OEM :: Volume #7

#622: Presents as a gift pill!

Old women rapid breathed heavily several tones, bitterly typical: Asks one's conscience, did not say you for mother, you must favor the child also to have...... Returns the child on Moxie...... cultivation base of this child also wanted compared with me high......” 老妇人急促的喘了几口气,才恨恨地道:“问心啊,不是为娘的说你啊,你就算是要宠孩子也要有个度……就莫邪还小孩子……这小孩子的修为比我还要高了……” „Was cultivation base again high also child, cultivation base high is not my son?......” Dongfang Wenxin is very somewhat persistently unreasonable doting parent. Old Madame and Jun Moxie are simultaneously speechless...... grandmother, making me have a look at these information.” Jun Moxie brought, looked at the past, Mei Xueyan also collected comes excessively, obviously in her heart was also the same question. 修为再高也是孩子,修为高了就不是我儿子了?……”东方问心很是有些蛮不讲理的护犊子。老夫人君莫邪同时无语……“外婆,让我看看这些情报。”君莫邪一把拿了过来,一张张的看过去,身边的梅雪烟也凑过头来,显然她心中也是一样的疑问。 Looks, two people both frowned. 看着看着,两个人都皱起了眉头。 Strange! 诡异! Too strange! 太诡异了! In these information, but said that Three Great Sacred Lands encircles Venerable Mei, the tactical situation is how frigid, almost can be said as to the utmost careful, but in has not mentioned Jun Moxie including half a word...... What's all this about? 这些情报上,只是说三大圣地围剿梅尊者,战况如何惨烈,几乎可以说是极尽细致的,但内中却是连半句都没有提到君莫邪……这是怎么回事呢? These two people may together walk obviously, starts off together, runs into the ambush together, encounters the interception together! 这两个人可明明就是一起走的,一起上路,一起遇到埋伏,一起遭遇截杀! Here, unexpectedly absolutely did not have the Jun Moxie anything matter...... What view is this? 在这里,居然完全没有了君莫邪什么事……这是个什么说法? They look one, saw inconceivable of opposite party in the eyes. 两人对望一眼,都看到了对方眼中的不可思议。 Mei Xueyan frowns, has thought a meeting, quietly said with a sound-transmission: Thinks that is Three Great Sacred Lands has scruples your Master, specially erased from the information your name...... This matter, has possibility greatly. After all, such interception, if stirs up his anger, Three Great Sacred Lands also uncomfortable...... So long as does not raise you, after a period of time you went back, naturally also disappears the disturbance in invisible......” 梅雪烟皱着眉头,想了一会,悄悄地传音道:“想必是三大圣地顾忌你师父,特意的将你的名字从情报中抹去了……这件事,大有可能。毕竟,这样的截杀,若是惹起他的愤怒,三大圣地也难受……只要不提你,过一段时间你回去了,自然也就将风波消于无形……” Reasonable.” Jun Moxie feels relaxed, by Three Great Sacred Lands strength, desirably makes the information turn into this, originally is not the difficult matter \; Let alone intercepts completely in barren mountains and wild hills, simply does not have others to see how naturally was they want to say how to say...... present Moxie skill accomplishment, Xueyan was he most helps! So the strength, copes with Xiao Family even is entire Silver Blizzard City, ninety percent sure! Now Li Juetian died, Yun Biechen has not had for a long time comes to the world, Silver Blizzard City insufficient has also feared, our Dongfang Aristocratic Family, was the matters concerned that the time arrangement resurfaced...... In any event, Sword Peak, must rumble to collapse! Asked that the sentiment, asked the sword, asked the blade \; Heaven and Earth person who your three people respectively are responsible for training three Assassin, now achievement how? Have how many people met established standard?” “有道理。”