OEM :: Volume #7

#619: My Jun Moxie... Also had mother pain person!

The white shade dodges, Mei Xueyan quietly appears in the room, sees Dongfang Wenxin to wake up, in heart one happy, but sees the faint of Jun Moxie full mouth blood, cannot help but grieved, she is what kind of cultivation base, injury weight nature one understands clearly, in the heart complained secretly: Makes you make the field play, said that lets your severe wound, has not let the going severe wound that you such go all out...... Saw that this suffocated...... However Mei Xueyan actually also knows, important surname of Dongfang Wenxin in Jun Moxie heart \; Perhaps, in this moment, the hope of Jun Moxie to maternal love, arrived at one Mei Xueyan incomprehensible altitude...... Mother! 白影一闪,梅雪烟悄然出现在房中,看到东方问心醒来,不由心中一喜,但看到君莫邪满口鲜血的昏厥,不由得心痛起来,她是何等修为,伤势轻重自然一眼了然,心中不免暗暗埋怨:只是让你做场戏而已,说是让你重伤,却也没让你这么拼命的去重伤啊……眼看着这就奄奄一息了……不过梅雪烟却也知道,东方问心君莫邪心中的重要姓\;或许,在这一刻,君莫邪对母爱的渴望,已经到了一个连梅雪烟都不能理解的高度……母亲! This is a sacred noun, in Jun Moxie at heart, was one has twined two lives utmost heart demon...... Can the previous life mother, why abandon me? Why? could it be, you do not know, I do long for? That feared that is you hits me to scold me...... But, person who I have mother, is not the orphan...... previous life, my able to move unhindered life, the shook life, all over the world, none who does not fears me \; In bustling place, achievement immortal legend! 这是一个何等神圣的名词,在君莫邪心里,更是一个缠绕了两世的至大心魔……前世的母亲,为何要把我抛弃?为何?难道,你不知道,我是那么的渴望?那怕是你打我骂我……但,我也是有母亲的人,也不是孤儿……前世,我纵横一生,叱咤一生,普天之下,莫不怕我\;红尘之中,成就不朽传奇! But...... Who knows the pain in my heart? Because I until dying...... Also does not know oneself should be surnamed anything...... I look like this in world unnecessary person, although radiant, glorious, but...... I do not have the root after all...... I long for mother, longs for the maternal love...... Who can understand my hope what situation? At midnight when the dream returns, the autumn wind whinny said \; Time of sleeping alone difficult dormancy, Spring Festival of lamplights of ten thousand families reunion...... But I? Only solitarily acts alone on the road...... I am never arrogant, I never think the cold blood \; I want to put in great inconvenience can bend down in the bosom sob of mother, wants in weak to make mother consider...... To not obtain so-called attendance, is only for that mother and child mood...... This, mother still , is actually widely separated by ten thousand miles, such as the living corpse general deep sleep of...... When I regard myself Jun Moxie, mother is actually asking one's conscience...... But...... I am your son! 可……谁知道我心中的痛?因为我直到死……也不知道自己应该姓什么……我就像是这世间一个多余的人,虽然璀璨过,也荣耀过,但……我毕竟没有根……我渴望母亲,渴望母爱……谁能了解我的渴望到了什么地步?午夜梦回之时,秋风萧萧之曰\;孤枕难眠的时刻,万家灯火团圆的春节……而我呢?只在路上孑然独行……我何尝想孤傲,我何尝想冷血\;我何尝不想委屈的时候能伏在母亲的怀里哭泣,更想在软弱的时候让母亲照顾一下……不是为了得到所谓的照顾,只是为了那份母子情怀……这一世,母亲犹在,却远隔万里,更如活死人一般的沉睡着……当我把自己当成君莫邪的时候,母亲却在问心……可……我是您的儿子啊! I...... Maternal love of dream...... Jun Moxie unconscious...... In that moment that Dongfang Wenxin regains consciousness, unconscious that he feels relieved finally...... Happy unconscious...... Suddenly saw that pretty appears like the angel white clothing girl in front of oneself . Moreover the vision so is grieved, then kind looks oneself cherish the son, Dongfang Wenxin asks: „Is this girl?” 