OEM :: Volume #7

#620: Is this lie?!

After hearing the Mei Xueyan words, Jun Moxie dodges in the instantaneous miraculous glow, has decided a matter: Rumor! 在听到梅雪烟的话之后,君莫邪在瞬间灵光一闪,决定了一件事:谎言! Yes, is the lie...... After telling mother fact, compiles a white lie, said...... Oneself have resulted in the immortal instruction, but this occasion skill was still shallow, was still not enough to go against heaven's will changes to assign, brings back to life, but he strives toward the skill, can actually make the father resurrect! Let her have this happy hope, goes on living strongly...... Although this is the greatest lie, but, always loses hope such as the ash to be much stronger than the present...... Although is the deceit, but this deceit, actually wants many compassion can deceive like this...... Although is the lie, is actually son to mother, a sincere regard! 是的,就是谎言……在告诉了母亲事实之后,编造一个善意的谎言,就说……自己得了仙人传授,但此际功力尚浅,尚不足以逆天改命,起死回生,但他朝功力精进,却能够让父亲复活!让她老人家带着这一个美好的希望,坚强地活下去……虽然这是莫大的谎言,但,总比现在心死如灰要强得多……虽然是欺骗,但这份欺骗,却要多少的爱心才能够这样骗过去……虽然是谎言,却是儿子对母亲的,一片拳拳心意! So long as some hope, in the future no longer gloomy! 只要有了希望,未来就不再灰暗! As for future matter...... In the future will have reached an agreement again, now and walks one step is...... If lets this way, perhaps sooner or later also will make same mistakes over again...... Future matter...... Who said? 至于将来的事……将来再说好了,现在且走一步算一步吧……若是让她再这样下去,恐怕迟早也会重蹈覆辙……将来的事……谁说的准呢? The door opening place, Dongfang Wenxin is carrying one bowl of bird nest thick soup \; Walked softly \; Comes to see that Jun Moxie partly is lying down is being lost in thought on the pillow dull, say/way that rebukes: Your this child, the wound did not have, what moves heedlessly? Lies down quickly, thinks any such being lost in thought.” 房门开处,东方问心端着一碗燕窝羹\;轻手轻脚地走了进来\;进来就看到君莫邪正半躺着靠在枕头上呆呆出神,不由嗔怪的道:“你这孩子,伤还没好,乱动什么?快躺下,想什么那么的出神。” Jun Moxie smiled, this time has not actually been obedient according to the word, is exceptionally is looking at the eye of Dongfang Wenxin unexpectedly seriously, said solemnly: Mother...... I spoke a few words, you can...... Believes me? Possibly is a little absurd, but I hope that you can believe me!” 君莫邪笑了笑,这次却没有依言听话,竟是异常郑重地望着东方问心的眼睛,郑重地道:“娘……我说一句话,您能……相信我吗?可能有点荒谬,可是我希望您能相信我!” Letter! My son said that any I believe! Even if also believes again absurdly!” Dongfang Wenxin was smiling faintly, scooped up one spoon of birdsnest gruel, placed the mouth to blow, then tasted the temperature lightly, the delivering son mouth that this felt relieved, roared the child said/tunnel: Clever...... Opens mouth, opens mouth quickly, eats a lot, can be much better, not hot............” “信!我儿子说的,什么我都信!就算再荒谬也信!”东方问心浅笑着,舀起一勺燕窝粥,放在嘴边吹了吹,然后轻尝了一下温度,这才放心的送到儿子嘴边,哄小孩似地道:“乖……张嘴,快张嘴,吃得多,才能好得快,一点也不烫……啊……” The Jun Moxie inexplicable forced smile, it seems like that the mother unexpectedly treats as herself three -year-old child general looked after...... However when this feeling, is awkward, is infatuated with unexpectedly very much...... Is infatuated with really very much...... mother, I look at same thing to you first, you may watch closely.” Jun Moxie eats this spoon gruel, full of enthusiasm say/way \; Was saying extends the right hand, in the palm, impressively is a rose seed. 