“你这小子也太促狭了吧……” Originally Old Madame heard...... Actually presents, only then two people heard: Mei Xueyan and Old Madame \; These two skill is highest, but Mei Xueyan after all is unmarried maiden, is actually the unclear its meaning, but Old Madame but seasoned person...... cough cough...... cough cough...... Jun Moxie feels the head to laugh foolishly two, hurries to lower the head to eat meal, drinks, honest, such, is is very clever. 原来老夫人听见了……其实在座的,也就只有两个人听到了:梅雪烟老夫人\;这两人功力最高,但梅雪烟毕竟是黄花闺女,却是不明其意,但老夫人可是过来人……咳咳……咳咳……君莫邪摸着脑袋傻笑两声,赶紧低头吃饭,喝酒,老老实实的,那样子,可是乖得很。 Mother, your what happened?” Dongfang Wenxin looks at a loss own mother, she sat in side a moment ago, was nearly spurted one...... your this weary son! But well educates, after going back, surely looks tight, this little brat was really too mischievous! This punching time, should not be lenient, although makes an effort to punch is, this little brat can shoulder!” Old Madame along comes pantingly, some air/Qi do not hit one. “娘,您怎么了?”东方问心茫然的看着自己母亲,刚才她就坐在旁边,险些被喷一身……“你这个惫懒儿子!可是得好好教育,回去之后,千万看的紧一点,这小子实在是太调皮了!该揍的时候,千万不要手软,尽管使劲揍就是,这小子扛得住!”老夫人顺过气来,还是有些气不打一处来。 Listened to hear...... But that matter...... Also has no way to remind...... This matter, making oneself this work as mother's reminder? 听是听到了……可那件事……也没法提醒啊……这种事,让自己这个当娘的怎么提醒? This grandchild, is really mischievous the minute...... Moxie had been so clever, can there not be obedient?” Dongfang Wenxin frowned, grieved say|way: I am not willing to hit child...... Remembers that in childhood he was mischievous, I have flung a palm of the hand toward his small butt on, but who also loved dearly shed tears for several days......” 这个外孙,实在是促狭的过了分……“莫邪这么乖,那里会不听话?”东方问心皱起眉头,心痛的道:“我可不愿意打孩子……记得小时候他调皮,我往他小屁股上甩了一巴掌,还心疼的自己直掉泪好几天……” Is turned roll one's eyes by Old Madame that the thunder arrives, is at wit's end. 被雷到的老夫人翻了翻白眼,无计可施。 This matter...... Until after for a long time,...... Some said...... Dongfang Wenjian sees the Big Brother to wriggle the waist to rotate to the dawn in the garden, the unclear its meaning, walks up to ask: Big Brother, what is your this is making?” 这件事情……直到许久之后……某曰……东方问剑见大哥正在花园里对着晨光扭着腰来回转,不明其意,走上前去问道:“大哥,您这是在做什么?” Exercise waist strength!” Say|Way that the Dongfang Wenqing eyelid does not lift: Old Second, that side you, on bosom several?” The two brothers fellow sufferers, the same problem, naturally tell one another everything. “锻炼腰力!”东方问情眼皮也不抬的道:“老二,你那边,怀上几个了?”他们兄弟俩难兄难弟,一样的毛病,自然是无话不谈。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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