君莫邪释然,以三大圣地力量,刻意的让情报变成这样子,本就不是难事\;更何况截杀尽是在荒山野岭,根本没有别人看到,自然是他们想怎么说就怎么说……“如今莫邪功力大成,雪烟更是他最强臂助!如此实力,对付萧家甚至是整个风雪银城,也是十拿九稳的!如今厉绝天已死,云别尘久未现身尘寰,风雪银城也已不足惧,我们东方世家,也是时候筹备复出的事宜了……无论如何,剑峰,都要轰塌!问情、问剑、问刀\;你们三人分别负责训练的天地人三才刺客,如今成果如何?有多少人达到了既定标准?” Dongfang Wenqing stands up, said: Heaven Grade Assassin, is qualified at present, had 36 people! Earth Grade Assassin, currently has 71 people qualified \; As for Human Grade Assassin, at present total 341 people!” 东方问情站起身来,道:“天级刺客,目前合格的,已经有36人!地级刺客,目前有71人合格\;至于人级刺客,目前共计341人!” Not good or not good! strength that can use is too few, is too small! simply cannot have too big use! Made the best use of the time to practice to me, practices also to practice! Moxie will momentarily start to go Silver Blizzard City, king battle the strength may have the overwhelming superiority self-confidently, if strength of our common soldier can't follow good? At the appointed time, most little must collect clan 50 Heaven Grade Assassin 100 Earth Grade Assassin to follow Moxie to go to revenge! Must choose the disciple not of the same surname, the must know, our Dongfang Aristocratic Family has not relieved the pledge......” “不行不行!可以使用的力量还是太少,太小!根本就派不上太大用场!抓紧时间给我练,练死了也要练出来!莫邪随时会启程前去风雪银城,王战的实力自信可占绝对优势,若是我们兵士的力量跟不上怎么行?届时,最少要凑族50名天级刺客100名地级刺客跟随莫邪前去报仇!要挑选外姓弟子,须知,我们东方世家还没有解除誓约呢……” Ordering of old woman gloomy. 老妇人阴沉沉的下令。 Dongfang Wenqing three people of complying at the same time, the surface reveals the embarrassment. 东方问情三人答应的同时,面显难色。 In the Jun Moxie heart a heat, grandmother is so anxious, originally unexpectedly for own revenge important matter! Then signaled with the eyes to Mei Xueyan. 君莫邪心中一热,姥姥这么急,原来居然是为了自己的复仇大计!便向梅雪烟使了个眼色。 The Mei Xueyan associative compound, stands up, takes out several small jade bottle from bosom, including saying with a smile: Grandmother, some Xueyan here good things, or had these, the beforehand issue no longer was any difficult problem.” 梅雪烟会意,站起身来,从怀中取出几个小玉瓶,含笑道:“姥姥,雪烟这里有些好东西,或者有了这些,之前的问题就不再是什么难题了。” What is this?” The Old Madame surprise asked. Dongfang Aristocratic Family is situated remotely, to the present had not known that Jun Family has the Divine Pill matter...... Although the Dongfang Wenqing three people know Ten Years Pill, but after coming back, has raised a mouth, the detail, Old Madame has not known. “这是什么?”老夫人诧异地问道。东方世家地处偏僻,以至于到现在还未得知君家神丹的事情……东方问情三人虽然知道十年丹,但回来之后只是提了一嘴,并没有详细说明,老夫人还不知道。 This is Moxie...... Wonderful Medicinal Pill that the teachers refine. This type is Ten Years Pill. Each can increase Profound Expert ten years of pure Profound Force! Here is two bottles, puts in order 100 each bottle. But these two bottles, is Quenching Bone Pill, can be used to change the physique of person, similarly is also 200. Creates the following talented person of this clan to use for Dongfang Aristocratic Family......” “这是莫邪的……师尊炼出来的神妙丹药。这一种是十年丹。每一颗能增加玄者十年精纯玄力!这里是两瓶,每瓶内都整100颗。