君莫邪莫名苦笑,看来母亲竟是把自己当做三岁孩子一般的来照顾了……不过这种感觉,尴尬之余,竟是很陶醉……真的很陶醉……“娘,我先给你看一样玩意,您可看好了。”君莫邪喝下这一小勺粥,兴致勃勃的道\;说着伸出右手,手心里,赫然是一颗玫瑰花种子。 „Isn't this flower seed? Attractively what has, what is could it be very rare seed?” Dongfang Wenxin smiles, the brow tip eyeground, actually could not conceal the despondance of difficult word. “这不就是一棵花种子吗?有什么好看的,难道是什么很稀罕的种子吗?”东方问心轻轻一笑,眉梢眼底,却仍是掩饰不住难言的抑郁。 Is only a very ordinary fresh flower seed? You may want watch closely......” Jun Moxie mysterious smiles, within the body strength of wood rapid stimulation of movement. “只是一颗很普通的鲜花种子吗?只是,您可要看好了……”君莫邪神秘的一笑,体内木之力迅速催动。 The following gods and ghosts change, caused the Dongfang Wenxin surprised opening the mouth, almost also fell the fine small bowl in hand on the ground...... Sees only the black-brown seed in Jun Moxie palm suddenly slowly appears the sight of green, then together careful shoot slowly dragged to brave, almost against the wind was long, grew up rapidly, germinates, puts forth branches, blooms the leaf, grew...... Slowly, grew into a three chi (0.33 m) high and low flower tree unexpectedly, the branch had the index finger fully thick or thin...... Surprised has not ended, the change has not stopped rests, in that rose branch, has blown up pink small buds slowly, slowly grows up...... Has opened the flower bud slowly...... Also on a free time of tea, nine fragrant tender and beautiful rose out of thin air appears in Jun Moxie, in full Fang suddenly has been full of a fragrance of rose! 接下来的神异变化,令到东方问心吃惊的张大了嘴,几乎将手中的精致小碗也摔在了地上……只见君莫邪手心中的黑褐色的种子突然慢慢显出绿意,接着一道细细的嫩芽慢慢的摇曳着冒了出来,几乎就是迎风而长,迅速长大,发芽,抽枝,开叶,长高……慢慢的,竟然长成了一株三尺高低的花树,主干足有食指粗细……惊奇还未终结,变化也未止歇,在那玫瑰花枝头,慢慢地鼓起了粉红色的小花苞,慢慢的长大……缓缓地张开了花蕾……前后也就一盏茶的工夫,九朵芬芳娇艳的玫瑰凭空出现在君莫邪手里,满房中顿时充满了一种玫瑰花的香味! This...... This...... What's the matter? Trick?” Dongfang Wenxin opened mouth is dumbfounded, the body creakies looks at the rose tree in son hand, shock cannot say a word...... trick to use is the items, our is solid real flower, mother, you smells this flower, looks not to go to a buddhist temple to enjoy the celebrations?” Jun Moxie self-satisfied winking, looked like the child of good toy before mother impatient showed off...... this general...... This real? How is this possible?” The Dongfang Wenxin shock extremely, cannot bear with the hand finally strokes that rose, lowered the head, smelled smelling, clearly smells, this flower fragrance is practical existence...... In the hand does not make an effort on own initiative slightly, „” shouted lightly, in the hand by the thorn of rose had been gripped, seeped the bright red blood bead...... Originally this is not the dream! “这……这这……是怎么回事?戏法吗?”东方问心张口结舌,身子摇摇欲坠的看着儿子手中的玫瑰花树,震惊的不能言语……“戏法用得都是道具,咱这可是实实在在的真花,娘,您闻闻这花,看看香不?”君莫邪得意的挤挤眼,就像是得了好玩具的小孩子在母亲面前迫不及待的炫耀一般……“这……这都是真的?这怎么可能?”东方问心震惊万分,终于忍不住用手抚摸那玫瑰花,低下头去,嗅了嗅,分明闻到,这花香乃是切切实实的存在的……手上不自觉地稍一用力,不禁“啊”的一声轻呼,手上被玫瑰花的刺扎了一下,沁出了一点鲜红的血珠……原来这不是梦! Really isn't the dream? 真的不是梦? In this way the miracle, unexpectedly is real, so the miracle, unexpectedly at present livingly is appearing! 