我……梦想的母爱……君莫邪昏迷了……在东方问心苏醒的那一刻,他终于放心的昏迷……幸福的昏迷……突然见到一位貌美如天仙般的白衣姑娘出现在自己面前,而且目光还那么心痛,那么关切的看着自己怀中的儿子,东方问心不由问道:“这位姑娘是?” What this girl? This is not your daughter-in-law! Moxie wife.” Say/Way that Old Madame rebukes: Asks one's conscience, you are the person who becomes mother -in-law...... Perhaps later must hug the grandson......” “什么这位姑娘?这不是你的儿媳妇!莫邪的妻子。”老夫人嗔怪的道:“问心,你已经是当婆婆的人了……也许稍后就要抱孙子啦……” Daughter-in-law? Moxie wife?!” Dongfang Wenxin one startled, high and low has sized up Mei Xueyan one, finally satisfied smiling of \; kindly said: „Did girl, what your maidens' name call?” “儿媳妇?莫邪的媳妇?!”东方问心一惊,上下的打量了梅雪烟一眼,终于满意的笑了笑\;亲切地道:“姑娘,你闺名叫什么?” On the Mei Xueyan face red of suddenly like hungmuy tea, said in a low voice: „my name is Mei \; Mei Xueyan.” 梅雪烟脸上顿时像红梅一样的红,低声道:“我姓梅\;梅雪烟。” Moxie wife...... How also non- cry mother?” Dongfang Wenxin smiling looks at Mei Xueyan, more looks is more satisfied. The son is really the good vision, this wife, I am younger than the time also attractive...... mother......” Mei Xueyan clenched teeth, in heart somewhat embarrassed, but are more, is actually the shy joy, low called one. 莫邪的媳妇……怎地也不叫声娘?”东方问心笑盈盈的看着梅雪烟,越看越满意。儿子真是好眼光,这个媳妇,比我年轻的时候还好看……“娘……”梅雪烟咬了咬牙,心中有些窘迫,但更多的,却还是羞涩的欣喜,低低的叫了一声。 Good, well, good wife...... Really attractive \; Moxie this child since childhood mischievous, with him, Xueyan you may probably take on......” Dongfang Wenxin enjoyable smiling, held the arm of Jun Moxie to tighten one tightly, said with tears disappointed: Yes...... I have become mother -in-law...... Immediately must hug the grandson...... If Wuhui (No regrets) knows that this matter, does not know should how happy...... Should early tell him this matter......” “好,好好,好媳妇……真好看\;莫邪这孩子从小就调皮,跟着他,雪烟你可要多担待……”东方问心舒心的笑了笑,抱着君莫邪的手臂又紧了一紧,含泪怅然道:“是啊……我都已经当婆婆了……马上就要抱孙子了……无悔若是知道这件事,不知道该有多么高兴……应该早将这件事告诉他……” Did Old Madame sigh...... graciousness low-spirited? Immediately must hug the grandson......” Dongfang Wenxin actually suddenly to frown, then has smiled: Moxie is smallest, did he look for the wife? That...... Moyou and Mochou, think that already got married \; Have the children, waited on parents in groups? Oh...... My this becomes mother really not competent...... Well, their two? What's wrong, hasn't come?” 老夫人黯然一叹……“恩?马上就要抱孙子了……”东方问心却突然又皱起了眉头,接着笑了起来:“莫邪最小,他都已经找媳妇了吗?那……莫忧莫愁,想必早已成亲了吧\;或者,已经儿女成群了,承欢膝下了吧?唉……我这个当娘的真是不称职……咦,他们两个呢?怎么,没有来吗?” What are you anxious?” Old Madame forces a smile: This was in Dongfang Aristocratic Family, Moxie can come is the fee/spent completely the untold hardships, you were not do not know, here was what kind of remote......” “你急什么?”