而这两瓶,则是焠骨丹,可以用来改变人的体质,同样也是200颗。为东方世家培养本族的后续人才所用的……” Mei Xueyan introduced with a smile, spoke of „the Moxie Master these characters time, cannot help but, went said: As for other these three vial, is true rare Spirit Pill...... This Opening Origin Pill, take can disregard the foundation to promote the Profound Expert three times of speeds! This is Gathering Origin Pill, take can make the Profound Expert cultivation progress speed promote three times! also Heavenly Origin Pill, can actually promote 50 years of pure skill finally directly...... These three medicines rare, each bottle has ten, is actually specially prepares for the grandmothers and uncles. However if other people take, actually must pay attention, at least itself cultivation base must achieve expert above Sky Profound peak to take, otherwise, will then be exploded the body to perish by the formidable efficacy!” 梅雪烟含笑介绍,说到“莫邪的师傅”这几个字的时候,不由得顿了顿,接下去说道:“至于另外这三个小瓶,才是真正的稀世灵丹……这一种通元丹,服下可以无视根基生生提升玄者三倍的速度!这是聚元丹,服下可以让玄者练功进展速度提升三倍!还有最后天元丹,却可以直接提升50年的精纯功力……这三种药至为稀罕,每瓶只得十颗,却是专为姥姥和舅舅们准备的。不过若是其他人服用的话,却要注意,至少本身修为要达到了天玄巅峰之上的高手才能服用,否则,便会被强大的药力爆体而亡!” In this most times, Jun Moxie refine many this Medicinal Pill, happen to now applies. Mei Xueyan takes, is only few part. But by Dongfang Aristocratic Family current strength, were many, actually cannot use. Even these, already surpassed three times of many...... Along with the speech of Mei Xueyan, she said at the same time, Old Madame Dongfang and Dongfang Wenqing three people after starting to have sucked in cold air, the mouth gets bigger and bigger, could not close up unexpectedly again...... This simply is in legend never has also presented the thing, now unexpectedly living appearance at present. 这一大段时间里,君莫邪又炼出了不少这种丹药,正好现在派上用场。梅雪烟拿出来的,只是很少的一部分而已。但以东方世家目前的力量,多了,却也用不上。甚至这些,就已经超出三倍之多了……随着梅雪烟的说话,她一边说,东方老夫人东方问情三人除了开始倒抽了一口凉气之后,嘴巴就越张越大,竟是再也合不拢了……这简直就是传说中也从未出现过的东西,如今竟然活生生的出现在了眼前。 But Dongfang Wenxin is on the face an excitement, in the foreheads, obviously were also many for several points to hope. This each article miracle legend, has indicated that does oneself son have that mysterious strength really? 东方问心则是脸上一阵激动,眉宇之间,显然又多了几分期盼。这件件桩桩的奇迹传奇,岂不是表明了,自己的儿子果真具有那种神奇的力量 could it be...... Moxie he said unexpectedly real? 难道……莫邪他说的居然是真的? Dongfang Wenxin at that time on mouth, although said that has believed that but in the heart was still doubtful, even to a great extent, was for does not make son's heart cool, complied. After all, brings back to life this and other unthinkable unusual happenings, how can light be! 东方问心当时嘴上虽然说了相信,但心中仍是半信半疑的,甚至于很大程度上,乃为了不让儿子的心凉了,才答应了下来。毕竟,起死回生这等匪夷所思的奇事,如何能轻为! However now, at this moment, in her heart, were many several points of assurance! 但是现在,这一刻,她的心中,却又多了几分把握! Has ignited the hope truly...... The Old Madame Dongfang facial expression greatly is excited, deeply took a breath, said: Moxie, these things...... Extremely was but precious! How do we take on to handle?” 真正的燃起了希望……东方老夫人神情大是激动,深深地吸了一口气,道:“莫邪,这些东西……可是太过于贵重了!