如斯奇迹,竟是真实,如此奇迹,竟在眼前活生生地出现! Mother, this is not the trick, or the camouflage, is the true deity magic arts! When I rescued mother before, causes the young tree that several nearly wither to reappear the vitality, uses this Divine Ability!” “娘,这可不是戏法,又或者障眼法,乃是真正的神仙法术!我之前救助娘亲之时,令到那几近枯萎的小树再现生机,也是用得这门神通!” Jun Moxie serious looks at Dongfang Wenxin: „The potency of this grade of magic arts is also not limited to this, I cultivation base was still at present shallow, had not had Great Divine Ability, if after can cultivation to certain situation, may the moving mountains to fill the seas, pursue star month by month \; Also may make a thousand li (500 km) forest evening wither, or is makes ten thousand miles wilderness turn into the forest sea in an instant...... Naturally, can cause the person of incurable illness to change for the better instantaneously, even is makes most common low grade Profound Expert transform into Supreme expert instantaneously......” 君莫邪严肃的看着东方问心:“这等法术的效力还不止于此,我目前修为尚浅,还未有更大神通,若是能修炼到了一定地步之后,更可移山填海,追星逐月\;亦可令千里森林一夕枯萎,又或者是使万里荒原刹那间变成森林大海……当然,也可以令到绝症之人瞬间好转,甚至是让一位最寻常的低级玄者瞬间蜕变成为至尊强者……” He decides looks at Dongfang Wenxin, a say/way of character character: cultivation arrives seriously extreme, is the life and death person, but meat white bone is also only the everyday event \; When can communicate the Heaven and Earth nether world truly, can make the person who died...... The free wheeling revives once again!!” 他定定的看着东方问心,一字一字的道:“当真修炼到极处,便是生死人而肉白骨也只是平常事\;若真正能沟通天地幽冥之时,更能令死去的人……再度活转回生!!” A Dongfang Wenxin dizziness, the body shook two to shake, the fine china bowl in hand delimited to fall finally quietly, pa fell the ground, the sound, unexpectedly so clear and melodious, as if caused alarm in the heart...... Then the body of Dongfang Wenxin shook shaking, soft downward but actually goes...... Nearby Mei Xueyan supports her, hugs her in the bosom...... Has the moment, Dongfang Wenxin then leisurely awakes to turn around, wakes up she several extend make a move near impatiently infatuated is stroking front flowered tree, although does not live was punctured, seems slightly has not actually felt general, on the face only then color of being enchanted by, the tears were flowing of shua shua, as if she stroked was not a flower, but was...... A dream! 东方问心一阵晕眩,身子晃了两晃,手中的精致瓷碗终于悄然划落,“”的一声摔到地上,声音,竟是如此的清越,似乎在心中引起共鸣……然后东方问心的身子晃了晃,软软的往下倒去……旁边的梅雪烟520小说地将她扶住,将她抱在怀里……只得片刻,东方问心便悠悠醒转过来,一醒来她就几近迫不及待地伸出手痴迷的抚摸着面前花树,虽然不住的被刺,却似乎是丝毫也没有感觉到一般,脸上只有一片迷醉之色,眼泪更是刷刷的流了下来,仿佛她抚摸的不是一棵花,而是……一个梦! A tentacle may and shocking dream! 一个触手可及的惊世之梦! By the intelligence of Dongfang Wenxin, how can also not understand that Jun Moxie did say the meaning of these words? Is about to not to believe that but, this obvious miracle appears in oneself at present! 东方问心的聪明,又如何会不明白君莫邪说这番话的意思?待要不信,但,这明摆着的奇迹就出现在自己眼前! In this way instantaneous, an ordinary seed can germinate to blossom...... The gods and ghosts marvelous sight at present is still occurring, but can also't what happened achieve? 