老夫人强笑一声:“这是在东方世家,莫邪能来已经是费尽了千辛万苦啊,你又不是不知道,这里是何等的偏僻……” Oh......” Dongfang Wenxin sat slowly, although in the heart indistinctly is not quite right, has actually felt relaxed, has smiled saying with a smile: I have actually forgotten,...... Does here have 17,000 thousand li (500 km) roads from the Tianxiang capital city? Too was really remote...... In the past, I have also caught up with several thousand miles mountain road, saw the person...... At that time, first saw was Wuhui (No regrets)...... He just and several people, seek for the doctor of Chinese medicine at the back of oneself brothers everywhere \; That soldier had been nipped by the snake, said that luckily met me...... Otherwise, but also has troubled really......” ……”东方问心慢慢的坐了下来,虽然心中还是隐约感到不对劲,却已释然,笑了笑道:“我却是忘了,……这里距离天香都城足足有17000千里路吧?实在太遥远了……当年,我也是赶了几千里的山路,才看到了人……当时,第一眼看到的就是无悔……他正和几个人,背着自己的一个兄弟到处寻找郎中\;那个士兵被蛇咬了,当曰幸亏是遇见了我……要不然,还真的麻烦了……” Dongfang Wenxin faint saying: Knows to afterward me that is his guard...... The day was very at that time hot \; Becoming a soldier, ran that far road, on the foot that big taste...... But Wuhui (No regrets) to continue oneself brothers' life, every several other double-hour sucks a toxin for him...... Then finally supported to see me...... Otherwise, the soldier definitely already poisonously sent dead...... At that time, I was very affected, treated the ordinary soldiers to be able General like this...... Praiseworthy......” 东方问心幽幽的说道:“到后来我才知道,那是他的一个近卫……当时天很热\;当兵的,跑了那么远的路,脚上那么大的味……但无悔为了延续自己兄弟的姓命,每隔几个时辰就为他吮一次毒……这才终于撑到见到了我……要不然,那士兵肯定早就毒发身亡了……那时,我心里就很感动,一个对待普通的士兵都能够这样的将军……令人钦佩……” Dongfang Wenxin vision chilly fan, the corners of the mouth actually flood the inexplicable gentleness, as if returned to past that period of time. 东方问心目光凄迷,嘴角却泛起了莫名的温柔,似乎是又回到了当年那段时光。 Although Dongfang Wenxin lethargic sleep entire ten years, but her thought that actually also stays ten years ago, does not know, in the ten years, already was the vicissitudes change, the room was the person not. For her, is filled with...... The grief, is the recollection...... Moreover, such bright...... Old Madame heaved a deep sigh, opened mouth, really does not know how should console, stands up, ill-humored say/way: You took care of your son to say first again! Your son for you, but almost made contact with including poor life...... All, waited for Moxie be fully recovered to say again.” 东方问心虽然昏睡了整整十年,但她的思想,却也停留在十年之前,丝毫不知道,这十年里,早已是沧桑变化,屋是人非。对她来说,满心中……还是伤痛,还是回忆……而且,那样的鲜明……老夫人长叹一声,张了张嘴,实在不知道该如何劝慰,站起身来,没好气的道:“你先照顾好自己的儿子再说吧!你儿子为了你,可是连小命都差点搭上了……一切,等莫邪痊愈再说吧。” Dongfang Wenxin shook terrified, saw the son who in bosom loved tenderly, that the familiar face that made itself be enchanted by, under was only young, has bent down gently, pasted the face on the face of Jun Moxie, gently said: My good son...... Also is the flesh and blood of Wuhui (No regrets) \; I...... Must make Moxie good...... San'er...... My San'er...... Mother's San'er......” 东方问心悚然一震,怜爱的看了看怀中的儿子,那张令自己迷醉的熟悉面孔,只是年少了许多,轻轻俯下头,将脸贴在君莫邪的脸上,轻轻地道:“我的好儿子……也是无悔的骨血\;我……一定要让莫邪好起来……三儿……我的三儿……娘的三儿……” In the Old Madame heart sighed, signaled with the eyes \; Dongfang Wenqing and the others, although is reluctant to part, has actually drawn back. 老夫人心中一叹,使了个眼色\;东方问情等人虽然恋恋不舍,却也退了出去。 