我们如何担当得起?” How could it not be grandmother saying was an outlet, my Jun Moxie was the Dongfang Aristocratic Family grandchild, did everybody whole family, what have to work as can not appropriately? Also...... Must say precious...... In this world, what also there is able the kinship more precious than?” Jun Moxie sprinkles however smiles, said: Therefore, if said that cannot take on \; Cannot take on also only then I, I even think these...... Really is few!” “姥姥这话岂非是外道了,我君莫邪乃是东方世家的外孙,大家正是一家人,有什么当得当不得?再说……要说贵重……这世上,又有什么能够比亲情更贵重的?”君莫邪洒然一笑,道:“所以,若说是担当不起\;担当不起的也只有我,我甚至觉得这些……实在是很少!” Good! Said well, these words said too well! In the world, what thing there is more precious than the kinship?” The Old Madame to praise sighed: To/Clashes these words, Moxie, you grew up really! Asking one's conscience...... You really should be proud of your son, his small age, actually compared with many that you understand, your this is mother may probably imitate your good son well......” “好!说得好,这句话说得太好好!世上,有什么东西是比亲情更贵重的?”老夫人赞叹道:“就冲这一句话,莫邪,你真的长大了!问心……你实在应该为你儿子骄傲,他小小年纪,却比你懂得的多,你这个做娘的可要好好地效仿一下你的好儿子……” On Dongfang Wenxin face one red, lowered the head...... In the heart actually really satisfies. 东方问心脸上一红,低下头去……心中却是甚是满足。 Because, that is own son...... Although mother said herself, but praised own son, that is the ratio praises her also to make her happy...... Moxie, about Silver Blizzard City, what you have to plan specifically? What strategy policy can have?” But Old Madame Jane|treasure heavy received jade bottle, asked prudently. 因为,那是自己的儿子……虽然母亲说了自己,但却夸了自己的儿子,那可是比夸她自己还要让她高兴……“莫邪,关于风雪银城,你有什么具体打算吗?可有什么策略方针吗?”老夫人珍而重之的收起了玉瓶,慎重问道。 Silver Blizzard City? Any concrete plan......” Jun Moxie eyebrows raised, had not said: Nothing but is avalanche Sword Peak \; Tramples flat Silver City, clutches the Xiao Family person, puts to death by dismemberment the execution also and that's the end! What strategy policy does there have a need for?” 风雪银城?没什么具体的打算啊……”君莫邪挑了挑眉毛,道:“无非就是崩塌剑峰\;踏平银城,将萧家人一个一个的揪出来,凌迟处死也就是了!那里还用得着什么策略方针?” This also called not to plan...... If there is a plan, can give to put down the entire snowy mountain?” Third Uncle Dongfang Wendao had a scare \; The grinning sorption cold air/Qi, the toothache mumbled. “这还叫没打算……若是有打算的话,岂不是要把整个雪山都给平了?”三舅舅东方问刀吓了一跳\;咧着嘴吸着冷气,牙疼似地嘟囔道。 All things, must seek to decide, but rear drive! Drives ten thousand years of ship carefully, you impulse not to now, does not may, because own strength is excellent, has a swelled head, must know one should always strive for better, has the person artificially!” Old Madame urged earnestly. “万事,要谋定而后动!小心驶得万年船,你现在冲动不得,万万不可因为自身实力过人,就妄自尊大,须知天外有天,人为有人!”老夫人谆谆叮咛。 Grandson understands this truth, grandson was planning over the two days, left Dongfang Aristocratic Family, rotated Jun Residence, to go to Silver Blizzard City made all sort of preparations.” Jun Moxie complied with one, respectful and prudent say/way. “孙儿明白这道理,孙儿正打算这两天里,就离开东方世家,回转君府,为去风雪银城做诸般准备。”君莫邪答应了一声,恭谨的道。 Oh? Such is also good! Asks one's conscience, you?” Old Madame turns the head to see the daughter. ?那样也好!问心,你呢?”老夫人转头看着女儿。 