如斯瞬间,一颗普通种子就能发芽开花……神异奇景犹在眼前发生,还有什么事是做不到的? The son added a moment ago, his present skill was still shallow, the step position to be low, can only achieve so, if so the skill has achieved in this way the miracle meanly, if took seriously extremely profound Realm...... How can? 儿子刚才还说了,他现在功力尚浅、阶位较低,只能做到如此,可是若然功力低微就已经做到如斯奇迹,若是当真到了极高深的境界……将会如何? At this moment, in room sudden green light greatly hold, that placed the strange young tree of Dongfang Wenxin chest, after Dongfang Wenxin wakes up, has been putting on together warm jade \; At this time feels boundless being assigned away from the capital of Jun Moxie strength of wood, suddenly follows the breath, but, flies high to fly, flies in front of Jun Moxie slowly, revolves around his body, unexpectedly seems some worried appearances. 就在这时,房中突然绿光大盛,原本那棵放在东方问心胸口的奇异的小树,在东方问心醒来之后,就一直在一块温玉上放着\;此时感受到君莫邪木之力的磅礴外放,突然循息而至,凌空飞来,缓缓地飞到君莫邪面前,绕着他的身体旋转起来,竟然似乎是有些着急的模样。 In the Jun Moxie heart moves, you might as well extends make a move to make it stop falls on own palm, the intention moves, Hongjun Pagoda in thought suddenly opens, that young tree whiz, vanishes in his palm does not see...... Dongfang Wenxin is one startled, she is not strange to this young tree, although this young tree after she falls into the sleep, Old Madame seeks to help her continue the vitality, but several nearly ten years of morning until evening close, even if in fond dream that in she is not willing to wake up, this young tree has also accounted for certain proportion, has this gods and ghosts young tree, caused oneself this living corpse to endure ten years of years! 君莫邪心中一动,索姓出手让它停落在自己掌心,心念一动,意念中的鸿钧塔突然打开,那棵小树嗖的一声,就在他的掌心消失不见……东方问心又是一惊,她对这棵小树并不陌生,虽然这小树是在她陷入睡梦之后,老夫人才寻来帮她延续生机的,但几近十年的朝夕相近,纵然是在她不愿醒来的美梦之中,这小树也占了一定的比重,正是有这棵神异小树,才令到自己这个活死人挨过了十年岁月! This Origin Qi several recent news gods and ghosts young trees completely gain the vitality because of the son, at this moment resembled has flown in son's body spontaneously, that own son, the place of mysterious may really be too many...... Any matter, may have his body! 这棵元气几近耗尽的神异小树因儿子而重现生机,此刻又似自发地飞到了儿子的身体之中,那自己的这个儿子,身上的神秘之处可真是太多了……或者任何事,都有可能发生到他的身上! The Jun Moxie clear feeling, after that young tree enters Hongjun Pagoda, as if receives anything to tow general, non-stop flies First Layer, where, Jun Moxie once captured the Xiao Family two Soul Replenishing Jade originally Zhengan steadily is staying, suddenly buzz a clear sound, has divided \; But that young tree slowly flies among that two Soul Replenishing Jade, slowly falls, closing up of two Soul Replenishing Jade pa clamp the root of young tree in the middle, the three as if in an instant were melting a body, an inseparable whole...... Extends several tree roots from the root of young tree, has twined two Soul Replenishing Jade...... But this change is big Jun Moxie the estimate, over and over attempts, cannot move unexpectedly again! This young tree automatic runs, unexpectedly settled down in inside...... Is the action of driving away does not come out unexpectedly again! 君莫邪清晰的感觉到,那株小树进入鸿钧塔之后,似乎受到什么牵引一般,直飞第一层,在哪里,君莫邪曾经夺得萧家的两块续魂玉本来正安稳的呆着,突然嗡的一声清响,分了开来\;而那棵小树则冉冉飞到那两块续魂玉中间,慢慢落下,两块续魂玉的合拢将小树的根夹在中间,三者似乎在刹那间融成了一体,密不可分的一个整体……从小树的根部延伸出来几条树根,将两块续魂玉缠绕了起来……这变化可是大出君莫邪的预计,再三尝试,竟然再也移不出来了!