Old Madame sets out finally, said: Wait a minute Moxie were good, Dongfang Wenxin! You are waiting to for apologizing of mother! Your this unfilial female, these many years your you...... Oh......” finally a deep sigh, sets out to go out. 老夫人最后起身,道:“等莫邪好了,东方问心!你就等着向为娘的请罪吧!你这个不孝之女,这么多年你你……唉……”终于一声长叹,起身出门。 In the room has only left behind three people \; Dongfang Wenxin, Mei Xueyan and Jun Moxie...... Falls into Jun Moxie in unconscious, the pain in within the body thinks is overwhelming, but such snuggles in the arms of mother, on the face, unexpectedly full is happy and delighted...... Over the next few days, Jun Moxie such as was the life in the heaven general...... Dongfang Wenxin is almost the attendance of clothes puzzled belt he, sleeps continually, has supported the small bed side the son, eats meal each time, must feed his mouth personally, Jun Moxie many some have not gotten a grip from the beginning, but afterward, under Dongfang Wenxin gentle insistence, resisted the moment to collapse completely, acceptance of obediently, had fun slowly unexpectedly...... Snuggles up to mother's arms, is enjoying mother thick concern, asked on mother the nice-smelling kind flavor/smell, since feels happiness that mother and child were intimate friends, Jun Moxie two lives, first time felt...... Anything is happy! Anything is...... Dependence! 房中只留下了三人\;东方问心梅雪烟君莫邪……陷入昏迷中的君莫邪,体内的痛苦想必是翻江倒海,但就这么依偎在母亲的怀抱里,脸上,竟满是幸福、欢欣……接下来的几天,君莫邪如是生活在了天堂一般……东方问心几乎是衣不解带的照顾着他,连睡觉,都在儿子身边支起了小床,每次吃饭,都要亲手喂到他嘴里,君莫邪一开始还多少有些不得劲,但后来,在东方问心温柔的坚持之下,抵挡了片刻就一败涂地,乖乖的接受,慢慢的,竟然乐在其中……偎依在母亲的怀里,享受着母亲浓浓的关怀,问道母亲身上好闻的亲切味道,感受着母子连心的幸福,君莫邪两世以来,第一次感到了……什么是幸福!什么是……依赖! Has mother, is really good! Warm, comfortable and cheerful...... As if in world all described that joyful adjective is also not enough to describe at this moment satisfies the eventuality! 有母亲,真好!温馨、舒服、欢快……仿佛世间一切形容快乐的形容词也不足以形容此刻满足之万一! I...... My Jun Moxie...... My Jun Xie...... My Evil Monarch! Finally also had mother! I also had mother pain person......! In the Jun Moxie heart rouses inexplicably...... For serveral days, spoke to mother daily, said experience one by one in these years, to be how mischievous, how debauchee ruined family...... How provoking, as if did not have what scandal saying that was enjoys greatly by mother finger finger a point of rebuking on the forehead, was being reproven one gently...... Then listened to mother saying that the childhood to be how mischievous, how from started to make trouble in mother belly, how speaks of initially to be acquainted with the father, how to known one another well, how to love one another, how to fall in love, how to accompany, how to defend...... When these times, the Jun Moxie association calmly is listening, Mei Xueyan also sits in listens attentively at the same time with a smile. 我……我君莫邪……我君邪……我邪君!终于也有娘了!我也是有母亲疼的人了……!君莫邪心中振奋莫名……这些天里,天天跟母亲说话,将这些年里的经历一一道来,如何调皮捣蛋,如何纨绔败家……如何的让人生气,似乎没有什么丑事是不可以说的,然后大是享受地被母亲一指头一指头的嗔怪的点在脑门上,然后在被温柔地训斥一顿……然后听着母亲说起来自己小时候如何调皮,如何的从在娘肚子里就开始捣蛋,说到当初与父亲如何相识,如何相知,如何相恋,如何相爱,如何相伴,如何相守……每到这些时候,君莫邪总会静静地听着,梅雪烟也坐在一边含笑倾听。 