Dongfang Wenxin peaceful say/way: I naturally must go back with son...... I always am the Jun Family wife, in these years have not served the parents-in-law unexpectedly completely, slightly perform the filial piety, are really greatly unfilial, now already woke up, naturally must these ten years have a deficit, little making up \; If not so, how I can do right by Wuhui (No regrets)? How can do right by my two pitiful child......” 东方问心安静的道:“我自然是要跟着儿子回去的……我始终是君家的媳妇,这些年里竟完全没有伺候公婆,略尽孝道,实在是大大不孝,如今既已醒来,自然要将这十年的亏欠,一点点的补上\;若不如此,我如何能对得住无悔?如何能对得住我那两个可怜的孩儿……” Old Madame long sighing, looked up looks at the distant place lost, long time, has shut the eye, said low-spirited: Also good!” She lowered the head, sees the daughter, full is take pity on, does not abandon completely, but in mouth actually severe said/tunnel: Dongfang Wenxin, since you make this grade of plan, for mother does not stop you, but you actually must hereafter frequently remembering! You are the person who is mother, on you will want the doing right by mother doing right by husband's household to do right by Heaven and Earth, below wants the doing right by son wife also future grandson...... I do not hope that you fall asleep to be lifted again! Has understood what is heard?” 老夫人长长的叹了一口气,仰起脸出神地看着远方,良久,才闭了闭眼睛,黯然道:“也好!”她低下头,看着女儿,满是怜惜,满是不舍,但口中却严厉地道:“东方问心,既然你做出这等打算,为娘的也不阻拦你,但此后你却要时刻的记住!你是一个做娘的人,你上要对得起母亲对得起夫家对得起天地,下要对得起儿子媳妇还有将来的孙儿……我可不希望你再睡着被人抬回来!听明白了没有?” Dongfang Wenxin smiles mournfully, said: Mother, you felt relieved \; The daughter has thought very clearly, will not make Dongfang Aristocratic Family be shamed again.” 东方问心凄然一笑,道:“娘,你放心\;女儿已经想得很明白,万万不会再令东方世家蒙羞。” So good!” Old Madame closes the eye, did not speak again. “如此就好!”老夫人闭上眼睛,再没有说话。 In the afternoon, Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan accompanied by three uncles, visited the Dongfang Aristocratic Family training base \; And makes a veiled attack gave many improvement comments, by his King of Assassins story, directs with all one's heart, almost said a few words every time, must be treated as the golden rule by the Dongfang Wenqing three people, was greatly inspired \; Almost must take the written records to follow behind his buttocks to record...... Afterward, Jun Moxie reorganized a training program \; Also is previous life time training content, deleted, has given Dongfang Wenqing. Jun Moxie has confidence very much, by the Dongfang Aristocratic Family foundation, if based on this to plan, rises in the Jiang Hu finger/refers said that may treat! 当天下午,君莫邪梅雪烟在三位舅舅的陪同下,参观了东方世家的训练基地\;并旁敲侧击的提出了不少的改良意见,以他杀手之王的阅历,又是尽心指点,几乎是每说出一句话,就要被东方问情三人当做金科玉律,大受启发\;几乎要拿着纸笔跟在他的屁股后面记录了……随后,君莫邪又整理出来了一份训练计划\;也是前世的时候的训练内容,删减了一些,交给了东方问情君莫邪很有把握,以东方世家的根基,若是以这份计划为基础,崛起于江湖指曰可待! That night, Dongfang Aristocratic Family has held the grand banquet, the people happily gathered in one place. Jun Moxie tactful proposed to Old Madame wants the request of that young tree, does not raise not to be good, the fellow sneaked in oneself body unable to come out...... What to do? 当天晚上,东方世家举行了盛大的宴会,众人欢聚一堂。君莫邪委婉的向老夫人提出了要那棵小树的要求,不提出来也不行啊,那家伙钻进自己身体里出不来了……咋办? ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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