这小树自动的跑进去,居然在里面安家落户了……竟是再也驱赶不出来了! Jun Moxie first time comes across such matter...... Cannot help but cannot smile bitterly \; Can this not know what to do? This is thing that the maternal family almost loses everything to make, did oneself such inexplicably install what's the matter? 君莫邪还是第一次碰到这样的事……不由得苦笑不得\;这可如何是好?这可是外婆家几乎倾家荡产才弄来的玩意儿,自己就这么不明不白地装走了算怎么回事? At this time, Dongfang Wenxin has recovered, but the facial expression is actually is still quite excited, her tender body rustle was shivering, in the eye the tears sparkle, actually did wink sees the son, fluttered to ask: Moxie...... Son, you...... What did you say? You...... What actually wants to say?” 这时,东方问心已经回过神来,但神情却是依然是颇为激动,她的娇躯簌簌颤抖着,眼睛中泪花闪耀,却一眨不眨的看着儿子,颤声问道:“莫邪……儿子,你……你说什么?你……到底想说什么?” Like Dongfang Wenxin, already understood son's regard intelligently, but she still wants to obtain an affirmative answer from the son mouth! 聪慧如东方问心,早已明白儿子的心意,但她仍旧想从儿子口中得到一个肯定的答复! I said...... When vacation at said, I or leave to make the father resurrect!” Jun Moxie decides visits her \; Say/Way every single word or phrase: But, this need time! Possibly requires the quite much time!” “我说……假以时曰,我或许可以让父亲复活!”君莫邪定定的看着她\;一字一句的道:“不过,这需要时间!可能需要相当多的时间!” He, the facial features twisted, deeply took a breath, ejected the climax: Even...... Including two Elder Brother...... Also can resurrect!” 他顿了顿,面容扭曲了一下,深深地吸了一口气,抛出了重头戏:“甚至……连两位哥哥……也可以复活!” The Dongfang Wenxin body is fierce in a flash, muttered: Also can resurrect...... Also can resurrect......” suddenly tears spring wells up, weak say/way: Originally my premonition real, not only Wuhui (No regrets), also...... Moyou...... Mochou...... My child...... They...... what happened? what happened!” 东方问心身子又是剧烈的一晃,喃喃地道:“也可以复活……也可以复活……”突然间泪水泉涌而出,无力的道:“原来我的预感是真的,不只是无悔,还有……莫忧……莫愁……我的孩儿……他们……怎么了?到底怎么了!” Grieved such as twists suddenly, two have covered the face: In these years...... Exactly what happened? Exactly had anything, why links......” 突然间心痛如绞,两手捂住了脸:“这些年里……到底发生了什么事?到底发生了什么啊,为什么连……” Mother...... You do not need to be sad, sad!” Jun Moxie categorical say/way: I had said a moment ago...... I can achieve, certainly can achieve! I can make them live......” “娘……你不必过于伤心,难过!”君莫邪斩钉截铁的道:“我刚才说过……我能做得到,一定能作得到!我能让他们活过来……” Sighing of his heavily: But...... The key in you, you must first support! I can make you preserve the vigor of youth...... But your mental state, must grasp...... The mother, you always does not hope, when the fathers and two Elder Brother wake up, you are chicken skin Hefa, was gradually old?...... Sad excessively, the fragrant disappearing jade perishes...... Such words...... All that the son makes, but completely did not have the least bit significance...... Even if Divine Power, after all also has the limit...... Three, are the limit......” 重重的叹了口气:“但是……关键在您,您首先要撑住!我可以让你永葆青春……但你自己的心境,一定要把握好……娘,您总不希望,等父亲和两位哥哥醒来的时候,您自己已经是鸡皮鹤发,垂垂老矣了吧?或者……伤心过度,香消玉殒……那样的话……儿子所做的一切,可就全然没有半点意义了……纵然是神力,毕竟也是有限制的啊……三个,已经是极限了……” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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