What is strange, Dongfang Wenxin never discussed any painful event, but completely selected these happy matters, even linked the Jun Moyou Jun Mochou two brothers, little mentioned...... Since first time mentioned in front of Jun Moxie, actually after Jun Moxie tricky changes the topic, Dongfang Wenxin has been startled a meeting, has not mentioned again...... Although on her face, was still being covered by the light sorrowfulness, the eyeground, still has the deep grief...... But in front of Jun Moxie, she actually never revealed that but is taking care of own son carefully, each for a while each quarter, each point of each, to son's food and drink, even is a hair, careful to the attendance of extreme...... As if, wishes one could to these ten years flaw maternal love, in day, pours into to the son on completely...... Plunging wholeheartedly to the present son on...... A Jun Moxie even feeling: If...... Forever this way should good? This feeling, too...... Let the person yearn for...... For these days , the Dongfang Aristocratic Family people must come to visit every day, but each time, hurried away...... Old Madame, is no exception. Because, they are afraid, fear sees the eye of Dongfang Wenxin...... Sometimes, in this eye full is the grief and question, but facing these questions, Old Madame is not cruel enough to tell her the truth...... Has to come each time in a hurry, hurries away...... Leaves behind Dongfang Wenxin looking pensive to stand near the gate each time, the anxiety and unclear feeling of eyeground, is more and more thick, more and more anxious...... Jun Moxie also keen detection, that serious pressure in Dongfang Wenxin heart...... also that deep sorrowfulness! Although she never reveals, has not said that always vigorously is concealing, but Jun Moxie can actually be able to feel! 但奇怪的是,东方问心从来也不谈什么伤心事,只是尽挑那些高兴的事来说,甚至连君莫忧君莫愁二兄弟,也很少提及……自从第一次在君莫邪面前提到,却被君莫邪巧妙地岔开话题之后,东方问心就怔怔的怔了一会,再也没有提起……虽然她的脸上,依然被淡淡的哀愁笼罩着,眼底,依然有着深深的伤痛……但在君莫邪面前,她却是从不表露,只是细心的照顾着自己的儿子,每一时每一刻,每一分每一毫,对儿子的吃喝,甚至是一根头发,都细心到了极点的照顾好……似乎,恨不得要将这十年的缺陷的母爱,在一天的时间里,全部倾注到儿子身上……全心全意的倾入到眼前的这个儿子身上……君莫邪甚至有一种感觉:如果……永远这样下去该有多好?这种感觉,实在太……让人留恋……这几天里,东方世家众人每天都要过来探望,但每一次,都是匆匆而去……就连老夫人,也不例外。因为,他们都害怕,害怕看到东方问心的眼睛……有时候,这眼睛里满是伤痛和疑问,而面对这些疑问,连老夫人也不忍心告诉她真相……只好每次匆匆而来,匆匆而去……每次都留下东方问心若有所思地站在门边,眼底的忧虑和不详的感觉,也是越来越浓,越来越忧虑……君莫邪也敏锐的察觉到了,东方问心心中的那份沉重的压力……还有那深深的哀愁!虽然她从来不曾流露,更不曾说说,总是极力的掩饰着,但君莫邪却能感觉得到! Jun Moxie decides to select to understand finally...... With his everybody obvious stuffy in heart, might as well selects clear good. Sorrowful, only after needing one to cry to vent, can relax...... Sees mother daily like this despondently, Jun Moxie...... Does not endure! 君莫邪终于决定挑明白……与其大家都心照不宣的闷在心中,还不如挑明白的好。悲痛,只需一场大哭发泄以后,就能舒缓很多……看着母亲天天这样的抑郁,君莫邪……不忍! Naturally, gives the biggest courage that Jun Moxie has such made, is some quarter Dongfang Wenxin not, a few words that Mei Xueyan spoke accidentally: Looks that mother is like this painful, I am not cruel enough really...... If the deceased person can resurrect...... Should good...... In the Jun Moxie heart moves! 当然,给了君莫邪这么做的最大勇气,还是某一刻东方问心不在的时候,梅雪烟无意中说起来的一句话:看着母亲这样痛苦,我真不忍心……若是死人能复活……该有多好……君莫邪心中一动! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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